---■-— ... ■ ■ --- ■ .- --- --1 I Why Not Sign Your “Declaration of Independence” and buy a home of your own? It’s comparatively easy! All you need do is watch the “Real Estate” columns of The Omaha Morning Bee and THE EVENING BEE. Eventually you W'ill secure the exact place that spells h-o-m-e to you. f ‘_ ^ AUTOMOBILES Autos for Sale .IS $458.01 You i^ust see and rids in this car t-* appreciate. It ia a rebuilt Job with nearly new cord tires, new paint, new top and when we say wo have gon« ovep the car me chanically It means we have. Nebraska Biiick Auto Co., 19t h and Howard. AT. 990$. '22 FORD sedan. Real bargain. Terms to responsible parties. HA. 7434. BOMB bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. MTAF F R K Y M OTO R CO.. The Hardy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson Sts. At. 7711. Where ran you get a Dodge sedan that i*< in the shape this one i« for $575. Now tires, new paint and * a perfect motor. Se$ this car at our salesroom. 19th and Hovntd St». AT. 9903. ' SBD parts for al! makes of cars. Ford used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Tarts. Ja. 4931. USKD CARR O. N. Honney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. Biiick Sedan $908.04 This is a ear that we arc renew ing in every pens© nf the word. The car was in such good shape that thought it deserved bring thoroughly renewed. It is me. chanleally perfect, has four good cord tires an,d is now getting a high class paint job. AT. 9903. Nebraska Buick Auto Q®-» 19th and Howard ' jRo'i ED fARS AT A BARGAIN Ford cars and trucks. $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cars sold on terms to reliable parties. NORDSTROM AUTO PALER CO. Central Oarage. open Day and Night. 1'flR Ha racy Street. JA. 2468. "1911Toakiand Touring This car has had a $300 overhaul job within the last vrar. Runs much better than the average car ' of this age We will move it *t a bargain ‘price, $225. Nebraska Buick Auto Co-, AT. 9903. 19th and Howard, f 5ED CARS TH AT ‘‘A N 13 E USED. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILK CO. Howard at isth. At. 1770. HOLLY expert and trimmer. 812 S. 24th. - . --.... - - ■ - ■ -t \ ii t os Wanted .. 15 \ V a NT K l>—A Fo rd roadster. 1922 model. Will pay cash. Writ© E. Murphy, Onawa, la___ HAVE storage for 300 ears. Hates $3.90 up. 1120-22-24 N. 19th St. Phone WE. 6463. ii a ra ges—Repair! nt: .. 15 FOR A -1 auto painting drive to PFEIF FER'S SHOP, 252* Leavenworth, 35 years ex perienee. BUSINESS SERVICE Accnrdian Pleating .. ■ • -31 A (JTORDION, SIDK. knife . box pleatlnr. covered button1*, all styies: hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal "Button & Pleat ing Co . 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. If36._ ___________ NEBRASKA PLEATING Hemstitching. Cover?# Buttons. 1106 Farnani, second floor. JA. 6670. Guilders, Contractors .22 D-WILSON, general contractor and build er; repair work, estimates, frefe. WA. 6160.__ _ I LASTERING—Stuc« o and cement. New and repair work. Call Walnut 4587. PORCH arid window screens _made; old screens rewired; glazing. KE. 2701. Dancing Academies .23 I.KAR.N to Itanc fi>r SI nt KEEPS ISIS Farnara. Classes Mon.. Wed. and Fri. nights. Dancing Tues . Thurs . Sat. and Sun. nights. Private lessons by appoint ments. JA 5470. Detective Agencies .24 INVESTIGATIONS—RESt’I.T OUARAN TKEIJ. KEI.IX F. DOI.AN. WE .',I3C. ItKIiIABkE Detect ve Bu eau, Sunderland Bldg I \ j K M Bfl ALLAN, 212 Neville Bl I secured in all tases AT. 1136. t—rsi ... ■ ■ .. ■■■ i. . -I .1 =3 (.nrage Builders . 23 price* on complete garages lior r son Lumber # foal Co WE 6561 Insurance—All Kinds.».?5A CHART.ES SUNDBTiAD CO ' Fire, Automobile. Burglary, Accident INSURANCE Keeline Building. JA. 2320. Moving, Storage .26 EXPERT China, furniture packers, fire proof storage. Phone JA. 1 504 The Terminal Warehouse Co. 702 South 10th S* . rorner Jones, on Viaduct _ FIDELITY STORAGE St VA*N CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods. Pianos, Office Furniture. 