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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1923)
Cash Prize Voted ** Memory Victor * May Music Festival to Be Held on Five Wednesday Morn ings of Month. The Omaha Woman’s club at its gen eral meeting Monday afternoon in Burgess Nash auditorium voted $00 to be used as a prize in the music mem ory contest which is being conducted 1 -n the public schools. Mrs. Charles Johannes, president, announced that $150 had been cleared from the sales at the Woman's Ex change which was taken over by the Oman’s club from the college club nine weeks ago. The second annual May Music festi val given under the auspices of the club and directed by Robert Cuscaden will Tie given on the five Wednesday mornings in May, the place to be an nounced later. on the afternoon of March 23 the club will visit the Humane society’s new shelter. During the business hour a memor ial service was held in memory of de ceased members of the club. The civics committee. Mrs. W. S. Knight, chairman, presented Dr. George A. Miller, pastor of the First < ’hristian church, who spoke on “Les sons Gleaned From the Orient With Local Applications.’’ Dr. Miller spoke of the unstnitary conditions that ex ist in the near east, and told of the wonderful results that are being ac complished by Christian missions In hose countries. “We must teach these people how to live, teach them Chris lianity and civilization. The game ap plies to cur immigrants. If we are going to reach humanity we must reach them through the spiritual.'' he concluded. Bishop Stuntz Wished Assignment to Russia Refusal by the board of foreign missions of the Methodist church to give Bishop Homer C. Stuntz of , . Omaha an assignment to Russia was V made known by the bishop during an • address Monday at the T. M. C. A. before the Ministerial union. Bishop Stuntz formerly was on the board of foreign missions, and was assisted to Russia, India and South America. He said he enjoyed his work among the Russians, and spoke optimistically of the country's future. >The soviet government invited the Methodist church to send representa tives to the country to assist in the reconstruction and reorganization of the church there. Serieg of Sales Talks to Employes of Groceries L. L. Montgomery has been retained ns sales counselor by the Omaha Re tail Grocers’ association and will hold a series of five sales conferences on Thursday of each week, beginning March 22 at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Charles F. Kelley of the associa tion atates that ail independent gro cers of Omaha, with their clerks, buy ers and drivers, are ur^ed to take ad Vantage of the conferences. Dr. Pinto Will Aid Mayor ; in His Health Policies' The city health department was taken lover formafly yesterday by Mayor Dahlman, who said there would be no change in its personnel. Dr. Pinto assured the new head of the department his loyal and efficient support. Elks to Go to Plattsmoutli. Forty members of Omaha lodge of Elks will go to Plattsmouth Tuesday night, March 27, to be guests of the lodge at the Cass county seat. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT Barlal Vault* . I L Card of Thank* . 2 " I MnfterlM, Monument# . 3 Florist# . 4 Funeral Director* . 9 Funeral Notice* . 4 Future Event* . 7 Tost ami Found . 9 Notice# . 9 Personals . IV AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. An to Accessorise, 77 res . 11 Auto Agencies . IS Autos For Kale . 13 M Autos to Exchange . It n Autos Wanted . 13 Garage#— Repairing . 14 Motorcycles, Bicycles . 17 Hervlee Station* . 14 Taxi—U very . 19 Trucks, Tractors. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. KAeeordlan Pleating .21 •%TaJlders, Contractor# . 22 Dancing Academies . 28 Detective Agencies . 24 Garage Builder# .23 Moving. Storage ... 24 Milliners, Dressmaker# . 27 Painting, rapering .24 Patent Attorneys .. 29 Kodak Finishing.So.% Photographers . 30 Printers, Engravers . 31 Professional Services .92 Repairing .S3 Services Offered .. SI Tailoring. Pressing . 43 Wanted—Bust nee# Service .84 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Business Colleges ...87 « orrespondence Courses . 84 General Instruction ... 84 Musical. Dancing, Dramatis .40 Trade Schools .41 Wanted—Instruction .*2 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies .. 43 Help Wanted—Female .44 Help Wanted—Male . 44 Help—Male or Female .. 44 Agents, Salesmen .47 situations Wanted—Female ..44 Situation# Wanted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Ttuftlfie## Opportunities .. 30 Investment* ..81 loans on Real Estat#.*...-82 Money to Loan ...83 Wanted to Borrow ...84 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs, Cats, Birds, Pets . 88 Horses, tattle. Vehicle# .. 84 Poultry and Supplies. .87 Wanted—Live Stork .84 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. nulldlng Material .8» t lotlilng and Furs .80 Fuel and eed . 81 Good Things to Cat .83 Household Good* .. 43 Jewelry and Watches .44 Machinery Hq4 Tools .43 ■ Miscellaneous . 44 r Musical Instrument* . 87 Radio and Nupnllr® .. 44 Kepd*, I'lMnt*. Fertilizers . 49 More and Office Equipment . 70 Mtore ftperlals . 71 *wap Column . 72 Wanted to Buy . 71 RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt*., Flats, Furnished .74 7pt* . Flats, refurnished . 75 rFarms for Rent ...78 Garage# and Barns .77 House*. Fnrutat>e«| . 74 Houses. I nfurnlahsd . 79 offices and Mores. 