Specialty Shop Presents to Appreci ative Spring Shopper a Varied Panorama of Exquisite New Models MCGUIRE’S Dress Shoppe, mezzanine floor, Paxton block, Sixteenth and F'arnain, is a fairyland of springtime loveliness since the Inspirations of far distant designers have taken form before our enchanted eyes! ondrously fashioned models for Omaha’s fashion followers! Dresses for all occasions which in some way contrive to embody only the best of the foremost designers of the day. Sport coats which Miss McGuire describes with enthusiasm as "100 pier cent camel’s hair," and we may be sure that they are an examination of silky surfaces. Coats which are unifjue in cut and trim, innovations in trimming in the way of leather inserts—coats moreover priced "with admirable restraint" from $35 to $50. Fur collared wraps, too, in Gerona and Marvella, softly becoming, and the new and stun ning three and two-piece suits, popularity—in order named. If one is very, very wise, the color note of her handbag emphasizes the outstanding design and color of her costume. An assemblage of new models which invite your viewing. • • «iift Shop Offers Hand Wrought Bridge Lamps at Surprisingly Low Prices. VERY lovely indeed are the hand wrought bridge lamp standards which are shaded by gloriously warm tinted parchment banded In gold braid. Of really fine effect, they're surprisingly low in price, but *>T.75! Some of t hi- people to whom I've whispered the bit of shop gossip have ordered not one, hut • several of these charming floor lamps with shades to match, a very smart effect in your living room, ns well as a noticeable comfort note added to th" occupants therein whether or not they're "hridgers." Send check pay able to Shultz Bros., Edison Shop, 421 S. 16th street If unable to visit the shop in person. A gift shop of chanti ng suggestions in lamps of all kinds and sizes, potteries and rare Italian glassware, hits of silver, brass and bronze, handmade handkerchiefs—a delightful place in which to browse about in search of the original in prizes for Ute nest meeting of your < ard dub. Announcing Additional Member* to Competent Staff of Operators in Beauty Shop. THE Wright-David Eeauty Shop, main floor Baird Block. Seven teenth and Douglas. AT. 4333. announce that they have added as their new marcelier. Mias Zelda Bink ley, well known to Omaha follower* of the beauty cult, and that MBs Stella ThomaB is now assisting Lu ’ille Lemon in manicuring. News! • • * Months of Spring Bring Into Exist ence Lavishly Decorated Fabrics. THE Ideal Button & Pleating Co . third floor Brown block, Six teenth and Douglas, have not been so busy for years, positively everything In Fair Fashion's posses sion must carry decorative stitches by expert operators of the embroidery machine, from neck to hem, of coat 1 frock, outer wrap, cape, trotteur euir, to say nothing of the new Sheik turbans and the Egyptian chapeau! Broideries. pleatings, buttons in every available space, a startling ad vantage taken of smoothly lustrous stretches of materials. Lovely! • • • Easter Essentially a Time When Every Piece of Apparel Must Be Brightly Clean DRESHER BROS., 22d and Far nam. AT. 0345, have the sclent, fic cleaning facilities which are a requisite of the up-to-date clean ing establishment. Furthermore, the> are well-known for their Judgment of the proper methods for every f ibric, a knowledge of fabrics gained through years of tailoring experience. But two weeks in which to place in read.ness every piece of your -;iit ' wardrobe. • When Fairy Light Footsteps of Dame Mode Trip the Paths of Spring Fas liions. SHE wears the new low-heeled pumps and combination oxford and pump. Ixively Indeed, as shown in the windows at the Shoe Market, 320 South 16th St., fashioned of suede in the new light shades of spring, trimmed with leathers of con sisting coloring. Of euual smart mss the black with patent trim, ail a* prices ranging from $5 to $7.95. 