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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
REAL ESTATE Riminpss Propprtj- . 89 j HOmeand Investment On Turner Blvd . between F&rnam and ! Podge, 7-room honie, strictly modern. J hot water heat and brick duplex with i rooms each. Up-to-the-mlnuto In avory j way. This property will Increase In value , and pnv a big return on Investment. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Realtors. n;o Farnnrn St _ J A. 0n4 : WA. ?%:*. ~~ LEAVENWORTH STREET CORNER? Three bri«-k stores and other buildings on corner lot 72x100—showing 15 per cent gross on $55,000 where values ara sure to rise. Ask for Mr. Bushman. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Realtors. 1320 Farnnm._JA. 0S64; HA. 2297. Farms ami Ranches. 90 CAN ADI AN PACT Fl • RAIL'' i Y LANDS. Your big opportunity. In central Alberts and Saskatchewan are rich open prairies ready for the plow and park lands Inter spersed with trees, affording shelter for •tuck. Grain growing, dairying, and live stock raising are carried on successfully. The Canadian Pacific la offering these fer tile lands In Lloydminstfr and Battleford districts where now aro homes of thou sands of prosperous fanners. Here Is grown the world’s prize wheat and oats. Farmers soon become Independent on thes© lands. Average price, $18 per acre. Terms under settlement conditions requiring oc cupation and reasonable Improvements, 10 per cent down, next principal payment •nd of 4th year, interest first 2 years 2 per cent per annum, balance at 6 per cent and 16 equal annual payments.* M. !•’ Thornton, Supt. of Colonization. Can adian Pacific railway, 920 1st Street, E. Calgary, Alberta.__ < PUGET SOUND, WASHINGTON FREE MOVING PICTURES AND SLIDES Three o'clock Sunday afternoon, April 22d, 211 Crounse block, op posite postoffice; illustrating fruit farming, dairying and poultry raising; lestur© by I>r. Wm. C. Hicks of Seattle, announcing real opportuities <>pen for m**n of small capital In this delightful climate, good surroundings and splendid market. Fr**e Information and literature. Call or write for In formation, Wm. Blonder. Agri cultural Development Ageht, Dept. A, Great Northern Railway, Omaha, Neb. Office open eve nings. . "Land Opportunity” Write for our special inducements to settlers on our Choice Central Wisconsin lands. Best of clay loam sail, roads, water, schools, neighbors and markets. We have a real proposition for people of small means who want to own a good farm home. No speculators or agents wanted. Write today for our Special prices and terms to actual settlers JOHN S. OWEN LUMBER COMPANY. Qwen, Clark County, Wisconsin KANSAS—For sale, 320 acres best stock farm in Johnson Co., Kansas, 30 miles •outh of Kansas City; four miles from good town of 600 population. Well Im proved, plenty of water. All tillable. About half In blue grass. Price $100 per acre; will carry $20,000 hack on farm. Address Box 27. Spring Hill, Kan. PRODUCTIVE Missouri land close to good town. 20 scree for $90. $5 cash, $5 monthly. 16 fruit trees, 20 grapes. 700 strawberries. Fine for /rult. vegetables, poultry, hogs, etc. Healthful, pure water. Fine hunting end fishing. Per fect title. Munger, 909 F Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo. IOWA—For sale. 160 adjoining progres sive Iowa town of 700, together with all stock and equipment. Improvement* all new” and etrlctiy modern. $36,000.00, $12, 000.00 cash, balance 6 per rent. Farm alone good buy at price. Write, Box 12, Blockton, la. $12,000 BUYS IT. Sonthern Saskatchewan, 960 A., l-rra. house, good barns and granaries, S m. 1 from main R. R. town. Fenced and cross fenced. Plenty post timber. Running wa ter; 8-ft. vein of coal. Write or see Pope Brothers. Walnut, la., owners_ 40 ACRES, Pine county, Minn., 3 Vi mi. town. Comfortable house, barn, chicken house; all fenced; 4 eowe, team. 14 chick ens. some farm Implements. Price $2,000. $800 down. Ask for our free list of rea sonable priced farms. Thorpe Bros., 8-206 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. COLORADO—1,200-acr* stock ’■inS grain farm in Weld county, Colo. Soil, location, modern conveniences, all good. Price $25 per acre, only small encumbrance. Wants eastern Neb of western Iowa. CORKIN’. 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Omaha._ COLORADO—For sale, 160 acres of fire I land with good water* rights In the San t Luis Valley, Colorado. Adapted for dairy- j lng and hog raising. A bargain and easy j fprmi. James Hall, 2200 Elm St.. Denver. Colo. __ i LOOK, MEN 1 F(Tr SALE 800-acre farm and ranch, combined, t? at id sure a bargain, |15,00 an acre; Vi ca.ra, balance easy terms. If Interested write Owner. Pox 13J, Mullen, Neb._ FARM FOR BALK—Twin Spring ranch, 160 acre*. 60 in cultivation, 72 fruit trees, ;• acres plums and berries. Clear title, $5,000. Part down, bal. to suit. William Heffron, Seneca, Kaa._! FLORIDA—19 sore F- lltlW Farms i car Jacksonville. $20 down, small month ly payments. Three crops yearly. Booklet free Jax Heights Co., Jacksonville, Fla. FOR SALE—Choice Income-paying dairy farms hear Chicago; only small capital required. Write fully. Henry C. Bart ling, 1614 I.unt Ave., Chicago, 111._ FINE farm ranch must be sold at once. Small payments down. Will trade 1.000 j s res. 3‘>0 Irrigated, for Omaha property, j 3H20 South 23d. WILL build to your order on our b*autl- j ful lots in Edgewpod; very easy terms. ' Phone Atlantic 3.'»4Q. __ _ __ $500—Lot 40x115 on Wirt St., near 4$rd; paved street; near car line. C. A. Orlm inel. JA. 1615.__ _ _I 1 f,V A SULLY county, trade for Omaha «• rop._E. H. Bcnner Co., Omaha. i Lot* for Sale . 