Letters from Little Folks of Happyland , Prize. Moving Day. Mrs. Brown sighed heavily as she took a picture from the wall. "It's just work, work, from morn ing to night, when you are moving. But then, the other house is so much nicer, so I guess it’s worth it," and she started working again. Every room >n the house was torn up for packing. Emma Brown was in the dining room packing dishes, while Ixirraine was packing books in the library. Mr. Brown and his son. Morgan, were in the kitchen taking down the stove. Mr. Brown was standing on a chair an l taking down the stovepipe. "Morgan! Morgan!" he cried. “Come and take this pipe, quick. Look out! Look out, Morgan! Oh!" And he laughed and laughed, and the family, who had run from all parts of the house to see what the matter was, joined in laughing. All but Morgan, for as he reached up in rosnonse to his father's cry, the stovepipe dropped from Mr. Brown's hands and fell right on Morgan, w hile a shower of soot flew in every direction. "Tou had better go wash yourself, gasped his mother "When she could get her breath. He went at once to the sink, but the sight of himself In the mirror was too much for him and he laughed until the tears rolled down his cheeks. He was a sorry spec tacle. covered with soot from head to foot. His eyes shone from his black face like live coals. It was some time before the fam ily couid get settled enough to go back to work. Mrs. Brown said "There's more fun in moving than I thought." And the family agreed with her. especially a little later, when site dropped a picture on Mr. Brown's foot.—Alma Pink, 1.139 Hast Fifth Pt , Fremont, Neb Will Help. Dear Happy: 1 have been leading the Go-Hawks' letters every Sun day. And I would like to join the Go Hawks. I am enclosing a T • cent stamp for a badge. I arn 13 years old. and In the seventh grade at school. I have a pet dog named Fanny. I promised to help someone every day, and will try to protect bird* and all dumb animals. Well, my letter Is. getting long, so X will close— I-aura Manke. Bloomfield. Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: My sister was writ ing for a badge so I am going to write too. X ant In the sixth grade at school and I am It years old. 1 like my teacher fine. I promise to be kind to all dumb animals. Please send me a badge. For pets have a cat, dog, chickens and pigeons. —Jimmie Cawley, Nemaha. Neb. A Second I ad ter. Dear Happy: 1 received my but ton. 1 like It very much. This la my second letter to you. I think I will write a story next time. My letter Is getting long. Sincerely yours, Vivian Noat, 2r,6s Browne street, Omaha, Neb. Hetty's Water Experience. Dear Happy: Betty liad her bath ing suit on most of the time, when she was at Bong Beach. She was a little mermaid, alw-ays sunburned. One day as Betty was sitting in the warm sand she heard a splash. Wondering whnt it was, she looked around and what do you suppose she saw? A real mermaid. Oh, she was sp beautiful. Betty had read about mermaids and mermen. This one* Was just a little girl with a tail. Betty was so astonished that she could not speak. So it was up to the little mermaid. » "My dear, I am a water princess and this is my birthday. I am 10 years old. So my father, the water king, said I could come to the sur face and see what land people were like. So here I am," she said. "Won't you come up in the sand and play with me," asked Betty. To this the princess said. "<*b, no, but you can come in the water with me, can’t you?" “Oh, yes." answered Betty. 1 can." As she splashed in she found she had a tail, too, so she swam. “Oh. this is fun.’’laughed Betty as she splashed arowfcd. “Wouldn't you like to go to my land under the water for a while7" asked the mermaid, "oh, yes, let s da co," answered Dotty. It was a beautiful place, the pal are, and its gardens Dittle and big mermaids Just like Betty and her friend were there. They all bowed to each other in the most polite way. After Dotty stayed for nn hour she asked her friend* If she might go home, for her mother would le worried nbout her. All of a sudden she awoke and found herself on the sand As Deity was going home she said. Th it was a water experience "—I m - Wil lits, 721 North Oak S'., ('.rani Island, Neb. Second lad ter. Dear Happy —I am sorry 1 did not writ* sooner. It was because I did not think about i' My brother was “a k three days When I came home from school Ildld not know what wr.s the matter with him. And mamma ani l he wn« sU'iv I got 100 in rr. >• spelling le t. My dad Is going to fix my bike, lie said he was going to fix it last Monday My dad's name i» M u My brother * name is Maurice. Mv mother was on the stag’ once. Yours truly, William Th ■,. scr. Tildes, Neb. Win (a to Join. Dear II:., py: I wish to h» ma a Go Hawk In'*Iosum1 jou \n i. 1 i it•«t a 2-rent stomp and tb n 1 u pert ft* fereive ft p ri » I ■ 1 rm help evety* e 1 can. I like A,*ht 1 ar.d arc. in seventh gr.id* I like nv teacher vciy nr.uch and lave no pets but like Jh^m *.:•* the srrive* I have r• • n reading the letters In the piper and they were very interesting. I would like 4o hear from r> me of your M embers Weil, as my let ter is getting big. you v. ill phi® send my toy pin. Yours truly Grace O Holm. Hinder, N* - First Letter. Dear Happy: I am sending ft 2 cent stamp for a Go-Hawk pin. I am 13 years old. T go tc school I have le'^n nick with the flu. 1 h pe other Go Hawks miss It I will be good to birds an! ani main. I have ft pet dog which 1 think th«* w« rld of Well, I will close f r this time Your new Go-Hawk, Nclhe It*ne I AW. Pantomime By J. H. Striebel In Two It uily I’liriorv »o % 4 . i , Rules for Letters and Stories Write name, ace nn*»ur Go-Hawk club. T am sending a 2 cent stamp for the button. 