The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 22, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    Spy System
M a i n t a i n e d
in Cult House
Former Evangelist Testifies
House of David Leader Ban
ished Women Who Re
fused Advances.
(By The Atmociated Pre*».)
Grand Rapids, Mich., March 21.—
Testimony intended to show that Ben
jamin Purnell, head of the Israelite
House of David colony at Benton liar
tor, "lived in regal splendor, while
Ids followers lacked plates from which
to eat their carrots and turnips," was
Introduced in federal court here to
day in the suit instituted by John
Hansell and ills wife against the cult.
The testimony was given by Mrs.
Kmma J.ozetta of Newark, N. ,T.,
f' nner evangelist for the sect and who
was a witness tor the plaintiffs. The
latter are attempting to obtain $80,000
from Purnell, claiming the sum due
them for property turned over to him
and for labor performed while they
were members of tit'1 colony.
Nearly Starved.
One winter the colony had a hard
time keeping body and soul together,"
Mis. Lozetta testified on direct exam
ination. "VVe nearly starved, but Ben
jamin and Iris wife, Mary, lived like
lords. They drank cream and ate
California fruits out of season at a
table set with costly silver."
A "spy system" existed in the col
ony by which Purnell learned of
every bit of gossip that went the
rounds of bis followers, the witness
testified. Fhe also said a mock trial
board was established and that se- j
i ret punishments were inflicted upon
those who failed to abide by Purnell's !
orders. Women who refused Pur
nell s advances, Mrs. I-nzetta testi
fied, were ostracized.
Cellar Full of Beer.
"Purnell's cellar was full of beer,
John is Jane’s little
brother. He’s 12 of
age. Yesterday he
said, “You’ve got all
the fellows ‘going’
’cause Jane says you
know how to dress.”
* The Stepper"
always knows just
what he wants to
wear. “Old Stuff”
won’t do for The
Stepper. He wants
snappy things, the
newest of every
thing; that’s why
he comes to our
store for his NEW
HAT, or Sport
CAP. Come, have
a look, see for
Ai persons
321 South 16th
16th and Harney Streets
\ I > \ ER i 181 '31 N r.
Bach 15-cent package of "Diamond
Dyes" contains directions so simple
any woman can dyo op tint lor old.
worn, faded things new, even if she
has never dyed before. Buy Diamond
Dyes—no other kind —then perfect
homo dyeing Is guaranteed, .lust tell
your druggist whether the material
you wash to dye is word or silk, or
Whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed
goods. Diamond Dyes never streak,
spot, fade or run.
Amazingly Dependable I
Keep the liver regularly active,
averting tick headache, periodic
bilioua attacks, constipation and
stomach troubles. No calomel,
no unpleasant “next day" effect,
no griping or nausea.
Will Brownmy, Pattnnsburg. Mo., writes,
"Chamberlain s Stomach and l.iver I ab
lets cured my wife of serious bilious atta< ks
and constipation from winch she had suf
fered for years."
Stout persona find them invaluable
Small < oat ?*.M everywhere
, ^w~~rnm
Commoner Queen
Dies at Age of 76
Antibes, France.—Born as the
daughter of an army captain a dis
tant relative of the king, and spend
ing her daily childhood days In the
lowly occupations of a girl of humble
origin., former queen of Mon
tenegro, died here this week at the
age 'of 76. During her lifetime she
saw two of her daughters marry
kings and become Russian grand
duchesses. She was married to Nicho
las, former king, at the age of 13. Ills
death preceded hers by two years.
Both Nicholas and Milena abdicated.
