“In Listen” on the Latest Wants and Offers Listed in the “Want” Ad Columns of the Omaha Bee m___________=3 ^OONl S ^OR RENT' Gar Afee For. re n v r< -J HOuSE fO P 5ALE < TA RM . ( wanted Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Rrfrial Vaults . I Card of Thanks . 2 Cemeteries, Monuments . 8 Florists . 4 Funeral Directors . B Funeral Notices . 4 Future Events . 1 Lost and Found . 8 Notices . 9 Personals . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, Tires . 11 Anto Agencies . 12 Autos For Sale . 13 Autos to Exchange . 14 Autos Wanted .. IB Garages—Repairing . 14 Motorcycles. Bicycles . 17 Service Stations . 18 Tail— Livery . 19 Trucks, Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DErT. Accordion Pleating . 21 Builders. Contractors ... 22 Dancing Academies . 28 Detective Agenclea . 24 Garage Builders .. 2B Moving, storage . 24 Milliner?, Dressmakers .. 27 Painting, Papering . 24 Patent Attorneys .. 29 Kodak Finishing. SOA Photographers . 30 Printers, Engravers . 81 Professional Services . 82 Repairing . 83 Rervlees Offered .. 84 Tailoring. Pressing . 83 Wanted—Business Service . 86 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Business College* . *7 Correspondence Coarse* .. 39 fienerul Instruction . 39 Musical. Dancing, Dramatis -. 40 Trade Schools . 41 Wanted—Instruction .4t EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies .43 Help Wanted—Female .44 Help Wanted—Male .49 Help—Male or Female .............. 44 Agents, Salesmen .47 Situation* Wanted—Female . 44 Situations Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunities . 90 Investments . 51 loans on Real EstaAe. 5t Money to Doan . 58 Wanted to Borrow . M LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs. Cat*. Bird*. Prfs . 55 norses. Cattle. Vehicle* . 54 Poultry and Supplies . 57 Wanted—I.lve Stock . 44 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material . 59 Clothing and Fur* . 44 Fuel and 1 eed . 41 (iond Things to Eat . 42 Household floods . 43 Jewelry and Watches . 44 Machinery and Tools .. 45 Miscellaneous . 44 Musical Instruments . 47 Radio and Supplies .44 Seeds, Plants. Fertiliters .49 Store and Office Equipment . 70 Store Special* . Swap f'Slumn . Wanted to Buy . *1 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apts., Flats, Furnished . 74 Apt* . Fist*. Unfurnished . 75 Farm* for Rent . 74 Oarage* and Barn* .. 77 Houses, Furnished . 75 House*, Unfurnished .. 79 Offices nnd Store* . J4 Rooms, Furnished ..92 Room, Unfurnished . 93 Room* for Housekeeping .*| Where to Fst .. 44 Where to Stop In Omaha . • - 47 REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Acreage Property . Hu.lnrae Property .J" Farm, and Rltnrha. . *•) lot. for Hal. .»> Ri.it K.t.te—Benson .. kf.1 Estate—Central . ..•* RmI Estate—Council Bluffs . • *4 Root F.t.tf—Pan.!.. . *" Real Relate—Florence . KmI Estate MWfllannm . »■ RmI K.t.t.—North . R««l Katat.—South .,*? RmI F.l.lf-Wf.1 . > RmI Katat.—Exchange ... RmI K.tatfi—Wanted . Realtor,. .J * Tf.f8.ff IV1Op.rty . . . ■ .8” BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day. 1 or 2 daya. 12e per lin. each clay, 8 to 6 daya. 1 Or per line earh day. 7 daya or longer. The above ratea apply exclusively to Want Ada which are commonly termed "public wanta," and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or Mploltlng their bualnea.ee Want Ada aecepted at the following offieea: , _ „ Mam offlea.17th and Farnsm 8ta Booth Omaha..N. W. cor. 24th and N Bta. Council Bluffa.16 Bcott St. Telephone AT I an tie 1000. TIIE OMAHA BEK re*erv»» the right to designate what eon.titutea a public want rail for "Want" Ad Department. An eg pertenred "Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The ratea quoted