'laintv dress slippers for wear with lie elaborately fashioned frocks of he new Style season are shown in dashed strap effects, as well as In the lighlhroated colonial models patent kids, taking the lead at prices from $6 to fS.50. * « * A Rosary Gift Best Selection for East er Sunday OF finest workmanship the rosar aries shown at the Richter Jewel Shop. 1622 Harney, amber, sapphires, pearl and amethyst combine with infinitely fine beads and links of sterling silver to make these exriu.sitries. Ranging In price from $3.50 to $12 many of them are encased m lockets of gold and silver to be worn round the neck on ribbon or chain. Easter Cards for Everyone, Young and Old. IN the stationery' and book depart ment at the Brandeis Stores, mam floor, is to be found an unusually wide assortment of greeting cards for young and old. Infinitely appealing Easter greetings suitable for every one of your acquaintances. • • • Fiapfper bags of cretonne prove upon investigation to be general ut.lity bags suspended from coy Uttle painted heads, $2.65. Silken skirted is the "Flapper” at $3.60. • • • Marvelous Wraps Moderate in Trices Are Voluminous in Expansive Widths of Materials Ised in Their Fashioning. MiRVELOUS. most marvelous are the wraps shown by Edward Reynolds, 1613 Farnam, form erly of Eldredge-Fteynolds. Perhai*s the most striking style feature of these new wraps is their exceeding width, often achieved by the new cir cular flare from the elbows down Marcella and Gerona fabrics deep piled and velvety in softness, have been used in fashioning these envel jplng wraps. Monkey fur, genuine r«x In its alluring colorings, and cara . d in its artfully achieved shades and untrirnmed Gerona cloth wraps mng - in price front $45 to $68. The wraps at the first price quoted un " nnmed by fur, but wholly desirable, tin- litter price quoted and those at , i fur tilmmed, luxuriously so. “But Yes, Madam, Original French Models--" Creations From Famous French Chapeau Maker in Omaha Store MADAM’S winsome loveliness will bo charmingly accented by the original French chapeau models on display In the Nebraska Clothing com pany's millinery department. And yet—one la apt to hesitate, for there are Irresistible hate whoso flowers of unquestioned French origin hid one stop to admire--tho secret from Mr. Frank himself Is that a French woman of N-w York went to France and bought hor hat material*, bringing them hack to America for construction. Volla! The fine touch of the French rbapeau maker! Tho prices, unbelievably low. A new section has been idrted to tho shop In which may 1st found smartly efyl»d popular-priced hats -very excellent values at ?5 and I7.&0. • • • Jewel Shop In Ibmlinrftii for Eunter Gift Shop rroeenl* Novel Gift* »nd Gift Shopper, Suggest Many De lightful Offerings. TUB Ilonrlekson Jewel Shop, I^Sth and rapltel, suggests many rarely lovely Bascer gift offer ings—In a shop background newly ■heorated, one views In leisurely man or the finest ring mountings for 1 diamonds, new or old, beads of In destructible beauty, with distinctive clasps of white gold or platinum, watches of unique cover shaping*. A Jewel gift showing moderately priced, •iquisltcly selected Knfertalnment rratum «» spring Ho* tree. IN the Pomegranate Hhop, Hotel Morrl*. IKth and Dodge, the spring hostess will find the unuaunt gift for her bridge party, plaee card* and suggestion* for feature* t:f table and room decoration with detail* of entertainment for the giver of the large party. Greeting card* of all kind*. Ju*t now- an emphatically lovely allowing of Banter greeting* Juat ask Mr*, ltowe for aome of her -you'll he delighted; Not that / may be understood;— Who understands the stream that slips With endless music on its lips Through the still wood. Who listens when the night winds blow Through those high harps the poplars string? And the low song the rushes sing Does any know? And where the waves with milky hands Touch the curved viol of the shore, And the old chords break evermore. Who understands? But should the ritual be dumb And the long invocation cease?— Still let us breathe of that far peace That may not come. THE IDLE SINGER, lly Anne Goodwin Window, in Literary Uij;pst. From France Come Articles of Artistry to Delight Milady's Sense of Beauty on Easter Morning □HE art studios of sunny France have sent their very loveliest achievements to the C. B. Brown Jewel 8hop. 220 South loth 'treet, gift offerings to Lady Fair, on Easter morning. 