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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Sell Your Services Through an Omaha Bee “Business Service” or “Situations Wanted” Ad—You’ll Find It Pays X s \ PUT AN AO \ IN THE ToCdET MTOFO HAN A ^oD* Ht HAS'^ANCjE TE E T u FRON handin' around THE KITCHEN. 50 ‘ ASKED k TOR- A SlTTlNl' 5O0 TOFF / HUT! AdOUT THE ONLT ' Thing i think me could TO EARN ULD T o ;YTIN’ EGGS ARM VM WILE THE HEN VMAS GETTlN AN A\E>INJ. SA'tf. VAN WlNKLr, YOUR- VACATION iS OVER.. &^ 6oS m, Theres No CTOBS "TOR a Good man. no\n dahs! I HAVE BEEN LlRYIN' EOR “TWO '(EARS, NOTHIN J ;-- —— ^ '£ Twerp's Ko does,you say? fS*. READ'EM AND ( v<ie e p! J fc.CPk'ir; i AD' BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or. 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days, lhc per line each day, 7 days ur longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed "public wantf,” and do not include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bee as well as The Morning and Evening Ree. All week-day advertisements appear n both morning and evening editions at the one cost. Want Ads accepted at the following offices. Main office.17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha • N W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs..Scott 8t Telephone ATlantic 1060. THE OMAHA UEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Call tor “Want" Ad Department. An experienced “Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later The rates quoted above apply to either charge or caah orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition. Evening Edition...11 Sunday Edition.9 v. *n. Saturday THE OMAHA MORNING EEE. THE EVENING BEE._ ^ ANNOUNCEMENTS y Ilurinl Vault* ...* DISTINCTIVE'features, see demonstration it factorv Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch for name In lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial \ ault Bo , 5210 N. 30th 8t„ Omaha. Card of Thanks. * \VE wish to thank our friends and neigh bors for the kindness shown us, also for •h» beautiful floral offerings during tbs illness and death of our beloved mother. We especially thank the Cudahy Packln* Co., the Live Stock Nat. Bank, the Omaha Nat. Bank, and the Mystic Work ers. Hugh. Mary and Francis w halen._ WE wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the klndneas shown us. also for the beautiful floral offerings, during the sudden death of our bejovcd son We especially thank the Jerpe lom ■nisslon Co. and their employees. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnson and family_ TO the dear friends and relatives of our beloved wife and daughter, we extend our heartfelt thanks for the loving sym pathy shown by the beautiful floral of ferings.—Mr. A. J. Meade. Mr. I red I. Scott, Mrs. Kina Scott. ___ TO our dear friends and neighbors: Please accept our sincere heartfelt thanks for the sympathy shown and the beautiful flowers s'nt at the time of the death of our be loved little won. Philip. Signed. Mr. and Mrs._Alfto_Can! glia_arid_famlly._ WE-wish to thank our friends for the many beautiful floral offerings and the many kindnesses during Charles Verne Peterson's illness.—Mrs. II. Peterson and daughter. Marie._ _ Cemeteries, Monuments . 3 forest lawn. North of City Limit*. All revenue* for perpetual car* and Im provement*. Offices at cemetery anti "20 Rrandel* Theater. _._ fteirti ..... f LEE LARMOlT 19th and PouiUas. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA 1908. j~HENI)KRSON. 1507 Farnntn. JA. 1958 Funeral Directors . 3 Fo Jo STACK & CO., Omaha'* b*at undertaking eatabllahmefM arrow AMBULANCE S2V.X Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY k HEAFFY, Undertakers and Embalmer*. rhone HA 0265. Office 2611 Farnam rEB'TVAHLlHHKD SINCE 1A8>.) Crane Mortuary Co., conducted by ladies only. 15 South 20fh St. AT. 36H9 and AT. 1*90. Hoffmann Ambulance Dod|« at 24th. Fun*ral Director*. JA. 2901 Taggart &~$<m i:Kcon‘r H. H. Kramer ,m ""TZAr CR0SBY-M00RE r~LARKIN BROTHERS, I fUNERAU DIRECTORS. 4812 SO, 24TH. K0WSK0 I tad O Bf llth St HULSE & RIEPEN,' Funaral Director*. 2224 Curntne JA. 1225 BRAlLBY & D0RRANCE Funeral Nottcaa .\.c> SMITH—C. W., axe 88 yaars, Friday at Hpratton, Colo. Ha la survived by threw -ona, Lee W. of Omaha. Bennett W. and Roland of Hpratton, Colo. Remains will arrive Monday and will be at Brew er's chapel, 24th and K fits., till 1 p- m. Tuesday. Funeral Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. from the < trace Evangelical church, 27th and i KLLERBERO -Wi, I im April 21, ag d 7. years, at a local hospital He Is sur vived by three nieces, Mra. Augusta Week heck, Mrs. Mary Dwyer and Mrs. Josephine Hoffmann. Funeral from his lata residence, 817 8. th Ht., Monday, 9 a. m.. to Ht Mary Magdalene church, U) a. in. Interment st. Mary Magdalene cemetery. RYAN • Edward James, 11 months son of Mr. arid Mrs. William Ryan, 717 No. 23rd St., died Saturday morning. Survived by parents, three sisters, Mary, Nell and Ruth. * Funeral service* Monday, 8:4f> a. m.. from realdenca to fit. Johns church, 9 m. Interment at Ht Mary* cemetery. Xrrangements In car* of Larkin Brothers. OLUf-K—Israel, 534 Bark AW~~^‘ age H2 yerirfc Deceased I* two daughters, Mra. Mtu Hoinrner* and Mrs. J>. M. Newman. One son, Edward If . all of Omaha. Funeral B»*rv !'