above apply to either eharge or raBh orders. Evening Edition ......11:40 a. m THe OMAHA MOKNING BEE. THE EVENING REE. . CLOSING H0LK3 FOB WANT ADS. Morning Edition.........9 P-na Sunday Edition.» P- ">• Saturday These rates apply to 'i'h. Sunday Bee a. well Si to The Morning and Evening Bee All week-day advertisements appear in both mortqng and evening editions at the ene cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS | Iturinl Vault* . _J DISTINCTIVE f.aitu e., deroon*(r*tlo» factory. Automatic Bealln* Concrete Burial Vault. Inalet . upon your under taker uatriK no other. Every vault stamp ed, watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault UN 10»h H' « "nahi CrmrlrriM, MofUini^ntn ... B j 1 LAWN North of City Limit*. All revenues f°r perpetual r*r» provetnenfe Offices at cemetery *ud fBln Bra^ide^a ^heata*._ — Flgrlst* . * LEE LARMON i '»• h *. r:, ~ 10RISK0 ,.'V 33ll anil O Sts._ 1250 s. 13th St. Taggart k Son,a. Con>t»« H. Ha Kramer CR0SBY-M09RE tr„V^ BRAILEY & DORRANCE ’ Funeral Notice* . 6 GILES—Mr* Jeffle. ago. "9 years wife of Robert, daughter-in-law of Joseph Giles. Sarpy county farmer, Saturday, at local hospital. Survived also by two sons, Edward and Joseph; one brother, Ray mond Cooley, Omaha; two suiters, Mr*. William Bradberry. Omaha, knd Mrs Ethel Berge. Topeka* Kan. Funeral service* from I*arkin Brothers chapel Monday morning. 8:46, to St. Marys church, 9 a. m. Interment at St. Marys cemetery. FKRRIN—Frank. March 19. 1923; age. 77 years. H** is survived by hla wife, two sons, W C. of Omaha. Eugene H. of Ar riba, Col., and one daughter, Mis. J. B. Cash, of Bevler, Mo Funeral service# will he held from the residence of his son. W (** Ferric, 2620 Burdette St Monday, April 2. at 2 p. m. Interm-nt Forest I^awrt cemetery. Brailey A Dorrance in charge._ SOLOMON — Margaret V., at Los Angeles. Cal. March 2*. 1923, are. 18 years Funeral services will h*» hold from the residence of her son. Emmet G Solomon. 3302 Lincoln Rlvd . to Masonic temple. Monday. April 2. at 2 p. m. Service# In charge Liberty Chapter Eastern Star In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Brailey A Dorrance „ Lost and Found . * BOOK—Lost. black leather billbook, black silk lining, between Smith's C#fe, 1012*4 8. 10th 8t . and W. O. W. Bldg, on Farnatn street ear Cards of own*r In billhook, also receipts Kinder please call AT. 46*6 at Smith Cafe. Good re ward. __ LOST—BROWN OVERCOAT^AN I > S»' A R F. WEDNESDAY EVENING. BETWEEN 26TH AND 27TH ON FARNAM. RE WARD H. J GRAY. COOPER MOTOR CO . 2066 FARNAM._ _ HANDBAO—Uit. lady # handbag contain ing |5 bill and Yale key. Friday. bet#een Emmet and 24th and Evans and 26th. Return t«* church at 26th and Kv^n* __ GLASSES J shell rln glassy 14th and ISth <*n Farnatn. brown leathi^T case. Call AT 2904 between * a. m. and 6 p. m., after 6 p. m MA. 1297. BOG— Lost, brown and white Boston l^pll. straight ears, slightly nndershot; answers to name "Lucky.” CAM WA. 726S. Re ward.__ PEARLS—Ijnmt. a atrlng of p**arla between 15th a/id Chicago and the Orpheum. Re ward. WA. 1344. BILLFOLD—boat, containing about 1*0. watch repair t»< ket. Mr Grove. Fontenelle hotel, engineer. AT. 6226 Reward.__ i LOST—GLASSES in browo""^eather cane, between 40th and 46th, on Dodge. Re ward Call WA 2422.__ HORSE—Strayed, brown horse, one de f ■ ! f il Call KI i.DST—Collie dog. name * Pat.” Reward. Call Wa. 6265, _ ; ~~ " — .. Notice* . s R Cl! AVERT GRAIN ELEVATOR. I 27 29 Nor19 i?J‘1 Pergonal* .%. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn# solicit# your old clothing, furniture, maga zine# We collect. We distribute. Phone I JA 4125 ar.d our wagon wtll call. Cill and Inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge street. _____ THEATRICAL historical rnas^ue coetumee. | for plays and parties.