The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 08, 1923, PART TWO, Page 5-B, Image 17

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    Ford Works Out
' Novel Plan to
Aid Auto Buyer
Purchaser May Make Weekly
Deposit in Bank, Receiv
ing Interest at Regu
lar Rate.
Henry Ford Is about to aea hla
prophecy of 20 years ago fulfilled.
In 1903, when he started building
light cars at a low price, he stated:
“I will build a car for the multi
tudes.” Since that time he has built
and placed in the hands of users over
7.000,000 Ford cars, more than 60 per
cent of all cars In operation In the
United States.
But this large share of the total
sales does* not fulfill the Ideal Mr.
Ford had in mind 'when the above
statement was made, which Ideal he
still has In mind. It Is questionable
whether there would be as many own
ers of automobiles, of all makes, In
the world today as there now are
Ford owners alone had Henry Ford
never conceived the Idea of building
a car so high In quality and endur
ance and so low In original cost and
upkeep that '.he average man ccrtild
afford to own and operate It.
New Plan.
Mr. Ford's Idea was not merely to
build a car which could be sold In
large numbers In order that corre
sponding profits might be made for
the manufacturer, but rather to build
a dependable car within the financial
reach of every family, regardless of
its station In life.
A plan has been worked out by
the Ford Motor company whereby
those who always have waited a
car, but could see no way of obtain
ing it, now may attain their goal
through the Ford weekly purchase
Through the co-operatloh of banks,
the purchaser may make his weekly,
deposit in the hank, as he does his
Christmas savings deposits, receiving
Interest at the regular rate paid by
the bank on savings accounts. These
deposlts may be in any amount, even
as low as $5.
Sales Increase Expected.
When a sufficient amount has been
deposited the purchaser has the op
tion of obtaining his car and paying
the remainder as he rides, or con
tinuing with his regular deposits un
til the full amount Is in the bank
before he takes delivery of his car.
Ford Motor company officials say
that this plan undoubtedly will In
crease their sales for next year by
a full million cars. They are, ac
cordingly, planning on building 2,500,
000 cars during 1924, as most of those
who are now making their weekly de
posits will then be obtaining delivery
of their cars. X
In addition to the nine Ford deal
ers in Omaha and Council Bluffs, each
of whom have been active In making
this plan possible, the following banks
have arranged for special facilities
to assist the depositors and are lend
ing their whole-hearted support: Mer
».«hants National, First National, Live
stock National, Bank of Benson, all
of Omaha, and the City National and j
First National of Council Bluffs.
According to reports, a large num
ber of marriages are occurring be
tween the Japanese and Koreans.
Omahan Tells of New
Tire to Be Made Here
—Photo by Heyn.
ft. J. Marshall.
Announcement was made last week
by the Sprague Tire and Rubber com
pany of a new ribbed Ford cord tire
to be manufactured by Its Omaha
plant. The new tire, according to R.
J. Marshall, city salesmanager. Is the
result of months of research conduct
ed by the Sprague company and con
tains qualities not yet Introduced Into
the tire business.
The sidewall of the tire, that has
generally been the weak part of any
tire has been strengthened by a se
ries of ribs on this new product, ac
cording to Marshall. An extra ‘‘chaf
ing strip” has also been added to pre
vent strain at the point the tire fits
on the rim.
“This new cord will do away with
many troubles the motorist haa had
wifh sidewalls." says Marshall. “The
construction, with its rihbed sides, Is
such that it will resist stone bruises
and other damaging blows every tire
is subject to.”
The ribs will Have a tendency to'
throw a stone away from the tire,
rather than puncture the fabrics, it is ■
said. The tires will be made in Ford ;
sizes only, but IS per cent over the i
regular ^standard sizes.
Besides Omaha the new tire will be
marketed through the chain of
Sprague free tire service stations now
being opened In leading cities of the
country. Several carloads have aLj
ready been shipped to Dallas. Tex.71
where the first station under the new
plan was opened several weeks ago.