1107-11 HOWARD ST. _JA. 0288 I TIMATE fum on packing,, mot/ and storing Contract* taken by Job or hour. Globe Van Sc Storage Co. JA. 4352. AT. Grot) _ BEK INS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE JCth and Leavenworth H'a. Parking, mov ing atot age, shipping JA 4163 _ Moving—Parking—Storage fJordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 1*19 N. 11th St PhtMHft JA. 3032. Milliner*, I>re**maker* .27 Ill'll * ' H' H «*1 dren’n apring roata and hats, bungalow eprona and houso dreasea. HA 806C. IP YOU WISH to have a haf made over «*r trimmed or rn«4l« to order, rail THE PARLOR MILLIN ER Y, JA n792. HKKSHM a’KiNO AND PI.AIN SEWTNCf t ‘ALL WA» 4&6«._ - - r 1. • Painting, Papering .28 PAPERHANGINO, paint i n k , carpenter worn, piasteri..g, estimations and helpful tuggoatlonH free All work guaranteed. V M. Roberts. KB. 4 072. P A PERU ANUINO, painting. decorating Have your work done by an expert—it rosts I'-hs and looks better WA 2411. Pa ntlng, de< gen PI repair work We. r»*• k PAINTING pape rhanglng, J n t« leco rating, estimate* free. Ref. furnished. D. £_Hnr1er. AT 9764. I ■ House re p«^ng of all kinds. Prewar price*. We. PAINTING AND PAP® RPLEA NIN^, 1 >• '!> \,1. JA 1041. PAINTING, paper-hanging. good worn, right price- PALL HA 1223 PAPERING, painting, wallpaper cleaning. Tall WE. 49*9 Patent Attorney* .t* y W. MARTIN, Patent AUorn.yi 1712 1 >odg*». room 209 Also Washington. I>. P I help Inventors soli their patents. Printer*, Engraver* .81 Kuur rnDtina co., an a. 11 m. j*. ton. BUSINESS SERVICE Kodak Flnishmc NA FILMS developed free. Price list here Fri day. KASK STUDIO, 216 Neville Block. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 2906 Leavenworth. Professional Services, X- Rays .« PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A- McConnell Drug Stores. DENTAL X-ray. 60o each; 63 full ael 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Services Offered .31 OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY—Mattresses made over In new ticks at half pries of new beds. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. TREE SURGERY—Expert service offered for 10 days. Have your trees and hedge cared for. Call K E. 646S. HAULING of any kind. One and two-ton trucks at your service. JA. 2360. SHRUBBERY, seeding, sodding and cellar digging. At. 0990. C. Bowlin. LAWNS graded and seeded; black dirt fer tilizer for sale HA. 3725. PL.isTERI NO. brick and cement work. Right, prices WA. 0607. BLACK dirt fertilizer, sodding and grad ing. WE. 1727. EDUCATIONAL . Business Colleges .37 DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ’ van rant”school-of~businesr. ' 9 E Cor. Nineteenth and Douglas. Ja. 6890. Musiral, llnncinir, Dramatic. 40 i BARN t'> dance mr $3 Reduced rates for 30 days. Hyland School of Dancing. 25th and Farnam. AT. 7850. Trade School* .41 WANTED Hen ladles boy* ,r» learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. ' MO LffBjT BA RBKR COLL B< 1K. " 110 R. 14th St. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanletf—Female .44 SALESLADIER—A large New York house with 32 branches in the United Statea have opened a sales dept, for two neat salesladies. Must be able to meet the public If 125 to $75 a week would Inter, cat you, see the Sales Manager, 308 Baird Bldg. _ _ _ WANTED—Young man, 17 or 3 8 year* old. High school or college student to work from 5 to 8 in evening See Mr. Gregory. Circulation Dept., Omaha Bee. WANTED—Women for lyeeum. Chautau qua arid musical representati vee. Only educated, refined, cultured people nerd apply. Free training. Address Y-2280, Omaha Bee. _ NIGHT nurap for general floor work at Hamburg Hospital. Write or call for in formation. Supt. Hamburg Hospital, Hamburg, la. PUBLIC nuraes wanted at Hamburg hos pital. Call or write for information. Supt. Hamburg Hospital. Hamburg. Ia. EIGHT to 13 weeks prepares you for a fjne office position Call AT 7774 or write American College, 1912 Farnam. LADY for general off Good pen man small wag vs. Adr*-ss Box 253, Oma ha. Neb.__ WANTED—Experienced white maid for general houaev.'ork. Phone Harney 1542. EXPERIENCED cook, city ref required. 3718 Farnatn Hr_Teh_Harney_15Jj>._ WHITE girl for general housework ( an go home nights Ref WA &§tf. HOUSEWORK BR- fil f ft housework. WA. 6138. Help Wanted—Mule . 