Genuine Thermos Bottles Genuine Thermos bottles, 1-quart size £ complete. Regular $2.50 values at— 1 • / 21 Dru* Shop—Main Floor V* New Cameo Phonograph Record* In the Bargain Basement Double-faced 10-inch X Q All the new vocal and phonograph records. instrumental music. Can Be Played aa Aay Machiaa Sold exclusively at Burgaas-Naah Company. _Buy a New Record Saturday._ Do Your Spring Shopping Saturday at Everybody*s Store SALE of White Shirts With Button-Down Collar Attached $1.95 A remarkable offering of shirts made of fine quality oxford cloth, with button down collar. Colored Shirts Values Up to $3JiO \ All are woven madras; all are . new, crisp merchandise. A com plete assortment of colors and pat terns. All sizes included. $1.69 mar Men*a Shop—Main Floor Golf Balls, 39c You’ll want a number of these imported 66c golf balls on Bale Saturday at 39c. Golf Clubs, $2.89 Mendal imported golf clubs, all styles, specially prepared wood handles, regular (4.00 values. I_Sporting/ Coodi Shop—Main Floor ' Spring Styles in Men’s Hats $265 Styles that men wear well—hats in which they appear at their best —these are the styles we feature at this popular price. In all shades to correspond with spring suit fabrics. Others priced to $10.00 Spring Cap*, 00 New styles in plaided and checked patterns and in plain colors. > Men’s Shop—Main Floor ____ Spring Needs for theHome , Garden Took®®® Spading forks, $1.00. Spades, each, $1.45. Hoes, each, 50c. Hakes, each, 59c. Garden Seeds Blue grass seed, per pound, 4Sc. White clover seed, per pound, 85c. Complete assortment of garden seeds, package up from 5c. Screen Paint %-pint can, 15c. 1-pint can, 25c. lquart can, 45c. 8creen wire, square foot, 3c. Hti—furnishing Shop—Fourth Floor" ! ft Tools | | \ For the | \) Carpenter i 6-ft. folding rule, 39c. ; 24-inch hand saw, $1.69. Combina tion pliers, 39c. Claw hammer, 69c. Neckwear Bargain Of utmost importance to the new costume is a bit of lace or a collar and cuff set. For Saturday we feature one great lot of pretty AQ~ • pieces at.*tS/C Neckwear Shop—Main Floor Spring Veilings New French veils with the small chenille dot. A variety of colors; special one yard Saturday for.ODC Neckwear Shop—Main Floor Saturday—a Feature Sale of New Spring Frocks Formerly Priced $1 Q7S to $55 * • v And she will choose a very delightful model, too, for not a few of the frocks offered are of Madame Flanders’ own design ing. Some of them formerly priced to $55.00. In offering styles for any of the occasions of business, street, afternoon or evening, we give you great freedom of choice. You will find them to be made of Flat Crepe Taffeta { Canton Crepe Crepe de Chine Lace Printed Crepe Designed in the spirit of Springtime, carefully fashioned 1 to groove of practical service, and priced most unreasonably t low. Crepes in the darker shades that serve so admirably for general or business wear. Saturday—Ayparal Shay—Third FI oar Women9 s Silk Hose 89c A regular $1.50 hose that we offer a3 a special Satur day feature. First quality pure thread silk with lisle garter top and reinfroced foot. In all new spring shades. Hosiery Shop—Main Floor Costume Blouses ______ • $4.95 When one remove* her jacket, 15JeiHJ Our regular $27.50 Gladstone, xr.r::.$19.50 Lo«(>(« Shop—Mala Fleer Sale of Gladiola Bulbs • * Large site gladiola bulbs in all the bean* / _ tiful shades. Perfect bulbs that will bloom aeeL this year. Very special Saturday. • «w SettvII Flower Shop—Mezzanine Finer Enormous Sale of Novelty Jewelry Earrings Coinholders Included In this group Necklaces Bag Tops are many pieces of im Vanity Cases Bracelets f ported jewelry which have Bar Pins sold ss high as $2.50. Women’s Bracelet Watch, Special Saturday at White or English gold case in 14-karat, with engraved back and bezel fitted with a good 15-ruby jewel movement. In a 10-0 size, there are four shapes to choose from, round, square, tonneau or octagonal. J«w«h-y 5 hep Male FW Costume Slips $3.95 to $17.50 Costume slips in all the dainty colors to match your spring dresses. • flesh, white, orchid, rose, gold, henna, gray, brown, black and wall-flower. The particular woman will find these silk slips ideal for sum mer wear. Cool and service able, make your selection now from the following materials: Crepe de Chine Radium, Pussy Willow Taffeta Satin Faced Crepe Tub Silk Liofrio Shoe—Sotoo4 Floor Women's Union Suits $1.39 Fine quality Carter lisle sleeveless suits with glove silk tops. French band and bodice top styles, made with reinforced tight knee. Flesh color only. Sizes 34 to 44. IMimir SW—Mala FW Saturday a Sale of White House Cook Books A special offering Saturday of this book will be an acquisition to any home. Containing cooking and household recipes, menus, table etiquette and care of the sick. Regularly priced at $1.60. - Beall Shop—Main Floor Specials in the Bargain Basement Special Selling of Spring Coats $2475 Straightline models, swag ger flare backs and smart belted models, full and half lined. Over plaids, Polo Cloth, Plaid Black Camels Hair Dress Wraps $25°° Soft wrappy coat* and flaring cape* are particularly fashionable thi* spring. The materials are Bolivia Lustonia Normandu Size* 16 to 62 Girls’ Organdie and Voile Dresses $1.98 Two Great Groups $2.98 Sizes 2 to 0 and 7 to 14 Seldom are we able to offer such remarkable values this early In the season when our stocks »ro complete. Saturday Bargain—Baaamcnt Children’s Shoes Saturday is Children's Day in our Shoe Department and all those who visit this department, if accompanied by parents, will receive a souvenir. Children’s Play Shoes runch and Judy oxforda in black and tan calf. Sizea 8tt to lift. Dresses $2.50 6 to 14 years. In jray colored checks and plaids, trimmed with oryaiidy and contrasting colors, these dresses are shown In slipover styles with bolts or sashes and Peter Psn col lars. Some models havs bloomers or knickers to match. Others priced at $7.95. Olrla* Shay—TMrd Flow_