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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Will Aid You To Find Office Help, Salesmen, chauffeurs, cooks, housekeepers, laundresses—in fact, any kind of help which you are in need of. In addition, these workers are reliable, efficient and come well recommended. Get your help quickly—and at small cost—through an Omaha Bee “Want” Ad. Phone At. 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. ^ EMPLOYMENT ^ Situations Wanted—Female .48 REI i \ i ’ i. E col. Woman for da> work and . i»ok afternoon dinners._\VE._2446. Situations Wanted—Male 49 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'■>00 0 000000 o o o POSITION WANTED. O O ^ O O CREDIT MANAGER OR O O ASSISTANT. O O O O Formerly with large rubber com- O O puny, now with internationally O O know o 1 company, ^.ge, iiO; mar- O O ri* d. College graduate with 1”- O O gal training. Officer In world O O war Possesses executive and O O managerial ability Excellent ref- O O erences Salary, $K,00O. Address Y- O O Omaha Hee. O 0 O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo PRACTICAL and theoretical experienced man In building constr. work as foreman, draftsman or superintendent, wants work with real estate company: contractor ur hi< hitect or other clerical work. AT. • i ‘ 0__ __ Chi IV LENT work, carpenter, painting; all work guaranteed. Call A. Crum, WE. 1-95._ HOUSECLEANINO—Reliable man. AT7 1 H 09.__ ^ FINANCIAL ^ liusiiHss Opportunities* .. .50 I o oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o • o o o o O THE BIO 4 AUTO COMPANY. o O O O O ° O O Offers to one man of proven O O ability In each of the following O O lines opportunity to join with It. O O O O AO O Auto Repair Shop. O O Paint Hhop—Top Shop. O O Body and Fender Shop. vO O Tire and Auto Accessories. O O — O O O O O O This organization will on May 1, o O 1923, open garage and auto busi. O O with storage for 200 automo- O O biles. Applicant must have own O O equipment. We will lease spars q O to each industry. Only small in- 0 O vestment required. This U a rare O O opportunity to make connections O O with an organization with a big O O future For paitlculars phone, O O We. 6403. O O O O O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o O WE WANT A MAN WHO IS O O CAPA BLR OF HANDLING O O OFFICE AND SALES. O O The writer of this ad started O O here 30 years ago with less than O O $100 and now heads ;in organize- O O Hon which hn.*» $140,000 invested O O In buildings, equipment, material O O and manufactured product. The o O line Is standard and the demand O O has grown at-adily during the *»n- O O tire period. Not a get-rloh-qulf k O O acheme. Just a splendid opportu- O O nlty for a man who wants to set- O O tie down add qualify himself to O O finally assume chargj* of the bind- O O nesa. Would expect a reasonable O O Investment In the business, but * O O would not he interested In the O O rnnn<y alone. we want the man. O ■-% O W-760, Omaha Bee. O 0 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AUCTION sale of the bankrupt clothing stock formerly known as Belmont Bros., 109 Douglas, Omaha, Neb. This stock will be offered «t public auc tion Wednesday, April 25, 1923, in hulk to the highest bidder fur '-ash. by order of the court. Stock consists of clothing, men's furnishings and fixtures, and Is an exceptionally clean stock. In all will in voice about $1 1,000. Wednesday, April 25, 10 a. jn* sharp, 1309 Douglas. Fu» further information, write or call !• E Neafus, AT. 096-l. 18th and Webster, « r Dowd's Auction ~1 ’• is • Walter R. Johnson, Trustee, 437 Omaha National Bank Budding .lames L. Dowd, Auctioneer. B H. 1 >unhi it., u, feres AUCTION SALE of bankrupt 'stock of Friedman's store, 1222 Douglas street. « i;il Neb., Thursday, April 19l . at 1" m. f >*< • k conslvts of about $6,000 north of clothing and jew<lr>. This stock and fix flirt • trill be offered in bulk t•» th" fifth • bidder for rash, by order of the court. Remember the date, Thursday, April 26, 1 92 .. at U n m. For further Information call K U Clossen, trustee, AT. 1309, or D. K. Neafus, AT. 0966. JAR L. DOWD. Auctioneer. B. H. DUNHAM, Referee. FiL'Sinr:sa opjM>rtunity. T wont a representative In every city in « stern Nebraska, outside of Douglas coun ty, to demonstrate and sell VAPO. the only rug 'leaner on the market, that clean* i apontanoos e oration and Is nontu. .luriou* to ’he fabric or dye. Season is right for t ig mom y Pend $! for » .topic outfit with enough me’erial to rlfan throe 9x3 ruga or write f r • .’i-ulsr* to A J. Hmme tn, room 9. Wead liidg , (miahn. Neb. j RK i hard ware in Jlvo central Nebraska town of fiOtt, from 12 to 14 mile* from nn oih*r town. • J < >o(| brick building. <4,000; fix ture., $ .00. and sH^ct stock running $3,000. Uv rwr i .rn't r and im d ^^work nml run-’ *■ l! [>'•?■' run be brindled witty' *5.000 cash. This I* a real deal .it the price iiuot'd and you mu. t br na the '•a*h— no trade* considered. Address V-2299, Omaha Bee._ appoint sn-nt* to sell our full -overage health and accident policies, which pay for nat tiro! death. Why not have a bittiness of your own? Write for full information. PIONEER INST'KANotf COMPANY, l.lnrotn. Neb _ i brld garage, fox l 2*. well efjuijp.d with maihlnery; 4 Ian;-- modern living tin*, over front; keep* 3 me. hanlcs l - l■•■•■l agency. Did $104, 000 i,ii« i*-<g I t > • r Price $16,000. Half < >*h. j* O Ho* 22o, omaha, N-b. l,AW office of .1 H Woolley, ’deceased. o-'udlMt library, furniture, e'e f..r sale. Th . Off. - ha * been established for forty years, doing a good business. MARY A WOOJ.LEY, Grand Island. Neb. • I [tor r< >R BALE ?0,00d bushel house located in northern Iowa, In a good 1 ,n belt, situated on two Rock island I ! iiouss Is ironclad complote with ' O'" motor and inpnllft For particu lar* addree, Y. 2292. Omaha Pee._ For Going business consisting of f. r i nuu hincry, autombolie* and filling a*ion in best "farming community In Ne • •.ivi .i Clean stock arid not overloaded. Duty Mtardard !ln-s. A good Jit'Oj.osltIon I • ": tha i • ■ PoitTl'NICS msdt with smnll investment* and always limited risk. Write for free • • pl.1 r;.i tO! v bo iet No 41 K -nnedy dr 7 4 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Estab lished ihh4 Members Consolidated Htock l X< hange. Soli AA|,i; -Grui cry and meat market, all anl«» ra-li. 1 h» only one I hav« left • sell. Going ,Jn tha wholesale badness. Sunteone 1m going to get bargain. J*hon« AT S in ni AT 71*11 in^«k for I>ave loHvl'H.ST free bom. 1|..w to Kinntno." eh" -ving rafty method of raising lurg** • ;it*itMl qtil'kly for any buMnc-sa. .Tunica H-omit. Sun 1 mandn Rldg.. Los Angeles. f.’iil. _ I A \A jo . IS • . furniture nnd library for (■■i,* tn bo<on Wyoming oil town. Won derful ■ -jijiortunity Lock Ho* 2 2, Oleti I "■ iv. IV " ___ J.Al*TLH* and girls' furnishing and fancy • 1,1 H A Itftctl "If • toft Invoice* shout | dft" Selling on account of health l\u Main. North H*-nd. Neb. ' FGlt HALL Good going local business In Omaha. Located t»n truckage. Will i i,*h foal estate and r<|ttljun»nt. Address \V T:»4. The < |Tiiahi Tie# STKIGTLY cash business for asle In g^w" leg* Wyoming town. (Janets! rnrn hanolae. t'wn*r wnniH to retire N» egchang# 'JJP‘ nd*M . d Address V-22*7. 