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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
REAL ESTATE rttenl Estate—Wanted ..102 WE need Houses and lots, all sizes. K. (i. Han pest ad A Sons. JA._3244- ._ H. B. service. J>. P. Swanson. AT. 9232 p. j : • AT. 1. HAST!NOB & HBYPEN, REALTORS, <1 rah am Pet era Casell homes J A. 0558. TO sell "see Voorhees & Bundy,_AT. 3281. rriTSeybold A Son._228 Ctty Nat. AT. 8301. (’has. E. Belman, AT. 5250. Heal Estate. ( Altlj IT. HOPS Co.. AT^J39S2. Realtors .103 CO., Realtors. Keellne Bldg. CLAREMONT HOTEL • 17th and Jackson Weekly rates, $6 to $10. AT 5944. In the heart of the business district, 1 block from car lines leading in all directions. Comfortable- Reasonable YOUR NEW HOME SHOULD BE BILT-RITE SEE US FOR ADVICE, PLANS AND ESTIMATES W. J. Palmer Co. 412 KEELINE BLDG. AT 8980 Wo Completely Finance ,'f you own ft clear lot or can buy cam we will build you » home, according to your plans and furnish ail the money. W® now have a number of homes under construction that we are building for people by,this plan, and will be glad to show them to you. Out prices and terms are very reasonable. We Invite you to call or phono for complete information. Evenings call Air. Herron. KE 0618. Herron Heme Building Company 171* t>o\l(!las St JA. 1040. .1, Arthur Christie. Wi;r. 51/2% MONEY On Omaha Dwelling Loans We, pass on security and take loans ourselves. Money ready when loan approved. Lowest rates on Omaha cen trally located BL'SINESS and WAREHOUSE properties. QUICK ACTION W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam JA 0564 LOANS ON Omsha Real Estate 6% On house* or apartments already built, or to be built to run for ten or fifteen year'. Principal reduction, 3 per cent every six months. Prompt Service. Reasonable Charge. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY Affiliated with United States National Bank JA ckson 2911 BRAND NEW MAENNER-BUiLT BUNGALOW - 5 large rooms, including living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 corner bedrooms with connect ing bath. Full cement base ment, large attic. Oak floors throughout. Liberal allowance for fixtures and decorating Located on large level lot on paved street, with all Bpecial taxes paid. Price, complete, $5,800.00, on easy terms. Sunday call WAlnut 4767.. T. H. MAENNER COMPANY BUILDERS 518 Omaha Loan AT 3362 DUNDEE HOMES $8,500 on Cuming St. 6 rooms, 2 stories, modern, 71 ft. corner lot, reasonable terms. $9,450 on Douglas St. 7 rooms, 2 stories, modern, ex- i ceTlent condition, beamed ceiling, brick fireplace, sleep g porch, etc., corner loj, $3,000 cash. $12,000 on California St. 7 rooms, 2 stories, modern, hot j water beat, 2-car garage, corner : Jot, convenient to school and car line, reasonable terms. $15,000 on 51 »t St. Brand newr brick, 6 rooms and breakfast room, exceptional con struction, built to last a lifetime, best grade rjuarter-sawed oak finish and floor*, must be seen to be ap preciated, reasonable terms. Kejr at office. $16,500 on 51st St. New brick and stucco 7-room Colonial, fireplace, breakfast nook, sun room, lavatory and toilet on first floor, oak and birch finish. 100% arrangement, 2-car garage, convenient to school and car line, good terms. $17,000 on 52d St. Between Fnmnm and Dodge, nt tractive 8-room 2-story, Kellastone stucco home, nearly new, comblna tion room and breakfast room, brick fireplace, n«k and white enamel fin ish. oak floors throughout, 4 dandy | bedrooms including beautiful sleep ing porch, billiard room In basement, 2-car garngc. A fine home priced . right. $31,000 on Lockwood Drive Exceptional construction, brleV 9 room, built by a brick contractor for bis home, 2-car garage, large lot, good terms. .Sunday and evening call K<*. 4269; W«. 