Trial of ‘Louise’ | Put Off; Threat P Told by Accuser Woman Who Led Expose of Self-Styled Bootlegger Queen Accompanied to Federal Court. Trial of Mrs. Louise Vinclquerra, charged with possession and sale of liquor and maintaining a nuisance, was postponed Thursday In federal court. She was to have been placed on trial at 1 and a largo number of witnesses were present. She is alleged to have boasted that she made $45,000 in less than two years bootlegging. Shortly after this she was arrested with her husband, Hebastlano. Threats of vengeance Thursday w-ere injected Into the case of the gov ernment against Louise Vinclquerra, "abdicated queen of the bootleggers.” ‘Numerous anonymous telephone calls have threatened violence to . me,” Mrs. Klizabeth Rogers, repre sentative of the Nebraska Humane so ciety, whose expose of "the queen” led to her arrest, said as she went to court yesterday to appear against Louise. "Two of them were from Louise Merself, the voice said. Others were from different people. One told me Ao beware of a young foreigner who is supposed to be shadowing me. I ■'haven’t been able to detect him, tieither have I armed myself. I don’t believe anyone will carry out the I threats.” But with Mrs. Rogers when she ! went to court was a companion, Miss Florence Brugger, also a Humane so ciety worker. Mrs. Rogers testified against Mrs. Vlnclaufrra when "the queen” was first naled into police court on a minor liquor charge and exposed an alleged advertising system of the "royal bootlegger,” calculated to help get high school students Into her al leged establishment. Bible Taken Literally Gives New Body Its Creed Nebraska Christian Fundamentals association, formed yesterday at First Paptlst church, is seeink to do away with liberal church views denying the divinity of Christ and the story of the fall of man. “Tlie Bible from cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation, supporting the trinity, the miracles and Christ as begotten of the spirit by the Virgin Mary, is our epitomised creed," said Rev. AV. H. Jordan, pastor of the j Third Presbyterian church, one of the I promoters of the new association. Kidnaped School Boy Is Returned to Sister Special Dispatch to The Omaha Be*. Beatrice, Neb., April —Robert Johnson, who was kidnaped from tha Lonesome Ridge school by John Hay wood of AVray, Colo., was brought back by Deputy Sheriff Ashenfelter, who went to Red Cloud, Neb., where Haywood and the t