The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 18, 1923, PART THREE, Image 27

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    I ( Clubdom
j-Uus i n ess Women
to Hear Talk
* on Health
The Omaha Business Women's club
Will meet at the Y. W. C. A. audi
torium Tuesday evening. Dinner will
*e served at 6:15 o’clocly. Dr. Mar
I garet Nordfeldt of New York City
will be an honor guest and speaker.
Her talk will be brief so that all
»ho may desire may leave in ample
€ time to attend the Paderewski con
1 ^cert at the City Auditorium.
Dr. Nordfeldt is on a lecture tuor in
the Interest of the Women's Founda
tion for Health, a national organiza
tion founded by women, as its name
implies, and is working in co-opera
f tion with women’s national organiza
tions. Dr.. Nordfeldt has recently
visited St. Louis and last week was
in Kansas City.
Her subject will be "Alms and
Work of the Women's Foundation
Tor Health."
The Omaha Business Women's club
has invited, as its guests, two mem
bers of each of the following or
ganizations: The College club: Coun
cil of Jewish women; Women’s club;
F. W. C. A. Women’s Division of the
Chamber of Commerce; W. C. T. U.;
Visiting Nurse association, and the
Faculty club. The meeting will be
open to the public and seats will ho
available in the balcony of the Y. W.
C. A. auditorium.
Woman's (dub of Railway
Mail Service to Rlect
The Omaha Woman's Club of Rail
way Mall service will hold its an
nual election of officers Wednesday
afternoon, 2 o'clock, at the home W
Mrs. Frank McTee, tj 60 South Twen
ty-sixth street.
"Bliss Pending” and "New I^aws"
will be discussed under the leadership
of Mrs. F. H. Cole. Roll call will be
answered by “Household Hints.”
>Get Acquainted Club.
The Get Acquainted Hub meets this
evening at 7:30 o’clock, First Uni
lerian church,'Turner boulevard and
Harney street. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Hampton will be host and hostess.
The program will include reading
by Mrs. O. N. Malstrom and saxo
phone solos by Miss Leona Tricm.
A Easter Bazar.
' Harmony Review. Woman's Bine
fit Association of Macabees, will con
duct an Easter bazar * Thursday a':
2°2 Courtney building.
Y, W. C. A. |
Sunday—The main building will be
open from 10 %. m. to 8 p. w Concert
In the auditorium at 4 p. m. No meals
served in the cafeteria.
Monday — Central freshman cabinet
meeting in the club room* of the V. W. C.
A.; 3:30, Technical Bible class; 4 p .m ,
Central Bible class, Comeniue Girl Re
serves will meet on Monday ins’ead of
Thursday; 8 p. m.. the Federation of
Clube will meet for supper. There will be
a special lecturer with slides.
Tucwday—The executive committee of
Y. W. C. A. will meet at 10 « m.;
S 15, Freshman Bible class; Fake St hool j
Junior OJrl Reserve; 7 p in., K I. P. club
will meet for play pra^tke and later will |
prartlce basket ball in the gymnasium.
Wednesday—The monthly board me** :
ing of the Y. W. C. A will be hHd at
10 a. m.; at this meeting the Oiri Re
serve program is to be presented. 3.15,
Technical cabinet meeting; Sherman
school Junior Girl Reserves, Urar«j Dodge
Junior Girl Reserves.
Thursday—<" school rabinet meet
ing, T. M. T M. riub will m»*et at 4
p. m ; Busy Cirrle club will meet at 7:30.
Friday—Advisers* meeting, 1 p. m ;
3:15, Vinton Junior Girl Reserve* r Cas
telar Junior Girl Reserves; Edward Rose
water Girl Reserves; Benson High S'hool
Girl Reserves; i:15, Bible class. 6 p. m.f
Alumnae club.