6891; Ja. 1426. Burt C. Fowler Co. REALTORS Jackson 1420 1120 City Natl Iiai*k Bldg. Large .house and 5 (* acres, located south; / high and sightly, very well improved ;.lots of fruit; fenced for chick ens and hogs; only twenty minutes ride in auto to Omaha, and just over line escaping city taxes. \Vas built for a fine country home, and would make , an ideal chicken ranch or a small hog ranch. Only requires $2,000 cash to handle, and very good terms on balance. Can be shown anvtime. Call today At. 5911 or At. 2115. American Mtg. & I Finance Co. , Suite 214 Courtney /, NeWHomes-Field Club District We are^building six new homes at 35th and Hick ory (four already sold.) Full basement. Six rooms and bath. • All modern, up-to-date. Very good loca tion. Close to school and carline. Purchasers can now select decorations. Price $8,250^00; $2,500.00 cash, balance terms. NORRIS & NORRIS 104 North 15th Street Tel. ATlantic 7062 FOR SALE 60-acre farm, close in. Ideal for dairy; 25 minutes from postoffice. Beautiful drive morning and even ing. Ey?ht-room house, city electricity, furnace, cis ttrn and well. Fine brick cave. Well-constructed barn for 24 head of stock; chicken house 16x32; hog barn underneath. Small orchard. One-half in culti vation and half pasture. A real bargain at S350 per acre. Will sell part or all. Bankers Mortgage Loan Co. 318 South 18th Street JA ckson 1014 DUNDEE EDGEWOOD We have in Edgewood just south of Leavenworth and on Happy Hollow Blvd. three of the finest lots in the entire addition. . One with 87-ft. front facing on Happy Hollow Blvd., one 64-ft. front on the corner of Happy Hollow and Leavenworth and one 45-ft. front. We bought this entire block at a very low price and will builc^ for you on these lots at a very reasonable figure. Sunday call E. N. Benson, WA Inut 4008; Mr. McDowell, KE nwood 4223. ft ' * Benson & Garrett 414 Arthur Building AT lantic 9640 Lot Sale Now Going On O’Rourke Place South Omaha Close to Packing Plants and Jetter Beverage Co. Two blocks south of “Y” street, between 31st and 33d streets. | No Lot Higher Than $295.00 Very Easy Terms No Interest for One Year Salesmen on the Ground How To Get There Take West “Q” car to 30th street, follow arrows south to the addition. GEORGE <& COMPANY REALTORS AT-lantic 3024 902 City Nat’l Bank Blcfg. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Holy Angel* Parish All nice large rooms, 4 clothes closets, oak floors and finish, south front, close to car line, church and school: the best of material and workmanship. This must be seen to he appreciated; will take a good vacant lot and tome cash as first payment. Call owner WA Inut 1232. J. C. SCHMITZ * \ Two Sightly Lots at 47th and California, just east of Dundee and partake of Dundee quality without the price. $2,500 for 2 new, pavement paid, t Act quickly if interested. Harrison & Morton 91S Omaha Nat’l Ja. 0^14 HAPPY HOLLOW CIRCLE A very fine brick home with tile roof. We <lo not. know of a better constructed or better located house in the entire city. The spacious and beautifully landscaped grounds with terraces and white steps U> the house attract the most critical eye. "Through a tiled vestibule you enter a center hall; on the right is a large living room w<ith fireplace; a flag tiled sunroom and con servatory; to the left a dining room, breakfast room, kitchen and icebox room; toilet and lavatory on first floor. Second floor has four large bedrooms, heated sleeping porch and tiled bath wyth both tub and shower. Third floor ready for ■ servant quarters and bath. Vapor vacuum fccat. For further information and ap pointment call Mr. Craig, AT 3210. SHULER & CARY REALTORS 328 Keelin* Bldg. SPECIAL HOME VALUES 34th and Franklin— Splendid 7-room modem home; beautiful comer lot; paved street; 1 block to car and school. Price $4,850, terms. 49th and Spencer Sts. —Good 6-room home; electricity, furnace, well, sewer in street; garage and chicken house; extra large lot. Snap at $3,100. 30th and Decatur Sts. —Dandy 5-room, modern 'except heat; oak floor in dining room; paved and paid. Price $2,800, easy terms. Special; 39th and Gold Sts.