*•■* Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p .irt at Temple Israel. Interment * • • -■•ft I Mil cemetery. 48, * II vlved by two brothers, Jame* of Irwin, ad Dan of Klkhorn. Remains will be -cpt from Ifcafey A Heufey chapel Hun f day afternoon at. 6 to Walnut, la , for burial _____ Iff »LL18 Mrs Minnie, beloved wife of Or 'In, Funeral Monday afternoon at J o'clock, from John A (lent leman’s mortuary, in * serment at West Lawn • emetery. "kvHKI.A—»ll«. Mnyrrio. 2! oM, f<«> urday morning at n local hospital. / Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence, J 31 I « lib »t Kodak, l uuuai lioiua In thane*. ^ ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeuil Notices . 6 THE funs al of Mn, lidding, will be held from the N. I*. Swan son chapel to West Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. THE funeral of Mrs. Agnes A. Kemp nee Hikllng will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 from the N. P. Swanson chapel to West Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. ■ - . -=r-~~y ~._ra Attractions. 7A TRAP drummer wants work with dance orchestra Cal 1 V/A. 0226.__ IAist and Fviunn . 8 WILL lady with little child, who picked up mink neckpiece Thursday afternoon, coming from Orpheum, please return to Mrs. John Harvey. Apt. No. 3, The ik-aton. 3P69 Farnam ? No queestions asked. GLASSES—Lost Wed. a. in.. 19th St., be tween St. Marys Ave. and Douglas. Tor toise , mounted. Reward. WA. 27^8. Pair satin slippers and white kid gloves picked up by mistake at Thompson-Bel dens. HA. 4749. _ Reward. HORsT?—Lost, gray horse^ThuraT^iifter noon. " fith Leai er worth MA Xftices . 9 WANT colored minstrel per font Pr< f*r those doubling band. Week stand show. Zelger Shows, Pox 3, Fremont, Neb._ Personals . 10 WE desire to immediately g* t In touch with Irving Alexander as he is a witness to automobile accident October 6. 1321, which occurred on the Boston Post road Just outside of Stamford, Conn. Anybody knowing his whereabouts, please tall nr advise him to call R. T. Gustafson. 209 Woodmen of World building. JA/ 3944, or KB 32«»H. at R. T. O.’s expense. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, muga zlncs. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. I'ali and inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge street. MASSAGING, scalp and facial, and all beauty parlor work at one-haif price for next 10 days. Open evening1* by appoint ment. Blue Bird Beauty Shop, 408 Se curities Bidg. JA. 1061._ THEATRICAL historical masque cos tumes for plays and parties, at Lleben's. Omaha. EARL—Please write; let us know where about*._M A._4008. _____________ QUILTING it; '1 coml piece quilts for en !* «'.*I1 iti, JA iff# MOTHERS care and board for 2 or 3 children. Ca 1 i K E 47 21. _ __ Auto Accessories, Tires . II " N1: W TIR E S G U A R A NT EE I) FIR ST S. COMPARE PRICKS—WHY PAY MORE? 30x8 .$ .r, 95 | 3 4x4 II? 96 8f*x34 ... 6 95 | 32x34 . .. M 95 Shipped nn approval. $1 with ord‘*r KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMINO. HIGH-GRADE TIRES. STRICTLY FIRSTS 30x3 ..16.75 i 31x4 I 9.76 1 .13x4 111.75 30x34 6.75 I 32x4 1150 f 34x4 .. 11 95 Shipped C. O. D. on approval. PREMIER TIRE ■ » ft0> Douglas PUNCTURES and blowouts repaired free ( during demons’ration s and S. Chemical Repair Kits, 1404 4 Douglas Ft. ■ . with Kelly Hprlngfleld tires, new. AT. 7265. 2316 _H a r ne y. Auto Agencies . 12 EXCEPTIONALLY fine dry cell operated radio set. complete 1.600.mj]g r* r g »_for Ford. S-47 5, «)m» h a_I Ice. ( automobiles Autos for Sale ...13 Guaranteed Used Cars ” Don't take our word for It. drive the car •oven days and If you find It misrepre sented, bring It back and get your money back. 1918 Dodge, good paint, good tires, snd fine mechanical condition, $225. 1930 Ford sedan. You can t tell this car from a new one. 1375. 1918 Stearns Knight chummy roadster, a truly fine ear, |2«5. Here is a car that you can he proud to own. A six-cylinder Continental motored ! car, good shape and good looker, a bar- ( gain at $225. An.l many others, every one a bargain. Terms without finance charge. Willys-Overland, Sac., 2662 Fa mam Street, Omaha, Neb Open evenings. Harney 0363 ! Here's the Very Car YOU HOPED TO OWN’O A Cadillac Victoria-—Type 66, repainted 1 a beautiful shade of blue and upholstered In blue velvet to match. It has been . overhauled so thoroughly that f-w of your friends will bvileve Its not brand new. i Think of It! A handsome enclosed Cadil lac—at the price of a cheap, light car! J Your Inspection Is Invited A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Cn, Fa mam at 26th. HA 0710. PAIGE 6-66 7-i a**••«#* r Touring car. 1922 model. Run only 5,000 miles. Just nice- 1 ly Umbered Up. This car Is Just Ilk** new In every respect—at the prl* e of a cheap light carl Your Inspection Is Invited. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., r«rn»tn at Seth. HA. 0710 l Ford Coupes Wo have anvaral good Into model Ford cftttpM which aro ready In deliver nnd priced right. If you nr« thinking of buying a new Ford r.oupe, « the** be fora you buy Fbd maybe wo can aa\* you aomo money. All cara guaranteed. Frtfna In and *•** our line or mil Atlantic 1944 for a hom* demonstration. Guy L, Smith HUTCK < *■ ij; <• IQ ' a ' p inted * dark blue. In fin* condition throughout j Equipped with new cord tire* Thin i* n snap. We will h« plenMed to demonatnite. A FAFF PLACE T<» FillV. J. H, Hansen Cadillac CO., Fnrnnm at 2eth HA. 0710 Or,F»FM( »rtn,F one ton truck . $ 'Jon | Rebuilt flrann 2 »i fori truck . StO Republic 2%-ton rebuilt, pneumatic tlrea ...J.2R0 Fevrral exceptional value* In Fords and j light delivery trucks Andrew Murphy & Son f 14th and Jackson Ft* 'i i i ■ rnpdsl • Food F'Slnf. flood t»rc:< Mechanically In food ! rendition A snappy looking Job at Hip1 price of a Ford A FAFF PI,ACE TO PUT. J. H., Hansen Cadillac <0, Famum at Jtlih. JIA. 0710 % I ( AUTOMOBILES ^ Autos for Sale . 13 OPEN AIR SALE. USED CARS. WONDERFUL TERMS Visit our used car lot at 18th and Howard street; pick out tht car you want; make a small down payment and drive It home. Ford sedan ... $531 Ford coups .. 326 Ford sedan . 200 Dodge touring . 225 Bulck "t*' . 125 Rulck .m.......... 30S ChevrcHet sedan .. 87i Oakland touring . 2oo Willy's “6^' roadster . 350 Several rebuilt and newly paint ed Oldsrnoblle* sixes and dgh's that look and run like new cars. He sure and look at what w« have before you purchase. And then we ha\e an OldMnoblle coupe, painted havana brown. One of those good looking, easy ruling cars that a lady Hkea te drive. A real bargain We have seen very few used cars like it for the money. N EUR ASK A OLDAMOB1LE CO. AT. 1770. Jl»h and toward Sts. OPEN AIR SALE USED CARS 7/on£erful Rar^alns Wonderful Terms \ l»it our used car lot at ISth and Howard Street; pick out the car you want; make a small down pay ment and drive It home. Ford Sedan . $550.00 Ford Coupe . 325.0ft Ford Sedan .. 200.00 Dodge Touring . 225.00 Hulrk 4 . 126.00 Hunk 6 . 200.00 Chevrolet Sedan . 375.00 Oakland Touring . 200 00 • Willy's 6 Roadster . 360.00 Several rebuilt and newly painted < ddsmobil© Six-* and Flight* that look and run like new cars. lie sure and look at what we have before you purchaee. Nebraska Cldsmoblle Ca. At. 1770 18th A Howard Sts. Ford cars and trucks, $60 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cars sold on term* to reliable parties. QOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage Open Day and Night 1 11 Street. JA. 2461. $ Dodge touring, $250- 1917 Dodge roads Dr. $200; 1921 Ford touring. $155; 1*21 Ford touring. $250; 1918 Mitchell touring. $175; 1918 Ford touring. $126; 2 truck bodies and one Ford touring. 1701 So. 24th Mm. 3«1H. t?if7“man who hTTyh the better grade new car Invariably turns In a hetter condition used car. RICHARDSON MOTOR CAR COMTANY Packard Distributors. 3U16 Harney. j ~NK W~T f R KS—< ilAKANTK ED FIRSTS COMPARE PRICKS—WHY PAY MORE? 30x3 _ $ 6 95 } 34x4 - $12 9. 30x3 4. « 95 { 32*3 4. * 95 Shipped on approval. $1 with order K K 1 M / N TIRE J' >BHF/R8, 1122 t *' M i NO SOME bargain* In used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. M’OAFFRKY MOTOR CO.. The Hardy Ford Henries Station, l th snd Jsrgson St*. At *711 it * ■ bargain. A-l condition. Also one Fold roadster truck, 1922 model. Real bar If taken st once. Foil \LK= Hui k . • i . $285, F..rd t.»o» Ing. $66; Evenrude motorbosl. motor, $60 All in perfe* t mechanical < «>ndlti/n. Good it Call W I 1 • I A i. hiiu', in ad*lil I--ii to our repair b«*p an*! storage, established a used car sales department Let us sell your *ar on com Wall it < - irage fill WA NEW snd used Fords, cash or terms. C. F. PAl/LHON MOTOR CO., Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers, b snd v • Ks 1141 FORD touring in good order, with many extras. 1917 type Appraised at $136. hut for quick sale will make $50 reduction. , • USED CARS. - O. N. Itonney Motor Co. 2664 F'nrnatn. RAU< H A.M- LA NO ELECTRIC * OUPM -GOOD CONDITION, REA SON A RLE il \ _ NKHHASKA OLDHMoHILF: CO.. Howard at 18th _At. i USED parts for sli make* of <ar*. Ford i-aed parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. Js. 4931. Hi Jit K ft roadster, late 30 Perfect «on*1|. tlon. Will kHcrlflce. 4S22 Chicago, WA. HUICk 1 . I j"assngi r, fine running condition. Very cheap. Hmlth, 2206 Jon** Phone AT. 0559. OAKLAND touring, pries right, term* AT. tI70. ' __ ' ' 12 8. f4th 1 :>.• I ' •' 1 lil.AMi H.rlnn term* \T •» fo A n I Wanted . 15 AUTO STORAGE, U CENTS PER PAT RIO 4 AUTO CO . 1 1 20 22 24 N. 19th Ht. WE 4443. ^ automobiles ^ Autos \\ anted .f . .. . 15 I HAV'K storage for 300'cara. Kates $3 90 | up. 1120.22-24 N. l$th St. Phone WE. 5463 Garages—Repairing . 16 KOK A 1 auto painting drive to PKKIK FKK'S SHOP. 2525 Leavenworth, 35 years experience, __. I Trucks, Tractors .20 1 TRUCKS FOR SALK. ♦ 1H -TON PATRIOT CHASSIS WITH CAB: H I -TON INTERNA TIONAL CHASSIS WITH CAB; ATTRACTIVE PRICKS. STAN DARD OIL COMPANY. ROOM 409 STANDARD OIL BUILDING AT LANTIC 3100. ^ BUSINESS SERVICE Vccnfdlan JHditing . .Ill A CC()Rl»ION, SIDE, knife , box pleating. tovered button*, alt styles; hemstitching, , buttonhole* Writ© Ideal Button At Plen’ f-* Co., -'.i Br vn Block. Omaha. Nrb. 1 Telephone JA. 13JG, N E BRA S K A PLEAT I V< V Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. i*ft$ Farnam. g.^ond floor ja lifiro Dancim: Academic* . ;j '' LEARN to <1 - ! i Farnam Flagg** Mon., Wed. and Kr! nights Dancing Tuea., Thurs. Hat. and Hun n.ghts. Private l**«uns by appoint ment g .! A. N4 70 Detective Acpnries .I 21 Detect!*• Bure , 1. Sunderl and ‘ Bight, | ■ - 1 . LA MPS Neville Blk R\ idem e nr-d In al! « usee a’l_HH Garage Huildrra.. 