'I ho Omaha Ke«. lit.- Y fioni riwu’i 12-room, all modern; always full, good Income; rent t&f- Good ^rjri* for Quick en Ir \1 P»)V»L HAU ' . uni 10 M U*t It l ' l-il 4 Air-^r Ava. FINANCIAL Btisinpsn Opportunities .50 lilUH’KHV ST< >K I-—Must. • ! account leaving city, grocery store and building. 14 4 5 North 19th. _ _ 50-CAR GARAGE for sale or trade. Must poll to look after other interests. Bargain. I AT. tills._ GROCERY STORE—For sale, must sell ! quick on account *»f out-of-town business, j WE 0605. Sunday HA. 7028. ; CONFECTIONERY, cigar and lunch busi ness for sale. Reasonable. 4020 Ham ilton ,-street. FOR SALE -Drug store* a money maker, I at a bargain. Must be sold on .account • sickness. <'.ill Wa. 1171. ' GIB >0 EIL Y A NO M E AT S TO R E; GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. MA. 2056. MODERN bakery f..r sale 2934 North 24th Si. Bargain fnr i a-li. WANTED—-Garage stock with fort agency. Address. Y-2295, The Omaha Bee. -MOVING picture house for sab- at Laurel. 14 LaU r• - i. Neb. I DINING room with good tirade for rent | on amount of Illness. AT. 6090. 11 ROOMS, mwly furnished for sale, good location. Gall JA. 6374. PARTNER - inted for established pool hail. K E 5321b__^_ IllVPstnirniS . 51 f DOWNTOWN* IN VKSTM KNT. Here ere four houses on a corner lot I 66x132 that is netting present owner 10 per cent on purchase price. With a little improvement, rents can be doubled. GALLAGHER & NELSON 520 Peters Trust Bldg. JA.- 3362. $1,700-—7%, 3 yrs, 640 acres. prir* $1,650 750—7 ec, 3 yrs , 320 at res, pries 710 1.000— 7rd, 5 yrs., 640 acres, pries 1,000 1.000— 7%, 5 yrs . 560 acres, price 1,000 14,000—O'c. I yr.. 120 acres, price 13,&()0 ! cnRKlN. 919 Oinaba Nat. Bldg, Omaha. CASH paid f"i 2d mortgages on Omaha ; property. F. C. llorac k & Co., 640 1st i Nat l Bank Bldg. AT, 2531. Loans on Itcal Estate .52 6 PER CENT MONEY—Bankers' Reserve system. 6 per cent loans aro made on ; i ity or farm property to buy, build. Im i prove or pay indebtedness. Bankers Re l serve Deposit Company, Lathrep Building. Kansas City, Mo. ! FIVH YEAlt CTTY "LOANS. Quick service, lowest rates, optional psy rnents, semi-annual Interest. J R. DAY * CO. K • Bldg. Omaha._AT 6904. 5 ^ AND 6% MONEY. Loans on Omaha improved qfoperty at ! lowest rates 7 FRANK H. BINDER. i \ i,! ’ • . b r. n. f H 0,000 In or JM ar I Omaha, in sums of $1,000 to $19,900. F. D. WE AD A- D II BOWMAN. 310 S.JHth Bt., Wead Bldg. AT. 01*1. FARM LOAN8, 6 j . r cent, 40 year* on authorized plan: no -commission; write for name nearest agency. Lincoln Joint | .Stock Land Bank. Lincoln. Neb. MuKET to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RATNBOLT GO., I GHT year Ioann* r'-j per cent. AMOS GRANT GO. 201 S 18th. Arthur IMdg _AT.__85*0. •OMATrA^ HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA, 3718. FARM LOANS. 1 Large or small. West Neb. farms, ranches, i Kloke Investment Go., .845 Om. Nat. Bk. i 777\V -ate. on city property; quickty i closed. No monthly payments. JA. 1533. j__W. T» GR AI i A M:_ SECOND mortgage^ or contracts pur. i chased by Ttikey Company, 620 1st Nat'l. 1 Bk. .I/C' 4.£b___ MX per ' , loan? on Omahi rtsldences. Cash on hand Prompt service. K. H. Lniigre, Inc.. 534 Keelin* B!dg.___ PEER 1 *EN r — N * * * DELAY i N B Ig Buy 1st-2d nbgs. Corl<tr>. 919 Om. Nat. 1 Money to Loan .55 , YOU WA N T MONE T DON'T PAY BIG II RATES We loan any amount up to $50n at the i lew* r rates Gan lie repafd in easy i monthly p.ivtnents to suit convenience, { W<* wre. i need and bonded and have been in business ov*r 30 years, therefore >ou are sure of a »m!ck, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 506 Karba* h Hlk. Telephone Ja. 2395. :-‘outh*a. f Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. | MONEY *o loan on automobiles. WE. i 126 _ LIVE STOCK Dogs, Cats, Itird*, IN I*.... 55 SCORES ' OF F ':M ALES AND Gl A RAN I TEED SINGERS RELIABLE CANARY j BREEDER. BYERS MA_:ii01._ %4 « < ' ■ i .1 F. AUll. BjOX 5. M A. 045* T H* >!: )UGHBfWBL) fox 1.11ti r puppies, Horses, Cattle, Vehicles . 5fi • • fust cost. We make them oureUri and , -<»ll them d r.- t to th"* fHrnv'rs. Ham**** fiom $«o to SllO. Alfred Cornish, !2lU Karnam S’ . Omaha, N< b._ and wagon for* or trade for Ford car. MA, 0270. T70C M St HOR8K—A No. I horn* and cow for sale. 49th and I’ratl Hta. Call, KB. 3237. (*< »W Y<*png Ifni t.-i-i t »iw frt'ni^ in July, giving 10 «ir» Call WA. &?4<* .MARKS—S*veml mnr-s nnd gelding* Con* ';<t i Coal and Supply Co., AT. $I4€. j BAY riding mar- 900 pound*. $20, If tak • i ■ I’oultry anil Supplies .57 1 j1 ALJTY eh t i ■ itandard | h* hvy Uyuig fov. h. Whit* and Buff i l"'1 II' IC c Hr Leg , |i *vJ , 3 , White nr Brd Ro< k* Hod*. H. nr B Comb.. 100. $io. h Orp. W. Wyn. L. j rihJt . 100. $18. Anaorted. 10". $10 A* j sorted large breed* only, 100, $M <Jtia!lly discount 10 per c*nt for son or more, 32 I page «at free. Prompt delivery to your 1 P. (). Missouri I'ouitry Farm*. Columbia, ! Mo QUALITY chi . eggs, ; .i > daf •! hr* *i varieties He: t winter laying strain*. | Free delivery. Ft* .ie •natde price*. I'rompt 'shipment Catalogue fte*. Missouri Poultry Fwrrn*, Cidumbia Mo. 1 ; arietle* ‘‘all B-4*i2lL. Frank l*n Match«b*y, . <>o FrankPn A\r, Council Bluffs. la is C. B I hatching *gg*. selected stock. j$i] per 100. Call WA Ol'ii. LOO* (Jen ■ I rent. I TiifiRurmiBfu:i> w*hit« ic-kV also Rhode Island fled egga for hatching WA.Q2SS. j c j Mi K K S AT _F« 'lt;S AL K. ~ K 1*2. 3 2 7 <7 ~ ^ MERCHANDISE (liitlilnc and Purs .