—Exceptional 5-room modern home; chicken house, garage; loL of fruit and shade; property in splendid condition. All for $5,250. Terms. We have beautiful homes in all parts of the city that can be handled with $400 to $1,000 cash. CHAS. W. YOUNG & SON 1602 City Nat’l Bank At. 9668 Ha. 5051 Mr. Lynn, Wa. 6658 SOUTH OMAHA BRANCH OFFICE. 24TH AND N STS MA. 368* An^us, Shorthorn Steers Brin^ Top Price at Market i Shipment of 26 Nets North Bend Raiser $0.40 Per Hundred — Hogs Bring $7.75. A shipment of 26 Angus and Short j horn high-class steers, averaging 1,488 pounds, was brought to the In cal market by Joseph Emanuel of North Bend and was of suffieent quality to sell /or 19.40 a hundred, extreme top price of the day. Mr. Emanuel said the cattle were bought In western Nebraska last fall for feeding purposes and were put on feed In October on snapped corn and clover hay and finished in shelled corn, making an average gain of 400 pounds. "In my neighlwnhood there are still a lot of cattle and hogs on feed.” said Mr. Emanuel, "anil whije some of them are ready for market, a large number of light steers will be held over during the summer. In the last few days a large acreage has been plowed for corn and the normal acre age nf oats has been put In. Steers Sell at *9.25. Frank Winter came In from Nor folk with a shipment of heavy Here ford steers that have been on feed ! for the. past six months. They sold i for $9.25 a. hundred. Mr. Winter said feeders wpre pav , ing around TO cents a hundred for j corn and able to get all they went at ! that price. / A load of fine hogs was brought to the local market by Ous Kin spahr from Kenesaw and they were good enough to sell for $7.75 a hundred. Their average weight was 200 pounds and there were 79 head In the shipment. Mr. Einspahr said he Intended to put in a few stoekers and feeders and spent the afternoon looking over ,the market with the lntentton of shipping out a load to his ranch. Feed Is Abundant. Among the visitors at the stock yards yesterday was Felix Kern of (Vrdon, Neb., who has several ranches in Wyoming and Nebraska and who Owner Moving to Council Bluffs i Clifton Hill School Diatriet. Five-room bungalow—one floor. OaV finish and floor*, built-in features, full basement, garage. Paving paid Handy to car and ' school Priced for quick sale. Call WA 2 402. Mr. Sprecher or Seavey Hudson Co. AT 9069 228-9 City Nat'l Here Is Your Chance DIVORCE in THIS family necessitate* Im mediate sale of one of the molt beautiful and complete homes in Hitler Park district. Five fine la nr** nomi on first floor with finished and plastered room above; dandy basement. Fire place, buiit-in bath tub. built-in kitchen, beet oak finish and floor*, beautiful yard, two lota, fine larye yaraye to match house. Worth l«.©00 but *6.90© buys It on terms of 11.000 cash, bal ance less than rent. If you waist it brinir your check book and come to SI62 Curtis Ave Sun day between 8 and 4 P M. or phone and we will call for you. D. E. Buck & Co. REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat l Ja. 3543 Sunday: Paul Box, At.0655; Loxgren, Ja. 0304; Gilbert, Wa. 6656; Buck, Ke. 2834. LOANS ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE 51/2% On residence or downtown business property for five years. Reduction on principal, 21,2 V' every six months. Prompt service. Reasonable charge. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY Affiliated With • ' UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK * JA ekion 2911 West Dodge Acres New West Side Acreage Addition Being De veloped for Folks that haven’t got much money, but want to own their Homes. Will Be Easy to Buy. Will Be Easy to Pay For. There’s no richer soil in America than that in West Dodge Acres. It will help the buyer pay for it. This Addition will get better all the time because it’s on the west side of Omaha. Prices Will Be Low. Terms Very Easy. Everybody Will Want It Hastings & Heyden ' Rrftltora ISIS Hainry At. 00 RO was at the market looking over the j livestock