1023. Peculiarly composed, the layers of cloisonne enamels, layer upon layer of infinitely .shaded color which u a finished product is the exquisitely shaped vanity powder compact of blue decorated in Dresden flowers, $12. The flaconette, finely wrought to hold the essence of thousands of flowers has chosen a black enameling w ith white paneling as background for exquisite blossoms, $15. A tilack lipstick hold er to match is $12. Powder compact of generous dimensions, $20. French blue and antique rose enameling adorn the lids of compacts of sterling pla ted In gold, marvels of beauty, $10 each. Gifts of such striking loveliness that they have been placed tn the showcase with uxquisilries of finely wrought gold mesh bags, vanities, cigaret cases, achievements of consummate artistry. Taffeta Ha* Many Devotee*. Personal Stationery Made in Omaha. THE Smart Shop, 203 South Fif mUE Northrup Letter Duplicating teenth street, have just received I Company Paxton block, furnish a shipment of exquisitely styled personal stationery, printed in little taffeta frocks, finest quality any color, at the low price of $1 for taffeta, $25, $29.50, even $35 values »t 100 letterheads and 100 envelopes; 25c a group price of $15 each. Wonder extra for 100 letterheads additional, values! » • • * • • Headed Chains and Bracelets for Hats Returned to Former Freshness Faster. THE Kruger Hat Shop. 303 Barker fTl HE vf smartest tilings block, 13th and Faroam, r* I sautoirs and bead bra ‘dels are block, tint and trim the oid platinum finished, nontarnishable chapeau Into a newly charming model. n>l inexpensive. $3.50 to > -5 a’ As suggestion for trimming—theyll Combs and M,users. 3u3 Mouth 16th fashion the old feather into a smart street. "Earliest with the latest'1 fam > jewelry always > Silken Neckpieces of Fine Peltries y l ake the Place of Heavy Fur Coats j. * Placed in Storage A TTTlin.N you plat.. '■< ir beautiful fur coats and wraps in stoi t! J yy year you'll find that there's an Inestimable advantage in havt . - v v tiwm stored with Aulabaugh, furrier. Nineteei th at i > > ■ your fur needs expert attention, this experlen td collector B render skilled services To replace the heavy somberness of" th< wo •• | 1% wrap are offered daintily fashioned neckpieces, foxes, natural toned I n n | * and the creamy beige or platinum gray and the exquisitely fire rifles of smartness. If unable to call for a fitting, send for Illustrated book let showing the new season's mod els. • • • One of Omaha's smartest shops is featuring a top coat of mannish tail oring. silk lined throughout, for $33. • • • Special Prlrea on Cordova and Bov a Reed. TIE nrt department of the A. Hoepe company, 1513 IXmgln*. announce a special pricing of their extraordinarily fine showing of f'nrdova end Bos-a Reed handbags — disposal of a sample Jine makes pos sible the unusually low prices quoted which range# from $t> to $35. For your information Polly may say that sho has It on good authority that leather goods will he higher soon. flung. ITS spring once more In th» Bur gess Nash store and every floor Is all's with suggestions for the beautiful apparel to tie selected by women wise in rare styling and qual ity of materials. Sheerly lovely laces, lengths and lengths of them to fashion entire gowns or to be shirred In un even trimmings suggested by the art ful fashion designer. Dresses, suits . i ml wraps, footwear of fanciful smart ip-fs. chapeaux of chic suitability to different types of wearer, a store In which to shop for the entire spring wardrobe. • • • t'amel's hair suits. Ml and X# 50. are riMx.m bound and tied, the rlhbor.s forming smart eolor contrast. • • • < harmful Chapeau Models "Forty Bight Hours From New York—■ Ten Day* From Paris." t ONE may think 1* almost Impoe slide but service, effort and or ganisation of the Hsrsherg Mil linery department. 151# Douglas, mak it a fact. The Herxhetg policy, "the latest style at the lowest price,” as sores chapeaux to fit mihidv's prefer rnce and purse, Y’otir Esster bonnet is ready st Herxberg's Millinery dr rartment, 1519 Douglas. • • • Corsets for the Hlg Woman. THE Barclay Corsets made to der and fitted by Halle- Putnam, corsetiere. In her shop on the Itilh floor of the City National Bank building. Nlxteenth and Harney, offer n i holer of five different honings, an assurance of smart lines and comfort to th* Mg woman. Brassieres, Ini portent adjunct to the correct cor seting receive due attention from thl* fltter. Phone AT. 7i(( and Parly Purposes, Matthews Hook store, is: Harnrv, offer the seel . f. : the unusual in gifts for chil dren. quaintly glld'-d boxes In which one will find a ahetl-l:ke decorated egg of generous . proportions to lie filled w;!h candles it one wishes. These at 75 cents each. All of the gift novelties show n are of old world appeal, unusual Easier cards and table deeorailona f .» Easter in v Id array. • • • Myrbor embroblei 1 a doth of g.-ld gown with great futuristic designs lr. red, green, violet and black. In the tenr flamboyant oriental feel!