The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 22, 1923, HOME EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 5, Image 48

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    Letters from Little Folks of Happyland
r. (Prize.)
A Rainy Day.
The rain came down in a sheet,
But soon it changed to sleet.
The schools were cloBed that after
But they were going to open soon.
Betty Jane at the window stood,
Already she had put on her hood.
"I am going out to play,” she said.
“Instead,” said iter mother, "You'll
good to bed.”
Betty Jane said never a word,
But soon from her place by the
window she stirred.
And putting on her clothes of red
Out the door she quickly sptd.
The icy rain upon her face heat;
Then she longed to make a retreat.
But the heavy door had now shut
She beat upon it with all her might.
The kind mother let the runway In.
She was wet from her feet to lier
“Have you had enough of the rain,”
mother said;
^ "Oh, yes. dear mother, please put
me to bed.”
—Philip Newsom, North Bend, Neb.
At School
At school we made a sod house.
We chopped off s<*1 on the bank.
We built the sod about two feet
high. Then we laid board* on top
of the sod. After we put boards on
top of the sod we put hay. Then
we laid big pieces of sod and boards
on top of the hay. Then we took
a gunny saek and Ailed it with
^ brush and thistles and hung it over
the dior so nobody i-ouid get in.—
Pauline Young, age 8, Pleasanton,
lakes School
Dear Happy; I would like to Join
your happy tnbe. I am sending a
! cent stamp to get my button).
I will be kind to all dumb animals.
I have three pets. They are Jack
my dog and ore cat and a pony
named Queen. I like to go to school
very much. I am 7 years old
and in the second grade. I like my
teacher very much. Goodby.—Ruth
Kstella Smith. Genoa, Neb.
I tear Happy; I have been read
leg th" llappyland page and tftought
that I would like to join the Hap
py Tribe. I go to school and I am
in the seventh grade l have three
brothers and two sisters. My broth
ers go to school, too. I- have one
pet. It is a canary bird. 1 call It
Bob. 1 have been kind to dumb ani
mals and hope that I always will
be. Enclosed you v. Ill find a 2-cent
stamp and a coupon. I am hoping
to receive my Go-Hawk p n s-»on.
Yours truly, Nettie Miller, Age 14.
Osceola, Neb.
A Ride on the Ground.
One day my brother and I went
for a ride. My brother got on his
horse, which was a new one and
had never been In the pasture. My
pony did not like it. We started
down the road. Roxie, the pony,
stayed back behind and would
not go.
After a while we came to a hill
and my brother said he would make
him go. So 1 got off and he gave
me a rope to put around Roxle's
neck. Then I gave the rope to my
brother and he tied It to the saddle
horn. Then my brother started down
the hill on the run. At the draw (
he stopped and let me go on the
pony. At the next house a dog ran
out. Roxie jumped and I fell off
of him.
Then again my brother put the
rope around Roxie’s neck. He tied
Roxie up so close that every step
Roxie took my leg would hit the
other horse. All at once Roxie gave
a jump and got loose. I rode to
the next hill and then told my
brother that I was going to go ha< k.
So I turn-d around. Roxie start
ed to run down the bill. Roxie
dumped me off and my hat blew
away. 1 took Roxlef and tied him
to a post and iny brother brought
Roxie back home. When he got
there he gave Roxie a whipping.
Roxie reared up at my brother —
Ruby Whitaker, age 9, Pleasanton,
Neb. ^
llot 1-uncli.
I am going to tell you about our
hot lunch at s- hod. Our club Is
divided Into three parts, with two
pupils In each. One week one part
takes care of bookkeeping, next
week they do the cooking and the
next they do the housekeeping. Each
part goes through these duties .*
their turn comes.
So far we have had masb'-d pota
toes. baked beans, cocoa, baked po
tatoes, rice and milk, macaroni and
tomatoes, oatmeal and milk and
We all like the hot lunch, and T
guesa teacher doe*, too.—Thelma
Young, age 12. Pleasanton, Neb.
Pantomime Bv J. H. Striebel
t . « I* * By Swinnerton
Little Jimmie- More Trouble Thro' an \pple
I'hey! HEY!
( \ DIDN'T
(Mean —
%-*—-J.I-iT FERYOU 1
he*- Fr
Jack Frost.
Jack Frost is a merry old soul,
lie bites all of cur nows and sting'
our toes,
So don't you think he is a wise old
To put ice on the window so we
cannot, see him come?
And then we would feel badly if
Jack decided to hide.
For most of our fun b on our sled*
trying to slide.
Ho cover up our noses and dear
little toe*.
And welcome Jack Frost in spi'e of
our wo»s.
Of course, in the winter, our
flowers we miss.
