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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Benson Society Benson Correspondent—Call Walnut 5370. Annual Luncheon. The annual luncheon of the Benson , Woman's club was held Thursday, April 19, In the Brandeis tearoom. Reservations were made for 58. Mrs. E. S. Nickerson, president of the Second district of the Nebraska ♦'ed eration of Women’s clubs, gave a very pleasing afterdinner speech on club cooperation and club spirit. Mrs. Willis Redfield, who accompanied Mrs. Lillian Gould Faber In a group of violin selections, brought greetings from the Omaha club. The double I quartet of the Benson club sang, ahd the six-hand piano number was re- ! peated. During the business hour a scholar ship fund was voted to be given as a loan to the Benson High school. Arbor day will l»e celebrated by tlie club Mon day, when a tree will be planted at 2 p. m. on the Rose Hill school grounds The club educational committee is planning for the proper observance of garden week. Dr. Miller to Speak. Dr. George A. Miller, pastor of the First Christian church, will speak on the subject of "Egypt" before the Benson Woman's club in the Benson Baptist church Thursday at 2 p. in., May 3. This will be an open meeting to which the people of the community are invited. Dr. Miller has made two trips to Egypt and is very familiar with his subject. O. E. S. Dinner. Narcissus chapter of the O. E. 3. will entertain at dinner followed by a musical program and dancing party Friday, April 27, In the I. O. O. A’, hall. The dinner will be served at 35 cents the ticket, Mrs. Roy Marshall In charge. The dancing is 50 cents the ticket, Mr. Ernest Horn in charge. B. 8. Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood. Mrs. J. T. Pickard will be boatess Monday. April 23, to the members of the B. B. chapter of the P. E. O. Sis terhood. "The Novel" Is the suoject for the study hour. Mrs. Pickard, leader. Tri-City Birthday Club. Mrs. JO. A. Mason will entertain the members of the Tri-City Birthday elub at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home, Saturday. April 28. Presbyterian Aid Society Mrs. Bert Ranz will entertain the members of the Presbyterian Aid society at her home in Rensonhnrst, Wednesday, April 25. Sir*. Claude Reed is president of this society. Benefit Concert The American War Mothers asso ciation are sponsoring a concert to be given on June, 5 and 6, in the Fontenelle ball room for the benefit of the National Society of Broader education. Mrs. James Shields and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox have the Omaha concert In charge Artists to appear are: Barnards Olshansky, baritone: Agnes Prlndle. violinist and Josef Martin, pianl«t. M. K. Foreign Mission Society. Mr*. William Justin will lie bosttss, Wednesday. April, 25, to the numbers of the Methodist Foreign Mission society. Mrs. Jack Abajian will be leader for the study program. Mrs. V. H. Van Horn and Mrs. C. A. Looims will assist the hostess Smile Party. The Misses Roma and Eunice Roth were hostesses at their home in Ben sunburst to the members of the Epworth league of the Methodist church Saturday evening, April 21. "Say it with a Smile" was the motto given out by‘the entertainment com mittee. Family Dinner. Mr. ami Mrs. F. E. Young enter- | Wined at a family dinner Sunday , when covers were spread for 12. R. I*. C. Kensington. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and Mrs. E. Tyner were among the R. P. Ken sington guests entertained Thursday j at the home of Mrs. Ethel Eloyd, on North Fortieth street. Social Program. Members of the Omaha War .isms elation will entertain at a program and social evening Thursday, April,, 26, in Memorial hall. Railway Mail Service. ( lub Program. Mrs. H. Linn Welker of Benson and Mrs. J. Curtis Edwards, who formerly re .ded in Henson, sang for the R. M. S. Woman's club program given on Wednesday at the "Horne for the Agerl on Florence Boulevard. Mrs. Welker was accompanied by Miss Minnie Pritchard and Mrs. Lowell Tracy accompanied Mrs. Ed wards. Bazar Luncheon and Dinner. The ladles of the Methodist Aid society are planning a day of "real work,, for