*..i fin I Folt SALK—‘Brown velour spring wrap. K|ie tv Oood' style Bond rendition Cull I J A\ 0»9fi. aft* r »> o'clock. CIltLS outgrown summer dr*'-*** and 14. JA.8001. FFLL DJlJGSH milt* nntl Tuxedo* for rent | ja. 3128. 109 N. Ifith Street J. Feldman, IVotiM'ltoIri (hmuIh .W Il.xi’KHT gewlng machine repairing MICKlfiLS, 1 h and Harney.* AT. 41®i. luble, congoleum rug, Ilotimliolri Oiiodi .<>•*? i*' i *it nTtij ii K A lU ff I ON Another liig Furniture Salt* in IiOWD*» AIVTION IMM'HK. IHlh and Weheter Hl« , MONDAY, AT l V 81 Including the rontphue fumivhtngn of 2518 8tlnn»- [.nag Addition. 816 North 48th Avt' , 5033 i'lintlng and nkvrill other gfuMl hom«'H. In *hl« "ttlo will b*- furni* turn for evefy rooiA in i h* home Nothing mlai eprruented. nothing bought I'ttfk. ! everything aelle Ileftirmber. thie anie .■ I Monday a* 1 p rn. JAflKH I*. DOWD A <"*0 , Auctioneer* ■ If ynU have anything to gel I, «u|| AT 0810 NINKTKKN Ht'NDKICD ele*-trh» wnahlng J muuhlm, red buhy bugg>. KB. 3£>7J ^ MERCHANDISE > Household Goods .63 o oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o O FURNITFRE AUCTION. O q Thursday, April 19, 10 h. m:. and o q continue until ail sold. Furnl- o 0 ture and personal effects, the o 9 owners of which have been prop- q :: erly notified according to the laws q S: of the state of Nebraska, must be q p? sold to satisfy delinquent storage q 9 charges. O ° You will find goods of every kind, q O description and quality, dining, q O bedroom and parlor furniture, O pieces, rugs, suitcases and trunks, O talking machines, books, pictures, p: ° 2 O Frank It Stephenson, Auctioneer. ^ § GORDON FIREPROOF WARE- O HOUSE & VAN COMPANY. O Eleventh and Davenport Streets. O O O o oooooooooooooooooooooo o ONE b**d complete, one sanitary bed and mattress, dining room suite, rocker, rug, bookcase, other things, reasonable. 1322 S, 251 h Avc. AT, 4 11** FOR SALE B tot ifu golden drawer Singer machine, $30 '-ash 11 a QUO ___ ,SKT of Havilaml < bins, cabinet sewing machine, and cut glass water set. JA. 2736._ ___ j FURNITFRE*—3 rooms. $ 1 00 cash. Chance' VV \ <792 LARGE HtFhei WA LIBRAR1 table and 71 lb I baa f! 5 ■•h. M 1715 S 3 3d St i_ Jewelry and Watches .64 DIAMONDS. We pny the best prices with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CO, Omaha, Neb.. 4U2 N. 16th St £elephone JA. 6u49.___ Miscellaneous . AUCTION! AUCTION! NOTICE of PUBLIC SALK OK RE FUSED oil UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. The following described property, con sign'd to tli*- partus whose names follow, will he sold at public auction to the high *»ht Milder for cash at this company’s un claimed freight sales room. 1111 Harnc-y street. Omaha. Neb., at 9.30 h. tn.( on Monday, May 7, 1923,-viz.; 1 ert advertising matter. M J Kith* • art, 13 boxes foldlng paper boxes, -.1 r. U.irter; 3 ctns wheeled toys k d.t ('. A Ba'.man; 1 kit roofing cement, .1 K. Bruin mltt; 1 pc. rough stove casting, A Bar he, 1 smoker (crated), Ulaude T-r-1 ranee: 2 ctns. printed forma. Farmers National bank; 1 bag animal food. Gust ; Brmimfeld or Gust Grommfeidt; 1 bdl. - hay knives. Bndg**r Lumber A «*onl C-o . 1 box battery plates North Platte Battery j it Electric Co.; 2 boxes household goods , l bid. dishes. 1 bdl. Unoleum. 1 bdl rocker. H W Harding. 13 bill f,aper boxes, G \V. Allen; 2 stock bricks, L. * * ' Nelson; 1 empty rr-am *an, Waterloo Crelmery Co.; f» cartoons Jelly In gU*a. i Fr»*iden Delicatessen; \ ctns jelly Hi, glass. 2 boxes Jelly In tins, 1 pall Jelly, I H If Rhone v. 4 ctns Jelly in glass, 2 boxes Jelly In tins. 1 poll jelly. I*. H Habenay. 1 bdl. 6 shovels, spoon, Cl a tut Electric •-o , j 3 sa'-k* stock powder. 1 hog f‘-• I*r .1 ■ Meyers: 1 ctn. drugs, 2 cs animal feed, i rtn animal feed. James Kasper; 1 wagon bottom. - wagon sid ■ . K A A.sp’.und. - ftUta parts, Onfall Manvifn I Co : 1 hand feed • utter. 1 wheels ‘»f<{ Melr; 1 drum pet. lubrica’tng oil. VN ltnJ#f ( Bros , 1 Steel brl pet. lub oil. I. H. . 1 n. s anvil. Kansas Card Te* « onw pany; 7 pr. casting. 1 box castings, i poker. 1 bdl rings with top. 1 roil Turn, jkt. <1 furnace>. W L. Ruberk; 5 bbis. dry, animal tonic. Joe Zwelner, 71 sro ks stork i food A L Ellis 1 box wood bnttery > rases. North Pl.itte Battery A Efectrlc Co.; { 2 ground bon*. 2 sacks charcoal screenings, tiering Feed Co. I er*t*. , ] rockers. 1 box fixtures. John Knott. 1 i bundle greens dee K W n.ggs t o and many other shipments too numerous to , mention. nkVv • UNIf»N FAUIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. Q. C Smith, purchasing Agent. A. R t’harde. Sales Agent. r7 ,R H VLE—One Taylor hand mold typ* caster $2°. one Robbins Myers. «*' b. motor, $ 1 • -: on© 3-inrh Ink fountain. $. . One Reddlngton counter. IK- H v> Atlantic. la. ______ FOR SALE or trad- 1*» gal. automatic, \ - Vie rai pump; 1st shape <>” r.,w.r of 110 vo f I-445 electric mot of. i U E Show T.kmnah. Neb.__ | FOR BALE. RELICS—Including Indian. , mounted heads, buffalo horns, old guns and knives, specimens of or* ‘an j a 1 3231_ — t r*'K SALE fie,*' - iO af:i' IS f;no 1 *es aid .;i kinds of supplies 2 mde* north Ben non—He© them. 23rd or 24th. Booth f»r»o * He* 11 r« .isonable Call J A 1 - * _ ■ ONE rubtwr hose, one •'Metric meat , grinder. «»n© rsrdy rase, one seed ca»e. two whealt arrows. x 702^ N - ■1 n Av°_. I F*uR 'SALE—-Recond hand n** **?''?* 1 • • " ' ' N Musical Instruments ®7 KDHI.FR * CAMPBELL HABT GKAN" l let, than eight mam ha. very attran-( ti%« price and easy terms BURGERS-NASH COMPANY PIANO PRICES Wilt NEVER BB I .(.TWER \V« ho. ae'erted t. ntv-fi'- Mlenl » and pl»g «r» for '**'• h rule All A ! .-ndltlon i"'1 »' Kred* male.. Ifjou *M»rrt to huy h piano :hi« la on opportunity you cannot afford to overlook. READ THIS PAKTIAT, I.IST flft ‘ Camp ft i •. , uprlel t * l, .. St rope * Sony untight. » II e I let t ft I»gvl« upright .. o" Chnkerlng ft. Soria, upright. j! \ ore ft Hone, upright -.■■■*•••••• nfl < nuking, uptight .| Schaeffer, upright . ?}[• St.g.r ft Sona, upright. *•” ,« ! Manefleld. player .. i.‘, H S< liinoll. r ft Mueller. pl»>er 7' ' ” Artemi* t »)*r f,.ie " MAKE TOI.’lt OWN TERMS SCHMUI.I.ER ft MtTEt.t.ER PIANO lllhlhll Podge SI. _ _____ “ KOHEER ft CAMT'REI.Ie Electric player Pmo ’ n“t" huy thla for HUM) per nmnih »lth r’ ' BPIUIKSS NASH COMPANY_ ~ hr.HlIITt.Y CM ED I’llONOUR t PHS »:.T.n slightly ua«d Vlctrola «»0 {•?” rllghtlv uaed VW-trola. It e; * IA 0 eltgl th ' llruimwl- u. $2.15; lt$0 ■lightly u»-.l l phone. $&ft, *unranteed meche nh * > ly I’ •’ j fc.'t Orchard & Wtlhtlm <>. Dfth j AND SKI Our fine **sort merit nf alightly u»^u | piano* We have them In prlre* ranging from $®o no up T'-im* t" *utt. i u • ri »Ran - n Ah 11 co m pan y TRADE your u«ed • rjro on a • • I ’ ’' piano. Balance n* !o« «< f<0 P«r month A UOPl’K CO , Kill 1 mug lr a __ RTOItY * CLARK Kprlght Reproducing Plano foi *"le v*rJ rtn*«>nal»le Thla In * ample plane »"« brand n*w. nURORMR NARII COMPANY nr.AITTtFUIg Maaon * Hamlin *mall grand ptarm Like new ll.Oi® Addi*-*« V (•nrnha Bee. __ 1VKK8 A POND <JRA>n r . (1 le * than two v.