Saturday—<». F O club of the federa
tion will have Its Easter bazar at tb*
Y. W. C. A ; the purpose of this bazar
I** to raise money for the cluba subscrip
tion to the Y, W. C A . 3 p. m.. Triangi*
rlass; 6:15, Technical High school mother
»rd daughter banquet this is the firs*
time that the Technical H gh school girV
have given a banquet for their mothers
__ !
Works for Success Kreisler Concert j
^ c>/
the Tuesday Musical club which is
presenting Fritz Kreisier. famous
violinist, at the Auditorium Friday
night, March 23. is Mrs. Walter Pi os
ton. For the past two years she has
been on the publicity committee with
Mrs. Lucien Stephens. Her particu
lar task (not nlways an easy one) is
the distribution of window cards to
hotels and big stores. Other mem
bers of this committee are Mesdnmes
Clirisl Child Society
The Lightning basket ball team
of the Christ Child' center wilt
enter the Y. M. C. A. ail-amateur
tournament which begins this week.
Quite a bit of competition is going
on between the lace makers. A
prize is to he given for the most at
tractive pattern. Bessie Pecha arid
Constantlna Batiglia have finished
enough lace for petticoats. Kila
Canigiia has completed lace for a set
of pillow slips and Virginia Pelipra
has finished the laco for a Victrola
A meeting of all baseball fans is
called for Monday night for the
organization of Class B and Class C
teams which will enter the City
An appeal has been made to some
of the non-Catholic churches for
teachers for the religious instruction
of the Protestant children who come
to the center. ’ Only two people have
responded to this appeal and Miss
Shanley would like to have more ap
Card Party,
Woman's auxiliary of Mooselieart
Legion will give a card party Monday
evening at Mooseheart temple, ^Twen
ty eighth and Farnam streets.
Calendar for the Week
People’s Home, Fontenelle
••rd—Sunday, g.39 p m. Rev John I
Barton, pastor of Lmmanuel Uaptiet
thurch. speaker.
House of Hope. 7015 North Thirtieth
street—Sunday, 3. p m . Rev. Clyde
Vahaffsy, pastor of First United Fr*sb>
’rrian church, speaker. Vocal quartet
will sing.
Get Acquainted Club—Sunday, 7 39 p.
Tn First Unitarian church. Turner bottle
's rd and Harney street. Pr^ram and
sorja! hour. Op*n lo all strangers and ,
lonely folk.
Omaha Walking Club—-Sunday, 9 39 «
m Endursnr. hike. all day -.uring.
Omaha to Valley, atari Ing at a yj•
a^Tom Krug park on Henson ir line. Mar.
<®ret Davis, leader. Afternoon wa Ik,
3.30 o’clock from Fairy lew Nation on
Fort Crook Intarurban to chib slv»ck in
Fontenells Forest. Lyman T. William,
Tennyson 1 hnutauqua Circle— Mnnrin\.
S p. m. Y. W. C. A., Mrs. William Burton,
ftooaerelt Chautauqua i ircle \fond«:
T 39 p. m , with Mrs. t A « rcssey, 429|
South Twenty-second afr»et.
Omaha Woman’s f lull, fieneral Meetiiu
* Monday, 2:39 p. m., Burgess Nash au<h
torlurn. The cjvks committee, Mrs. \\
H Knight, chairman, will have charge <»f
the program. Dr. Georgs A. Miller,
speaker. Memorial service for d«cr* am-d
members will precede the business hour.
Tdrectory meeting 11 a. m., followed
by luncheon In Rurgces-Nash tea room,
complimentary to Dr. Margaret Nordfeldt.
*<»nth Omaha Woman** ( lub. Music De
partment Tuesday, 2 30 p. m , LI bra r ',
hail, South Hid*.
C. K. Grant W\ R. V.—Tuesday. 1.30 V
rn . Memorial hall, courthouae. Old Guard
post Invited.
Omaha College Club Chorus—Tuesday, 1
£ 1 m with Mi T B Protaroai
•outh Forty-first f.treet.
F. K. O. HisterhomJ, Chapter II. K
Tuesday. 1 o'clock, luncheon wit K Mrs.
Joseptj Weeth, CM* I’nderwood avenue.
Omaha Womsn'a C lub, Hpssrh Kducs
tion Department,—Tu* sday, 1'* 16 * m
D'trgeas Nash auditorium Lesson, extern
poraheou* talks
Ckmaha Woman's Club, Literature De
partment—Tuesday. 2 i rn . Y. W. <’ A
Dr D. W Dlshnng speaker. Mrs. Mil
lard Langfeld, leader
Delptilan N|udy Chapter—Tuesday. 2 t
P . Hurgese-Nash te« room. Mrs <* *
ptoman. leader Subject, "German Drama 1
F-ighteonth Century."