23 LET our | r * *>g on complete garage* M ,r rleon Lumber <fc Foal Co._WF ss<i. Insurant-©—All Kind*.23 CHARLEa 81’SBLAD CO. Fire Autom ’ i«, Burglary, A* m lent I NHL’R A NCR. K RELINK BLIXJ. JA. 3326. CHARLES RVXDBLAD CO Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident INSURANCE. KEELIN'E BLDG. _ JA 2520 Moving, Storage . 26 FI I >H LIT Y~ 8 TOR AO HA VA N ~COT MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Houaehold Good*. Plano*. Office Furniture HU o\ \ Rg ~T._JA EXPERT Clung, furniture pa< proof atorage Phone JA. Ia04 The Terming! Warehouse Co., TM .s..u:h Ittb 8? . < orr vr June*, on Vladu- t EhTIMATK furn on packlpg., mov. and • form* C<>nlriu-fa Uk. n by Job or h-ur <i i * Vnn A Storage Co. JA. AT. 02 n A hon%, imnera BEKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE ISth and Leavenworth St* Pa'-king. mov ing, storage. Hhlpping JA. «14h_ - • Gordon Fireproof War* h*»ue* A Van Co. , 212 N 11th St Phon** JA 2012 LIGHT and heavy hauling of nil kted*. ^ trgnefer work. Very reaaonable. Call ' I Milliners. Drenamaker* .27 DRKSSN, AKING and fine m* inf by thft day. Mre. Jordan. 2*10 California. AT. 7220. DRESSMAKING and making over a epo cialty. Jm keon 4?1* DRESSMAKING- Fancy and plain gew - Ing Call MA 24.4 ______ I'aintinc. Papprln* . 19 I AINTfNO, pH perl ng .* reliable contractor, popular prices. llall VVA M46._ P A PK HI IA N« I NO pa I n t In*, d e. « »ra t In * Have your work done by an expert It • os i a lee* and looks belter W A 2411 PAINTING—He-orating. Give it to the men that handle the* brush themselves. 53 4 S r It. I>avig * Mora-* \Hi 2213 FAINTING, i a pet hanging, interior deco rating, estlm.i'*-* frr< |t*f furnished. P. .1 Harter* AT 9744. PA l^N-A'I N’tl. paperhanf in.g Hons* repair ing of all kinds. Prewar prices \VK 1974 PAINTING—-Interior end f-t'i-rinf W.»rk guaranteed fall after 6 in \VR .19»»7. IIOI’HK painting. paperhangtng, car penter work W M Graven. AT 2475 H'tl'SK painting, paper hanging. « trpen” ter work W M Gravett. AT 2475 PAINTING AND PAPK7IUIANGING. GCH '!» V. * IRX ( A IX .1 \ 1041 PAINTING and paper hanging; prices reu • i W A I PAINTING. | aperhnrgflig. good wora, 1.1. HA 1221. P A PI; It I Nt;. P A ! NTT NU, W A UP A P KR CHICANING CAM, HA 7374 PAINTING AND PAPKKINO CAM, J HORH, AT 1725 PATNTINO AN!* V A PKlt IIA N(J 1 NO. f A 1*1*. J. ft OAF, AT 729'. Il» *l Rl: PAINTING, 717© l»y hour or by Job Very reasotisble. KI7 4723 Painting, pnperhangipg Kellogg Wc 4644 Palpnt Atliiriiry. . 19 ' Pa 1 , i ’ I'todge. room L'»9 Also Washington, I». f 1 helj*^ Inventors sell thejr patents limlaU Flnialong UA ril.MM HRVKI.DPKD KKKR The Knslgn Co, 1904 Heaven worth i 11 v 5 i i ■ • ft • . » • i re PH i -l- • ■ • i Printer*. Rngriwr* . 31 1 ’’“l Printing Co . 112 8 II ««t ,IA 4014 Professional fllTTk!nnt Xli/tjn . ...12 PIlKHCFtIPTIGNH carefully a (impounded at the 4 Sherman A Mr onnell |>rug Chores I'KNTAl. X-rav 4«<i each: 13 full set 419 Hecurlt les Itldg 19lh ami Far n am S«*rvl< r* Offered .,& • AUTIIoHM I'll typo your manumtipia in a nvnt. norurata mannar of which you will t»« proud. Adtlr<-a NN 352, Om >tna M* • TKb’KN planted by apart* Hat, a I an trim m*'<| l.nwua miwn, I*v hour or contra*'! AT. 1115_ NI W Kord ton trurk for hli<* t’onaldar rnfitrac t job I.Ivina wavr WK r*!»4T HAlt|,|Nil of nnv kind, Ona and two-ton irurka ai j out aaivlva. JA. 1360. _ ^ BUSINESS SERVICE^ Services Offered ..34 F LA8TERI.,'fD brick "*and cement work. Right prices WA 0607. BLACK «TTf t fertilizer, sodding and grad i Ing,_WE- 1727. ^ GARDEN plowing, mulching and digging cellars. gradmgsoddlng. We._4767. _ ^ EDUCATIONAL ^ Business Colleges ...37 EXPERIENCED comptometer operators are always in demand. If you are not an operator an eight weeks* course In the Comptometer *< hool will fit you to hold one of thee© desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will gt*Nrf,e most lor your time'' Let us tell >ou about our day and evening ciasseft. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 300 Courtney Block. "The school that Graduates Experts" K V -• *li N •!. -NT-JHT 8' ID -«»I. Coroplet courses m accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comp tome try, short hand and typewriting, railroad arid wire -crfs telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, r a 11 cr phone Jackson 1£>66 for large Illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, __ Boyles Bidg., Ot^aha, Neb. VAN* 8A N’T SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ft K <’or. Nineteent h and Douglas. Ja 68t« General Instruction ... ..39 WuMEK, ilrli, 111 09 Get U mert positions $1,140-1.*00 year. Steady w ok. Paid vacation. «*ommon educa- j tlon auffir.triL. List positions obtainable, fre. Writs Immediately. Franklin In stitute. Dept. €57 A, Rochester, N. Y. ^ OF ARK WANTED—Government jobs P.ifVway ms I cierU* city carriers, $1,400-! 12.300 Steady work List position* ob fainsble ./rer Writ# Immediately Frank in InaUfnte, Dept :i A. Rochester. N Y. ! MEN ever 1$ willing to travel. Make •«. j cret tnvsa!igstlons. Report-. S'*.:.»