Queen Helena of Italy Is a daugh
ter oi Milena.
which he drank, saying it would
cleanse his soul, and he chewed to
bacco when no one was looking,"
Mrs. I^ozotta testified. Abstinence
from alcoholic liquor and tobacco are
two of the tenents of the religious or
ganizations. The women testified that
there was drunkenness among the
girls in Shiloh, the home of cult
An effort on the part of attorneys
for the colony to have the trial con
tinued to some future date failed, the
court denying such a motion. The de
cision of the court yesterday to per
mit introduction of testimony regard
ing moral conditions in the colony,
tho attorneys set forth, found them
A Queer World
Indian Chiefs Sav
M an Dance?, W n u 1 d
Know Why Indian
Yakinta, YVasli., March 21.—Chiefs
Homer Watson and .41 Ramhart of
the Yakima Indian tribe have sent a
formal protest to ( liarles Burke,
I nited States Indian commissioner,
against his recent order forbidding
the usual tribal dances.
''You tell us in oilier ways lo look
In Ihe white man." the chiefs de
clare. "You say ‘farm as tlie while
man does,' amt 'save your money as
the white man does,’ and the like.
When you stop Ihe while man from
dancing wo may begin to think danc
ing an e\ il and also slop dancing.
Imt why should the poor Indian stop
his dances, when the white man
doesn’t stop his?"
The Indians say the usual tribal
spring dances will be held this sea
• • •
Hungry Pigeons.
T,os Angeles, March 21.—Feeding
pigeons in the downtown district
will ts» a misdemeanor subject to
ft fine not exceeding 1500 or s.x
months in the city jail when an or
dinance passed by the city council
becomes effect iTe.
The ordinance was passed to aid
the police department in driving
pigeons from Pershing square, a
downtown park. The birds eongre
gato there during tho day in great
numbers because the park visitors
are continually feeding them.
Traps wdl be set for the pigeons
and they will be taken to various
. parks outside the business section.
• • •
Getting Kven.
Dortmund. March 21.— Many Gcr
mans have turned their talents lo the
hunting of security police. This has
iieen brought about by the French of
fers or 50(13600 marks for the arrest
of each ami every one of the security
police found in the prohibited area.
Reports gathered by the intelligence
staff show that these |>oli< r are re
turning lo the occupied territory with
false identity papers. They are for
Ihe most part, former army non
commissioned officers. who were
never over-popular because of their
military methods, and many civilians
are glad now to get even with them.
Woman First in California
to Crow Navel Oranges
California’s citrus Industry was
"mothered" be a pioneer woman
Mrs. Kllza Tibbets. who Is called the
"mother" of the Washington navel
orange, brought to southern California
the first two trees of Ibis variety 48
years ago.
The trees were planted and they
flourished. One of them Is today pro
ducing fruit of excellent quality, fie
ccniIv a bronze tablet was unveiled at
■ Ihe foot of Ibis patriarch of the mange
Industry In honor of Mrs. Tibbels.
This la "orange week,” and merchants
and grocers in practically every local*
ity nro featuring the gulden fruit from
i 'alifornla.
Tobareo Fixprrt, 79. Has
Son Just Two Weeks Old
1»opooonne< t. ' (inn., March L'l —
Whin twe nt\ odd friend* of John
| 1 Hjttoii rami* in 111 h farmhou*© Tuesday
to congratulate hint on 1»1m 79th birth
; <!iiy they found him atandlng over a
< rib, proudly iiurvcylng hie youngeat
*<(•0, Jtmt two w# r*k« old. Thero fol
lowed a big c elebration.
Mr. Dubon, a veteran of the* civil
! wur, I* also noted a* the firat man to
' iai« * tobacc'o under abud** in (’on
jiuctiiut. and tin* atati* htt* a. tobacco
11 xpeiimrnt elation on bln farm
Innocent Man
23 Years in Pen
Half-Breed Indian Released
After Death-Bed Confes
sion of Murder.
Washington. March 21—Ilow a half
breed Cherokee Indian. Charner Tide
well, languished from his youth for a
quarter of a century In federal pris
ons before being released on a base
less murder charge, was revealed in a
tragic story told today by the De
partment of Justice. Freed from the
charge by a death bed confession
after his years of suffering, the form
er prisoner is now enjoying the
wealth of inherited Oklahoma oil
Three presidents. Roosevelt, Taft
and Wilson, denied pardons to Tide
well upon reports from former At
torneys General Knox. Wlckerstaam
and Gregory that all evidence in the
murder case pointed positively, al
though circumstantially, to his guilt.