90 Room and Hoard ..41 1 looms. Furnished .43 Room. I nfurnlsheil .48 H* terns for Housekeeping .44 Wanted to Rent .. 95 W her# to Eat .4# 9, here to Rtvi^io Omaha .91 Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Express Scores of Wants Each dav—tome of then, will intere.1 you. Look them over today-and every day. It’. a habit that pay. well. Read and u.e The Omaha Bee “Want” Ad*_the bee-line to results. And, if you wish to insert an ad, phone At-lantic 1000 and ask for an ad taker. _ REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Acreage Property .*9 Business Property . 99 Farms and Hunches ..00 Lots for Nale .01 Ren I Estate—Benson .O'1 Real Estate—Central . 03 Real Estate—Council Bluffs . 04 Real Estate—Dundee . 05 Real Estate—Florence .Ofl Real Estate Miscellaneous . 97 Real Estate—North .08 Real Estate—South .. ..00 Real Estate—West .100 Real Estate—Exchange .J01 Real Estate*—Wanted . 1JJ Realtors .]®J Trackage Property . fw BEE WANT AD RATES loc per line each day, I or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Wont Ads which are commonly termed "public wants,’' and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. Want Ads accepted at the following offices: „ Main office. 17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha. .N. W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000. THE OMAHA DEL reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Call for "Want” Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition . II a. m Morning Edition. ; p. m Sunday Edition.0 P. m. Satw .y These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the ene cost. THc OMA1TA MORNING BE*:. THE EVENING BEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS Burial Vaults . 1 DISTINCTIVE feature*, **e demonstration at factory. Automatic S-tiling Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon yotir under taker using no other. Every vault stamp ed; watch for name on lid. Manufactured only by tho Omaha Concrer* Burial Vault Co.. 621ft N 30th S’.. Omaha Card of Tbankis ... 3 To our many kind fru mis and neighbors who so kindly assisted us and for the inanv beautiful floral off rings sent dur ing ‘the illness and death f our beloved daughter and sister. Kstell- Allbaugh. wo wish to express our -Ini'Te gratitude. MR AND MRS. M. lv ALLBAUOH AND FAMILY CmctoHMi Monument* . 3 FOREST LAWN. North of City Limit*. All revenues for perpetual rare and Im provement. Offices et cemetery and 7 2 ft B r a nd e is_T he a tejv__ Florist* . * lJETARW0N~7^Iur ,li i|IN HATH 1*94 Farnam JA 1*06_ 1.. K.97 Farnam. JA. 121*. Funeral I>irwtorn . *• “ F, Jo STACK' & C9.,~ Omaha a beet ur.d'-rtaktr* establishment *%££ AMBULANCE Thirty third and Farnam. _ HEAFEY &T HEAFEY, ’ Undertakers and Lmbalmers Phone H A ft2*.'» » 3*11 t arnam ( E£TA B LISHED S[NCL 1882.) Crane Mortuary ’Co., CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY .'15 South 20th St. AT. 3*89 add AT 3490 Hoffmann Ambulance Dodgs at 2" rtl Dilactara, JA Ittl. LARKIN’ brothers, FUNUR II Dll 4 • 0O 7 4TH. HULSE & RIEPEN, Fur.'-ral Directors. 2224 Cuming JA. 122* CR0SBY-M00RE .JUU BRA LEYT&TDORRANCE Funeral Notice* . • PRTF.r.HKN~\n•!r*w, . <11*><■«'«. dl-'l March 19. Funeral service Tuesday 4 p. nr. from Burked chaps!. 3405 Fnrnrtni_ St l.nut and F iunn . S PUP—Lott, Boston bnndl'1 hull, f.u e and breast marked with whit*', car* tin Hipped, •'Tew tall Answers to the name, "Gyp" Call HA. 3595. Reward. PORT FOLIO—lost, salesmans portfolio, between 15th and Howard and 18th tint Farnam. Reward. Phone AT. 67*7, 1509 Howard HU_ ___ DOG—Loat ears, four white feet, strew tai Call Judge Baker. JA. 0482 or HA ''"17. Re ward. __ CAMEO PIN—Lost he* worn Br.mdeis store and 14th and Davenport, Wednes day Cal! JA. 4022 or MA 121' Reward PURSE—Lost, Thursday, containing 122, .n 11r near postoffl ■ Reward HA 5043 HANDBAG f < bla • Ing glasses In case. Reward. HA. 4940 i Notice* . 9 I PETER GRAVERT^G It A I N~ L LI Tv ATOR. 2729 North 624 »t, < Personals . 10 THE SALVATION Army ladistrlal hums Hftllclta your old clothing, furrdtur*. mag* slnea. Wa collect. W# distribute Plume JA 413* and our wagon will call Call and Inapwrt our new home, 1110.1112-1114 Dodga street. I" ED i children In country home. Answer at once with particulars Address W-100, Omaha Bee.__ ! WILT* not l.e responsible for nnv debts contracted by my wife. Mrs » .4rrie Nel son. -if ter this dat- Erb* Nelson. (THEATRICAL historical masque <oatumes, ! for playa and parties, at Llal en a. Omaha AUTOMOBILES i Atito* for Kale . 13 . NJ5W and uaed Forda. caah or irrnu, C. K PAULSON MOTOR CO , Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealtra. i 2ft th and A me a Av* KB_0M4 I tTSliT’cara that ran Kn" uaed NEHRAHKA OLDBMOBILK CO.. Howard at lflth At. 1770. T) part f ikes of ran Ford i ard pat fa .C half price. N**b. Auto ] Part a. Ja. 4 •21. fjBKr)(A nn O. N. Honney Motor Co, 25(14 Farnam. LKAVINCl rlfy. muat aril my OMANI'LLR CLUB ROAL8TISH. 1920 model or will • rm*1 e for diamond Al l.7it Room 714 WILL pi a I e* a rata nis dlarount. W. W. Holler. 219 N. 11th H.\ JA. 3ft*? f'A 1> ILL A < It f, pel feci i ■ ha al ly; car ha* had only 11,000 mile* aervlca t;on ca*h or terma to aulr CHH AT l»|7o y on brand new Chav 1 111 u./.v * I PI i * and trlmm 4th .\u(nn Want *4 . !•’» If AV I' *7or»fe for 30i) rare n«ie» f ; 90 up 1120-22-24 No. 19th Ht Phone »VI'i G 4 *i * HUM), bargain* in uaad Eurda. prompt delivery of new Ford* M’CAFFRBY MOTOR CO.. Th* Handy Ford ftervlca Station. | Iftth and Jackaon St*. AT. 7711. AUTOMOBILES — | Autos for Sale . 