America at Odds With England on Oil Concessions ' * _ Entente May Be Endangered When W. S. Makes Formal “Open Door” Demand in Near East Parley. By GEORGE F. Al'THIER. Staff Correspondent The Omaha Bee. Washington, April 6.—Renewal of the near east conference to establish the status of Turkey threatens a struggle between the United States and Great Britain for commercial su premacy in the near east and far east, according to information reach ing Washington dally. The concession granted Rear Ad miral Colby M. Chester, U. S. N., re tired, is but one of the many features governing the diplomatic struggle which has been going on behind clos ed doors for some time, but which is expected to come out in tho open when Richard Washburn Child re sumes his anomalous position of “ob server” when the Lausanne confer ence Is reconvened. Commercial domination in Persia, control by the nationals of one coun try or the other of the Bagdad rail road and its extension beyond Persia into western China, with a rich prize of control of invaluable oil conces sions, are part of the struggle mani festing itself from time to time In ir ritating collisions between the two governments. Entente in Banger. It Is an open secret in Washington that the attitude taken by the Brit ish government on extraneous mat-1 ters, like the gun elevation question. | the" Burma oil documents, the .Yew- ; castle consular incident and others, Is annoying to government i is here and threatens to disturb the growing Anglo-American entente, which has long been a goal of some British and American statesmen. Lord Curzon, British minister for foreign affairs, Is the leading figure in the effort to bar American participation in the development of the near east. Thero is & growing question mark in Washington wheth er or not the British foreign office is not trying to build a backfire which will Increase Us prestige with the Knglish peoplte when the showdown comes on the ne4r eastern question. “Open Door" lT. S. Demand. Information obtainable bere indi cates that popular opinion In Great Britain does not support the position which Lord Curzon took at the Lau sanne conference calling for recog nition of the concession of the Turk ish-Petroleum company to_the Mosul oil fields and for inclusion of the vilayet of Mosul in the British-built Arabian kingdom of Irak, over which King Feisal rules. The position which Ambassador Child will be instructed to support at the new conference will be mainte nance of the American doctrine of the "open door” everywhere on an equal basis. The American government holds that elimination of the "sphere of influence” in China was but apart of n general movement to throw this international evil into the discard everywhere. In supporting the concession granted Admiral Chester, the Cnlted States takes the position that its na tionals have the right of participa tion in development of that portion of the world, regardless of mandated sec tions or of political interest. ('heftier Concession Aim. Hark of the struggle which will cen ter around the Chester concession is the quiet support which the United States is credited with having given Persia in freeing itself from the at tempted British control which fol lowed the war. A previous attempt to inject American influence in this part of the world, made when W. Morgan Shuster became financial ad viser to the shah, was frustrated by the combined efforts of Great Britain and Russia. The Persian desire to secure American guidance has finally been accomplished in the presence of i.n American financial mission, which is now preparing a new fiscal system for the Persidhs. Admiral Chester explains that his concession to build a network of rail roads in Turkey in Asia will make possible the completion of the line to Bagdad and that the Persians are pilanning to extend the line eastward lY. the direction of China. The Ameri can admiral points out th's would give access to the back door of China via the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the rail connection which would fur