-iita. f< • -«!»•%"* nlrnoat half prl'*o. Hmftll monthly p#y- j manta .... ItrrtOKHM-NAf*ll COMPANY. ,11'ITAK - HAWAIIAN -TKPI.. AI.M<>.ST| VK.W CAM. K V T HA 2f.M> ...... ST KIN W A V I riUHIIT I > >•<(* like n>'iv/ Taknn In enrhnnrn Aiiiiil.n Will C'll fin vary ,-nny Ii'in Htnilnils-NASH l l iMl'AN V n wo riAjsos CAM, at "iii Seeds, riimls. Fori lllters. BliNHON-OMAH A Nur<«ry KvsrytMng in trim Slid shrul.s of flea, rorm-r of 'I, i ; >■ « - C J riylMI. sinre anil Office Equipment 70 NKW A NTl I SKII AMKnifAN .m m itivr.nv a srri'i.r ro I St. iA. 1278. | i *T Aft ANT ill) typawrltara. 17 Ml anil up. Milliard Supply I'n ltdi fiollca store mill Offlee ICquIpment 70 TYPKWMITMIS nml nddlnc llllMhlna*. I.nwtat prl< • ■ re»palra«l. anlfl «»n j payment? . AM, MAtfl S TYPKWHtTKM ' »> C«■ ii^4t H U 8t, A I 8414. ^ MERCHANDISE Store and Office Equipment . WB BUY. Dell /iiafe. make ti**ks, Sow < a sea, etc. Omaha Fixture * Supply Do., 9 w. corner 11th and Dour las. JA 2 724. Swap Column .<* NOTICE TO flgr. aPI'BRS. Y<iu may Insert a three-line “Want” Ad for three days undei this classification. A box number will be affixed end you call for your repllsp. If yott close a deal you pay for your advertising In the regular way. If not. wh will cancel charge. In other words— NO SWAP—NO PAY! This offer la good only In Omaha and excludes all business ads. Bushiest •'Want” Ads In this column will be charge* 1 our regular rates SWAP —NO PAY I SWAP—New "and mod'-rn pressed brick veneer house on* two Cti ft. lots, located in rorth central Indiana, at LaFontalne. r,ood garage for two cars, eernent walks, city water and lights, and half acre in connection for garden. This is a firm cla«H home Swap for anythin* of value hi Nebraska or Iowa. Address 9-2JT. Omaha Baa* ________ • m:irilUKTH iixe v ol n . Handpowar washing machine; Tennis n-t marker and balls; Chicken mop and fence. Sell • heap or what have you? Address S-Sfl, Omnha Bee. . IN.PFSTUIAl7 stock, 12.000 worth old es tablished company, wholesale anil retail. Nebraska corporation Will trad© for high class automobile or vacant. Ad 1 ha FARM—Improved 120 acT**» at $N46 per acre Southeastern Nebraska. encum brance |6,000 In on* 1st m<irt*«ifffc. trade for city property. Owner. W-799, t^naha Bee. __ dTo-ACRK farm. 6 miles from AtkJ Neb . worth 112.500. Sell cheap or trade for good Omaha residence or Income, Address S-37. Omaha P«»e._ Sl.X-rYIJNUKH Na“h roadster, not hav ing any use for U, wants to swap for any thin* of equal valu** Address S-22. Omaha He*-. _____ _ "ft ACRES Improved rolling llnd, near Woodbine, la Small inc, price, 1175. Want garage stock. Address S-xx, Omaha Bee._ . _ CORNER LOT. 46th ami Howard, for rooming house, restaurant, or _sell on monthly payments. Address, S-S72, oma h.i Bee. , _ __ PUTNEY'S La wi.ibrary 12 Vole., about 4.'A0 paue*—fine condition will trade for what have you? Address 8-864. The Omaha lieu. _ _ TWO 100 acre farms, all *lear. unim proved for two ICO improved with long first ]o*»r. No se«ond loans wanted. Ad dress 8-857, Omaha Bee __ SMALL, new moving \ ture machine with reels, for ukulele or some ■■'ringed instrument In good condition. Address 9 4 *. Omaha Ek ■ < . \-m T I 00 I ta, a new $22. Victrobi -.ith $60* w->rth of records hr first payment for house or acreage. Ad .!r, . 8-S92, Omaha Bee j. '!' ■ . f- t vacant, si reel tmj ’ll. *11 ih. Just north 27th and Cuming, clear Will i on elder car or tru<k part payment. Address owner. W-7f’\ Omaha Be** HI * P M OB ILK touring. recently over hauled, goo*I condition trade Jnr Ford speedster and some «ash 8-887, Omaha Bee. ____ « Omaha, will trade f .»•- apartment house In Oni,iha. Address S 17. Omaha Bee. LaTTV nil* « cylinder Nash roadster can not use Will trad** for what have you? Addresa 8-22. Omaha. Be*. blioVD BABY BUOOI 1 • 1 TRADE IJtS M.uTD SULKY OR STROLLER. HA 1564. . _ 1»_-: 1'oRD ton ttu' k* Tr i 1» fnr Ford coupe or what have you** 8-110, Omaha Bee. __. _ WII, L. iwap 1921 ! < Six stud©r>*K©r. ni» wbwln want later modal, lighter ear Addr©e* 8-22. Omaha Bea. ENTITY in II room a of furniture Incoma f On month, for Omaha res*denre. Ad dr* aa S 4 2. Omaha Her WILL trad© 1 •••. t '"'ir.nK at I a ah for good building lot. Addr*a© 8-922, Omaha Bee. ______ ' r \ rug suitable for living room. Addreaa S-ll, t >ni i 9 l'ra SWAP—Hawaiian F’Jltar with a—, v tlur J i”. f**r large suit *.-© 8 20, Omaha Bee ' ____ ______ _ pV)|>GE fourlig. good ahap©. f*.r fur niahed flat, or what hav« you? 8-11. Omaha I to© _t rTvjv ROOM bungalow nnd 4*rare. 94 300. fi trade for what hava you? S-2I, Omaha Be© ___ Wiu. -TThange almost Utxr Buck »*oal rang© f.r ©Irctrlr v a .-her or what have you’ 8-53. Omaha He© ,,, Jt • Florida land. If acre*; no swamr Swap for g«md car. or what? Address 8 "4. omaha B©© _ _ _ FOR vile or trad©, on** *ife "!*• 1x2 ft , for Ford touring ©ar. Vl'K. 1142. 2901 N. _ ' ff4.90 INTEREST In \V©*« l.awn cemetery lot near front of Mausoleum for what hrtv,. V, u* Address s-sr . Th© Omaha Be a HISTORY of World War by rollier. « Vol* about 4,000 pages—fin© condition. v\ hat have you** Ad«1r< sa 8-869. Omah*^ Beg. 8 EVEN PASS nut »ntoi . © to trade f r smaller car. roadster preferred Must b® « good one. Addreaa S“87. firi.ahaJBee S;Bvv « oularIoi unmpat i • d . m ’ a amt B flat post 11(14. Whut hav® you? Ac*dr©'s 8-3 2*. The omaha He* HEIFER < air. Jer*.©y »nd ll-dstein. 1 '©ar os ] *n Ms; Trad© for ©hat ha\ o >ou? Yaluw I «» 8-31. Omaha B<© THREW lots ig Uni Place Lincoln, ‘<j trad© f© F»*rd ■ -«>utor s* dan 9ddraan • p 1 ha 4 tit _ FORD hatteTy for vbat hav© n■. . m!«o radio outfit for chh.kena Addraaa 8*41, Omahs B**a. I.ATE inoi’l©! 