13 nkw"and used cars at a bargain. Ford cars and trucks, 150 and up. Ford bodies and winter tops. Cara sold on terms to reliable parties. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Oarage. * Opeu Day and Night. 131R Harney Street._JA._2468._ FORD coupe, 1923 model, in use 3 months. Oar has wheel lock, spare tire and runs just like new. A real saving at 1500. | t’anh or time. Dickerson, WE. 354 1 or i AT. 0513. Garages—Repairing . It FcR A-l auto painting, drive to PFEIF I FER’S SHOP. 2525 Leavenworth, 35 yrs. j experience. | BUSINESS SERVICE | Accordian Pleating .21 ACCORDION. SIDE. k7ilfe7~boji pleating. covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleat - ! Ing Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. I Telephone JA. 1938. NEB h A S K A PLEATIN G. ; Hemstitching, Covered Buttons. 1108 Farnam second floor Ja 867^._ Guilders, Contractors . 22 P*>K» || and window s* re.-ns made; old vri'i im rewired, glazing. KM. 3701._ Dancing Academics .23 LEARNT to dance YoT"14 kr kEEp's 1 * 18 lr,:rnam. Classes Mon., Wad. and FrL nigh?* Dancing Tues.. Thurs., Sat. and Sun nights. Private lessons by appoint me* ' _JA. 8470 __, Detective Agencfa* .24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg. la. "0£8j night. Ke. 8812.____ JAMES ALLAN 312 NevllU Blk. Evidence I J • «■»•* a t i * I (•arage Kiiildpr*.25 - ie and aise, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber and Wrecking Co Tel. WE. f.F>6&. <i on compltto garages Mor " - '' Moving, Storage . 2ti FIDELITY STORAGE A"VAN'CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Good* - Pianos - Office Furniture | 1107 - J1 HOWARD ST. Jackson 02*9. EX PERT Chit't, furnlt .j:** packers, fire proof storage Phone JA. 15 4. The i Terminal Warehouse Co. 702 So. lOlb St., Cor. Jones on viaduct. __ ESTIMATE furn on packing, tnov and storing Contracts tak*n by Job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co JA. 4338. AT fl*3». Grossman A Sons, owner* _ Moving—Parsing—Storage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 219 n 11th -ct. Phom JA HH BEKINS OMAHA IRAQI. 18th and Leavenworth fct*. Packing, mov ing. storag**. shipping J A. 4113._ Painting, Pairing .28 PA PEKHAN1 i IN CL painting. - arpenter work, plastering, estimations ard helpful, s'lggfs'.tons free Ail work guaranteed T m Roberts k k • I H ; ■ ■ r;. . - rf Of Ing. Estimates free References furnished P, J. Harter ' • ATI • ‘ PAINTING AND PAl UNO of ell k'nds; work guaranteed. estimates free. • PAINTING, papering decorating n labia fontractor; winter bargains. C. Hall, WA. j 864 A._! PAINTING aiid paprrhnngIng fir t**>nable ; prlee* Qulf*k service. Gall JA. 1336 ; NINO GOOD WORK CALL JA. 1041. PAINTING, PAPER!!'ANGING, good work ' 11 8A. 1323. j PAPERING: painting: wallpaper cleaning., Gall WE 4999 _ ._ I \r Rli ANGI NG snd < * ati njg If A Patent Attorney* .29 J W\ MARTIN Patent Attorney. 1712 DodgA. room 219 Also Washington. D • \ I help nveotor* sell their patents Kodak riRtohlag HA 1 FILMS developed“Tr«c: Pr e list h'-r* Fri day. KAFF STUDIO. 216 NsvtEs B|oek I huti DEVELOPED FI The Unsign Go. 2904 Leavenworth Printer*, Fneravfn . 31 • Professional Service*, X-Rays .32 pounds* at th# J. sherman A McConnell Drug Stores DENTAL X-ray loc each; 13 full set - I Service* Offered .31 e • •> s i flat work and lace curtain*. Mrs. M. L. j .Lines Gall WE. 5579. ____ ■ r . id*- over In near tick* ■' hfl f price of ' re w bed s 1907 fuming J A 2 487. <,.!•* he.-*' *• •» install'd stoves rnnnected WE. 4480. EDUCATIONAL lluainc** ( <d!ege* .87 DAY 8< HOOD—NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, machine i bookkeeping, < omptomatrv, shorthand and ; typewriting, railroad and wireless tele* , raphy civil service and al! English snd •commercial branches Write. cal! or i ;.hona Jackson 156- for large Illustrated • catalog. Address BOYLES COLLFOE Boyles Bldg . Omaha Neb _ VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 3 E for Nineteenth and pour>«. JA 6*90 Trade School* . 41 *0 - h .*• d r ■ « to barber trad#; big demand; w iges while | Darning arrictly modern Call or write 1408 Dodge *l Tri-nty Barber College M' i LEV. HAIMIKU i ‘ 'l.l.Kb K 110 8. 14th Ht Write for raising j EMPLOYMENT Mi Ip W mlert—Female . 41 We at Ml hava a few more opanfnga for < xpar|*tv*ri operatora ami Irarnrra to do plain atlt«-hl’ig work ort power machine* in ■ njr enlarged Mina Taylor dreaa nnd apron i dapartmmt. rhla i* "Ur opportunity to good ) w agrg and roo'ur* *te«dv employment w ith , 'lie brat, of working condition*. M. K SMITH A CO. DATMOHT FACTO IlIKS 97U ANP UOITHLAW__ ; WA NTKP gIr! to aolh it• buatticag. Muat j ua4 * planing pcraonallty stata ugr. j pravloua • aperient# and aalary #*pect*d. ' Addr* *a W-U«\ The Omaha Her ! W ANTI-IP compel *nt w hite g:rl for g»n 'oral houagwork Two in family. Ilrfrr ! rp-*■ rr*|Ulr4»d 1924 Mltin*y St Trl. WF 'i __ . ETaHT to r: weaita pi i " - you for a i fln»« offh a poaltton ' * 1 A't 7774 or 'write Aiti*Tl< an * olleg*. J * | P Farnam ! WANTfcP t’ninpeoiit whit# girl for g»n ji'fal houaawork Mr* II F. L.owrr, Hlk I ^ «Tihi work and h»dp with tha rara of chil dren HA 1 ■ “' __ ... f. ■< md wni # > i halplng with • lilldran Mr* A W cJor* I He Ip \\ lulled—Mule . 