The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 18, 1923, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    Home Lovers, Attention
Investigate Burgess-Nash Household Club Plan of Extended Payment Buying
a plan whereby you can furnish your home complete from kitchen to living
,ro©m at the lowest rash prices. Buy now and pay as you use it. Information
concerning the Club Plan may be secured from the Credit Department—Si**h Floor.
Burgess-Nash Company
The Public Is Invited to Our Tuesday Noonday
Program, 12:20 to 12:50
WALTER W. HEAD, Praaidant of tha Omaha National Bank,
will give an interesting 30-minute talk.
Direction Merfuerite Beckman Bur(eee-Naik Auditorium—Filth Floor
jNJgwo i 1 Ksy^r rin$
Crystal Crepe
The new knitted Crystal and
Alltyme Crepe is one that
Fashion advocates so strongly
for spring gowns. A complete
range of colors. 30 d*-| qc
inches in width. Yd. V 1
Printed Silks
Crepe de chine and pongee j
printed in challis and Persian
designs. Both light and dark !
* colors. 36 to 40 inches in
width. Per ^1 QC
yard .
Silk and Wool
Canton Crepe
Very firmly woven and fine
quality material for street
frocks. Black, navy blue,
brown and other street shades.
3G inches in width. $1.95
Satin Charmeuse
Soft velvety finish with rich
luster. Black, navy blue, brown,
coral, pimento and other |
spring shades. 40 inches
in width. Per ^ I
yard .vl
White Skirtings
White sport satin in plain,
striped or plaid wcavqa. 3‘i
inches in width. |>1 QC
Yard .1 *00
A heavy weight crepe with
satin face. This material is
heavy enough for suits, wraps
or skirts. Included are 39-indh
silk and wool crepes in plain
and self-colored block patterns.
Regularly priced, yard, $3.95.
Monday selling $2.95
Woolen Fabrics for Spring
Wool Jersey Velour Checks
54-inch width all-wool jersey in navy blue. Illuminated velour cheeks in all the wanted
brown, tan and pay. Specially /IE ncw sPrin£ shades. Suitable for d»0 AC
priced for Monday, yard.* •*» O wraps, suits and skirts. Yard....
Daylight Silk Shop—Second Floor
r ___
Three Specials for Monday
Bleached Damask
Table Cloths
58 inch cloths of extra
heavy weight and good qual
ity. Included are both round
and square cloths with scal
loped edges in colors of pink,
blue and gold, also hem
stitched cloths, QC .
each .*70 C
400 Fine Pillow Cases
These excellent cases come
in the popular 42x36-inch
size; are very neatly fin
ished with 3-inch hem, per
fectly stitched. Limit of six
eases to a customer.
Each .
Wash Goods Shop—second Floor
32-Inch Tissue Gingham
Just imagine lovely tissues
at this low price. A fine
quality in handsome checks
and plaids; all new OQ,
Limit of 12 yards to a
customer. Xo phone order;.
Monday We Feature a Special
Sale of House Dresses
Regularly worth Regularly worth Regularly worth
6 $2.00 $1.25 and $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00
Only 69c Only 79c Only 89c
Have you all the summer ginghams that you need? Of course you don t! What woman ever
did have0
For that reason we offer you Monday three groups of higher priced dresses that are pretty,
becoming and cool. ........ , , .. ,
The special pricing, which is for Monday only, means in some cases a reduction of more
than half. This is not a special purchase, but our own fine stock that we offer to women who
those for morning and afternoon wear. You will liko them because the color
ing* are clear and springlike; the material* of practical wearing quality.
Monday—Houaa Dreaa Shop—Second Floor
Rugs for Spring
New Designs and Colorings — Inexpensively Priced
In this special group arc rugs of character—many exact reproductions of the finer grades on
the market. Extra fine quality all-wool Wiltons, seamed with linen fringe pattern that will
appeal to every home-maker. Complete line of sizes.
9x12 .#88.00
8x9 .#56.50
4-6X7-6 .#31.50
27x54-in. # 0.50
22,4tx36-in. .■# 6.75
The Need la Hera for
Door Mats
For the protection of rug* and carpet* in the rainy
aprinj weather are extra heavy quality cocoa fiber door
mats in a complete range of stock riicis
14x24-inch . 81.35
16x27-inch .81,50
I8x30-ineh . 83.00
2f'x33-ineh . 83.50
Rof Shop—Sixth Floor
Furniture for One’s Home
Four Poster Bed
Mahogany finiah; available in
full or tingle «izc. A remarkable
opportunity at $24.50
• ft
d H ** >
/ RtRCf'sTwsH CO.