11" * e • r ■ : •* with sid. ' for good Ford or light dwllvery tru» ic 8 13. Omaha li« e. __ P \S8EN' IP olden 1 rondltloti What hn\© you? Addr* “ K-1 4. Omaha B©e \VILI« trade Z perfect diamond a gam, for lata modal automobile Fall, J A, 4111,__I l HAVE a l-pasaengrr r»r to trade for 2-pftaaenger car. Addrca 8 -it*. Omaha Hep, _ ____ HWAP good varum o!ean«r, almoM new. | fn*- electric tewing ma'hin*. ** 47. Omaha' flee. ^ | for new furnace. Add reax 8-31, Omaha Bee. ^ , ■> M liKS, '1 ■ Neb . t i kivnp for autu hualnc** Add.raa 8 It, Omaha Flee, _ _' TWO 3 lit almuxt n*wStlllf» tlrra f*>r r: f» g S', tire* Ret of wire w h« els for what hn* you*’ S I5.V Omahg Bee. FKMAI.K fox rerrter. H month* old. to trade for anythin* i • an u*e S *11. Omaha Hae Forty acre*. « lenr. Miaaoorl form n* «r oil field*, (or rooming hou**- 8 * 4 i OrrmhH U'p 8\V A I’ n |fd of auto tool* for id* • ur tain* am! chain* for Ford Addtif* 8 I r»a, Omaha Her,__. Wll.l, trade patent floor cleaning and. •scrubbing device for i«r or what hava 1 you’ 8 l" moth* Be* PAIIt f full elxed rb• n#«i|* i >rt i• ■ * to rv up fm what hava you? 8 s *J, Omaha Hr*. T« i 8\ VAP *|a**v sport model Fold body 1 f- r roadater body. Addr. .« 14-10, <Ux*,.i'.tu B*e. reed iihy rarrlage for radio magiiovox or whnt hit'* you? Ad dreaa 8 3-1, Omaha flat. I.Ald « black «*r.-e «u . large *i/«\ never been Horn, for Vi'trrda nr what j hnvV you ’ 8 II, Oimtlm Bee WfilTF. ena me ltd wooden or bun i»**d anil springs fur t« e bog or other furni ture P 1 ** ('ninltii We I *i HI 11 truck fo »»«p f ■•» Foul roadao-r with atartei or with block for *tarter. 8 af.3. Omaha He* Hoi,UNO window a-iern manufacturing T<ghta. Mali* offer. '• d•! F. Mb Ml,, Kan-j SHM Fit). MO. t'OAI< R A Nil F -flood baker Will ttadei for a« ven young laving hen* i>r *>0 hub! rhlcka AdUfeaa 8 M7*. (Muiiha He* 1111 A N I > new I:.|» phonoioaph h * l» I.n««!r, I swap for piano. Aditrn t> *60, The <Jina hn lire. I.AI'Y s" rflgtnond cluih i ring 4(ft Ifooy rr > l«-Alter. M *M omnha Ilea F|fl,\ Rf/|,l*"‘l i'inln»i*il to trade foi Fuid louring. Addrc*» t *gi. Utflrih* liy \ MERCHANDISE ^ S»;ip Column . 72' KACING motor. special built Chevrolet. Very fust, swap f«»r late *90 motor ‘n good condition. 8 si*. Omaha Bee. WILL swap my service* as h driver for expenses to California. Address, S-&«»8. Omaha Bee. auti matic caliber, fishing alt ers, sty.*' 7. new. Want banjo or binocu lars. Addresi 8-748, Omaha Baa U J-iLL-MI'l r.T fine bi e*< residence. good location. Want mortgag-•* or small farm Addri 9u 8-881j Omaha I lee IMPBOVKU acres, near Scot tab luff, N«*b, clear, want city residence or flat*. Addri *v ■. O m ha Bee I’AHPKT cb-aner, i71 dollar size packages. Will trade on vacant lot or what have you? Address H-834. Omaha lice-.__ I.AKU 10, cheerful furnished room. reas onable rate, close downtown. Fins loca . * ' wii.i. trads fin® goll tott 1 t >r electric washer or good 9x1 !£ rug. S-885, Omaha Bee.*_ _ _ \ I Urea, 1 IS C''hanlcally good for Improved city property or vacant lot. H *P'i, 1 mi a ha Bee. HAl.r A' ItK, wM of Fort Omaha, about 4 hlocHs freon < ar, for new Ford touring. S-8H<j, Omaha Use, A MAGI** LANTERN, roller skat** ranny pigeon* to swap -for w bat have you'* Ad dress 8.888, Omaha Bee. (iAH range. 4 burner, high oven and holler for round dining table an«l chairs, or what have you? Address 8-815. mniiha H‘p,_ WILL exchange Ford touring • ar body, 1921. for roadster body. Address 8-873, Omaha Ilee._ On ■ ‘ ■ ' 1 ’ * for clear property or land. 8-836, Omaha Bee WANT Omaha residence or Income for clear Polo, wheat land. 8-835, Omaha Bee __ __ Id acres <*f Oregon fruit land. Tit la dear. Swap for car Address 8-811. Omaha Bee. _ V \ hnv*- you? Addresa 8-868, The Omaha B-e. ELECTRIC vacuum will kwap f**r duofold. Address 8-48, onlaha Bee J»;u ACRES land, good oil pro*»p~ct. What have you'’ Address S-16. Omaha Beg._ S \V A I* ‘ - i 1 ar for part expenses Address 8-25, Omaha Bee. MOVING picture machine complete, trade for us d iar Address 8.22. Omaha Bee. in** ACRES in eastern Colorado fur Omaha residence Address 8-801, Omaha Bye._ I with starter. Addr*- - 8-24. Omaha Bee. 1 chicks Address S-4h, Omaha Bee. ii‘*rsL PAINTING to pv-’c P for Ford « ar. A^Mr* ** 8-877. Omaha Be® NEW inabogto) piayei piano • * swat* for what have you’ 8-859. Omaha Bee. 48**-AORE ranch land, clear, f r Omaha property. Address, 8 *71^ Omaha Bee.^ Wanted to Biij . <3 \VAN'TED*Tf>’ B UY— R < ■ f rigerntor. shout 4 feet wide and », or 7 f**t high Writ* da scrlption and give. <-xn t mcaiarerntni. Ad dress' W • 7 ** 1 , Omaha !>»■» WE buy magazine* arid ati l.nd* <>f wade paper OMAHA TAPER STOCK CO. 18th and Marry. __JA. »Hf. DESKS. “ I ■ DESKS New desks. used desk* bought. Hold and traded, f C. It* IS 7 Fifnam AT €140 ONE Hoffman pressing machine n grod condition, without boiler. Call At. 3 3 Moor**. »__ WANTED—To buv two gpoliw v'a.tion pump*. Call AT 765I» and ask for Mr Gordon_ { RENTAL S \pt*.. Mat>4, KumHitied . 1\ O 0000000000000000000000.0 o , o , o o o / THE 171. BEtTDOR O o exclusive apartment o O f o o- o O Attractive apartment* with kl»' hen o O and breakfast room Furnished O o - pR-t. 1 '■ A the *** \ - - O * o O O O Weekly rentals lne!ul* light, gas, O O heat and mn.d service, O O O O Dodge *t IMh Te| AT 4?0D O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000-000000000000000000000 ! o o o o O MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL O O / O O 18TII AND DODGE. O O O O O O Apartment* cm « -t of living r *>11.. O O dining loom, kitchenette ard lath. O1 O O o Rental Includes h*aL light, gas. O O phone And maid service. O O , o ! O Ar«rtm«*nts furnished *oft r O O bj R#flnit« Soft Water Pro «. O O O o o 0000000000000000000000000 o oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o FURNISHED APARTMENTS O o o O A ba< h‘*’r*r*s furnish* d spat?- O : O rr ■ : t • • f twr» r »r.i>t« Nil J6 A!- O , o sat la n 118 S St . 13* O O * O ; o rETKRH TRUST COMPANY. O O ’ Where <|r*iaha Rent* ’ O O AT. C 44 ITtli ,1 iid Earnam St* O O O o oooooooooooooooooooooo o HIIRK t* a'upethfng of an «kSv**ytlona! np portunlfy. and \ ou « annnt afford • tuf * Must -elf' contents of an M-room st rift !>' modern pressed brick fla?, doge tn, ft via* n eight* Thri'i.t. income average* 1100 per month *»ving fine putt* of ro« me on f»r«t finer with Iirge per1 h for living uuartrnr Eurn!*hingf the \-'v , beat. cheap rent. Add rep* Rot W*HJ, Omaha llee. i O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O , O O ' O I. v|ng m- ui bedroom and O O kitchen. No. f) Hwre.'t wood : corner O O Dewey end gweetwond Av*-s the O O tween ?Bth Ave and f*th Ft ) O O 170-1*0 O O O . o PET l n< THIS T ('“Ml* A NT. O O • AVh*r <imaha Kent a'* O O AT 0144 IT h and harnam M:e O O O , O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O KI.HIMOKK |M KMSlfl t* APART&IKNTSJ 41 s No. 39TH MTRWKT One bln 'k frotfh chi Th« moat p|e«aanf, i homelike auminer aparttnanta !n tunalte On* tilt • > furnished 2-room apartment i with bath, adults, iu: El» ft UtHTtS. 