*y and expense*. Experience untie -ssar}. Write J. Uanor, Former Govt. DetH-Uv#, St Louie. MEN wanting railway mail «.ierk po«i R -ns; road <>r offir# duty, write for de tails of next exam. Mwkane, Dept. 210, Den ver. TYPIMTS—-Earn $25-$I00 weekly, spare1 time. 1 f-pying author*' manuecripts. Write R* J **arnce. Authcr*' Agent. Tallapoca*. Ua, for particulars. RE a detective, $50-100 weekly, travel over world, unn<*<ffMty Am-i Ar an Detective Agency, 799 Columbia, Ft. Louis j $©$-$192 MONTH. Get government Jobs Candidates coached 1.1st position* ob tamable, fre. Apply today surs. MVA Address Y-22S4. unuhit Hee. Moilcil, Dramatk to EARN $20 weekly apar* time at horn# addrewing, mailing, music circulars. Fend at onto for information. Amer.r^n Music! <"o , J* * pn>»(iway, Dept __2" F ^N Y Trad# Schooh .41 MORTGAGER on central Nebraska land' for sale: $1.7©©. 7 per cent. 5 yra . $49 acre#. price .4 $ 1 ,€00 I 750. 7 per cervf, 3 yr* 220 acre# price . . T1 © j ll.b'li, * p*r tent, 5 >rs. 440 acres. price .1.000 $1.0©0. 7 per rent. 5 yr* , 560 acres. 1 $14,0vU. 6 per cent, 1 yr . 120 acres. prl«« . . . II.COD ' Forkln. 919 Omaha NaU. Bldg . Omaha, Neb. _ _l *_ _ ; EARN $ 11 o to tj * monthly, expense* paid, as railway fraffU* Inspector Posi tlon a - r * i: •» • 1 after in nth** s; are tine study or money refunded Excellent o; i or tun '.«s Write for free booklet F.-271 K'an-1. Hus.ties* Training Inat., ffalo v _____ WANTED—Me» ladia# and boys to loam ^barber trade; big demand; wages whil# learning strictly modern Call or writ* 1403 I »odg# Ft. Tri-<*lty Barber College WOl.KK BAR BER COL Lefts' no F 14th St Writ# f. r catalog ^ EMPLOYMENT^ ilrlp Wanted—Famat# . 41 ANT r.NTKKpRtatNO •HIM. OR WOM AN WILL LI K K THIS JO ft. VhI'NO WiiMKV Took aovantaok or THIS OPPORTUNITY LAST WEEK Put there are •« 111 place* for more n;i «**.Forr imonf tHe girl* and women who make Mtna Taylor wash dreaaea and nproaa In our hlg modern daylight plant-* and aome mighty fin** opport unitl«*. too, Th# one* who get there place# win work on pretty dreaa g«*oda~-erlap and new and Invf'ink Working condition# are of the mn«t plea at* fit, with lot* of aunllght, air and a cafe operated at coal If you are an experienced power machine operator, you tan begin at once at good wage# if not. hut you are fond of mb Ing. you can lorn under our avatem of thorough inatructlona and anon be at work, happily getting a mighty aatmfa* lory pay envelop# e*i h week Tf you’ve ever operated a power machine, you realise that It ta not difficult work Ifa luat matter of learning to guide the gf-od* while the machine doc a the rowing for you Come In talk It over with u«. Or telephone AT 7333 any lima on week day*, between * a In and p tit and ««k for Mr* Kate Kelly, or if you cannot »all during the#** hour*, call Mr. Kem merer, aup* Hntartdent of fartortea. at hi# realdence, WA any tlin« after * IS p ni on w * »'k day a. If deal* cd. we ran arrange to have *n«n* one call and explain thi# work to you Hu* think ahogt ita opportunltlea for you l<MKT NOW. M r. SMITH A 1*0., fitiuhit "Davtlght f'actorlea , 1 fitH and Dougina Street# TIIK cornaratone of the foundation for ( your permanent aucceaa aa a aalefcwroman I depend* aotaty upon 1 ho merit* of the article# you aell Will It repeat* In other, word#, ran you aell the aatpa cua-| tnftiar# a* aa**n after arneon* Alay. can they hone#til and eonadentloualy from- | mend the article to their friend* and #c- I rjualntancee* We have that article and • hole# territory for t hoee who ijuallfy I I'UllK Sll.K IfOSIVeHT MH.US, INF. 2lT \rthur Hide, Omaha STKNfHllt Al'H UR wanted for employ tnent In an engineering office Mu#t be an experienced and competent Men ngrapher, not neceaaarlly experienced In engineering work, but able to do newt and accurate tabulation taurk Wage* f 10(3 per month Addt* wri’h a «!t men l of >maltfl cation a, to Hog \\ 7 Sr • linaha lUk k~ EMPLOYMENT Help \V anted—Male . WANTED OFFICE BOT Mum b* 14 year* old, neat. In telligent and peppy. CITT EDITOR. THE OMAHA BEE. WANTED—Capable men to qualify for position of motorman and conductor; age limit 21-35 for inexperienced m*-n. and up to 45 for tboae with electric railroad ®x perlence; experience necessary in the case of mntormen; studenta paid while break ing In; Ideal climate and condition Ad dr*-** Superintendent of Employment. Pa cif c Electric Hallway. Room 202 Pacific Electric RSdg . Hog Angeje*. Pal. ARTIST wanted for good pay 'ng part time work, who can make drawing* look like photographs when reproduced In newspaper. Prefer artist with newspaper experience In wash. airbrush. crayon frture or conte crayon. Stat* experience and enclose sample of work Address Y 2217. Omaha Bee_' AUTO TRIMMERS WANTED ( EXPERIENCED). UNIVERSAL AUTO TOP CO. 40S 8. 1ITH ST. OOOPERS wanted for out of town work In your reply state experience, age. ect. Addre** W-702, The Omaha Bee. MAN WANTED Handle county bualne** Experience un nf.rfMarv Largest con- *rn of its kind in * ha world Our men now getting $200 weekly Lowest mine price# Guarantee *V>al Minlr.g Company. $625 Wall St.. Chl | Chico_ WOMEN—$36 to 56 weekly in your apare I time doing special advertialng work among the families of your city; no expenenie necessary; write today for full par'iculara Amwu-in Products Co., 1276 American , Bldg . Cincinnati. Ohio_ MEN—$2 hour |16 day. Distribute $3.