Contract to Pave New Addition Let Hastings & Heyden to Pay. for - JoL—May Install W a ter System. Hastings & lleyden let a contract Tor reinforced concrete paving for the main road through the West Dodge Ames addition, which is the old 26G oere Langan farm opposite the Peony farm. The contract was let to Bauer ft Johnson. The roa<[ Is a mile long, extending from Dodge to Blondo. The contractors will begin work ns soon ns the graders get a new road in tho addition. The paving will be paid for In cash by Hastings & Heyden, according to Secretary Kood of that firm. "W'e will not assess one -dollar ot this to the property.” Heed said. "The ordinary method of paying for pav ing through an addition is to assess the abutting property and issue bonds, the property owners to pay for these bonds in 10 annual installments.” In addition to the paved road the firm has started to set out maple trees on either side of tho road, as well as in other parts of the big Langan" tract. Arrangements are being made to in stall a private water system in addi tion to serve at least 40 acres imme-' <1 lately. 'Wells and a reservoir are j now on the tract, but water mains will have to bo-laid this spring, ac cording to Heed. The contract was let last week to ; ^ allied contractors for the construction ol two bridges over tho small creek which runs from Ninetieth street east ; across the addition. Listing Exchange Adds to Schroeder Business The Schroeder Investment company, j realtors, one of the strongest support -rs of (he Multiple Listing exchange, ! announces that since the exchange was created, uly 1, 1922, it has sold ; $ 115,000 worth of pfhperty through t he exchange. This total represents la different properties, according to ,l. I,. Schroeder. The Schroeder company refers to (lie exchange as its ‘ silent salesman." "The experimental stage of this ex change is past,” Mr. Schroeder said, "and it is now on a solid basis, begin- * to grind out realty sales with j frequent regularity.” Mr. Schroeder says the business 1 done by his firm up to March 15 of this year is two and a half times the amount done by the firm in the same same period in 1922. Nebraska Cycle Company . Moves to Npw Location increasing business compelled the Nebraska Motorcycle and liicvcle com pany to move from its Sixteenth ■treet location to larg.r quarters at 1512 Howard street. George K. Hush man of W. Farnam Smith company mails the lease. Under the management of James Van Avery, this company lias built lip one of the i ngest businesses of i s kind in (he middle west. It handles v motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles toy autos, coaster wagons and acres- ■ series of all kinds. * Rea! E5tate Sales NMltlifitfcf. Wter < vv i?«tr l to J J M.rataky, 1 “ 11 South EiKfcth . f4.7in Amanda E Olson to Antonio Gujlz.a 1 i.;I South Ninth not. $4,560. North Side. Emily J. Morti.rd t • A tt\ Schneider, TvM Florence boulevard, $4, !*ab«ll Jj Vhannlx io'Rr. Johns Afr.-au '.V ft hod let Epiaopal ohurch, Grant street, 1. t vren and Twenty-fifth f'reetn, $10,000. J. R. Capinn to Huldv Armbruat Spen cer fltreet, between Twerd >-second and Twenty-fourth street*, $'■.000. Bryc#» Campbell to M>-d,i M 011 1 Hand. Twcrd y-fifth avenue .■:. "0 \i lift Howell to (Jertrude C i ‘'Iter, 3222 2 ■ l’ra» t h' reef, $ I "0. Joseph Xa/akea to II. F. Swenson, 4124 Lake street 1 1.600. I* If. I'lufpott to Minnie Raeburn, Fif tieth and Military avenue, $10,400. Central. Magic city Realty company to Max 1.* trier, 1101 at rent, $30,000. Max Corner to Magi'* city Really corn- ! pany, 209 Mouth Twelfth street, $7,500, I. E. Mmlth to Jake Rosenblatt. 