The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 07, 1923, Page 20, Image 20

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    Phoney Telephone at
Last of Real Use
At last a real use has been found
Ihr the telephones which are seen in
photoplays. The phones are real
Seven days, starting
All new bill headed by
Supported by a clever
company of girls in the
musical revue deluxe,
“Bits and
Produced by Hazzard
Short, producer of the
sensational New York
success, “The Music
Box Revue.”
Other Standard
Vaudeville and a
Superb Comedy
No married folks can af
ford to miss it—no single
ones will want to.
Written and diracted by
Rupert Hushes
Big cast, including •
Helene Ghadwiek
Gaston Glass and
Eleanor Boardman
Starts Sat., April 14
A great show for
a great event • -
Musical Comedy and
Presented by
Feature Picture
The Strangest Triangular Love
Yet Screened.
mm— ■ ■■■■■ ■■«■ ■
“The Strangers'
f VICTORIA.*4th and Fart
In "Daring Dang nr”
CRAND.- l«th and Blnnay
In “Roaa •( tba Saa”
HAMILTON - - - 40th and Hamilton
1 H
-- TODAY E»»"?
__ Laat Two Trniao
l-N-A C-L-A-l-R-E
!l"u£”p“r BRUCE McRAE
In Arthur Richman’a Gay Com.dy
ftytaai by Uwry MUlao
enough, but as a general rule, the
wires run only as far as the edge of
the set. Trust the ingenuity of Wil
liam de Mille to find a use for them.
In “Grumpy,” De Mine's production
featuring Theodore Roberts, May Mc
Avoy and Conrad Nagel, there are
several scenes in a long shot where
Roberts, in the title role, makes use
of a telephone. The scene of most
importance was very long and three
or four rehearsals failed to produce
the result Mr. De Mille desired.
Then it was that the idea of making
use of the telephone came to him. He
had the electricians connect the ex
tension with a second phone and
splice in a battery. Thu*; when Rob
erts lifted the receiver while half
through the scene. Do Mille gave him
further instructions over the tele- I
The idea was so novel it attracted I
several other directors to watch its !
use. The result was so (rood as to j
promise that telephones used in mo- j
tion pictures In the future may be as
real as the telephones in any Ameri- j
can home.
Hiers Finishes Second One.
Walter Hiers is rapidly finishing
his second picture, a comedy drama,
"Sixty Cents an Hour," directed by
Joseph Henabery, with Jacqueline Ho
gan featured in support.
Hiers' next picture will be an origi
nal by Walter Woods and it will be
directed by Rob Wagner. It will he
called “Fair Week.”
Last Times
Early Curtain
TONIGHT at 7:50
THOMPSON. The Esyptian
And the BUI That Haa Packed the
Theater All Week.
In "Wednesdey Night at the Rie," Mar.
Doree’e Operalogue. Frank Davie A
Adela Darel's and Other Stars of
Matinee ISc to 50c. Nlghta 15c ta $1.
Second Week
Starting Tomorrow
at the
pm /
also ;
“Frails ol Faith”
Madge Bellamy Holds
Reception in Omaha
Mrs. E. L. Alperson of Omaha wi tli Madge Bellamy (left). First National
moving picture star, taken at Union station while Miss Bellamy's train
stopped here.
Msdgo Bellamy, First National
moving picture star, stopped oft in
Omaha Thursday night on her way
from IiOS Angeles to New York.
Miss Bellamy says she isn’t going to
get married tor a long time.
She is meeting the governors of 20
states and extending them an invi
tation to visit the motion picture ex
position In July.
And after seeing her smile, well—
it isn't hard to imagine that 20 States
will have to get along for a time with
out governors.
On the Screen Today
Rialto—"Safety Ijist.”
Moon—"Strangers' Banquet."
Nun—"Trifling Women."
Ntrand—"Racing Hearts."
Empress—"The Midnight Guest."
Muse—"Hearts of the World."
Grand—"Rose of the Sea."
Victoria—"Daring Danger."
Corinne Griffith at Studio.
Corlnne Griffith, who will play the
lead In Eleanor Glyn's "Six Days." to
be directed by Charles Brabin, has ar
rived at the Goldwyn studio, after a
holiday In New York.
And After That?
"Rich Men’s Wiv*es" and "Poor
Men's Wives," having been portrayed
in films, it is announced now that
shortly there will be released "Moth
When in Omaha Stop at
Hotel Rome
Keep an Eye on the Signs
i *
fl People who want to know what’s going on in
the thrift market what buying and selling op
portunities are presenting themselves today—
never miss looking through the A-B-C “Want”
Ad columns of The Omaha Bee.
r If you believe in signs, and would like to keep
in touch with the market of supply and demand
—you’ll want to get this sensible habit, too.
f Every ad in the “Want” Ad columns of The
Omaha Bee today is a sign of the times to tell
you that now is your chance to buy or sell any
of the scores of things you and everyone else
need and use all the time—that here is your op
portunity to save and make money.
ff You don’t need to take more than a glance to
find out if there’s some offer there that espe
cially interests you—Omaha Bee “1-2-3” and
“A-B-C" “Want” Ads take care of that.