45 —v. WANTED EXPERIENCED AUTO TIRE BClLDERS, ALSO TIRE FINISHERS. STEADY WORK BEST OF WAGES. APPLY AT ONCE. RACIN' K RUBBER CO RACINE. WIS OLD MEN. CRIPPLED MEN T can give light employment to a few blind or crippled men The work la easy end the hours about six per day. See Mr Mart. Omaha Bee office, between 9 and 10 o’clock a vary morning. , ARCH ITKCTCH A L draftsman wanted Permanent position for competent man. No olher need apply. BKl'TTLER \ ARNOLD, Architect! and Plnglneere Sioux City, la. • \ ,v . ! El ■ Ma< hinlat in,.,! \ pa optiator I for Model 6 machine; electric pf Must l bn printer, speedy end able to feed cylinder. Permanent to man making good Write, giving names of former employer* and wage*. Chronicle, Toledo, Iowa. .MEN WANTED—Hovei al married m* n who own «ara to tall on the farmer trade close to Oitrgba. Heal anlear. Hhcrldan, Wjo i ; i brsal n No sodn fountain Married nian preferred. Jviorno Drug Co, York, Neb. I EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Male .43 FOUR men over 25 years of age; good appearance and willing to learn a good business and get paid while learning. See Mr. Merciel, 416 8/ 17th St., between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m BOYS—Good boys with or without bicycle*. Good pay. Splendid opportunity for ad vancement. Apply, Western Union Tele graph iki_, *07 S. 14th_ _ Help—Male or Female .46 AGENTS—Wanted, men and women to sell guaranteed allk hosiery; good propo i sltlon to producers. Style Silk Hosiery (Jo., 339 Leflang Bldg. _ SALESPEOPLE, with or without cara, city or traveling. AT. 5297. Agents, Salesmen .47 SALESMEN—District manager* wanted. We are looking for experienced salesmen with executive ability to open district of fice In Omaha territory, must be prac tical and have the knack of handling men and getting results. This operftng presents an unusual opportunity for those v ho can qualify. Commissions $3»0 per month and up. Address Box 409, Fort Dodge. la. SALESMEN—One or more experienced specialty salesmen in this section can form a valuable connection In the sal*1 of Royal Electric coffeo mills and meat choppers. Royal ment slicing machines snd coffee roasting machines to grocers, general merchants, restaurants, hotels, institutions. elc. Business backed by strong national advertising campaign. ' The ,A. .T. Deer Co.. Inc., Ilornell, N. V. BOOK AND MAGAZINE SALESMEN — Making less than $75 per week. Can make | more money selling the most heavily ad vertised and fastest book proposition on the market. We want high-class sales men for outaide work with veil estab lished firm. If Interested see Mr. Hat field, 304 Baird Bldg. SALESMAN—To a high Hass specialty salesman with ability to sell to retailers, we ran offer permanent sales proposition paying a handsome dally income Write at once stating qualifications and experi Snce. Box *01, Sioux City, la. SALESMAN* Wanted in Omaha and r ;■ trinity, to handle label and folding carton account. Commission basis. Knowledge of printing process necessary. The Chicago Label A Hox Co, 312 28 N. May St., Chicago. IIL__ _ TWO houta-ti um man to • oi k ■ th me In city. Our men average $4 to $19 dally, working but *tx hours. Call Hos tetler after 4 p. m., T. M. C. A., Court ell Bluffs.____ _ A GOOD roan a I • i ige of salesmanship and good references enn secure steady employment by calling In person at 131* Harney. Ask for Mr. Wil kinson. OUR Una backed with wonderful ration al advertising. Wo vant two real men with proven sales ability. Call between 10 and 12 Real Silk Hosiery Mills, 439 Securitlej Bid* 4 bouse to house men on household specialties with or without car*. C. 9. Adams Co . 632 So. 16th St. SALESMEN—With or without cars, »lty | or traveling 305 South 11th St. Omaha Disinfectant Co. AT 5297. SALESMAN WANTED" H#m# labor savers. 1614 Harney. Call between 5 and 8 V m. on 2d floor. Situations Wanted—Male .49 OWN business taking part time, willing to devote balance to some one needing good ambitious man for office work, selling or managing branch busings*, of fice furnished if necessary. HA. 510ft j MARRIED, 24 yenrs old. clerical or «'• I counting; can operate typewriter. 2 years railroad; refernce, salary open. W 321, Omaha it.