210, to 220 South Thirteenth street. $0,000. , Dora Ilioeh to l.oula Hegalman, 066-658 j North Twenty seventh at reel. $7,900. Cornell uni varsity to Festnei* Printing i company. 1311 Howard street. $41,000 The H.ilvatlon Army company to Man hattan Dll company, northwest corner ] Eighteenth and Davenport streets, $37,600. Inppe Jeppcsen to Maym* K. Aughe, 4fl North Thirty first street, $4,600. Cathedral. John Bier ling to Ella M. Sandberg, 4179 t'a*i Street, $0,600. Henson. Tony Massara to E. If Nielsen. Fifty* Sixth, between Lake and Grant streets, $0,600. W. C. Berry to Mb open A Co , 2624 North Ml*ty-fourth street, $4:100 Hansen In vest inept 'company to F A Mkow, 2527 North Htfiletli street. $6,000. South Omaha. if. KopJety, to Jgnau Dyba, 2714 K S es t, $5,760 Heat I,eaten worth. If. 7). illlborn t»» Ida F. Hunt, 4214 Barker avenue, $6,300. Minn#* I.iisn. Myrtle f, F»att to Tony Nanfitn south west corner Twenty-eighth ahd Newport avenue, $7,100. Oartrude M Carter to flffls E. Cassidy, Vane, between Twenty fifth avenue and! Id.tins Lusa boulsvurd, $6,009 I Owner of Home Finds It Pays to List House Wishing to save the commission (barged by real estate men for mak ing a sale, a "resident of Mlnne Lusa decided to sell his homo himself. Ho Invested in a "for sale" sign and spent quite a sum of money In advertising. Many persons* came to look at the house, but he was finable to 'close n deal. Finally lie became disgusted and gave the Payne Investment company a listing of the place. Forty-eight hours later a sale was closed for a cash price of $7,250. Other sales re ported by the Payne Investment com pany arc: J. Hi Juhlielier to Bertha Alshuler, 4425 Barker avenue, $6,500. W. J. Cronin to A. F. Headley, 2014 Fowler “avenue, $5,500. Kate Solomon to L. Anthony (through Schrocder Investment com pany), 4204 Barker avenue, $6,000. Oeorge Monson to Jojm Itadford, 25G7 Pinkney street, $5,850. .1. P. Bacon to Fred B. Humbncker, 2448 Whitmore, $7,500. George Lamlsburg to George W. Neilsen, Lot S. Elmwood Acres, $1,800. Peter Ostergnard to James J. Malr atsky, 1305 South Eighth street, $4, 750. May 1 Jarman to It If. Garrett, Lot 103, Ellifctone Place, $7,250. P. Storms to George Monson, 2886 Bauman avenue, $7,250. W. W. Watkins to John Sterling, 5427 Florence boulevard, $5,850. Oscar Olson to p. C. Storms, 2881 Vane street. $6,250. Sale of Flats and Duplex Bungalow Nets $27,000 Included in a list of several sales and building contracts, announced by Iledford-ohnston company, are two investment properties. One of them is four brick flats at -01 3-5 and 7 South Thirtieth from •John Anderson to Mrs. Kitty (Jaughn for $14,000. This property is at the southeast corner of Thirtieth and Douglas. The other is a bungalow duplex, brick, at 3152-54 Mason street, purchased by Samuel Harmel from Mrs. Elizabeth Peyton for $13,000. Beaton Company to Erect Seven Stores in Dundee The Beaton Realty company has let a contract for the erection of seven stores on its property at the |»>mh &est corner of Fortieth and Farnarn streets. The contract was negotiated by the ltedborn-Johnston company. Each of these stores will be of brick construction, 19x50. They will all have plate glass' fronts. The ground bas a frontage of 134 feet on Famam by 50 feet on Fortieth. Plans for the building were drawn by Den Daley, architect. Local Mortgage Company Moves to New Quarters The American Mortgage and Finance company, 409-11 Brandeis theater buihling. lias found It necos«ary to move to new