The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 01, 1923, PART TWO, Page 5-B, Image 17

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    Theosophist to
Give 4 Lectures
Ernest Wood, Professor in
College at Bombay, to
Speak Here.
Kfnest Wood, International lecturer
for the Theogphical society, will give
four public lectures at the Paxton ho
tel from April 8 to 11.
Mr. Wood Is principal and professor
of physics of the Kind National ool
lege at Hyderabad Sind, affiliated
with the Bombay university, Bombay.
India. lie Is the author of books on
theosophy, education, psychology and
Since 1908, his permanent home lias
been at the International Theosophic
al headquarters in Adyn, India. He
is now on a two-year lecture tour and
already has visited China, Japan,
f’nlted States, Finland and Scotland.
He Mil return to India in 1923.
Topics of his lectures here will be
"Personal Problems," "Religious
Problems.” "Methods of Mental Train
ing,” and “Thought Power."
Duke of York to Be JT'cd
on Line* Similar to
That of Princess Mary
Bt tnim-tsl Itnin,
London, March 31.—Arrangements
for the wedding of the Duke of York
and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon have
been practically completed. The cere,
mony will follow the lines which
were so successful at the marriage of
Princess Mary. There will be two
royal processions from Buckingham
palace to Westminster abbey. Tho
first will be headed by the king and
queen attended by members of the
household and high state officials.
The second will consist of the Duke of
York with his three brothers and
Queen Alexandra, accompanied by the
Princess Victoria. The former Emp
ress Marie of Russia will drive sepa
rately from Marlborough house.
The bride will drive with her
father, Earl Strathmore, front May
fair house, meeting her bridesmaids
at the abbey. The couple will return
to the palace in an open state car
riage for the reception at Buckingham
palace and will leave in the afternoon
for a secret destination on their hory
The Wide-Awake
Here Is Big Money for You
Ad-i BRAKES stop all chattering, jarring and jolting—make
every stop as smooth as velvet. They relieve all unneces
sary wearing, strain on transmission, universal joint,
bearings and near axle assembly by delivering the
breaking power direct to the rea- wheels. t
They increase driving comfort 100%. No
jars, no jerks, no skidding. A-C
Brake* double the life of your*
car; they pay for
themselves many
times over.
The Set for Ford Car*
Clip This and Mail Today
1623 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen: Please forward at once literature concerning
A-C Brake*.
Name .
% ■
Town .ve-....
A-C Brake Co. of Omaha
1609 Davenport Street Omaha, Neb.
! Former Omaha Man Goes Bathing on Same
i Beach Where Columbus Landed in 1494
\bovp—Colombo beach. where Columbus landed In 149a.
I .eft_|)r. anil Mrs. K. I.. Newell, formerly of Omaha, bathing on Colombo beach. Isle of Pine*.
Right_The Newells standing under a eoeoanut tree. This photograph was taken on Christmas d«».
How would you like to go bathing In
midwinter on the same beach where
Christopher Columbus landed In 1494?
That Is on" of the delights which
helps to compensate Dr. L. Newell
for the loss of his old associations in
Last May Dr. and Mrs. Newell left
Omaha to go^ to the Isle of Pine?
where Dr. Newell is practicing hi'
profession. The Isle of Pines is
miles south of the southern const of
Cuba In the Caribbean set. It is
not a very large island, its towns ar*
small Ones and it is not v*ry thickly
populated. But It is replete with ro
The New Price
# i ( —
Stands the Supreme Test
Demanded of
Let Us Prove to You
i w \
t j * ' «
Sioux City
mance.. Jala de Pinos is its Spanish
The island was discovered by Co
lumbus. He landed there in search of
fresli water. The beach where he
landed was named Colombo beach
after him.
Dr. Newell has sent a number of
views of his new home to Omaha.
"AmoiiR the old historical plac es on
this tropical isle,'* writes Dr. Newell,
“are an u! I castle where a Spanish
prince and princess were once held
prisoners. Soqpe of the rocks on the
Parchesi Game
and Baked Beans
Rend Town’s Peace
Innocent Pastime Assume* W
peels of “Jollification \f
tcr Uanie Humor I fa
ll ;t<I Pew Innings.
By I nhmtt *er* Ice
Manafleld Center, Conp., March 31 j
—A parchesi game and a baked bean !
supper have rent in twain the peace
and quiet of this fwSPt village and j
Rent the Itev. Harold W Tilllnghast j
looking far afield for a new Congrega ,
tional church jwstorate.
The suit of the Rev. Mr. Tilling- j
hast for $10,000 damage* against X>« a <
non Archibald W. Jhnhnnan, *r. 1
whom he charges with having caused j
his resignation by persistent state i
nients that Mr. TlllInghaRt bought j
his sermons, Is only th« culmination \
of a chain of events In which the
pur«hc«<i eat and the beans w^rt 1
outstanding links.
Mansfield Center Is on* of those
Idyllic village* that the poets write I
about, and Is untouched by the mod
ern urge that creates a Main s*r»et i
atmosphere. It was settled In 1*0?. |
and even before that tlie* Indint s had
a vintage here.
llama Humor Busy.