nish cheaper transportation than is now obtained via the Pacific, plus the rail transportation into the interior of China. •la-pan and France Watching. . The injection of American influence into this section of the world between Constantinople and India is recog nized as detrimental to the plans of the British imperialists who have long desired to dominate middle Asia as a means of securing their position in India. The flank attack on the Chinese markets Is regarded askance by. the Japanese, who have relied upon their geographical propinquity to aid them in dominating the Chinese mat hcls French opposition also is manifesting itself to the American invasion, be cause of the interests which France hopes to develop because of its posi tion in Syria. In directing the activities of Am bassador Child at the new near east ern conference. Secretary of State Hughes will be guided by the prin ciples of the "open door" and count "commercial opportunity" evolved nt the Washington arms conference but on an entirely new stage, and one which is expected to result in a de mand for a declaration of the Euro pean attitude relative to this policy. Turkish Approval Awaited. Anticipated action by the Turkish parliament approving the Chester concession is eagerly awaited and is Understood to be witheld pending the election of a new parliament in Tur key In place of the one Kemal Pasha is reported to have dissolved. As soon as this approval is obtain ed. Admiral Chester says. Admiral Rousseau, who was one of the chief engineers In digging the Panama ca nal, and possibly Cleneral Goethals, will leave at once for Turkey to be gin operations on the huge projects which they have in mind. The Illimitable opportunities which this undeveloped sv ttlo'n of tho world has in the way of furnishing new foreign markets for American goods In place of the ones lost because of the lack of stabilization in Europe is not being lost sight of by the admin istration. This opportunity, it is ex pected, would do much to assure tho upward trend of American business and prove a solvent for many do mestic difflcul'les. The question of oil. for which all HHHHh-21—HANDY AND CLEAN STORES—21— HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I —HELP YOURSELF AND BE PLEASED— I SUGAR Sr^- 88c MILK as*":. 5o CARROTS SSL-..10c ORANGES SSar...39c POTATOES 20c TOMATOES tins.. 10c 1 PETROLENE Kaafsr.... 50c COFFEE gg»— 41c BUTTER gag- 50c CHEESE 30c BLUEBERRIES E“" LETTUCE as. 71c YUCATAN 2 *»■ 5c SHREDDED sp — SPRING HOUSECLEANING SPECIAL— 1 bax IVORY SOAP.... '. ftc 1 box IVORY SOAP FLAKES. 10c I i i ■■ ** 6 bars P. & G. W. N. SOAP. oX M IIP 3 bars BOB WHITE bale m UIf 2 pkgs. STAR NAPTHA POWDER.lOr PRICE M W 1 10-quart GALVANIZED PAIL.25c M REGULAR PRICES..$101 (SAVES YOU 22c) WE OPEN AT 7:00 A. M.; CLOSE AT 6:00 P. M.— SATURDAYS 9:30 gHHHHHHHHh-21—0L]SAN stores-21 nations are striving as they formerly sought to uncover the gold of the new world. Is injected throughout the problem. .The Mosul fields are be lleved to have a potential value equal lo the amount of the British debt to the United States, while efforts to I bar the Sinclair Oil company from ; Persia by the Anglo-Persian company, | a British concern, indicates the axis j tence of great oil fields in that coun try. f The fact that Americans are barred from the British-controlled oil fields in India and by the liutch In their Bast Indies gives added value to the struggle to get in on Asiatic fields not yet cornered by foreign govern ments. Omaha to Save Big Sum by Freight Rate Orders Omaha shippers will save thou sands of dollars a ^ear, it is esti mated, as a result of freight rate victories announced by the Interstate Commerce commission and marie pub lic 6/ C. E. Childe, manager of tlie traffic bureau of the Chamber of Commerce. f Keduced class freight rates from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Ne braska points will not be permitted without corresponding reductions from Omaha. uni!er the commission's ruling. This affects all jobbers in Omaha and means a saving