Price Hike Noted in Strawberries Scarcity of Fruit and Heavy Demand in Fast Re sponsible. The strawberry market showed an spward tendency this week, duo to the fact that there are more buyers on the market than there are carlots to be shipped. Demand for strawber ries on the eastern market is very heavy. All strawberries at the pres ent time are coming from Louisiana. Asparagus has increased in price, There is a plentiful supply of rad and is about the scarcest vegetable on today’s market. Ishes, onions, green beans, beets, car rots, cabbage, cauliflower, head let tuce and most other vegetables. Rhubarb is in abundant supply, and cheap in price. The butter market is practically unchanged aa compared with last week. Eggs are coming in a trifle mors plentiful. Poultry Is showing a firmer de mand, with lighter receipts. Scarpello Jailed ami His Employe Freed in Court The jury in federal court yester day found Sant Scarpello, Twenty second street and Poppleton avenue, guilty of selling liquor, and freed his employe, Joe Bruno, Judge Wood rough sentenced Scarpello to 60 days in the county jail. Bee Want Ads produce results. Samardick Socks to Close Every Place Where Rum Sold Federal Agent Bob Samardick said that injunctions will be asked during the next two weeks to close every soft drink parlor and pool hall in the city where arrests have been made on charges of selling liquor. "It doesn't matter whether city, state or federal officers have made the arrests,” said Samardick. "if we have the evidence we can put the big padlock on the doors and keep the places closed for one year." More than 25 places will he closed under this program, judging from the convictions already obtained. Man Jailed; Family Weeps. The wife and five small children of Joe Mongelto, clung, weeping to him when deputy sheriffs tried to THE WHY OF HANDY SERVICE? YOJTR Handy Service Grocer IS AN OLD TIME RESIDENT OF OMAHA. He wants his customers to know the real uncolored truths about his business. Handy Service Advertising is an inexpen sive and economical way for each gro j cer to tell his customers about the 1*18^ ESTfcBT Quality Merchandise for sale in 1# iff! It in ^ In bis store. It is just another Full Flavor- way your neighborhood gro ed D o u b 1 e cer has of being of greater Daisy Amer- service, ican Cheese, Per 'oodles; prr 10/* package . AUL FRUITS ORANGES f.arge Sun-KIst Naiel pTQ Oranges, dozen. GRAPE FRUIT I)r. Phillips, large’ Q/|/» sige, 8 for.O'xL BANANAS yiee and Bipe, 1 1 n per lb.-.A1C VEGETABLES TOMATOES So4ind and Ripe; OQ_ -•ponii<| baskets.iut CAULIFLOWER “SNOWBALL," I 0~ pound . iOC HEAD LETTUCE Solid and Crisp, 3 medium or 2 large.. FRUITS CARROTS 5EW AMI TENDER, JA .10.15-TVnnrnlirrir dr (>., 402 .V. 21th. JA 2267—f ronnfoaan A MrntR, 522 X. 2 f tft. AT 7*62—l.lpAry Urn*.. 611 each. Quality fresh churned Package Butter, per lb.50C Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese or Brick Cheese, per lb. Guaranteed fresh Country Eggs, per do^en . . . .26^—2 ozen, 1* | Assorted Cookies, per dozen... 1 I 2 dozen. 25* I DELICATESSEN ( Our home - made Wienies or F r a n k f u rters per lb. . .17' Delicious Potato Salad, pint 30<* Cabbage Salad, per Pint .25^ Company unexpected — You greet them with a smile, when there’s Holsum Tea Biscuit in your bread box. 4 * * * For Holsum Tea Biscuit, with a cup of tea and a bit of marmalade or pre serves, make as dainty and appetizing a tea table setting as the most careful hostess could plan. Place a standing order with your grocer for twice-a-wcek delivery. Tke Jatyr Burns Baking Company Tre/b every day at your* Grocery" ^ I •» ’ 4 'j I •CVCKTtKNTH Big Orange Sale Received a Car of Fancy Flor ida Oranges on Consignment with orders to sell fcr less than HALF THE PRICE. 216 Size nflja 176Size ftft1_ Per doz. | g jC Per ^oz- /fc^W 126 Size AT|1 * 96 Size AA| . Per doz. ^g *Q Per doz. 0m9V Strictly fresh from the ft F _ EyJJ§ country. Per doz. Z3C Butter Nothing Finer. L.b. 49c Green Onions “• 10c Strawberries f 25c Fresh Perk Shoulders 51”r! 101c Beef Roast 121c Veal Roast MiVd 15c Ankola Coffee 3w 98c Cocoa in bulk per lb. 9c DaiaIma Seedless, extra fine, 441 — i KaiSinS Per lb., II2C 30ap Large pkg. Z3C And one bar Cream Oil Soap FREE. | CANDY SPECIALS Jelly Beans, lb.15c Marshmallow Peanuts, lb.10c Acme Creams, 2 lbs.25c Cigars Just Inside the Door Manila Cigars, 8c values, 50 for.$1.50 Boaster Cigars, 5c value, box of 25 for 75c I 111 Cigarettes, 20s, 10 pkgs. to carton, $1 g Vigor, Health and Strength. HEALTH r happiness go hand in hantj—rosy cheeks the sunny smile. Give them that delieioua, wholesome, bread made from the perfect Victor Flour. “Acf AccidtnftUy Gc^d -bu* \f»Jt G^d AIwuti " The moet modern day light mill in America. THE CRETE MILLS SEE Dally Capacity 2000 Barral* jfiUBSM ’PCJ»1 g l iTl ii I ^ . JaHra