<*Q i hnii«4.ho'd artfrle free to 66,000 new « us • rnera f r uur guaranteed gooda. Tart '• time satisfactory. Rend tor free samples ' and start quirk Jennings Mfg Co. Dis trlet 1744. Dayton. Ohio. MEN—$1 an hot ir apart time do ,ng work among famil.e* of your rt*> No experience or capital required. WrMe to day tor partlcu’ars #h !» your territory » open American Produc’a Co., 6275 1 American Bldg . t’inclnnatl. O. ! COMMERCIAL artiat wanted, man. T»ne who can do designing and letter,ng C r ! respondenca confidential. Permanent po j s.tion. / SANDERS A ME1.SHKIMER 217 N Th^rd 8f.__Rt. Louis. Mo PAPERIIANGERS WANTED AT ONCE CALL MA. 2*40 HOME DECORATIVE < BEST OF WAGES APPLY AT 2566 9 24TH ST. OIK IS W AN TED— A ra'bmow girls lo take business or music course Work way do ing h /USework Will give room, board and small salary. Paterson Institute. La Orange, 111,___ PUPIL nurses wanted 2 years course. Uniform t, ard. m laundry and < .»*h allowance provided Grammar school edu ction *»r better Chicago Hospital. Ill E. 42th, Chicago. 111. SHIRT manufacturer wants agents to sell shirts direct to wearer Earn big money. Re your own buss No experience or capi tal required Write for free sample* Madison Mill#. 50j_ Broadway. New York. DYER and Oaner Must be able to do first class work In dyeing, wet cleaning and spotting Permanent to tha right party. Addr***# Y 226*. Omaha Be# MAN to silver mirror*, reflnlnh reflector*, chandeliers Veda. auto# by new ntathed We start you without capital Writ# Gun metal Co. 137 Ohi, Decatur. III. _ _ BOOKKEEPER wanted— Fast, accurate work required. Steady position to right jar*? Address W-254, Omaha Be*. WANTED— Experienced grocery packer*. Apply Monday morning W ILLIAMS MURPHY CO. W ANTE I>—Ra lYs man and collector over V ; , M IflfMt, 4 16 s. |th I Till 8 .JtEAUTIEl'L Ksklnrn Spit* puppies, ntc# A* • Eskimo Kennel*, W. Prank Rogge, At Inn Be. I a___ I GIRL WANTED to wait an trad# randy. lc# < ream and cigar* 1231 8 1**1? **' WANTED Experienced harneaa maker. Address Box W 766. Omaha _ ^ llrlp—MxJr «r Female.46 f Amahs who can immediately invest $360 for part Interest and tak* full manage m* tit of a nrw and profitable business to he opened in Omaha soon. Bus: ness , an be lonltirted In small offline or prj- 1 *.»ie h* «n* and should net $100 per week start Address Hog 4*>4, Worthing ton. Minn. /___] EXPERIENCED Al matrellei# No eth ers ne I apply WKl'ilir I'AVID BEAUTY PARLOK. N 4 Baird Bldg W ANTED—A competent white woman for cooking and down stairs work. HA. 6061______ EIGHT to 12 week* prepare you for a ftn* office position Gall AT 7774 or write Ame lian Uollege, 1613 fartum BIG commission, with or without cars, not house to house Omaha Disinfectant <■< 305 8 111 h AT 624 i \\\ \8SERS w mted Mfn and women to *.ii a'Werwars direct to housswlfc 421 1 Arthur Bldg. j 1 cents, Salmitit>ii .47 - S ! I S3HRN-—w# rr.jiii!. the Nfi j of several high grad*, experienced *ales linen for outside and city terirtory; our j line comprise* a complete and atraotlve showing of fine art calendar*, celluloid, j leather, metal and paper specialties f,»r i advertising, nil maftutnrt ured and con j trolled by us exclusively, an unusual opportunity for a real 1 go getter" to !•••< otue established In th* specialty ad vertising business. the fastest growing branch of the w hot# advertising field • ompenagtlon. liberal commission b*-|s. week |y remittances, permanent employ ment t.'all FontrnsU* hotel Saturday or Sunday, ft»r personal interview «<th our Mr. A H founts or writ# ua direct, giv ing ago. exp iwnce. etc •ini AMKHICAN AHT WORK.-. I Civ#h onion. t^hlo SAI K'tM AN W A VTK1' i v» i.rmvK TvitKiTonr I On fast soiling advertising specialties Pn you know the possibility* in this line* «>ur salesmen will reap a harvrst during the next fye year* as » *e*ult of cue j tom or service and n»r r*n»e co-operation w th salesmen \o.,r-round selling iinu • k^v hb-< . orhmis^iotvs extra t ‘i n* on ! charg* backs. If your preotnt connection is not making vou fr« m $.\QSQ and up per | »r a r, Investigate what wo have to offer, 1 now \ few valuable territories avails i bln Write for further particular* f !•: i fit k - n fompany, Inc, *• i TUltd SI, [ I’fvs MvliVfs, la. ^ EMPLOYMENT Agents, Salesmen .47 WANTED—SALESMAN. Acquainted in Omaha with meat market trade to aell our dine of refrigerators and freezer counters and butcher supplies in Omaha and Council Bluff* H BhrJSch sc Son Mfg. Co., St. Joseph. Mo. SALESMAN WANTED—A large manufac turer of nationally advertised products has an opening In ifs sales for--e for a sales man bt’wHjn the age of 25 and 25. who is a good. hard, consistent worker and capable of making from 1100 to $150 per week Must have car and be more or less familiar with the auto trade In re plying state age and experience, also give telephone number and address. Th s U an exceptional opportunity for the right , man. who would like s^me day to ad \ ance above the aa esmen ranks, ar.d un lens you are capable of this, do not re. I ply. Address T-2S50, Omaha Bee WE two h!gh-gra*a ape^ialty **1«am#n for city of Omaha Mult own cara. Sea Mr Moghanc. AMERICAN MACHINERY A SUPPLY 1111-17 Howi'd fcHE BLANCHARD COMPANY. Aurora, n! . h»» unusual opoprtur. y for experi enced spef alty salesman Lina compr.i"! j exclusive art calendars, holiday treating*. . <1 irec t-by-mall advertising and high-grade i pencils and specialties. Liberal commis sion contract weekly advances, exclusive i territory. Permanent •-jnr.e"?.