f Clubdom ^ Convention of Second District Convenes The convention of the Second dis trict Nebraska Federation of Wom en'* Clubs to be held In Paplllion Fri day and Saturday of thie week will be called to order Friday morning, 9:30 o'clock at the high school auditorium. The interurban car for Paplllion, leaves Sixteenth and Capitol avenue at 8 a. m. reaching Paplllion at 9, the time iet for registration. The cars are two hours apart, leaving Omaha on the even hours, and returning from Paplllion on the odd hours. On ! Friday evening it has been arranged for a car to leave Paplllion at 10 p. m. Saturday's session will close In time for all to return on the 6 p. m. car. | Club Calendar -SUNDAY. I Old People's Home, Fontenelle Boule vard—Sunday. 3:30 p. m. Rev. J. AI. Hamilton, pastor of North Presbyterian church, will condiiti a song service. Get Acquainted Club—Sunday. 7:30 p. m . First Unitarian church, Turner boule vard and Harney street. Program and nodal hour. Open to all strangers and lonely folk. Omaha Walking Club—Sunday, 9 a. in,. from north end of Florence car line to Blair. Ail day outing, distance, 23 miles. Marjory Siert, leader. Afternoon walk starts at 3:30 p m. from end <0t North. Fight h street car line. Council Bluffs. ,into the Bluffs, northward over the hills and through the wooded ravines. John Proctor, leader. MONDAY. C’lio flub—Monday, 2 p. m., with Mrs. .1 A. McKenzie, 1922 Gothrop street. Mrs. Bryce Crawford* leade.v ^ Hellenic ( tmiitauqtin Circle—Monday. 9 ^00^ m., with Mrs. A. ,T. Anderson, 3214 North. Fourteenth street. Koosetrlt Chautauqua Circle—Monday, 7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. F. A. Crease}', 4204 booth Twenty-second street. Tennyson Chautauqua Circle—Monday, 2 p. m., Y. W. C. A., Mrs. George Maddlsoit. leader. Besson, chapters. 1-2, "Queen VlC itoria,'’ by Lytton Strachey. I*. F„ O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. ft.— Monday. 2:30 p. nr. with Mrs. J. T. Pick ard. 2924 North Fifty-eighth street. Mrs. Pickard will also have charge of program I TUESDAY. ape Chautauqua Circle—Tuesday, 2 | p in . Y. W. C. A. I.. O. E. Club Card Party—Tuesday, 2 p. in Elks' clul* rooms. George A. Custer. W. R. C.—Tuesday, 2 p m., Memorial hall, courthouse.. Altman Club—Tuesday. 12:30 o’clock luncheon. Burgess-Nash tea room. Minns Luaa Chautauqua Circle—Tues day. 2 p. rn., with Mm. J. A. Shaw, 2654 Titus avenue. Omaha Business Woman's Club—Tues day. 6:15 p. m., dinner and program, Y. k \V. C. A. I Central High Parent-Teachers—Tues e day h p m. School auditorium. Mrs. A. D. Tetters, program chairman. Omaha College Club Chorus—Tuesday. 3 p. m . with Mrs. T B. Protzman, 517 South Forty-first street. Omaha Woman’s Club Thirtieth Birth day Luncheon—Tuesday. 12:30 o clock. Fontenelle hotel ballroom. Fontenelle Kensington—Tuesday, 2 30, P m., with Mm. A S. Blngemann. 6616 | Jones street. Mrs. John Barth, chairman. Omaha W. C. T. U.—Tuesday. 2 p. m , T. M. C. A., room 316. Report of League of Women Voters’ convention will be j given. Omaha Woman’s Club Speech Education j Department—Tuesday. 10 16 a. m., Bur g ess-Nash auditorium. Last meeting of the' season. Delphian Study Class—Tuesday. 2 P■ rn Burgess-Xash tea room. Subject, ' The , Nineteenth Century Drama of England.” Mr*. A. G. Pinkerton, leader. L. H. Grant W. B. C.—Tuesday. 2 p. m L ith Mrs. F. Clemmons, 808 Park ave , Kensington and patriotic program In • honor of V. S. Grant's birthday. Old : Guard post Invited. Omaha Woman’s Press Clnb Writers' Se«*tl«*n—Tuesday, 4 p. m . with Mrs. Her- , man Auerbach, Austin apartments. Thirty eighth and Davenport streets. CoL T. >* McCullough will offer criticism?. WEDNESDAY. North Side W. C. T. t\—Wednesday. 2 p. m., with Mrs. B. F. Eyer, 3718 Meredith , avenue. Mothers' CHub—1Wednesday, l o’clock luncheon with Mrs W. G. Spain. Mrs. ( G. E. Benson, assisting. Best Omaha Mothers* Culture Club— Wednesday. 2 p m., with Mrs. J. L. | Dugan, 3512 California street. Dundee Woman’s Club—Wednesday. 1 j o’clock, annual luncheon with Mrs. Clyde Drew, 310 South Fifty-second street. Omaha Woman’s Club Symphony Or- i cheatru—Wednesday. 