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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Low Birth Rate Accompanied by Lengthened Life Drop in New Babies Said by London Lecturer Not to Lessen Population of Nations. London, April 21.—One of Brit ain's experts on questions of popula tion shows that the facts are against the modern demand for an Increased birth-rate. In France a campaign with the motto “Have more children" Is being carried on with stale sup port, and In England soldiers and clergymen have for Several years been calling on mothers to have more babies. J. C. Flugel, senior lecturer In philosophy and psychology, university of London, declares not only that such efforts are useless, but that positive harm will follow in their .train. A moment'll consideration, he says, must show that the increase dr de crease of population must depend not upon the birth rate alone, but (In ad dition to the factors of emigration and immigration), upon the differ ence between the hirth rate and the death rate. If the death rate ts higlfer than the birth rate, the population Is declining; If. on the other hand, the births exceed the deaths, the popula tion is increasing, and Increasing by just the amount of the difference be tween the two. Again, a rise or fall in the birth rate dnps not necessarily Imply a cor responding rise or fall of population— the simultaneous movements of the il^ath late must first be .examined. Hirth and Death Rales. A study of birth rates and death rates over a considerable period re veals the existence of a strong tend envey for the fall in the hirth rate, whidb has become so marked In many civilized countries, to he accompanied by a corresponding fall In the death rate, with the result that population lias gone on Increasing as rapidly as before. Since 117(1 thej-e has taken place a steady decline in the birth rnte. being accompanied by an approximately •equal (if anything slightly larger) de cline in the death rate. Tills tendency js revealed with even more startling eP^irness by the fig ures for a single town. Berlin, where the movements In tiie hirth rate have been more marked, and where the statistics wer§ probably more than unusually accurate. Diagrams could he constructed for nearly all the principal civilized coun tries (including C.reat Britain), all showing the, same general tendency for a fall In the hirth rate tb be com pensated by a fall In the death rate, Ontario Instanced. Most lntorestlng of all In this re port sre the figures for Ontario, vihich show, first a fall in the birth rate <up to 113(1), and then a rise, this fall and rise being accompanied by a closely corresponding fall and rise in the death rate. This Indicates clearly that movements of the death rate In eithex direction are Intimately dependent on movements of the birth rate, and that the decline of the death rate Is really due to the lower birth rate and not. as might at first be sup posed. to the advance of hygiene and medicine. Tt should scarcely he necessary to point out that this law of correspond ence between hirth and death rates Is of the utmost Importance for human welfare It Indicates that the rteclln ing birth rate has brought the in ' calculable benefits implied by a lower death rate (signifying, as this does, a longer average duration of life and generally more prosperous and healthy conditions of existence), with out diminishing the Increase of popu lation. It shows also fhe futility of at tempting to Increase the hirth rate, as Is now being done in France and Turkey. All that Is to be expected from this attempt (should It—unhap pily for France or Turkey—meet with any success) Is an Increase In poverty and disease and a shorter average luratlon of life, without any appre lable Increase of population. In the last resort it is, in the over jelming majority of cases, food and , births that determine population, it js worse than useless for a |try to endeavor to Increase Its ,,-rs faster than Its economic re s will permit. ■ I^outs Hold Rally. patch t.i The Omaha Bee. Veb., April 21.—Norfolk. Madison and Neligh First places in Boy Scout * during the district scout will come to A close Sun Pastor Resign*. patch to The Omaha Bee. b., April 21.