situation. “This spring wtl find me with a j 100 per cent ralf crop on my ranches ■ in- Wyoming," said Mr. Nern, “and on j my Nebraska ranch the calf will be equally as good. Cows were made , strong and healthy owing to the mild winter. There is an abundance of fed, although grass is slow and it has been pretty dry.” Henry C. Waseerman of Mlneola, la., sent a shipment of mixed Angus . and Shorthorn steers to the • local market that averaged 1,168 pounds, for which he received $9.25 a, hundred. lie said they had been on feed for the past six months and had been I finished on a ration of corn and alfalfa. He also Baid cattle were getting rather scarce around Mineola. Mizpali Club Giveg Play. “Dodging an Heiress,” a clever I three-act comedy, will ire presented by the Mizpah club of St. Mary parish ] at the Creighton auditorium Tuesday ; j evening. More than SO young men and women of the church have been , ! rehearsing for some ttme for the pro duction. -- South Omaha Brevities. I A boy arrived last week at the home , of Mr. and Mr*. Albert Kelly, Forty-ninth : and 8 street*.. After an absence of two week" at Falls i <’lty. Mrs. Florence Htrawn, Homestead. ; returned horn# yesterday. Charles Lind berg 'lRud daughter. Alice, of 1’olk. visited bouth ‘ iniaha friend* a couple of days last F*-ek. Paul J Murphy, 3601 South Twenty fourth street. Is enjoying a ^islt from J his parents of Spooner. Wis J. <’ Rosae. 3024 Q street, who has been 111 for the past two week*' Is re ported as having recovered. G. M. Hallbrook of the Armour Refin ing company. Chicago, was a visitor at the local Armour plant !a*t week Forest J. Meany hasgromplef <-d a dential ; course at Creighton university and Is i located with Dr. B A. McDermott. Bishop Homer C .Stunts, resident bishop , of Omaha «r**a, will occupy the pulpit this j morning at 11 at Grace M E. church. Mrs s Hibbard and daughter, Phinney. left yesterday for Houldsr. Colo . where they wlU spend file sum mer. Andrew Gerhart z. formerly of South Omaha, came in from Coliunbu* >^«ter lay and visited a number Vf his old friends. A number of friends wer# entertained at csrd* Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Glen Wilson at her home. Fifty-first and S streets. Word was received yesterday by Mrs. Jesse Withrow. 4136 South- Twenty-fourth street, of the death of her father at Oklahoma City. Miss Elizabeth JLreiscler *of St. Paul, Neb., V b.iled last week at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Edward Ortman. Fifty second and 8 streets. Rev A. K Walboru will deliver a ser mon this morning at 8t Luke Lutheran church on the subject. The Eternal question of Profit and Loss.” Mrs E J. Mattlaon of Albion made her first visit last week to her parents, 1 Mr.#and Mrs. J J* Kraus, 2515 K street, | since her marriage two months ago Mr, J C Wrath and Mia. D. D. Cat I Ifn will officiate as hosteases to the 1-adies Aid society of W heater Memorial ! church at the church Wednesday after noon The new Masonic home for boys, valued at 1100,000, donated by Q. W M'Geath, located at. 3317 South Thirty-second street, i» now occupied by 10 orphan boya Members of St. Biidgct court, Catholic Order of Foresters, will give a card party Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at 8L Bridget school house, Twent>-sixth and F streets Several prises have been donated. TORNADO INSURANCE. ile your property protected against loss by tornado or windstorm? If not, do not wsit until It is too late. Call J F Mur uhy at MA. 0071 and ft d protection now. The South Omaha W. C. T F wilt meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 with Mrs. William Berry. JI2u South Twenty-sixth str«<f. Mrs Ellis Wright of the Juvenile court will have charg^ of the meeting Mrs R N Towl and* Mrs. Bruce Mc Culloch wer# ho*te*-4« Wednesday after noon at the home of Mr* Towle. 