Wednesday, May IB. A bazar sale will he conducted during the day jn tho parlors of the chnrcb a hot, home cooked luncheon will bs served at 12 o'clock and a dinner at 6:3*1. The public is requested to remember the date. War Mothers Plant Trees. The Omaha War Mothers organiza tion celebrated Arbor day Saturday afternoon. Twelve trees, the first of a row to. he. styled "Memorial Row.” were planted along Turner boulevard. Each tree waa placed In the earth and dedicated to tho mem ory f t an ex service boy who gave Camp Fire Girls All f'amp F'ra Olfln d**lr1ng to tak* mrk n*xt month nr* r*<iu*«t#d to »• nt Wohelo rourt. which will ho h*td Huttir dav at a p rn , April 2*. nt Burgeaa-Miah auditorium p***rv*tlon« for th* motherf* nod -daughters’ luncheon to b* h*ld nt th** y W. f\ A Saturday May fi. rnu*t b* nt farm Fir* headquarter* by Baturday, Ar*r«l t“ Th* Raton* Ramp Fir* group has h**n tovlf*d to an *nt*rt«.|nm*ot a1v*n by ♦ !■* KI n ah a group T,ir*«hv, April -4. a t th» • hom* Of Sarah Ploknrd Wohnloch** nod Oam»«h*ho group*, un der th* pimrdtanabln of Mr*. George Trnut. •>«1d n * •*-tt ceremonial meeting at b*-r horn* Fridav Th* rnn«1li ■ of wor k, health nod hiv* ware llgb'ed t-v Gen* vl*v*h Ho*n«h*lt. Jeanotta lloenahall and Mildred Sullivan. Th* Hantavw** group met Monday at th** home of Molll* llartoa and nfnnncd * randy aala to ha h*1d at th* T. W. <’ A. Saturday ( hahraha ramp F1r* m*t Frldav nt • h* hom* of Marlon RHffln and Mt»d for th* Fhild Having InntFut*. Tatanorhron group ffi*t W*dn*«dnv at 'th* hom* **f th*1r guardian. Min* Valora Rornif. and apent an Interring evening doing batik during. Th* T„*x** Junior group h*td a huelnesa me- ting nt th* hom* of th«-lr guardian. \frw folln M rVCengla, on Frldav .loan Whltn*' r* » *1' * d a perfect n tfend.-i*' honor for being pr***nf nt « rv meeting nine* Joining f'antp Fir* In October Th* rl»-I* mad* observenco oof*b<" k* on hint blU* and hand*d them In at 1hl* m**tlng Th* Tvan group rav* a progrtm a* M**«>n aohool Moodav end • leered ?» n*«t t|tt1* aum for th*lr treasury 1lnrt!*t Mania took th* leading part in n little play, entitled "Good Morning. 's’r»n«*v *' Rat or* group met at fb* hom* of Mai-*' Fa nan Friday. Th* girl? (mead end painted bird* which, wh«n finlehfcd, will bo put In book*. up hi* life for the country ha Served Joseph Hummer furnished the trees. A fitting program was given by the War Mothers. Entertain* at Luncheon. Mrs. J. W. Hamilton entertained at luncheon Tuesday at her homo hi Keystone park. - Dinner (5 nests. Mr. and Mrs. O. McGuire and son, O'Linn, were dinner guests Wednes day of their daughter, Mrs. Donald Funk, and Mr. Funk at their horns in the Ainsworth apartments. Mission at St. Bernard Church. St. Bernard church has been con ducting a mission during the past week, the Bedemptlonlsts fathers Sunday and Schiott, having the work In charge. These services will con tinua for another week. Home for Crippled Children. A musical program was given Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Metz for the benefit of the Benson Home for Crippled Children. Midwest Electric Program. Miss Olga Sorensen, pianist, and Miss Louise Cuyler, violinist, furnish ed numbers last night for the Mid west Electric Radio concert broadcast from the Woodmen of the World ra j dio station. Personals. Gordon Roth made a business trip I to Herman and Tekahmn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nelson of I.yons. Neb., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Linn Welker. Mr. O. McGuire spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. James Courtney, and Mr. Courtney at Milford. Neb. Miss Madeline Gross of State uni versity, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Gross. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McDonald have purchased a new bungalow In liensonhurst and will be located by May 1. Miss Thelma Wolfe from Univer sity Place, Lincoln, is spending the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Wolfe. Mrs. L. D. Evens of Winner, S XI . "as Mrs. C. N. Wolfe's guest at the Woman's club luncheon Thurs day at the Brandels tearoom. Mrs. 