-at Listen's. Omaha. ANNOUNCEMENTS Used Cars That Satisfy Sold on a plan that fully protects the purchaser. Look over the list—every one a good one; DODGE RTFDEBAKER OVERLAND WILLY8- KNIGHT rifALMKR0 HTEAllNH KNIGHT ELGIN MITCHELL HTEVENS Roadster#, Tourings. Coupes and Hedsn* Prices to Hult. Term* Without Finance Charge. Wlllys-0?erland, Inc., 25*12 Farnam Street HA 0153. Open Sundays aad Kvenlni*. SEW AND USBD CARS AT a BA HO AIN Ford car* and trucka. HO and up Ford bod I ea and winter top*. Cara aold on term* to reliable partloa. OOI.DHTHOM AUTO HAUKH CO.. Central Oara*e. Open Day and Nlfht 1111 Harm -1'' rttt ' s< Mi; t argalna In used i i rompl delivery of new Frrda M'CAFFHKY motor CO.# Tha Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackaon Hta. At. 7711. ^ Ft) ft | > NCdan, lat- model 1122 eaoellent condition, uaed ala month*; never off pavpinent; no lou* trip 1476 ra*h. Call residence, WA. 1RI4. office. AJ 06»* _ \ i. v. ind iimp'1 Fiirde, each or terma t\ K PAULSON MOTOR CO, Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealer*, a* i ttnaa Ava "l4* I I.KNT CONDITION. THIS CAR IS »*RI VATKl.r OWNF.D WILT. MACH1FICK. HUTCHINSON. WIS •»!!, till HINNICY^ It KM I .ff» i »♦«'< eh t »a»l*l« • luat M food it* new Meet infv In Omaha !ort Touring LIBERAL XERM 0. N, Bonney ftotar Cd„ phone HA. 0*78, 2550 Fern am. r Auto Gearing: House 1921 Chandler Sport, 4 pas* 1921 Cbaimers Sport, 4-paaa 1920 Naah Sport. 1920 Stearna Knight Touring 1119 Huprnoblle Touring 1919 Butek Touring. 1919 Oidamobile Touring 1920 Maxwell Touring 1920 Oakland Touring 1919 Hudaon Sedan. \ 1919 Hudaon Touring 1911 Reo Touring 1918 Haynea, 4*pa»» 1919 Overland Touring 1921 Ford Sedan. Many others to allect fr»m -rr.pare th**« value#. CASH OR TERMS Auto Clearing iiouse 2030 Fsrnam. Phon JA. 1753. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CHEVROLET. 19 29-4 90 EXCELLENT CONDITION 8 MONTHS OLD; RUN MILKS cam HUDSON touring car. 6-pa«*eng*.r guar anteed good running order. The flrat 150 take# It Call KB. 4799, USED part* for all make* of car#. Ford peed parts a* half price. Neb. Auto P,.f* Ja 4 93 1 USED CARS THAT CAN HE USED NEBRASKA OLDS MO BILE CO.. Howard at 18th. At. 1770. USED CARS* ' O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam HOI *! <1 * r -i in * Auio Accessories. Tire* . II M,u T1 ItKS -OUARAN l BED FIRSTH COMPARE PRICES—WHY PAT MORE? jn«i.95 *5 I 34*4 . . 91? 95 90*3* . 6 95 I 32x3 »* . 8 95 Whipped on »pprov*l. II with order KAIMAN T1I4K JOIIHKRK. 17:2 (TMINII fflUH llHAMK Mr.i, >11 f ret xrede, soil', . .11 16 Six* l» 75 SJxl. Ill 75 12x2 1* . in 75 12x4. Ill 10 34x4 lll.tt. Shipped T 4J U. on Approval. < • • >• Ht Auto* Wauled . IB Rav* atorait for ion care. 11*'.. I' l 1 III VI- " ■ Gurnee*—Kepairliif . tfi |..|t A 1 *Hto palntln, d- »« to iTKII' mil H BHOI*. H15 I.eavenworth. 15 yra Trurli*, TrActom . .i. 20 K* -It WAIF; -International \ ton trtl. k In No. I condition. 1450. Addree# J. H. Klein. Tek Kirin h. Neb BUSINESS SERVICE | Accountant!, Auditor* .21 MID!ON MOB khlfn bo* planting, rovarad buttons, nil atylea; hem*'Itching, buttonholaa Writ* Idaal Button A Pleat tng Co. il)l Brown Block. Omaha. Nab Talapkona JA IIM s' 1111 ,a • \ I : Itamatltchlng. Covarod Button* 1109 Fa mam ancond floor Ja ft ft 70^^^ Atilldrm, I oiitriK torn . 22 !» Wlt.Hi'N. aenaral contractor and butld • r. repair work, aatlinatea, frue WA 4U*__ l'< *Ht II and window aeraa»>a made. , t tarnana rawlrad ,^!a*lng K K IT01 Danrlni Aradrmlp* . UCAHN »0 d»tir«”fur l« • ' HI.KP S »»!