9! One of the Cheapest Lots In Dundee Districts One of tbs prettiest northwest corner* of Northern Dundee, which will permit of south and east front for building pur poses Close to Happy Hollow Boulevard and th* new site of Brownell Hall; 4 Vi block* to Dun dee school, on car line; all Im provements tn street and paid for This property carries building re strictions and la surrounded by beautiful home*. Site of lot 94x128. Price $4 *60 If you do not deslrs to h jiid at ortce, you ran eafry this /n easy terms un til built on. Call Mr. Goodrich. WA. 0089 or JA. 8074. $5P25® I large room# and bath, strictly modern on paved street, near Miller perk. Al most completed. Pick your own fixture#. shades, etc . ir purchased now. Can arrange very easy terms. Very reasonable ti Four large birch tree# on lot. Call HA. t:n*. Grove Hibbard Ca.P AT. 4156. Sunderland Bldg Business Building Lot W« have *0 feet on 24th .wt., Hose to Cuming Brice. $3,000. Term* ! GALLAGHER & NELSON 620 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 3332. j PKVEN Ames Ave! lots, one block west New North High school. JA_gjjl- ___ j Krai Ertate—Benaon .92 o'oocTooboooooooooooooooo o g Benson Property 2 O Our office Is In Benson and we O O make a specialty of Benson ^rop- O O erty We have anything you want. O O In homes priced from $2,200 to O O $13,000. Hava some good acreage O, O property. Also good vacant build- C' O log lots. Have farm land near O O Omaha. O O FRED A. RAHJ O O *011 Military Ave. WA. 4304 G o oooooooooooooooooooooov ’o ooooooooooooooooooooooo % Benson Home ® O Here 1* a good modern suburban O O htmie of 3 rooms and sun narlor O O with large beautiful ground* lo- O O c*ted on paved street fining Coun O O try Hub. ('an buy a* much ground O O a* you wlah with this home, i'iin o O gtvs possession n t enrm Owner O O ha* no use for It and te priced o O to sell. O O FRED A BA IT.FT O O *01* Military Ave WA 4M4 Oi O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O REAL ESTATE Real Estate—Benson . 92 5000000000000000000000000 o Buy From Owner ® O $5,000; $750 CASH: EASY O O MONTHLY PAYMENTS O O 5-room modern stucco bungalow. O O oak floors throughout. All built In o O features. French doors; full cement. O O basement; large lot; paved street; 4 O O blocks from car line. Call WA. O O 2950. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'1 Tesar Tea nr specialize In Benton homes Real Estate—Central .S3 Close-Iti. Erne 28th and Budge Combining home. Investment and i speculative features. This prop- \ ert y is a wonderful buy at the present price. The house has re- j reptinn hall, living room, dining room nn*l kitchen on first floor; thret bedrooms and bath <»n sec ond. one room finished In attic. It is completely modern and the paving is paid In full. You have seen Dodge street property from l?th and 25th double and triple in value In a very few years ihie should do the same Price $8,000, $2,000 cash, balance monthly. • 11. 181$ Fa i nim st. ' Qcse-in Houses" 211 No. L'Kth Ave. 7 room, all modern houf*\ Owner will make easy payments. 1 This Is a fine close-in place to buy for a home. 21st and California Ft. 6-rootn all modern, good large south front lot. Jui4 being painted and papered. On car line. Well worth the price asked. Sunday, call WE. 5789. Creigh Sues & Company nos Hep HMp.__I A. 0200. Real Estate—Council Itluffs .91 MUST sell at once to quick buyer. II lots, 2 corner lots. In Mayne's Addition, Council muffs, la , *211) each, with 5 per c. nt off If all are taken at once. Address Mrs. Horne. P. O. T)o« 57, Kates Park, Colei, Real Estate—Dundee .. • 95 Hew Btrndee Colonial This beautiful home Just com pleted Wonderful construction and nicely finished. Has vesti bule, center hall, large living room with fireplace with side door to living porch; dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, built-in cabinets la kitchen, three bed. rooms and tile bath with shower upstairs; enamel finish with quar ter-sawed w’hlte oak floors throughout. Full cement base ment, guaranteed furnace, floor drain, laundry connections, etc. Large corner lot, south front. Price at $13,000; $2,500 cash, bal ance monthly. The Byron Reed Company, Jackson 2911. 1612 Farnam St. ' Dundee Apartments Eight apaKnients of 6 rooms each; most beautifully located, with abundant space snd shade, paying a handsome Income on Investment. Dundee Home Seven rooms, large living room with fire place. built-in features in dining room and kitchen; on large lot. Priced to sell. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Realtors. 1220 Farnam 8t. JA. 0564. WA. 2S76. 8 Rooms for Owner ha* left city and taking a loss at this prlca to sell quickly. Living room, dining room, kitchen, sunroom and den on first floor; three bedrooms, steeping porch and bath, second floor. Good heat ing plant; oak finish and oak floor*. Own sr's loaa; your gain. Glover & Spain, Realtors, JA. 2*50. 91H-20 City National Bank FOR BALI : I ■ . e li long living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 3 nice bedroom* and bath on second floor. Floored attic, full cement basement, double garage, in fact everything one could ask in modern home of this sire. Thi» home has to ho seen to be appreciated. Will sen either furnished or house separate. See house and owner at 805 S. 50th A vs. Heal Estate—Flnrenra 96 SMALL cottar price 11,000 ( ■ h H 35.100 acres near FIX)RENCE. Price 13.800. each 1500. Xethaway, Sole agent. Ke 140Q.___ NETHAWAY, "home agent" ipeHaliet In 6 1 Kfal Estate—Mitceiianeoun 97 Bflt-Rlte Construction Advice, plans and eat i makes gladly fur nlshetl We build home*, spartments or store buildings You will save money by calling us. AT. K9*n W. J. Palmer Cd„ 4 12 Keeline_ Building._ KELLASfONE BUNGALOW 5 rooms, oak floors, oak and »-riHmel fin ish. tile bath, built-in tub, built-in book case*. complete basemen*, well built, ready to occupy Buy of owner direct. For price and terms, call WA, 2808. _______ INVESTMENT BARG A INS Two brick star** North 24 th S’ near Clark. Rental $192^ Prh a 115.501. One brick and one stucco; four apart, mantn each; 4-rar brick garage Rental 82.800. Price. 820.000. JA. 0152.__ HOMES for Workingmen Four partly modern, full lot, easy term* H 300. Have other* Ptewart Ralston 10-W 8 ROOMS In Hansconi park neighborhood Priced to sell. JA. 5504. Gibbons Hied. HA. 4800.____ ftral Eatati^—North . 9H ooooooooooooooooooooooooo f North Side g o • o O o O On N. 16th fit , close to cm line, O O school end new high school, we O O have a splendid bungalow of O O rooms. Oak finish, and floors, O O nice east front lot. Owner anx- O O lous to sell and you ran have |m- O O mediate possession Asking $5,000, O O with only $1,000 cash Might con- O O elder a llttls less caah to reapona- O O tble party. O O O O On Bristol fit., west of 24th, a O O nice h»*me of 7 rooms. Idvlng Q O room, dining room, kitchen and 0 O 2 bedrooms with bath on first O O floor; full basement: hot water O O beat; screened-In porch and atorm O O sash; garage; south front lot; nice O O trees; paving paid, newly painted, O O In tip-top shape throughout Own- O O er aaya sell this week and you O O can buy thla for $.'