Felt Mattresses
Made expressly for Tiurgosi
Nash Company of white layer
felt. Entirely d>OQ PA
hand-nmde, only *P«2/»Ovr
Breakfast Room Suite
Table and four chairs of
cream wicker with trimmingi
of black, orchid and French
blue. Especially Pa
priced . 4 *01/
Card Tables
Regular collapsible table
with felt or Si QC
leatherette top . *P 1
Open Box Springs
Double de< k open box
(print* that carry a 211-year
guarantee. Sin Cft
I'ri.I . iplA<*OU
M'luMy I urnlluif Sfcof* V-omtli J !*»#*»
Sale of Drugs
60c Dr. Forhan's Tooth
Paste .39*
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste
35c Revelation Tooth Paste
for ..*21*
Palmolive Soap, 6 cakes
Physicians’ and Surgeons’
Soap, dozen .95*
25e Woodbury Facial Soap
for . ..19*
60c Sempray Jovenay, 39*
25c Mennen's Cold Cream,
tube .15*
$2.50 Electric Curling
Iron, guaranteed one
year, special. ..SI,39
50c Mulsified Cocoanut
75c Fitch Shampoo... 59*
50c Palmolive Shampoo 35*
$1.95 American-Made Pure
pura bristle Hair Brush
for .81.39
60c Odorono for Perspira
tion . 41* 1
$4 Ivory Hand Sprung
Mirror .81.89
60c Jergcn’s Hand Lotion
for . ..43*
60c Hinds’ Honey and
Almond Lotion . . . :j7*
36c Household Sponges 19*
$1.00 Oil Tanned Chamois
75c Stacomb to keep the hair
soft and glossy .... 49*
$1.00 Listcrine .69*
Monday—Druf Shop—Main Floor
New Jersey Silk
Vests and Bloomers
$1.69 $2.69
It is with a feeling of luxury
that one slips into these lovely
silken underthings, but it is no
extravagance to own them at these
moderate price. Vests are the fa
vorite bodice tops. Bloomers have
elastic at the waist and knee.
Flesh only. Sizes 36 to 42.
Vests priced at.$1.69
Bloomers priced at.$2.69
Undfpwpar Shop—-Main Floor
For the Easter Season One’s
Thoughts Turn to
New Apparel
Suits $25 to $195
By its coat shall be known the spring suits.
Clever little gad-about affairs of tan and
brown checked velour are bound with gros grain
ribbon and tie at the side.
Poiret twills with Dutch neck or tailored col
lars are made in loose back styles, with wide
sleeves, braided, embroidered and satin trimmed.
Camel’s hair for sports and many, many
other styles.
Coats $25 to $150
and wraps for general wear. These are the sports
type of top coat, yet they are suitable to any
Poiret Twills, Gerona, Cut Bolivia
are the materials; tassels, stitchings, embroidery
and self-material the trimmings. Those who look
best in the slim lines of the straight back coat that
wraps around and tics at the side and others who
.prefer the broken line of the bloused back styles,
both may find satisfaction.
Dresses $25 to $250
For the many occasions of the Easter season
Milady will want several afternoon frocks that
are smart, but inexpensive.
Cantons, Georgettes, Taffetas
Trico Sham in the larger sizes in a group that,
although extremely moderate in pricing, presents
the best of the season’s style features.
One model of heavy brown canton has an ac
cordion ideated apron; another of georgette is
intricately beaded; taffetas are ruffled and full
The Trico Sham dresses are particular favor
ites of women who wear the larger sizes. They
are made on slenderizing lines in brown, .black
and blue.
Apparel Shop—Third Floor
Our First Semi-Annual
Sale of Ribbons
At Prices Remarkable
A S3.000 purchase that bought ribbons for a $mall part of their real
worth enables us to hold this sale. 100.000 yards of
Finest Silk, Satin and Taffeta Ribbons
in every favored shade and coloring, but not in everjrjwidth.
1 to 2-Inch Widths
Yard 4c
3 Yards, 10c
4 and 41/flnch Widths
Yard 12c
3 Yards, 30c
21/* and 41 j-Inch Widths
Yard 8c
3 Yards, 20c
5 to 6*Inch Widths
Yard 19c
3 Yards, 50c
Monday—Ribbon Shop—Main FUor
Sale of
Scissors, heavy nickel plnte 1
6 and 8 inches, pair i29r
Brass dressing pins, 160 to
paper .5r
Darning cotton, 3 halls.! Or
Hicks curlers for bobbed
hair, 5 on a card.,.19r
Rickrack by the yard, all
colors, 2 yards.5<*
"Bonnie B" single mesh hair
nets, large size, all color*,
dozen .
"Bonnie-B" double mesh
hair nets, large size, all
colors, dozen . . . . *1.35
"Twin Links" double mesh
hair nets, all colors, per
dozen .OOr
White pearl buttons, doz.-lr
Elastic 1-4 inch width for
rompers, black and white,
yard ....*..5<*
Ocean pearl shirt button*.
per dozen . . . 3Hr
One lot slightly soiled
* t'rochet Cotton, hall Hr
C. M. (’. children’s garters
with cla*p that will not
tear the hose, all size*,
black and white.... 40c*
M nntUy—Notion Shot*—Main Door
*-- ~ --tt r --r—- ,-■-J
Another Tremendous
Sale of Glassware
HJOOO Pieces Urea tig Underpriced
\ factor's overstock *>f highest quality blown glassware
that w c secured at rcm irkablc concession.