Friends of the prisoner, including
Senator Owen, former Senator Gore
and former Representative Alice Rob
ertson, pressed the investigation of
Tide-wells continued protests of In
nocence. Finally he was released from
Atlanta penitentiary upon a commu
tation sentence recommended by At
tory General Daugherty and Assist
ant Attorney General Grim, in charge
of criminal Investigations.
After President Harding's commu
tation a woman's death bed confession
in Oklahoma revealed that Tidcwell
had been convicted of murdering her
husband upon perjured testimony.
Illinois Governor Denies He
Is Accompanied by Guards
Springfield. 111., March 17. — De
nial that Governor Len Small is
being "guarded by armed men” and
characterization of the report as "an
other attempt at sensationalism” was
substantiated yesterday afternoon, the
governor's office announced, by the
fact that the governor has had no
other companions in his walks except
ing his son, Heslie Small, and Col.
Jack Inglesh his son in-law.
Taylor Loses Appeal.
Dwight Taylor, who appealed from
a sentence of three months imposed !
on him in federal court February 15, j
1922, must serve it. A mandate re
reived Wednesday from the court of
appeals affirmed the sentence imposed
by Judge Woodrough.
Boys’ and Girls’
Ad-Writing Contest
March 19 to 24
Any Boy or Girl Between the Ages of
14 to 18
T« eligible to enter this contest. Merchandise to be adver
tise! v, ill be on display throughout the week in
Jinior and Misses’ Shops—Third Floor.
Rots' and Tonne Men’s Shops-Mnin Floor.
We will award prizes for the best ad on these gar
/nents each day; the Second, Third and Fourth best ads
will be given Honorary Mention. A Final Prize will be
awarded the contestant who has received the greates'
number of points during the entire contest.
Prize ad to receive 26 points.
First honorary mention, 15 points.
Second honorary mention, 10 points.
Third honorary mention, 5 points
Onlv one ad may be entered for the same day, but *hr
same person is privileged to enter as many days as he dc
sire*. Further information will be given in the
Junior and Misses’ Shops—Third Floor.
Rots' and’Tonnff Men's Shops—Main Floor.
Prize ads will be published in the daily papers the
following week.
tingly taste—
it’s bully!
Hew He Cured
His Rupture
Old Sea Captain Cured Hi* Own
Rupture After Doctor* Seid
“Operate or Death.”
Ilia Remedy and Book Sant Fr ••
( aptain Colling* •r.iled the «ea* for
many years then ha sustained a had
douhla rupture that aoon forged him to
not only remain ashore, hut kept him
bedridden for years. Hr tried doctor after
doctor and truss after truss. N>- result* 1
Finally, hr was assured that ha must
either submit to a dangerous and ah
horrent operation or Hie He did neither!
Ha rured himself instead
Captain polling* made a study of him
self, of hia condition and at la«t. he wa <
rewarded by the finding of the method
that so ijuirkly mad<- hm» a Well, strong,
vigorous and happy man
Anyone ran use the same method, it's
simple, easy, safe and inexpensive. I very
ruptured person In the world should have
the ( aptain Codings Imok telling all about
how he cured himself, and how anyone
may follow the same treatniei'* in ’heir
own home without any trouble. I he book
and medicine are FRKF. *They Will he sent
prepaid to any rupture sufferer who will
fill out the below oupoti. Hut send it
right away now hrfora you put down
this paper
The first indication of nerv
ousness should be your warn
ing to remedy the condition
from which it results, and be
fore it becomes a deep seated, 1
nervous condition which will 't
require time ns well as treat
ment to remedy.