Hut even In such an atmosphere
ft rumor can sprout Ilk* a plant In
flood time. When the story of the
parches! and beans got to the village
store It was nothing more th#n a
parches! game and a pot of New Kng
hunt baked beans Hut when it star!
rd to^ circulate* through the regular
channels that diverge from the st'«rc
It had assumed tho proportions of a
"Jolllflca tJon.'*
Now the atitlTllH tightest group in
the village church considers a "jollb
flcstlon" unfitting to tlie pastoral dig
pity, which explains why the Ic• \ I
Mr. TilHnglmst and in* wife have
packed all their goods and are await
ing a call to another flock.
.Modern I’aiil Revere.
V It d'lesn’t mitigate any that the
minister, Ilk* I’aul Ucver*. sprang
into his l ord and rushed to tlie l*cd
side of a sick parishioner just when
tha parrhesl gam* was hot I* M and
th* beaus smelled most alluring
To add to the plipiayev. and to
give room for growth to the rumors,
the parches! route-1 and bean orgy
was held tn the home of a young
woman parishioner, while Mrs. rilling
bast was awnv. Hut tin girl s fatlni
was there > nt eyebrows went up In
holy Indignation a ltd have not jet
come down.
Today the pfnk« boyish fa * of the
young minister and the hurt eves
of his young wifo keep turning to
I look down the village street that seems
i so kindly in the awaken tug of spring
Vtni. what they seek wild hope for i« j
no! relenting forgiveness from a stifT
hacked church inajorltv but a I mdlv
• all to mote liberalffields where pur
i heal u nd beaus arc not yjoti side red j
const bear marks placed there by
"There ia a wonderful radium
spring here bearing the name of the
Spanish general, Weiler. He landed
here with a regiment to protect him.
and took the haths.
"Colombo beach is named in honor
of Christopher Columbus, who landed
here in 1494 in search of w»ter.”
I'r. Newell, while in Omaha, had
■ tfires in the City National bank
Itadio Fans to Name
WOAW* “Silent Night”
“Wanted, a 'silent night'—'*
If that line as a want ad were rub
In Omaha papers, those reading It
would think the originator of It crasv,
i but—
Radio enthusiasts, and they are le
gion, would understand.
That is just what Is wanted by
WOAW, Woodmen of the World giant
broadcast station, atop the Woodmen
of the World building, Omaha.
Tlte station Is so strong that it Is
Impossible for Omaha radio listeners
to hear anything else while WOAW
Is in the air.
Courtesy to those In the radius of
WOAW who would like to hear other
stations as well as that of the Wood
mtm of the World, brought the ques
tion of a night a week In which no
program shall he given.
There ”111 he a period of two week*
In which the station will operate
every night. During that time a
vole by all radio fans In Omaha end
vicinity shall be taken, by telephone,
mail and wire. The night desired by
each will be recorded and a count
made at midnight, April 14. Tht
night moat desired by the greatest
number will be adopted as 'Silent
Night’ by WOAW.
»II 1
A GENERAL opinion about the Marmon becomes
a settled conviction after talking with a Marmon
owner. Referring with pride and satisfaction to
“c/My c^Vlarmon," he describes Marmon depend
ability in the convincing terms of every day experi
ence—how seldom it has been in the shop — how
little it has cost him. You can not talk with many
such owners without deciding to place your own
name upon the Marmon roster.
■ / f f
> >_
_ For exact information on maintenanca costs and actual experience
of local owners we invite 70a to inspect the records in oar salesroom.
Farnam at 27th Avenue
Worthy of Its Praise
If you have ever wished for a car with an that would
grow quieter, smoother and more powerful at five and ten
thousand miles than at hve hundred; that would never
vaJve-grinding; that would pain and not l<->se compression
through carbon— : \ ,
You have wished (whether you realized it or not) for the new
Willvs-Knight. The Willys-Knight sleeve-valve engine actually
improves with use. Many owners report 50^00 miles of brilliant
performance without an engine adjustment. And a Willys
Knight engine has never been known to wear out.
This extraordinary engine, and the striking streamline beauty
of Willys-Knight body designs, have won country-wide endorse
ment. Sales are astonishing. Come ^nd see the new models.
Stt tht W Ulya-knight Aditrtistmtnt in tht March Jltt Saturday Evening Port
Tovuno J-M»» !•*>* Rp*nrr»« I pm $111$ Sr»»x S-p»*t. $l'«5 C<htp» S*r»w )-pm, $l)«$ N
TorttKo 7 p»»», $I4JS Coi m > p«»i , $1»«< 7-p»tt . $i««s rticss r. o i m ti<o
I'oliom Auto Co.,
6133 Military Av#
V mi mil Bluff*
Ov or land Co.
UG2 4 E Broadway
( ouncil Bluff*, la.
2562 F«rn*m St. OPEN EVENINGS Phonr HA 0351
Adl*r A WmI*j
1 K# "B"
.1701 5 Xltt