.260. $!,(»'"» O cash. Certainly a bargain. rOi O o O In Mlnne I.usa, on Mlnne I.usa O I O Ave., an excellent K* llnstone bun. O O galow of 6 rooms and breakfast « O nook. Has all the latest built-in O O features; beautifully finish**.1 and O O decorated; up to-date In every re- o , O spent A big corner lot. 62*140; O O gsrage end drive. If looking for O O something good and snappy be O O «ur** and see this $2,000 (fish to O O handle. O o' o O Sunday* call Mr. Holstngton, K*ii- O O wood 14 72; Mr I.ungf* liner, Ken O O wood 2*32, or Mr. Brader, K*n* O O wood 6 370. O g Oias. W. Martin & Co., g g Realtors, g o o O 727 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg o O O O Atlantic 0I$7. O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o O 0 O 0 o A 11ICAL HARO ATX O O o o * ROOM*. 1 LOT*. O O O Oy $1,600 fc.00 DOWN O O O O MKWKit VVATI.R ~OA* 0 O # O O 1724 N I4TH AVlv O O O O ('nil nwn»r. anil Mundi* O O only, I A. 6041. O O O O O O O O O O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo REAL ESTATE Real Kstate—North .98 2234 Maple Street A six room all modern house, half block east of 24th street. There are three rooms down and three bedrooms and bufh up. Whilst the finish is pine, it Is in / very good condition. New wall paper; full cement basement and brick foundation. This property must be sold and It is priced ac cordingly, $4,850, with $1,000 down. To see today. <*ali Max Ager, HA. 0130. Shuler & Cary, Realtors,* JA. 5074. 328 Keellno Bldg. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo % Florence Bungalow CQ a o i O 6-room bungalow. located near O i O Florence, practically new, garag; O O oak finish, built-in buok< u; • anil O O other late features Will sell for O O $760.00 down to the right party, O O balance on easy terms Call to- O O day. AT. 5911, or AT. 2115. O ° American Mtg„ & Fin, Co, £ O Suite 214 Court hey Bldg- O O o[ OOOOOC¥ OOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! O o o 2956 BROWN STREET O 1 O 6 ROOMS. MOUKiW O O ONLY $4,350. O O 0 i O This is the one good buy in O O Omaha. Large lot, full basement, O O strictly modern. Large bedrooms, O ; O hallway between bath. Hardwood O O floors and finish. Takes $2,(but o O and hnlnnci* $26 per month Call O O Lewis, Ja. 664 1. O O O O R F CLARY CO . REALTORS, O O 2 4th ami Ames Ave. K E. 0175 0 > ° OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , OO OOOOOO O o'o ooooooooooo o 0 o f Fcr tte f ° June BricS? % O o O 5-rooin Mlnne Lush. bungalow. '1 O O on one floor; oak and white enamel O i O finish; built In bonkeases; i-•• box O' O with outside filling faollitlea; O' O go'•age Just the home for the O O June bride. Look it over and you o O will agree with up Prl> •’ $• ''P0.0Q. O O Call today, AT. 5911. or AT 2115. O §' American &. Fin.. C3, % O Suite 214 Courtney Bldg! O C# O o OOooooooooooooooooooooo LOOK at this btiud q w I i tent i-otory stucco home if you want a real buy. Large south front lot on paved street (paving all paid), with lots of trees and shrubbery. Large living room aerosa front; good sized dining room end kttehen; three corner bedrooms and fine both: 7s In. by 2*.i in oak floors throughout. Lots of windows; large clothes closets; full cement , basement, with good hot air furnnee, coal | bin .floor drain, etc Choose vour own light fixtures and wall paper. The prire j is only $6,900 and you ran lust about make your own terms. Call WAlnut 4.6i j T. H. MAfeNNER C0„ Builders. 519 Omaha Loan Bldg. _AT- HU- . Stucco Bungalow FOUR R'V'IS WITH riVR ROOMS I ACCOMMODATION .Tint th- 'Inc, for a nawlv mat ■ 1 uT». I Has oak floors anil flneat tiullt-ln taturr". flreplar,. tllr.l hath. ate Docatad twn hlocka from rnT. nrar Millar l'ark I'rh a fr, oihi * i. 7 r. t> r :* -■ tf Hstama r: onthly. Call Mr. Tracy. WA. 6126. A, P, Tukey & Sen, "TUKEY SOLD IT" «2§ Fir-t N.if. Bill^ ja- ww* NICE KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. 11.250.00 CASH Hand honest. well-built house. having three room* un the first floor, f'otsbed in oak. besides a kltehen; three good-*, zed sleeping room* end bathroom o »■ ' omi floor. iU!r*:y t«* .. floor.-! attlr; K'hd basement with h cemert floor, having * d - orat- toilet, south front lot. f."x! 4. wi n • a vrarak'e. near Sherman Avenue car line, price $4,600.00 IT*re 1* i goad proposi tion for on* who Is paying a h'gh rent. W. IT HATES. *47 Dn.aha Nut I Hank Hldg *2M. Ha Excuse For n..t owning your own horns and pay ing yourself the rent when ycu can ket this x-tooni house, rroidern except h-’at . for $2.<\50; H-OO down and 115 or I2n per month. . _ .... us show you how. Mr. Tracy. '> A. 6125 A . P- Tukey & Son, ‘•TUKEY SOLD IT" 620 First Nat. Hank JA. 4223. 472 T NORTH 39TH Educate your children. Huy thn* a home , near good school*. This house In Ju*t a f-w blocks from p»*w N.r-h f*lde high »« hool five Mocks from fin- grade «< > m. two blocks from line all modern, 7 rooms, thr-e bedrooms end hath up; pir- ; floor and l'.nish throughout need* s->:ne r-palr. hut It s a 1-urgHin s' $4,25" f)ne* car garage; lot ftotU'S. Terms arranged. AT 2492 WORLD RKAT.TY CO Realtor*. World Theater Hldg ftfnne Lusa Bungalow Iteautiful 5-fm bungalow now und- r i cons: ru« * 1-/0, rasdy io o, u'.. ’ " large south front io t Fined right, w W h ! terjn* Sunday, phono Mr IMtkin. KK 50#1. or Mr IJehr s. KK. 5t>t9 Equitable Trust Company, i Keulters. 1*13 Douglas St _ n AT 2945 Cross-Re?? Type Bungalow Flva raorria an.) tain thic. rooina fin I, hart In nak, onk floora thrmnehout, room, all dacoratert with raflVRfl wnlla anrt t.alnt anrt fraa. o decoration., largo a, raanad porch, furnace haat, dnnrty lot, fenm-d, ,ral a vlnaa, ahrubhery, fruit anrt aharta Ir.r, aurrounrtart tiy It rood *r»de of hum, a Price 4S.76«. >1 7.0 rneh After office hnura call WA OR75 or 11A. 1084. Rasp Brssa, 811 Kaallno i _AT. 0T31. BKIPK *lJl;n.F.V. iftl.lito Catrally loratart. 1818-80 N 18th atraat Splendid Invaatmant proparty. Sevan Isrge. pleasant room" with big reception hall, each ride Full cement b***m*t»»t, with dandy furnace Lot 6* 140. Inrnrne II. 200 per year. Could Ih» easily Increas ed to 11,41 •* t}iM»d tenants «h»w occupy property. This duplet cmild with very 1 it110 expense, he remodeled to i nnitno date two more families For Infnrnwt Kl«m call Mr. Whalen. IIA. 2727 after 4 p. wi. 22d anU Grans! Ave. rooma on one floor, all mortar n. a r. 1, ,. horn... lot ertanrta fr..m itrBnrt uv«ml. | In SarntnitB St ITIca la 18.200, M.000 rueh Sut,.lay call sir. Heed, KK 4*11. Gruenig Fealty Co., RKAI.TI >RH JA ,,,, ll«ii Klr.t N»l Rhh Heat Colonial Mouse Facing PMJer Park Vary att ractlve.. practically new. 7 room* with living room, riming room, br.akfmt room Hint kitchen flrat floor. Threw bed- i room* and fll« l>»ti 2nd floor; ftrni-ln- *. j bonk'-aae*. oak flbiah Two car garage | |• r■ i•. IIO.SOo; fJ.ooy i«*h Glover & Spain, Realtors, }\ -j.sii m, SO f'llr Nntlimnl Beautiful North Side Home I,Alton CORNER r.OT UAIIAUR Fine largw llvlnr and rilnlng room*. break fjiHt nook, hot water heat. Itudd km* b*»** #r; four had room* and bath; tun Id** room on ;M floor. I’rlc«d cheap .it II2.00A» or Ilf.