14*4 j Avenue N, to the members of Chapter M of the P E. O A 1 o clock luncheon was served. * Mrs 8 R fin od grass 251* C street, will entertain the missionary society of the United Presbyterian church at her home Thursday afternoon, Mrs J I Gra ham will give a book review, “Building With .India." St. Rita Catholic Order ©f Foresters •'ourt No. t*r, 0f st Franri, pa'.«.h, will give its first grand ball at the hall, ; Thirty-second and K streets, t Heve ning st 7 One of the features a,II be a prise waits. "What Message Has Jesus for the Men Who Is !.»*• ouraged and R»ady to Quit,** i* the topi© for th# sermon to b delivered this *t 11 by Rev J. L Brumbaugh. This even ng st 7 3 he will preach on the aubje< *. *‘A Prisoner Who Became Prime Minister.” A number of friends including M.-sdamee Mike Culkin. W N Jamieson. Roy I'cnn a, H T. Ailingham. John Jamieson. George Francis and Burt Blanchard were er, tertalned at a card party W * ln-s lay af’ernoon by Mr*. George Mi Donald. S«0 4 South Twenty fourth street. A luncheon was served. George P Dumall and Mias Alfreds K Moeller. 1041 South Twenty ninth street we;« married Thursday evening at the home of i he bridegroom. 371* South Twenty sixth etre**|. where they wilt make their home Th- ceremony was performed by Rev C O. Wilson, pastor of Grace 34. L church Mr and Mrs. George Earley w»re honor guest, at a joint birthday part) tend ier.*d them \V« ineeday evening at the home of Mf and Mrs Me, am. 2602 South : Twenty -th‘r«| street Mr. and Mrs. Varley w. rn jit nt» 'i with a h«n !*cni* lun- h ( g*k#t whit ft th. y will take with them on ’their suto trip to Idaho th!* summer At a meeting last night of the Adah [chapter. O R 8, the following officers were elected for the ensuing >ear ' Worthy Matron. Atom H K^hanskv worthy patron, Claude H Whitcomb; as ■eclats matron. Etta l^etgh; ennductre** ’Resale Paxton; as o< mte conductress, Kate . lied gen. ae* retary, Margarita Patton and treasurer, Charleott, Wilkereon st’RPKtsnn , I f!i<rprl««r yrr. * g<*><1 on, th, kind . i Ih»: make, you ■!•>) you Ih.’in Good towel crash. 4 Sc per yard Heavy towel crash. 0c per yard Genuine Stevana linen cr*»iv, 2i>c per ' yard Beautiful b»i'h fabric, 5Pc per yard 12-Inch fin* gingham, 10e per yard. 36 Inch percale, ife per yard Rensrene turkey red tablecloth. 75c per yard God thread silk fcose, colored. St* pair. Unmatched \nluea In ladle* gllk hose at 91. II 25. |! 50. I! 79 91 05. 9: \V 93 and 93 08. Try one Allen A Black Eat silk lisle hose and be convince d »f th»lr s ip. • ; m qualify, ladles' and -■ her* ' v Children** silk Hale, *Sc Men s nocks guaranteed *. jtair* 6 months. 91 9'* In I A new number of the toughest work pants we ever f<>un«1. 9? 75. Bargain* in bova' suite and single pants, first-class rtuff made by firet ion house at low ♦ nd i»rli e* fic cash, 6c paid for unblemished broom handles 81.OP AND SAVE \T JOHN FLYNN * Ev». 2 4TH AND N. South High Motes Vallum flub held a sandwich sals ' Thursday. Proceeds will bv uo <1 to help pay for tha picturs of tha dub. xxhi h will be Inserted In the T-outer annual. Ths senior lie will give a party Thurs day, April 3*. al KlunU’W park Kai h i member of the class will be •, rlvnegrt i» invite one guest. (lames mil a muss* menu will be on the psogram South High 1133 champions drooped the first same of the Interc ity High »< bool baseball race to Te. hnteal hx a in to ! i score, st Thirty-Second and l>ewey axe ' nue It took Tech four Innings to solve tbs delivery of hiila'x'U He *a* then replaced by Willlard l rben. whom Tech j also batted ofr the mound Thompsen finished the gHtne for 8mith Houston's • pitching for Tech xx ms the outstanding [ feature of the game. Captains for the track teams were ) sleeted Monday afternoon in ca« h of the , four classes. Captains will lead the teams j in the annus! Houth high trs 4 igsr' to, bs held at AthtstlQ park April gT at S 3b , Members of the Kiprraston Hub held] | a meeting Monday. They d»*vu.«»»d the I | constitution and made plans |u pay for ^ the rttib picture, which !