11 A 1M4 t \Ur*H<NI\ sT . VMM Nicely furnish* «l j cheerful 3-room apt with hath. Fla ay j walking *11er ,n.*% fool place fur sum 4141 _ ' AUhUlMA ST. 3110 Waitable 3 rrotn furnished apt . walking distance AT. 7 f»U* TWO TD»»*M furnished *p* Rent* 140 and If. M min' nr ■*£ South 21*1 A\e \\ .1 I'nlmrr t*« AT '•‘40 J HEAI’TIEI I# 1 t mut arid kilrhcnet t e apcrtmeitt IT*m son aide AVE 204 *139 Wirt St 3111 SO "4th. 3 room a strl tlv modern apartment, everything furnished. vacant May 1 Reasonable. At. SSf**' MIN T► II INN. A 1 ro*.0—141 h and podgg j Mis Home for traveling man and wife 4-ROOM modern apt . walking dlatance. j Janitor Miv| •- summer, M xva 1‘ttiS KAUNAM v er> dml «• ayta ; well h 1 ^ I .\|»f a . rift l*. * nl mnl*h« d 7ft t>NI N O' ill lilt'll Irf in II a IIOUUI r'oint. OpiaJis • tico.-st "Duple* type apartment f«argi> living rooms. (lining room, kilclu n f 11 a I fltmr. 2 curnir brd • • t.iop. till i hath upsta ri Rdrlgeistor kitchen cabinet, cas range. gi*a water heater all fum*b«*d I cxptouir -* to eg! apartment, gl\ ng .-red v.*nn Minn In t'oiuna open for inspection today at 330 7 l)r«w> A vi r II MAKVNKIt on. Huihlora I.H I Ritalin I.m.m It d» AT J «i.* :I WKNTi THIRD ST. 7*1 N Mix-room! modern flat, rent fftO \i illi« Av - Five rooms, modern, rent I4f* f Mil KIN, 111 Olttalf* Natl DU Omaha. N»b. I RENTAL Apts., Flats, I'nfuniisliptl .75 I 0000600060000636000006606 O APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW O O Four rooms, south and east *x- O O posure; conveniently and well lo- o O cated. No. in Troy, 3^09 Har- o O n*y street. $62.50; $57.50. O O 4 room* and screened porch; pleas- O O aritly aitUati d. No 7 I :y apart- O O merit*, 24*7 North 16th str-et, $*;*•. O O FOR MAY 1ST O O An attractive small apartment. O O living room, dining alcove arid O O Icltchen, wall bed. d terming room O O and bath. No. 8 K i ngsborough, O O 2538 Dodge street, $',&. O O Four rooms and dining alcove; a O O pleasant, comfortable apartment O O home. No 11 Montbi-Ho. 520 South O O •'’•1st atre»-t. $8 5 O O Five room . bedroom arid bath. 2d G O floor, living rooms down; separate O O basement. Dundee location, No. O o 9 MiiHred. 49*11 Dodge street. 190 O O PETERS T HE ST COM PANT, O O ‘Where Omaha Rents" O 0 AT. o54 4 17lh and Fa mam. O cooooooooooooo oo o o go o o o o o BRAND new "Duplex type" 5 and 6-room apartments in beautiful Ramona. Gout t at 33d and Dewey Large- living rooiVi, din ing room and kitchen on first floor. 2 and 1 0»-d rooms and tiled bath ^stairs. Plenty of closet room. Icebox, stove and kitchen cabinet in each apartment. Rent al. $65 and up Open for inspection today T. H. MAFNNBR 1‘O.MPANY. 51* Otnahi Loan Bldg. AT 3362. M IT.TON A PA RTM E NT. 1954 Jones We have one dfc.-.dy apartment In this building available at once, con sisting of 2 r<»om»—living room, dining room and kit* hen. with a door bed in living room and dining room. Very rea ;*onable rent HASTINGS & HBYDKN. I Harm AT RH TURNER COUHT. Tn one of Omaha's most desirable resi dential districts. Opposite T>ark and boule vard; three rooms with five-room ac'-om modaGorn Boole v aid exposure; available May 1 Janitor, HA. r.kur, d M. HAUSER, Mgr IlM Dodge St HA 7M0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO o « LOSE IN hi.AT. O O 6 rooms. 765 South 16th street, O O 160. ^ O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY. O O "Where Omaha. Rents.** O O AT 0544 17th and Farnam O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOO g 3®TH —Thr»' ioitA unfifU Phed. in modern large home; 2 closets and pantry, ao'iinil floor In private home. Pol ished hardwood floors. Newly papered and painted Heat, light and *»•: fumirh*-d. Man* arul wife preferred Ref. ex h :ng**d RA. LONGFELLOW, 2215 Hawthorne, 22 Howard, new 3-room. all modern apart ments None better in Omaha. ‘me ir» Longfellow; one in Hawthorn* $60 each S**e janitor Burbank. 811 Omaha Na >. 1 .i n i. II 8 . *T i I - i -' • I. flat l modern. * »ak floor* and f*nl*h Immedi ate possession. JeT.aO. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney. ^ : i,r < • v, SjH Ii It • in l water f ur rhithed Rent L* and $70, iu Rjrdette apis . 21st »nd Purdc ** j W J PALM KR*f'O. AT *9*0 ROOM APT with two real bedroom*, newly decorated. second floor. lA>ok at Apt. 16. Portland Aots., Park A • •. ard Leavenworth Sp. W. J Palmer Co. AT. 0**0.___*_ JjC~88at—Choice 5 rooms and bath. Every room an putslde room. vUh an ahund h:. ® of sunlight; Beivedera Apts l€tb and Wool worth; wider rate. *r-*c APAKTMENTS AND FLATS—$32 to $100. W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT h" v ‘ ATHHI HAL DJSTTU< T Five roc,ms and bath; sunny exposure* large yagd. For particulars, plione Dr. Mercer. JA._*>4i ^ __ FOUR room and ** r*-ened p<" h brick mod* rn. 1914*? Hurt St. »••• on-1 floor, summer, t* . » nt< * I p.mgwslt Bros, Bran.lets Theater Building.^__________ PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS * AT. 0544 I7»h and Fsrnam Sta. F< > H rent. Aug 1. 6-rc-m flat, with bath. Downtown proparty W, F&rnam Smith He . 5 Far?;/fin St JA._J>5*»4.__ Fok ONE «#K DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2 $ 0 5-__ 4 2ND and”Harrey, 6-room apartment. Vacant May 1st. DAT.!.A*.HER A NELSON J A_1112._ * art bath. $*■»> K» .. bat. No c 1*4 Ref4 "V:IOHTKKNTH ST . t-<»4 S - Tm » Mur-rootn f’»’» • v paper* •! I *' • *t*d *'*>l • IT ROOM modern flat for r*»r 2IA Park A\ e < '* . liarn* ) J'1*’ Walking di» t in* e HAHN FT AND 27T H ST—Photo HA. •;*«: Apt II. VKt«» »: Immediate r«** urinjon V#r> deairable AI A HTM FNTS F< >R It KNT \v FA It NAM SMITH CO. |StA ’ mail) __ 1 ' Wi. . . ining ' pi - ri complete with Ford tr»j k. for Ford car and . vnh A-Mre«* S-*74. Omaha Ree^j sTTv Kit AI. household article* to ex change for good euitraM* er traveling Imi* Address C-47H. Omah*^ Hyc. Tm: FRANCES. .*}< Capitol A\e—Mod em <rin apt. lath, f n- condition, walk. ln»c dtatam*' _I4'* WE .So'. ^ HEAFTIFl’ir I room *amt kit-hrti *tte apartment R-aaonable. V. I *43 4. 2124 W|rt Street K-U NT/.K PARK "dial*-, *. ? 12 Dinnev Hot water heat ga*. Itsht, phone fum '•’hed f 3b. vlarait ROOM* apt** . downtown, •tro lly modern I. - and fia per month 1324 Cap'tol v _ M;()OM APT with a . 