Omaha ltij*|ne»s Woman's C Ink—Tu>»
H l.» p in. V W. t* A Dinner and!. Dr Margaret Nordfeldt of K«w ,
Tork. honor gueet and speaker.
Nermo Club Toe-da ■, 1 o’clock lunch
f rlth Mr* i i Mart is Sf 14 Foe
penu*. Mrs George Geaihait will read !
t paper on “Hospital* In Omaha."
Noon-Day lecture -Tuesday. I ” '» *
S lock, burgess NmhIi audlforlnrn. Walter I
yl**sd will speak under auspices of r*hll
^•ren's theater, Mias Marguerite Beckman. 1
t omus C lub—-Wedneaday, 1 o’clock
luncheon with Mrs. «’ \. flhamey, X hb •>
Fs-lfic street.
Omaha Drama League--Wednesday. «
8 m » iiuigcas-Maati auditorium. Mia*
Kate M' H ifh will speak on Galsworthy s
P. I . O. WMerliood, ( liapter B. P.——
Wednesday afternoon with M»s W. C
Itronson. 1122 Park avenue. Mra. 1*. J.
Haas, assisting
I*. K. O. hiftterhootl, ( liapter C. B
Wfdneiday, I or loch ’urwheon with Mrs.
• ’urtls Gook, 2418 Valley street. Mrs.
Perry Wheeler, assistant.
Omaha Woman* Club, Kaliway Mali
8fnlfe—U«dn**<l»v, . p m with M > <*
Frank McTee, H* <> South Twenty sixth
street. Election of offe pk
Omuhti 4 ollrge flub Itonk Keilew ker
tlon—Werlnrsdii . 4 p to. f*‘ 1 r * t • e> tl t r m I
» ongregHtlon » < htirch parlors Re\ Frank
Smith will review ‘The Goose Mar." by
W a see mi an.
Omaha Woman’s flub, Mu«ir Depart
ment— \V<;. JO II in. 1 \\ i . ,
Ghnrtla rehearsal < >r he«tr,»! practice. k
P in-. Y W • A Mr- WllJ.t Redfieid
leader. Prof. Robert fuacaden, director.
Fonteiielle Kensington f lub. O. |. s.—
Tuesday. 2 lit p. m Animal party at old
Peoples Home.
Mice K Howard * buiito nqmt I |r« l«*—
Thursday. 7 0 p. nf Y M C. A, Mr*
! ..i A PniUlps, leader.
I Aillra of tilting* Sewing Sim* let)
Thu.aday afternoon at ihr home ..f Mrs
.Wjm Johnson. Twenty-third and O streets.
finiwhw W oman'a flub. Home Kronomlr*
I teparl merit-—Thursday. H» .> • , ^ w *
A Carl Taylor, landscape architect,
I nlteil Hi no .\Naneiatinn Ihuoda* 11
I i. m., Y. M. <’ A , room 31b. Important
■ iiusin*"* meeting All incmboi are r»
quested to attend.
Omnhrt Chapter, American War Moth -
! era—Thursday, h p. in.. Memorial hall.
• ourthouee Women’s Oversea* .Service
. I' .igue memhera will ho guests of th»
Omaha Woman's f lub, \rt Hepartmint
Thuridi ■. j i’ m . \ W * a Fleet ion
.•f officers Mias t.u • M a rt e will talk on
1 European gardens, "Flower mark-ta and
‘ aat las.'*
I nity Club—Thursday, Up m. F.rst
j I'nltarlsn church. Ilf Harney a 11»»« » M -m
j l.ihide Hreuer will apeak on A Consular
Office" and M. Lubtn will dlscy-* "Auto
* hugg-stlon."