>>n w.ih es • tathsbed house; a leader :n its field. tPats exper ence fully T H Grady, Di rector of Sales. The iflan'hard Co. I __ _ ' me of the foun ds? • n for your permanent success *s a j salesman depends solely upon the merits -of the article you sell- Will It repeat * f in other words, tan you sell the same customers season after season* Alsu can J they hosestij and conscientiously recom mend the article to their friends and ac quaintance*- We have that art4ele and ch*. e territory for those who qualify. PURE S*ILK HOSIERY MILL*. INC. !_817 Arthur I | aha._ j B4LE8Mk>i—Wasted by old e*-abi.staed wholesale cosl corporation *t> so'.:*'t rad ioed orders for*t quality hard mi*1 ■oft coals from combined consumers for ■ hijrrent direct from Ait*- Save* u«ers .j per cent or m»e Stores factories, ■elmla ' Si ttti Bfl h- • as »r* easily « I Our men n W 'g 1*1.Odd to I i .®08 >early Home working capital necessary n the Leg N» *-i;*er!»-r - re quired Boylston Coal Co.. 3*75 S ‘Are. Chicago. SAI.ESMKN—At las*, world’s greatest add | Sng ma-'hlne. Almost human re tafia 1*5 Work e « j»'» I k* machine; f'o r nthly ! easily mad# demonstrating to stores, of ?.-*a. garages fart - e* Simple, easy. adds, subtracts, multiplies. divid* * automat: * ally St-eedy. accurate, durafc >. h*nd» some; five-year guarantee Tremendous emand; amazing prof:la. Uheral trial of fer Protected territorj Write quick ulator Co , Dept. 42f. iirand Rapids Xli<*fc. SA1.FSMEN—Startling rew patented !n vention. A marvel. $.:* to ISO* weekly F.very aoto owner, mechanic, business and professional man. railroad man. farmer, etc sure sa>; 20* d ffrren? use* *2 profit each sale; 10 to 50 daily retail •aWs— by the hundred of jobbers F • ** . sample offer Splendid crew mar.»s»r j proposition. Art quick Th* l.asd: C r I porstlon. * South Dearborn St . Chicago AN old and wall wabit-hed on?, pany- tfcrtng a who!f.«iV buair.t*** deeiras a hlsh-cUaa aa’asrran to rail on the retad trade Net-ranka territory Mu** be rapable. aggre* live and wiltlas to work hard. Addree* W»T®i* The Omaha Hee. * irif it» and etperlenre. SALESMEN—IE TO! CAN SELL DIRECT * TO MEN AN ARTICLE THEY ALL MI ST HAVE WE CAN PLACE. YOt' WHERE ^ O!’ CAN EARN * 1 *0 0* W EEK LY .TO START WITH — COMMISSIONS DAILY I CAN LSE EEW MEN WITH CARS TO I TRAVEL IN ADJOINIVC. STATES, ALSO [TO CALI- ON FARMERS. CALL TIES. DAY. WEDNESDAY. 1* A M. TO 4 P VI . ROOM CUT. AETHER REDO. N—A town* • ftttinfr. richest looktns. *o(l a» atik. til wool, made to order men s rults (ituaran* • e.i > at * pr.c* 127 V* \v ** U liver. < oDert, furni.Oi everyth!*'* S< 1 to 1*0 weekly. Tailonnir eiperlen. e un n(H’e**ar>. Outfit »h:rp«<J for FTee es aminatton WhoIo*a!a Direct Ta ! rs. Deft S 16 Ruffalo N T .*.41 I SMKN—For neat appearing live men | »■* ha \ e a proposition in selling that will appeal to you. Earnings easily 17 5 to $int» or mors per week Earnest work on you? part and eiery gs*ij»tar e from *<' n vi.agor. plug ej.e • >; e»ds x» a ! ing f *r you to follow. g,xc* you the op portunity you are seeking Call frem ? 3a to ns tn. joy \ l«th S' Se# Mr White. Phone At ftPS after 1# a m AtlK.NTS {'■'ml for sworn p of of $ to 115 dally Introducing nr* style guaran teed hosiery, .4 styles 13 color*; neither • apttal nor experience needed Just show samples, write order*. w« deliver and collect. Tour pay daily Complete out fit furnished contains all colons includ mg * ilka. Mac O Che# Ml)!# Co Su e ««f». Cincinnati. Ohio ■ I ■ 1 stock remedy salesmen This 1* a xery unusual proposition with old eet.xhIUh J firm l dependable merchandise unlm Ited opportunity for future development with stat# manager*. Council Bluff* Hem cdy Co. !»«<• W. Broadway, Council Bluff*, la _| S41.KSM KN," OliMRTUNlTT High cl as# men with ears to wot* *••'.*! Nr l sod western Iowa. You can make I s money 4 W e fumiah you lead* and pay ' our com mission when sale a confirmed Per manent, pleasant work See ua at 223d Faina m St tlATK CITT M KM OR IVI. CO All ENTS -ll«4 in cash for your first month’s work No money required, no merchandise to buy, no he*v\ sample vase* to carry Mon and women wanted exety where to distribute free advertising • ircutarg and appoint local agent* Write Fir nor* t-aboratone*. IJ01 Normal Blvd . no __—_ | > > U «. «•..'! you In bwlr. «N nlahmg evcivthing. men and women op portunity lifetime to earn fJd to ft weekly operating our "\*a System Specialty Candy Factories home or small r'om anywhere Valuable ifli hook free \l Millyer Ragsdale. Drawer T?t Fast Orange. X ,1 \tSFNTS -If you are honest and square! you \x ant to gtxe ' our customer* the p\o*t fo the r mono I'feen write for the nr* i an Pc» manei t hn*. tea« Ama* og prof its F»ce outfit Free automobile VV rita quick, giving V'ttf experience Ante* n an! Products »o, t.