of from 4 to 25 cents a hundred pounds, ac cording to Mr. Childe. Another saving to Omaha shippers, particularly firms dealing in dairy products, and which probably will run between *$50,000 and $100,000 a year is a reduction on such products to points east of the IIlinois-lnAma line. Woman Says Men •> Better Dressers Expert Declares Masculine Taste in Personal Attire Shows Higher Development. Are men better dressed than women? Miss Evelyn Hansen, wide ly known authority on good taste Jjncl art In dress and home, contends that fhe average husband is the glass of fashion and the mold of form by com parison with his overdressed wife. She demonstrates this, too, tn the course of her lectures on good taste In dress. ' One of the proofs is tiie lining of a man's coat. “When, oh. .when," says Miss Han sen, "will women become sensible and imitate their husbands in such mat ters? Is there anything more beauti ful than the quiet, dark lining of men's coats? Any silk manufacturer will tell you that the most expensive silks that are woven are the ones that arc made for the purpose of lin ing men’* coats. Yet 90 per cent of the average women would think they were out of style If the linings of their fur coats did not resemble old fashioned wallpaper. “It is this eagerness to/be in style that keeps them badly dressed. In stead of asking themselves. ‘Is this what everyone is wearing?' they should ask: 'Is this the style for me?' ’’ “In buying clothes, decide on what X I b m X 3 I X ! 3 e e b I r£«>$0Op For ECOJTOMY just join the CROWDS Mint SHOP here SAT. CRDAY. Plione order service Friday evening. FREE DELIY* FRY. OCT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE MAIL I S YOCR ORDERS. SUGAR 10 LBS. BEST CANE 93c P| AMD FOOD CENTER'S highest guarantee FLOCK; r uvun is Ihsa SI.69; 34 Ihm 89#; • lb*- 25e UrTAIC FRESH KILLED WHILE YOU “C.IMO WAIT. PER LB. *OzC •V LBS. FKKXH ri LBS. VOL Mi LAMM STKW .tV A I.BS. NATIVE BIB BOIL .35c « UK VOIKO VKAI, STKW .He 2 I.BS. PI HK POItK SALSAC.K .Vie 2 IBS. ntKSH Plti POItK LOUT .*3< VOI Nfi PII. PORK HOA-T, Ih.IIV4* NATIVK STKKIt BKKP POT BOAST, LB.»Wc FANCY VOl'Nt, VKAI. BOAST. LB. ■ MV PIBITAN, STAR OK SVITIKMF. HAMS, OK WHOI.K. in. S4<*c . PURITAN. STAR OK M PKF.MK BAKIN. W OK STRIP. LB.J2 No. > sogmr f ursl Picnic Hum. (U «r wlmtc/. lb. . 11V No. I Nufnr t nrp.1 Boron, (V4 or wnolrl. II..IStjr VT.NKST I,BARK BOILKO MAM ( KO). I.B. .4.1r ntKSH MAIIK VHNIKS, FRANKFURTERS OR ROITM.NA, LB. .li'jr GRAPE FRUIT 3 n.ORlUA Thin shin 25c TAVtT STRAW BKHRIE*. per box . 24p EXTRA LAROK SUNRIST OKAM.KS .lo.rn . 4V Fancy WINKSAP KATIN,; APFLKS. doici ..!#c Fancy l.AKt.F. HKAIl I KTTI ( K. A for 2-V ■! Inrxr Bnnrhf* of FKI'sIl CARROTS.. I.V (I lb*. NANCY HALL SWKKV POTATOES .....Me Fancy CUfU.HBKKs (while they Inat). racli .!0. l-arfr stalk of TKNOF.K t'EI.KRY. .pedal .Ido C A I AH Finest Combination, pint a.25c wnh nU Potato or Cabbage, onr own inuhe. pint 25^ Onr own famous Thousand Isle or Vayonnalsc Dressing, ;>L 35C ja klkim PBI I IT **»•»« California Park in hrary I . fl IM IM C-l I f flUl I »>™P- Pro. hr., rlums. Apricot., VrK1 M ■ w m • » sr a ■ slrawl>rrrir«. Hlackberrte, Ra.P hrrrira. Iwg anberripw. larff ran*. .T»V aellrr*, Kprtinl. t rnn*. 4#c No. .1 ran* Mnrat Ko>al Ann ( hmlra or IVajv rrry *prelal, ran TAc Suret ItetUh, Harart Pickle.. Mixed fickle* Ip fail solid park quart .iur» »r Isiryr 20-i>* jnr* A a wort rd Pure Fruit Prewerte* north IV, Apecial . !|r No. 2 *l»e rain HF.ST Iowa park Toma (or* yer» wpeHtd. .1 ran* . . . ,S3r No. t *i»e ran Kxtra bumy H( (it|{ torn. IV »rlter. satnnUy 3 ran* . *#e No. t nice mn Fancy SUTKI> Karly June PKAN. worth 2Or. .1 «an* ....4|« No. .1 wire ran Fancy t ut lieet*, 2©r Heller. *pecia1. ran 14c Sugar C oated Nugget t ookiea, Nell* for ;(V Ih.; to introduce, Ih. . lC*oc. ran t aiifomia White Aapampis. *p«-« Lai. ran *5c SIIBKODKI) WIVRAT. pk*.Ike 4-lh. Hex KKIKPV ( nirkrni ....00* 1 lurff ran* ('itrolrne Milk . .. 24e f ood C enter IlK*T toffee. Ik. .. Me Tall Can* KKU Ntlmon .I»e HI >MAm Srrdlro* Na>«ina. 1h. 14Ur t I hr. SANTA Cl AHA Pninr* .. ?Sr 3 lb*. Hmhfjr’i bulk Iowa. IV 4 Ibr. HKAD RHR for ........ Mr 3 I Or Hell* Toilrt J*rprr .14c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 Bars 48c CREME OLIVE OILTOILET SOAP 4 for 25c HAIRY M AHAMKKIt HIKMI I Ol MRV .25# 1 TIIOM^EN'I II AliiY MAUI HI TTKIt. lb. _Rl* i holer Country flutter, lb. 45^ ( Wloeoiiftln Sharp € heme. 22f I Fine Imported Swim, lb. 75(^ Hex >ut llntterlne. lb. ..21* PEARLWHITE SOAP 10 Bart 38c P. & G. SOAP 10 BARS 48c DIAMOND C SOAP 10 Bart 25c Mia J.'B. The finest roffre we know. It carries all esesrppwi the flavor that yon want and expert In a I LL «np of roffee. 1-lb. larnnm can TREE* value that is making this store a T mm m reputation f«r tea lovers, y2-lb. pkg. ML A for .,.35c itm vmm 1814-16-18 Farnam. Phone AT 4608. I c m PB «| S' SB, ! I *! I e pi I ! I AATTHHAIS I NITI1, R P. M TUTTI FRUITTI Just serve it today—or tomorrow—and give your folks a real treat to eat. Fairmont’s Tutti Fruitti is different and better—that delicious ice cream filled with assorted fanby fruits, smoothly blended to please the taste. A happy ending for any meal. Palnaeat'a In fmw U mad* tha Rriin War <• Oaiaka, Cf.W, flraad Ialaad aad Nlou* l it,, Taka II hama la bulk—or la plat ar «aar< MM paakacaa. ..................... . . . you need first. If it is a strept out-' fit. s]>end all your money on that the first year. The second year spend it ail on afternoon dresses. Buy two pairs of shoes exnetly alike at the same time. Wear them alternately, keeping one pair always on trees, i They will last longer. “Spend the least for clothes you : wear the least. It is cheaper to buy 1 a cheap party dress and throw it away after a couple of seasons than to try and make it over into a street dress. Always buy’ a good coat. You will use it more than anything else." ; Miss llansen will be one of the lecturers at the forthcoming Omaha j Bee Better Homes Exposition which j will be held in Omaha from April 30 to May 5. . j Ilanscoin Park Church to Hold Series of Evangelistic Meetings An evangelistic campaign and insti-: tute will lie held In Hanscom Par!) J Methodist church, Woolworth avehue. and Twenty-ninth street, from Sunday, April 8, to Sunday, April 59, inclusive. The services will be at 7:45»eaeh even ing except Sundays. The institutes will l« held Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 2:45. Cottage prayer meetings will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week at 10 a. -m. O. Cl. Orcutt will be the evangelist. Prof. W. E. Moon will direct the mu sic and Mrs. Esther Moon will be the pianist. “Well worth attending.” Is the mes sage of Rev. Arthur Atack. pastor of the church. Pupils of Bess Battey Will Appear in Concert Free conrert will be given in the Srlimoller & Mueller Plano company auditorium Saturday afternoon at 3:3ft. Following la the program: Celco aolo. Polka De Concert Op 1. Bartlett Placed by Richard Merton. Violin eolo .. Kenneth Young (a) Hungarian Dane# . .Hapache (b) Souvenir . Drdla Pupil Frank Ma■■■ Amour's Shield Brand 1111 Narrow Strips, nice and llll lean, half or OQ „ whole. h Handy Service Stores Stand For 1— The same attention to the child as to the grown-up. 2— The lowest possible price consistent with the highest quality and service. - 3—Personal attention from men of experience in the se lection of your foods. 4—For a complete and efficient service in your food requirements. 5—Expert aid in the selection o f your personal needs and, further, Handy Service Stves are managed by independent Omaha buiinen men with high k ideals for Omaha, supporting Omaha homes, institutions, and hiring hundreds of Omaha employes. - THE GUARANTEED COFFEE — EXCLU SIVE WITH HANDY 3ERVICE STORES. OQ« PER LB. «Jt7C Regular 46c Quality. mm Flour that SATISFIES AT EVERY BAKING 18-lb. 24-lb. sack mm sack \ f ^DtC 3 S l'*#k #*r tk« s##re \ / With ThU Hand an the Window. | PUFFED WHEAT «■*» 2<"27c PUFFED RICE ««*•" 2 * 29c CORN SYRUP uw» 44c MAZOLA «n* 53c SOAP Purl White 10l«mt of tho lUu.N SfMicv Sloro In Toir \elffcHorkoo4. I t