Onto In* Hiwnan’* flub Kriitru
I Ion l»epwrfiin*iit—»*'? Idsy. to j n. with
Mrs. Hen Marti 6ff Pnrlc avenue. Hi
visions A and H will entertain divisions
0 and H
P. K. f> Hlaterhiwnl. I hop Hr f . I* Sat
unlay, 1 o'chick luncheon with Mrs. c. *
(j. Harrier, b24 North Twenty seventh a\«
Hue. Mrs. I* K. faldwHI. assisting.
Mr Far In ne lecture—Maturdnv. .1 p m .
Ilrandeia grill. Mrs Ida Ktuse MeFsr
lana of Henver will speak on "Notable
I.ecture of the Reason.
l/.Mliance f*'ranciilae—»s'c unlay, t p in ,
with (Jeorge K. Barker. 3.13 8<>uth Thirty
seventh street Madame August Horgium
will givs third of Illustrated lectures on
Paris. Rubjeet, "Paris In the HUtecnth
Omaha Walking Club — Raturdajr, 3 fl
p. in, from Forty.second and Orsnd
streets through Florence woods, Maude
V atson, leader Insular Haturdny outing.
3.30 |> m from end of Albright *ar line
to club shack, Fonlenelle Forest.
tleorge Redick. Rail'll Peters, (A.
Roeder, Herbert Havis, W. It. Wa^-om
K. A. Wickham of Council llluffs and
Miss Ruth Kinsler.
Mrs. Preston is a member of the
Smith rVillege club, belongs to Mrs.
Ida Hanchetts history classes, is a
member of the, Ltrama league and
Fine Arts society, and is active in
Presbyterian church circles.
She returned this past week from
a trip to St. Augustine, where she
played golf on the links now being
enjoyed by President Harding. Kn
joute home, she stopped in Memphis,
Tenn. In Washington she enjoyed
the Smithsonian institute, and in New
York the Metropolitan museum, where
she spent, a day. Walter, Jr., son nf
Mr. and Mth. Preston is a Junior at
Y'ale. He joined his parents during
part of their visit east.
Camp Fire Girls
to Observe
A grand council fire, in celebra
tion of the J 1th birthday of Camp!
Fire, will be held Saturday, March j
24, at 3 o'lock at Creighton gym
nasium. Every t ump Fire Girl is ex
pected to tie present anil wear her
ceremonial gown if she is a Woodgath
eror and entitled to wear it.
A guardians' training class for new
guardians will he held at headquar
ters Tuesday nt 7:30 p. nt. The honor
system will be discussed and part of
the time will he given to craft work
The Batoca group met Friday at
the home of their guardian, Mrs.
Burton Hawley, and heard Florence
Taminosian's conference report. This
group is following the birthday slo
gan of "Double Camp Fire” for they
have taken six new members into the
The seniors were entertained
Saturday at the home of their guar
dian, Mrs. Colin McKenzie, To earn
their Flremakers rank, Blanche Mc
Intyre and Katherine prepared
the dinner. The centerpiece was a
birthday cake with 11 green candle*
for Camp Fire and the decoration*
were carried out In green clover
leaves, tlie symbol of the group.
The Ackihe group held a business
meeting nt Farnatn school Tuesday
and arranged for a candy sale to bo
held Saturday.
A new Camp Fire organized by
Miss I’eurl Pranto met Monday nt
the home of Pauline Pounds and pre
pared for a council fire.
Miss Helen Liaherry's group met nt
the home of Adah Allen and had a
pot luck supper Tuesday evening.
After supper parts for the play were
assigned and a short rehearsal was
The Wltawentln group held ft reor
ganization meeting nt the homo of
Juanita Johnson and mnda plans for
their next meeting with their new
! guardian.
Eighteen girls under the direction
■ f Frances Elliott met Monday after
noon at Central school and worked
for requirements to become Camp
Fire Girls.
Women** Overseas Prague to
Hr Guests of War
The Women's Overseas Service
league will he guests of Omaha chap
ter of American Mar Mothers on
Thursday evening, 8 o'clock, In Me
morial hall, court house. Refresh- _
nfents will he served at the close of
the program.
Danish Dramatic Club to
Present Program.