(ton w tl| furniture Shown only bv appointment If p|*»n*d "lih It, ubmM term* Cull f.ewl*. .1A 5*0 ft I*’ ri.ARf CO . It MAI .ToilM ’4th ifnd Arii"* Kh Ol_7® St09 Pinkney St. Plvw room* moderli ••ncapt «/*• Wi*l put In good ah*pi* and n il f"t $ 1,10«■» Fee Mil* today and buv no your own term* Ha 11044 today. * AT. 7411 day*. A*k for Ml « area. REAL ESTATE ^ Rpal Csfatc—North M Clalrmcst Bungalow By Owner Nearly new 6-room all modern bungalow on paved streot. 2 blocks to car. Has oak floors throughout. Living room, din mg room ui|d bedrooms finished in oak. Hath and kitchen in enamel. 2?2J No. 48 th Ave. \VA. 6159. AT. 7 412. IF you want ,one of the most substantial .itid elegant brick homos of 6 rooms and breakfast nook that money and experience can fill, nee 6693 Mimio Lusa tiled . a block north of Prettiest Mile club. Not a freak built-in or a convenience loft out. When you go through it you will realize there is no lovelier building site In Omaha. We put on the finish next week. Sue It and have the oak or enamel stained and tinted to suit yourself. O. A. Scott, owner and builder. _ New'Bmplow” Five rooms, strictly modern. Very large living room. Oak floors throughout. Oak wall cornice and trim main rooms. Hall to tiled* hath. Kec-ss tub. Extra closets. Clothes chute. Large cabinets un4 Ice box room. Full cemented basement. Attic. Large Jot. Two blocks to car. Near school. Only $6,000. $1,000 cash. Heat bargain In «i?j. WA. 6701. CHOICE BRICK BUNGALOW Six rooms am! bath, finished In oak and brick throughout. Special built-in features. Plano-finb >• 1 wundv, Jtuilt by con tractor for hdme. East front lot, one block to car Snap for $7,300. Part cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Trust nidg. Jackson 2282. $350 CASH makes the first payment on a well-built bungalow—all modern. Monthly payment >35. Those places nra at 2823-2825-2427 Seward St. Call W E. 6789 for appoint ment. Cragn sous & company 60S Bee Bid*. JA. 0200. DANDY COTTAGE $2,500. It’s very seldom you can buy a comfort able home of 5 met room* and •warig* for thia small price. Everything modern ex< ?pt furnace. If you really want a low priced homo see this, located at 1508 Corby St. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., Realtors. 805-8 Dm Nat l'.k, B JA, 042$ ’ 6 Rooms, S3>SC0 This little place la all modern but heat. Has full cement basement, nice large ro-’ins. Not an old shack, but a real little home. Will ho newly painted and papered. Terms. Call Levis. WA. 1K*2 It F. CLARY CO., Realtor*. 24th and Aft *| K 5 ROOMS MODERN $4 00f|—$35 PER MONTH A very nice little place with full cement basement, hot and cold water, garage, newly decorated, close to car and school. Should sell on Inspection. Call Schmitz. WA. 123 2. Ft. F CLARY CQ.. REALTORS, 24th and Am— Aye KJB HU ~ Near Boulevard cn Flaple _ Price cut to be sold in next lb days. 7 rooms and b*rb. strictly modern, nice garage. Inrgs lot, paved street. R. duced to $4,900. $ 1,50b cash, balance on terms. Quid: action this bargain. P .1 TKtsBENb Co. (Realtors). JA 21*2 Sunday, WA. 6052. Grid Buy in Kenntze Place 7 rooms, oak finish, m-story hou-e with garage. paved street, newly papered and painted House only 7 years old. $3,500 and ph^v terms dill Lewis, WA 1422. R. F CLARY CO . REALTORS. 24th ai I tmea A y« He?/ Bungalow for Colored Consisting of 4 rooms and lath. Full cement basement. N*-j»hit furna'#. A!! modern. Paving all paid Small payment down. Call Lewis. WA. 1422. R n.Alir CO, REALTORS |4t1 _ K I • p 1 *r ' BR L\’l> NF v U *w. 14 Open Sunday. 3 to 4 p m. 5-rm .. atrtctly mod , oak «n 1 enamel finish, dandy base* nvnt and furnace. Beautiful east 1M, 5$X’ 127. Building A- Lon. $L0,)Q. 3444 S. mhirall Franklin._J A. "41« _ 1 ]• \ V • HI Wod'-rn • >n ! v >dwork d cvnstslrs. 9 rooms, rents for $:*" a month. Oarage, largf* lot. $3,709. Smut! payment down, ba'inr- like rent. 3106 Decatur St. WA. r.' 45.__ K-d'NT/.K PARK BAROATN. r-RMS nnd bath, strict!-' tnod . vacant; jmti edfat* possession. $739 • ash. balance ■» f I 1 r - o,i | ' n ar d 1A ' “ '*• ' 1 i |(»!t HAt.E—6-moro house, in-d-rn. ca‘b only 2 427 Emmet St Inspection Sunday, after 6 p. m ’week days._^ < construction cl I Best materials and workmanship, camp bell. 537 K^ellne AT. *848 _ _ A_ 4134 NO. i?TB ST—6-room modern, fr inge ft.f.'O; $1 C -0 down JA. 0764 H K BUCK x- v - • huv i '■ vejj ' Real I Mate smith ^. w For Sale South |10,<'0A—» r"m* aoiid cak, first floor, four b**dr. <ra and hath on aarond, the heat « orner m South Side; com* to th» office, wfll only b« ihown by appoint inept In peraon. fT.r.oo—Near 18*h and Vinton. <rf*om. the latent out. In 100 prr rent con - d lion, firs proof garage in l>M**mciit for two cara; very good location, pav ed atreet. 1^300— Near 18th end Martha g«reet*. *■ nni thla home wai built to -rd.-r -evgral ye.tra before tho w«r and the fir*t finer la of *d!d «»»k. *u< h that you r.-innot buy today tb .* horn- rauat be seen Inalde; I’ ia the beat ar ranged and well built home I have **en on paved afreet, fin* garage and g'K/d garden. Aft—And $r«.A0A. two |ny*ly R-room atrlctly no.d-rn. ■ ,k f! <*r bunuajow* * ♦ ■ * ' i • d at /< ’ * • > tn - h o' and car. both 3 year old, near Fuaa dena Ave, and 16th *fre«t ff.CAA 1662 Canton a'reet. 8-room, atl m« dern, fine corner, it* beat of or der no ret air*. re*dy to move tn; garage, e|o#« to achoot and car; 11,600 down. $5,000 - N’ear Vinton achool, R-rocm, all tnodern, f rat floor all oak. $1,700— 3118 South lid afreet, all-modern. * room w.!h ctiag" 'I hi* he- • ,* a very »: >n 1 h« • -* a: ! a V • fy * '*<$ bargain, but (ha owner muaf *e!l *• be .a going on the farm, and only on* block to car and a< hoot. ft * J41J South 21 at *> reel; thla I* the moat tip -tovd »te llttl* h«*m* on the South Side; 4 large room*, all modern oak floor*, large Jet. fenced lot with garage; allBoaf new; look at thla before you buy, It 1* Ju*t what a young coupi* wants to atari with. $2 000—Each for the cottage* at 2S8* and 13 South 18th atreat $3AA t/ 91.000 down; on paved afreet, beat location; come quick if you want a bargain. I have many rrtor* all over the South do not walk, come and take a r*d« and *ei» them all, r • .