Unknown Race Is Found in Panama by English Pair Strange People Who Live in Wilds Thought to Be of Chinese Origin—Wo man Is Discoverer. By Universal Service. London, April 21.—F. A. Mitchell Hedges, traveler and hunter, who was accompanied on his trip of explora tion to Central America by Lady Rich mond Brown, has Just returned to London after two years’ absence, bringing amazing stories of the dis- ! covery of an unknown race. These hitherto unknown people, ac cording to Hedges, are apparently of Chinese origin, and have Been living for many thousand years on the banks of an, uncharted river in the wilds of Panama. Hedges, who is a fellow In the Royal Ideographical society, explained to a company of scientists how, start ing from Colon in a search for pre historic animals and sea monsters during, which he discovered a 60-foot sword fish and the vertebrae of what when alive must have weighed 70 tons, he fouud an opening in the coral j reefs of Panama. Threading them ! for 150 miles, in his 30-foot yacht, the ‘ Kora," he penetrated the Hinterland, where lie found in the Chuekunaqiie 1 country, a race of Indians who had never seen a white person before. These people looked on Hedges and tl ,ady Brown as gods. Chinese First Discovers. Hedges declares that he has records , which he believes, when deciphered, : will prove that America was first set- , tied by the Chinese. His collection "f relics contains, according to Hedges, thousands of specimens !^*»iong which, he contends, are some that prove the monster fish and beasts of the Jurassic and Mesozoic periods are still extant. The collection is now being exam ined by experts of the British mu seum. some of whom admit that Hedges' trip adds a valuable contri bution to ethnology. Others, like Sir Arthur Keith, famous anthropologist, are skeptical, and hold that the ex hibits are interesting, but that they indicate that Hedges has not found a new race but an old, forgotten branch of some Indian tribe. "Hedges' discovery and collection Is most valuable in closing a hitherto uncharted gap In ethnology.” declared Assistant Keeper of Antiquities Joyce at the British museum. "It is the, most complete so far received of that" period. Undoubtedly the tribe which] he discovered is living In the most1 primitive conditions and there is no question but that Hedges and Lady j Brown were the first white people they had seen. Possess Modem Clothing. "But it is known that these people! / have had. trade relations with neigh boring Indians, who, in turn, barter with the whites on the coast. This would account for the fact that Iheyi were in possession of modern clothing j which they have cut and1 sewn into highly Interesting squared designs. | "Regarding the existence of mum mified bodies, as far as we know the . methods of burial of these people is unknown. I saw dried specimens in Hedges' collection which were prob ably sun dried, but these may have been fish. "Undoubtedly these people ai-e liv ing in stone age conditions, but I do not see any proof of stone age exist ence in legends, either written or spoken. Photographs show that mem bers of the tribe strongly resemble the Asiatic type.” KANSAS DRUGGIST OFFERS FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS Develops Treatment That Has Relieved Thousands of Chronic Cases in Every Climate. tit. Marys, Kan.—D, J, I.ane of this city is making an offer that is prov ing a boon to all asthma sufferers. Mr. Lane, who han been the leading drug gist here for over 30 years, developed a remedy for asthma that has re lieved thousands of sufferers. Mr. Lane Is jio enthusiastic over his dis covery and has so much confidence in Its ability to relieve that he Is will ing to send his remedy absolutely free to any sufferer who will write him and he does not want any pay for It Imtll the sufferer Is helped—then only a small fee at $1.23 to pay the charges. f ■ Mr. Lane la very anxious that every sufferer use his remedy. He has agreed to send the treatment, all charges prepaid, to anyone who will write him, care of Igtne's Drug Store, 461 Bertrand St., St. Maiya, Kan.— Advertisement. Cuticura Quickly Relieves Irritated Skins Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to free the poree of.lmpurltira, dry lightly, and apply Cuticura Oint ment to eootha and heal, Cuticuia Talcum la ideal for powdering and perfuming. lM»ulMkrmkrltafl. Addroac "SaMmabk. aratarlaa. Dapt tO, MaJ«ua