Johannes Hersklnd, Impersonator,
sing-r and actor, will appear at the
Swedish auditorium Sunday night,
March 23, under auspices of the
Hanlfh Dramatic club. The club will
present a play in which those thking
part will he: Mesdamcs Kathrjne Jpti
sen, Hannah Christensen. Mi lida
Jorgensen, Hansen Swenscn and
Messrs. Edward Sondergard and An
drew Westergai'd.
The World's Greatest Pianist
Who appears in concert Tuesday Evening,
March 20, at the Omaha Auditorium, pays the
following tribute to
“The Instrument of the Immortals"
Messrs. Stein way & Sons.
“The supreme qualities
of your instruments have
been for many years uni
versally recognized, rub
lie and individuals, ama
teurs and artists, have
been looking upon your
pianos as a standard of
perfection. Whenever per
fection is attained, prog
ress is stopped; for there
is no room for climbing
when the summit has been
reached. And yet, in your
case, this law of nature
seems to have been de
“Is there anything
which could demonstrate
more convincingly the
wealth of resJRirces of your firm, the astonishing vitality
of your house? Rut there is in it something to rejoice
the heart of everyone who is devoted to his profession;
young men inherit fame and fortune, general respect
and universal recognition most, legitimately acquired by
the genius, industry and honest, persistent labor of their
illustrious forefathers. Instead of simply enjoying life,
instead of dwelling passively upon the golden ancestral
laurels, they concentrate, in noble, ambitious efforts, all
their energy and up they go to a higher plane and,
indeed, they reach still higher regions.
‘‘Such a thing can only lie accomplished by a sincere
, love of profession, and it is to 1 his love of profession
that I wish to pay my tribute of high esteem and ad
miration. Most faithfully yours,
Do not fail to hear the World’s Greatest Diving Pianist, sup
ported by the World’s Greatest Piano, 'The Steinway. You are
cordially invited to visit our Steinway Parlors, where you will find
a complete line of these world-famed Instruments for your
inspection. New York prices guaranteed. Moderate monthly pay
ments arranged to .nit the convenience of the purchaser, if desired.
V ■
Colonial Satin Finish Mahogany Uprights, 875.00
Beautiful Art Finish Mahogany Grands, $1375.00
Sdtmolkr SJllucllcr Piano G>.
1114-16-18-Dod^e St,* » • Omaha
Exclusive Steinway Reprasentativas fbr Nebraska & Western Iowa
Mrs. Ida Kruse McFarlane of Den
ver university will speak on "Notable
Literature of the Season" Saturday
afternoon, 3 o'clock, in the Brandcis
grill. This is the seventh of a series
of talks on "Timely Interests."
Miss Sarah Vore Taylor of Central
High school has returned from Chi
cago, where she addressed the Chi
cago Woman's club on "The Cultural
Value of Theme Writing."
Two New Clubs Admitted to
Stair Federation.
Two new' clubs have affiliated with
the Second district, Nebraska Fed
eration of Women’s Clubs, and will
he represented at the annual meeting
of the district in Papillion, April 27
and 28,
• w the \rlington Woman’s
club, organized a month ago with a
.uijerghlp of 28. The offi
cers are: Mis. J. *S Laaker, president;
Mrs. J. Jt. Grimes, vice president;
Mrs. C. G. Marshall, secretary, an I
Mrs. John Hebard, treasurer. The
other organization is the Womans
! Osteopathic Association of Nebraska,
Dr. Angela McCrary of Omaha, presi
Girls Community
Service League
The following f lub meeting! and claaa
es will he held at the Girl!* Community
Service club room. 1712 I*odge atreet, dur
ing the coming wick:
Sunday—The club room* will be or>*n
at 6 p. m.
Monday—The Cluga club will meet for
"Upper at f. 15. The gymnasium class,
directed by Mr*. Charles M uftselma n,l will
meet after supper. The volley hail f»am
v 111 prsftke immediately after g'm
na.-tlc < la**. All girls interested In e:ih«r
gymnaath’* or \<dlcy hall, are urg d to
Tuesday—At 5:15 the basket ball team
will practice. Ai! member* of the souad.
which Include all girls Interested, are
needed »o make the pra*i;re worth
while. The Lafayette club will have sup
, per at 6 It. The Dramatic club \ 1
I meet with Mr?. Nora O'Shea. The *•
I craft class will not meet this itfek
Wednesday—Warnm club, aupper at 6 l.v
A very Interesting program has been ar
ts nged for open house at S o’clock. The
South High players will present a p - .