—Rev. Ira stor of the Christian tendered his resignation ■ct June T. Mr. Carney I a call from Red Oak, la. rpillion Notes obi lo of John Bolting and collided Monday and both It# burly Injured. Both cars dark and th#y mat In a alon n#ar the Mika 8chram irat Oliva and Edward re married In Omaha SgH Irat Methodlat church. They lelr horn# in Lincoln, where i manager of the radio de Tha General Supply Co. anland was surprised Wad large crowd of har school evening w’am spent in play alnglng and other amuse which refreshments were ig of tha Tsadl#a Auxiliary jraday at the home of Mra. ail purchased tha comer lot Charles Behrendt residence [ng on erecting a bungalow. Ira. John P. Schram of lie, Colo., ara vlaMng rala llion. \ Will commence work aoon Ion of a new home of tha 1 style on his farm asst of rn. Mr. and Mri. Otto Kremke visited rela. *•* at Falrbury Bun day. Mr. slid Mrs Will Polen and If. C. Iiinfnrd Omaha and Mr*. George fteadle of Hherldan. Wyn., were guest* at Ihe Mr*. John Itrsdle horn* Wednesday. William Maxfleld returned from an f)maha hnsplt*l, where he had been the iaat two months taking treatmenta for a Irartured hip bone. Mrs. IU < ’am has purchased th* Gus rord«e lot on Washington street and will •rect a new home. ■■■ M If you like The Bee, tell year neighbors about it. ™ » ■ ^ 'W t Barney and Sparky in “Laugh Handicap” kwoRiol] % ^msar ■ ■ ■ [TcanTI. WHOA!% WHEN HAYS ^ PLAYS •BARNEY GOOGLE" IT ORIVES ME OPF^S NT NOODLE l> I F WHOA r spark plug - ^ WHOA .• f - 1 _^ytbi with apologies Harney Google and the immortal Spark Plug are entered in the first annual "laugh week' handicap at th« I World theater next week with every thing but the ticket seller's lipstick on Sparky's delicately chiseled nose. Just to celebrate the event, Arthur Hays, organist, will introduce to Omaha movie fans the new Harney Google song, just off the press, and which is sweeping over the country on a wave of popularity similar to that which has fixed the IJeBeck comic in the hearts of American fun lovers. "Barney Google, with his Goo-Goo Googly Eyes,” the refrain begins. The music jhns a lilt and swing which makes It eminently whistleable, and the lyrics are good for • flock of cachinatlon*. Sparky will be at the wire Satur day when Mr. Hays dusts off his or gan bench preparatory to Introduc ing the new roundelay. And here's Barney himself, as Car toonist Lyman Byxbe conceives the matter, hitting on all four cylinders in order not to be late to the party. The Omaha Bee Information Bureau Through our Washington Information Bureau The Omaha Bee will answer direct to the reader any question of fact, with the exception of medical, legnl,, love and marriage subjects, or any subject requiring ex tended research. * Simply Write your question as plainly and briefly as possible and mail to The Omaha Bee Information Bureau, <0115 New Hampshire nvenue, •Washingt'bn, 1). 0., enclosing a 2-cent stamped, addressed envelop* for reply. Be sure to write your name and address plainly on the return en velope. In response to numerous requests for Information on removing corns, preventing perspiration and care of tile feet, The Omaha Bee Information bureau has secured the instructions which the United States navy uses in caring for the feet of its men. These Instructions tell how to trim the nails, how to make a painless corn remover, treatment of blisters and remedying excessive and foul perspiration of the feet. * A copy of these instructions will be sent to any reader on receipt of an addressed envelope, two loose lcent stamps and-the following coupon: The Omaha Bee Information Bureau, 4035 New Hampshire Ave , Washington, D. C. Ontleinen: Kindly send me a copy of C4re of the Feet, which tells how to re move corns painlessly, treat blis ters and remedy excessive Hnd foul perspiration of the feet. An addressed envelope anil two loose l cent stamps aro enclosed. , Name . Address . City and State. Cabinet Member*. Q —Who compose* th» cabinet at present? A.—Charles E Hughes secretary of state; Andrew W. Mellon, secretary of the treasury; John W. Weeks, secer tary of war; Harry M Daugherty, at torney general; Harry ft. New, post master general; Edwin Denb'y, secre tary of the navy; Hubert Work, sec retary of the interior; Henry (' Wal lace, secretary of agriculture; Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, and James J. Davis, secretary of labor. I/ord's Prayer. Q—Where do we find the laird’s pr/iyer In the Bible? A.—Matthew 6. verses 9 to IS. Energy I'sed for Balloons. Q.—What kind of gas or energy Is used to make balloons ascend? A.—Eor ordinary ' exhibition pur poses, smoke or heat is used, but for dirigibles hydrogen Is generally used. Hydrogen Is the lightest known sub stance being 14 1-2 times lighter than air and 11,160 times lighter than wa ter. Coal gas tins also been used suc cessfully In balloon*. Coal gas Is two to three times lighter than air. Granulated Sugar. Q.—How long has granulated sugar been used? A.—About 40 years. Previous to that time, brown sugar was In general use. ^ ^ Bound Bubbles. ' Q.—Why are bubbles always round? A>—Because ths air or gas of which they are composed always exerts an equal pressure In £ll directions. Inventor of Hilliard*. Q.—Who invented billiard*? A.—The Inventor of billiard* 1* not definitely known. It is claimed to be both of Spanish and Italian origin and was known as far back as 1674. l/ocation for Mignonette. Q—Should mignonette be planted In tin sun or shad*? A.