• P amain. Claaara Mon.. Wad and Frt night* Dancing Tuna . Thur* . Mat and Mua nigh'*. Prlvata laasmta by appoint m*n*§ IA ft 4 TO t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ DotortliP Aimrlrt .24 liri.lABI.F Datactlva Bureau Pundefland 1 Bldg Ja J 0 a« ; M|ht K • IMS JAMKk ALLAN 114 Na.IIU Nik. Uvldanon I aauuiad In all caaaa. AT. illt ] BUSINESS SERVICE ftarage Ktilldeni. 25 ULLAGES built, any atyie and else, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber and Wrecking Co Tel. WE. *566. Get our prlcea on coar^lete garages. Mor rison Lurnber^A Cwi Co. WE 6611. Moving, Morale .26 l'T DEL ITY HT OR AGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household Good a, Planoa, Office Furniture 1107-11 HOWARD HT. Jackson "2*4. RT China, furniture j ackers, fire proof storage. Phone JA. 1604. TEf I Terminal Warehouse Co. 7 02 Bo. 10th 0t.; [ 'or. J ones on __ V iaduct. __ , ESTIMATE furn on packing, mcv. and storing Contra ts taken by Job or hour. ! Globe Van A Storage Co. JA. 4888, AT. | 0280 Orosaman A Bona, owners. BE KINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE j !6th and Leavenworth Hts Packing, mov ing. si' rag** whipping JA 4163_ Moving — Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. -’ll N. 11th H» Phone JA. 8082. Millinrni, Dro^amakera .27 i VAKP ■ \ M • PLAIN ~ HEWING WANTED CALL KE. 5^32. | Milliner*, Dressmakers .11 IF YOU WISH TO HAVE HAT MADE OVER. OR TRIMMED, OR MADE TO ORDER CALL Tift PARLOR MIL LINER V_ JA_0791. | ___ y Tainting. Tapering . •ler'.ng. ciletmisiDf and «•:. ming work by hour, 75c. Have big line of paper. 10c roll and up. Paint. 92 gat Call HA. 1979 and a*M for paint t o reman. I'AHKRII AGOING, painting, carpenter work, i .«et« ring. estimation* and helpful iuggeitions free All work guaranteed R ■ -r‘ a. KE 4 ' 72 _ PAIN ING, PAPERHANOINoi good work, right price*. Call HA. 1223. ( PAPERINU. painting, wallpaper cleaning. CiU WE. 4 9(9 i Patent Attorney* ..... ft J W. MARTIN^ Parent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 209 Also Washington. D. I he lx * enta. Kodak Finishing HA FILM* le ■ ped fre# Prl * Hat h*re Fri day KAHF Hi Dio 214 Nsvlllg Block. FREE The Et>'ign Cn_, 2909 Leavenworth. Printer*. Fngraver* .31 - ,1 'i i a MU I Professional Serwes, XfL.jg .S3 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the & Sherryn A Mcronnell Drug Stores X-raj »•« suofc; It full s*t. 419 Securities Bldg 14th and Farnsm Vtepairing . 33 PLASTERING, stu*co and cement work, new and re pal rework. _Call WA. 4 £47_ Kervire* Offered .. 344 I.ACNDRT—Apeg laundry. *pec|alty tn all flat work and lara curtains. Mrs M. L Jon** CALI* WE. 6679._ Mattressea rtiul*- over In new ticks at half price of new beds 1907 Cuming. JA. 2447. N "MAllA Nursery. Everything In tree* and rhxub* Office, corner nf 6ith and Spencer. WA 4279. F. J. Flynn. TREE 8UROERT—K*rert servlc# offered for 10 day*. Have your tree* and hedges cared for. Call KE. 6441. I > W M MN and footmen furnished foi re ceptions and weddings. I>onl*y, WE. 3404 EDUCATIONAL Rull*g«n .47 EXPKRIENCKD comptomM.r op,r.tor. are always in demand If you are not «n operator an eight week*’ course In the Comptometer school will fit you to bold one of three desirable position* that are ! always open. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get th# moat for your time? I*«t us tall you about our day and evening classes COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 200 Courtney Hlk “The a hool that Graduates Eiperta." i DAT PC 11007,—NIGHT SCHOOL Campled* courses In a< countancy. mi < hln*> bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service end all Fng llah and i<>mm*rr|al branchsa. Write. • all or phone Jackson 1546 for large Illus trated catalog Addteaa HOYT.EH CNH.I.EOn, Roy lea Bldg , Omaha, Neb ICHOOI. OK IU’H IN KH*T~ 1 (ion oral Inst met ion .39 