“Anything But the Truth,' and orche?1 t
will assist In making the j rogvbm
Thursday—At *.15 the T>. T. A • .ub
will have supper. After supper Mrs Rurh
Kantor will give the first of a
of four lectures on tho “Selection and
fare of Household Linens." The?* ler
turo* are Interesting, at well aa edi
Friday—The supper class w“i m^et with
M’s tV. L. Riner.
Saturday—The luncheon class wi l
meet with Mrs. Ralph launder* at 1.15
There are two vacancies In the <■!%*•
The weekly dance will be he’d at *;20
in t h** ballroom. Ciuga club girla will be
hos teases.
We Did Not Begin Business Yesterday
A week of storms is not paralyzing—it’s STIMULATING.
The March Lion in spoiling our Opening Week, compelled
us to engage more salespeople and prepare to do the Easter
business in two weeks instead of three.
The Splendid Opening Style Offerings in
Feminine Garments and Materials
are, with a week's accretions, available Monday
One of a Kind
Model Hats
THROUGH a special ar
rangement with a well
known designer of the better
kind of trimmed hats, we are
able to offer our patrons from
now on one-of-a-kind model
bats embodying the newest
ideas in both trimmings and
Always at One Price—
These hats will be known fs
Feature Hats”
And thl* week'* showing includes
a special showing of flower trtma.
Colors featured are
Navy Gray Purple
Mountain Haze Cocoa
Regardless of the time of year,
Amsden Feature Hats are never
more, never less than
1L- . .—.—
Art Hand Work
Display of Linens
5x5} MPORTATIONS by individual collectors of
beauty, uniqueness and value surpassing any
V'lv previous showing so far as our knowledge goes
U (and it goes quite some). Table pieces of great
variety in shape and pattern, portraying a tech
nique. a needle deftness and a fineness unknown in
These Rare Novelties in Hand Work Shown
Italian Antique, Assissi, Filet and Cut Work, Real Madeira,
Mosaic, Appenzell, French Filet, Spanish Embroideries
Crowning all in interest is an
81-Inch Round Banquet Cloth
of Real Appenzell and Mosaic
—A work of indescribable fineness aud beauty. Tbe subject illustrate* the
Triumphant Progress of Othello
Se»en years of hlgb'y cultured industry patiently app’-.ed were required to
complete this work of art. and ?,5"0 American dollars are required to pos
sess it. Now on display fn our center show windows.
Introducing the
A silk stocking of rare excellence, as yet re
ceived in Mack only. This will be our *2.00
storking. For one week, to induce a trial, they
will be sold at, pair—
—— - .. — mm —.— . . . . — —
Monogram Playing
The Very Latest Fad
Three-letter monograms for your bridge cards.
Your choice of backs and several letterings. To
introduce, the following prices nrr now e ffec
tive :
i Deck fi.75 6 Decks . S 7.00
a Decks . fj.oo tj Decks.. $tj.oo
For Well Dressed Women
"IV Pudtrmi TVs RraOi Kxrrt"
20c to 35c—None Higher
F 114*
". pno
See the
April Fashions
Non' On Sale
k "vtn;!
{-very new xtvle trend that Tans approves
ix adapted tor the American figure in
these alluring new Springtime creations.
Whatever you're most interested in the tailored suit,
street frock, coat, or blouse - these smart patterns
show vou
Veldyne for Capes—
Novelty Wool Fabrics for Skirts
Including Camel'll Hair, l'litld*, Ratine and
Dpong* Check*, 6ii Inc he* wide,
Si-95 to S5 50 Vard
\n ordinary wool enters Into the preparation of th.s de
lightful fabric. \ finish and feature so soft, so strong, so
pliable and drapv and thick that Its touch carries a pleasur
able sensation of comfort and grace.
The rich, soft, velvet like bloom is permanent. Sponged and
shrunk, ready for tise. in the newest shades of spring.
Inches wide