- g af footed by Haris. • as Im-ed O'Wool Jersey Nulls in \rl * ful Merging* of < olor Offered .it Krdurfd Price* THIS Wilcox Cloth* « Shop, ITth and Harney, have priced the Jersey Tweed O'Wool suits which have won instant popularity among the judge* of good clothing at the low price of us r.o With a dainty little hand stitched blouse tln v pro vide the ultimate in smartne** of line and enduring quality nf fabric. Writ* for illustrated folder* on \\ il le the Suit* for Women in New Tailor Shop. IK.NEETKR, 1912 Karmtrn, of fe r* very radically reduced -••prim* on finch- tailored rail* for men and women In In* new shop. Fabric* of fine weave, newest style lmstcls. all low in price. VI , N i'i.iUiiuni Mounted Diamond Kngigf mint King* Offered by Art Jeweler it \maitrigly Moderate l*rire. AI.LKl’.T KDllOI.M. art Jeweler, in hi* shop on tin- second floc*r of the City National Hank Utilg , TCih and llarney, announces that i-.vers of beautiful jtwels may now possess a platinum mounted en (.agement solitaire for tlie- surprising ly low price of ?>i. Kxqutsitely wrought plailnuni is the dainty mounting which holds a rarely bril bant diamond. An Kdholm special! Thu art eonnoiseur offers a won drous selection -f engagement rings in his new shop—a showing ringing in price fir in $?.'i to $S,000 • • • Sweaters from Austria-Hungary, h ind made. ?i« o1. I'nusually wrought arc these vividly colored yarn achievements Blue w.th whits and gray figure* pon it is shell seal loped round the edge In white silk. \ heavy white wool has wide biT landing, collar, cuff* in big wh I dowers of scarlet, unique. • • « \ttfull> llraignod Taillrur* >l:il»r 'It l.idj’a (•i.iro a MtrKfil \wi PIMH'opiO !UtO£ . main fi* r Haird building. Seventeenth a 1 IX'UkIu**. ire dellghtJn : in tin* tailoring nf nfnKtng talllem* for th* woman ulio appreciates the benefits *»f trace to bo k *fn* *I by the tailor of skill. You'll enjoy th*’ lovely drees*'* "hlfb 1‘icxopio will t!«Mgn for your particular tvpc Tailoring an»| drew tuskf?of diMinrtton. Cabochons, Buckles, Ornaments, in Beaded Intricacies Add to Charm of Spring Models Even morn Important than the fabric* to b* aalectad are the buckle* and b. .«!• d «>i nuunnts that hold In pl.o. th. .• i vf-.il dun- .|. m •: '.si by the modlshneas of spring. If your decision has been made In fav.-r of keeping the n«iume .11 black, \ouU find mill, to vour liktr.. a cut Jet cahochon alx Inches In length and four Inchea wlili lor $2 c Matching in Jel detail Is .1 smnllei square wiih Ion Jet frlng. , f •> \ bronze rahnrhon of unique beading has tha same long fringing of Isnds. a witching thin. I. r in. mi a hlffon m georgette dim • i .In*- ;• t. If \, ,| have a bit of roar coral l>y way of color contrast, th« ornaments In oval, square* and oblong*, with unique . arved ro-.es of sllvci. will t>. of i in .o to 16. A cut ateet cabochon baa coral (enter, another color note addition. $2.7'>. If roll'd pctei -i cut steel .enter f, t > our big t. |*talr.l fl, w. •. It la priced at |2. Wholly adorable ate the antique filagree buckles In gold and silver rrltli dull gold, rose or blue enameling* $S 1. r th. new figured crepes, Chinese lacquered buckles at 22 2S. Lovely later on In the season for linen frocks. IViurutlv* tu tea to gire rout in- k- distil. n of pcraonalltk Misty Gray Gloves of Suede From French Makers to Decide the Sty leftilness of Spring Costume THOMPSON BEL DEN'S have achieved a victory in the interest of ultra smartness, for they’ve marie it possible for Milady Mode to buy the desired shade of ‘'miff’ gray suede gloves in 12 and 18 button l«-ng!h. finely fashioned by French makers, finely stitched pique -earns. 14.55 a pair. Little frocks of heavy crepe follow nil the styleful charm "f noted designers and carry price tags which v.e are glad to read ?25 .md $35. In any shad* Thompson Beldr-n ftpecial hose. $1.95. Interesting Easter news: • • « Greeting Card* Distinguished for Kare liveliness jf Design—Fine ness of hentinirnt. AFTER viewing the greeting cards which are displayed in the Studio Shop of A. H. Nabstedt, 50D Brown block, 16th and Douglas, the only conclusion which may be reached is that their striking loveliness must be due to the fact that Mr. Nab stedt Is an artist himself and hav tng studied art for many years at once recognizes its expression. Cards for Easter, cards for the shut-in, cards * titable for the congratulation of parents of Baby New. a host of greet ing cards which