The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 22, 1923, HOME EDITION, PART THREE, Page 2-C, Image 25
Society Marie Neismann to Wed , Orland Huyck. Mrs. TV, F. Nlesmann announces ♦ he engagement , of her daughter, Kathryn Marie, to Orland T. Huyck of this city, son of Mr. Elmer E. Huyck of Grand Island, Neb. Miss Nlesmann Is a graduate of Central High school and later attended the University of Omaha. Mr. Huyck was graduated from Grand Island college and later attended the University of Chicago. The wedding will take place In the late summer or early fall. Designs Junior League Cover Page. Homer Conant of Omaha, interna tionally known artist, has designed the cover page for the Junior league program to he used at their annual revue. May lid2. Mr. Conant Is in New York at present and may re turn to Omaha for the performances. He recently took over a contract from the Theater magazine for 12 cover pages. Miss Fogg to Present Pupils in Recital. Miss Adelaide Fogg will present her pupils in the 1923 dance recital at the Brandels theater on Saturday evening. April 28. There will be a number of unusual features, one of the most promising a snow scene ballet. Secret Wedding. Announcement Is made of the wed ding of Miss Gretna M. Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Charles of Tekaniah, to Howard E. Brookings, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brookings of Tekainah. The cere mony was performed on April 16 at Lincoln at the home of Rev. Paul C. Johnston of the Westminster Pres byterian church and was to have been kept a secret from friends until June, when Mr. Brookings will have com pleted his junior year1 at the Uni versity of Nebraska. The bride, who is a two-year grad uate of the University of Omaha Kin dergarten college, has been a teacher in Omaha schools since September. The young couple will make their home In Tokamah this summer. Ennis Club Card Party. The J?nn!s club will give a bene fit card party ,nt St. Mary Magdalene ‘ ihurch hall. Ninteenth and Dodge , ( streets, on Tuesday evening. April ; ' 24. These parties are given the s-'cond , and fourth Tuesday of every month i and have been a great success. All at- i tending have reported a very enjoy able time. Refreshments will be served and prize awarded. Bpncfit Musical. Mrs. Charles Harding, at whose home the ladles of Division 6 of First Central Congregational church will 1 give a musical on Monday evening, I 1 April St), will be assisted in receiving by Mrs. E. G. McOilton. Mrs. C. U. | Sherman. Mrs. C. G. McDonald, Mrs. t C. W. Pollan} and Mrs. Samuel Rees. Hard Times Party. The women of the Blessed Sacra- i nient church will entertain at a Hard ! Times dance and card party Saturday ! evening at Druid hall, Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. . | 1 _Singer to Reside in Oregon Miss Itutli Uordun. Fred G. Ellis will present Miss Ktith Jordon In a farewell recital Monday Venlng, April 30, 8:15 o'clock, at tho lurgeasNash auditorium. Flo-a iears Nelson will ni;corri patty Mias Jordon. Miss Gordon Is well-known in local musical circles. She Is contralto so loist at the First Central Congrega tional church and has r.ppe(yed be fore the public many times in singing roles. | She will leave soon to become contralto soloist «t the First Method ist rhurah of Portland, Ore. M iss Munchhoff Presents M iss Ruth Bieber in Song Recital. Miss Mary Munchhoff will present dies Ruth Bieber, contralto, In a song eeital this afternoon, 3 o'clock, at St. ierchman, academy. Richard Munch toff, violinist, will assist. accom lanied by Miss Adelyn Wood, who rill also accornpay Miss Bieber. Sorority Luncheon. Alpha Omicron Pi alumnae will neet for 1 o'clock luncheon Saturday, tpril 21. with Margaret O'Brien, 422 louth Fortieth street. Mrs. V. B. tfnith and Margaret Carnaby assist ng. ELDRIDGE 1313*15 Farntm St. M W. O. W. Annex j The New Arrivals ANEW LINE of lustre iridescent stemware, “Mother of Peart,” at unusually low prices. Beautiful shapes and of a quality that is better than most. Note these prices: Goblet*, dozen... 