1* o, p- ThC imi, \i*>, $:> S 21 at Aw Ren* I'GGd Hid on W J V ill*'* Co.. AT V440. 13 N tcTIl — Fin* .**roo * mod* ru a* ad ment. S«e it and jou will tike It Sunday \V A ?4<2 Mi-nJo JA I« 2 1 >*,.* FAHNAM V**' * . apta . well furnished; at earn heated, hath %T TRACTIVE ro-*: >■* and bat t good ' FOFK-ROOM modern apartment*, low rent O F\ St.hhtne, IMG Chicago 8* 1 r■ • M mod t» apt walVlng distance. Janitor eervF« . »u«unier, • •**. WA. 3.444. . or S ROOM »p‘* . private bath. sleeping I IA 2 Room apt. unfurnished. 1412 Etyimet v \v chat- r au 4’* ill Ht'Nt « room Rp’ vacant Mar 1. 1 ■ jp 1 iMiut*• >* ■ **r 2 rntftm, 4-room a* * on.modatt<*na. Frhndrjf privllea* a lith and ' m n st* JA • «1 Sherman U* , b rin* MAKI.AN vPTS thill WF <Ci;> or JA 34V* »n«u|e*n f*-r»*«*m apt 2' 4 1*. ti> ar 2'«t St Funn* fur Kent ... . .6 HKVKNTI IA ». r « With five r*“>'n | houae and l*a*n Slat and W.hi-r Sn . only one block t>» Florence • nr Will repair to *«,iit 14 •* Y l» WE AO AM* 1» H HOW MAN, AT 01 S1 r.l( s I«th st w > * d 1 y FOR U KN^*—Fully equipped and stocked 1 dairy an<! poultry farm. * A Renter to buy »to*k aid euu-pincnt Everything i 1 du 'll . A dd ’ es* M C !’<••* ' * . R 1 II. »« f.. Chapman, Neh •i ACRES. h«*use. hern. ch -Ken HoUh*. J plenty fruit anil iwrvtra. Ch»ae In In cjuire 113 S 14th hi j *% ACRES Improved, Child'* Point* W K <’«• « UnrRi;f3 and Kami «• UAH \UF fm nnt, 24th and 1» S« • . South ma «»>;• lltMiki'**, rnntislirri . 78 V DRAKE FFRN1HHKD APARTMENT furnished ax you would furnish >our own ) home For and Apartment Home, call 1 * ft \ K F RENT At. A < • I' N OY Fireproof Apartment a • m i. t*s w e takf tor orr JA 240b. Corner 17th and Howard 7 ROuM furnished h«*u»a at 10**3 S 2Mh bt AT 214 2 i*AKK ST 401 • Nt■ ■ rt> fm* ih**t '-room i h >»u •• *■, walking dlytanve. It A t*S< «. RENTAL y linos***, I’nfumislied . 79 1-ROOAl resldei fur nished, 21 f a/J Howard flow Refer ees* required JA. 3256. Houses, I nfumlMhod . 79 I iy modern but gas $20 per mo. Family without children preferred Fall MA. 3280. DO DOB and 43 d St *—High -Hasti brick duplex, conveniently located: 6-roorn and garage rent. $80. WA. J045. A Good 8. room house for rent, 1.120 Harrison street Ja. 4699 LA R<IE lA >'i - . bu ion 1915 fit 50th a at rest. Ja. 4699 B*nc*. (MtmbM .7f ALMOST 1,000 Fireproof Apartments. A Large Selection of Locations. • Walking Distance. Ifane<om Park District. West Farnapi District. Cathedral District. D'jnV' e. The Service must be Right. <4 They are all Drake Built. They are alt Drake Owned. They are ail Drake Served. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments. cam. us—wr takk you our. JA. 2805. Corner 17th and Howard. 116 N 24th Ht . C rooms modern $'•> 920 Hu let R» . 7 rooms modern . .37.50 .420 Caldwell Ht., 7 rooms modern 27.50 FIRST TRCHT COMPANY. 400 First Nat I Bunk AT 0721. FOR RENT—Ni e six-room modern house on a full lot, for r8m a? $60.00 p* r month, near 16th and Lorhro; Sts. \V. H OATES. WE 2688 Realtor JA 1254. DODGE and 43d Ft*.—High.Hass brick Dirdex, conveniently !<vat*-d; C-room and garage, rent. $80. Wa. 104 5. 319 N 2STH FT —For rent, 6-room mod* • 'all HA Q St t heat $25 1705 (4 Kt.. s< * ond floor, AT. 1226 or HA Hi __ 122 H th S*. 7 - r« ru a!! modern flat with g. rag-, avg.lau!** March 1 Kent DO. JA 367" or WA. 7240._ 1524 8 0 26TH HT —Seven-room, all mod ern house. $56.5' Reference^ required. AT *767-—4-eqom house In rear of 1306 South 1 ?t h Ft Partly modeni. $22-56——6-rm.. ifo S 19th Electric lights, gat. w.'-r JA. 5351. SPLENDID aii-ino«1-rn bouse about May 1 Come t** 3*_'l Dodg* 'HA t'457 BEAUTIFUL - UAi club to rj e r, I r a 11_A T. 74 71. Office* and Store* ...SO ST« IRES IMP Famam St splendid store. 132 feet depth. J35C. 2©th and Pierce Sts two store* (.heap rent OFFICES 1112 Fankarn St. 2nd floor, apienn.d front apart, can arrange 9 i 293<j*24*2s Famam M . 2nd floor. ♦4*!:;. ?;n« light. « *od condition. 2$’h ar. i Leavenworth St , one offt t jsft In new bldg F D WEAL and I* H BOWMAN*. 3?© Sr Hth St Weal B'dg AT *161. O 0000000000000^00000000 o o o O Fur 1 eh! manufacturing some O ; O ?ps‘ •' in the Bromley building. O O 295 P J3th St O O , O § PETERS TKIST COMPANY, O Where < hr.aha Rents ' O O* AT 4t 17th and Famam St*. O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO O 1V 2 ©* Hi)WARU STREET. Two floors 33x7*; steam heat, e" rat or separate stairway (or street en :rafi’<’« #-V('ei*ent ventilation and plenty of sun; light, suitable for light rr.anufaftur 5ng or rnblnat -n if wholesale and ra ta:!. Her.' (Jtfsp WORL!» REALTY CO. AT 1»*2 H'-h '* or# World Theater Bldg. 2 5TH AND FAHNAM FINE note room about 29*70 w;ih ?uU batcmriit- N*«l) decorated. We have M*v*ral other attractive location*. FIRST TRUST COMPANY «9« F«rt: Nat l liana At, 97:9. • 712 a-i it. floor apace on third floor of Ind • al Ride l?*h and We hater. Heat 'd Lrgproo'. day gbt l tdg . pane and ft ght elevator servfiw?. low rent, ow Ir.a . light and power wiring throughout, Ideal :• r . s:h* n fa . five ear Rnea paaa corner AT V wr « t FOE RENT—-l arge * K • window dr*k room. <1 d|on downtown Tele id' re •ervice furnished. Stenographer ;n ff *- WUl make low rat*" W-Iil. Omaha Dee _ RCSINKSS' LOCATION HITT *? hook stc'e f“r rent Alai ba! mny finor. *.vh h would He Tp!' ndsd salMtnan't dlap■ ag room. 213 S, 19th. “ ftTORWOR RKNT. KaceHent store in Sun theater, WORLD REALTY C* * . Realtor* VT JA* _ W • r,d Theater Bldg ' ^*0 ft Lour -y* e for rent Suitable f->r pitu" nu k ne shop or laundry • l M « \ - v '■ i •. Kwmi ami Hoard . 81 XX A » 970- -Room and board, reasonable, t»*r. , iora«. <t private home XV K 4 w 14 } n i suit a ho for 2 ladles; b»c*kfa*t t? desired X* \Pl.F ST * '; ‘ -l'es:»sh:»' f<»r 7 single m«*n llnrne . <iok* d meal*, prl home. Kiionis, Funtisftvd . 8? o o oo o oo o 6 o o o o o co oo oooboe”I o o o o o FA I ■: \ A V ST 1 4 1 2 XV FI.L1 VC, - O j O T< N INN HXS NICELY H R- O, o nisiifd Rooms with i>K- o ■ O Tb'HKliOR PRIVATE RATH AT O O VERY ATTRACTS K RATFS T>> O O PERM .WENT r.H Nts 1h*N T O , ^ FAIL TO SEK THEM O O O i ooooooooooooooooooooooor o j fhi:k ih*o. i-mivrouv ~ for ROOM lll’NTKRS should you fail to find l"*ted ha’>w the • on \ u want. at * he M ant" Ad counter of The Oioahn Bee for a room *1 rectory The Ornnh* Bee iiglnta'ng ih i e.rxPe for your twtivi'iirr,*' New It*: ‘Mod e h week And tf you waitf to lit‘ rt an ad of your own phone AT ■ nd ask for Miu Smith, our "Room fur Rent" specialist. ^ TU I NTH i ll ST - A S at l ra\et! sv.'rth —l arge, luxuriously furr.txhed rooika j palatial \i r«»om home#* fix# minute*’ j walk from city hh II, excryuhing new and j Intrnaculately clean, garage. breakfast ; optional: suit# hi.' for business or prof»-s* t %t i th, «♦ who . • apt'*-. »: * the xery boat, x*cry t **».