quarters, owing to ln erense in business. The new off.coh are at A t 1G Fnurt ney building. Seventeenth ami Doug las streets. Tht real estate and insurance sales force has been more than doubled j during the past few weeks. D. J. i Ithondf s is j * r dent of the company. ] Business Activities t hainher Kill"** Budged. Ileat ih» - i ammlii"’ a from th# Chain- , Lor of ''unmorie hi* engatc *1 in making • or. • for th# fh.tif'o budget fund f**r th** coining year About $'* ioo of th# to tal am*>uni haa been subscribed and most , of .t pastl in tash Buys Lrnnri. !'• s. — 1 M \V;**b# w|d» J.h* h-< . ah-(*i iated with th * Hitt* Valley Marean- i ’ company her# f r 1A year#, close*I n n i for th# purcha*-# of th# grocery store* "f J. H. Than dm. Th# consideration * as *• trn and bear 4 'a per cent interact. $«,n00 *»f th# prin cipal and accrued |Mt*r*#t wilkb# retired •** b year. 1 \ •• i.*m *.:iing fF‘000 will ru*t !»'* sold until thu money la needed. Lincoln architects have I.n awarded the tank ef 4rawlrr? j- n- I ape* ifD'allon*. As noon n» possible bid* for t h# erection Of the schoolhou-** will b» received Incorporate Store. Randolph —Th** La la & Swanhofm merchandise store her# hs« Incorporated ;* 4 th# Davis SwunhoTm company with $ :5,004 capital It I'nvJs is acting president and Lou:* S\ anholm • rrtary HpI Im Mral Market. Beatrice—T f: Walla**. w ho engaged in the in*at market busint*# at Flllej six ’ ear* ago. ha- sold «eh*' busings to L I*. Alexander of J’awnce Clt) Mart Motor Line. B* tr v —Th»* White Transport a* i#n ornpany Start**! Its motor line between Lin**.In ami F'alrbury through Beafrbe T , dura will be run regularly over the route. They carry 20 passengers. W ill Hush School. R' *rHi Loup -Th# rg# Hansen com pany. contractors, of Lincoln, t r» whom th • contract for tho erection of th# new $7o o* * school budding at th * place wna w-*rd**l j .vfp r< h .'*, * * pe* t to be #n the groiyid this w • >-a and make arrangements for tin* excavating and < therwtse prepare for actUu I w«.rk»i»n th** building. Th# excnvatlng will probably lie doti# by local rontraHotu It is th# Intention of the h* ! I nr*! t<* hipri the building entirely completed an l equipped atrd i**ady for <5ccu|tancy at th** beginning of th# n**xt regular session of the school year. I'romof|i»n for Ntorp Manager J'awnee City Ilay Eddy, who ha* been assistant to Manager i li'-j*, h --* been promoted to manager, and will f ak •* < ha rye of the business April 1 (Maude Mark* r, (ho present head, bfromei pout inaater In this city un that date. — .. — Miiilding at Falls City. Fall* City—l ull- City will *• * ts great est yea r% of activities |n lo« *| hl*tnry during 1923. If nil plana now under < on aideratlon materialize The biggest building project llkelv *o be afart*d till* yeni will bn the f2it0.00o Itlchardson » aunty < nurt houae. that will r«pla«. >• the struct tire burned down thr*c years ago. Work on the building thl* >e»r nits made possible by floverrinr Mr:, an a signing of the VVjltso bill per mitting county boards f o mlvortise fot bid* h*> soon n* 7o per rent of th« total « mui t hops • levy Is collected. Ail but $11.duo of the total la now In th« hand* of the county treason r nod 111 •• balance la expected to be collected In May The second building project will be the proposed $100,000 hotel. (•Ians for which are completed Half of the money has already b* nri subscribed end the re rim < uder will likely bo financ ed by bonds The third civic Improvement expected to be added to the city thla year will be In the form cf a country club. A