The Katzenjammer Kids DIDN'T 1 TELL XO' TO TAKE THE - WAEH 70 THE LAUNDRY ? GO INi And get it ! and then take. Tee soup to the KtMO AT blUMV UCAhnuiMVRni • r-r— Ye -eu \ ukc l "*1 W0T ^ FOG-HO^vl! l 5kY I But i tvwT&Or MEC\M ’ VTUCH OM YOUB huyyup! ^— r»£=T;?\rJ -- /fc^N'T Dot * vaDp^vt so r 1 qv/eem got Much uf it «j (\ P\P DF & WOtCE ? _T_i - i OOTCH 'AjMft.T-.a) (» 9 w ? £ ' / I Guess the.soup! ^ H&S B"Ee>4 eo»uMG / Too long Just Dipj a R mot ^souP* I .IHOW.HO!) vot'5 d B*G iDEC^?^ (R(Q6C\HGhosT5»Y / Now YouTAv^ETHObtKerrLEband1 fYOU OKjO<^—V /A\m shot up^ n U VT Hfvu.uF) (GOTTA CWT YOU UNO / .V. rT VOMT / IbER SOUP UNOrg*r_ So HARO X tvuu DeA RtfT ft2£S CARRH IT k^ &VR V (HERE tss X>ER ( SET ,T ^C'WN ^ (swoop, your vSurIel^!^ \Mf\CKE5TYJ 1 c\ ^ A Tee ©1923 by int'l Feature Service. IRC. "Great Britain Rights Reserved" / Iks Hurts me more to it .does you BUT wt in [ t>CR SAME ^ PUXCE \ ._