—It thrives best when planted where it will get the sun most of the j day, Rle* Waffle*. Q-—Could you give ms a good recipe for rice waffles? j A.—The following recip* is fur nished by the-federal offlc* of home economics: One cup of cooked rice, 1-2 cup wheat flour. 1 teaspoon salt, ' 1 12 teaspoons baking powder, 3-4 cup sweet milk. 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter. Put the rice through a course sieve; sift the flour, salt and baking powder' together, then add the milk, the yolk* of eggs, the rice, the melted butter and finally fold in the beaten egg whites. -Y— Guarantee Fund Commission Cist IVot Yet Completed IJncoln. April • 21. — Governor Rryan said tsaday he had not com pleted his list of appointees on the guarantee fund commission which h« Is authorized to select under the pro : visions of the new state banking law He hopes to submit the names of seven hankers to the senate next Tuesday and ask for their conflrma j tlon. Several names have been sub mltted to the governor, hut he has not indicated whether he will appoint any j one of those recommended. Among those mentioned are: H. K Frantz of Eagle. /•;. J. Dempster of Geneva, C. F. Ound of Hiue Hill, Van K. Peter son of Curtis. Jesse C. Jdc.NIsh of ' Sidney, It. A, Tynan of SteNn. Ed F*. ! Oallageht r of O’Neill, J. 0. Cleary of Grand Jslund and J. A. Royd of Kear ney. Sanla Fe Will Not Participate in Consolidation Hearing Ponca City. Ok!.. April 21.—The At I chlson, Topeka A Santa Fe railroad will not participate in the railroad | consolidation hearing at Fort Worth, Tex , next week f>r in any of the other hearings scheduled to take place In the west, according to Edward Cham ber* of Chicago, vice president In charge of traffic, who was here today en route to Texas on an Inspection trip. I SILK * COATS * - Two-Day Display and Sale I ‘ Handsome Silk Wraps I Monday and Tuesday * I IRIS Kuril am l i ■ i ii ii • ii in m i. mi i ■ .lumiiii ii • ■ ■ mi ii ii ii i • • i i i - 30c Each-SPROCE TREES-30C Each j ; By Mail—45$ each, postpaid. Right to limit the num- ; - ber purchased by an individual is reserved. No free I - deliveries of these trees in Omaha, South Omaha or l • Council Bluffs. 2 Nice, Bushy Trees About Two Feet in Height - These are freshly dug and are a size usually sold at I I from 75$ to $1.00 each. Only 1,000 to go at thia ; I price; get yours now. Three Convenient Store*—Open Evening* Until 9i30 Meneray Nursery & Seed Co. Omaha South Omaha Council Bluff* ; 2016 Farnam St. 4728 S. 24th St. • 3341 W. Broadway • - Phone AT 8177 Phone MA 3239 Phone 1698 ?niiiiiniiiii»iiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiii,iniuiinitiiiiiiiniiiinii»iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii*iit»ti'*"t"*i|*iitiniitiiiiiii •> Brief City News Dr. W'ranw Back—Dr. Frederick Wearne returned Saturday morning from Hoch^eter, Minn., where he hue been attending Mayo Brothers clinic. Kings to California—Albert King, for 28 years with Hayden Brothers, will motor shortly to Knglewood, Cal., where his family will make their future home. Philosophical Address—Dr. W. E. Stoft wiir address the members of the Omaha Philosophical society Sun day afternoon at 3 in room 302 Pat terson building, Seventeenth and Fur nim streets, on "Orthodontia and Its Bearing on Child Life." The meeting will bd public. • Nicotine-less Smokes Follow Beer-less Beer Syracuse Man Invents Method Removing Kick from To- \ hacco After Years of Research. ; ■ Ringhamton. X. Y.. April II.—And now they’re going to take the kirk out of tobacco. Nicotine-less smokes are scheduled ' to follow beer-less beer. Frank D. Reynolds of this city. Is ! nanre^ as the man who is making this : possible. Reynolds is the inventor of i a formula for the removal of nicotine | from tobacco. An invention which ! promises to completely revolutionize I the world’s tobacco Industry in ! time. , The research work which led to the ultimata discovery of the wonderful formula was begun in 1877 In this city. Years of extensive research and experiment, followed hv a second 1 trip to Germany in quest of a separa-1 tion of one chemical which affected the oil In tobacco leaf, brought the' perfection of the formula. The introduction of the process of neutralizing the nicotine of to bacco into the tobacco industry of . America is almost ♦nevitabie. Pro I liibitlon, which legally eliminated the I intoxicating beverages, will next turn ! its attention to the cigar and the j cigaret, the nicotine in which is con sidered to be the second deadliest | poison, it Is believed. Nicotine-less eigarets and cigars ! cannot possibly be prohibited by law. 1 and thus the career of smoking is ! granted a definite permanency. With a 1-Yench totiacco mart open to Ameri-1 ; can ideas through