87.50 Sherbet*, dozen.. 87.50 Parfait*, dozen. . 87.50 Ice Tea Tumbled, doz $f> Watfcr Tumbled, doz. .$5 Ice Tea Ju|>, each . .S3 W. H. Eldridgc Importing Co. 1313-15 Farnam Street • Camp Fire Girls Bridge Benefit Tho Camp Fire girl*' camp, now lo cated at King* Lake, Valley, Neb., needs new equipment and Improve ments this year. While each girl pays her own tuition, It la only a nominal sum to cover her board, and leaves nothing extra for the running exjienses The proceeds of the bene fit bridge party to be given at the Rlackstone, May 2. will be used to defray these added expenses. The committee In charge of the party Includes Mrs. Rosenthal, chairman, assisted by Mesdatnes W. W. Carmichael. liryce Crawford. Con rad Young, Irving Oputter and Dollie 1'. Elgutter. This committee is work lng diligently to make the party a success, and It promises to be one of the social events of the spring. Other members of the hoard of di rectors who are promoting the affair are: Mesdame* W. W Hoagland, J c. Buffington. E. A Beardsley. W E. Fonda, Avln Johnson, George Miekel, Willis Herger, G. C. Cun nlngharo. Frank Randle, T. R. Rut ledge, George Sumner and tho Misses Ruth Klnsler and Gladys Shump. Tickets are Jl. Evening Musical. The Ileeemher and May teams of the First Xlethrslist Aid society will present Hazel Silver Rlekel, soprano, (f Chieagm accompanied by Miss Helen Sm.tirs and Beniamin Adamow sky, Russian pianist, in a recital Wednesday evening, May 2, In the au ditorium of the First Methodist church. (oluniMan Club. The Columbian club will give an evening card party on Thursday, April 2C, at Lyoeum hall. Tho ladles aeting as hostesses will he Mesdames \ A. I.anphier, William Maher, R. 11 McQuillan, F. I). Mumaugh, ,f. B. Mullen, Y. Kelly, A. Harrower, Charles Morin, Miss Julia Kelly and tho Misses Bo Rrnn. Malta Shrine. The Whist club of Malta While Shrine will meet for luncheon st I In the Masonic temple on Tuesday, April 24. Reservations may ha made with Mrs C. II. Stillman Kenwood 0<)S8, and Mrs A, C. Walker, Harney 3438. Have Your Winter Clothes Cleaned Before Putting Away— Don t put your winter clothing away “unclean”—it simply invites moths and early decay of the fabric. Have your winter clothing cleaned—not by ordinary methods, but by the “French Way” system, where the “Running Stream” method assures a steady “spray” of clean high test gasoline passing over the clothes all during the cleaning process. I It costs you more “not” to have your clothes “French Wayed.” Enjoy good cleaning. Call AT lantic 1066. *"*'***'**• pay Parcel Post on all Cut-of-r7oxjn orcitr* that amount la/jOO or mair^. Main Office, 219 North 16th Street, Hotel Loyal Art Lecture Today Dudley Crafts Watson 'will speak before the Society of Fine Arts on Sunday, April 22, at 4 p. m. His sub ject will be "Art and American Re Creation.” Mr, Watson's reputation as a lecturer on art is well establish ed. Besides being director of the Milwaukee Art institute and develop ing its work as a vital factor in the life of that city, he has assisted in the organization of a number of art association in the various small cities of the west. Another of 'his impor tant functions In the art life of the western country is his service every year as the director of art at the Minnesota .state fair. Bast year dur ing the week from September 2 to September 9. 100,000 attended Ills lec tures. East Sunday. April 15, a record at tendance visited the exhibition of for eign paintings in the galleries of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. The greater portion of these were sdbool children and teachers who had been especially invited to attend. Mrs. N. 1*. Dodge was hostess for the after noon and will servti for the remaining Sundays in April. For Hiyulay after noon, April 29, a musical program has been arranged. The West Sisters quartet, Ha^el Smith Eldrege and Harry Disbrow will present the pro gram. The public Is invited as usual. The exhibition of foreign paintings from the Carnegie International in 1922 Is attracting a large number of people, ll has been pronounced by many to be the best exhibition held in Omaha in years. , Legion Auxiliary to Give Bridge Benefit. A bridge benefit for the afternoon of Saturday, May 12, has been planned by the American Legion auxiliary for the benefit of the hos pital and welfare work. The benefit will fbe held at the purgess-Nash tea room and reservations may be made with Mrs. J. B. Reynolds at Harney 1980. For (ir&dtialing Claes. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Holtman enter tained 35 guests on Friday evening at their home in honor of the grad uating class of the Mlaner School of Speaking Instruction. Dr. Victor E. Levine showed steropticon views; Mr. j and Mrs. Francis Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenberg furnished mu sic. * Concert Pianist MIk* Marie Mikova, Czech pianist, with the Bakutt chorus, which la In concert tour of the eastern and mid dlewi-stern section* of the t'ntted SLaCes under the auspices of the American Junior Red Cross will come to Omaha May 4 MU* Mikova Is an Omaha Kiri, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joe MIk. Mies Mikova made her first public appearance when 12 years old. At '20 she made her dehut In Paris as soloist with the Touche or i chest in. Of recent years she has had ' a studio In New York and has won ! many honor* s* a concert pianist ( - ..... Soloist on Women Voter’s Program msyn photo A feature of the musical tea to be given Friday afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock under the auspices of the League of Wamen Voters at the Girls Community house, 1712 • Dodge street, will be a song group by Mrs. Mabel Allen Smaijs, soprano. Other numbers will he given by Hazel Smith | Eldrldge, contralto; Miss Arny Wood ruff, reader; Harry Dishrow, bari tone. Tea will be served at the close of the program. Mrs. R. K. Mck'elvy, , president of ‘he ]i«atrue. Mrs. Irving 1 Baxter and Mrs. F. H. Cole, will i pour. May Party and Benefit Bridge for Masonic Home for Boys. Much Interest Is being taken In the May dancing party and benefit bridge to be given for the Masonic Home for Boys, by the eight chapter* of the Order of the Eastern Star, th»- S' ot tish Rite Woman's club, and Malvn White Shrine, on Tuesday. May 1st, in the Masonic Temple. The Mason ic Temple craft has donated th<- use of the Shrine room f r the afternoon and evening, and the Shrine hand will give their services for the dance Mrs Ben F. Marti is general chairman, and will be assisted hy Mrs. Byron S Pet erson, vice chairman, and the follow Ing committee: Mcsdames Edward H. I. evy. J. K. Reisman, Robert Thorj»e, Jesse W. Hazlett, Alva M. Smith, Charles F. Winter. W. W Wood. Rus sell J. Walsh, C. K. Smith and Mary J. Griffin. For the bridge and high five party which will begin at 2:30, the follow ing will he in charge: Mrs. E. J Streitz, Mrs. G. R. Eedyard. Mrs. G F. lfawes. Mrs. C. F. Winter, Mrs. G 1L Henning. Mrs. E F fihrum, Mr* C. A. Moffet, Mrs. O A. Sachs. Mrs Russell Walsh end Mrs. Preston Ma dill. The committee in charge of the dance to be given on the same date at S:S0, consists of Mrs. E. E. Mor rls. Mrs. C. E. Knot, Mrs. llaroif lAnderynu, Mrs. Ed Kohansky. Mrs H. A. Thompson, Mr*. Frank A Hughes, Mrs. G. A. Walker, Miss Bo tiila Anderson and R. W. Barrett Mrs. Molly Richards U In charge of publicity. In College Play. Mias Ilirth Wlllinsky. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlllinsky, 1?11 Wirt atreet, will play the part of I/> Petit Chaperon Rougn In "1j» 1 telle au Itols Dormant." the rlny to he given by the French club at Rockford college on Monday evening, April 13. Miss Wlllinsky is ft member of the freshman clans. Hike Postponed. The Catholic I>n ighters of Ameri ca Hiking club has positioned the hike planned for this afternoon, until next Sunday. PIAMONDS REMOUNTED Finatt Platinum Workmanthip ALBERT EDHOLM Platinum SpocialUta r City Nat’l Bank Hid* THE PACKARD GRAND— Chosen hy people of discrimination as an instrument of artistic accomplishment, superior tone, perfect, durable construction and magnificent case design and finish. Why worry over a