-. ASHT. CREDIT 'OLLEt TOR~or~offn e position desired: three years' -xperlen age JO; 1125 Address, W 350, Omaha Be*. COMPETENT i isek eper t ' place; farm nr city; best references. Bo* W-32J, Omaha Be*. HOUS ECLEA N INU—Rellabla man. AT. ]00?. "___ YOUNO man with -ar wants job a* sales man Address Y-2276, Omaha Bee. | FINANCIAL Buftinrha Opportunity* .50 FOR MALE OR EX CHANGE— 'la: age doing good profitable business with bat tery rebuilding and recharging depart ment. Repair department with good ma chinery. IMlitig station, large tire and accessory bus in vulcanising equipment and large storage room with wash rack. I ha\e a nil iiufaciurnlg plant that Is growing rapidly and :s requiring all of my time and attention. Therefore, I have d*< Ided to offer my , good garage business for sala. Might consider city property or farm land woth flft.'MiO. i L. Hard,ng. corner of 4th and 5th Ave., routirll Bluffs, la. WK wish to hear from lady residing la Omaha, who can immediately Invest I". 0 for part interest and fnke full manage ment. of a new and profitable business to be opened In Omaha soon Business «sn be conducted in small office or pri vste home and should net $100 per week to start. Address Box 40 4. Worthing ton. Minn A REAL SHOE BUSINESS and first - class repair equipment. fin* location, small stock shoes if desired. Reply inay bring you success. Box 277, t'al liati, t’olo, AUTOMOBILE agency, tbre* best ars. on market; fullv equipped garage Writ** or wire V. A. Lamb, 417 Clark Ave., Bill ings. Mont. FOR MALE -Excellent fountain, bakery, confect ionery; fiaest (oration in rountrv; must sell on account ill health. Y 2213. I Omaha Bee LAW practice, furniture and library for sale In boom Wyoming oil town Won i derful opportunity Lock Box 23, tllen 1 rock. W> o. NAMOGRAPH worth 1100 for engraving fountain pen In geld leaf. Complete, 960. 4M Brgndele Theater Bldf. ‘ - I u a t room flat; good ln«onie on room* rented. '.07 H. Uth St , Agf -No 1. AT. 8173 GROCERY tNU M » \ r MA R K » I •ale. one of the beat. Good reason for Selling. About $2,500. Call IIA. 7087. HARDWARE—-On u< ount of failing health my stock of hardware In Edgar, Neb., ia for Bale. J I Caesell HOTEL and rafe wll cell very j authorised plap; no commission. write for name nearest agamy. Lincoln Join! Stock Land Dank, 14m o n. N eb v. 4NTE1> to loan |!00,000 n oi nea« Omaha. In sums of $1,000 to $10 000. F. D WE AD AD II BOWMAN, 310 s |jth st. Weed nidg AT o|»$ WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences E. H 1.01 JO EE. INC, .. 8 |\i »*| i im Rlilg MONEY to loan **n farms and Omaha real eatate MYERS A Ft A INBOLT t'o, 424 Omaha Nat Rank Rjdg ^JA 0740 I .STRAIGHT f* year loans, t, s per cent. AMok GRANT (hem ourselves and He]| them direct io the farriler.* Harness from $35 to $110 Alfred Cornish, 1*10 Fa rnam St . Omaha, Neb rows—For sale, close springer*.Purhains, Holstelns. Jersey*. Guernseys. Manager, German House, 42^0 H. 13th. W(>RK 11 < HR SI i ALB VP HIKE LUMBER At GOAL CO, 43d and Charles._WA, ft557 Poultry and Supplies .57 QUALITY purebred baby rhick*, right varieties ‘'all TL4823, Franklin Hatchery, on Franklin A\e., council Bluffs, In. HATCHING egg*, $4 per ion. j dot. of hens WA 2102. THOROl CJHBRED hatching «f|>. W£ 1031. I MERCHANDISE Clothing and Furs . 60 FOR SALE—Lady’* hi** tailored suit*, •is* SI rhon* HA 1044 ; FULL DRESS suit* a¥d Tuxedos for rent J A. 312*. 109 N. 10th Street j Feldman. flotibilinlri Goods .*.63 FURNI TURPI AUCTION The*-* win he another big auction sale of dandy, new an1A M« IN I s We pay the b«*Ft pr; • e* with privilege to buy t.ark at small profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CO. Omaha, Neb, 402 N. l«th Ht. \ 49, | MiscHlamoim . 66 POOL Ta¥i,E~ Ft lit bale] "one BID LIARD TABLE WE 4435. KINDI ING —Load. 14.59. Bradford Ken 7 49. ____ | Musiial lnMriini.nl* . 67 rRADG your used p ino on i n . ayei piano. linlnnr** ns low a* 111 par month A HOSf'K ^*0 , 1511 I»ough»» _ Seed*, riant*, Fertilizer*. 