U Follow the “Want” Ad signs of satisfaction.
Read and Use Omaha Bee “Want” Ada—
the Bee-Line to Results
The Omaha Morning Bee
TWO well known musical comedy stars,
Jack Patton and Loretta Marks, fea
tured In "Bits and Pieces,” head the
} nc-w bill at the World theater starting today
In the company are girls and the com
psny offers 11 miniature New York
shows with complete scenic and costume
changes. Patton and Marks are the team
which appeared in ”Up and Going" last
year. Jack Gpldle presents a cpmedy
sketch in his black face act and Hamilton
and Barnes offer their lt23 version of
Just Fun." "Roman Art” is the offer
ing of ths Rlntldo Brothers. Walter Law,
«>m time "villain" of the screen is appear
ing in person with several other w'ell
known screen stars of former years In a
playlet, "Just in Time." The photoplay
offering is “Gimme" with Helens Chad
wick and Gaston Glass. The picture was
1 written by Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hughe*
’ and was directed and produced by Mr.
! Hughes. - --
Ina Claire will appear at the Braudels
] theater for the last two times today, mat
' and evening, in “The Awful Truth.”
a comedy from the pen of Arthur Rich
. man. a young playwright recalled agree
ably as the author of "Not Bo Long Ago”
and "Ambush.” In it Miss Claire is Lucy
Warriner, h young, beautiful and fashion
able divorcee whom financial necessity has
brought to the brink of a desirable second*
matrimonial alliance. A -rich, though
rather crude, ^westerner turns out to be
the most likely candidate for this honor.
Fcgcr to marry the woman for whom he
haa developed a real infatuation, the gen
tleman Is halted when an over-shrewd
aunt hints to him that in his fiancee's
divorce suit there had been a suspicion
that Lucy herself had not been altogether
blameless. The latter, undaunted, sum
mons to, her defense none other than her
exhusband, who gallantly responds. The
situations In which the three find them
selves, rapidly following one another in
‘most amusing sequence, may well be Im
agined and'the outcome Is at once unex
pected and surprising Principal ih Miss
Claire's support is Bruce McRae, a player
well known and popular here. In "The
Awful Truth'* Mr. McRae ha.-d met with
on individual success second only to that
of. Miss CMalra
Tou will have two more opportunities,
matinee and evening, to see this week's
immensely popular show at the Orpheuin.
the show which has Mrs. Sidney Drew for
one of the headliners, and Thompson, the
Egyptian, for the other. The curtain this
evening is to rise at 7:5f». Next week, 1
opening with tomorrow's matinee, comes',
Broadway’s famous star comedian. Frank
McIntyre. He Is to appear in the clever
one-art comedy. "Wednesday at the Bltz,”
by Gordon Bostock. The star has not ,
been seen in Omaha since he last appear- 1
e<l here In "The Traveling .Salesman."
Mine. Doreo’s operalogue presenting •‘The
Most Famous of Operatic Sweethearts.’
will be one of the featured offerings
•Birdseed" is the title of the amusing
sketch to be presented by Frank Davis
and Adeio Parnell. The show promises
to bo even more popular than the bill
w hich closes with tonight s performance.
Today the Cayety will be "dark" in
preparation of the supplementary spring
season scheduled to start at noon tomur
j row and to run continuously until 11 P -<
m. each day The stage performance will
i he furnished by Fred Webster and his
1 "Afta Girl" company of 3b people who Will
| bo permanently located at the Gayety. of
I Tering an entire change of musical com
edy every Sunday and Thursday. The
opening bill of musical comedy, which
t will bo presented four times dally will
j be "Egyptian Ski'> * It calls (or the
“Three o’Clock
H in the
B When you listen to
W Prince’s Dance Orches
V tra playing thia dream
■ waits, Columbia Record
I A-3724
' you'll sajI it's the moat ,
perfect rendering you have
ever heard. On the other
aide is "La Golondrina.**
At Columbia Dealers.
_ 75«
fell etrength of the organization anil !■1
is lit to fairly buiga with laughter anil
comedy altuatlonz and givra Mr Web
iter ample acopa to aeore In hl» charac- I
trrlzatlon. • Able," which role he will por
ray throughout the twice weekly change
rf mualcal tabloid during the eprlng aea
eon. The management hae arranged for |
rirst run photo playa to bo ahown In con- >
Junction with the mnalcal comedy.
Jack Hutchlaon'a Zlz-Za* Revu* will:
mak* lt« kpp«ar .lice for th« lilt timw
today at the Empreea. Starting tomor
-ow. Mary Brown'a Tropical -Malda will
make their appearance for one week
rhla organization comes ti^ Omaha very
highly recommended, having toured -a‘
llfferent utatea In the leal all years and
met with the hlghert praise wherever
■eon. The opening play entitled Hello
Rill" la written Ion laughing purpoaca
inly and give* the principal* ample op
portunity to keep the audience In atj up
oar Mary Brown (heraelf) will poaitive
y appear at every performance.
