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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
-1 —*zs i The Omaha Sunday Dee l ' _ • . VOL. 52—NO.' 45. PART TWO OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1923. , 1—B ^ FIVE CENTS Eighteen Champion Swimmers Developed in Omaha in Three Years Gir^Jto/jer 6'difA (sirfkoffcr Condon, J * Mr I 1 - ^ _ j f^eona lomiycr (/o tries foroy jilted# \ j i —. , . .11■ .....i I , ■ t DJ? Dtmonii H yfdo/pk PWnder&ori tycfoSrtt ^as/eo cZjcm unify P.WENDELL. Omaha swim ruing instructor, turns out oh.millions like a butcher grinds nut sausage! Eighteen in four years is Wen dell's record. Here’s Wendell's list of champions: Adolph L. Anderson, Midwestern A A 1'. senior free style champion in 1H22 and '23: winner of the national A A. d\ junior 22<l free style chain pinnship in 1!*22, and the only Omaha tank star to win first place in,a na tional championship. John Vasko, present Midwestern junior and senior liigh spring board fancy diving champion. Bill Thomas. Midwestern A. A. V. junior breast-stroke champion and first Omaha Athletic club swimmer to pass the difficult “master swim mer's degree." Rowan Greer, Midwestern junior back-stroke champion. Hrtrt Jenks, Midwestern senior 50 yard free style champion in 1921. Leroy Lucas, O. A. C., Midwestern senior, plunge for distance champion Nils N. Swerre, Midwestern senior, breast stroke champion for 1923. Jack McQuade. Midwestern senior, 100 free style, champion In 1922. D. L. Dtmond, holder of Midwestern senior back stroke championship In 1921 and 1922. and present record holder In backstroke BWimming. Verne Shalberg, Midwestern senior, 220 free style champion in 1921. Helen Condon, holder of the Mid western senior championship In 1921 and 1922, present record holder of all free style, backstroke and breast stroke swims: fancy diving champion in 1921 and 1922, and winner of third place in the national A. A, U. Junior 220 free style last year. t.'orinne Condon, sister of Helen, winner of Nebraska Junior free style championship last year at age'of 11, Is youngest champion In state. Ethel Girthoffer, present Midwest ern senior free style champion. Edith Girthoffer, reigning Midwest ern junior free style champion. Ruth Beardsley, Midwestern senior fancy diving champion. I,eona Loringer, Midwestern senior, plunge for distance champion In 1921. Emily Tomes, Midwestern senior plunge for distance title holder last year. • Ruth Dowell, present Midwestern senior plunge for distance champion with record of 90 feet In 4H seconds. White Sox to * PlaxJjineoln j Ernie Holmes' White So*, a semi pro ball elub, will make it's how be fore (Anahq fandom this afternoon at the Buffaloes’ Western league park when it meets the fast Lincoln siate league team. The Lincoln manager is sending the pick of hts squad to play the White Sox. and ‘judging from the two lineups, an Interesting game should he staged. The game is scheduled to start at 3:30 o'clock. The lineup will he something like the following: White Hex F»« 1.1 Benin Ke.termeyer .I b ..... McCoy iuv .st’. f>y« Vernon .»s. vforrlaay .tb. Hoover Serb .If. Boudurent . rrix '. ft..... K tnkel flrave* .rr Peacock ". Iliama . Alley Allan.