Tire Firm Official
Visits Local Branch
Harry E. Field, vice president and J
general sales director of the Lee ;
Tire and Rubber company of New
York visited the Omaha branch re
cently on his way to the Pacific
coast, for the purpose of sizing up
the general business situation and to
confer with the branch manager.
Harvey Jones. He states that the
Lee Tire and Rubber company
showed a gain of 100 per cent earn
ings iu. 1922 over 1921.
Brush the buns lightly with evapor
ated milk for glazing.
Wills Sainte Claire
Man Is Essay Winner
For the pur* logic and abundant
common sens* of hi* argument re
garding th* many ways In which na
tional automobile shows benefit- th*
Industry, th* trade and th* public,
E. Phil Merrill of th* Wills Sainte
Clair* factory sales force has been
awarded th* Tiffany watch offered as
first prize by the National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce for the best
essay on th* real value of the big
Th* contest was Inaugurated In De
cember and so many essays were
submitted that It has taken more than
two months to analyze and Judge their
respective merits.
As a lecturer Mr. Merrill has attend
ed virtually all of the big national
shows for 14 years.
His description of the Wills Sainte
Claire points of superiority has been
an attraction that has caused thou
sands to pause In front of the Gray
Goose exhibits, and has given them an
understanding knowledge of motor
car construction that they could not
otherwise have acquired.
8. H. Miles, manager of the na
tional shows at New York and Chi
cago, who served as the chairman
E. Phil Merrill.
of the committee on awards, states
that the contest evoked immense in
terest and a uniformly high grade of
responses. Many of the essays sub
mitted gave the committee Ideas en
tirely new regarding the subject.
Some of these Ideas will, it is promis
ed, be put to practical use in the na
tional shows In the future.
- ~ ""
Cadillac Sales Contest
in Form of Steeplechase
Every Cadillac salesman In Omaha,
Lincoln and Sioux City territories met
with J. H. Hansen, president of the1
Hansen Cadillac company, at the Fon
tenelie hotel Friday night and plans
were laid for an aggressive sales cam
Quotas were set for the three offi
ces and for the different departments, i
retail, wholesale and used cars, and
weekly and monthly priies were ah
nounced for offices, departments and
Individual salesmen. The contest Is:
to last five months and Is laid out as
a steeplechase. The course and prog
ress of salesmen participating In the
race Is outlined on a large map hung
In the salesmansger’e office.
"Since April 1 we have sold and de
livered 12 new Cadillac cars and taken
orders for meny more. Thie la the
greatest sales contest we ever held,
and we are certain that with this ad
ditional Incentive our salesmen In
dividually will go over their quotas In
the contest,” Mr. Hansen says.
If yon could see the main body structure ol
Dodge Brothers Business Coupe before the
enamel is baked on, and before the interior it
furnished, you would be profoundly impressed by
its strength. N
You would see that every panel, every pillar, end
every rib is steel—that even the door eilla and
* window mouldings ere steeL
You would see that all of these parts and sections
are electrically welded together into one staunch
steel body, with no bolts or rivets to work loose,
nothing to rattle or squeak or warp. '
And you would realize that, like the all-steel
Pullman coach, this unique construction—origin
ated by Dodge Brothers for this car—represents
the last word in protection to passengers—the
ultimate achievement in closed car sturdiness.
* V
The Price of the Business Coupe U $1100 delivered.
28th end Hernejr Streets
- \ Telephone HA rney 0123
Council Bluffs Selesroom—33-3S Fourth Strook
Tslephono Council Bluffs 691
Love Flourishes
on Bank Roll.
Professor Says
Warns Students Not to Marry
Until Prospective Hubby
Has Saved at Least
$2,500. '
Berkeley, Cal., April' 7.— Advice to
the lovelorn wae given the other day
by Baldwin Woods, connected with the
engineer department and a dean in
the University ot California summer
In cold, cruel words. Woods advised
his students to refrain from matri
mony until the prospective husband
had saved at least $2,500.