temporary organization wo* effected with T» .1. Newell president. Permanent of ficers will be chosen ns soon as 1'mi mem bers nr« enrolled. A membership cam paign wna started The organization has ttow in its possession a nine-year lease on h lUO-gcro trnc.t Just outside of the city, ideally situated for a golf course. Open llrniK It I Ions** Pawnee «*11y—The Lincoln Pure Mutter company of Lincoln hoe opened a branch bualn-as In this city and la now buying I butter for exportation. I'uting la Ordered. Loup f’lty The city council has ordered th« laying Of about nine blocks of pny ii g. which will Include the principal busi ness street. It Is «xpert*d that at least another block and a half will be includ ed Tha city has no paving at the pres ent time. Omaha engineer* have been 1 employed to make the *urve> and M-tlmaie* They are to begin work wltn 1 in a few day*. Lumber Firm Yard Managers' Banquet .a «l managers y the pastor. Rev .1. H. Stitt MIsk Margaret Schmidt, sister of the .bride, and Harry McMullen attended the 'couple. They will reside In Omaha. ZeIIer-Moin«*«ke. Grand Island—William Melnerb© end Bertha Zeller, both of Ravenna, were mar ried at tho courthouse in this city. County Judge Mullln performing tho ceremony. I .me Joy-Olson. Grand Island—Miss Amelia Olson and Arthur Wnrrnan Lo\^joy. both residents of Central City, were* married by Judge Mul lin. i ornellus-Moeller. Grand Island—Miss Rose M* i I*»r and Paul Cornelius, both of Chapman, were married at the courthouse in this city. Judge Mullln officiating Sherin»n-( Grantl Island—Coming as a complete surprise to h‘*r friends in this city was the announcement of tho marriage of Miss Kvelyn Coates, daughter of Mr. and Mt| F. J Coates of this Count) Judge Mullln officiating Mohr-B ulff. Grand Island A n* ■’ to. place at Trinity Lutheran church iii this • ity. when Miss Anna Wulff and Peter W ilhejm Mohr were marr ed by Rev. V. Wilkins. The bride ha** only recently com** to this country from Germany, were, tt Is stated, the romance had its ln»<‘pts.n wh^n the couple met whtle the groom was \ • Ring relatives there Jasf summer. They will reside on a farm north of this city. S|rn*burg Nelson. Grand Island—Mias Pearl Anns N**ison and I.avern V.rgil Ft r« st.u rg. both re*yL^ ing a* Arnoi ». - er< irr.*-o »' the • <»/j house In this o' - by County Judge MVf- | Hn. W »llei*-HlaJN»r Grand Island—Tho marriage rf Krnest C W>iler of * >rd an t Fraaces Ward Slasor of Pprlngfleld. H I* took place at the < ourthouse in Grand Island. County Judge Mullln performing the ceremony. W allcer-Pmi i«. Grand Ts: »nd—Otto I. I'avt* of Sidney and Miss Druellu. Wa ker of Blue Hill «er# married by County Judge Mud.rt af ♦h«* • lurthouse ,ri iti\* It;. < aH In-llanrt Grant! Island- Miss Muriel Agnes Harvey of F‘ Paul and l)av;d A ' nlvi:i f I n., nebrog were married at the court house. County Judge Mullln officiating. Bungs MiMin. |. .’r e Donald K Pangs 41 .in! Mae tucils Mason, 20, both 'f Has trie#- were granted H marriage Ilcen.-s by County Judge Messmore. prifwc r W uroerke. Beatrice—Karl J. Drsew»*r of Hampton ari l Miss Hew M* y Warn.-c k* of Dsahler ».*r« married by Re-. J .1. Timken *>f Ft Paula K 1 sgstli tl ’ hui1 b Mr ! *r‘ '* • re> ently entered the employ of tho Ne braska State bank loro Wester guard knight. Glen wood — Ffed Wee* ergaard 14. and Beatrice Knight, 2! both of Iv.n* >n. Neb, Secured a marriage license . r- Glen wood and wen marr.**d by Rev Thomas Kvuns of 'he Congrega? c.-. i Aka:'-dr Th« > tt , rc*uD * , 1 farm near Irvington HoKRrtld.arrrt win. York.