* . Sullivan Jiyke .p. Cooley Shook .. . . p . ., .. DllJlon Hrown .p. . Kiler Proposed Kilbane Bout Causes Lots Trouble New York, April 21—The proposed Johnny Klltmtie Eugene Crlqut match hss caused considerable unpleasant ness. It has thwarted the friendship existing between Chairman William Mitldoon of the New York State Box ing commission and Tom O'Rourke of the Republic A. C. and driven them into weird verbal hniiges,' heated arguments, lengthy discussions nnd " conferences, etc. To M eel Zbys/ko. Nashville, Tenn,, April 21.—Wallace Dugld, Nashville wrestler, lias been matched with Stanislaus SSbysxko for Monday, A tail 30, It was announced tonight. Want Game*. The Burgess-.Nash buseball teum wants games. For games write, or “all the sporting goods department, Bur^pis-Nukh stoic, Omaha. Day Not Far Distant When Bugle Will Call ’Em to Post BASEBALL RESULTS 'and STANDINGS/ WESTERN LKAOl'l. Standings. w UPct. Wichita 6 2 .750 Ok I a. City 6 2 .7 50 Tulsa. 6 .1 .667 St. Jottph 6 .7 .625 W.UPrt Sioux City 4 4 .600 Oma'ut 3 « .333 ID#* Mol dm 2 * 250 t Denver 17 .125 iPMrnia.v n 11 *. St. •lo«>rvh, lfl Omaha. Denver. 6. Wichita, i. Sioux City, 13; Tulaa t. Oklahoma City, 4; D»a Molne* I. NATIONAL I.FAC.t F. Standing'll. W U Pot. S*w York 5 1 .833 Chicago 4 1 .800 Philarlphia 2 2 .£00 Cincinnati 3 2 .600 W L P<f Hr. Lou la 2 3 , ioo Boaton 2 4 .3*u Brooklyn 1 3 .250 Pit tabu? gh 1 4 .200 Yesterday's Results. Boston, 14; Philadelphia, 1. New York, 7; Brooklyn. (*. Cincinnati, 12; Pittsburgh, 4 Chicago, JO; 8t. Louis, h# AMERIC AN l,EA(il Y. staiMlInm. W L.Pot Sew Yoi it 4 o 1.000 tn#*v#*land 4 0 1.009 Phila 3 l .760 Detroit 3 1 .760 W I. Prt Ht. Louia 13 250 Washington 1 3 260 i Boat on 0 4.000 Chicago 0 4 .000 l'eit^rdaj’# Result*. New York, 7; Boaton. €. Washington, 6. Philadelphia, 4 Detroit, 16, st. Louis, i Cleveland, 6; Chicago, | AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Standings. W. u Per ■ Sr. Paul 2 » 1(<K>0 l,ou»»vill* 2 1 .S67 ‘’olumbea 2 1 .6«7 Minna olid 2 1 667 w r. p< t Toledo I 2 133 M HivauU** 1 2 ..'33 Indl'apoll* | • .333 K*tn. <*lty 0 2 .000 i Kesullv rolumbu*. H. Toledo, 'N. Mlnneapoli*. 4. Milwaukee, i* Indianapolis, IB; Louisville. 2. St. Paul, 9. K^r 4.iM 4'ltjt, 2. CO 1ST I.K tll K. Oakland. 4 Sacramento, ?. Sea 111 **, 4. I,o* Angel?*, Salt l<ak«*. 21. Vernon. 7. * Portland, 10, Han Pranclaco, 9 TKXAH liEAOti:. I>alla*. 7, Port Worth, 0. Shreveport. 2; Wirhita Falla, 4 Houston. 11 Oalveaton. * d4eauinont, B. Han Antonio, 10 HOCTIIKRX \HMMI\TIO\ Atlanta, B, Chn f t • npoK'i. 3. nirmtngham, 19; Nashville, *. Mew Orleans, “ ; M< hlle. 4 Memphis, 4. Lttt i<*S Kor-k, 3; (11 In niiigH). 4 OUiKt.K, Pfinreton, H; Pennsylvania 2 Michigan. Ohio Slate, 2. Iowa. la. Chicago, 2. Kansas, rt . A1 Frank Troeh High at Gun Tourney VieU*fuirg, Ml-s., April II.—Frank M. Troeh of Vancouver, Wash,, world champion amateur trap shooter, with a wore of l!IH target** on) of 100, was high amateur at the closing today of the annual 'spring tournament of the llill t ily lion cluh, which began yesterday. K. V Vnltlng of l.o* Angeles, contested in arvcral of the events. Univcraily of California Beato Stanford Trarkslrr* Berkeley, Cal., April 21— Culver Hity of Call for iria defratinl Htanford university today In a trunk tn»*t in wliP’h five records for ihiir annual dual ront»*HtH wfr»* broken. The neora was 821 a point* to 