• to ho put ( in the Tooter annual Members of the student council rnet Tuesday. The object of the meeting was, to hoar the report of the pin commit, f tee, which tv;»s appointed at the last meet ing. The committee had selected pins for the council, and they have been ap proved by the members The annual passing show, given by the students In- the Auditorium April It and 20. was a most entertaining event. There was a variety of entertainment. Includ ing dramatics, music and Impersonation fiver 160 persons took part. "Music Hath f'harrns.' 'under the direction of Miss Hhipherd and Miss Walker, included a cast of over 20, who hiad* the play a huge success. Another feature, "Any thing Hut the Truth.*’ dir• d by .N%r Johnson, was fully as good. A fancy •rnnrch given by the physical training girls played an Important part In the evening's entertainment, and a movie comedy contributed mu* h toward making the show a success The proceeds of the show will be used to pay expenses of . school activities. -1-: Ralston Notes H. K Ledwlch has purchased the Tarty Lumber company of which he has been manager for .several > ears, having come here from Ashton, 8. D., where he was in the lumber business. A poverty party was held jA*sterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Georg* Hoffman and Mr. Hoffman came to Rals ton with a targe hay reek to carry local guoats to the party, whi'-h was a great success. 1 The Ralston ball club, under the man agement of Louis 8m|fh. will play the first game of the season here this after noon with the Underwood Typewriter club us its opponent. i There has been considerable movement In r«-al estate here recently. Th«* borne i of Grant McNeill, occupied by Mr. and Mrs Everett Alexander, bus been sold to J. H < 'dpenbavtr; John Hekins of Omaha has bought the property of Arthur Till man and the bom** occupied by Kostin aster i George Harding has been sold to Howard Bernard of Millard. In th** spelling contest of 100 words held at the- school last week in the fourth giade th** following pupils made 10O p*-r; cent and were declared winners: Harriet Huff, < Mile Howe. Marian Borkenhagen. Lillie Black. Virginia Solomon. f51s*e Tay lor and Myrtle Workman In the 60-word contest of the third grade Vivian Ander sen, Hejfn Fisher, Edward Smith, Paul llasslnger and Howard Dow son were win ners V D. McCormick and E N Strata! spent soversP days last week visiting at Union. I »r ^nd Mrs. J. F. Draper her were pleasantly surprised Monday evening by the arrival of 3a friends fr*»m Omaha and a party was given at which a luncheon was served after who h cards were played Ladies' Aid society met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. M. Bassinger and next Wednesday afternoon It will meet at the home of Mrs Everett Alexander, which will be a fcenslngtou meeting to be devoted to the making of aprons and dust caps. Miss Echo Chapin has been appointed teacher at th« school of No. 3 district, south of Papillion. Mrs K. Knapp ‘>f Cheyenne. Wyo , «r. rived last week and will sp*>nd the sum mer with her daughter, 3*1 rs. W. A. Chapin. Mrs. R N Hnter l*-ft yesterday for Kansas City to visit relative* Real Estate Sales South Omaha. HentF Jensen to f* H Schrotialor. 2595 South Twentieth street, 15.399 Jos. Shane to M. L bugarman. 4721 South Twenty-fourth street. $12.00* John M real to .1 W Murphy. 4*26-39 South Twenty-third street. $4,100. North Side. F B Honza to H J. Fond. 25*4 Ohio at/eet, $4 100. bine birconsen to Poren Simonseo. 1821 North Twenty.first street. $5,000 Helen B Nellen to Georgia R. Ratekln. 1731 Pratt atreat, $5,100. Edward Quinn to Mariana 1562 North E rhteenth street $5,600. Leroy Springer to Dora English, 1101 English street. $4.600 R L Chumbley to O C. Friedrich. 4712 north Fortieth street. $4 *69. , P C Morgan* to Lena Johnson, north west corner Twenty-sixth and Meredith avenue. $5,596. tv J Bfdn-a to R F Adklna, 4124 North Seventeenth street. $4 €00 J. A. Falconer to Elizabeth Kuhlman, 241 c Pinkney street. $6,800. W K Hanna to C. A Salter. 