'Will Irwin of Craig, Neb., w-as a house guest during the week of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dunn and also a guest at the Schumann Hoink concert, Mrs. J. M. Alderman and daughter, Eugenia, who are en route from New port, Neb., to St. Louis, Mo., were guests during the week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason. Catholic Daughters of America Sunday—Catholic Daughters of America have postponed their hike planned for today until next Sunday. Monday—Swimming claaa. Creigh ton gymnasium. Tuesday—Current Topics class, Creighton Moot Court, 8 p. rn.. Sub Ject: "Vitamines,’’ Dr. Frank Levin, speaker. Wednesday—Dancing club will give dance at Hyland academy. Twen ty-fifth and Farnam streets, 8:30 p. m. Thursday—Glee club, Burgess Nash auditorium, 7:30 p. m. Christ Child Society The Christ Child society committee on the opening of the new south side settlement mode a thorough Investi gation of that part of the city and hope wifhin a fenr days to get their location, A meeting of the women of the neighborhood was called for Wednes day afternoon by Mrs. W. E. Holin for the purpose of forming English classes In the afternoon. A card party will he given by a • ommittee from St. Phlloinena parish on Thursday evening. The ehildren of the center will plant seeds in lieu of tret a in recognition of Arbor day. Cet Acquainted The Get-Acquainted club meets this evening at 7:30 o'clock. First Uni tarian church, Turner boulevard and Harney street. Miss Alma Peters and M ss Florence Taylor, hostesses. The program will Include vocal selections by Alice Parsons Tedion, with Kloise West Mc.VIchols at the piano; piano numbers by Mary Alici* Kirtley, and violin duets by Itlrhard Munclihoff ' and Hernard ITantghen, accompanied by Dorothy Morton Parks. Girls Community Service League The following club* and clanaee will be h*i«i during th»- coming w**k •• th# • Hr!*’ Community Service club room* et 1713 Doilgp street: (Sunday—Th* community ttpnrta rlub will meet at Fort Crook at i p. m. for a hike. Il#l*n Vomweg, leader. Jlrlng cup. lunch and a film*. Monday—Cluga Hub eupper, 8 15 p. m . followed by bu.-s|no*H meeting Th# gym raaium clae*. will meet at 7 30 with Mr*. Chari#* Muaselman to practice for th# entertainment to b# g;v»a early in May. Th*» vnllpy hull fam will play »t * 30 i5. tit* f&yette Hub "Upper. « !&. Dramatic club will m#et with Mr*. Nora OHh#a *t 7:3<» Wednesday—Warnm club *up|i#r, * 15. Program ha* been planned for op#n hoii" at h p. m. Hewing cia*a will meet at 7:30 with Mr*. Kttth Kantor. Thur*d« y—1». T A • lub *upp#r at A: IS, Thera will be u lecture at 7:30 on *'Tn<* Varitioa of China, the Haled Ion anil tar#." 1 he gymnaelum claa* will meet with Mr*. Chartca Mua#*!mnn Friday—Th* euppar rooking c!a»* will ! tn * t With Mr* W L. Itln*r'»t 8 15 Saturday- Th# luncheon « la** will m*#l I with Mrs Halph .Maunder* at 1:15. Cluga » lub will h"*l*t M,i■" Kob#rt* a» hc>ft#nr<ea at th# dance at 8.30 in th* ball r<x»in. Sunday—The building will be c*p*A from 10 a. in In R. p. m* No meals awrv*d in fh* cafeteria. Monday—Fr«>Nhui«*n Cabinet meeting. J | t'r)in<nl^i Junior «»|ri Rfhwrvia. J-nderaHon i supper f> rv»>i at 6 p in. Hinging, led by I V’erlel Black. at»eek»r. Mrs. Florence Mu«nrnb**rg, who will talk on "Birds of; Nebraska." She will whl»He the bird culls Blue Triangle club initiation of new ! members, third floor Hub room K J. I*. » luh will meet for th« first time Tuesday—Bible ‘lass for II. H O. R L»U** Junior cllrl Rmerves. Wednesday—Technical nieetlng Holler ; . skating party. Hherman Junior Girl Re-! serves. Thuraday—Central student club m»et Irv Urai e Dodge Junior Girl R*-**e Friday--Grade Adviser* Henson High Hcho-.l Girl Hcscrvaa, mother him! daugh-j tsrs tea (.'astaler Junior Girl Reserves I'.dwtird It os' water Junior Girl R#M*.rv*-« ■ Vint ou Junior Girl Reserves, Alumnae club. .Saturday—7 <J0 Technical High party. Thursday—T M. T. M « P m Pro gram. "Bird Ht udy " Supper. * p in ! Busy Clrdc, 7, "A Klttenu»ttc thirty " A If I ■ the me ui hr re «re bringing gtmat* The J i T, M. T. JU. club aia also to be guests. > Specialty Shop Buyer fteturn* From New York With Moderate Priced Sports Coat umes of Pronounced