Driving her way through an eighty mile gale with the waves breaking heavily over the bow. The 8 8. Homeric crossing the Atlantic on her tourist trip to the Med iter- I ran ean. Keystone. ■ • -. American Minister to (Jzecho-Slovafci.i, I|h‘iI with Betty Compson, screen star, and Herbert ltrenon, her director, while on a visit to the studio at Hollywood. Pacino a Atlantic. Gray Hair Unnecessary As I Have Proved I proved It many year* ago In reator • ••g the original color to my own premu lureh gray hair with the worn*- Me dorer I now offer you Thla time te*ted preparation ne\er fall*, a* hundred* of tliouMand* of gray haired people alnce he i'm lea r ned There la not *p*< e In thla adtetllae merit to tell rny atory Mend for Free Trial bottle and learn all Mary T tiolilman* Hair I’olor Me aforer la a clear, color!*** lb|uld ( lean aa water. No greaav aedlment to make your hnlr *tl< kv and *trlngy nothing to \*«*h nr rub off. .\pplh a I loti e* ay. re atored color perfect, In any light Fa dad or dim olored hair Juat aa *ure|y and aafeiy realored aa hair naturally gray i.Mprt k*nce my teacher I Invented my a* ientlhc hair color re "torer to tiring hard the original color to rny own hair which waa prematurely gray Mince, million* hair uaed It and ao will million* more It la the moat popular nrnl hlggeat aelllng preparation of it* kind In the world. Now I have aornethlng new to offer and wlmont aa Important. In the nhape Hair C'Wv TyWtnrer Over 10.000.000 Hollies Sold •*r it new |ir* I' i> i»iri tun ih.\% r K LL ! .,fur” "m ,!i, '"‘l’ Tria I Bottle I'frfri I . on.11 ilo»» for real or*, I rlh ihr Story I loo Th lx pnw *l**r '** »• r**i rill <||hi ••% «>• ) «*f nif lahor.i lorli-x anil Itx ait Ion |» that of lutilt ami a ntlm-pi li A |>a« kag. non rninpa with ••ai I» lull xlxeil iMittii- a ml a trial *lr. .1 I"" If" ItPleil In ill) ppei lal pat • iii»m| 11 xi- trial luitltt I urge you to xen.l fur I li In patented niittlt today an.I prote lion xaxily. xurel) anil la*rii'fli tally i nu .an rextnre your nnn gta> hair to Itx nuiuruI • olor. Mull nmfHtn trw/ny Spoil I • a I a > fur the xpeilal pat aril ml Vrvr Trial nirlfll u hi. h mntalrix a tilal la.ttlf of rny Mextonr. a ml full ln..lrii< l loox for tnn king the lOriy Irn Ing u-pt on a PlngU- Irak of hair ln«llint< «olor of hair with X l*rlnt name amt mlrlrepx plainly If |M»Rp|h|«- rnilopr a link of your hair In your letter print ran i "I »>»if ppu.nl. .1 trr. TiMlOniti * six. '*•' I hr»H»n mi ilium liman IHpKI !*•••« JtpM puHarp l.pPi u . ^ Max* | .Slrr»t t ,14 ® - Mrs. Kenneth O'Brien, the former Miss Katherine Muckay of New York, t in a leisure hour at Palm Bench, where she is spending the acaaon. International ? —ANOTHER 1 » ZOOLOOICAI. WHATIS 7* 1 IT. Ilere’a the aide ele Bj vation of that eunoua ani I mal that liatka like a eroaa I la-tween a KtrafTe and an n antelope known aa the I "Okapi," front the lielgian II Conitn diatrict of Afriea. ■ /••!• i MMfiniiAl m “Now my skin’s as smooth as satin” “No more pimples, blackheads or boils. I've taken three bottles of Yeast Foam Tablets and for the first time in months my skin now is smooth as satin." Yeast Foapi Tablets correct these skin ailments in the natural way—by reaching the root of the trouble and supplying the system with an ele ment necessary to a correct diet and good health. Made of whole, selected yeast Easy to take; they keep and they don't cause gas. Unexcelled for appetite and di gestion troubles. For adults and chil dren, too. Sold by all druggists. Made by tkt makrrt af Fmam mad Mta^gat Ynaa %ast FoamTablets A Teats Faa4 SEND FOR LARGE FREE SAMPLE YEAST FOAM TABLETS Vow r name esAJmtn i» Northwestern Yra«t CumpMv nWNflSAaimlAwm.ChM* )|.y