4X^4. To Play Waiter*. The d. It. A Q. FrelghthoUHe base ball team will ploy the nrandeln Ito taurant colored dub at 3:30 o'clock thl* afternoon at darter lake. Any team dealring game* with the Freight team call .1 nek son 3748 anti ask for Chat lea Farferllk, Leading Stable* of West \\ ill Hun at Annual Ak Race Meet in June. U> H M i’ll \V \(,\l l«. TFIK d«y la not far dis tant when the bugle j will rail ’em to the post in the first event ? of the first day's pro gram of the annual “filing running race meeting • of Ak Sar Heii To prove th ’ it i* no secret, the date is Saturday. June 2, which, it you are a <lfc rnon for statistics. Is only 4! days away. Not many. Of course, you know there'll bo plenty horses itt the truck and the, parimutuel machines and all this and all that. H very thing tlmt goes to i make up a crackin’ good meeting. As we hnv<t s iifl I.* fore, thi cn am of the western turf will lie in Omaha for this big 19-day meeting Some of the fastest four-legged animals of Tlajuana will match their speed with other fleet-hoofed Ringtails in the'va rious races. The meeting has attracted some of the biggest breed* i s • if the country. Col. R. 1/ linker of Louisville, Ky., will lie here with hlH stable, whmrh was one -f the biggest money winners in 197. The Drunthelkr stalde of Hpokane, Wash., and the W Knebe! kamp colors r,f lajinevilk will in- .»* * n at Ak track in June. of course, yharlev n. Jrwlri will ship his stalde to the meeting. This stable of Irwin's, by the way, won more than $75,000 down at Tlajiftmn this year. >le has topped the money winners at Tlajuana for four stValglit years. Then there'll he "Billy" Nesselhaua' horses of Omaha and th> B. F. Mo ('lain stable of Ralston. More than 450 horse# will he quar tered at the track Capable official# will handle all ffic events and. with the entry list grow ing each day, the success of the an nunl Spring meeting of King Ak is assured. Two learns Tied for Lead in League MAMIIM.S II nil l4i*»t |Vf . ( rriiMiiii • n I.OOfl Tfi IiIItrill I ll I 4 mi nr if IIInffM I t *<tfl 4 nit ml ' o I .4t4>o Soul Ii 41 .* .04X1 4. IMIS rills II l i li TtifMlnj 4 t illrn I III 4 ri*i|(l<( mi : T<‘«hni«iil' ul 4 ii ii nr i I itlnru. Thumilny—smith ul i rutrul (Thirty-pee nn«l himI l*mrr> | ; Terhnii'iil ul I reigliton I'Wfl. Freighter? ami Tech High ba*<*t>all teams load the tut*nity high h«*ol race w ith perfect percentage* Frdgh ton, how* vtr, has won both game*, while Tech Has only one game to 11* credit , Four games are on the schedule tlij*s week.’ two being scheduled for Tuesday nnd two f«*r Thursday. Washington Beats Nebraska Nine SI l.milK, Mn.. Apt Iu - I WtishlflK* | ton university dofi»at«*d the Nehru-kn CVirnhuskers. 1J •«* 7. in a Mix "Uri j valley conference Imsetmil game here * today. Tl« sooret It If. K.. , Nebraska 7*7 Washington*. . 12 t« * Tlstlpripp Tipton* « mi mni siul {’«((/; i I-evy nnd Ursut • Baseball Dope OFFICIAL SCORES WEEK ENDING *AT! It DA V, APRIL tl. Wextern l-wuiif. • Mr! M T W Wk. T F P P. ' ’mahft 5 3 13 20 x 7 40 Tul** 4 * 1 7 30 9 X * 44 H >u* rjjr 3 3V S 13 14 x 33 40 pPhv.r .3 3 2 4 1 x * 15 P* Molne* ID 1« 7 8 3 8 V 1 19 V ichl!