Smartness. LAMOND'S, 17th and Farnmn, Is aglow with the infinitely charm ing new sports.costuines selecied by Mr. Lamond on his recent trip to New York. Unbelievably moderate in price you’ll find these chio creation*. $29.50. Especially' to be noted are the crepe knits in novelty weavings, the silk above ail others to take the vivid colors of the dye expert*. Tan gerine is lovely when combined with the white afforded by pearl buttons placed in a row at one side of an ac cordion-pleated frill which extends from neckline to hern. Coral Kumsi Kumsa crepe in two shade*, forming a plaid-pleated skirt, Is striking con trast to a solid coral Crepe Ttosha blouse. Navy blue silk knit, has chosen as its chief decorative note a knotted neck scarf which extenda well below the waistline. Soft rose in an all-over design gives the desired color con trast to the somber bine Beige, spring's most becoming fashion color, i* the background In a long, straight lined dress whose tiny navy figures are emphasized by applied flying pan els of navy blue down front and back. A host of lovely dresses. • • • Ijltle Italian Girl Weave* Bright Threads Into Spring's Styleful Gar ments. f-pylE Mode Pleating company, fourth f floor Paxton block, Sixteenth and Farnam, l« fortunate in deed to have secured the services of the little Italian girl who weaves such delightful embroideries on our spring apparel! The cost, very moderate. Iietdr (5b tllioppm^ villi Jtblly Oh, it's spring once more in France, and it's spring in ISut / hear a whisper steady, blowing down my own 4 I • V_ . J_ gay Algiers, And it’s spring along the happy Appian Way; There are cherries in Japan, and the thrushes’ joy and tears Pipe for England, “There is nowhere such a day!” How the call rings clear, commanding: “Hurry over, sail afar To the date-tree and the banyan’s dim domain; To the Yangtze and the Yalu, where the bell-topped temples are; .tnd remember there are castles left in Spain!” home stream, Full of all the glad romance / used to know; “Leave the lands beyond to others; Our wee woodfolk are your brothers; And the earth is bursting treasure!” So / go. When the wander-urge is on me, there are never bonds that hold, When the summons comes, it never comes in vain; But the foreign trails are either far two new or far too old— Give me April in my native woods again! THIS VAGABOND AT HOME—By Rufh Wrlglit Kauffman. If Colorful, the Graduating Dress May Serve as Bridesmaid s Gown SEVERAL of my girl friends have been included in the wedding plans of “best chums” this spring, and they’re planning to buy a graduating dress of color which will serve in the rainbow tinted bridal pro cession as a flowerlike bridesmaid’s frock. “Happy the bride the sun shines on,” happy also the bride whose maids and tiny flower girls make a foil of delicate color for her own exquisite beauty. Have just heard of a “Bride’s Book” which may be obtained for a small sum, a detailed description of a wedding party lovely enough to have advanced under the arching trees of fairyland, trousseau hints, gifts for the attend ants, linen needs, in fact, everything the bride usually asks of her shopping lady. * * * m m m Ribbons and I.ace Decorate the Olri Graduates Dream Frock of Sheer t billon and Georgette. I-yVMILIAR with the drsenti of ^ girlhood must be the one who designed the exqulslts gowns for the graduate on display at Hayden's, for they're lavishly frilled with flna laces, gleamlngly ruffled In ribbons of lustrous loveliness. Georgettes and chiffons In tints of rare beauty, coral, shell pink.' jade and lainvln green, tangerine and the nasturtium shad ings all fashioned over silk slips and alluringly girlish in modeling from the flower petal frilled affair with braided ribbon girdle to the very plain frock which depends for Its beauty upon the fineness of the handdrawn work on blouse and skirt. Equally lovely frocks In all white are shown at the same prices see Real Pearls the Gift Supreme for Girl Grnduate. ALBERT EDHOLM. art jeweler. 