-t* you noth Ins Thla office '* tioun f;i r low price*, good title.* and go- t »*>rv|c«, a* I fhs **<h tny per*.,n«| atten tion. C V ScMelclef, 1912 Vinton Kt. AT, 019(1, at all hours OOOGOdoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ° 44G7 South 19th Street ° O ll'ttin* with five riMini*. all on O O ©n« floor, modern |:ui«r drive u O wav, paved street, shade tree* O O f’rlr, $5.oO» Cl S „ s O' 4«M Amilh S.lh !*> Ill Alt’ o O Aundnin #ind nvenlnr* MA 1919. o 0 O OOOOO00OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Boon INVKSTSI! NT ON MtlKHMAN AVKNUK Three afore building* with « flve*rn»m *partm*f\J nver «n»h at*u.-; large rnnmr lot. F>2v1t4. with room f •» a one tnttf** bull Hugs Thla bring* lij a rental of f I tnn nil pei year on « ]. < r ■ 11« I Print f 12.T»90 Thla is dialed *h*i* t>ri»p erty la advatu'UR J '♦ iu.ii\ a nne I* Vnln^ tn hnt* some in no et 1 ret lm('rn%e InentS th'a rnmlngt *■-.•-••n » d "uh |MOl» trfy aa fhla I* bound fo ^a.vl future. W 11 n A Tl-if fIT Omaha V if I Hank 11!m f A r 14 KOft HA LlC MV < >H V '• d 11 >.iju house; . urtv r in*, \\ t » »>|— . Uwner leavinn vlljt. I'rlt)«il lu UA 211ft. 4 '" "REAL ESTATE Beal Estate—South .. 99 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo g Hanscom Park Humes % O O i O 2S2fi 8. 2lth St. 6 rooms find sun O O parlor, latest built-in f*»a Q J O turn* inferior finished in oak, O O inodern in very detail. Two O O bio- ki to Hanscom 1'ark car O O line. Price $7,200, $1,000 O O ’ down, balance $70 per month. O O 3 -5 8. u2d •' »j rooms, all mod- O O ern, one block to lianscom O O Park car line. Price $7,660, O O $1,000 down, balance $70 per 'o i O month. O O 3020 H. JL'd St. ft rooms and *a> O O rage, corner lot, all modern, O Q An.- block to liam*'Om Park O , O car* line. Price $g.oti0, $1,000 o t O down Imiem« $75 per month. o i O Tb- •* properticH an* located In a O | O home-ownmg community, clove to j Q vtores, schools end chut* hes. O i O * O i O Open for inspection from .? tv 5. O i % Co G. Carlberg, Realtor, ° O 312 Brand. Th"g i^dg. JA. , ,1K&. o 1 O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo I 6 66 o o tfoooooooooocoo o oooo o § 432& Scuth 3fth Street ° o o O Klsht-room bouse, modern, gA- o 1 O rage. Price, $2,000 * O o Lewis Cohn f1 O -*23 South 24th St. MA. "143, O j O Sunday, and evening,, MA. 3023. O O O ■ ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o 00000000006060000000066 ! o Bargain la an Elegant °1 S Home ° \ o o i O Hrlck dwelling, three large rooms O ‘ O reception hall on first floor, with O I O elaborate built-in features, four O O bedrooms, hath and billiard room O O on third f'oor. lots of closets, o j O everything finished consistent with Q j O the architecture. 5 1 O Size of ground Si x! 27 feet, worth o j O alone $*.''f0. Nice shrubbery and O O trees. To duplicate the dwelling O O and garage at present time would O O coat $20,000. For quick sale this O O home is now offered for flo.SOf'. O ! O Located 2202 8. 32d Htreef. For O , O inspection <f interior « all us for O | 0 appointment. 1 c Go Carlberg. Realtor, °! O 312 Brand"!, The,. Bldg. JA 05SI. o O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ©oooo6oo&oooooooo6>oo6oooo j :S 5919 South :5th Street ° o o O Six-room house. Price $2,760. o ' j O $500 down. O ■ ° Lculs Cchn | O 4«!3 Couth S4th St. MA "113 o O Sunday, «nd »v,nlng,. JIA 30J» o O o ! ooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Per the Sonin Side Working Wan An Ideal hem* for th* man employed on th* South Side- 7 -room house, brick found*• on. hardwood fir h. 4 bedroom". ; a number of out*M* Imprtvement*. Only $1,000, w:fh $500 c%ah, ooy terms on bal- ' an**, 1 Hood things don't lart. ro don't lo»* any ttm* looking thia over Call today. AT 6311 or AT 2115 American Mt»e, & Fin, C:, Hu to 214 Courtney Bldg A CRACKER JACK FOR A STOCKYARDS MAN gquarq typ*. €-ronm mod* rn home, oak flror* and flnlah downstair*, full hare rnent. thro* dandr. airy hedranma and lath upstair* I>* mbl* wall room y p.i r»g«. c*m'*nt*d driveway, on paved R’re*t «*nd *t***t car l*n« ra*t front, lot 5 0*16* A real place. shown by appointment. Brb * $r 1< a Calf Partsch & Huettlenaler Now at 506 Keclln* Bldg Office AT ‘.‘50 Sundays# and Evening? JA ??**. JA. 2764. WA 41*7. o oooocoooocoooccooooooo o f *4414 south 38th Street f O Three-room house. lights. well, o O large bam. fr . ? * *•**-*. * \*.» hv*rk* C O to *ar. two bio«ki to *-hooi Price. o O |1*3S0, very may i<pn*, O g Lcuis Csbn g O 4433 South 14th Bt Ml 4141. O o 00000000000000000000900o $2,513 Buy* a * room part modem atacre rot - tag* with f! «>f *-rren«d In porch; t uilt tn Htaummod it* two family* Thl* price Include-i a $ n0 stock holding mem l>« r*hlp and Inters*? m 106 sere* of th* * ft ■ 1 -1 Club ground! Vft prattler *r>'t rear #Omaha. Evening* aOd Hun . tv* < all. .1 A. *.28 American Security Ca», JA 5013. n*U«,r. 1>02 81. 000000606 6 oo o’ 6<7b 6000000 o 6 g Bellerue g O T»n lot* and 3 moni, brand n^w O O hoUOe. 1hjni-k* •,» *chn«*1. four "O o bJrwk* to rjr. light*, good well. O O Brie*. |7 ?0o O g Lauls Colin g O 4471 go.« : 4! h b». MA. 014.1 O' O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO©OOOOO «' r..,r\_r^ . 4 7. a Four sores, *nr>,| house, wel! equipped f >r Poultry * r l*1«< n raisin* lots of fru'.f. etc . ft bfocks fmia paved road American Security Cc, .7A '#13. REALTOR* l**; Dodge 8; ooooooooooooooooooboooooo g 1522 Scutli 25th Ave. °< o o O S*> van-room houea. •{••pin* porch. O O l.» u! 11 -In features, oak finish, fu 1 O O *n«rmant, ha rags Pries M.2&0. O O R- st terms. O i g Louis Cohn g o 4 >2.1 South 2*t!i *♦ • \f \ mi-» q 6 Sundays »«<! ewrlnr* MA 9*:% O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo FleW Gub—-Hanscom Park Wonderful Brick Horae Vary o’trs* Tlvo% h«ma, astro wall built; ' - m room. *■ '• pin* pAn h. finish*-.! stttlc. til® hath, hot water beat, <>i 1 burner: i Asi .lv cast f nt . »n.r of Pm a |22.sOO * Includes expensive ru«s and draperies, 1 Glove: & Spain, Realtors, J A s'.o sis 20 City Nut tort* 7 coooooqoooooooooooooooooo g Avery, Nebraska o o O Five »rr"\ *1 it-room house «bap O . O i' * | »t h » .