—Harlow H. I*'ggett of Benedict and Mae Garretson f Central f'ety voo married at the Math- 1 *» parsonage. Rev. R. R. DeWolf offlr-.ating Kirkpatrick Rillulend. York- Vlbert It K rkpatrnk of Grand It ver. la . and Mrs. Mary »' Gillaland of Wtio. we-e married at the M,o lu-dlit par s mage, Rev I,. R. U«W'.:f offi aling. Deaths Mary Moul York - Mary M >u!. a former rr*«|d**nt * r thin • oupty. di»d Ht <»nl Huriul nm • ?. L»u#hton. \l»\ *.K1 h» MI NT. How Those Pimples Vanish! Milan’* < ali itim \t«f#*r* \r,« Mun il«*r* to Mil tli** nliln In l !•-*»i inr H**rlf of I’lmpl*** i»ml ‘'klu Imiarfri t Ion*. Completion 'TMtnl, ton pm vitamin#** and mn h ihimr* i otp* ami k<* nut. HUj4ii n Calcium N%of#rs k*»p i «h» on AN t tie i % I Ion < i h ii v tu i hi . t tin *'■ r>f pimple*, reiliiM** rough nr** mrt«l am h Ini. perfection*. Their fir»t motion I* to aid the ftyateni to g**t rid *» f the inn** of wn»tc product* that »<-ep Into tlm blood and are apt to P*. iPaorbeil in'o the tig IUM. Then th‘* Calcium Itarif |* one of th# element* the1 th • mygigivi naturally abeorha end utilise*. pruth ularly In I 'ping iho akin in Iw iith Thu* there are doH4*>1 le-ncfit* t»» P« had from then* wonder wafer*. for 110 matter how Pimply tho »km, i Imx <.• two cannot fall to ahow marked t'hnngi i Tin i" begin* U» ahow the delicate roa>.tlnt of the akin. It I* amoother. of f'ner texture and with any ordinary attention to bodily hygiene the rotnpleglon aoon ahow* wonderful Itu* |in vement «Jel a to i #nt bn* of SMu*n‘a f*«l< luni Wafer* of any rirugglat am! then you iugy count on ft i ornpleilon worth having. 1 11 Deaths Rev. Thomas K. Hunter. Nebraska City. - Rev '1 hornae K Hunt er. w ho died «• Kimball, was burled here. Hh was on** «>f tho pioneer Presbyterian j ministers of Nebraska anti at an early date held a pastorate at Omaha. An to Komma. Nebraska city.—Anton Komma. 14. a resident of this county sines 187?. died .it his home lie is survived by his wife, three daughters *hd three sons, all rest denfa jot this community. David Riley. Pnwnt* City—-David Riley, pioneer real •lent of the Table Hock, riled at, his home. Mr Riley had numerous relatives through out Pawnee county. Mrs. B. Frits. Fbatrl »—Mrs B Fritz, old resident of Fllu# Springs, and wife of Dr Fritz, died m h“r home. The funeral was held *f Blue Springs. Mrs. Mne Iautraster. H* ••• it i ‘ —Typhoid fever caused the d*-ath "f Mrs. M e Lancaster, w.fe of ' lark Jian'-a.-fer her#- Her husband, who la employed With tho t'nlon Pacific at this point, is Just recovering from an attack* of tli4 disease, and her little daughter, ( Eunice, Is also lit of th« same trouble. ! Mrs. Surnh llispham. Pawnee City—Mrs. Sarah Bl-pham. T9, one of the pioneer* of this section, died at the family home in this city. Glen Baker. Trenton —Gbn Baker. . died a* Cam- | bridge. Ho leaves a vs f- and a child a year and nine months old H»* was in the j -th division in tlm world war and-fought | tn the Argonne forest. Mrs. William Ifelmuth. Callaway.—Mr- William Helmulh, *r . residing on Redfern table, died at her homo here. Mrs Helmuth was a pioneer of this section of the country. Burl 11* Roberts. Randolph Lu' llle It* ’ r> 3 4 daughter of Kveret Robert . died of s irlet fever. Orlando IS. Darling. Aurora —Orlando J I ■ - » for mans 1 .••ears a business man a ‘?id‘-r,t of An rora, died at h.