Every Piece With Delicate .Xecdlc
Point Etchings
I’rom these pieces you mav renew broken numbers or
obtain full matched sets in table stemware. There arc also
novelties for prift• and prise* Included among the various
items are:
Fumble rs, -% ~*
(irnpr ,1 Hires, I
I'unell Cups *
(toblrl*. High f» e\
l,ow Sherbet..
I 'omport*, /\0
' rnit Howls.
I< e Teas, Ck g\
Mi Ban--, yi|p
Msrd*) U»m Shop I mirth floor
You will like this new
"York" Console, for it cm
bodies grace anil charm of
line and design that combine
unobstruaivcly with other
At the price, fou will co
far without finding a better *
A thorough demonstration
will reveal to you the fen
tnres and principles that led
us to Include the Hnm-wn!.
in our phonograph ih pm i
ment “where those who hnotv I
prefer to |ii." j
Also Victor and thse-v j
instruments. J
rtinnoirsph Drpl I'ilia I l-.-it
The Black and
White Room
wishes In announce to it*
many patrons that it has
hern greatly enlarged in
order to give the best serv
ice possible.
Our operator*, under the
supervision of Mr. Koberis.
offer the most efficient and
thorough workmanship ob
lainnhle. Just recently Mis*
Irene and Miss t'oelia. both
well known in Chicago and
eastern cities, have joined •
our staff.
besides shampoos, mar
cel*, manicures and the many
other treatments which love
ly women must have, w#
have aKo an expert chiropo
dist who cures tired and
weary feet.
Thi»il l in t
Art Needlework Pieces
Stamped to Embroider
Odd moments during the daytime or the evening, you may mm
bioidcr these dainty pieces in simple stitches with scarcely any effort
at all. and he so happily surprised at the pretty things that you rour
sclf have made. The expense is only trifling.
Bed Spreads
Stamped to Embroider
Monday ^ 1 AfJ Regularly
Only <P 1.170 $2.95
Attractive spread* made of fine unbleached muslin. SOxltRi-inch
sixe stamped in floral design to be worked in French knots and ap
pliqued in color. Tnis dollar reduction is for Monday only.
Stamped Aprons—All Styles, Loic Priced
Lawn Aprons
Dainty tea-apron style* stamp
ed to embroider in cross-stitch
or lazy da sy stitch, or appliqued
in color—2.">C 3."»C 95C
Unbleached Muslin Aprons
Polly Prim bib and. fudge
apron styles of unbleached mus
lin or of checked art clo'h
■tamped for cros^-stitch. lazy
daisy or applique de-ign*. Softe
of them are hemstitched.
<>5c to S3.25
Bungalow Aprons
Of unbleached muslin with
checked gir.ghtm in sleeveless
-iip-on stvle —
SI.65 to 82.25
Children’s Dresses
r.’ettj’ summer-time outfits of
unbleached muslin stamped s^th
cross-stitch design. The dresses
Hie made one-piece style with
< hoice of matching bloomers or
hat. Sires 2. 4 and 6 years.
Outfit 81.25
Monday—Art Needle work Shop—Second Floor
I 1
100 Potted Ferns, 39c and 69c
Beautiful ferns ihat v ere u ed for display during our opening
"cek are ol.'trcd at ..orifice prices for quick disposal. 4 and
5-inch pots. Or. sale Monday. M«»nat Float
The Coming Season Requires
Lovely New Lingerie
M r Offer ft at Loir Prices
Silk Gowns
Daintily made of fine quality crepe de
chine and trimmed with filet lsces.
Delicate orchid, pink and OQ
oranpe shade*. Only
Envelope Chemise
Of iiepe de chine, plainly made or
trimmed with val edfrtnc and file; insets.
Orchid, blue, croncc and QC
pink tints. Kacli
Bloomer Special
Of voile, striped dimity and crepe
Some ct them lace trimmed, othc"
plain. The colors are blue, pink, apri
cot. lavender or white. Spc QP
cialiv priced for Monday, pair 27*JC
Mcnd»\ -•! Sluy 3t»w4 I'Ihk
Is Fashion's First Requisite
to Successful (i rooming
Of course comfort is the first con
sideration. hut with our corset* not an
item of style has hern sacrificed to
achieve this result. There i* a carefully
designed type' for every figure and in
thi* season of »hnie*t silhouette*, wo
men find that the
Binner Corset
gives « slenderness of line hard to
achie'r with the ordinary corset. Among
the season's numerous new models are
those that feature the popular low hu*t
with straight hip line
$5.00 ,.$16.50
« »>••! 'tier >«*•< rw,