* ..II la 9 ** 13 x * 53 .. Jwph 3 7 11 71 2 X I* 84 UK I k ‘It) « •: 5 IT 10 x 4 91 High Swimmers to Get Letters Swimming will makes its advent as in inters.holastte sport in Omaha w h .1 triangular tank meet to be hi Id at Creighton university natator ium Friday night with aquatic stars IrSin Creighton Prep, sr.l Technical and Central highs competing. The triangular meet will he made an annual affair and letters will he awarded* athletes who m ike the best showing in tank contests. It will he the f!At time letters have been awarded for swimming competi tion Kvente on the program are a 50 yard free style. 100 free style, ‘-’20 free style, ."ill backstroke, 50 breast strode, plunge for distance, fancy diving and a 200 yard four man relay. Bill Thomas captains the Central hit- i team: la-ory I.ucna, Tech, anil Jack Foster, Creighton Prep. Kastman Chosen Maroon Captain \l Kastman, star guard on the I niversilr of Omaha football and basket bull teams of last season, last iihthl was chosen to captain the 1923 Maroon fool hull eleven. Made Reeves, lanky guard on the l nlvrrslty of Omaha basket hall team In 1922, was elected gap thin of the 1923 tflam. The new Maroon leaders were elected at a banquet given In honor of the athlete* at flic unlver*Ry. Horseshoe Pitchers. Omaha hnriwshoft pitcher* will hoM fMtirn.unent at Miller pink thin afternoon at 1 o'clock. A laisra entry list will ho out to content for high”* honor* among the city’* iron ehoc hurlera. Purse of $1,000 for Cudahy Team H inning Today s Special Match □ ' r three gam* total pins to re-unt match will bo held this morn ing on th© Omaha Alleys be tween Cudahy champion bowling teams of Omaha and Kansas City. It ta the the second game of a home match. " The Omahnns won the first match rfdled at Kansas City by a margin of fceven pins In three games. The winner of today's match will receive $1,000. Employes of each plant subscribed $5.61) to g6 to the winning team. The Kansas City team comprises Entrekin, Massey. Swope, Knhf. v»nd Otis Toman, who howled with the Nourse Oils of Omaha last year. < irandinger. Mc Donald. Chase Stafford ami Boj ie compi le tile Omaha team. Orkin Bowlers Roll Good Sc ore Omaha Cornell at St. I.ouis reunify Top.Local . Teams. St l.oms. Mo., April 21.—Orkin Brother* team of Omaha, rolling in the women's national tenpin tourna ment here today, made a strong bid fur first place nlsn It scored 758 In its first game and came iwtek strong with 8511, hut It fell down badly In the windup and finished with a 646, giving It a total for the three games of 2.254 Mrs. If \V Huff was high for the team with a total of 5.3s. she had Kg me* of 181, 222 and l:tu Mrs otto tinnier, with 439,%was -ond; Mabie Housman, 44(1. third; Mr* .1 TV .lame* son. 422. fourth, and Mrs R Stanton. 409, fifth. The Metropolitan Dining Rpom team was second of the three Omaha team*, with a total of 2.120. It rolled game* of 712, 726 and 6S2 Mi** Jenn Selander whs high, with 510. fol lowed, by Miss B. Hansen. 414 Mrs A. r Thomtison nnd Miss X. Thomp son tied, with 409. and Mr* A. Ttimn del wa* one pin behind, with 40S. McKennsy Dentist* wound up with 1.919, getting game* of 646. 657 and 616 Mr*. J T Tlllson was their high bowler, with 411; Mis* M. Madfield. second, with 402; M Uurdlck. 379. , Mrs I, Mct'ahc. 386. and Ml** R. .Sell ml t*. 341. Cbrnhusker Tracksters Finish Fourth in Kansas Relay Games ''pnirtl IM«pul«ti !»