But then we must realize if Ja< k
gives them a kiss.
Their nose* and toes would be frot t
bitten so,
We would rather welcome them next
If couise. poor vegetables that make
our nice soup
Give a frown when they hear Jack
come with a whoop.
But then my Daddy is making a
nice new can to put them in
B> fore the arrival of the ice man.
— Katherine B. Gordon, 9611 Jack
son Street, Omaha, Neb.
Adella Langville of Lincoln.
Mass., is going to give one of the
Fairy Grotto plays, as she third*
they are very good.
First la-tter.
Dear Happy: I want to become a
Go-Hawk, and I am sending a 2
cent stamp for my button. 1 am
9 years old and I am in the Fourth
grade. I go to the Fort Kearney
school. I have some white rabbit*
and some cats. Aly brothers so mi
times call me Towhead. Can you
gu"-s why? I will thank you for
my button.—Lois Simon. R R 4
Kearney. Neb.
X New Member.
Dear Happy: 1 want to join your
Happy Tribe. I also want a pin for
my little brother. Jack. I am ec
dosing two I-cent stamps. We have
two dogs. Their names are Boots
and Penny. I go to school every
day, and am in the Second grade
—George Thomas DinsdaJe. Palmer
Xeb. ^
Will Be Kind.
Deur Mr. Happy: When you s--’
this letter will you pi. ^ s.rd
me a bodge right away. I want a
to be m. Go-Hawk and there's s : e
other children that want to be . Go
Hawk in the neighborhood. I will
be good to animals and 1 will be
kind to my dog. Two Spot. 1 know
this about Go-Hawks because one
little toy in the neighborhood. he
told me.
I can't be out on Thursdays be
cause I sell "Posts." From Paul
Carlberg. 1002 South 35th Ave
Omaha «
W ants Letters.
Dear Happy: 1 want to join your
Happy Tribe I will be kind to all
animals. I am sending a J-ce-nt
Gamp for a button. I am in the
fourth grade. 1 ran protect lots of
dumb animals. 1 have two brothers
One is 7 years old ar.d the other
one Is six months old. As for pets
I have one eat. There Is a boy 1
think I will get to join. I am >
years «f age Please write to me
Go-Hawks—Elmer Rotti, Sixteenth
Street First Corner. Nebraska Ct*\
Likes School.
IVar Happy: I want to join tii
Go-Hawk club and am sending a
.tamp I pronnse to be kind to
dural- .nimals, I am S years oW
and in the Second grade. 1 like
school very well 1 like my teacher
Her name is Miss Tena Fran*. She
is a very good teacher. I had a
k.tty and it died We have two kids
1 day old. 1 have two brothers at
home and one is in Cuba —Harley
Tuschoff. age *. Henderson, Neb
Wants to Join
Dear Happy: I am writing b<
cause I want to join your happy land
I am S years old and in the third
grade. Mv .teacher's name is Miss.
Hasp. AVr ir» writing for our Erg
il4b lesson, I go to school in Thar
er. Neb. Xtv Daddy brings me to
school in the car every morning 1
have four and a half miies to go to
school. There are IT in our roo;i
four in the beginners class, at* r
the first grad* We have a sand
table and two bulls and a bean ba
game. We do n<U have a piano btr
an organ.—Jean Uasptll, Thayer,
Dear llappy; This is the second
letter 1 have sent to you. 1 am sond
ii e a story this time.
Once there was a little boy named
Dick. Dick was not a bad boy, but
he had a way of dotng as he pleased
One day at school he was shooting
paper wads and the other children
could not study. The teacher saw
Dick shooting paper wads and went
back and said: "Give me that rub
Dick said. "When I tr>' ready '
Then the teacher took a step near
er ami slapped him and said: "Give
me that rubber.” But Dick would
net do it. Just then in cam** the
professor and he asked the teacher
what sa.^the matter, an.! she told
him. Then the profe-sor took Dick
to the basement and whipped, him.
Dick always minded his teacher aft
er that.—Darwyn Jackson, IP * 32
Wolbach. Neb.
Wants Letters.
Dear Happy: Thi* is my third let
ter to you. I am sending a two-cent
-tamp for my Go-Hawk button as I
lost my-other one.
We take The Omaha Bee and 1
like the little section better than
t'ncle Ross' page in the other paper.
I am in the Sixth grade and 11 years
old. My birthday Is December the
Sixteenth. I am starting a scrap
book of "Another Way to Be a
Good Go-Hawk" A lot of them teach
good manner*. I like Fashion Fan
ny. too.
I would like to have some of the
Go Hawks write to me. I promise
to be kind to all dumb animal*.
—PUcanor Whitney, age 11 Battle
4't*-*-k. Neb.
