Morals Squad Finds Dry I ,aw Is Unpopular Frank \\ illiains, Quitting Ser \ ice, Says Juries Often Ig nore Straight Kvidenec of Guilt Presented. Prohibition can never be enforced i in Omaha unit's a great change is 1 wrought in public sentiment. That is the opinion of Flank Williams, who resigned yesterday as head of the polit e morals squad. "With the exception of the times Frank Pineen and Charles Foster were on the bench,’ he said, "pro hibition enforcement officers have not had satisfactory support from municipal court. "In district court wo also were severely handicapped, not by' the judges but by the juries. i have caught nu n in a tunnel actively m gaged in nmonshining and have pre sented convincing evidence to court, only to have the jury vote to free the defendants. Many Homes Have Liquor. "In at least 50 per cent of Omaha homes there is liquor. More than 50 per cent of the people are opposed to enforcement of the ’dry’ laws, many of them to the extent of op posing officers anti lipping off or otherwise aiding offenders. If a holdup were committed, pa per cent of the people would favor t itching and punishing the criminal, ami would help, yet holdups continue to take place. 1 see no way to over come opinion so heavily prejudiced in favor of the rum dealers." The former sergeant has never kept it secret that he did not de stroy the w'ine supplies found by him in foreign quarters if there was no evidence of "liquor selling or dis tilling.’ The coming of a new morals squad head, he said, and a posible change of attituile toward homo wine supplies, "creates a situation filled with dynamite." Bloodshed Is Possibility ■ "Many of the foreigners have been reared on wine.’ lie said, “and regard its use os a God-given right above the influence ef man to molest. T :an confident bloodshed would follow any attempt to deprive them of it. Shot3 recently were fired at federal officers, and the animus can lie traced back to wine destruction. Two of my men recently on a booze raid were attacked by women in the belief they were federal authorities. I/earning Of their mistake, the women apologized and saiil they liad believ'd raideis to be ‘federal wine destroyers Central College Makes Record Winning Debates Special KUpatrh ti> The Omlha I*ee. Central City, Neb., March 21.—Ne braska Central college debaters won a unanimous decision here over tho Hastings college negative teani. Cen tral. a member of the Intercollegiate Debating league r>f the state for the first time this year, lias won seven of tlie 10 debates engaged hi. Mrs. Golda (>. Carrell, member of tin- fac ulty, has had charge of the coaching of both negative and affirmative Items for the college. Do Your Spring Sewing NOW! on the Martha 1 Washington White Electric It is positively the greatest machine ever built. It is a beautiful piece of furniture* as well as a practical s e w i n g ma chine. All you need do—is connect it with a light socket, raise the lid and you’ll find “Sewing by Wire” is a real rlream realized. Easy Payments, Too MICKBCS 15th and Harney Municipal Klcctric Light Plant Urged in Aurora Speiul l)i«[inldi to The Oniulin ISee. Auroi a, Neb., March til—Tlio fit- | izens party in annual caucus nnirtl- J nated Kmil 8. Johnson, clarence 8eo\ill and Cllcnn Anawalt for conn clltnen, and Hr. J. P. Pole and W. 8. Shaneyfelt for members of the school board. The commute of the party appoint ed lHst year to investigate anil report on the electric littht situation tec unintended municipal ownership for Aurora and was inclined to favor a municipally owned distribution sys leni with the idea of purchasing cur rent from transmission lines. The report was approved and ordered transmitted to the mayor and city council. Tentative plans are already being made to hold an election for a bond issue for the new municipal system. Ranch Owner and Banker Dies in Omaha Hospital John Biemer, 02, who followed ranching In western Nebraska since 1M»5, died Tuesday at St. Joseph hos pital. lie was owner of the Bar Circle ranch in Grant county and director of the Bank of Hyannis, Neb., and of the Nebraska Stock Growers* asso ciation. Besides his widow and a step daughter. he is survived hy Ins step mother and half-brother, Kd of Nan von, III.; two sisters, Mrs. Rosanna Sehlade, Fort Madison. la., and Mrs. Dena Dieters. St. Paul, Minn., and two half-sisters, Mrs. Margaret Ran dall and Mrs. Catherine Grabe of Lansing. Mich. Funeral services will he held Friday afternoon tit 2:30 at the Brailey 00 in a decision handed down hy Judge <\ 11. Kelley after overruling a mo tion for a new trial. Veech was found guilty of irregula ties in his office last fall. A petit.on signed hy 600 citizens asking for leniency is behoved to have bail the effect of reducing the jail term. Furnas (lounH I* arm I ami Sold at $212.00 Per Acre Special Dispatch to The Omnlia Dec. Cambridge, Neb.. March 21.—Mr. E. L. Nelms, purchased a 40-acre farm two and one-half miles southwest of Cambridge from John Hicks, for which lie paid 0.500. This was a cash sale Mr. Nelms who had been running the Midget eating house, will make the farm his home, moving to it about the first of April. Long Irrigation V c Tunnel Planned Third I nil in North Platte \ alley Project Now I" He Built. ■.p.-rbil IH«|)Rtrli l» The Ontuhii Hof. Goring, Nob . Marrh 21.—The Uni-j tod States reclamation service is ad vertising f>>r bids for the construction j of tunfml No. 3 on the Goring and Fort Lnrimie unit of the Nort Ulatte j valhv irrigation project. This tun-* ml will pierce the hills southwest of. (Icring about t ight miles, to can y the water into the lower valley. The immensity of this tunnel will attract bids from contractors from all sections It will be 6.500 fo»*t long with ' an 11 foot bore, and more than 10,000 cubic yards of concrete will be re- ! quired for the lining. The successful 1 bidder will have until December 31, j 1924, to complete the work and the! contract will be let . A. Lasher, pioneer hardware merchant of Wymore. and Miss Nina Tumblin. 