*'«**• burn. < b!< l .-n O, O % h I‘ I 1 ' O g Louis trim g l n 4*13 M.nith "4th Sf Ml CM o O * Hiiiid o • a pd »>* onlays, MA If* l* P O O O . <OOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOO i You'll Like This Herne” * 3818 Marcy for $T,8(MJ j A % cf» v • opifortabis sly room two-story j nil ntndsm Homo with largo ll.vlnj room j srmngoinsut; two - nr irmepe and drive j wsj <‘onvrnlsntfy in.M'vd f.*r c»r •*mv- | !c-» am! jnat port If c? I A flub. $£,000 ; ra-h will hunAI- Wrung.* with ti4 for ln"*'ertlnn, Glover ft Spain, Realtors, .1 \ Jibe us r tv National I b oooooookooooooooooooooO I g Bellevue g o o | O J4i\ room linns** tno.l.un • t O I O M •» * hi. Hen li juac, three lots O - O T'1.1r ** 93 #'» n I g Louis Cohn g! O 4 ^ r t K 34th 'M 'MA A|4* c i n Humlnv’s and e\<nttigs rail o, C at a anas O i O QOGOGOOGOOOOOOGUOOOOOO O I ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Kcal &UI«—South .99 Field Club Priced to Sell I AM going to move ami must sell At once, 1302 S. 3.1th St. Ite&uiiful curf»*T lot. pavement on both street* i* paid for, with hei^go and lots of shrub bery; dandy 8-room, all model n home, with iiot water heat, sleeping porch, garage, and are in A 1 shape. ('an be shown any time. Priced to *< II, $8,500. Reasonable terms. House phone, HA 3.138; office, .1A 4180. 3022 South 32d StT ATTRACTIVE SEMI UUMOALOW Rest of ouk throughout, large living room, beautiful buffet In dining room, con venient kitchen; 2 choice bedrooms with largo close**; garage. Terms. \V. FAUNAM SMITH A CO., U nitor*. 1320 Firnain St. 0.184; Sun. IIA. 2297. o ooooooocooooooooooooooo % 48th and M Streets g O Two lots, five-room biu***. $100 C O down. * O O Term** or easv payments O O Make It * rule to see ine before O 0 buying home. O 1 Louis Cohn o o MA. 0142 or MA. 3029. O O 4*23 South :*th St MA. 0141. O O OOOOOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOO O III M Tin . 9 hum*. ;" * a < * n 35th and 36th on Wool worth avenue This home has everything that the most exact - Ing could ask for. and i* priced away he. low actual cost of construction It 1* lo cated the best on the South Hide Rea sonable terms. He aura and ***© this W. FAUNA M SMITH A CO.. Realtor* 1220 Fa mam St. JA. 0564 WA 287*' Select Bargains 8 Urn.. Mod, 2 8* h Ave .$5*2,1» G Rm.. Mod. Burdette St.M.SO-i 6 Rm. Mod., Arm;.-* Ave .$ 6 Rm., Mod . No. 23d $4,750 8 Urn, Mod., Hamilton . 6 Rm.. Mod . Myrtle Ave .$»."' > 4 Rin Mod, Spencer ..$3.5r,ii € Kin., Mod. Meredith Ave.$7,300 Can ftiTange terms ta suit >ou. Eo G. Gangsstad & Sens 730 World Herald Bldg JA. 3244 oooogooooooooooc 909000006 | 2308 J Street f O Nine room house, modern, garag'. O O Prh e $5,000. Ka»y term*. O ° Louis Cehn 0 O MA 0142 4823 24th St 'i O Sund at.d evening" 'all MA. 3ft29 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHOICE HELD CLUB BOULEVARD HOME K ght ro m» and bath on two ft one*, finished attic with two room*, fire place, q. « oak finish, splendid basement. Irfundry. fruf*. billiard mam, one-car rs rag", seven fin** tree*. Jot 6. feet wide. ve!"r. i*i • *v for J ’ ©00 OSBORNE REALTY CO, rifi P* :«ra Trust Bldg JA 22*2. Choice Parkvale Bur? alow Bandy five-room, onk finished bungalow with large attir. full basement and just ro e block to ra- Real buy for 16.200, fl.ortfi , mil fr.' a mnrt*h Fall OSBORNE REALTY CO. f,n© Peter* Trust Bldg Jackaon We Have'a Barfaln 6 room semi bungalow, oak floor#, oak fin’.--h. fir. r 'vi* hut:? -:n feature*. enro pp*te|y f«jrn:“h**d f ;©o, located near f.'th Ave and Pom»!*ton. W FAPNA * SMITH & no., Realtc's JWOjT-’er re K* A h:.»4; Sun HA 229? to Move In"" Small strictly modern five-room home O m n • 1 ba« *m*-n' Floa* to * ar ami ach« < n t'i vffj-» nt F*- •- J4.7f" Rea sonable term*. Owner. KE J V 3. • ' ■ • V* client lorafien T’»lce f* 50. T»rn'f Vorris A- Norrta. 14 V l b St. AT. T6f? Confe- With * CcLn *<M S ' -Oh St MA "Its FOR SAT.E — 4-rooro house. ; lot* Will * 11 reasonable. Call 324.1 Polk 8t , Mouth Bide. _ _____ ll 7S*- — 7-room rr Jem. •-«*! front <••!, nr-nr H cH 'wl Park *91 © S 23th St THREE ROOMS. A7.1, MOf L RN* 3132 8. 1STH ST. _ !e bom Hi f!i :il Estnfr—WpsI .100 V^st H?~rc.7 J3S? Harney street. 2 tier* well - instruct * h cse; 9 large rooi,., f • ,-h. 1 in oak and white • air'd j l- Jrowrne autl doub1*. I K p* r> b . *»!# bath. fui! ha.*-ment ho? air beat: Ruud "■•’ter > *r.r Mary i.fher feature* in make this homo complete, owner wants off. r. Very easy 36th Street, Scuih of Harney 11 r,u -n home. iocafed on a high. *•**.»!* i-it, block from B!a*k h■>•••: 4 r > n.s first floor; 4 bedrooms, sieenn g porch and ‘ ’h s-comi fop-; 3 room* and Jh thir l floor. Ffntahcl in oak nd white tnam-i Full hase m-nt Fum a with »»f| burner 4 ia Ci< ge for t * o ,-ara Price 116.000, Gebrje and Co,, Realtors, AT-Unttf 3»:4 ooooboooooooooooooooooooo o . o ° ^ o 0 0 1 Edfewocd Bungalow § O Q O Brand t-*w. *,’u;i k po**'«*ton. O O E ve r* m* pm sc ! c-. •♦!• ,-fl« o O Tile Imth, bofit SO Sub. Mr. A O O »• *»v *!»•* end • nmpiete :n e egy O O d** * J t >" |6 ? * tor appoint- 0 O m* fit t»• Insj f. » this cell Orant C O Benson, \5 \ l'-ao. Sunday and ex'*- O O nings. q % Reoscn & Carmichael | O M. Pnlnn Mink A f j O ° 0 2 ° o o oooopocoocoooooooOoooooco 0 oooooooooooooooooooooao 1 English Colonial § C' o O Beautiful English Fcdontal O O home, kcliaston* construction. In- O O fated on two < -ner lota 1n Mont- O O clatr. Vary tastily decorated and is O O * horn* one - ouid be proud to own o O Has practically every modern con- O O venlence. oak finish. French door*, O O long living room, sun room and O O three nh *» sleeping room* We Q O will let this house speak for Paeif, O O and invite you to *< e through it C O Fall today. AT i»ll, or AT MU. O 2 American Mt?. k Fin. Go. £ O Hulls 214 Fourtney Bldg O O OOOO 0 OOOOOOOOOOO OO O OOOOO O Cathedral District 41S5 Cass St. m m * H " ateiv A t*«*l home 1 bed room*. oping porch Aid hath on 2nd flo.-r I .a i ft c living room »rn-« front **X h 'Urc Fireplace, dining room an.I Kitch en Double k irag. nice lot Von "HI i ke thi* homo price.. f\ Tfcft Term*. Funday call >lr Hood, KK. bC 11 Gruenif Realty Co., 0 m:\i.i >n>t jA !»** lino Firm Nat Hnk H “ Built by Owner for ' His Own Home ?n ••!’•» of t lie h ghest c’.aoa bungalow • Pstrhta *.f the cty a Very attractive liv room bungalow at a price a »;r»'nt deal below coat of <1upll< on. itouae ! 