2nd floor, City National Rank Bldg.. 16th and Harney, presents for the viewing of the jewel lover dainty 15-lnch necklaces of real pearls, Ideal gift offering for the girl graduate. Of a peculiarly lovely luster the pearls are of a beauty to delight both the girlish recipient and her donor, a truly wonderful "buy" at 960. .An "heirloom" gift for it I* particularly fitting that this springV girl graduate should give her pearl* to her daughter, to add to the beauty of another girlish throat in the years to come. • • • Convenient, the book wagon on rub ber wheels, n suggestion tor the "dlf ferent" gift, $2.1. • • • New Fur Storage Vault In Well Known Wore. TIOMPSON-BELDEN'S here in stalled a new cold storage vault for furs In their store where your furs and fur trimmed wraps and suits may be stored after a thorough cleaning and repairing. If desired, tho fur exiierts tn the department will re model your peltries after the models bf the advance style season. Larger Hats for Summer Wear Promise the Beautiful Lure of Mystically Shadowed Eyes and Softened Features_ Wl',1,1, worlh a story is the millinery department of the Nebraska Cloth ing Company, Fifteenth and Farnam, for here one will find quite the meet extensile showing of high grade hats in the west. Particularly pleasing are the large models for early spring ar d summer wear, which have been railed into being to complete the graceful silh'iuette created by wrap anti dress designers of note. The manager of the department, an au thority on styleful chapeau*, has Just returned from a consultation with foremost designers of the country and hia new s note to you Is that tabrl-— will predominate in trimmed hats, both for dress and sports wear. You will find the Nebraska hat stock a presentation of the ultimate tn style and qual ity at prices so moderate that they may be bought by everyone. The big hat model, becoming to you, will he easily selected from the hundred! ex hibited here. • « • • • • Artistic Effects Achieved hy Em bossed Monograms. THE A. H. Nabstedt Studio Shop, 509 Brown block, l*th * Douglas, is achieving marvelous effects In wedding Invitations for spring by em boasing monograms at the top of each page. Exquisite too are the place j cards on which the some monogram | Is daintily colored. A shop In which | the discriminating person will find cards, stationery, service of dlstine j tlon. __ POU.Y SHOPS FOR TI1K SWEET GIRL GRADUATE Yes, Indeed, Polly will shop the dellynto little dresses nec essary to tha successful consum mation of the Rlrl graduate's school life. her send you h list of description* and prirea of smart little suit, frock, shoes, hose, (doves, lint nnd “hankie." Kor the friends and family of the hoy and Rtrl ' Rrads" sre gifts of exceeding importance and the exquisitely decorated Itltle Rreetlng cards and hook lets, the appropriate mottoes In liolychrome frames. A SHOPPING SERVICE EXTENDED FKEI3 "F ( IIAKG 13 TO AM, HEAD KltS OF THE HKE MtllKI SS 1*01,1 ,Y HIE NlfOI‘1'1 It OM \ll \ lO I. Omaha, Nrli \t bite \\ as ha bio K id Strap rumps tor the t.irl graduate, pp HE Shoe Market. 330 R l«th St., I offer for the girl graduate a w hite washable kid strap pump at 18 50. lovely for all summer wear. Spanish heels of medium height are partlcul nrly adapted to the ne»'ds of girlhood. All sizes are available In widths rang ing from h triple A for the narrow foot to a comfortable C for the wider one. "Bnyrylea” it Manic Word in flic liny \\ orld. TIIK Nebrneka Mot on ydo and Bicycle company, 1512 Howard afreet, ima devoted an entire balcony ohowroont to tide fuacinMiloit meana of locott)<>llon for the klddh In all al/ea from $n.75 ut>. tlc-y re|i reaetit the ultimate In tliicly con* ■ frui ted toy*. • • • "Mno" ia lhe name given to an ofMi> woven fabric. In §pof t* colme, plenaantlv vivid for aprlnK and "" roar wear. 12.2.