A Second Grader.
Dear Happy: I atjj In the second
grade. I wart to Join the club.
I to get a pin. The other
children are writing also. I live in
Thayer. Nebraska. My name js
R»tha Woolbridge. Bobbie is my lit
tle brother. I am I years old. My
teacher is Misa Rasp. Do you
knew her? I like my teacher very
well. — Ret ha Woolbridge. Thayer.
Wants to join.
I '-ar Happy: I want to Jo:n yotir
happyland. 1 have one mile and a
«iuar*er to go to school. This it tor
our English today. My name is
Kenneth Woolbridge. My teacher
is Miss Rasp. I like her too. Do
you know her? I am in the third
grad*-. I a m 9 years old. 1
v an* a pin. There are seventeen :n
our room. I go to school at
Thayer, Neb.—Kenne'h Woolbridge.
Kenneth Wool bridge
Eiien Ja. kman of Cor, rc N H-.
fed the birds last winter, and in the
- miner she lives or. a farr*. m Car
A Third Grader.
, - ,.r Happy: I am entice g a --
► -..rep for a Go-Hi*i pm.
1 fc to school every day. I an:
In the thirl grade at school. I am
« years old. My teacher s name i«
>i:es Gaffney. Entry goes with
riie to school every day. For rr.y
pets I have three white cats.
Frot Edna Haake, age 9 Hc-1
nil Keep MoMo.
Pear Happy: I read the paper
fiery Sunday. I to be
pood to all dumb animal*. I am 7
years old and In the third (Trade. I
am sending a S-eent stamp for my
pir. Tear friend—LudUe Fitch.
Farr.ant, Neb.
A New Vwli Go-Hawk.
My Hear Happy: X am very sorry
that 1 can't write to you mor* but
X am working hard in school. I
was nevgr so happy n my life
when I saw my story in the paper
and X want to thank you very much
for putting it in.
Wrinkles tour date! h! • d, died
this summer and everybody felt
sorry. Wrikles was one of 'he 0
dogs we have. I sent for J:p a
dog I took from the street) ard
when she arrived she ^ raped all
over us. I am writlr.g a story
about Jip. and i.owr I hare to do
two chapters. Jip is a onen-.j
t"r Eskimo dog and 'hree uuar
•er« Volpino. <A very rare d< r fr. m
Rnme.l One of the rarest in* 'he
world. My sister and I go to M ss
Spence's school. We J*’:e there
very much and I am do. g very
well in school, especially in spelling
and poetry. I got on error four
time* in succession in spelling and
right after that I go? excellent I
am in the fourth and f'fth g e. *».
Yours truly. Mary H< Sen fisti,
age A, New York, N. Y
A Fifth Grader
Ijear Happy: I wish to Jon your
Happy Tribe. I promise to be kir-d
to ail dumb animals. I am '.*) ye.-ra
old and in the fifth grade a» « hool.
Wall as my letter Is getting k r.g
I w ill (lose. Mania Bute ff.
i;S5 Coming street, p.e<j o la.
A New Member.
Dear Happy: I have k : on
and also have a new OceHawk. I
have been boasting ard he like? *
very well. Hia name i* v\ ; land I
am sending stamps and <.upon = f r
ns both—La Vem Greer, '’curcil
Bluffs, la.
Bits of Information
An electric ice box has beer pro
duced that not only freezes its ew»
ice through the use of the house
currert. but also keeps it frozeo
until it is called upon to thaw.
A novel pneumatic too! carries
i's own air compressor :n its shaft,
power be.rg provided through a
flexible shaft by a portable e'eetrie
motor taking current from a rf«
renlent source.
Diamonds are now rj t by ma
chinery with the use of phosphor
brtr.ze saws. The proee*« or a
one-carat stone takes about a dux.
while large stones remal" the
machine from one to f ur vei*
A. Mi haeisen. pr f*r of the
University of Chicago, has b -d
awarded the gold medil of the
Royal Astrorrezik-al S-- .» > for
"application of the nterfer . - -r
to astronomical »«*".'<■:' ’ts
use by Pro'. Michaels - - e
Petelguese, the huge reddish <ur
in the was de
clared of specjl importance
The invertor of :b* r >r - ste
made more thar. $t eon • —. fr •ns
Eer the protect - of t “ ag-.
the sun. a new f. t nr e d for
motorist* has been p^o.i ;ced
England of noE ln-f:amm^l’.e
luloid. The shield .# no- ' *d £t
the wearers nose
Dot Puzzle
CVUI T»« r. • irt •
C.tap'nta lk» n-tvrT It iraat* • ',!** Urv.t*» <*«*-- * ’
tn kn4 taint Ufa