69 HEN SON-Ok! AH A Nursery Everything !n tre**a and shrub* Office, cantor of f»5th and Spencer. WA. 427H. P. J. Flynn. flRAPR VINKS—Concord, tM ruepber r,» black herrh » All garden plants In 4 ? i. Store and Office F<|tlipm«‘nt ."0 NEW AN I» EH EM MAl**frt> AMERICAN MACHINERY A W’UPIT OOA1FAHY. • ».aJ lj. J-lywajd **t. JA. VMS WI BUY. aell safe. make d*«ka. *howr • SSeSt ¥i < Oinslut k tturs As Hm»i iy Co,, a. ¥ corner ijly end I>oug4aa lAi'ir-j c,\ kn AX ff.KU rvfn welter*, it r.a ami hi Midland Supply to.. 1 404 Hedge* d*# cm rsst -rrm-.xjj -m ataiwA ^ Swap Column .<2 COMPLETE equipment for < pnfrctjpuai> Watrua fountain, el"' trie piano. c,%niiy i utking utensils, alaba, etc 11 OOQ' t*»rt • sh. bal teal entata In Omaha 162. Tha Omaha Hr# I AROK $60 tug, uaril * f«» w 11 ■ • t • . *ym* for $5 i>a)inent kj» i n ■ luLn a fn IB daj* Addr#** N>d4, Omaha M(*e. HIRES blC’. < aldnet, < hlnu. UnAn. wool blank* f» w allverware H-42Q. Omaha lire SWAP for thoroughbred An-ona rooafni' for two good laying pullet* or what ha'V vou'* Add?#** S 411. Omaha HA# WILL *"as< aei-ond harm Athene an to* i nr* u** «l m 7-room lmuas fof wtut hgvn you' SITU, omah* Hr# — . - b • SMALL aleeplng room. Swap> tti* aap-r hanging o4.r AUd e*N 5 -155, <>mgits Hr- t. s TWO-TON trui k, will trado for ioml' lota or equity in »ity property., AUuu** * MIM.K 8 or 10 ye* i a old, v a luWd at $ -dp for what have you? Addtr«« 41^ k*Wu, ha lift* > Have lm r g** »■ |• aea• • 11g • r i»hi'Wk atw. trad* for light car, Addre*a 4 Om ha Hae. IsiiMvIt ?! AKTf>*— Naah chummy madltid. Swap for Hodge roadaler nr F ttf*dd»upk or sedan. Adilrrae H 75. Onufca II##/'r ^ wii,i, mp i. ,m,, i- i.v.i maha Bee. tTIVB radio Mi t gr*°d tenor banjo. Address 8-151, Omaha Bee. WILL trad# Apperson touring car for baby grand piano 8-418, Omani pee VIOLIN^ valued $76, to ox h."ge for 160 A. jn Nebraska when? belt, for busi ness or city property. 8-423, Omaha Bee A PREMIER el*' trie sweeper for a duo fold Address H.l6n, Omaha Bee Mi f. room bungalow for east front lot and cash. S - 41 4. Omaha Dee. _ Mur] hy in*■ ’door Id to ti id# What have you 7 Box 8-61. Omaha Bee ALL steel paper baler, worth 146, swap fur Axminlster rug, 3x12. Address S 171, Omaha Bee._ ___ ! GOLPEN oak buffet, dining table. 4 chairs for t» hat have you? 8-416, Omaha Bee. BABY carriage to swap for rug or about 15 bens. Add rets 8-77. Omaha Ree OAKLAND six roadster. swap for bouse painting. Address 8-170, Omaha R* *•. SWAP for car Address 4 11, pmaha Ree Wanted i»» Bif .. r* KS K 8 L*KSK8 t)LSK8 New de«k«. used desk* bought, ao'd and Traded .r r Re-d, Ijo? Farnam AT. 4144 WE buy old gold arid silver. 623 Brandcia Theater Bldg. RENTAL ■Vpls., Flat*, Furnished . H Hr.NTKIl 1SV. AT S**" :M FLAT — Newly decorated— 145. 2041 Howard St. A P TtKET A SON. 6!9 First Nat l Bank. JA 42!«. BEAUTIFUL# corner apartment in fine fireproof. cioae-|n apartment building In fire condition, consists <*f Ta^ge living room and dining room, kitchen, dressing room, tiled bath. closets, hall, etc Sum mer ra»** i irun • firing May 1. 152 »° B- g value in Omaha f^all JA._1T14 to see. CLOSE TO TOWN 6-ROOM apartment, living room, dining room, reception hall, kitchen. 2 bedrooms. Hc-iutifully decorated Fine garage. |7’ So per mo. 214 I*a’ k Ave Call HA. FOR LEASE—Apt Bon bow Court 4 4*h and Bodge; • r month* or longer. Ih7 50. occupancy May 1 WA. 737U. • Harney St . 3<■»■• K**el1n»* R’dg. 8CRKEN ED summer i- nelice. 2 or 4 mom apartment Central office. .SO’-*. North 53d_ _ >_ PKT EUS TR! ST COMf'AM WHERE OMAHA RENTS AT «a44 _ l?th and Farnam S'». ~ " " FOR’ ONK OF DRAKE S l'jOO APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2?0S _ _____ FOUR ROOM modern part f? «’■' ier,t O P Stebbins. 1610 Chicago St 4 ROOM modern apt walking distance. janitor service. Ir-.’ W» 3551 _ NEW strict'v modern five room apt. In quire 3527 South 23d SL__ * v ' ♦ ** * n Ilmisc*. I ‘nfiimlsliprt .*9 FOR HAT.19 OR RKNT Ttr owner. n»»w h r-"in, modern bunga low, all oak trimming*. paved atraet. 41 *>a F.raklne • I’hotic WA. 222* 1 THIRTY xr.CONP ST., 30" Z So —New *« tootu houxf. airh tly modern. Prl* e $70. fief required. Call ave. tleorge Kneb* . • Maple Hr 4 ro* n»* »>n ftr<» flo-ir, «niftr *rw«r. electric light* HI per moan <**!;. WE *»»bf. ^ \ tioofi hou#e«r f.* 6. V and * refm.a, Kolr ;»tj. . t. llood ‘ JH' iniOtte Kdjth f.a' -S. * .V'-V':.