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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Union Outfitting Co. Rosa Bushes ioc 1 Union Outfitting Co. Rose Bushes 10c Union Outfitting Co. Rose Bushes ioc Union Outfitting Co. 3 Rooms of Furniture Only Your Credit Is Good POR years this store has prided Itself upon Its ability A to start couples in homes of their own with the right kind of home furnishings. Realizing that furniture is a life-time investment, every outfit we offer has behind It the kind of materials, workmanship and finish that In rhemselvdtf are a guarantee of long and continued satis faction. w The Living Room There Is a promise of genuine luxury In the over staffed suite covered with velour- the Davenport Table is fidished in mahogany with a 60-inch top. - > The Bedroom Here is an attractive Queen Anne period suite built of genuine walnut veneer. A Combihation Room Tliis combination Breakfast Room and Kitchen includes an attractive Breakfast Set (unfinished so you ran paint i‘ to please your taste) and a four-burner Cabinet Gaa Range. 18 -Months to Pay for This Housecleaning Specials Johnson's Floor Wax Popular size can only 63c Wool Wall Oust ers, only 89* 10-Quart Gal vanized Falla, □ Floor Scrubbing Mopa with wringer attach ment, 89* Good Brooms, 49c • Sturdy. 5-Foot Step Ladders, $1.98 “Sprustex” Mop Outfit, 79c ScVeen Paint A good grade of black paint that will not clog»— prevents rust. Pint, 24<* Quart, 39£ Brushes, 29r Curtain Stretchers, $1.79 "Marvo" Cedar Oil, quart bot tles, 49* Galvanised Gar bage Palls are 89* Real Rug Values Seamless, friniresi, Veliet Knifs In 6x9 sizes at $22.50 Seamlevg, fringed, Velvet Kutc« In 7:€x*t ntzen at S29.50 Spamlp««, ; frinirpd, Tphet Rnit< In 9x12 dlzes at S41.75 Goods Sold Out of Town On Easy Terms. W rite for Information. Within a radius of 50 n ' of Omaha, when ever reasonably possible liver purchases of $100 or over to your d> . Exchange Department Our Kxcliange Department will take in your old furniture at a fair value on any new rugs or furniture you select. Cheerful Credit is Offered Yon During This End of the Month Marvelous Values in Dresses On Sale Monday at Although the price Is way below regular. It Is their exceptional quality and style that make.* the saving sq pronounced. Choose from new spring modes in Paisley crepe. Taffeta. Canton crepe, Georgette, knitted crepe, printed silks, flat crepes, etc., in the most fashionable shades. Convenient, Easy-to-Pay Terms Every Mother Will Be Interested in This Timely Demonstration of “Lloyd” Loom Woven Baby Carriages Monday and all week we will hold an interesting display of the many conveniences which make a “Lloyd" the best carriage for your baby. A “Lloyd” Is Woven as Fine as a Fab ric With a Cozy Upholstered Bed for Baby Where It used to take the fastest fingers many weary hours—today the Lloyd method and looms can turn out a beautiful baby carriage In ONE PIECE in just a short time that is durable, waterproof and moder ately priced. -mlUfjijj.— r**“?Free ‘'Esmond" Wooinap ■=^1 Blanket This week only with «■-re rvery “Lloyd" Baby Car riage we will give a warm, durable and was h able “E s in o n d" 30x40 Wool n a p Crib Blanket free. I’rice* Are *22™ 'A brightly colored bouncing ball for baby to each mother bringing In thie Ad. GIVEN AWAV A Lloyd itaby Carriage next Friday. _ * $25 Floor Lamp Included With" Every “Pathe” Phonograph At $100.00 or More. Think How a Phonograph and a Floor Lamp Would Beautify Your Home Becanse of !ts violln-fnn* chamber, the "I’athe" la true to life nnd It will I>lay any mnke of record. A wide range of Cabinet and Console models $75 to $200 Easy Term*—No Interest Charged . All This Week! A Notable 4m Sale oi Living Rot im Suites . No event we have announced this year can'compare in value giving with tiiis side of Living Room Suites. Our entire stock is included. You can choose from an endless array pf models upholstered in rich looking velours, tapes tries and mohairs. .Some of these suites can he seen in our window*. $225 Overstuffed Suites, $139.50 $245 Overstuffed Suites, $144.50 $255 Overstuffed Suites, $157.50 $275 Overstaffed Suites, $189.50 $205 Overstuffed Suites, $195.00 $325 Overstaffed Suites, $221.50 Easy Terms A small cash payment Insures dellrery, then you have JS months to pay. " '■ 1 ■■ .. Suites to Order Special prices are In force on suites made up to your individual order. Plorenee OH Took Store* put an Intense, quick-cooking flume di rectly under your oven or cook ing utensil*— 2, ,3 and 4-Bnrner Model* *t Modojate Price* '**=***£-i_*_|__I “l.umej" Ice Sating Refrigerator* New model* In cold-nlr circu lating refrigerators with roomy food compartments and many wall* of Insulation to save Ice ure moderately priced 912.50. SI8.50 i p in. jui Ilnj-Bed with mahogany finish, steel frame and eretonne mattress; makes 3OOJJ0 full size hed. *m*m 5 New Millinery Unusual Savings on Coats Are Featured Monday at 75 - \ Her*' a sale after your own heart—mannish looking roats in becoming styles that you ca* ■'ear until late in the fall et a most pro nounced reduction. Kvery cost is eartf i'y tailored from smart 'port materials: To’o i at?, brushed wool ef . etc, made different by pleats, clever belt? large buttons, eic. Convenient. Easy-to Pay Terms Nine-Piece Dlitimr Suite In solid Italian oak, comprising an nblont Table that lAtends to i> feet, a stately Buffet, a China Closet iuhi five Chairs and an Arm Chair upholstered lu /*Q pn genuine leather, priced complete at only. » V Simmon* llol Outfit Comprising a full-sire Bad with Much ion Iunous posts Hint 1 inch fillers; ^ restful, It^k fabric springs amt k pound all eotton tniittii i with roll edge ami good (Pf)<) irt tick lug- Tha outfit ... ,, .. I *) | offiSSfS, | COMPAHV S. E. COR. t6th d. JACKSON Youths’ TWO-PANT Suits There'* n superiority of tailoring anil richness of fabric not usually found lie young fellows' models with nn excellent selection iu sties 16 to 1W; worth up to $40.00 lor Boys’ '1YVO-PANT Suits Mothers will be detiehted with the sturdy, neat-looking fabrics they will stand the paff o! school days and hold their shape because the} ate well tailored throiu :u<ut. \ I * ‘ Kovcralls SjMM-ial 91.00 Women’s Pumps nnd Oxfords (’.taxi looking, shore vamp last* in satins O e.m. blank autl patent leathers moder- ~ atuij 'pi iss-st. a pair... 4(V Visor skull ('aps MV