>*• Me to jight part lea .1 A Oh JO i'lixi.siiKn r\1>! SVnt — New home and equipment on KArnam line; walking dNt*TV . A lx, garage space If j do* j red I' |Ur. MiO ' , ? •• '■* only, men.# tf dealted All modern JA. • » I UN' dl N ltl.Vl», '4, roo-,M g'ug * or dotihie private home atne. a modem Real home privt’cn- s IU .'45?. I'Ot V.l.AS 8T . S.d0‘ 2 Is'ge, convenient, r >* flooi t, •>»%. modern, to 4 k.Ui'.i* at ' $£,i »1 ps. h ' T ’■ ♦ . KI.K'IAM Id 'i»r t h-oiv y- v.fe eiitrwn •. xvs' «1 .*< shew. *\«r\ von ' * Ulen* e ft A i x : :• . .-Ah' \KV ** »' U xe p|fH»snl r. >m. Mock from tar god Kr.intge perk, t xgtw family $& p**r w e. k "I 11M Nl' KId ro»m >«- ptt' vte home, ‘ Ml • ‘la iT*' a »l tilt ton, *o >ihvr roomer- Ha l»»! i HA silx-Mnn x » o pitvgt* hum# Ksftti'ntr* Fist loxat oa. i RENTAL Rooms, ft* iirnUlKd .89 * rooms, running water. 8 4 and la. HA. 60»6. _ v ___ FUH roLOHKI^- Or*! i • irty <urr.!*h#d front room for sleeping, with kite hou • Cell SI A. 9{%4. _ 117 PARK JyK. — V#ry tin> . > rg*» south #a*t rroorn for 1 or 2 rent, men HA* 4K0<) lief required. v«*iy deorau-d L12S PINKNEY FT -Large ptcaxint room, i o-k fr* in i.<.f i nd Koi'i'"- .rk, private family; 15 per week W£ ■,*. PARK AVE. mi Modern fumbh'd room for coup!# .mpioy*- L .d If de glred. ^ ^ ^ ^ WA. 6UeJ—Hoorn for gentleman m pr| v.’i- jarmly Dundee, <•-- o car i I Room fo - . ft in pri vate family. Dundee done to car. 23D AND U—Well v.-nt • Ja*►»! le«* rooms. 82.50 up 4113 & 2.3d Ft. HEM is PARK Coxy east • on t ar Ha . NICK prlvs’e 4 8. 26 Avr __* \ t * r mi 80S S Very i "’nt rooms, cl os# In; reasonable. NICELY furnished room in prlvat^ home for in*r1 .nan, < !<>»'• ;n AT. 7 4 4 ’ _ I > >a rnj • 3" *o_up 724 >L Dfh 8t. Rooms, I'nfumished . 83 TWO un furnish'd room* with <*• r#ene«i ! — LIVING room with kitchenette. 2111 Douglas_ ^ Rooms for Housekeeping 81 PftEE~ROOM 1 -1 HECTOR Y for ROOM U ENTERS. Should you fall to find s*ed below the room you want, rail at tfce 'Want" Ad counter of Th# Omaha B**e for a room direct pry Th# Omsbi B*-e mainta this service for your convenience. New list Issued each week And, tf you * nt ?o insert an ed of your own. phone AT. TWENTIETH FT.,~ T-T F — Room *n4 c kitchenette S.-at, gas. laur-iry f.r-'-'-d, rent I to tf auk good neighborhood. Cathedral ■ #»•; t, *.or tier. ' In,-,- to car line; p h m LIVING room I •. -V l bath. prl’. a # tidm- Har.scc.n i ark dis trict HA _ _• CANTON FT 152 4—Thr-X- r. e homey front rooms and kitchenette. pr.\ < e hem# J2<» p#r month. A_T f41*. _ TWO u nfumshed rooms. $3 p#r w-vk. SIS North 27 th. Call before 2 p. m. Sunday „ ___ WANTED—Kvpe-‘-need *ou#h dry rh##k er, also gJri« for fiat iryc-r EXCELSIOR LACNDRY. Ir : Capitol Ave. /_ _4‘'2 CAFH—Estra nice 2-room apts; front, I*.50. 89-50. N e 2-room l>a*em#nf. AT, 61a (T#I )—3 newly decorated rooms in private home, walking distance._ HA. 17(4—N-\v.y <! ra d rwinii, euito or singb- Ha-*nc«m park district. 622 8 * _ TH 51 * W* thing fu'• ih< Ri sons 1# /A 114.' ST MARTY AVE . ran, 1 Isilt 1 and 2 room hskg apt*- 4251- • r m- I » adults niy. 2614 Chic ago St'_ Wanted to Rent .83 TEN DOLLARS reward for inf rm»*. ico. .ad ng to renting of * x «,r f* . co-room h Jee by i!»v 1. HA 147* Where to Stop in Omaha . 87 HOTEL FAN FORD— l#?h ard Fa ream. HOTEL HEN8HAW— l€th and Faraam. SpenaJ m'f* fn pcrroatert g*je#?s * 7 CARLTON HOTElT Summer rates. 11 per day ar.d cp. 1 HOTBL NEVILLE. .Wp!»m Koenig. Mgr. HT S'. '! h Oh «treet> AT 0 4 REAL ESTATE ^ Coreas# PropeHj . 88 "Country Heme ’ Lineal Highway 4i arr»* threg mil** we.«t of Falrao-#**, north aid#* of Dodge. r.»i*e grove mo-Vm, 1 ** atory bungalow with large room* fire place, furnace; 2 we is garage. large l*arn. cfc. kr n hoitte A fine show place. iTBprovemesu rust $12. price $611 an * C’Kesfe Real Estate C:„ REALTORS 161C Omaha National B?nk. JA. 2T1S. SWELL in.peeved * a- re*. ;u*t *■• u h of <;iv .iro:.* Self or ** ‘de for bouse or ir r .me G b’-' *-F:. HA. 40 •. JA Uusinrs* Proporty .t. 89 Near 24ih an! Damirs St 2415-17-19 Cuming street T*o story hr k bu '.d ~g. *• and — g on a Sot €#*112 Location !* one that grow* in \»*.ue igh4 along ar 1 h'* an etn rnt future Priced r.ghy fog qu.. k sale and can he bought w#th wery nominal payment./ Kot prk* and terms call H, A, Wolf Cemciny, tsi Saunders kennf.dv iallxi. AT. !Ht. A Downtiwn Its rest*t>eat 50-6 South 13th St. Two rtory hr» k bukd re. go taring a g’ ind 22*#c etores be! wr, €-rtx»u* fiat above. Owner analog* t>» »~J| » J put at t‘ .***0 and ran be bought witli haif caah. balance u- suit pmvhaa*r. H A. Wolf Ccs:i?7* 1*2 Sann.D—«-K r.a ty Ikdg. 4 A; Unite Si€§ "Buy a L'^x'Flat’ ’ A Desirable In esti ^nt " *• can off - * new > n the Fa ream <5>»trkt. r if # f» ' ? . ' pv month nr;i legated and *ti - *»!ol ten ant* P 114,2:4; $. J , A. fild per month > W* ha\e another dun!** on TVAgo street for Ms.e'V * tb. two ir gar.«gov fu • ru ral $!€•;• i t »• nth Glcyer k Spain,. Realtors, )!>■;» I'ttj Stettnnal Invest: s £. t s " e are offering fir An'# two of t>ir»h» * !**•? a part men! b^uaw ■JS» o *r.vtn»-at houve stt.v« \* ti\ Wa•*■4 v et iff St. near Thirtieth One ape'’.meat hAVM »Ue «u*t off t.afo «-nworth n*ar K-aid rtutw s lie of prm-ert e* t«> b :<h’. at \ price that will ret a handin'* , rofU to the vur> b*M'c •E H Benner Company, «*>: < KM-!.- I* r R * J\ <4. Buy a Duplex Kti A Desirable ^nt XV e , ,»n eficr a new duplex ’,u the tV ->et Fa rn n m diatrlrt. reeling fvr f!St» pep month, n ls> a?ed ant «. « te*r, * v I'j icv $*.a a *£.. .-«> h, fi r*— * ;• h. We hare another duplex in *V t* *fe«rt for i. * i*ha w.ih tvx. it g.»raa* lull lot; rental tl ' per mer > h Glover & Spite., Readers, I »1S •# i'itv National Two Houses T»x*»nt> far-' 'mu * It* ■ ‘ r e high cl*** rooming *-..uae «\»»* hi* « ftetxt Facnatftt rnr lien i r xralkuxa d ataiu a from J*th *tr*et Tht* gr^r iv «u Pa bought at a vert reaaonahta p. lea. E H. Benr^r Company, 4A i N — >1 t’g v, -!* y v. ^*4, • a it?, p* 11 | e . tl |. k ’ * v * Might rv**» wirt y y w k:ai> am* o h. i*o\vma>*. AT flfl elf Po Infc fed, V **d 1* 4%,