• *l’he OmMlm llee. Lnwn-nce, Kan., April 21 f5«*bntH tii university outdoor Missouri Valley . truck champs. played an important art in the scoring In the first an uinl 1"nlversify of Kansas relax* here otl.ty The Cornhuaker* to«»k off a 'irst in the two mile university clasfj day and him nnd Jn the quarter mile ind half mils relays, while fourth* sent to I he men of Schulte In the idle and four mile relays. Th«sli •eoord was bettered by the University if Kansas relay team*, which took trsts in the quarter and half mil# re. ays, second in the mils, third on the our mile and fourth In the two mile. The sprint relay* Were the prettiest nee* of fhs dav *nd found the Jay itiwkcro nnd Uoruhtisker* fighting It »Ut at 111## lap#'. It \\mh the fleet h'i*hsr. Kansas sophomore, who urne#l victory to-his teams in both he quarter and half mil* relay*. In he quarter mite affair. Noble of Ne j naska led till the lad two yards, only, o be beaten by inches by Fisher, who. had Imkn slowly coming up in the l.isc 20 yards. In the half mile relay, Lloyd of Nebraska had a twoyatd lead on Fisher within If# yards of the finish, but the Kansan put on speed ami won. Nebraska also scored in the special field events, llntrh of Nebraska took second In tit#* broad jump by a leap of 21 feyt, 0 1 I Inches. Turner of Ne braska collected time points when he look second In the high Jump at & feet, II 11 Inches. Hartley of Nebraska also -cored by tossing the Javelin 1M feet, 2 1 2 inches for a tie for fourth place with Kiklna of Haskell. The fNirnhuskcr* were fourth high point school in the nine special events with * I 2 points Kansas was first with 1 fi I 2 points. Haskell Indians • rood with 11 I 2 and Kansas As*:leu third with 11 In the eight school class Broken How was thA one of the Nebraska prep school entered to score. Broken Bow half mile relay quartet came through for fourth place In the half mils open. GAMES TODAY Umtfrn league. OmiUiH at kt Moux «'1^y at Tul^a IH-i Moln'« at Oklahoma t > Dtfivvr at Wichita. National league. S' Lottlt st 4'hlrago I'tttstiurgh at Clncinn* l New Turk at Brooklyn Xo o'her* aoheduled American l.cague *'h Icago at st Ia>u.j» I/etroit at *'lev*»»n«i — \t ash.ngton a* New York. So others a> heJulrd American Association. Columbus at Toledo l.iiufavHl* at Indianapolis Minneapolis at M iwatihec Paul a' k*i 'f « Creighton "Fish** Prepare for Meet Creighton High school will make a strung bid for the city high school tank championship at the coming triangular meet between Creighton. .Central and Tech, to be held soon at Creighton “gym.** Coach Floyd Payn* ter is putting his team through a hard set of practices, and expect* to have a winning team, in spite of the fact that th team "111 hav« 1 ut members. The prosper tive ster* through th**ir workouts in fine »*>!• .Ta* k Foster, who is entered tp the 50-yord fr**e styb- fnuu t!> f*r» •> hool. does the f»0 in 2'.* vcootvb flat, which is* very ginnl tune for a high school1 s'trimmer. He alert is a fancy diver i of ability Bait Harvey is probabH the Ivst breast stroker in the three schools, and will no doubt win tir*t for Creighton in th s event “Buddy * Diesing is entered in the 220 and 100 yard swims “Bill’* Anderson will fly the schools color* in the hack ' stroke races, w hile Herald Hinchey I will swim in tie 220, along with Diesing.' These five are all that will ewtju for tlie illlltopperf. “Bob ’ Roper to Arrive in Omaha Today "llnli" Itopvr. Iii’ti\> Mriuht flglil i-r who lm* hi’.