Film Flashes.
Jane Murfin. playwright and joint
head of the Trimble-Murtin produc
tions, which star Strongheart, arrived
in Uanff, Canada, Lh:* week to aid in
making the new Strongheart picture*.
The Phantom Pack" and Whit*
Fang.” __.
Mattress Sale
150S Howard Straat
M4. V.». *lf •rf
C.v 1 —T—-.
The Ideal
Home Size
No. 210
Sold on
Easy Term*
% ' ^
This moSel 210 is ^ very latest product of the Victor Co. A
true musical instrunfct in ^very sense, vrith all the latest pat
ented features. ,
Come In, Hear ft Play These April Hits
Clinging Vine (Fox Trot).1.Great White Way Orchestra
Underneath the Mellow Moon (Waltz).Paul Whitman
That Da-Da Strain...The Virginians
Aggravatin’ Papa...The Virginians
15th and Harney AT-4361
Join Our White Sewing Machine Club.
hancy . Sweet Cake
Strawberries Doughnuts,
„ ora 20c Doz.
Box 22c
✓ »
After Easter Customers Will Profit by
Belated Shipments of Coats and Suits
» * *
- _______ - - - —————
Saturday Is Misses’
and Children’s Day
Three Special
Predominate t
Children’s Coats
Tallies l'p to f&M
All sizes In this lot, 3 up to
6 years; plain and novelty *
materials. Decidedly cute
and attractive.
Misses’ Coats
Values in this lot up
to $10. The ages
Hrs 3 to 6 years. '
Neat tailored styles
In both plain and
norelty materials.
Some lined and un
Junior Coats
These coats are Identical
with the ladies' styles. The
»Kes run from 6 to H years.
The materials are over
plaids and plain woolens.
Late Arrivals
Grouped in
3 Big Lots for
Over a hundred new
spring suits, neat con
servative models; oth
ers that are more at
tractive. but all plain
tailored in the newest
blouse and box coat ef- -
forts; the staple colors
arc represented.
Dresses $24.75
Charming new Spring Frocks
in the popular fabrics of Cam
ton Crepes, Satin Canton,
Flat Crepes and Crepe de
Chines. Both misses’ and
ladies’ sizes in the newest
spring colorings.
Coats $22.50
Smart Coats for tho misses,
stunning models for the wom
en. jaunty sport models, the
wanted creations for spring.
The values are decidedly re
markable—the sale price for
Saturday will prove it.
Toilet Goods
ROe French rlea powder ... 25* I
50c Hyglo compart powder and
rouKo At .e..* . 25? I
t I nnaplrte l.lne of tlndnut'a
I’allrt Water*. F«rf 1'iiwdere end
I'nrr Irrnma n< Special I'Hffi
Mat Mrdav.
$1 00 ai*« l.aaell toilet water
at .BO?
50c elr.e l.aaell toilet water.
at ..20?
50o i Ingrain'* faro pow der 30?
,'.0r H.lrr Klee fare powder 30?
ROc ivbacc. tooth paste . 32? r
2 fir Mclliallnn face p..vr.ter 10?
76c Melba Love Me face powder
at .80?
50c Melba Aatrlngcnt akin benu
tlflrr «t .30?
26c M riba till film .. . .
R0o Melba faro cream .... 30? I
Mrlb/i 1 > ■ • aaelras fu.-« i i ■ am
at ..*.
11.26 hot watrr bottlra ...
♦ l :>o lath M|.j a\ a . ■ -81.UW
Two Big Specials for Saturday
Two-tone, gray and black, all-over gray, suede
and gray combinations, beige and tan com
bination oxfords. Low flat rubber heels.
Satin and suede pumps, colonials and 1-strap.
Military heels, Louis heels; in black or brown.
All sizes, AAA to D.
Grover Shoes for Tender Feet
Collar* of OrRJuidir. and
*. rim* — For the round neck
dresses. Very dainty and new;
some Embroidered in color*. Spe
cial Saturday . 59* I
tiertho and I'anel t alUr*—In net
end organdie, in various styles.
Triced 91.00 to 95.00
The latest in the new ret fichu,
dilgtily trimmed in trrim and
.v Ft • * 91.M to 95
The new chic Veiling at. only,
yard . aoe I
First Ul, *2.90 hlMM- A big
variety of style* In Mack, brown,
gray and fancy tooled leather.
Sale price only ... . 91.49 I
Second l ot. H «W \ alneo—splen
did assortment, rood sires, all
the wanted colors. Sale price
Third l ot. > nine*—-Ml
slfea. styles and colors. Mostly
large sites. Sale price < 91.99
Tenet h l ot, ra no \ *tuc»—--This
is a grand l—oftntil cl fine
hag* hi real goat, pin seal and
fancy leathers Only ....99.99