1 ^ years ol.l, good * a d living and din Ing room ki -lon h.*« plenty of cupboard M'iVce, two go-ul el *-d bedroom*. a rc and l wbt large rloaota. oak floor# : hmusbrnit, oak flniah In main room a. balance white enatPf I. < lol he* < but*’ Full cement nano m-utt with plenty of tight lA*f h<*a 65 | ft frontage, on paved atraet 3 block* j to car line Thie home imiai he aeon to be al'pi e« dated Pin- and on e.i v terms For further information call' Mi tlo *dt Ich d\ ' t or w a dtp > u IUMIMS PI.I FTt*N nil.I \'j on one floor. 0 Coot lot, 4 largo l* Horry tree#, gOo<ehat rie* everbearing at t a when v |*> *1 Pi le* f t eTertu* imvIi Thl* >* a bargain t «l{ All AM I* l*T i * It F. At I’ V I'O i.'t Piimlm \.i’ . iwl * i A • l-«\c<itnga .uui * u.wait ‘..ll \A A , * ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Real Estate, West.’.....IDO 1 Hanscom Place Addition 133© So, 23t!l St,—$6,50© Thin well-built, 7-room, modern house eon i slsts of a long livtftg room across front of house, vent Hull#*, large dining room. | with butler's pantry, kitchen and refrig I eiator room on first floor, four bedrooms and Lath or; the ► '-nd floor. If you . want a good moderately pr!< < d home, let us show you this. American Security-Co., ' .1 A. 6018. Realtor. 1808 Dodge Bf I ooooooo OOOOOOOOOC00OOOOoo l $5P150Bun?alcw o o O Brand new. Five room*. bath, at- O j O t.■ and full cemented bgaement. O i C Exceptionally well built and finely O O f irna.’ied. Oak floor* throughout. O O Paved *t reef. Flaxy terms. This O Q i* priced lo sell on sight. Today O O tall Giant B«n*on. WA. 1S40. O : o Benson % Carmichael c0 O <12 I'axton B!l! AT. 35»«. O O O ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ready to Move Into Just finished a five loom bunga low facing cast, • block* t,, West Ki « -> r and four block* Si; under' hool l.-v ing room dining room. k I (when, two bedrooms and tsl»d oath. * This house i* in a district of K . d n*-w house? Price completloy finished $5,7 50 on terma. For appointment today call Max Agnor. HA ©13© or JA. 1074 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O | E£?p-tymk1 Addition ° o O O Two *»ory Colonial with larg* !tt« f O Ing room, fireplace. «un room, dtn- O O ing room und V ’ch.n f r*t floor. O 'O three bedrooms and bath on **-r- O O end floor High and *:vhl!y lo^a- O' O tion Price only $16.0©f). Easy Q O term* me «how you »his prop- O O erty and you be tb» judge Can O O arrange easy term* WA. 2*12 O O ° O OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO o nearly new 15.7*6. 5-room bungalof located west, garage , strictly modern, practically new. a>2 rooms nicely arranged and decorated Price f .756. <‘*n be shown anytime. We have others In this vicinity Fail today, AT. £911 or AT. 2115. American Mtge, & Fin, Suit# 214 Courtney Bldg. Mew Key?—Field Qub Onl> JS.MO tor th> bf-.urlful p’» * Urge living room with fue place, large dining room. dandy kt:che»» w:»h breakfast nw1:,. t.'pu'aT* are 1 beautiful sleeping rooms, fMe bath. built-in tub Arrange to see It this afternoon by < ailing Mr Milribill, WA. B»3A, or Mr. Arrlena, WA. 3477. J, J. KaHtiiU Crmpary, Th*a, Bldg. * JA. JSS*. Sufe Cozy—6-Rm.Biinf ale w Ir. Cat’- elral District— , Brand Hew On ore floor One f ti e pretfleet buuga* iows in ’h* city; five rooms and large sun r-» m W'-darfu! oak fin?*b Tile bath. , buMt-*n tub breakfast n^-k: 7 *n!y of closet* No be* ■ t‘r designed or built home in trcniha. Prlc*. If.*;’1. «n ♦ erm*. Glad to shoe you HA 129#. or JA. (111. W. J. Palmer Co, ~ First Time Offered”* ti.f J ,n® ■ » .« re; r Tb J rt y-foar* h and Webster, choir*. close in location, j Has 7 rooms*, in- tding a downstair* den. fib shed In good light oak and birch. Ha* b’Jiit 1n French door*, bookcase#, etc Three bedrooma and balcony, ever) thing iomplr*e here, with garag- and drive- ! v ' Price |7.(6® good ?errr.« C*" C'.L: r.der In"*,:*, ment JA 5*€l Realtors Funderland Bldg cjr.duy, Remillar-J. JA Pi 39. Walen. KE. SSTA_ Leavenworth Heights r ’ , i»! modem l uog*i *w large south fr ' Cf-ryer o* Owner meat -e" J ?5*> olth terms. Sunday, phone Sir Gehris KL* S- * or XIr Pltk-r. KE. (6*1. Eqnlttbl* Trust Company, Realtors. 1*11 Douglas SI AT 29 4S *• th an! Capltcl Are. 7 rooms 2-story in very pic# shape; S U.i'ftum* and t»a?h Sv-ord f o r 4 r rr.s t «s* f.-« r Us’ .c * lot Pr ed fAf qu k sale f♦ T |. •w ,-ash. Sun day cal’ Mr Reed. KF. *(!’. Gruenlf Realty Co„ REALTOR* JA. 1 <6® F r»* Nat Bnk Tu~n In Year Lot Or th - s* uoi'O home or M -ntciair ccrner, 3 Pne room* 4fwaftta.tif finikin I art ' • • . ! f * *: "K er>am*l doable gar»g- c! >se to fe bni *1 High. within i <*ck Harney car line r >.,! *.1* a cepted a* part payment, haI am* no terms Sunday W \ J-0^2. J. L. Hiatt Company, I* «* Vat Mvk B1 it AT CLAIRRCNT BRICK CHOICE BUNGALOW S'* » ><■■ •. hot n*tnr heat. beau’.lfv/ place, tiled bath. **a’l tub and pedestal iavaterv. laundry tubs and toilet in base men?: s-m *rat ‘ fruit and real rooms with aoitd oai * Double aur,vge <'hoi« e *»«• front Wrnd»rfuI v - for |<.7B6. ha'.? cash OSBORNE REALTY CO, IM Teter* Trust Bldg Jackson 224? West Leavenworth Bunralsw Close to Eyfewooi Small brand new f ve-room bungalow . e lot. ■ a*t front, full cemented base meat; oak and ename! ftn ah. modern; splendid 'cat.on- on# block to car. good ndghborho • 1 Price l&.&Oo Reasonable ? *»TO ■ KF ISM 3227 Lafayette Aye” $9,530 This ts a very attractive home, protiably the cheapest >n (Ik entire district Keila stone construction. full 1 wo-stec' and at tic. large living room arrangement fire pUi'e end bookie ae»- Three nice be*f room*, bath and eh.*we? oak fin *h. nice!' decorated 7 4 foot cement drivewa* and aatsgs 8hown only i\ .. 1 p.. n?tnrnt Glover & Spain,. Realtors, JA ?s. ■» ; v ’ ; \ *N . uui »’ 293 Dewey Avenne Immediate Possession Ttilr « a f'n* I-f, ,'n i1' ' torn hoote \> j'h two hath room* SwttaWy arr*rfo<l for roon.^m o*nir,«nnou* to well tht* nt nth H. ’■# '» a toal tarraln. K\oiling* ■ a .i Wh* Creifrn Sons & Company, HI »W !>'■•« .1 A, • Mast Sell by May 1st cr Not at All A neat ? to-m ail home wih hot water heat oh Pout-** atreet bet were 4Mh «n<l 4** h Owner ha* «!o. Mra the I'fi'e minted \* too » heap «o w .• mu a I *e; b\ thh 1*. Vrrar. ir*' for •,•.*•-* .• i Glover &. Spain,. Realtors. V O' 1 ft' . •» »its Nation*! vi m Hitv\ iiov»' sitv: ■ Ut 1 !'