- ... ..... ■ a.ROOJJ.- JF b»t. Ml Rha\T form* and IM.aVd f«r * It jtjlf'* U".»d hony* * UOAiU) ANtr \VYm|IN<1. IT 50^ WK »4V .1^ nit f'n llimin*. FtirnUlird .Hi Avr s »itrutiiv# IP. aM*at AT I • 27 •1 a i I: k' fu n pH \nti horn* 11 oo per week. Uiri yre frrrtd AT. 41if Jlooni*, Furnished .8'.’ TWENTY-SIXTH ST. 64 5—Nicely fur nlshed front, room, suitable for 1 or 2; private home. AT 5084. 218 NORTH TTtH AVI: — Aery desirable lwfge front room In modern home. Must be Been to be appreciated._ NICELY furnished room in private home. Mt. t'lalr addition; no other roomer*. HA. 1387..__ SLEEPING room f ir rent for one or two Kiris employed; walking dlstame. AT. 28 21.___ PARK AVK . 1314—Modern t'lml-h*'! room for couple employed. Board If de sired._ ____ j 320 NORTH TWENTY FIFTH ST.—DE SIRABLE ROOM, HOME PRIVILEGES, CLOSE-IN; REFERENCES. AT. 3586. 2991 CASS ST.—Nicely furnished room j for gentleman: private entrance, adjoin* Ing bath. HA. 2485. __ _ 2128 PINKNEY ST.—Large, pleasant room, block from car and Kount/.e park, j private family; <5 per week. WK. 3164. I i a it• i c r ■ 1 . :. i«n. %afe home, breakfast if desired. KE. 3187.] MARTHA FT, 1705; desirable large front] rm.. priv. home, bo’d If desire*! .IA. *359.] NICE, pleasant room West Karnam dls- j trlrt. Private home. Telephone Wa 1953. PA. 1042—Furnished room in private home for one or two gentlemen. Close in. Front rm. in Dundee home.. Space in gar i Gentleman with ref. W-347 Omaha Bee. ■ LARGE f |' man preferred: dose In AT. 8571 _ IIA < I gen I loom, modern home on boulevard. sleeping rooms. $-’ 50 up. 4933 S 23d fit. wa. nnr.s—Room for gentlevngn in vate family, Dwoflei LINCOLN Blvd . 647—Attractive mod. rm , private home. $20 per month, if A. 394“- —Man’s - Rrferen* ee. J’ine location. If ARNKY ST , 2556—Clean, modern sleep ing rooms. Walking distance com Park district. ID 1764 DOUGLAS • l( ( can attract rs n ns. $3 to $6 per week, men MOD., attain ht. $3.9s up 724 N. 11th Ft Wanted to Rent .85 WANTED HOUSES TO RENT We ha*e an extremely large list of client* wishing to rant 6, 6 and 7-room hour1 All ar«* good pay; know hoar to take r*a' cnre of property tall u« at once for Immediate a - t on ('HAS W YuUNO A SON. 1602 City Nat Bk AT 966*. HA 8051. Mr. I.ynn, WA. 663s Koom* for Hciu*»eUeepinc: 8t HA 2050 i T»i > — 3 nl* * 'wrge rooms sleep ing porch ir.■ Iudod furnished complete; strictly modern; on car line, Jlanacotn Rark.. district . near Field club. ft02 ■ >iv,mfr. pi-ely furnish*!, reasonable <’a!! after 6 p rn. at Apt. No. 6, or phone AT. 5110_ _ ( ANTOV ST. 15.4 -Three n e homey front rooms and kitchen**: »• private horn* tzo per month. \* 941’ ri ■ Si g* front room to couple employed everything fur f^jahed. * ^_ ofTlO ST. Zllf*—Pleasant front r well located. bes* of ten *nfi, rent.* . ItLv per inca'h; prW. 114 090; cat) be handled with 92.760 < a«h. balance »ain* a* rent Glover & Spain, Realtors, 3 A. fill. 911-20 v'tly National. Karin* anti Rant hr* .!Ml 4G-Acre Home POSSESSION AT ONVK 4 ; • » N AN of Henson on H <* high V os (I 1J sere* grape* 2 a !•** -i e ainut gtov e 1 ft re full Oi bird l> room ne** house New barn f.*r 4 head of sto* k l.arg^ log house new N.w chi-ken house for 1.00ft «hi «.eite Will sell t hi*. At s snap l.snd black loam, gently roll ng 6 tons alfalfa and 300 bushels corn on place AI. SO .10 arres ! ’•* mil** N E. l> A P Inst tute. Co. Muffs, gently roiling table land. toom house .new barn and thicken house Fine place for grapes. alfalfa and chicken*. Will sell gt_ eaav 'term*. $. &, ftdntfomery, g7* 111antfe|a Thegker £tldg ^ Phone .AT ^13,74 oc#yA..7i:ft "”L*fid Opportunity” Writs for our special Inducements to settlers on ittr Chol<# Central Wi». or.ain lands Best of t’*\ login ss'. ro.ids wafer, schools, neighbor* and markets. W» have a real proposition for prop:* of small means who want to o«n a good farm home. No speculator* or agents wanted Write today for our Special puces and term* to actual settlers JOHN S OWES' 1.1* At MKH COMPANY, owen. Clark County. Wisconsin EI.OHIPA For sale, Et My erg. Fla small grove, acreage of sugar cane, good house and pasture land Complete for dairying and chicken raising Writs