7:30 p m.. Y. w. C. A auditorium. Robert Cuscaden, director j Faculty Woman’s Club, l nlverslty of ^ Nebraska College of Msdlqlns—W*dnes day. 2 30 p. m , Conklin hall, Medical j campus. ^ Haria**ah—Wsdnesdsy, P. j Jewish Community center. Arrangements , nil! be made tor reception for Prof. , LhaJm Welzman. Omaha Woman’s Club, Music Depart ment— Wednesday, 10 a. m., Y. VN. C. A. , auditorium Chorus rehearsal. Mrs. WII ID Redfield. leader. Frances Willard W. C. T. r.—Wednes. , day. 2 p. m . with Mrs. J. B. Hiddlsston, 3707 North Twenty-third street. Subject, “Christian Citizenship,’’ Mrs. J. M. Mead, j > leader. Omaha College Club. Domestic Educa tion Section — Wednesday. 1:30 p. m. st orchard A Wilhelm’s store. J. E Living, ston will lecture on “Interior Decorating.’’ j program followed by tea. I** Forby Amlliacy, Spanish War Yet eraun—Wednesday, 8 p. m , Memorial hall, court house. Special muster day ezereisen , fallowed by entertainment and refresh- j ^ meats. All Spanish war veterans Invited THURSDAY. Amrrimn War Mothers—Thursday, 8 p rr . Memorial hall, courthouse. Dundee Chautauqua Circle—Thursday. 1 30 p. m with Mrs. Allen White, 4904 I’apitoJ avenue. ,1. F. W. f lub—Thursday, 1 o’clock luncheon, with Mrs. E. O. Ames, 4906 , Da ven por t »t rest. Alice B. Howard Chautauqua Circle— Thursday, 7:30 p. rn , V. W. C. A , Mrs. i M. A. Phillips, leader. Omaha Womah’e flub. Parliamentary | law Department —Thursday, 2:30 p. m., Y W. G. a Lesson. “Minutes.” Annual mc, t !on of officers. Mrs. A. L. Fernald. leader. i FRIDAY. B. I’, o. non.—Friday, ; p. in.. F.llui not# morn*. Hualne** meetlnK *| *H*Ttti*h Klf* Wonwn'i flub—Friday aX ttrnot.ii, ProUlah Tilt* cathedral. Boclal • meeting and program. Second District Convention. N. F. W. C. Friday. 9 s m., Paptlllon. Mra. K. A. Nickerson, district president, presiding. I>eague Women Voters* Musical Tear Friday, until & p. m.. Girls' Comnrunlty | Sr-rvW a League club house, 1712 Dodge street. I nlty Rook Club—Friday. 9 p. m., First 1 ndarian • hurch, 211* Harney street. HuIiIwih "Figures of Earth," by James Branch Fa hell a symbolical Interprets- j Hon by Mra. If. A Wagner. 8ATURIIAY. Herond District Convention, N. F. W. C. i —Haturdi.y, 9 a. m.. Peplilton. Omaha Walking f luh—Hat urdsy, 3 p j rn.. from end of Albright car line to walk- ] log club shat k .lobs Daughter*—Saturday. 1 o'clock luncheon followed by Initiation. Eastern Star member! Invited. fl*. F. O. Sisterhood, Chapter M—Satur day, 2 30 p. m . Y. \V C. A Dr. Fred »rl» U Krueger of the University of Omaha, speaker. Mrs. A C. Pancoast, leader. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter f. F.— i Returrtsy, 1 o’clock luncheon with Mra. F. i K. George. 1021 North Thirty-fourth street. Mias Ross Harrington, assisting. Alpha Omlcron PI Alumna*—Raturday. 1 o’clock luncheon with Misa Margaret CHrlen. 622 Routh Fortieth street. Mra. Victor H. Smith and Miss Margarat Carna by assisting r-*- HcFarlan* I^rtur*— Nsturday. 3:90 f. m . Braudels grill. Mrs. Ida Kruse Mc Farlana of Denver will give laat of eeriee r,f talka on "Timely Interests.’* Her aub Jsf>» will he "Helms I«agerlof and Htr Work." Dniaha College Club, Dram* fleetloa— Jaturday, jj a. m.. with Mies Baulate Adams. 3*29 Hawthorne avenue Lady '".worst play, "The Rising Moon." will a Pr*B*nted under leadership of Misa otrtie Ho us Guest at Club Birthday Luncheon Mrs. John Slaker of Hastings, direc tor for Nebraska In the General Fed* eratlon of Woman's Clubs, wHl be honor guest and speaker at the Oma ha Woman's club birthday luncheon In celebration of the thirtieth anni versary of the founding of the club Tuesday. 12:30 o'clock at the Fon tenelle hotel ball room. Mrs. Slaker will be the house guest of Mrs. L. M. Lord until after the Second dis trict meeting in Papillion Friday and Saturday of this week. Reservations for the birthday luncheon, which is open to all olub members and their families, may be made with members of the house and home committee, Mrs. John R. Golden, chairman, or at the Woman's Exchange, 1517 Douglas street. Following the luncheon 55 children »f Roee Hill school will present an operetta, “Under the Sugar Plum Tree,” directed by Mrs. Anna B. Loy. Piano selections will be given by Stanley Letovsky: song groups by A. L. Hobbs and Miss Elsie Simpson, ac companied by Mrs. Deyo Crane; vio lin group, Miss Flora Shukert, ac companied by Mrs. Louisa Shattuck JJabriske. The following charter members and past presidents who will attend are: Mesdames Philip Potter, president elect; Edgar H. Allen. E. M. Axtell, Irving