41 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O O o 5 O <il.r> M ION. o O W# havn light employ meat for igv* O O oral old man. The hour* hi* about O O *1* Per day and tha pay good. O O H« * Mr. Tanhenaop at Omaha Itr* o Q nffp-e. morning-, between il and O 10 1- unlock. O o o j o o j OOOOOt»OOOOUQOUOUOOUCJOOOy u , I, , , EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Male .4i» ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o O TEAMS AND TRUCKS TO HAUL O O COAL. O O O O O O PEOPLES' COAL CO., O O O O 11TH AND CHICAGO STS. AND O O O O 30TH AND BOYD STS. O O O O O O O o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooboo o o o o o o o b o boo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O’ WANTED—First class retail fur- O O nlture salesmen. Must know their O O business. A i hance to make from O, O 13.560 to 14.000 per year. St. Paul O O Iloure Furnishing Co., St. Taul, O O Minn. O O O O O O O I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOj OOO OOOCOO OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO o . o o o o TEAMS* WANTED O' o O o TO O I O O i o HAUL COAL O o O o A W. BONNER COAL CO. O* o o: 0 O ftrtrtrtnrinnnnriflnfiftOflOOOOOOOO PAINTER *n<l p»p<t lunipr i-i- . pprU-TM'-I. ,iooil 9nd la-llng job for thr liKllt ni9n. only Rood men need in reply. M. H. Rohweder, DMhlrr, Stb. XX A .VTKf^-Ti; AMP AM' TRP'KM TU HAIL COAL COME T'A 16TH AND rlERCE HTREETF. CENTRAL COAL & COKE TOMI'ANX'. JA 3"i;_ PI,ATEN rr,»min wanted. Ona who knows Miller feeder*. Inquire Jacob No» ih A- Co.. r.lneoln.^Nrb. _ Help— Main or Femsto ... ■ 4< WANTED— Saio**man and salesladies. also sale* manager for sa!*s fore*. Ask for Dawson, Tuesday. Boos 101 NsviUs hjotH.__ Agt-nt*, Salesmen ... 47 pTi I SMEN .■ .ir.'rd—Ily April 1 i two salesman ' ■ s* II our pharmaceutics s used by drtigg and doctors. The S. E Mas (p’rg;ii Co. Western Branch, Kansas City. Mo. ____ I b AI. I .S M A N — for territory J'**k phone re, ■••iv.-r hold-r appliance. Big eeller. Writ- for Information. Hands-Fr*e Phona A p p!! a n i * ■ Co. 1556 Franklin Ft, Oak* land. Cal.__ I • **■11 guaranteed silk hosiery . good propo - -. » produ* • ra. Style Silk. Hosiery Co, 22? J.eflsrg Bldg. __L . . . - | Situations 'Vanttii—I emale 4H RELIABLE colored woman wants day v day, or cook .ifternooa dinners. Wl*. 2444. ____ Sltuatioo* Wanted—Mala . t9 i »FFI< f: Jerk. *iKr'?n«* .>n* ;«'ar rofer .-n **. salary reasonable. Address W-147, Omaha Be*. FINANCIAL nntfnn— 0$$portanHteh . 50 POOL H A LI7”for sals ln It'* oil town; 6 table, new B B. C. Three.rhalr bar ber outfit in connection Bldg. 25x11®. G* ... 1 tar fixtures. Will sell cheap Rea «.»n fur selling going n the oil game. K .1 NT-cum. Marmirih. N D • man to establish in big paying business. Small Investment required to secure mer chandise Lor particulars see Mr. Staal duynem. Hotel Rome FINE grocery and meat market in Coun - :i Bluffs for sale Will consider good first nmr'gage or -.on’ract. Reason for sale going into other business. Address W-132, «*m*ha Bee. __ » »»\ LLOTIONERV f--r av> ' on stock, gof.d future*. Only one In c-.unty a*at. Western Nebraska Good location. 16 200. Address Y :25s. Th* Omaha B»e^ . None here Plenty of busin**? You c*n ire . sp’ fid.d nff.c« room by »r; William Madgctr. Hastjngs. Neb. _ , Poll" r ALb-\ ii- Jiums equipment and sto- k doing g * 1 bualneaa. Write *03 *l0th fit., Boone. I*. vROOM br'SVk. walking distance, all or part furniture le t location. AT 4261 M.rAH GARAGE FOR FAT.17 Owner must, sell to look after other Inter ests Call AT. 6114__ ►GRAPH worth 11*0 for engraving t< -untatn pen In gold leaf Complete, $60 ♦ Brand ala rhas tar B ig. Good buy In 12-room rooming hoUM, di fr-q from owner All modern. Rent $66. 11 -tin* $17 5 w < 'king d: tan e. AT ?4$1 G A It AG l -itorrs cars ■ -n be used for laundry, ina- hin- shop; st* t n heat 492$ ft 25th_MA_ 41#0___. M ■ \ ! ' . v si kpe«s. fully equipped :,A4« Fton* Av# . Omaha Jjll^KF. 54 2 2 _ __ Ion IFal I'.Htair . St (M AND «%'MONKY Loan. nn Omaha tmprov«4 proparty at lowest late*. I RANK II BINDER. «2" »*11v K$t JA. 1111. ‘ VKAft" FirY IS)AN5 Quick service, low cut rate* optional ray* rnente, setni-annuai Interest J. H. DAY A- CO, I £T < ' • * ’’’ * 4 *>4 WE hivs rath on band to loan on Omaha residences E. II I-OrOKF INC. ISB K —Una I< dft STRAIGHT ft- ear loans. 81% par cent AM Oft GRANT CO.. 301 9. Hth. Arthur Bid* AT. j SV r.t, on <-7fy prop.rty; quickly closed. No monthly payment!. JA. 16SI. W. T. GRAHAM j OMAHA HOVI.8-KA.sT NEB. FARMS OKEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. KU< Cm Nat Hk Pull _ JA. 2718 , ro i loans mad< r D. WE AD and !> II BOWMAN. 10 H IMh Wend Hid* AT 1111 FIRST mortgage loans made promptlv on Omaha real estate. MhoPtn A Co. Real tors JA. ft”:" !S8 Keellna Hid* CASH paid ror 3d mort«f.^es on Omaha propert*. I V Ifo'scek A Co., 440 lat Natl. Bank nid* AT III! 1 MONEY to loan on farm* and leal .State MTEBft A ft A IN BOLT CO* ] 434 Omaha Nat > • ' l| -'4 " farm i f • r*e or small West Neb farms, ranch** • stm*nt Co, 14* fV, AND * PE R i KM -N <» D» I.A Y GARVIN BID'S. 1*4 Oitl Nat I R’dg Nl .Money to Loan . T7MTWTJ '' DON'T tat IIIOII RATES We l »an any amount up to laOo at *h* lowsst rates Can be repaid In es»y monthly payments tosuit > our convenience. nm II . n*e«| and bonded and b*'e been Iti business over 10 year* therefore, \oii are mn* of a quick, confidential and square d-al « -MAI1A LOAN CDMIVANT ft* Kerbs* h ftlk Telephone Ja ?•#& Southeast Corner 1ftth and Douglas tits CUX « •• !»ans 46 and up on waste < in and furniture; confidential. SI yra evtab M3 VV .rld-Herald Hldg JA I2M PEDIORFMp pet bull terrier, ft mna old Intelligent pet MA OHI, KITTENH White Angora, ITOft South Fifteenth ft! , AT n7l9 • I, . •. W. 