The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 22, 1923, HOME EDITION, ROTOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 38

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tip and over—The Moon, with Jockey Espen up, taking
one of the jumps in the Orpington Steeplechase at Ling
field. England. Underwood a Underwood.
THK newest
SCHOOLS. Doubtless be
cause San Francisco has
so many antiquated school
buildings, the Golden Gate
City’s Are department has
instituted a course in Are
rescue work for the pupils.
Here’s the Arst lesson—
jumping from a window
into a life net. It’s a safe
bet there wasn’t a single
) boy in the class who
wished to cut this class.
Girls and boys
play tennis
twelve months
in the year in the
San Francisco
Bay cities.
Polo is a natural sport for many Californians
who grow up in the saddle and live much
Touring over the superb highways of Central
California, you make camp close to a trout
stream, and sleep under clear skies.
PEOPLE play more in California because
there are more days of sunshine, higher
mountains and deeper valleys, smoother
roads to travel—and because you feel more
like playing in California.
In PtCluresque San rranctsco
Your first hour in San Francisco will tell you
why,and how people in Califor
nia play as they prosper, and
prosper as they play. Street
corners ablaze with flowers,the
balconies of Chinatown, giant
ocean liners, sky blue dories of
the fisher fleet, world famous
Golden Gate Park, oceanside
public golf links, soft sunshine
and cool breezes are only a few
of its distinctive attractions.
Your Best Starting Point
More than that, San Francisco
is your natural starting point
for all your trips. North to riv
ers, 1 {flees, redwoods, geysers,
the volcano of Lassen Volcanic
National Park, or snowy Shas
ta; east to blue Lake Tahoe,
Yosemite National Park, the
Feather River Canyon and the
High Sierras; southward along
the Pacific Ocean to many fa
mous seashore playgrounds—all these trips
you will want to make, and can make easily.
Trees thousands of years old
lower above smoot h auto roads
in the great redwood forests of
California coast counties.
San Francisco and five hundred miles long,
contains not only millions of cultivated and
fertile acres—it contains nearly a million acres
of irrigated lands alone, close to cities and
served by the matchless system of paved ready for occupancy, and op
portunities for many other enterprises are
everywhere manifest.
Low Excursion Rates
Visit California this summer,
buying a round trip excursion
ticket direct to San Francisco,
and see what life in California is
like. Californians Inc..a
non-profit organization of citi
zens and institutions interested'
in the sound development of
the State, will gladly help you
plan your trip, and assist you
in every possible way after you
arrive. Write today for the new,
free, illustrated booklet, "Ca/i
farnta, Where Life I a Better. ”
See the Great Valley
And here's the point — you can live all the
time in California, the land of a thousand en
joyments, more easily and more profitably
than elsewhere. There is room for you with
only a modest nest egg at the start. For ex
ample, the Great Central Valley, tributary to
140 Montgomery Street, Room 549-B,
San Francisco, California.
Please send me your booklet,
“California. Where Life la Better"
' — —.■■■■■ " ' ..II. I /
Inhabitants of « submarine garden—A eoral bed in Papua photo
graphed by ('apt. Frank Hurley, official photographer for Australia in the
world war, on exploration trip by airplane through New Guinea. Underwood
■ i - . . --
= » B
Miss Mary Montgomery. Washington society girl and niece
of the late Chief Justice Edward Douglas White of the Supreme
Court, who is with her aunt on a visit to Bermuda for the spring
season. rntler»ood a rmlerwood
I w*
A European monarch tries out his new iceboat—King Christian of
Denmark at the helm of his new flier on the *'a»kilde Fjord, near Copen
hagen. Wide World
Sacra mm in marks the terminal of the famous pony express
of lKtitl Mrs. P. P. Giindruiu of the Saeramento Chapter, D A.
K , ami Max or Allxcrt Klkiis unveiling a tablet to the memory
nf the pioneer earner*. onn*ms