*•'« I'HVS a or* of ground w i : h wven rooro ■ -to ho*. * n-t *« •-» ' atvoil %|oe*ar«f a»'*t l>c*r I tit frvUt 1 reee. • no » »»* V fi>« ;n . *r l»h*», a.1ji*mtnt K44tr w v>a>4- lujtir? i ' u i, AiCt »H aClU bt j ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Rpal Kstatf—West .10 Save Rent While Buliain?' 1 Ktu*-ro gtrAg*. 14x1 ft fiolahP<1 for living purport J.ot 4 5x10* paving paid. I<nv. erworth Height* Addition. fl.S&O. Ttrmx. GALLAGHER & KELSON. .'i P.tpri Tfunt T!:«.' JA. «3«3 5-RQOn BUNGALOW EASY TERMS Nearly new -room atrietly mnd-rn bungalow on Fontenclle Boulevard. or** block north of park Oak floors, oak sr-i «-name| finish, good basement, large »t* tic. Now vacant, possession at on'e. House alone worth th** asking Price of 15.500 on terms f I- 'ash lor full informa tion rail K E 4125. CLOSE m, CHEAP BUY" Fight room*, strictly modern house, with four bedroom** < los< t*» f'x* :«~'V ri college, ^atn* can b** purchased for •*. GALLAGHER & NELSON 520 Peters. Twt Bldg. JA 2?,*2. New Yale Place Bongalcw' ' Brand New, $Ss!W Choice oak finish, fjve-r«»un.* . ’ >*a*’t, strictly modern, south front, f d *tti'r full basetren'. A res! buy. IM'O down, balance $3* 5* a month. OSBORNE REALTY CO, |'f |Vt*'*< Trust Bldg. I «• ooocooo ooooooooooooooooo o o •• o o ° o ONLY I5.50O O O for an all-modern oak and white q O enamel finished bungalow in O O Leavenworth Heights. F * fire O Q place, built-in tub and t!1e floor O O • n » 'hr om K*»y terms. Call O O WA- 2812. O C O ooocoooooooooooooooooooco oooooooopooocc 0 o ocoooocoo g o NF.W krv;A!.<«W LARGE LOT. O * O high, rat;;* location or* paved Q 0 -*-c. t !>.?' >r * neighborhood. O 1 • ' fisa Q 0 O Larg*- h * lb * ! 'o J*‘ r ,'1 O O <'a1l O'vner. WA, 1180 O O O ooooooooooooocooooocooooo Brick Semi-Bungalow OVERLOOKING KLMWOO'* PARK S [. 3 ®OUTH 4'TH STREET A home «_.f die* r tlon—r. exceptionally iarg.» roor *. breakfast nook, screened »n h- I* u' » parage. Interior mown or iy by appoint men* W. FAP.NAM SMITH A <V)., Realtor** 15 2 fi Fa' n a m h f .1A f•<*. 4 h u j : H A 2 2 # 7. N EW‘ BO LON LA I. • rooms brand t>e v in beautiful f eld c'ub district Everything right up ' o th - rr n. ut e. Buy now *rd select y-ur decora - • • ••,«. f nf»r and fixture* T• *• pri'* 1« only lfc 2G« CO with I..?1-' 00 c wn Glad to shsvr you. EDM AN At FRICK SK N Cig:* We ♦■:*« K 'M' Ke <621 NORTH” r »p FT ELD < ’Ll * H Nearly N*w. * Close-in Home. At*.r living r h • 'f* f " place and bookcase**, so r dining room. Bllt-in feature in k;tchert, l^plen •Md t * droonu«. oak floors throegLout. Garage. _ \V. FAP.NAM SMITH A GO. Realtors. ]-2o Ksrnam JA *'• •*4 s-'-r . 1IA Montclair Panfalcw «n I. • '1 I 1. nt*r ?:«. rlc— In T>. lu.ii »l HEjrh »,fcw)l "Si Clear* *nd 5 b.»ut.fa; r,«mi W KARNAM SUITII A CO. K.rn.m >‘ JA f ** WA. I#. 5 Charmte j" New E:zae Beautifully ioc*»*d t# S4J3 Webster; r-sr ly 4 nm\ leted; la's* 7 rooms. 4 hadron? room with 1 rarage Ready for agpaetioo. Price right. • ’ail fiwrfr. HA. 1I1L_ " A n;shr-d apartment. • % rooms and ba*b* room, beautifully shad'd and **00! * - * le fee -*c* frem May 15 to October i ?*» a n. - nr.d h a wife; no ch d-er. T HA. nl 35_ A 5-R f Mr,, -t jrsaiow r !.e*ver a * _ H- - .t- r ■:■- a' up-*c a*e oak t btrch fir sh; n; e lot. w tb hedge; w;i consider any re**«*nab:e offer. Call At ian*'c Hll or Jn keen €42!.^ ! OSSF^RfoN A? ON'i’B N-w en »T bungalow Spls&dtd location rn W**?i Leavenworth near EHh Street. Ka** * •* Pr.-o Jr %< Easy ter • u I .‘2’ Pe*er* Trust Bldg._JA llt>. sii: LINCOLN BLVD. A desirable 2-story brick veneer new hems mo c-ar g.vrage Offered at a v*ry low pr. e. easv ter;ii« CHAR K HELM AN Atlantic S2;•. T!t Peterw Trust Bldg — WNF.R MUST-SELL AT ONCE <l| >r«! il 7-rc m modem bouse with •lexe me porch arrang'd fur one or two fam ? * s ex **llenti> located A bargain for party who can handle icy equity. W A. MM. HOME?!! HOMES': HOMES!' We Have Them—s-W* t4«ll Them \ 'mA aK A RFA LTY CO. Rr 1r ratten r. U k ’ JA. 4‘ iTTfif g-3. cash $ r* *m home; a'! modem. garage ; ins* m#d &’# I'oaaess'on; near car ar.d schools, CHA> E BE Lit AN ATLANTIC 52; 9. New Homes—your terms. AT 4ti€. U iar.d Bldg f r P. Rpal K^iale—Etihant* .101 FOR Srtle or tra*de. a-rr*. Yuma roan* •v. t'o rado. IS mi tea of Yurra. S miles f Inland town. All fenced and cro*» f«’ ed Good M\fn-T'*om house, good w# and w tanks, g I barn ;..n4 n* biirr.. ccmmt ra»e. Trims wa«h bouee *k'M 24# scjws !n ‘Ui‘»vation. Pr * f p - ggre Box Sr^e*!. K.*r W L WILL submit y a 'easonat*> off-r \ • c e - * i*- ; a - d 'ms or ?r'm Try ua we probabiy bits ;uat wtai you ars :■-■•k ng fo? BERT I*. COOK A CO. flS Br-iwn P If AT »•<?. * l.LT S M AKE A TRADK - i. • » 'I',. r.■>.*'• -t -:er;ai F- :n a'! k ‘ d« of exchanges, Wr' a •• a • ■ Jr . Crpheuni B!dg . ! . » Awg-ie», I’ll, t4e At *>{KS f fine table is ' * * * fricn •.»•’ 444 ai"re* in fail wheat. Will exchange for Isecms property. Addieas W-TJ4. Omnha B**i» r m l \( HANuK-Mrst real **TAte wort- . p*f#« f. r lan i. income property or mer» S hw*b P^oe, Plymouth P 4ff , Minneapolis. Vilen._ 'nr * uth. on corner. ?®14 r* To, Specie! •*\*+ pe 1 < * I HA. IMS. Owner at 1021 S Slat St,_‘ ifo a • ■ Ffjnftv « ' • • 0 >. Ft Omaha property. WL O. (•’Mi'Ksi.vl A S ’* * JA 52*4__ *T ♦ Mo.*k 4 lvk«. *. AH * K |{ral I'ntair—Wnnlml . I0S Burrow Wanted Pave a bn*.’ wbo w«*t move May -5 }{*> ha* ll !• ' mortaea-* * ' per cent later#*' *>«b;r *«■' ‘^‘v. a-H $<3ft hi , ,vb \v<»’■’« five i ■ *lv ro «m*. norrh nr wr*” ! F S T ■ - 'liver. Sundae call Harnev l©*i Risp Bl3S-t \T, #221 P: \«* A ! " " ' ’ • * >O i - • .x-O rrt> » hhupp «»r 5 room mod am bungalow. C H Boat If «MI _ _ 17M TswU*. A S»*I KNPID BVY M* l*rn R-r h>nw. rla** ip. barn n I* A SWPK1U 517 Sunda* land HMi VT *t1J Kt«ning«. Ha K4 4. WANT to h>-ar from oanar havf-.g far;-\ f>r «*!.- c '* particular* and l-twaat »rtea. J“bn 4. Black. Chipp. *a Falla. ’ NYK it.-.. lu«fT» for hen « of Sr. he 1 v. n I.aai enwnrtk and A'v.*r-tnf frw*n IS - a m I ■ v'. 4 A, bselv Sunday. \\ \ Jd» a rx>rvp*rrp co' u« e h w\iv* U* for quick rnaulta. 14 C N"?'l JhrK P'dg 4 V IMt. - • H •*> Katata. Benia la. Inauian.a y Kat‘1 Ilk AT. Htl W ’ c« i ' ma haunt*. Puyaf* waling i*s«n H a* i on 4 l. HIATT 0*0_ AT II A RraXFTT kvat: vstatV •• •• V . « F A I VI 1 \\ * 1 -A on nrr f farm o getod a*’1 fo» a #or fell delivery. tv 4aat» Be* *il Oiney. 1*1. *S *' u* ? t *1 NN «■ r «%ed - t ' Vn% lot A' i. * rovkju* or ' arm* SilOI'l Y A Co. R-'fi . ■ - *a «j;4 PAY >**h for »uui) Haiwa* con Paata or r.oxvnd mor;a«fas AT • !« • w.d* NN«» n i\* ». '.>,ata w« J A.