'J .. ; - — » llomm, (AllIp, Whldwi . M 11A ItNIiisft, the beat that can ha made, at first ooflt We make them oursejveg wnd sell them dire-t to the farmer* liar* ! n-e* fmm |1j to 1110 Alfred Cornish, j 1310 Kartiain ftt . onmhi, N*>u r ARM til1: ARM snd Inui'I * t wholesale jprbis AT «!*<>, 110h Miholaa St. I FINANCIAL Horses, Cattle, Vehicles . 56 ooobobooooooooobooooooboo o o o o o Free for the haullnr. aheap and O O cattle manure. O O ° o Swift * Company, O O ° o 27th and Q Sta. O O South Omaha. O O O o o oooooooo ooooooooooooooooo *“ WnKK HORSES FOR SALE. UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO., tr’rd and < harlea._tVA. 0667. Poultry and Supplies . 57 YOU buy The test chicks for the least money, shipped everywhere: guaranteed a live or replaced : from Colwell'a Hatchery, Smith Center. Kan _ BUY your chickens from a poultry fudge. Illustrated catalog free. Smiley's hatch ery. Seward. Neb. _ BUFF Leghorns, Anconae and R. L Redtf egga for setting and stock. Rich ards, 1009 Pacific, Call AT. HI*._ for SALE—White Leghorn hatching eggs. Will also have lota of baby chlcka In about 2 weeks Call KKN. 4534._ BUFF" Orphlngton eggs, per 10". John Vacek. 671". S 24th 8b MA 2917._ LOVELY Eng. i ornlsh game cockerels. 60 pulleis, fertile hat. eggs. 4087 8- 241h St BULK "ORPINGTON HENS AND COCjt EREI.S. CALL WA. 6566. j MERCHANDISE Clothing and Furs .60 Full DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent J A. 3121. 109 N. 18rh Street. J. Feldman. Fuel and Fred . 61 KINDLING—Load, 14 30. BradfordKen n*-dy_Co, JA. 674ft. Household Goods . 63 I IERENTABLE MERCHANDISE. You can deptnd upon the quality of the goods offered for sale In lh« au-tion.". at gteph* nnon'* an h*;nK f!r*t cla»a. When you buy on gooil Judgment, you cannot u««r In the *n'.* Tiir»«!»y at 1 30 p m vou will be afforded th- opportunity to hid or. your er-iectlon of furniture from several lot* of household good* MTErilENH'»N AUCTION HOUSE, 1609 Capitol Avi. LOWEST “WAN I ' A D~RTvrES Irsier rest. In Omaha Telephone your “Want” Ad to AT 1000 ar t aecure beC*r result* at EXPERT tewing machine repairing. M1CKELS. If t h and Harney AT. 4161 rcRNITL OE AT AUCTION This Aft ernoon and Tomorrow Night. I><>\vi>s arrrion hoise__ Jewelry and Watches . 61 diamonds; We pay the beet price, with privilege to buy l a k at small profit. OROgS JEW ELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 402 N. 16th 8t_ Telephone Ja. Hit.__ Ma< liinrry anil T«>ol* . 65 'Vf-rtingho'iao electric motor, mounted on frame WE ^_5 4 1 __ Musical Instrument* . 67 TRADE your uaad piano on a new r:»>fr plan Kalan a a» low aa 110 par month A HOfPK CO. 1513 Douglaa.__ Sion* and OffUr Kquipment .70 F?H| PA I.K -Royal meat chopper; ele<-tr«c grind with ptdeata!; la good ihipt Pi l»o here !' t» Box 127. Chappell. Nej^ -afe- mil* de«fc*. allow caara. etr. Omaha Fliture A Supply Co.. • v net lith and Douglaa JA 7'?4 Swap Column . 72 N< »TICE TO PWA P PER£ You may inaert a three-line "Want" Ad for three daja und< » tha claaa! flea *. or. A t.ot nutnbar w.ii ba affixed and you call tor your replloa. If you clone a d*al 'ou pay for your advertising :h tha r»gu;*r wav. if not. V- * will cancel eharp* In other werda— NO 8 WAP—NO PAT I Thia offer la good only in Omaha and *\»-lud*a all bualn*aa ada Ri^lnawa \v*r.t ’ Ada In thia column will be charged our regular rataa NO SWAP—NO PAT I HlKNEP^gatTh-*• • spring, at. f matt .---as, a>-*|r fan and iron t‘»r duofold or what ha\e you 8-232* Omaha Be®. iWAP 69 a-r< * at Honoy •'.«*£. I* - 12 .-»-rcH elearetj. balance :n hardwood timber. rth almost as*ed Ad lrr*» S .41. »»mah* Hr*** _ HAVE 12ft »• re lmpro\®d farm in low* Will trad* for Omaha property e^ui'a * nt to 115,000. Addret* 8-3*1, Ornaba Bee___ 5E\EN passenger car ;n perfect tu*«>:anloa' « million Trad® aa part pa* i iTi' or :e*;denca or lighter tar. 8 257, • Mil.i ha Beo IL'O SHARE IB Higgins Packing • t.aha *•> for ur*-d car or *omcthlM f equal m!u«. Addrcaa 8 o>6, umaha R«*e 11 Acrks of c'trua fruit land in i^uih n California, to swap aa ftrwt pajme-t - n <Mnahj property. Addre*a 8 251, i maha B^e. Wll !. tel <• < « r NR part ptymUl M f room bungalow, dealrabl* location. All paved A rral bora* 8-715, The Omih» H*e.___ TYPB 51 Cadillac touring. will trade for lighter «ar, Addr**» b-155. Omaha B** > 9I F'"Hli ' on iru i. *" M d fire*, for fur niture, or what bare you” J*-5!7. Omaha He-_ ___ 11 room brick rooming house rented. in come lit# Rent 111 Ford aedan ftrat I aym*nt. Addr*"* 8-294, Omaha Be* FULLY equipp'd garage, tenfral Nehrae v Alao modern home S*ip for Oma h ■» property 8-92t. Tha »»rp.aha Bee. t ■ •unty «•’»' VS III «wip for email farm. Add t e«« 8 • 7e. Omaha Be*_ WIM, * vc • p new Fi r.1 . a r. taking • n \*»ur old car aa part payment, balance on very • n» t• rme Addr>-«« s ?r.g, Omaha Be# GOOD modern »tore building In email !(<’»n for late model I'tlan car. Addrcaa S ;J7. The Omaha Bee ale trl< chandi let will ee i p Iei diamond «tt< h or ahotgun. What have you ? B-57i »tmehe Be I. Al'Y, ib.mond ring, beautiful act (mg for lot or F«*rd. Pr.4 e ll.s Addreee 8 .‘C... <>tnaba Bo*. _ __ f ? J 0 FglTTY In t«n • '>rn*r lota for mort gage note 4*r far. i mh difference 8 6*5, Omaha Bee. FIRFI-MPH rooking «*■ tang- root 5.4 What hare you ’ Aditrer* 8 ?