Warner * Safe Nervine
relieves nervous bcndachcs, i
nervous dyspepsia, irritability, |
sleeplessness and all neura
thcnic conditions which arc 1
symptoms of nervous disorder J
nnd deranged health and nerv i
ous exhaustion. It acts on the |
nerves nnd assists in restoring i
the system to a normnl con
dition. |
Warner s Safe Remedies
Warner ’• Sale Kidney and l iver
Warner'* .Safe Diabetes Remedy
Warner a Sal# Rheumatir Remedy
Warner’* Safe Aelhma Remedy
Warner » Safe Nervine
W'arner* Safe Pill* (Conetipatinn
and niliouaneaa)
lha Reliable l amily M*dumes
Sold bf Sherman A McConnell
and all leading Sample
• ent on receipt of ten rent*
Dept 4RI Km heater, N Y,
IIM \ 11 \ 1(1 I W \ VI Ml"
2 Bandits Die in
Pop Parlor Raid
Proprietor Seize' Concealed
Revolver and kilb Robbers
!' Wounded in Fight.
(By International Nrwn Service.)
Granite City. Ill , March 21.—Two
unidentified bandits were slain and a
third is believed under arrest today in
a holdup of a soft drink parlor here
shortly before midnight last night.
The bandits were shot and killed by
Walter S. Nichols, proprietor of the
drink parlor. Nichols was slightly
wounded in the hand during an ex
change ff shots.
One of the bandits was slain as
he bent over the money safe which
Nichols was compelled to open, the
latter told police. Nichols seized a
'Concealed revolver during the holdup three bullets Into the body of
the bandit at the safe, wheeled and
mortally wounded a second who was
holding up four customer!', and shot
the hat from a third bandit who fled.
A bareheaded man was arrested by
St. Louis police early today on tlie
west end of the Mississippi river
hridste and turned over to local police.
Chicago Bank Is Closed;
\ll Its Officers Resign
Chicago, March 21 —The Sixteenth
Street State bank, with deposits of
$5%0.000, was ordered closed Tuesday
by the state bank examiners, after all
its officers resigned. Kxamincrs were
ordered to appraise its books at once
to determine how much money there (
was to pay off depositors.
Repeal Movie Censorship.
Albany. X. V , March 21.—The sen
.i'e at midnight passed the rnoth-n I .
dure « < nsorship iepenl bi‘! by a .ote
of 27 to 22.
lice Want Ads Hi ins Results.
Arbitration by U. S.
Urged by Socialists
Par.*. March 21. — Arbitration by
the United States government of the'
Ruhr problem is necessary, or the
entire situation must be referred to
the league of nations, was the
nanlmous decision reached at k con
ference of Belgian, British, Italian and
French labor and socialist parliament
arians which was held in one °t the
committee rooms of the French
chamber of deputies.
All the delegations were of the opin-1
Sen that the present situation, created ;
through French occupation of the
Ruhr, if continued until "a fatal
crisis,” would prove detrimental to
the pacific reconstruction of Eu
Under the n' law a
man may divorce his wife by simply
proving that she was guilty of mis
■ ondui t.
Don’t Neglect
Ladies — A few days’ treatment wftb
■will do more to dean
-up the skin than all
the beauty treat
ment* in crea
atxxi An im
perfect com
Small POl - Small Dese- Snail Pile#
i:ki \\ vvr \i>^ imi.M. i.ts.
A Splendid Stock
Children’s Easter
Candies in
Candy Shop
— Main Floor
Bu rgess-Nash Company.
Easter Cards and
Novelties Arc on
Display in
Stationery Shop
—Main Floor
Sheffield Silver
The Gift for Easier
In former year* g ft* of Shef
field werr given according to cus
tom. but the bride of today hope«
to receive tht* silver not ju*t be
cause her mother did, but because
she ha* learned of its beauty and
enduring qualities.
Among our popular p ft r cce*
are the new colonial shaped
Sugar and Creamers
in plain and hammered style*,
priced a' $*> 75 ' $15 00 Rum *
ed and platinrm finish.