1 an 10 years old and 1 am in the sixth grade. 1 have three pet cats. 1 will promise to be good to them and all others.—Bylvla Murray, age 10. North rlatte. Neb First letter. Dear Happy: 1 am sending you 2 cents for which I want n badgi I received your ph dg« motto. I * ave e. doc named Ted. Ho can wrtffctie end race with ire 1 will try to write m< re next time Your* truly. Hern.on IfQok, age 10, Bloom field. Neh* \ New Member. Dear Happy—I am writing tin letter for my English 1 am in the second grade l wish to pet a pin My name Is Hubert lMIhipsworth My teacher Is Mira Hasp. We have seventeen pupils In our room Hebert Hollingsworth. Age Tbnv cr. N«-b. Wants to .loin. Hear lletipy. I want to |i!nyoui flub and 1 Would like to have a pin J am 111 the third grade. 1 pu to school at Thayer. Neb. We have seven ■ el. Ill s.-land My teacher Is Miss Hasp She is good to us \\ I li ird lh i.-. ■ . Thayer. Neb. I'irst l.etter. Hear Happy 1 am 10 years ol1 wish to join the flu Hawk Happy Trih. ’’ I am -ending a 2-eent stamp and the c< upon. I hope I mu' *'"ive my button very soon. I will lo my best to live up to the "Go H iwk" pledge. I am 5 years old aDd I am in the «. end grade In school. My mother reads the letters from Little Talks of Happyland. I enjoy them very niueh.—Frank Cline, Jr Auburn, Neb. First letter. 1 ear Happy—I wl-h to become a Go-Hawk. I am enclosing 2 .mts for my pin. hoping to r« ei*. • it soon. For pets I have a cat mined Tom; a dog. named Fido I am 9 years old and in the second grade. I have one sister. As my -te good to all dumb m s and birds I have for p< ' ^ i log, two cats and all colors of rabbits snd also a horse. I live ind one half miles from - ho-1 :-I 1 am In the eighth grade 1 am 13 years old. There are 33 n our si hool. Well I will close for his time.—Kathleen Ore. . Rio. in field. Nob. I-oves the Birds. Dear Happy: As my sister Op .1 is writing you thought I would write also, for I want to he a little Go Hnwk. too. We set out pans of food for the little birds in winter. I have a little pup named "Mick ey" for my pet and it looks like it» mother. I am only 4 years old so mama a writing this for me. I'll be 5 years old next August, then I can have a party. I have been sick with tho grippe two days hut 1 have a gwd doctor. His name is A. N. Carlson and he's a chiropractor. We all take adjustments from him There is nothing better to break up colds or any disease. I have so many dolls and all kinds of toys. Wish some of the girls would write to Opal and I. My papa Is a police man. I must close. Your new mem ber. Mildred Kileen Rogers, Sail North Twenty-ninth. Omaha. Wants to Join. De.-ir Happy:—I Wish to join tin Go-Hawks Happy tribe Ho I e.n a- tiding .a 2 cent stamp for my hut ten. I am In the eighth grade, hut I love dumb animals and 1 promise to l>- kind to th<*m. For pets I have a dog. eat, pigeons and chickens. I hope to receive my button soon. —Mary Cawley. Nemaha. Neb. Wants I.cttcrs. Dear Hapt y: This is my first let ter I wish to join the Go-Hawks’ tribe. I have two dogs, and their names are "Bob'' and "Fannie.” I have a cat. It Is black and white. I n?n in the fifth grade. I wenl sleigh riding Saturday. I will send a 2 cent stamp fur a Go Hawk pin. I wish some of the Go Hawks would write to me.—Harold Arbornst, age 10, Silver Creek, Neb. \ New GoHiuk. Dear Happy:—I wish to join your tnbe. I am seding 2 cents and I am in the third grade. This is my fast letter. Koc Christmas I got a cowboy suit and a belt and 25 cents, a psi^ef leather gloves, some handkerchiefs My letter is getting long so I must close. Hop ing to g. t rrry button soon, V-mra truly. M x Liose. Superior. Neb. Will lie Kind Dear Happy—I am sending s I cent stamp. I have a cat. two dogs, some pigeons. I have one sister. Her name is Alice. I will try to be kind to all animals I hope to hear from you soon. 1 am 9 years old. 1 was 9 par* old. August 25, 1922 I in in the fourth grade at school. I hope to receive my pm soon. y. ,rs truly. Elizabeth Mere d. h, Ogaliala, Neb . Box 424. \ Kind Go Hawk. Tommy and Johnny were play n.ati! Tommy w».s kind and Job oy was mean. One day Johnny said. t's tie a (.in on the dogs • id Tommy said ns 1 am a Go Hawk itl then Johnny a^ked Tommy what the Go Hawks were and Tommy told Johnny and after that Ji 1 nny J**tr.eJ the Go-Hawks and I- came a good hoy —Mary Evans age R. 1913 Mortha street. Dot Puzzle ._ ■■ 1 ~ ■ --- u \\ iiat dal Santa Claus bring? t omplats tka picture by draw in? a line through the doU, b«gta«4K* • *k oi 9 and taking them numerically