*>. Omaha B • , 4 «■ and mirror for 3li4 nr* 8-51*. Omaha Baa fn T % II,' > IN aedan. treda for c»*' nr Ford touring Addreee F-255. Omaha B e _ _ _ I l.Ki'THli washer and electric \|brafor In fine ehape. to a'vap for what h«'f vou" Addr**" S IM. fh* Omaha Ho* \* | LI trade i mi | et< ■ a1) I * n a ing utflt for ahotgun or rifl* Addraaa - |< • on the Baa __ HOI SK r•■■•!»» Imuir n MH'ua l.uaa to • nap for & to .m buncalow with fireplace, In I* imjee. Addrea* 8 M7, Omaha Baa JO \( Hi ft in Butler Co,. Mlaaourl. ta II. 1 d 4 What hava you? Addreea 8 MI. ■ i V * h i4 Bet _ Fl.F« THH * othing mn hfne, cahlnat Vl< tiola and 1‘hltaon dlac m«'hin*. Addfeaa 8 Omaha B e SWAP watet’eea aoap rAOlpe. will make five gallons f «*r VPhnt hava you* Addr*«« 8 '*54. Omaha Bee \V 11 I, take need f ar In on ll l<'0 equity In r • home Want vaab |4oa. 8 til, t una ha lb * i fou r fin* Indian tanner duck*. trade’ fot h*na or whachave >ou? 8 24S, nmaha Bet. ^ _ _ N I. M long tango fib* aef, alao at' mile «r>*tal •*( for gond light car. caah or •la* 8 f»t» Omaha Be* «'14h'KK N‘8 pigeon* elect rt* cabinet, ault able for radio. Ar o!n heating plant Ad i|i**a 8 |M OmahA H** Mil.I, H««u h. i - hbvcla N't girl* Ad dr«M 8 23n, uiimh* lira, MERCHANDISE ---' Swap Column . * - LARGE i oil. top desk and nwlv.t chair swap for what have you'.' Address 8-226, 1 naha He*>. So. 1 Appeison chummy I-cylinder for sale or trade for lighter car. Address K-233. Omaha Bee. HOUSEHOLD goods to swap ' radio amplifier, dilamond. or what h»'» you? Address 8-845. Omaha Bet,_ BUICK four raadstsr, I ad* fop c*rp*nt*r work or house painting. Call Mr. Lon, Harney 0123.__________ FINE \ul< anizing outfit, good condition, swap What have you? Address 8-504, The Omaha __ FA KM LIGHT plants e-vap for livestock. Omaha lots or small closed car. 8-930, Omaha Bee. _ __ 6-ROOM, oak fin bungalow for improved acreage, north or west. S-980. Omaha Bee. __ WILL exchange cottage at Carter Lake for automobile worth four hundred dollars. 8-926, Omaha Pee.__ A 166 21-Jewel watch for 24x4 cord tires, very slightly used or new, standard make. Address S-?82, Omaha Bee _ FINE layout of baby clothes for what by* you? Address 8-970, Omaha Bee. Wauled to Buy ... *3 DESKS DESKS. DESKS. New desk*. ueed deeks bought gold snd traded J C Reed 1207 Farngtr. AT. <146 MAGAZINES—Ar.d was'e paper. We highest prices Frlcdrnsn Bro- l)th and Davenpoft 6's Phone AT. 2823. j RENTAL Apt*.. Flats, Furnished .71 TWO and 3-room apartments. private baths. *'*am heat Brown apartments 50* North Twenty-first AT. 7 44R._ TH R LA TO N A. completely furnished, talking distance «t 5* L ♦ r H St. AT 7S21. FARNAM St . 20(3, hole# front apt steam h< at. bath everything furnished. Reas. HUNTER INN A r. «M*—24tb ar.d Dodge Sts. Home for traveling man and wifa bTnn ;y ft. 1503—Large 4-room apt, n,c cern. Psar n.__ $ 12. WE 22<»._ TWENTY-FOURTH 4*27 5 —Modern apt. ! for two or f >ur aduHs. garage | 1 312~~r:MMKTT—3 or 4-room* furnished *±l9- WK ;9n- ! | r T r__ , Apts., Flats, V'nfurnished.75 I ooooooooooooooooooooooc O APARTMENTS. O | O No. 4 S’vretwood. corner of Dewey O O Ave a’d Sweet wood A’-e. be- O O tween 25th Ave and 2<th F' Liv- O O ‘ng room, bedroom and k.tcben O O *60-15'). O O No. 11 Klngrborough. "31 Dodge O O 8* Living room dining ron'. O O kitchen. dr easing room with wail O O bed *6*-*55. O O No. 7 Ivy. 25*7 N 14th Ft Four O O good roor.y roon.i and p0*5-b $• O O No. 11 Troy, 3f‘*9 Harney Ft A O i O four-room apartment, well locat- O O ei and well arranged *€2&f- O O I57.M. O O No. 19 Flo Lei, 20th and Capitol o O Ave. Four large rooms. In a v e-y O O convenient close-in location. *65- O O *57.50. O O No 2 Potter. 2161 Far ram 8* A o O home-llke 6 room apartment, well O O located *90. O O rtTF.RM TRUST COMPANY. O O “Where Omaha Rents.'* O O AT. *544 17th and Farnam F*s O OOOOOOOOOOO OOP O O OOOOOOC OJD TURNER COURT. In one of Omaha » most desirable resi dential districts. Opposite park ar.d boulevard; *hrea rooms with five-room I accommodation*. Ore apartment available at on< e. Janitor. HA 6*9« O V HAUSER. Mgr M. BEAUTIFUL 5 room apartment, Hudson 2*7 Sou'll . <th Ave Very choi Walking distance Ca.I Janitor, HA. 172* or JA. 0746. MYERS A RAINBOTT rn. 4: i Omaha N \Va xVak Trelj— M d»rn o|ij f.>er apartment, four large rooms with alcove rnd bath, hardwood floors, walktng dis tance. janitor service; faO. \ I ar : . • * ». * W. J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management AT *9v* Keejlne B.dg ' **ne. apartments of two, thr*-** and four | room*, have been newly decorated Ap I ply to office, »3I f* 24th JA. 7 4 22 _ DUNDEE—Pra 11 v !y new sr' 4 r omi . I s 1 furnished. 11*0 per mon’h H a 4 54 ~ IT T E R S T RU ST COMP A NT “WHERE OMAHA RENTS" [AT 6*44 17 th and Farnam_Bta. FOR ONE or DRAKE 8 ld«4 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 1405 TENTH ST, 1131 B—five rooms south, utslde apt. Absolutely modern At 639* ; NEW, strictly mod 5-r. apt., steam heat, ! private bath Inquire .‘*"7 S 33d Ft. I FOURbROOM apartment steam heat, low \ -ent O P 8'ebbins. 1*1* CMrag_o_8t_ Farms for Rent . 76 V A R MS—~4 6* acres «4 arr-s and 16* a.'ree. Near iimuhv All good improvements. 1 Ciarace* and Rama .77 < l!oti*«*«, Furnished ....... NT—4-r fut !sr park district. Immediate r »»* **ion. Call KK 464*___ Houam, rnfumishod . 79 M • « ept heat, garage, f Also 919 S Slst I vt . t-room, partly modem, garage, 14* I Kdllh Earle_39*4 Charles Rt._ ’ 1'uK RENT— Beauttfu! new 4-room hou*e on Florence boulevard Oarage Possession ! April 1, tall KE 0*46._ • I nice, electric lights, close in. Call WA. __ M A RC1 11 • * 1 si * * • pi heat, garage. *35 Edith Karl*. 