governing br. • t> carrier* $1.490-92.10" year. Ntcadv t'ornnmn education. Ll#t posi tion* free Writ* Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 216. W. Rochester, N. Y, RAILWAY P'hII lark* 11.400*92 MO year stead) work Simple coaching. lessons ft— Apply today sura. 697-W. Y-3246, ' ‘msha R«*e __ ^ Trnile Schuola ..4t WANTED Men, lad'-s and bo>s to learn barber trwd-. big demand; wages while learning strictly modern Call or writs 1401 Dodge St Trl City Barber Collegs. MOLKR M A R H F. H COLLEGeT ~ 110 H 14th St Writs for catalog ): IIHp \\ killed— Krutaia .44 SAI I SWoMKN Hy publishing firm. t*k> l ertanrg gelling itrcutlvM and affinal* of hu*int*« * oncer na essential New publica tion aliolutal)' needed In nffleaa; unusual feature* >* dlgnlflad. high data aale. Sale* outfit r*pe. tally Inteteailng compact, no hooka to • arry Faat on* call *ala good for 1*4 to 1*0 weakly earnlnga Standard Publishing C*o . loo Fifth Ava.. N#w York _ IllUti r to IS weeks praparea you for a flu# of flea position Call AT t??« or writ a Amertuan t'ollage, i*|* Farnsrn \\ a NT *•'i > t xparlam ed whlta aacord gtrl with good rtf'Miancaa Apply Mr* \V. H Mn’ord, f>S*t l'avanport. Whlta maid for genarat houaawork, r»far anoaa Mr* T, Hal mar* 4*14 t'aaa HI. f'ODK at lUienU# hams Jtrnnett Aka. ’ t\» bluff* I hone 3*aa VVIIITI.I mil ■•.•nil (111. »1I~N UlU hi L»tl IN A. liti t * I EMPLOYMENT — Help Wanted—Female .44 ANT ENTERPRISING GIRL WILL LIKE THIH JOB! Thera are place* for more operator* among th* girl* who make Mina Taylor wash dreaae* *nd aprone In our big modern daylight plant—and aome mighty fine opportunity for enterprlating girl*. The onea who get these place# will work with pretty dresa good#—-crlap and new and inviting Working con- j dftlona are of the moat pleasant, with lots of sunlight end air, a cafe and »o on. If you're an experienced power machine operator, you can begin at once at good wages. If not, but you are fond If sowing, you can learn under our ayatem of thorough In struction and toon be at work among the other girls, happily getting a m:gbty satisfactory pay envelope each week. If you've ever operated a power ma chine, you realize that it la r.ot dif ficult work—it a Just s matter of learning to guide the good* while the machine dee* the eewing for you. And the girl with this profession (for profession It Is) at h*r finger'# end* need fear no difficulty getting a Job anywhere In any city should she ever decide to leave Omaha. Come In—talk It over with ua Or. If you can’t come In during work ing hour#, telephone Mr Kemmerer. Superintendent of Factories at his residence. Walnut €<<25, any time after €.11 p. m. on week daya and any time on Sundays. If desired, we can arrange to have eomeona call and explain this work te you. But think about its opportunities for you—BIGHT NOW. M F SMITH * CO, OMAHA. "Daylight Factories." t'.h and Douglas Streets. Help Wanted—Mali* ... 4§ A NATIONALLY kr/ wn arc unUng or ganixa* <>n desires a f*w ooergetic young men with high school edua'.on end t me bookkeeping experience who ha\e #uf* ficlent determination and ambition to d* vote th«lr spare time to study which will i eventually place them on the company # practicing #»#ff Apply by letter only to . Box W-J75, Omaha Bee__ LOCaL representative seated to sell s good line of *n>eiope# to the Jobbing and consuming -trade. Th'.a can be handled <>n part time basis, drawing account, or salary and commission. Ws will give service end . quality Preference given to one who ha# had experience in selling similar lines. Addre## T*22i$, Omahs Bee PLASTERERS. UNION men wanted In Chicago. 