6320 North Thirtieth street, $5.SCO. I B Pixiey to Pauline Votruba. 1121 Bifcler street. $5,900. Margaret C. Reagan to Fred Arrrbruft, 3515-19 North T wenty-fourth atreft, $7,460 J> It Gruen g to Fred Armhruat. Twen ty fifth and B.nney streets, $4,860 Norths* e»|. R E Ghumbfey to O C Pr'edrich. 4712 North Fortieth street, $4.*06 Emma Gaffney to T. J. Tobin. 2916 North Fo-tv-a* ventb avenue, $5.M0. F P Walker to O V. Shibly. 2S«f Burdette street*. $5,900. r. J Altman to V H Wortman. 2*21 North Forty-fifth street. $€.90# Jan. Kazakhs to W O TurnqulSt, Si€if •North Fifty-fourth street. $4,596. J. T Myers to Rangoal Olson, 2454 North F'-rty-fifth avenue. |7.400 Bankers Mtg L company to J. W. Gard, 4C04 Amea avenue. $5,700. F H. Wortman to J A Anderson, 4312 Ersklna street, $4,060 Lou a Shaw to Overland Mtg. A Fin. Al Scott Buys Record Order for Tarpaulins Thirty five car load* of army tar paulins, worth $300,000, were pur chased Inst week in New York by Al Scott of the Scott Tent & Awning company of Omaha. This order, prob ably one of the largest ever recorded for tarpaulins, was placed aa a result of negotiations that have been going on for several weeks. Scott went to New York last week to close the deal. The entire lot will be marketer! over the United States, Scott has an nounced, and plans for distribution have already been made. The price paid was less than what the raw ma terial would cost and Scott has ant noujiced through Ms Omaha office that the tarpaulins will be sc,id In large or small quantities and shipped to any part of the world. A. D. Faulkner, salesmsnager of the Scott company, will he in direct charge of the merchandizing. company, 441* North Thirty-first avenue, $5,500. IIan»<<>m Park. P e'er Jacobsen to B J. Demo rant, 2213 » South Thirty.fifth street, $€,500. E. T. Johnson to K. A. Johnson Parle avenue and Leavenworth street, _f40,000 Annte Darrauffh to E. c;. Birnoneen, llll South Thyrtle*h avenue, $4.50*. Herman Vierregger to R. W. Hooker, 3417 Prances street, $*,76*. E K Schaupp to Sadie L Petty, 1633 Park avenue, $7.5*6. E A Haim exist to Mary Wr.Tniewica, 1116 South Thirtieth avenue. $5,2**. A L. Huff to K. A. Hose, 8 25 Park avenue, $5,600. Minne I.usa. •Effle 8 Cassidy to C W. C^rnahy, Vane street between Twenty-fifth and Minne Luta boulevard, C W Martin to F J. Boukal, Ida be tween Twenty-fifth and Minne Lusa Blvd , $5,600. llrst lanwm. J M Camden to c r Terbune. $814 Leavenworth street. $€.50* Margaret Benianto to Wm. Schall, 423? Douglas street, $€.000. Beverly Hills Co., to Hard K. Alexau derson. 4217 Harney street, $€.10*. Dundee. Cora B B^tirp to J A. Slater. F fty eighth between Howard and Happy Hol low boulevard. $9,900. r w. Carnaby to Myrtle L. Taylor. !'2 North Forty-ninlth street, $4 *k7. E T Johnson to H- O. Wilhelm, 6*1$ Izard street. $‘.700 W. F. Thlehoff tn Mildred R. Myera, south*-H."t corner Fifty-first ar.d Coming streets, $9,5*". Emil Hoimatrom to J. W. Lewie, Jack son between Fifty-first and F’fty-jc-cond streets, $14,600. Central. Abraham BtarreLs to Perry and com pany, 1211 Howard strict, $I?.<'0. Wm. OL Fr»s*-r to P. K lVaifh, 139 North Thirty-fifth street. $€ 0*0. Field Club. Wm C. Norris u» Hildtra Carlson I$21 Hickory street, $7,1*0. IfM !.#•»% enworth. c C. McCracken to L. 8 McWIUtam* Mason between Fifty-aeventh and Fifty* eighth street. $7,000. H L. Scott to Chas Stern, s«uthw*s\ corner Forty-second and Marcy, $€.$0*. South. C A Be r rat to Otto Buehler, *55$ Poppleton avenue. 16,350. Hanson D R Oruenig to Fr*-d Armbruat, 1066 North Sixtieth street. $5,000. Southwest. Albla MrD Boukal to Jennie M. Shaff-r, F.fty-second and Center sfreets. If*.376. ADVERTISEMENT. FOR COLDS Humphreys’ “Seventy-seven" is : for Colds, Grip, Influenza, Fair.s and Soreness in Head and Chest Cough and Sore Throat. Medical Advice A patron write*: "The price of Medirat Advice ha* ri*en *o that many are driven to resort to other source*. 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