-ii inntrlii-<1 In rn«'l "Tln>" lli-rinan In a lilnunul bout nt tin1 Xiiiiitnriiim KrMny, Mill nr ri\i< In Hinnlin mwii* linn* IimIij Holier Mill |iiil llii’ tXni—liitiK InUihr* to III* training nt tin. Itiisiiii’'* Mm'» ttymuaiiium. Tech High Plans to Stage Tennis Tourney Providing sultahh court* can be found TV* ti High will stage a high miionl tenni* tournament next month . It I* also planned to hold a golf tour ' nament. The*# tournament* will start early In May and continue 26 day*. Both hoy* and girls are eligible to compete for the medal*. Opportune Hitting <ii\«*> lowh \ irtorv Iowa City. U April 21.—Oppor tune hitting gave Iowa \ Big Ten victory over Chicago university to* ' tli»>. 13 to 2 The Maroons lit iHihin hunt, hut he sni given tine support. Three pitchers issued lit hast** on t Mi 11k. Score n it r t'lii#* r*|t.v 1111 .1 «*t»lr o 3 II t Hnttsrt#* huhrn ami W»i*vsll; Amt. Huhikp. Waller and Y*r«tle} The right arm of Willie Hoppe i* insured for $10,000, and he t* ordered not to do any hand shaking. St. Joseph Picks on Cullop and Knocks Him Out of Box 'T'i Fife and Misses by iHe Buffaloes OK \M %. % K »l O \ I 0*1 uhnur. rf 4 1 i 7 « M \p|Mr<*in. 2b 4 9 2 3 0 2 Oefatr. m. 4 1 4i I «• n HclRm tld. -ih 5 1 2 I 2 9 llorow 111 rf. 5 2 I* 2 9 •' i.riffin. II 4 1 I 4 4* •< l\«»netrli>. lb. 5 I 2 9 9 I Wlldrr. . . 4 9 2 1 0 *' < ull«*p. p . I 9 1 9 4 « I .cr. |l 9 0 9 9 9 41 l’r**i**an. p I Q 9 O 1 n a Hair 2 9 41 * o u \Wllro\ 9 9 0 9 9 9 Total* S9 7 15 24 9 I *T. JOSEPH % K H O \ ». Thompto II rf r 4 S ! .1 O m I rwan. rf. 4 1 4 2 9 9 Killer If 5 I I I 9 9 'Irtlrr |b 5 4 3 11 41 I 4.iib«*ci 3b 4 112 2 9 Mrll'lh. m. 5 2 3 4 7 9 \ ufrr. 2b. 4 9 1 2 3 9 I’lrrrr. »•. 4 1 9 s II 9 llaid. p 5 2 3 9 2 0 Total* 39 1« 17 27 14 L xllat'ed for l‘rr|M-Hii in ninth x I Vat ted for Ire in fourth. Vurr bx inning*: •*1 4«iarpb SI* 229 *0*—19 UMUII 929 ox 5 itfHi— 7 • Summary — Run* and hit** t»ff Callup, j i* and ♦; in « 2-7 nnir.r». off, 2 1«nd 1 in t-S inning off Haiti. 7 and 16 sn S 2 2 inning* K*rn*-d runs «kniah». 7 St J*9vph. i Han- ou Unli*" v'ff ('utlap 4. -*ff !•* Hjran, 7 off Haul 1 I off Adam* 1 Struck out By 1‘reiexn, ♦ 19 St. J- -•"pb ! « Wild pitch C'ullop. T»odi»»* hits M ' l Kina id, \Up-<» , <2». Bono wit*. Kunet* hy (29 Thompson. {Griffin. \Vi.d* r. Maid 12 *. Hr'irrth. Thrrr has* h;t* l/*.x.ii> Horn" run* V rdo I l*oubl* p i»* \ jfrr to lltigrth to \l *«»♦*. ‘Hr|g*th to M *ger. Maid to Hilbert to i Magee s-,.-rlficr h ?* \l er \uf- r 14 t I v p rrhed *-«■: \Y |M« f.riff 1 1'mpirop VI,-lion* hi and Held Time 1 Bill Tilden Loses in Doubles Match Philadelphia. April 21 —William T. Tilden 2d. national tennis rhnrnpion. met defeat today at the dedication of the nevt court* at Germantown aca 1c in'. Ins alma mater Yip.-ent W'h iiird*. Yonkers. N Y . hoider of the national doubles crown with Tilden. was paired with Pari Fischer, Philo delphia. middle sta’es champion They won from Tilden and Wallace F John sun, Philadelphia. 4 6 6 1. 9 7. Mrs. Molta lijurstedt Maikov mak iiiK her first appearance on an Amer can court since her return from dliriiwl. easily defeated \lss Moliv Thayer Phlladeiphia. 