24, da lighter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tumblin, drove away from their friends and were married by -Judge Messmore at the Lea trice courthouse. They will reside in Wymore. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION gpj! wwgy 6 Bell-ans i Hot wa'ar 254 and 754 Packages Everywhera \nonynioiis $10,0(10 (>ift Donated New Hospital Speeinl Piepntell to The Omaha llee. Seottsbluff, Neb., March 21.—The board of the West Nebraska Method ist hospital, iu process i»f construction hero, has announced a gift of $10,000 from one man unnamed, who is said to live 300 miles front Seottsbluff. Glassing in of the six story struc ture has been finished and the work or wiring and installing plumbing is going on now. The hospital, with an opening capacity of 100 beds, will he ready for use the coming fall. Round buckles arc worn on some of the, new daytime shoes. Professor Lauds Capitol Design Tells Architects Goodhue Plans for Structure Express Soul of State. "A state i upitol is not a mere office bulldlnfi; it is a public monument unci duly conceived should suKKesU in Us forms and adornmen* the ideal* of the commonwealth and, if possible, the cenius native to that earth and air within which the life of the com Daily Prune Recipe Shake hand* with health — every day Suns weet Prune Charlotte Russe: Bake a sponge cake in a ring mold or round pan. If latter is used, hollow out center of cake when cold to form a ring. Cover cake with confectioners icing. Prepare 2 cups of prune pulp [cooked, pitted Sunsweet Prunes, rubbed through a sieve]; add V2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Whip 1 pint of cream and fold into mixture. Pile high in center of cake. Will serve ten to twelve persons. For a small cake use half of recipe. Sunsweet California’s Nature-Flavored Prunes at your grocer *—the new 2 lb. carton Straight Line Maid Linoleum Durable HBI The edge shows you the tile designs are built-in, not printed. The colors go through to the burlap back. The linoleum tiles of the Straight Line pat terns are pressed together and on to the tough burlap backing under a pressure of thousands of pounds per square inch. Is it any wonder that Nairn Straight Line In laid Linoleum wears for years and years ? And it looks new till it wears through because the colors go through to the burlap back. Your dealer knows Nairn. Ask him to show you this durable flooring today. NAIRN LINOLEUM COMPANY, Kearny, New Jersey Largest Manufacturers of Inlaid Linoleum in America W. & J. SLOANE, Wholesale: Sole Selling cAgents 575 Fifth Avr., Now York 216-228 Sutter St., S.m Francuco registered TRADl MARK monwealth is set," declared I’rof. H. B. Alexander of the college of fine Hi ts, I nlversity of Nebraska, Tuesday night at the monthly dinner of tlie Nebraska chapter of the American Institute of architect in the Brandels restaurant. Fifty members were present. The address was illust; 'cd with 100 views of the new i ipltol under construction i*t 1 Jn« oln arid scenes of ancient and nicd!e\al edifice* to whi' h tin capitul is comparable. To avoid possible infection fiom public toilets, a portable wash basin has been invented, made of fabi>o on i folding wire frame t' t • an bo plac I < i) in a stationary bowl. • /-DIAMONDS^, Engagi ment ring . '115 to $8,000. T See Our Special Platinum Solitaire ALBERTEDHOLM I loor City Nat’l Bk. B’dg. AT 288^ Y our New Easter Hat— How much w ilI it 2 cost you . We Offer to Omaha and Council Bluffs Women Easter Millinery at Wholesale Prices Here is Omaha’s largest and most complete millinery stock. Hats to please your taste, of every style—a type for every face. Hats in every wanted color—for street and dress wear—at lowest-in-the-city prices. Shop here first—and save. “One Hat or a Dozen” Whv Pay V' */ More Than Wholesale Prices? Our Retail Dept., Second Floor You Must Inspect Our Stock to Appreciate All That Wholesale Prices Mean Wholesale Milliners - - 12th and^Farnam Sts. High Grade Furniture at Lowest Prices W® buy our furniture direct from the largest msufsctureri, thereby securing the lowest possible price. We buy direct and sell direct—and charge nothing for handling the goods in either a wholesale or retail way. Now is your chance to fix up your home with new furniture at BED | ROCK PRICES. Shop early while the stock is complete. Dining Room Suite SI 31.00 Beautiful period dining room suite, consisting of 66-inch buffet. 48x54-inch oblong table, 5 chairs and host chair. A regular S225 value. Beautiful Three Piece Living-Room Suite Beautiful 3-Piece Living Room Suite in tapestry or velour HigK-frade spring ! construction A regulnr $225 value, priced for th:.* *alr at only ^ * trram—iv. $ 1 50 Vuluf $67.50 Console Fhonogragi s High Grade Instrument. Finest Finish Beautiful Tone. 7 Sc and $1 00 Records, I Bed Poem SuiieT Only - s7S75i .Vpircc walnut pvriod de#»g~* bedroom suite that regularly .ell. at JI95 Th.. •• >"d<-rd a r.r. bargain. Floor Lamp Comclete Full *i*c Lamp*, %»tih cord and • had#, special at, $14.75 Ccirplcte Outfits If you intend to furnish an apartment or a bungalow, here • re some raa! March Sale \ alues in complete outfits: ft Roam* Complete ..... NO 4 Complete . Tft 5 Kchmiii Complete .... ftO Authorized Agents for We carry a complata *tock of Brunawick Phonograph* and Brun*wick Record*. W# Mftk* Trrm« to Suit You State Furniture Co. Corner 14th and Dodge Cutrantrcd Electric Iron s‘j.r»s