l»r T. H. Butchart^ Bed flak, la k'VnMIS11 - Fo» sale. 3'.'ft acre* good land, t* mile* southwest of Chugwatet. AA*yo. lift (i-rr; t*»m* Writ* Jeny Massell. Siu.lman. Idaho. _ Iio6-l«ot 40*114 on Wirt Ht. near 43rd'. paved street: nssr car line. O. A. Urlm rn«1. JA. HI I._ V^lLt build t I not I fill lots tn Kdgewood, very May terms ! h MIC V . I A"- « _ _ Ht*«I Krtnl^—Brnwm .9? Buy Frpm Owner ||V»0 ITS® t'AMI, I 1ST MONTH!Y PATMKNTS S room modern »tut*co Uun|»U»w. otU floor* Ihr<*uKAM built tn fiMiturr* Kronoh iloort. full rovnsnt hssemoni; lots* lot; ®«Tid otrott » blocks ft out isr linr t’sll WA. mi. :s i,iVm-ini! pi.Vsmr Knv'iihA* 'An AY"> |^nt HtMn horr* of ' rnn tv*U • All tnn<1* n firming *1*n 1SI\ Itl nii»l fn*'#* *«M ',' \a mi Imphivid nil \ l»r(|f«»n ny,n Html MOnrinf fruit. Nm» tnf*nii>l n )iai> * $<&• cAOh Inkr* It. v'nU Mr in m; MfOrKM A ni . nmlioin ,IA ll.( ■.■*« * * K»H-<»n i IKMiMH PAUTLY MOtV. l.AltOK LOT 13,000. UltKAl BARGAIN J A. 03 21, REAL ESTATE Real Estate—Dundee . 95 Hew Brick Home Happy Hollow Circle Th* owner of this home has spent a great deal of time In making thi* home complete and convenient in every detail. 4 large rooms en dbreakfast room on the lat floor; 3 bedroom;, tile bath and open sf'et-ping porch, 2nd floor; maid's room and bath 3rd floor. Finished in g’ay enamel and artistically decorated through out. Quart* red oak floors; attractive, fireplace, bookcase* end built in old Kng i >h style chkna cabinets in dining room. Built-in ice box and many other, con venient feature**, diragp for two cere. T.ot 90x127 feet. Fine shade trees, etc. For detailed information, call Georg® ancS (X Realtors, _____ .A • ?' ■: t Dundee Horae 6111 Burt St., S rooms and sleeping port h. large living r«>ou» with fireplace, fact a nice homy home at the right price and terms. Dun-S^ Home 7 rooms large living room With fireplace, built-in features in dining room and kitchen, on large lot. Priced to sell. \V PARNAM SMITH A CO. REALTORR. 1320 Fa mam St. .1A 0364 Eve._WA.2A7S Real Estate—Florence .96 NhTHAWAV. "home agent specialist in north end property (whites only). KE. 149f. Real Estate—Miscellaneous .97 < ( ( < I < FOR PALE -On» 2 atory eummer ( < cottage at F':etz club, furnlahed. < < Can be lathed and plantered eat»11y < C ®rd moved. Cheap price. A good C plac# to live during the itimmtr < < an :t in. Phone KK Mlf. < C < < ( < t SPECIAL FOR RAILROAD MEN Five rooms, brand new. strictly a'l mod err . o* * floors, full basrn »n*. guaran teed furnace newly dtoratwd jr*t‘y light fixture', ehadef irreens. everything ai«, (omplete This little house a prl« e-d S' -I ’low anything on the mar ker. It - at* ! «n the Harney street •»r line which take-* you right down to the station. For railroad men th.s 1* a splendid opportunity to g*i away from re-r Prir j« ft ' f 3 /vt) * ash and only 14* per month whi- h includes your in terest Owner -an show you through any fm* during * he da r or after supper fall rfl once HA S?«;o. Distinctive Hemes iVhen built to your order by us gives you the services of the archile r. engineer and builder. We build our own homes, no sub t-tdr*'1;: c Ever :nga tall JA. 41*4. Bensen ’®: Garrett, Builders 414 Arthur JFdjr AT. SM© H"MKS f--r workingmen. Four ro- • • l*artly modern foil lot. easy terms fl -©#. lla*e other* Stewart. Ralston 10-W A i ,F!t .I > Tr -MAS A. So:, Co .“Remitor#. Itml Kstalr—North . 98 t Rooms, Oak Thrpufhont Hji-i when it was how good and not how cheap ;t e-otild be buds. You wiU appr»iats the construc * * n of th's hor.a at _"10 Map. a street <• .»«! to *h >w you through. 3d**. Tracy. Walnut 01 It*. A. P, Tukey & Son, 'Tukev 8oid IU‘* CO 1st Nat Bk Jackson 4123. * !. • M h »• 111 Laka 8l, |4 41 Can be e i on terms tait h at >a*t f&00 caah. Boyer 22nd and »'u»r. r e 8ts ■ : Brand New Bungalow $450 Down We.. bi»;it frarr-e home with f U • rooms and bath strictly modern Oak floo"*. nak and «name| trim, stairway to attic* Paved stre*I » a I HA. j4ea or AT 7412 WE BUILD TO PLEASE " TEMPLE MtKATDKN OO. BE8T prices on construction of homes. Beat materials s.nd workmanship Campbell, H7 Kreline At 1041 4. >4 M» 1 ga ijge. K.KO; 11.0(0 down JA. 0744. Ural Kftlalr South .99 %xm $500 Cash ? mom hom* on Smith S d#. t irood corn#r lot 4 b#droom* brtcS foundation hardwood finiah. t« in#nl walks This *.