■‘This advice may sound unroman
tic, but love's own sweet dream can
flourish more readily when the prop
er financial goal Is reached," declar
ed the savant, who has won the title
Canadian Heroes Tour City in Studebaker
» '%mm
Canadian Hand at the World last week starting nut on a sight seeing trip of Omaha In a fleet of Stude
baker ears. ' " ___ _
"Instructor in Matrimony" through
his advice.1
Warns of Matrimony.
"Tho young man who finds himself
with nothing more than a college
diploma and a ‘promise1 of a job
should not plunge headlong into mat
rimony." he said. . "T;he average man
of 22 years can command a salary of
$150 a month.
"If the girl is worth while and has
real Interest in her prospective hus
band. she will not hesitate to wait for
>im. And if the man' is worth while
he will not want his bride to be de
prived of anything she has been ac
customed to Just for the privilege of
marrying him.
“ A man earning $150 a month can
and should save $50. That is, of
course, if he continues his frugal col
lege habits and does not have hlB fling
at expensive clothes and amusements.
Should Save $2,500.
"At 28 this same man should have
saved $2,500. Then he man-lee. HI*
wife i* In accord with hla ambition#—
and I think on# of the blessing* of oo
education la that It leads to marriage
between people of the aarne training—
they will go on aavlng. Of course their
savings will most likely be cut In
half. But at 30 the couple should hav#
34,000 In hand. Including Interest on
the previous savings.
"It he Is the right kind of man he
will take bis $4,000 to a banker, who
will show him a good investment at
6 per cent. And If he leaves the $4,000
untouched, by the time he Is 65 it will
have amounted to$32.000 assuring him
a monthly Income of $160, which will
amply provide for old age of himself
and wife."
Nevada “Zephyr” Blows
Load of Ilay Over Fence
Mlnden, Nev., April' 6.—Picking up
a wagon and Its load of hay and lift
ing them over a six-foot fence was the
prank of a "Washoe zephyr" which
swept Carson valley recently.
Kd Millar, of Millar’s dairy, left
the wagon standing in the feed lot
In the evening. In the morning he
found the hay scattered over the
adjacent corral. So was the wagon.
X * >
of Interest to
“I will build a car jor the multitude”
Said Henry Ford in 1903—Read how the fulfillment
of that prophecy is now made possible through the
For many years it has been Henry Ford’s personal ambition
#to make the Ford the universal family car — to put it within
*the reach of the millions of people who have never been priv
ileged to enjoy the benefits of motor car ownership.
During the past fifteen years over 7,500,000 Ford cars have
been placed in the hands of retail customers—more than a
million and a half of them within the past twelve months
—and yet there are still millions of families who are hopefully
looking forward to the day when they can own a Ford.
And now the way is open.
Under the terms of this plan you can select your Ford Car, set
aside a small amount each week and you will be surprised
how soon you will own it In the meantime your money will
be safely deposited to your credit in one of the local banks
where it will draw interest.
Think it over. Five dollars will start an account. The whole
family can participate in it — father, mother, brothers and
sisters each doing a little.
Why not start today. Stop in and talk it over with your local
- Ford dealer. He will be glad to fully explain the details of the
plan and help you to get started toward the ownership of a
Ford car.
See Any of the Following Authorized Ford Dealers:
Adkins Motor Co. McCaffrey Motor Co.
Galbreath Motor Co. C. E. Paulson Motor Co.
Hannan-Odell-Van Brunt, Inc. Sample*Hart Motor Co.
Pnivertal Mo*r Co.
Bowers Motor Co. Hughes-Parmer Motor Co.
Any of the Following Banks Will Receive Deposits Under the Above Plan:
First National Bank Merchants National Bank
Live Stock National Bank Bank of Benson
First National Bank City National Bank