6 1, 6 S. II Norris Williams Ph.lndelphit and Watson Wnht jn. N< w York |c feated Jose and Manuel A lonso, the Spanish players now residents >f Rethleh»mk Pa , 7 5. 6 1 Richard* *nd Fischer pio>.d two sets aicaliist Williams and Waahhutn wlnnimr the first. 7 5 and hieing the second. 5 7. Tilden defeated Manuel A Ion to, 6 4 6 4 Oiuahu Trapsliootprs to N Shoot at XtWvTuan (.rove Kiw Otniha tmivluvMfri*, o.yptutuM ii>o btiwu-'ii w ill i-Minv v « N. w in n> Orovr NVI* tod^y. w ht*rt» tb*v \Mlf ft hoot In th«? iVntial NYbni'kh Tl itpNhoolf! ft' h *ft«w i:«tlon tommy Onl> pi m li. p *hoot* will W bt lfl tho Ak Sar totlav S- ■ - . Sri|Jp in Swt'ppstakcs. lUilph SotuJ<\ Otnatm lor, to»1av will roll in tho IMtwn clnssu- swtH'jv wtnkr* nt rhlmin', which ofT^rs a pnge of UV.OO to the hiKh Individual Former J'aint Hurler l liable to Pitch Buffaloe*. to \ ictory—Lo*e* 7 to 16. JOSKPH. Mu.. April 21.—Today .» series opener with, the Saints was a mphtmare for tin Buffaloes The came developed into a track meet and after t h e • sprints had been run off the score stood 16 to 7. Iti favor of the home cun. The S h : t: i *■ started oft ' t b ♦ «'.ay on the wai l»ath and neve: let up until the curtain fell on the afternoon's festivities TLe climax was reached in tjx third, when eight runs were made off Nick Tull t> and l.e« The former Saint hurier got l ints. If* into trouble when he walk>-.i five dur ng the third inning orgy Nick had two out and there were tw. on when Pierce was jgtsSed This proved a fajal mistake, a> Hah) ur, corked a slashing ,i- ri le to right o‘n er. scoring tw.. C’ullop then walked two more. fin ing in a run. and lee V .IS summoned Miller connected fir ; a . lean single, driving in a couple more and the mad scene wound up with a home run over the left ftekt feme by Mage*e. — Omaha found a little satisfaction n tn.Aung tire runs and driving Haid 'o the showers in favor of Adams in the [ ninth, lut the .1 o- o s were too many meters in the lead to make that rally | appear threatening. The Buffaloes made tile quintet of markers off Ha d after there were two out Hale, who started the- inning pinch-hitting for Hr. so. t- aid grv.irafftng out. finished it by popping, out Pr. inn went in tor Omaha in the fourth and pitched fairly good ball. There wore IS tw baggers. Omaha retting six of thetn. Including l< lu'tollj i two. Mag..- p..led two doubles, in addition to His homer, and -.sued four tunes i.ewan got tw.. singles, a double and a triple Haul was a real ' .(ting pitcher p urdmg . out two doubles and a single. t'k"« - ». h.slu'e I to wo k ft‘ On-, ha. 1,. belt, f St .lo-rplj Si. •lay. Oregon Aggies to Send Team to Relays (orvallis. Ore.. Vpril SI.—The Oregon Vgri< nlmral college t wo rn ilo relay team will attend the Untke relays at IVs Motne*. la . neat Friday amt Saturday, accord inc t« a decision readied Iww to nlrtl "iv men will make the trip South Dakota Slate ( oaoh Hosigos His Position Kiookinge s l> April K »■ Knk who nt arced on the t'nivcrwtv (if Mini eacta basket tvyll and f*sv,t*c| tennis in 1!‘I - i t 1*; ' rv «iRVUH} hi* poAition ♦* assisint txvifh HI South l^HkotH mil' O'lli^p to 1C' cc|>t h petition i*i athletic director 4t the I’nivcnuty of Lout «y til* it » vilt*, Ky , i* «ru announced today.