111. i Wage# III 8t-ady employment guar anteed to competent men No labor trou Me M P Hi'.ey, Room tlf, Conant ho*.el 1 ~ INSURANCE ' AGENTS WANTED TO sell limited accident and sickness policy:, 15.000 death. I2S a week Indemnity. Cost 110 a year. Writs H A. Luther. Vice. Pres. 20» So. La Salle Street. Chicago. III. , WINDOW TRIMMER andH clothing man wanted. PHILIPS DKPT STORE 24th and O St. PL A ST VHER ** wXnTED—Ch lea go fa pay Ing 112 per day and guaranteeing steady work No labor trouble Apply to Em ploy lag riasterera Association, II South Dearborn 8t.. Chicago_* SUBSCRIPTION sal*#man wanted to #eil dlrert to farmers Standard publication* If you can sell #ubeer!ptlona anawer at oive. Addre## TjJ2ilT TheJ’meha Be# WANTED—Born# one to #ell baby ehl* in Omaha for the largest hatchery In west . Addre## Y-22<*. <»maha_BeO._ • r - R wanted f.->r g#ner . . blng work Omaha Herr.'.-Steel Foundry c nth st_ llflp—Male or 4« AOKNTB—Wanted men and woman to •#1| guaranteed silk hoalery. good propo e tlon tn producers. Stylo Silk Hosiery Co., nt_Leflimf_B!df mgm n| _ Agents. Salesmen .4? w \NTKI> AT OKCI, A FIRST CLA^B #» * SALESMAN. TO PERMANENTLY REP RESENT AN EASTERN MANUFACTUR ER OF WELL KNOWN FOOD PROD UCTS IN OMAHA AND NEBRASKA ON A SALARY BASIS MUST HAVE AC QUAINTANCE WITH JOBBING AND RETAIL TRADE FULL INFORMATION INCLUDING AOE. PAST EXPERIENCE. REFERENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED % MUST BE GIVEN IN APPLICANTS LET TER ADDRESS Will. THE OMAHA BEE bboboooooooooooooooooooob o o 1 o o O SALK8M AN-have an opening O O for a live aa lr«m an wuh ability O O and ambition W# prefer a mid- O j O die aged man who dot raw to mak* O O a t-riinanent connactlon whtra O i o ability and Industry will be re O O warded Apply after 1<* a m at O O Hit Omaha National Park nidg O O O OOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAT ’ SMF.N NV any ' * Good houaa to houaa man can make Mg money selling onr Una of mada to meaa ura woolana to the rongumer tVa pay Jg par cant commlaalon and furnish aero plaa, gwetchgg. photographs ate and do our own deliver' Our llna conaiata of ©vervogta. mackinaws, laathar jackets and >aata underwear, sweaters. hosiery, ate Write for partlculara Consolidated w. olan Mills Co. 1M South State St. Salt I,aka City, t'lah SAt.NShtFN. ape* *,ally? hook or m*ih»tne experience. to sell tha undisputed leader of all refartm a works-g dictionary of dictionaries nought wherever busings# la tranaactad Compact, Interest arousing selling outfit Faet on# call sale good for H* to Sin a week eernlttte Piatrict man agera wantgd Heferancee Standard Publishing Co. goe Fifth A\a. N V HALKSMiN xxantod An peniog in t»a' rt ip Nebraska representing 0>d esiab I'sUrd Nebraska business houee Ssl| d • art in r«rtite*e Addraga Y 3211 The utnaha klaa [ r ( < EMPLOYMENT Agents, Salesmen . 47 Tale8mEn Eight w.ekt course In life !nsurane»*«&]e*. munship. No tuition. Oldest mutual legal reserve Ilf© Insurance company w*st of the Mississippi river will conduct school each Thursday evening. 6.TO to *20. First session, April 12. For information address W-367, Omaha Bee. ONE of the largest automobile insurance institutions wants ea’eemen that can pro duce busings* Full time men can ratn from f£0 to II"0 per week. Pirt time men. 2'il to |7.r> per w^ek. Only salesmen willing to work need apply, ('all on Mr. Wilkinson, 15C7 City National Bank Bldg , Monday. AGENTS—Stop wotking for others. Go Into business for yourself. Make and sell your own goods By our system It's easy. Opportunity to make f100 to |S00 week ly. Writ© Immediately for free book which explains everything Natl Scientific Labs 217 Monroe. Klchrpond. Va. SALESMEN — Exceptional opportunity; hustlers earning tag Write MrCl eery Calendar Factory, Washington. lows ' SALESMEN wanted Llv© w,r© salesmen I to sell "Dandi-Post Signs." Attractive side- j line Grinneil Sign Mff. Co. Grlnnell, la. j AGENTS—Wonderful discovery. Charge* batteries in 1 Ce minutes. Gallon fres to agents Radlolite Co., St. Paul, Minn. TWO sa’esrren wanted S.nger Sewing Machine , Sbl 8 24th 3t. _ Situations Wanted—Female . 