3139 Charles 8' __ _ _ . . Deer Park Blvd nns all mod - 1 rrn. newly decorated, on rar line | fin CAPITOL AVE —5 room mederu | house. r*rt *** Call HA 69*5 ______ . 3*09 Farnam Ft. —7 room* and keeping ■ • EARN A M St i. brick, a e [ room* Call AT SITS __________ 111 \, ' 14 — 4 ioi*ms *.- * Omaha Loan A Bldg Aaa'r *14 8 JlST 8T—4 room** partly modern 1 sarag >40 Edith Karl* 3*** «'h«rlcs 8* AT 6797 — Beautiful furnished »-room flat ••asonabie __ ^_^ ^ Office* and Store* .AO ; 1 "“row SENT S'nra HutUllng 131-• iHMiflu Atraat. v» . ntu April la* Wtrahoui* \»ith »'o‘.d Moiaga faeUltlea l«th an.l Pawnporl. GAM AGM Fit A Ntl*<‘N _ JA 3Mt ki’ACE—• Individual apaca In h#»tad. fir# proof davligHt Mg !’a»a*ngar and iir<|ht r’a>alnra. I oar rant In.luatnal Hidg . I 71h and Wrhatar E. 3413 ♦ihliMl an! l HI' 4 floor#. Mb J* I M*li A’ for rant Nuifabla for HgHI manufaifur <ng. raataurant or roomi or in comblna* I inn ^ ■ J.Ixmi n i; r of atoraga rant all or pari; ilira.ltia ralr North 19th M 1 I f floor, «rll th At hPAfl" *i*h or alih#ui d#al» ,Ta 41*■*’ I I _- — .J '• * —mr:v - - , y .» V{«M»in and Hoard . HI l»OFGL\N, 3*31 —Povaly room with go I ; maala in a »r*i horn#. r»aaonaht* AValu i ing diatanr# If A 7*.1J _ _ \ . k ■ * b • '• • | pi vllrgoa an.l < tokmg " \ ft 4 4 9 IW A ftftHk- 1'n» > daooratvd room a in lor#, ll. ■ i n i* Mn!« Imr * ' N 44th M Uooma. V nrnUHod H? i PINK NICY Ar 1 f I — l«arga pfaaaant I room, pro ala family. fft par w»#k W l l * 4 MA ISO* W ilful rm . vary »##'. n#b|# for I bualna#a girl In A Omaha, baat ra*td Nrl M«• 11 * t m at an m b( ft If N iMh At RENTAL Room*, Fnyniiliod .. .. . * free roo>Tdir'ecT6rt for ROOM HUNTERS. Should jou fail to find Hated below the room you want, rail at the “Want Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New 1st Issued each week. And, If you vj?nt to insert an ad of your own phone AT. 1M0 and ask for Miss Smith, our 'Room for Rent" specialist. __ FOR n on only, running hot and cold wa ter. Brown s Ba* helor apartments, 601 N* 21st St. AT 7 4 4>.__ INVE8TIOATB THIS FIRST —Wa king distance, very desirable. Gentleman pre- j ferr* d. Reference* JA, 4:,'J2_ . • i tr act! vi erette if dealred; '*fe nearby; reason able garage. 271s 21 at._ niiCAtiO, 2617 — Large front room, new. modern homo; use of grill or kitchen per mitted. HA. 5271 _ ____ IN DUNDEE-—Nicely furnished room with or without privileges Cal! Sunday or evenings at 6 p m WA. 2309 8U Lf,l wuul^ AVE.. 410—Room suitable for two, in modern brick flat. Close in. TWENTY-8IXTI! AV LZ~, 212 S — Room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, reasonable. HA. 46$% iTjEAL room for gentleman. Dundee, close to car; every comfort- WA 006$. ATTRACTIVE r<^,ni>. garage if desired, high g n f t gh bo r h o n <1 IIA. 2 370._ Rooms* l nfuniislifct *•» pleasant rooms in West Farnam home; ideal for aummer. WA *172 __ Rooms for IicHJsekpppIng .84 UREE ROOM~DIRECSOR Y for ROOM HUNTERF Should you fall to find listed below ‘he ! ro'.m you want, call at the "Want ' Ad ounter of T1 * Omaha Bee /or a rc^m ! director' The <_'maha Ft** mainta.ns * itrtici f - your i BTi&ittei. Hew st Issued ea»h we*k. And. if you want I to Insert an ad of >our o * ;i, phor * AT. I 1000 and ask for Miss Smith, our "Room ; for Rent" specialist _ ' I rr nj ap's. nicely furnished furnace he**: everything furnished; also sleeping rooms. | Call AT. 36o2. _ _ ! J OUR nice unfurnished rooms f<-r houae | keeping: h^at. jlrht. and water furnished | Hans**©ra Park district HA Z**' EIOHTEEENTH ST., 1 * J ♦ N—Houaekeep j mg rooms, modern. gr< md floor. Two i Mocks to far Wg *r'6S __ | dodge s- —Fingie suit*. * r«?vmi and kitcheae*.*.e, modern, newly decorated, j |9__ FARNAM 8T }H1—Two housekeeping [rooms everything complete. $' JO. HA. MAPLE ST, 2$J4—1 or 5"” iarg*. airy h< i«» keep * g rooms, partly furr shed WE 1170. _ __ _ WE :4'5 (Tf 1 » Newly f urn shed rooms, private family fine location. _ TWO rooms. completely furnished for | housekeeping, prlva’e home. AT T"«7. FT. MART'S 2STI—Tw -room At t . well furnished, range sir.'/. i^e box Close in. WE. '*.’4 »T*- —4 fir-.shed hnu«ek *»ep :Rg rooms nr.d garas* In Keuntis Place. I'OnrtE. :r i o—>i weekly else., heated. W here to Slop in Omaha .. 87 HOTEL FAN FORD—iPth and Farnam. HOTEL HENSRAW-lftta and Farnam. Special ratea to permanent guests. j REAL ESTATE | F"«rm* and Ranrhra ... ■ ■ 9S ; ‘Tand’Opportunity’* for our special ludueemerUa to ! settlors on our Cht « Ceotral W lac on sill lends Best of r!ir Lam so!’, good roads, water, ; schools, ne-ghhe-a and markets. We have % real propoait on for peorle of small mesna who want to own a goo-1 farm fc'-me. No speculator* or agon's wanted Writ# today for cur special prices and I terms to actual settler*. JOHN F. OWEN* LUMBER COM PANT. Owen, CJark county. Wiacocsln. Ranches and Farms for Sale ; W» have acquired trie through for* - lesure. to ranrhe* and farms In Nebraa* a. Wyoming 6'Jth Dakota and Kansas ! Ws sre not -n the r»r. *h farm or real estate botliues and off*' these prop* j for sale *- lass than rr*-* ar j ;r; »■ We can save you money. No ram* J ” #«.one to i t' Term* to responsible j phrues NO TRADES Addr »# J B H., ! ‘44 * n No Rk R!4ff . Cm*ha. Neb FOR~?\LE—« 4 re farm. !» mile? "*st f Irv!r.g*on. Neb, on Military r a<L F >r 1 information call J. h Herron, WA. 4DJI j r : __ •ACRE firm—For Mlf. at end of I meat, on tier re', t-rrpm h ’use. : story barn. gSx«:. garag*. fexS?. 