prove of inestimable \nlur- to the person of thoughtful sen sibilities. Interesting indeed, the of bring of quaint bookplates for the personal library, which come from one tamed for collecting of books and appropriate bookplates. Samples on re i.tiest. • • • Of Course You Observed the Outlining of Decorative Design Motifs in Heads of Contrasting Color Everyone of the most striking models shown in spring style shows this week used the oiiginal method of emphasizing either lor or design by a following or Paisley crep. or Egyptian print in i.radg of varied hues. Work done ■ xceliently at The Mode, fourth floor, Paxton block, 16th and Farnam. <• • • lor Easter the Jewel Gift THE Reese Jewel Shop. 16th arid Harney, have arranged a goodly r imi'e r of gift offerings for the Easter season. In IS karat solid wl.pe gold mountings with the gleam i f dark blue sapphire* to give color ntraet are diamonds of 1 5-karai : Mr. Worries manager of the Reese shop, assure* me are "perfect nines to fulfill your fondest wishes regard to the gift for "her." A delightful showing of the r.ew 1 shower" earrings In all colors Is pri.ed from M 50 to f“ Chic* 'Inch of the Beauty in Dresses of New Season Impends I pon the Ksquisite Ornaments and I-*ce I>ee orat ions HAVPEX Brc^. arc \ erv promt to cal! the attention of l.ady Fair to the assemblage of fine oma mem* to hold draped length* of soft s.iks cahochfn*. beaded plac coiffure. Rebent small dinners and parties which gathered together a chosen few of the more cleverly dressed women of Omalia disclosed quaintly becoming coiffures which had been planned for tlie wearing ’ rarely l>eauliful earring*. Whst would y ou! Mila ly would do well to study the i-orrect coiffure, th« I'1 comingly up-to-the-minute ha:, dres? May I suggest . consultation w,' Roberts & Franks, authorities on questions pertaining to the beauty achievements of fair woman—ap pointment* to be made in cither one of their three shops, the Black and ■White Room, Burgess-Nash. the Salon de Beaute. Hotel For.tenelle. ■ f the Blackstone Beauty Shop • • ■ O? heavy lustrous crepe is the silk en gown infinitely lovely in delicately wrought hemstitching, briar stitching and gayly vivid embroideries, 525. The Mirror Event of the Season Frou Standpoint of Beauty and Price. BRAN'DEJS picture dmartmer ’ sixth Poor, is placing or. sa.e a wonderful display of mirror.* from ?. FrankliD company. Chicago makers of irt mirrors cf exquisit* shaping, color.r.g and quality glas« very unusual types at prices rang.rtt from IT 95 to ?25. Appropriate fr placing over mantel or davenport arc the extra long mirrors of 45 and 52 inch length with polychrome colorir.cr on the quaint carvings which decora: •he lengths of glass. Uniquely ship**-, n the shield, approved by the w.se in terior decorator, in the round topp squarea of innumerable uci in roc decoration, it is an offering long to be remembered for its unusual v alue? • • • Dessert or salad plates of ?!*?* may be selected to match F ew er tow I or china. In amethyst, amber green etc., they're Toe each. • • • Selection of Easter Cards Lovelv »» Those Shown at Holiday Season. A T the tV. E Darcy S’U tie-* ■*■ •*■ is a very lovely show ire o' Easter cards as beautiful as those shown a" Christmas time, which proved so very delightful to the hoi day shopper. A complete s'oek ct Crane's correspondence pape-* ?u?' unpacked make lovely gifts '■ Easter. • • • Let the skilled needlewoman er. I.roider a distinctive monogram cm the hard made handkerchief? for the men of your family. Hand-draw^ threads in any color or design with monogram. $2.75. • 0 m first Facials and Scalp Treatment* Go Far as Contributing f actors fo spring Loveliness. MART BALLARD. beauty ?pec.a ist. in her residence shop. 4215 Davenport, Walnut 7157, ha? made a special price of 14.00 for at> udine - p treatme t. shampoo and rest facia!. Marvelous in effect? o.‘ beauty. The Forecast of Spring Fash ions rhe: t is A dr ily « !'t:l 1 »ug gestion a Incut small turbans if they're draped with a long, gay printed ecarf. • > • • For sports wear the costume of brown tricot, knitted with motifs ir J el low. red. ,i:d t-.ege. The Mouse or rather a compromise l*etween a Jacket and a sweater, is to tv* worn with or without a yellow- leather el ring girdle • * * A thick roil fours iin- collar a-.u hip band of a brown tricot jacket, • • • A black more vanity tv. that * also a purse has a bracelet strati set with glittering rhinestones, fa tent Oi