48 LAUNDRESS—ljood~ whits woman. AT. i ‘111_, .. Situation* Wanted—Male .49 OFFICE or ledger clerk. 7 years' packing house experience, "ill airept 1100. Ad dress W-384. The Omaha Bee__ MARRIED i ar privata < hsuffer, city referer.--"* *12 y**ara experience. Address Box W-172. Omaha Bee. | FINANCIAL BusinesH Opportunities . 5# FOB SALK OB LEAJS. -l>.» r»hl# (• c: ry balding and site In Fort Dodge. la. Bn- k building, Il,<*h0 square feet, w^;: lighted, splendid heating system, sprinkler sys tem. low insurance rale, C »e to freignt stations on four railroads. Immediate poa •n«;on Liberal terma Write Monarch Telephone Manufacturing Co., 151 W. Van Buren 8t . Chi ago. Illinois.__ TWO*!'MA LL LUMBER T ARI *S hrr.a . etocks, located ;a good farming common: ues, on# In Iowa one in Ne braska Terms to reerona.b e partite. For particttlara, phone WA. 4771 or write W. M W:.son. 4V 2 California St. _ GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR SALE—Established bus;nee» In ona of beet town* between Fremont and Winner. In voice about 14,000 To responsible party terms to sui: purchaser. Y-2241. Omaha Bee___ STOCK of General Merchandise and building for sale. Good clean stock good business, good town, 4 4 m;les west of North Platte, Nab. I 000 will handle same. Must sell at on e on account of sickness Add'esa Y-22*2. Omaha Bee. GROCERT and confectionary; * living rooms in rear, modern but hast. Rent 134; suitable for coupla where men i« employed Priced to sell HA. 1711._ * garage eqc praent and machine shop, a so p '••eat; n of building « M Clay ton. 111 East Ith St Grand Island. Neb _______ DRUG st^re for #• e Leading drug store in N. E N**b. Nyal. Edison. Standard s'oex remedies. Address Y-2244, Omaha Bee_ __ SOFT drink ant pool parlor for sale, with I tables doing a good husineea in a good town W w. Gordon. Friend. Net* _ NAMOORAPH worth Ilf4 for engraving fountain pen In gold leaf. Complete, IStt 413 Brandels Thaate* B 1 c lit* CA$H~for good used car. Plate year. modeL mak* condl* >n In first letter. i i ha Bee. BLACKSMITH ahV and "tools for sale or lease; good town easy terms. w m. Wake? _ HARPW SRE stock ar t fixtures for sa e in good location in Omaha. W-10*. Oma ha Bee. __ _____ OARAOff^G-OOD BI’SINE**. 230* N. 1 ear loans ft* per cent AM '8 GRANT CO. 201 8 11th Arthur Bldg AT Ilf OMAHA HOME*— FAST NFR FARM® O KHTK REAL FiTATK CO.. 1MI Om Nat Bk Bldg J A J71I flia TO 118 OP0 Soane r ads promptly r P tretn and t> H bowman v ' v •«-, h Pt NY sad BMg O’ CASH paid fer £d mortgage# o* Oraaha propertv F C. Horace* .« Co., 144 l*t Nat'l. Bank Bldg AT. lilt * MONET to~ loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYFR® * R AIN BOLT CO. it 4 Omsk * Nat Bark Bldg v 41 tarts or amall. Weat Neb farms ranchea Ktoke Investment 144 Om Nat. W* *""* ' QUICK LOAN® Omaka homes only S' e v:% f rsi SHOfKN A CO . IM KKKt.fXK BUILDING t,OW rata ©n city propart ▼. quick W c>*«ad N© monthijr pa»ir#nla JA. tilt AA T OR A I! AM 8KtMNI» inertcafaa «t centra pm ,-haaad by Tufcay company. **o lat Nat l. l»* u 4.;- * |lt ASP «* r» H .TNT NO vr\ AT OAltVtN RKvVS 944 I'm Nat l fVd* Hui \at fad mid o-'rk n *1* t*»© Nat. ■ a rfta ~ii i run—i tt h tiw j.wafiTfci JMt Moiiff tn l*oan .. M «.