Salts and Peppers
Colonial style in new shape*
designed with a crest for engra* -
$3.95 to $5.00
Silverware Shop— Main Floor
New Guimpes
To W'par With Suits
The name (iocs not describe
these attractive blouses without
sleeves, (iay colored linens, se
verely tailored, with only pipin'*
and pockets for trimrmnpr. Dainty
dotted Swiss are self or lace
Dainty dotted Swiss, voile and
ret are self or lace trimmed. You
will find these a vast improve
ment over the vestecs of former
•eason. Priced (t>0 QC *nd
at. v * • s* v \j p
Nr< Um Shop M« in Moor
. 'wT*\
rami Apparel
In Most Complete Showing
The drabness of winter fades before the many frocks fash
ioned of bright colored printed fabrics that have gone to India,
Egypt and Persia for the exotic motifs of their patterns. Garni
ture runs almost rampant: makes a favorite of soutache braid
that winds it in a scroll design around the shawl collar of a
suit jacquette, or perhaps reveals itself in embroidered band
ings that run cross-wise in the Egyptian manner.
Three-Piece Suits
$49.50 and (Jp
Poiret twill combined with
jray printed crepe blouses.
Coats : Wraps
$39.59 and Up
Straiffhtline and bloused back
styles fashioned of the season’s
favorite materials: Gerona.
Marvella. Percosia, Veldina and
Cut Bolivia.
Sports Coats
$25.00 and Up
Soft, warm camel's hair has
fashioned the cleverest models
in plain and plaided effects.
Spring Capes
$39.50 and Up
Slim, straight lines, fifie
silken linings and collars of
summer fur. Could anything
be lovelier?
H I Burfeaa-Naah—Ready-to-Wear Sect,on—Third Floor
kj Spring Sweaters
$3.45 up to $39.50
The lure of springtime seems knit
into every stitch.
There are lightweight woolens,
some of silk and wool; others of pure
thread silk.
Slipovers with round and “V"
necks, collared and collarless; also
mannish styles with contrasting vest.
Delicate shades, subdued tones
and livid sport stripes
woven in a large variety of stitches and patterns.
When sweaters are so attractive and so moderate
ly priced it is not an extravagance to purchase
Bur|M»-\a»b — Sweater Shop—Third Hocr
Stamped 5-Piece Luncheon Sets fja
Stamped on unbleached muslin in desigi to be worked in u;:!nt. jll/*
French knot or lazy daisy stitch. Set. .
Artneecile Work Shop—Second Floor
Costume Blouses $6.75 and $7.50
Now arrivals of crepe do chine are made in the overhlouse
style with round neck and short sleeves. The front and back are
embroidered in panel style in pay colors to match the embroid
t red cuff effect and waistband waistline, Gray. tan. fallow, pold,
preen and navy,
7 adored Blouses
Of Dimity
While dimity an d lawr
i hecked or striped, fashions
many of the sweater blouses.
Those made w ith the ever popu.
lsr Teter Tan collars and cuffs
are hemstitched, embroidered
or bound in self material. The
Tuxedo models, with turn-bark
cuffs, are finished with bia?
• and? of R-inchan' ’-'a h $2 P5.
Of Silk
l'le\er suit blouses. Tuxedo
v<i Peter Pan r odeis. trimmed
o:th fine tucks and narrow
pleat inps.
Canton Crepe
Silk Broadcloth
Pussy Willow Taffeta
* ri i«| *.?T
S -**« 54 t<> 44
Priced $7.50 up.
Rurint N*»h R!«*u*e >hop—
Th-fd Flow
A Wonderful Purchase and Sale of
Chateau French Kid Gloves
Thursday J k H orth
Pair Up to $5
Priced so low because we were able to obtain the best glove purchase that
our buyer ever has made, livery pair is a ( bateau glove of fine French kid.
^ Not a pair worth less than tf'J.oO; the majority would regularly be priced at <'».
Sli port
12-Hut ton
Klboic Length
Ill white, black, brown, beaver, mote, tan ami grav Many
styles are heavily embroidered in contrasting color: some
have Paris point and lironoblo stitching, others are overseam and
pique sewn; a few with pearl clasps ami contrasting colored
band at wrist.
Ihntadav K. *»s* M«in 1 . »'i