* • • * “llfiiivflit liini: While You Waif.” MltH MINGISH of the H« biiefn- v Wlknr i "i mi t Mi- i 'ft ■ • o< 1 floor, Neville block, p t ♦*« nth ami Harney, doc* Iomuh item* . while you wait, i» nio.Mt n^n* bit of univlce fur ihe hiiay Mtun»«hP»'* .1 V 3369 Pleated Panels Knotted Into Girdles ' New Decorative Note THE Ideal Button A I'lra’lng company, third floor Brown block, H.xteenth and Douglas, is doing literally ''ocean* of pleating. ' one of the most noticeable of the n-w use* pf graceful pleating being the narrtpw- pleat ed panels extending from each shoulder to headline with Its |>* knotted into the girdle of the same material or lustrous satin ribbon gracefully wide. Whan you're having your figured or flowered chiffon frock outlined In beads, remember that the more biaarre the colors of the bead*, the more up lo-the minute the effect achieved. A season of lavish decoration. Flower Shop a Busy Place Now 71 ml Social Vtixities are Resumed. HE John Rath FI mer Shop, ISih I and Farnatn, is always busy, especially now that spring enter taining has again begun. Mrs. K. must have just her own favored shade of roses for the club luncheon, Miss X- the confect corsage favors for for mal dinner. Memoiandum for anniver sary fWSwers for this one, blossoms of a just right gaytieas for the shut in at th# hospital. Busy, efficiently so. • • • "Assured ami Insured"—statement Made B> Experienced Owner of Sol rnfifii Hry t leaning Plain. them that when they I send their cleaning. d> — xxork and repair jobs to Die»her Bros, that they are assured and insured." was the amusing >tate. merit mode by Mr. A1 Dreshcr. one of the "brothers." a man experienced tn every stage of the scientific clean ing and dye work done in his estab lishment. "They are assured of the veiy l>c«t cleaning possible to human accomplishment by means of highly perfected machinery. Insured against failure of processes " Call AT. 0345 for Immediate delivery srrvlcs, • e • Not onlv could one ssv "direct from King Tilt's tomb," but the tomb It self, for tl civ « nn ini'! little hand painted scene on the golden sand "poke" of georgette in one of Omaha's smartest hat shops, lainvln queen In a crisp taffeta Hues this chapeau creation • • • Of the Hundreds of Song Hits of the Past Month. fr^lIESE now Icing played and sung I In the A. flospe Sheet Mlisle Department, 1513 Douglas, stand out as leaders. That you'll want every one of them Is my sincere belief; "When the Hold Turns to Gray.’* "Way Dow ii Yondeis in Niw (trleans " "Hun Klst Rosr " "Don't Think You'll Be Missed" ' .M id if .Hu- You Ti * at Me Thlg Way) ' Hong products of the best writers featiin-d by prominent publishers, lOo each Send postage with orders. Dainty Diamond Kings ol a Beauty to Win Distant Favor. Tilt; Reese Jewel shop. Sixteenth and Harney, have an excellent mowing of dainty diamond rings of a quality lo appeal to everyone—> for they are offered in a popular 1 roe range of from 240 to $100. Cunningly designed are i ha mounting* in which the diamond* have been placed, each one of a piercing or combination of atones, sapphire* ot small diamond* at the side of the large stone cal culated to give an effect of greater *.z« to the diamond. Lovely gifts for April gift occasions, graduation, con Urination, anniversaries of all kinds, see Inlaid wood gives an interesting color contrast In the smoothly fin ished wood of one of the new* cabinet desk*. 255. e # a Ask for the Business Hook Club List. p-p KX book* purchased at the Mat I thews fine 1, Store, 1(h) Harney, will *t»rt your Business Book club, a ]l*t of bovvks which will be sent to' you upon i,-quest. Mrs. Mutthewg planned the list with the idea In mind that It would carry an appeal to every member of the institution to which It Is submitted, men. women and office boys One of our latest In spirations is to add to each list such I.ks reference to the particu lar business In question as might be of interest to the progressive spirits in the organization. Write for de tails in regard to the working plans of the Business Km-k ctuba. • • • * \\ ashable chamois golf gloves, ven tilated on tha back of the hand, rein forced In the palm, fingerless. 