>r \v .V" v.'vvt' I«IN T t'AT H1.1H lUTKd Wa loan any amount up to IIP' at tha loariMt rataa ran b* rapatd tn •aay monthly pa* man’a to ault aour c©f*v**t©n©Hd_-Herald Bide JA Ilt» Wanted to Borrow .M IF you have money to loan, we ean place It for you at 7 210 per cent Interact and pet you a pood discount for It. If Inter ested, addreea W-201, Omaha Bee. | LIVE STOCK_ Dor*. Cats, Birds, Prt#.M REGISTERED Russian wo'f huund* tot da *• C F Marguardt, Madlaon, Nab. Horses, Cattle. Vehicle* .M HARNESS, the beat that can be made, at first coat. W« make them ourselvee and eel! them direct to the farmers Har ries from 125 to $110. Alfred Cornish* 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. Nth WORK HORSES FOR 5ALE UPDIKE DUMBER A COAD CO.. 4.1d and Charles WA. 0817. I HAVE several dandy milk cows to sail. Manager. German Home. 4209 South 13th. HORSE8—Ten head of good, young farm h'.-e*a i(’2 K. Locmt St. WE 4514 DRIVING MARE, harneM. eollis pup. piow and cultivator. Call KE HJS. — —r: .. - ■ ■ ■—, , •M2===ZZ3B=SS3 Poultry and Supplies ..5? BABT CHICKS—Pure bred, 1.090 per w*ek, from heavy laying farm rocks; Red*. Rocks. Wyandot tse, Orpingtons, Legh rna. Ancon as. and mixed. Prices : 5 cents ar.d up Call B 4923. Franklin Hatchery, 6*0 Frankilm Ave.. Connell Bluffs. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS, pullets and hene of which I had eecer.d p*n in Lin cola egf->ay1ng coateet. Baby chick, set ting erg*. Ivar Johnson, Fremont. Neb. Hast Military. Bl'FF~LEGHORN" Ancerna or Rhode Is. land Reds eggs for setting stock. R;ch a|da. 1000 Pacific. AT. 7790._ BUY your chickens from a poultry ludga. i; ustrated catalog free. Smiley’s hatch* ery. Se**ard. Neb. P C WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs. 99 per 3W‘ Kg. 1249.__ COCKERELS—White Rack. Also eggs for hatching WA. 03ft. WILD MALLARD—DECOYS—KE. 7011 BABT CHICKh—For Easter."' KE." 4S1A | MERCHANDISE . Clothing and Far* .W BARCLAY CORBET* Sample# small and larga sties, sold be low cost Phone WE. 1710 before • a. m. and after 9 p. ra._ F ULL DRESS suits and Texedoe for root JA. 112* l0I N’^lith^gt^A j- Feldtmaa, Far! and Fred . €1 KINDLING—Load. 94.99. Bradford-K sa nely Co , JA. Household Goods ..63 occccoooooooooooocooooooo o o o o o o O FURNISHINGS ef modera I-room o O apartment for sale very reason * O O able Apartment a’so for rent- 14 O O Theodore Terrace, 101 South IlK O O Am O O O o o o o o ? 000ooocoooooooooooooooo WE OFFER OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF THE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WASHER AT COST COPPER OR CYPRESS TUBS. THE BEST DOLLY WASHER MADE THIS IS THE MACHINE THAT BREAKS ALT. WORLD RECORDS IN HIGH sales during and to date 1*2 S PONDED GUARANTEE WITH EVERT MACHINE FI E TRIO APPLIANCE CO.. l»e# HlKNTT STJA. m» Afc-riox. AM kind* of household furniture muet be e .! a: auction Monday • a. m.. at the N m n rave. 2109 N. 49th Are. Call We. 9919. EXPERT sewing machine repetnag. MICK ELS. 19th and Harney AT. 4*91. I>AYENI OKT—ONE GENUINE DEATH* ER BED DAVENPORT Ha 1979._ A« ORN oi range velvet couch, Warms Mai r, bed Call KE 229L_j GIRLS goKl bicycle golden ©eh ebmej <•*. :r.t i heeler 2100 I-eke St_j KITCHEN CABINET? HOOKIKR, FOR I SALK._CALL JjA 4371__ I : \ RNITURE of 9 room* reeeonebl* AT 1014.__ ^ | a Jewelry and Watrhe* .64 V \a M ON DA We pay the beet price# with privilege ts buy b*v k at email profit. GRvigs JEW - EL BY CO., Omaha, Neb.. 401 N. 19th St. Machinery and Tools .65 K« *R SALE—And muet be so d before Art ’• J0 191* vine Eiaher-Cor *a engine. . 4 \ < *. twit .cnnectad to 0 4 KW Elect Hi Vaahinery company generator and eacite’. % 11 l* A Nw condition Can be seen In fperat-on Cali on or add sea* City af David v. Neb. I K M.acketcne. aape: - intendent • Miscellaneous .#9 fVK !»u,i Sh'Mgur Parker Parr.at u« c onMe-bwrrel. IS gw flealM* ec !»»»' vmn* Hnlance •• low aa !!• pwt meets. a lii'M’K CO. 1.!>,'«*#% AAA tev, IK "At liili 1