‘4 AmerKan B is v n ctnnati, O. EMPLOYMENT Ag**nt«, Salp*tmfn .47 SALESMAN'—For the Nebraska territory to sell the refall grocers Ad m*at mar kets. one who Is exper.enced aeliing ole-^ margin* preferred. Permanent position. Give full particulars and salary desired. A. J. MacDona.d, Clark Hotel, Hasting*, Neb. SALESMAN—Wanted A-l Custom shirt salesman, splendid territory In Nerbaska and Iowa. Liberal commission with draw ing account after two weeks on business sent in. Fine opening for young man who wants to work Write us. The Wich ita .Shirt Co. Wichita, Kan. COLLEGE MEN «n4 man with high school training. we pay salary IS® per week and up to those who can learn our business ar.d meet our require ments Assemble at 1 € 14 Harney St. sec ond floor back, promptly 7 p. m . Monday, April :3._ SALESMAN following among cloth ing trade In Iowa and Nebraska, 'o car ry popular priced cap line as side linn to some similar line; 30 per cent com tt »»ion Full particulars and ref*recce*. Luke Cap Co., 1249 Washington Am, St. 3>>ula, Mo. SALESMEN—Get your »r. r.ey r.n the spot I *' daily demonstra*ir.g Serenola# No waiting for commission or salary checks. No delivering. No collecting. Big season just star* ng V, e or ^ira Perry Ludlow Co.. Port 73t. Layton! O. pay. Newest style written guaranteed hos.ery. Must wear or replaced free Exrerier.'-e unnecessary. Spare tit *• sa* sfa'tory. Samples free. Jennirg* Mfg Co. Trial .M44. Dayton. Ohi« AGENTS—f 4*» » ’y ■ r.g compiata Hne guaranteed h'.*:**^y for rreo women, children, Must wear or replaced free. No capita!, no caperin'* reqi.-ed Write for big, nfre#* outfit offer. Thomas Mfg Co. Mifl 1M4. Dayton. O._ SAI.E.'MEV—Cash in b g sell ng ► • - deal to meirhints f r 1- *: retails l: 4* Si!r«mf« easily earn %!' ?■* to f * f*® da.'y Pocket sample Writ# 'ju'ck Vro vernal Products company. McnpfcTenn j trodu^.nr M her Hubbard >* ods. d’reci to coaium-r. .-ales guaranteed. r*oa't answer jr. * « y - g to rtnvaa Ifitbost ny. •' • Cngress. /"hi ago A^KNTS—l:i daily taking order»> salon made raincoat and outfj*. >2 *2 we de liver and collect Wire or write Eastern b r. -t Co. >15 121 P.oosevejt ltd M can* _ _ j A a ENTSZO^ 4 i>ar Mf*. <- “l«-C Good year B dg Kansas City, Mo . fs making an offer to send a hands-'•ms ram a: fees to one person n ea- h locals*.? who will r-- orrmend It to fr.etda. Write today. ‘ AOtNTS— new bright Sigh? for ! kero*»r,* lamps Vo mantles, supply eaai* ! It fttei T fl.ow" F*st sCier. Tremerdoui result*. Yapoilte Co. Dept. j g<«. Toledo. O______ ! SALKS MR.. tarn fi# to l?a ^ daily *e iir.g e-jr attto arcrM ry A real nece*. sity Write ? -niay for full particular* or ' >end dollar for sample. Mrcde-* Mwu !a ’ ami com pa nr Memphis Ter® I '.me f! : on hour spa*-# - m» ae’hr.g • • • wesr*r B- ut' ! re. In * ernatlocAi Krv r r Mi.:§ N rristown, Pa AHENTS—We will pay v>u to d:#trlbat* religious literature in your community. Steady work, man or * -aa. asperloficw j tmpeceaaary. Ac? qu ckly. Universal S Bible House. Philadelphia. , SAl.VSVAN—Boys* rpt al overall. Pot!* ;t:vely e-. -;d ■'..mretttton. Ore aamp’.«. Big commission .Sure repeater. Ers*y c-r.erh storm. evwry c’o'h -e store burg. i I.cath*r»:> Fat tori <%, Cinc.nnati. O. A : l’S'l KN*—Manufacturers of Whirling Al 1 Amp ha\e or' f— two llvs , sp — iaHy men -r th** territory Earn!*** Ilf< weekly. Crystal Co. It W K nrim. ChF'agC. A • K V S— New W -.dr "li ,r, >r — y. proF? ' •*’'•' •:-* No. mpe* :*oa. Samr1* free MlMiOO Co., 24a Smith. Detroit, Mi< b ^ A*i ENTS—lVurid i fastest agent s seller 300 per cent profit Needed in every hotr.e and store. Established permanent r,. . rr xifg. i , F i t :-N 4. Detroit. Mtrh >Al E8MEN—$110 month and expenses, tag car* t' m-- liar•« Ftr*" r- • 1|rn*v(vMin S* r.d addressed e-vr rw frr fnformatk-n. Royal Cigar p'o. High Tain'. X c c Burtv ’ -• li re our *p » extract* « etc. Writs for terms an*? territory, Iacsm % Co. Dept lit. St Louts. Mo. AtM£NT8—Sen • hew ng gut t o dealer*. Agents make big tv **>e s*' r.g cur new co\*-l pack a get* I* ur r ' >r- Write few excius'cc propos t tm He met Company, *'*• nftati % ... Factors to wewer Caste*! s- -g tin# to. ■ a> > • ; an d - > *v.e Writ* t P-'1 - ars -t> !e V • h Shoe com* rarj. l utler building Cincinnati, O. 1 WANT two men who »r* willing to w. 'k or.,l .. *••-*'-*-« a future to rep • -« •• ‘he V. II . in Omaha a Co Bluff* Apply 211 K * r ba o h Block Sunday 1 lo 1 - .'ink or V >«day \\ WTKlCv, v',.,n. nun wrtth aut©* mobile to ( I « •’ gene's, ' er hant* n IowA and Nehr*>»k n N rths***km Mfg. O 1SI4 capital \ % e AdI NTS Red h»ig*vs batter ex !n lo nknutea. Wonderful ds 'very. Gallon f• e*» t>> agep # Ra>1 e Co 8t Paul, M nn SALKSMEN v>w cu’o ' uN . * •* t* own puncture fu!tj g.iar*1|Jr. 1 t‘*r owner* huv r ah* n ,1e:non«.* f at .<n * ! *h<»wn M - 40- \t f s ♦ ' Hipmon4 tnd. SALKSMK.V S p* • a • ■' '• a r ted , sell coal to >our trade In letter #-fk * r»> '« *n hour Waahtng e «V*| Co " K>«rda Su: on, c’htcago S A SM KK—M 1 p-i ft \ ! > N ’ ' • • •- k p » • « \\ • • - • t on.. J.-*»e P Siexenann. *a# jc.'u.h Main Council Fthtffn ■ i ^ ' »al {'ie S an I > l'a* h n> ; * n x r ar.| N i T' ,.|'a tV. Oln<J|a Tickl.lW * *man o« r« •{» ! ado r. \ * • ! « , ft** ntCfx hen *e \\ ;; fhc t* *r<> MO • * ! e *' s l.fcg* « kllf ' ■**• •-* ' 1 »**.« f.' ** ?•’ . - ter, .1 the rear " v\ e-r J a a teamen ox : tr» -• | cl «•■ ‘ S. I :h SI \ N 4 or fir -‘he.i * ,»rk Writ# for catalog. £ H kaneaa Clljr, Mo S AT ' S\IKN - • Ktceptlonai opp,'-tunlt x. hustler* earning Mg Writ# McC?*ei> x'aU tuJar Factory, Washington !* 1 Kl MS, hew and u*od| !*'** .*- v a-' ‘ * w k r*on M me 8th j\ f*l .vr ! nston lll.vk MIU.V'P KOi N» eg* f> , c 5 cen ‘ each Call M* 4»1> V ‘ FOF >Al.k? to p;«ke p«»a af l 4e 1 . 4 He.I 5 * t > k h- mi • * SltuAtiims \\ antral—female . IS V \r» K1K\* » I* *•* *4 n**'<* h^r t'% wash, ng Call M l ISM A** for M*ry^ Wv MAN a at, a d.. > »,-rA V\ k 2ii%