piano priced at $1,300 to $1,750 when'you can have a Packard at the new price $850? HOBART M. CABLE - Just another superb instrument at a price within your reach. Positively no greater value can be offered by any one. Come in and see these wonderful pianos and take advantage of our liberal terms. M1GKEDS fifteenth and Harney At. 4361 Hobart M. Cable, any finish, only Packard Baby Grand, new price, $850 I - — ' • f •Mrs. E. <}. Connell returned Satur day from -i week's visit with rela tives in Cedar Rapid*, la. Mrs. Royal D Miller, who was operated on at the Methodist hospital last week. Is slowly recovering. Mrs, Robert F. Smith and Miss j Meada Smith have returned from a four weeks 'trip to Chicago and Mar inette, Wi« Dr. F. .1 tVi irne has returned from Roch'-ster, Minn , where he has j completed postgraduate instruction 1 under Dr, Mayo. Mr. and Mrs Edward tV. Aycrigg of Norfolk are the week-end guests ; of Mrs R S Hall. Miss Dorothy Hall returns today from the east. -# Mr. and Mrs. J A Dlnderhotlu have moved from the El Beudor to Uhe;r new tvme at 3310 Center street for the summer. Their daughter. Mrs. C. E. Bloomberg of Minneapolis, with Mr. Bloomberg and Frances Margery, arrive today to be their guests. Mr and Mrs J B McPherson and five children of Hastings sail today from Igandon. where they have been I spending the winter. Wr«. Alice Hall j of this c ity. Mr McPreson'* mother, will go to Chicago to meet them and j they will return in two weeks to visit j Mrs. Elia Dynch. Hran Cookies. 12 cup sugar 14 cup butter substitute 12 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 cup Kellogg s bran 12 teaspoon vanilla | 2 tablespoons milk j Flour to make stiff enough to hap ■ die, about 3 4 cup. Cream butter, add j sugar gradually then egg well beaten. I Stir tn bran and all milk and flour. \ | Roll, shape and bake 15 minute* In moderate oven. Make^pl/e as ginger snaps. Tt'klo now ranks as the fourth larg est city In the world, with an estl i mated popbi.tltou of S.joP.OOO. Dixie Sandwiches. To make the Dixie sandwiches, spread slices of brown bread lightly with butter and half of them with cheese blended with a little chopped parsley and chives. On top of' the cheese, Bet a layer of firm tomato jolly and finish the sandwich with the plain elices of buttered bread. May Party. The last of a series of dancing par ties thla season will be given by the Catholic Daughter* of America on Wednesday evening. This will be In 4 the form of a May party and all will receive appropriate favor*. Arrange ments have been mads for special 1 music. Fourth Floor For Monday We Announce to Feminine Omaha a sale extraordinary of Exquisite DRESSES Involving Exclusive Creations That Sold Up to $150 at $/|U50 Gorgeous beaded modes that radi ate a richness and individuality which is possessed only by the finest of Dresses. All the delightful new colorings. Dresses for Afternoon, Dinner. Bridge and Even ing Wear. Every style is exclusive. Those who desire a Dress of rare beauty at an extremely low price should be here Monday. ’Tis Time That You Store' Jour Furs For the Summer e: 5C==» ** «= Tl'T. T M a» For safeguarding JfOur lovely furs during the hot days t'hen moths mcak such destruction, store them in the Burgess-,Vash Cold Storage Faults. i I he scientific construe-' lion of the vaults keeP* the temperature helot' freezing: automatic clos ing doors and lock* make them fire and burglar proof. The vaults, located on the eighth floor, are the largest and most modern in this part of the country. Entrust your furs to our keeping. m 'MS * ( I r MOTHS' it Telephone ATlantic S221 and Oar Trucks Will Call for Your Furs Aon’ is really (he best time to have your furs re juvenated so that they null be lil{;e ricn» on the first fall day that you nush to n ear them. I 7 hrough the excellence of their H'orlf. our repair ing and cleaning P•orf? rooms have gained pres tige and yearly patrons. All furs and other ar ticles entrusted to our care are thoroughly inspected and cleaned before they arc delivered to you. -Burgess-Nash Company—= *EVERYQODY& 6TOVW*