21 25 each. In sires for men and women both. t as* A I Ur Model to Fit livery Face. IX the K. M. Hchiddl &- Company Hat deportment, 1522 Dougin*, you will find a hat model of true becoming nr-a, priced within the reach of your means. The copies of models mads hare are must satisfactory—or they'll copy a picture If you have one you'd like made. The price, most moderate. Modish Models for the Larger Woman, Young and Old, Exponents of Season s Most Styleful Novelties I-» I'UOi as NASH department of a p pa tel for (lie larger woman la a de -v llghtful plat e to find ntodlah model* lor both young and old. Mra. * l; ei *. who ha* recently mme to Omaha from the anat to taka charge of the dt partinnit. I* Id-lmftll of enthualaam for h solving of the larger Wom an'* rirt vs problem*. and truly, on* dadd-a after v tawing the lovellnaa* on display, site h is pun-hum d wisely and wall. The m .tai n's heat allk products find a pint e in the gowns for afternoon and eienlng we ir, the novelties In ! e v! lie lint nll'ncl 111 e in the COMtUtin s for sport* o COS atoll*. wraps of Wool a ml -Ilk, tnpninit skirl* for awe* tar wear, all In » sire rung* of from H' 1 2 to 52 1 '.' I’rrlmp the inoal' apjn ailing feature of tile new season's ahowtng I* I hr s.ine 'lilt' dt lulls ' ndiQdioil In the large model* wlih'h tun- see* tu t ha another model* V el y smart Is the gi a> bloused, three place suit of navy twill, td/o is. Ilriided Inorllllgnt blue of a slightly different shade i* a suml .nut blue figured chiffon, lha following of tha figure* In bead* aervlng to weight I lies pleaded panel*. *lse 42 12. Kor tho young, Mg woman, the orchid gown wiili f usage of violet velvet, 40 1 2, the new and vivid green of spring In bended chiffon for surly club wear, undur fur collared ellked wrap. Unuauai: Tweed Suit* Include Knicker* for Good Measure—\fternoon and Eve ning Gown* Modishly Iteaded AT THE Edward Reynolds Shop, 1813 Farnam, Omaha fashion follower* will find well known friends and shopping counselors to aid in becoming selections. Grace Olsen will call to your delighted at tention many details you may have overlooked in the tweed s)>ort suits. One point which is of particular Joy to her i* the fact that there's a pair of knickers to he bought with your suit for hiking, riding, driving, climb ing. and all kinds of Jolly outdoor wear Anna Fryer, whose gracious ness ha* endeared her to you. is al together "ravished” by the elaborate ly. beaded intricacies of madam's new beaded gown! She will supply a gown for every need of spring and summer from the extensive stock. • • • 'specially llat islmp Afford* Oppor tunity for lyslurely Selection. PERSONAE attention is given to the seeker of a becoming hat model in the Ileltman Hat Shop, Athletic club building. Eighteenth and Douglas, with an opportunity of le.s urciy selection from * showing of distinctive chapeaux priced unusually low. From the southland come the hand kiiit woo; *■ irf* g' fine, quaint ly appealing in dainty color combina t.' ”s. Ixjr.g enr ugh for all round wear, one and one half yard* they com# In hlue and ro*e, jade and *ar.d. iliac and Ivory. **■# • » • G«df Mines for llonian Golf En tbusiaots. THE Omaha Sporting Good* com pany, 1&06 Hamer, have a *piendld showing of scientifical ly constructed golf shoe* for women. The new moccasin cut sports shoe, dark brown, soft f->r comfort, yet sturdy for wear is JT.jn. For wear with knickers a very light high laced boot. Ilf Elk skin oxford with brown saddle. $*: high elk sport shoe, brow n handed. %'*■ /A sport *boe for e\ery need. The Honesty of Story Poliry Mus Re One of Absolute Integrity When One Contemplates the Diamond Pnrrbaw ' THERE'S a sureness of safety li the mind of the diamond pur chaser when he makes hi* dia mond selection at the John Hen ricksen Jewel Shop. 16th and Capitol Kgr the month of April there are very fine ring offerings assembled, th* price* unusually reasonable in range In fact there's no limit to the fine ness or s.ze of the stone which may t.o purchased with the assurance o: Henrlckaon integrity and dependabil itv hack of the purchase. Since 18*J this' firm has been established, a statement of figures w hich la truly* impressive Is it not? Your viewing of. the April diamond exhibit is In vited. Every girl graduate should have a ring from father and mother the definite stepping atone Into th* grown-up world. • • • Homespun, tors to give a correct note to milady » shopping costume, gray with s< arlet color touche* ir uniquely wrought landscape*. *p plicqued and cm**-stitched. Very striking indeed, the maroon with dui! old blue and gray color contra#;, 110 and 11a. • • • <_<>r*e4« in Small Site* Reduced ii^_ Price for Clearance IN a clearance sale of her N‘u Bone Corset Shop slop. 50! Kir bach block. 