« a substan tial. w *U-built bom#. an*l only ( IV4M will consider loOb cash. Atlantic Mil. aJckaon ««S1. American Mtf. & Fin. Co. Suit# Si4. Courtnff Bide. < Field Club—Hanscom Park Wonderful Brick Home Very attractive home, extra well buff; mn t^cm. sleeping porch, ffo-.ahed at tic. t: ie hath hot water h* at oil burner; dnndy east front corner let price Include# expenai \ a i ug# and dr* partem Glover Sc Spain- Realtors, JA lit) 111 -,i City v,u»n»l Hanscom Park Home 2* 4 South 14th s — S-toom* an»1 sun parlor, atrtetlx loodarn. two bio.'* ?o Han*' ’ I’at'K is. ■ Pit*.* If,SO*, fl <*n«» dow n be Ian.# |T0 p-— month C. G Carlberf, Realtor, 313 Hrahdei* The# Bldg JA OMS l*t » PKH t'KN’T VAI.t’K Bungalow type, five room* With finished attic full haaement. all modem flAe year* ol t % ot 4 4x’.. ' m r-"l «' V«' I**'" r AKTSi'FT A III* NT PKI M AINU 191 Flectrt- Whl*■ ’* Off ' at *>;: <> i \‘et> g« .? a. .1 A « N*F" * room h.'tne. 3Mh *n>l H kory, KxaePant location Price $< Tag Te*m* Norrle .* Norr # 14 \ l >th s AT TO*: Confer With Cohn 4«- So 4th St M A ft «l I 1VF-UOOM bungalow. $4 A$0. One Mo k to car Street paved 3314 TA r ght Bt t'all AT MSI, FoR BALK broom. an modern. nee bungalow , good tarma JfS* So; Jtet Km I K*t«lf—WmI i0|t A I HOt'M aamuhukgalow to lea van worth Haight*, modern and up-to date, oak and birch fltllBh: nice lot v th hedge; will consider any reasonable offer. Call At lantlo ill l or Jarhaou (421. 20 Patna Tiast Uldg JA. SKI 1 REAL ESTATE ( Real KM ate. West.10( < i ( Just a Dan bunra!«*r stairway «ith a«*»* . oak and n;r*-h ftnV«b: built rn faa»ur»s Ma; berry bade* and nir* ia" n. Fc- *pp : *m*nt call AT. 5911, or JA. «4S1. American Mt£, & Fin, C:= *ui'« 214. Courtn?jr BMsr. Montclair District f inrrj home 3 '*•■£'» d ■■ • - » "*p r*V‘ '.(* and ba'h urs’s *■* Ft* * *•"' • ondtlou thmilfheut. Lardy furnace, t 9 Uaeement. Close to Technical High. J, L. Klatt Company, r ■*■ T . • J r . B dr _L _21l'f NEW~HCftE~REASONABL£ • ■ >n *• addlt'^r tb*«* brand r y homes 14 r .o. and one $* 6.'0 Very tn i£ down baSame **^ VfTE belt ':-r«rm house buy ,a West Fa^\ nam Has firt-ptac**, eunroo-r many bu \ jrv 4 be dr - oms. at? i-‘, ail Tried » ”4 nea Prie |S> >0 Good terms Call S< HRC'EDER INVESTMENT CO. Realtor*. J A _ 2 111__ ' Vekthis at once. Five.room n.--dern bunfalow garare neaf at. possess.on at ones. irot»d buy. • 'HAS F BE1.MAN AT CTjA ??3 Peters Trust Bldr. !.ET us build and f nan--# } our new hone 1 oianlere bu lers adv . e v lth no worries. FQU1TABLE TRUST COMPANY 8 i *. wi trie lights only $' b0fi: will ytit in gov*d condition $150 cash. AT T41-. Ask f of >lr «T»rae __ HOMES?! HOMES'! HOMES” W« Ha e Them—e—We ?e | Them. NEBRASKA REALTY CO. Rru 1; Patter- n B k ____JK. 4Tfft. • TH AM* ' ** room*. : 11.60# < ash. bs’si'e monthly on car lino. t'refgfc. to* Re** Bldg J A. #300._ FIVE-ROOM ir» dern cottage, garsre. Fw# '-■j’p f-u;t trees, b^rga-.r f >r qUi*\ s e. ?i#4 <; at __ ~0SBGRNE REALTY CO., : .t *> Perer Trus* B d*_JA mZ. New Homes—your term*. AT 4014. Grore-Hlbbard Co. VSJnT li YV. VolUnd Co. for R.al S»rv.c». AT. »iS Uni Fatale—F.geliange .• -HI WE W1U submit r™ » roasortbla eff nr#t Nat l Bank Rldf. JA. 1X1. CJIA8 W V. S 1 ft SON Ural > '■ at** Rr a .a. Ir.r .:r»r * 1 <• y Nai*t |t AT B«l. j \\ K nt r.l Buy era wtUltif* i Quirk art lor ,t l* HIA TT CO__AT • ?**. HTDVTITT RE AT. ESTATE la k. B-r.ta Ir. surra* y*D r \ AT • - V - N '* It ea It or* ....W , v II lil NNKH iVMIMNY, HKAt TORS. a We Completely Finance If you own a o'.car lot or ran bay on# wa trill butui you a hatna. a< 'ordlng to your p’ana an*l furnish at! tha tnoaay. 'V# now h*vn a r.u*Vbar of |mma» un.lrr » that ua ara builder a for paopla b> tta * |>’«n, and will ba flad to rh.wr them to you Our prior* and farm* ara tarv rataonabla >N o Inxta > oy to all or phono for onmplata information Kianingt call Mr Htftoa, Kt>. CM*. Herron Home Building Company mi r>.•» > v- - v >. SECOND MORTGAGFS AND CONTRACTS PURCHASED We have the cash and can clo«e quickly. TUKEY COMPANY «20 Firat Nat’l Bk. JA 41X3 »