'a of lrn j provsments *'a.l KL 4fft**Ff I "i» for Saie .. 91 ~ Must BTSolfi Tha*? Lot i Pu.dea LOT FKKT Geerge and Ccmpany, :i ALTORa ;_ _AT 3ft?4 _ will i’.. i to ) or ordar on our • ful lota .n Y ig*wv>d, vary aa*y tenia j Phona Atlantic IS4 6 _ —Lc: 4 \ l 3i rn W;»t S near 4ird T-av#d atre*’ r.aar car lin*. C. A Grim* mat._J A l <1$, _ Heal Estllc—Dundee ... 93 Large Dundee Home Brick \rnrrr. not raw. but good condition , Two lot*, garag* JA Oil; 71* N. 41TH ST. 9« >h1 4* ' - DOl’GI AS ST > voog. 41*7 tTMINu 8 r . |> Of OLOVLR A SPAIN' J A :«** 1 IH'NDEE he in a. T rooms, m<>d*r-. garag*. <4 SL oak f ntah $' !4« l i,. terms. * Real Eat a te—Florence .96 N* TITaVaY h r:.* apart” *pr■ :* *t ~tn rorth and t rorarry < » hr*« cnl* ) KF !4<* j 3fc.~.T. -TT Mi ,c——3^:—- -r; Ileal Fatale—Miscellaneous ... 97 6000000000000600600000006 Mr. Renter f I o o o no TOl* want \ HOME • o o o O If veu hava a < >a- lor a * « O I o build a h-’-n# on it to -u . O I 6 and turn *h all tha mor-*> No O j O cash r*'<jmr*'i Wa our O I O o^n plana frr* *f * a build Cal. O C today for full in forma tMni O 1 § Herren Heme Financing % I % Company ® | O O IO J tRTIM'ft vIlRlSTl' Mg" O o o o IT 14 Douglas Sr .1 A. J'«* O | O O i oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO HOMES for wafklngmaa Feur roams partly n»o<t*ru full lot. aa** tarn • St.ftt Hava oth-ra S»*aart Raman 1 ' W Mil.:; in v v A . i .' :s.. ■ REAL ESTATE | Krai Estate—Miscellaneous_. “Distinctive Hemes When built to your order oy ua fives yr ■ the service? of »h* architect. mglneor ar-' builder. We build our own homes, r. subcontracting. Evenings call JA. Hit or KE -.:'33 Bensen & Garrett, Builders 414 Arthur Bldg_AT. 40, ! KT r~ i i i and finative your new home • EQl'ITA BLE TRt'rfT COMPANY. |f LET < *a Vniib^li'sa' *• >ou mono by ha'inr him build your bung* 1 Beet construc tion. 637 Kreline, AT. 804*. __ Rpal Batate—North .98 CHOICE BRICK BUNGALOW Brand-new, five room* and bath, all «-n one floor, oak main rooms; birch in bal an i only 1 Hr blory a *o <*' ^ f?' 5 '.BORNE REALTY CO., Pi**'- Trust Bidr JA. 22>? WELL BUILT H^ftE North 24th S’ W r ha-* * «1x rr.orn af.'-tly modern hny** oak finish a r. d i*. can be pur- haeed for If-Ob'i on term*. __ GALLAGHER & NELSON o?0 patera Trust Bldg._JA S382 N K W—Three r<v.rr! down. 3 room* « all mode-n. double garage. Ph t '?‘*»rme Norrl* A- Norr;» AT _ APRIL 1 FT p sn N f*y Min** T.u* - 5-room bungalow- and garage. 43WE B TO PLEASE'* TEMPLE MTAYDEV COMPANY bRO« 'M modern home 2 42*1 -eward S* Half block from car line. >5.160._ 41?4 N" 1TTH ST—' •ro-'-m rrmder*- S' * r**e $4 920. $1.000 do* n- JA PTM O e BUCK A CO bus an* •#!! Uomea Real Estate—South ... • "HANSCOK PARK -room stucco perr.:-bupsa’o'» la-rrs rootr.. flrepla e. garage. r-»ose * tv**.* Side park car Only 11 - 6 r*p and $'f| a month $e r.- —Good eight-room e'rirt’y mods'" • • * fMeplace. lot xlt' o** Mr- a n 1 Woolworth: >!.60n down. $< of a fixe-room sen. -bur. %» low. practically new; choice finish hu t-lu features. down. *• OSBORNE REALTY GO 'S" TrJJ- B ’<!*._JA Confer With Coba 4<29 fc 24* h Ft_V?A 6.41 Real Estate—We*t .t'"1 A i.-ROOM semi-bungalow In Leavenworth Height*, modern and up-to-date, oak a- t Mrrh finish. nlc* lot. with hedg*: w <■ onaidwr any r*a*c»nabls offer. Call At lantic Sill or Jackson €421-_ New Horn'*—You* t*nna AT 4S6* Grove-Hlbbarfl Co. »»„?; ?-0TH ANT* CALIFORNIA — * rooms. mod 11,0'v-' c-*h, balance month!/: on car i Cr*:gh Pee Bldg_JA. 02M._ H W V el lard Co for RsaliEermce. AT ?: • Rr-al Estate—Exc hangs .1 i WE WILL submit y^u a reanorablo off* . -n exchange for your lard. Income md***. Try •us, we probably hax-s just whs • g for BLRT L. COC K A C<*' . 110 Drown BMC A7 »2‘T | "LET'S MAKE A TRAUEa'*_ j UVK ihee *'ere to ex banco I * ! -*i lard Give fu ’ r*r' u are n f: * Jt'*-- A-ddr**s Y 2. ‘ Orr ha P-* Real Fstate—Wanted .1n | CarTH.*PocsCo„ •T?ori»'y and Sgrvj * Ouarar.*«ed" PundeCand &'£f __ AT Of* 10 Homes Wanted r-.v# rr *'x room*. Cha« W. Tcurf A Boa. 2€2 C ty Nat ! AT. M#» C7 T7~Sj!er’& Co., Realtors, 3‘4 r»v-« T;Ur« B;dg. JA WILL, pay ra#h f*»r am.: L '*a cor I tr»*’» rr «»poRd mortrar** *02 5?car :t *•» bu'i'ng Frank C B«*t Co prOYETT RKAL ESTATE^ Sa'.la. Rar«. Infirm - Tnat Fir J A 0*S3 “T,r»7''P R**a •.y C" TTat «"th OEi\UC-»aVJ v.» for caick re*u':» 14 •# F:~»* Nit! T«nkF',.f_JA. H<» WPJTPALF.ERCCK, ' 4! 3 K»' r# B'dr AT P.~j7Tebbeiis Co. V».' W« -f Vjv JA tit? vv K i.hJ r -r.e" 5f»- B.: eil w 'I ! * »■' _ .... I.t I. HIATT crt _AT. »» R IT trr'. r I. P Snnn- AT »t.;* 5~p BOSTWICK. real w!»t*. AT IH' ~HAsftNoa * hetFe.n, realt ■ F-trr. Co, .. ! ’ . f - JA ‘..S f7’.r_s7rSo:d A s<- iltj Sat. AT. it* — O • e 1 r - Vs hew A B*..r.*5,. .A*.. ?T6 ' WOR1.B R.iity Co , Re.llor. AT »<♦: . wUi»k" pk«j_ Fat. t# Co JA »«»7_ Realtor* . . Ml r~H Rsv\fr coiirVNT. REALTOR* BILT-RIGHT want to impress that slogan on the minds of every one who is intending to build a home in Omaha. It is not just a coined phrase for advor Using purposes, hut honestly de scribes our construction. If you want to satisfy vonr self look at our two dwellings at 4S15 ami 4319 Cass St. We are starting two more homes in Leavenworth Height* Addition. We will start your* anytime tf you will give us the opportunity to figure with you. W. J. PALMER CO. AT 89S0 Krehn? F!<ig Trucks Wanted! to haul coal. Will pay $2.00 per ton for delivery. Consumers Coal & Supply Co.