15th ar.d Douglas. Hat tie Putnam has reduced the price* of s few Nu Bon* models In small sizes, also aprons of excellent tailoring. Mrs. Putnam is now permanently located in the Barcley shop. 1657 City National Bank bldg., when* a call will secure tb# service* of your neighborhood corsetierre. Marcasite Exquisitries Swing From Silken Cords and| Delicately-Linked Chains _Newest Novelty of Paris| ^ THE C. B. Brown Jewel shop. 2*n South Sixteenth street, offers for your appreciative viewing marcaaite novelties which hang pendant from either black silk cord* or silver links in finely wrought chains. “The Newest Novelty of Paris’’ uses in the mounting of Its onyx, green or Mac* .and lovely polished crystals sparkling marcasite in brilliant crystals which at first sight are mistaken for rhinestones Quaint littl* haskets of poeies, high and graceful cases and figure* are outlined in silver with the stmt glinting insets of marcasite The season’s loveliest oferirg for wear with every type of styleful appareling. $15 to $30. • • • • • • « **If If* New lt » Here—If If* Here If Yottr Hst I* Shapfim, Have tt If** New.” * Re Mocked. ANOTHER one of (he Kinney Shoe Store >k<«ni—pood is it not* This i» the -tore at 20' North Sixteenth street, where one may buy smartly, modish shoes, none of\jho»e for women priced at oter t4 Ss. Patty Gray Dining Room Pieces En livened by Silver .Striping AT the Wilbur Brandt. Inc., Furniture Stare, opopsite the Hotel Fontenelle. ISth and Douglas, one Is sure to find the lcve llnest places for home decoration. Especially lovely for the small home Ijr apartment Is a fivepleca group, drop leaf tahle with four chairs, ex cellently finished in putty pray with silver striping Of finest quality con struction. the price Is but $M. A set which represent* a long line of hand decorated dining room novelties on the second floor of Omaha's new furniture store. • • • Bib \oiir Car (or Its Hidden \ alne ONE hear* much of th- hidden value of a car. the fine wearing qualities which may only be ex perlrnced after one uses the car dur ing the veai The buyer of a Cadillac will find Its hidden value inestim ably fine a value which sell* Cadillac construction several time* ever dur ing the lima you drive your model. Beautiful new Cadillac models ars Hi w displayed at the J H, Han,-fii t sdlllac Co-. Still and Varnaftv. • • » Tailoring This season |{cMil|» in Delightful Models IK neeter, ISIS Varna in. ha* finished a fine little blouse ■^•sutt draped. > rt tailored to re tain its line* through all Kinds of haul wear. Suit* for men and women at reduced prices. THE, KRUGER HAT SHOF. SOS Barker block, will reblock It Into a atyleful shape, as well rs dyeing and retrimmirr It if you de sire. Feather, fid- and marabou wor-< done ,s w,.|l. Closed on Saturdaj^^ after 1 o'clock. • • « hpringtlme's Modish t oats. Suita ami Ca|x>i IVieed Amazingly l.ow. AT THE Ruth Mc-Guire Drees Shoppe, mezzanine floor Faiton Block. 16th and Farnam. one will find coats, suit* and capes ot finest quality materials, exquisitely tailored, offered at prices of astonish ing' lowness. Tills to make room for the late spring and early summer ap parel arrivals. • • • The Shops' Newest. “Nut oa|is ' of hand ptinted crepe paper are attached to the new place cards. Ohio little chapeaux which will cunningly conceal nut and candy goodie* at the luncheon or d.nner table. Mah Jorgg. th* popular Chines* gam* is not now available in Omaha —orders f >r September delivery are telng taken by a gift shop at 114.50. tt' and |50. However a very close second to the original game, indeed, a game which claims the right of su premacy over the first introduced came thing Chow may t>e had at 15 4 • • Fiench 1 hand mades" of ths finest texture step ins. tilght gown#, and teddies for grown up* and del teats dainties for the wee ones are a bit heavier in material than the hand em broidered dainties we've been ac customed to purchasing therefore to be preferred. The price# very re .* ‘cable. |1 94 and |i 45 for step- , In* other garments correspondingly low In price. I «. «