I*'. Baxter, C. Belden, Ellis L. Bierbower, T. R. Braden, F. B. j Bryant, F. H. Cole, George W. Coveil, i Charles N. Dietz, J. H. Dumont, Fred i Engel, a. L. Fisher. J. W. Griffith, ! H. P. Jensen, Harriet S. MacMurphy, A. J. Love, Draper Smith, E. L. Stone, C. H. Townsend. Solon R. Towne, A. B. Somers, O. \V. Linlnger, Lillian R. Harford. Edward Johnson, M. D. Cameron, C. W. Hayes, Edward M. Syfert, A. L. Fernald, C. L. Hempel *ut prices on Muslin Gowns and Envelopes. Silk Gowns Envelopes, Brassieres and Corsets and amazing prices on a Big Import Shipment of Philippine Hand Embroidered Garments Bought months ago at cost way under the present market. Sold under these circumstanced the values are astounding. THESE exquisite all handmade productions are superlatively beautiful and the critical women of today In their search for perfection In the more Intimate garments give their unqualified Indorsement to the artistry of the Filipino needle work ers. They are made of fine selected qual ity lingerie cloth and dainty nainsook with these Indescribably beautiful ex amples of hand needlework. Including eyelet, leaf, floral, scallops, “cut" work and colladar-the latter a most painstaking and exquisite effect sim ilar to Mexican drawn work. NIGHT GOW'.NS with peeves and sleeveless, round, square and “V" neck*; some hand embroidered both front and back. Novelty and Ir regular edgings. ENVELOPES with both bodice and built shoulders, some embroid ered backs. All garment* cut full in length and width. On Sale Monday at g a. m., ' ( in Three Great Groupings. $1.89 $2.89 $3.39 Hosiery for Women There’s Always a Better and Finally a Best THE SILK STOCKINGS of fered In this group are all of the better and some of the best sort. They are ALL SILK to the top. They represent the two out standing types of hose, pure dye and Ingrain. They are plain, undecorated, genteel, high-grade, all-silk stockings In black, brown, sand, white, gray, etc. The usual price for most of them is $3.50. Monday sale price will be. pair $1,87 Underwear for Women Last call on separate garments Vesta and pants, various weight* and weaves, all go Monday at each, 50* Stretton Union Suits The very beat of construction, won derful summer knitted fabrics. Priced at $2.00, Monday, 95* Kayser-Made Gloves An outdoor glove, made of a fine quality chamoisette. They not only look like leather, feel like leather, but fit like kid gloves. Colors are mode, covert, tan and gray. Cuffs with fancy stitching In contrasting colors. O'! Monday the r^ir, *1 Savings on Staples 51x90 Ripplelette hemmed bed spreads, each, §1.75 36-inch Snowball muslin, excel lent quality, yard, 1714* 36-inch fancy flaxons, neat checks, different sizes, yard, 29* On the Floor Below Linen Section $5.50 20x29 all linen dice napkins. • none better for everyday use, per dozen, 83.45 * *2.75 54-lnch art linen, a fine qual ity for napkins, lunch cloths, etc.. Per yard, 81.75 $15.00 54-lnch Madeira cloth, all beautiful and elaborate designs. each. 87.50 Notions Star snaps, card t 6* Da Long invisible hooks and eyes, per card. 4* H-lnch English twill tape, 10-yard bolt for 14* Jiffy baby pacta, 39c Narcissus hair pin cabinet*. g* Imported Beads and Necklaces In all the new colorings and styles. Also fancy earrings. - 98c Cretonnes and Curtains Cretonne of every description, and for every household use. Gay col ors, stripe*, plaids and fl6ral de signs. Three regrouping* offered Monday at, 19* 50* 95* Ruffled Curtains, ti.gS Pair Dotted marquisettes and madra* checks, 34 and 36 Inches wide. Tie backs with each curtain. Regular ly $2.75 the pair. Third Floor Men’s Wear Union Suits A counter of knit weaves In long and short sleeves: white and ecru; also hot weather suits In fine nain sook, athletic styles: well worth $1.50. Necessary Sale Q" _ price, each, I/tlC Madras Shirts A new grouping of high-grade shirts. Some you are accustomed to paying $2.50 for. They are all of fine woven madras: guaranteed colors. New pattern*. Monday, each. «?l«O0 The Moving Menace Stimulates the Shoe Section to Radical Action Women’s Fine Shoes $ ** J,1S* *he best, in fact, that the most famed American producer can furnish. Oxfords * Pumps • Strap Slippers in models attuned to style and all the colors. Quantity is liberal and purchases willSiot be limited. The pair— jwnavnA micut date &efenced