the present nego 1 Rations for the purchase of the French | tobacco monopoly by the Whelan Huke-ltyan tobacco interests, ttj« ex j periment of the formula in that coun : try is not altogether improbable. Building Razed to Make, Way for New Structure i__. ... ; "1 The wrecked building shown in this picture is the one being torn down on Howard street between Sixteenth and Sevententh to make way for tlie new $300,000 office building which the Cook Brothers of Chicago will erect there this year. The old building, except the west end of it, was erected about 35 years ago by John Bedgw^ck and Charles F. Shaw, who in 1385 leased the ground for 99 yeara^from the Cook estate. Bedgwiek & Shaw kept the building only a few' years, selling it about 30 years ago along with their lease to Wright & Banbury. In 1919 Wright & Basbury conveyed (lie building and the lease hack to the Cook estate which had purchased the ground in 1833. The lease which Bedgwlck ft Shaw made in 1885 contained a revaluation caiuse which required reappraisal every five years. This clause, ac cording to realtors, made the ISase tiqa*tisfactory to both the lesse-s an(1 lessors because of the diffi culties that would arise at every re appraisal date. _ COME ON IN I and learn all about the merits of e.;.ropractie and how it will benefit YOU. This newest science of ' (spinal adjustment brings about partial or complete relief from most of the ills of humanity. Be just to yourself—look into it here today. DR. BURHORN’S ‘ HEALTH SERVICE 414-426 Securities Bidf. Phone JA ckson S347 When the east portion of the build ing was erected by I^asbury & Shaw, the spare above the ground floor con sisted of residence apartments. These were changed several years ago into offices. r'ljester A and Raymond C. Cook, who are erecting the new office build ing. expert to have the Sixteenth street stores ready for occupancy 1 v November and the remainder of tha storey by about the lirst pf January. Dialect Comedian on Noonday Club Program Bryng Bryngelson. Swedish dialect comedian and humorists, will appear before the Noonday club at It# twelfth annual banquet Thursday. Professor Bryngelson la head of tha department of speech at Hanover col lege, Indiana. John I.. Kennedy will deliver the principal address, "Sailing West.” Miss Esther Johnson, Rev. Aibln N. Osterholm and J. David Darson wllj also speak. g Vocal quartet numbers and com munity Singing underxhe direction# of Prof. Fritz < 'arisen will constitute the musical program. » Reservations totaling 250 have b#en made, and a number of out-of-town ! guests are expected. Jndge Brantlpis Rpfu»es Stay in Bankruptcy Case Washington, April 21.—Justice Brandeis of the United States su preme court tonight refused to stay an order of Federal Judge Mack of New York, which would give to the trustees of E. M. Fuller A Co., de tfinct sto< k brokers, all of the books and accounts of the company. William J. Fallon, counsel for Ful ler, ^announced he would go before the full (session of the supreme court . on Monday and ask for a writ of error on Judge Mack's decision and apply for a stay of execution pend 1 inq hearing of the writ appeal. YOU CAN SAVE 1 $10 to $25 A A DAY WITH $ A SHELDONl CONCRETE MIXER It Saves the Labor rt built In onJy \ of 1 to 3 Men ZgZjTZl ktda. tracks reft* r «:t2kouteccJM You are paying for a Sheldon all the time you do concreting without one. You are paying for it in loss of time, in extra and t unnecessary labor, in money, in hard work and often in poorly mixed concrete that a Sheldon would save you. It is never #too late, however, to stop up those leaks in your concreting work. It is not too late-to stop wasting your time, losing your money and breaking your back mixing conryete by the old, out-of-date, expensive “hand-and-sht»vel” method There’s a Sheldon ready to go to work for you arty time you say the word. It will work as long hours as you want it to, and it never grumbles on the job. ' LININGER IMPLEMENT COMPANY Sixth nd Pacific Streets Phone JA ckson 2009 jS5! ot/Xev/n 5 Anomer Labor Saving Opportunity Kor a limited period we offer these ‘Bnrsrain Terms” on the well-known “Bifilt to Endure” Aii Electric Washer that will faithfulh serve you a lifetime because the entire construc tion is of cast aluminum. ft is equipped with a five-position, swinging, all-metal wringer. It takes up hut 25 inches of floor space and is very light in weight, hence easy to move about. It is economical because it washes in one-half the time required by the average electric washer. It washes thoroughly because the exclusive Oyrafoam feature dashes the soapy water through the clothes, thoroughly cleansing with minimum weaY. These are hut ;i few of the Maytag advan tages. but surely they are inducement enough to investigate this liberal offer. <& ' X • Nebraska M Power €