- h-me h r> F-r a num- ' ber of years he owned and managed a shoe business in this city. Mrs. Anna Adelinann Madison—Mrs Anna Adeltmmn. r* a pioneer of Madison county, died «t her home here Requiem services wcr»* held a* St. Leonard - hur* h. Rev. Father Brass off * jatlng Anna R i-tnger wa- horn in Bavaria, Germany. Mho t ame to Amerlt a ADVERTISEMENT* ADVERTISEMENT. Stop Rheumatism! S. S. S. Is the Great Builder of Red-Blood Cells and Rheum atism Must Go! Used Since 1826—Just Try It! “Rheumatism ? Me? No, Indeed. H *4 :il! MBt, ''very bit of It! 11*0 sunshine Jnd Joy foi me now f».r the first time Id yeara. 1 feel a woatVerful glory again Id the free motion 1 used, Plood which Is minus sufficient red rolls loads to a long list of troubles. Rheumatism is one of them. N. F. F. is the groat blood cleanser, blood bulldcr, sr item strong? hencf, nerva to have wn*n my days were young er. 1 look at my hand* and tWnk of the twists \nd g w r 111 u g s they used to bare. 1 bend way over to the floor. I haven't been able to do that In many years. Iran thank ( 8. 8. 8. for It all! ^ To me It was a rising sun of Jov and liberty. Broth ers and sisters In misery, do not f lose your ryes end think that health, free motion •‘SofforiD* hao »ono from j«tr faro, mothrr!" i u vigorator. ^ If stops *kin erup ^ tions. too. pimples, . blackheads, acne boils, ecxemi. It ^builds up run £ down, tired men J* and vromrii, b^au | tifics complex!.»ns, C makes th‘* f1e«h firmer. <' h s r 11 e Batiste, Florence, Texas, writes: *7 tale great Iu'arure m let*mg yon know what S. 5, £. hat done Jot me. / hare net l /one bot tie t a f £. S. 8. I am up to / can walk. The a n«i aireugin are cone from you forever! It 1s not a*. If la here and now for all of you. 8 S. B. Is waiting to help you.” There la a rea»on why 8. 8. 8. will help you. When you Increase the number of your red-blood eella, the entire ays tern undergoes a tremendous change. 1^'erythlng depend* on blood-strength. fuli* Ka$ left ny lej. Pt/trt nsinff S. tt. S. / irat in brd th'rs months and not '/at' / tfi'J r ■' o*n m«nd £. 5. b. fo all V ho svfrr ui :h Kheumstism." Hurt 8. 8 8. todir. It li mid it ill drujc itorei In two glmi Thi larger itlo bottle U tbe mofo ecocom lcmL S. S. S. makes you feel like yourself again \ Restored ! "For uff*rM from disorders of the kidney .in ! bladder. Dlstrer-ing pain in the bark and lilps. depression and extreme nerv oui-nr.ii Also a frequent desire to urinate, many nights every hour or so, | would have m arts*, as the uressure in bladder regu n wa* un bearable. My ankiea swelled and my skin became dry and harsh After using Balmwort Tablets 1 noticed i« lief and continued tAkmg, until now I feel wholly relieved of pain and suffering 1 am glad to recommend lialrnwort Tablet* a* a most reliable beneficial medicine Thus writes Mr W. K Goff, promi nently connected with the D. I. A W. It It.. .Syracuse, N. Y . juat on# of thousands who have found 1 ^ ■ |. V7i) j[» the finest medicine ever used. Don t experiment with harsh, cheap medi cines,- your kidnevs need the best, mild, soothing, healing medicine that can be found, and Haltnwort tablets will prove the be t for you. as they have for others Druggists. 60c. 11. JS. Frrr Medical linok and Sample •le*|rlnes to anyone Mending 10 cents In stamps to the Itiarkburn Products Co.. Dept. D. Dayton, Ohio. WIIKN IN NK.II> OF HKW, OM \ll \ III I \\ \ NT ADS. \I»VI .HThKMKN r. Thp Danger of Grip and Pneumonia HOW TO AVOID Til KM in LKR H. SMITH. M 1' When you catch cold, or have a 1 'dachc with rising tempi rature, you may tie In danger of pneumonia. It Is wise to take every precaution to i heck (t. for the grip is spreading over the country very fast. hirst, take a good cathartic or laxative. Midi as castor oil. or Dr. Pierce's PioaKuht Pellets, to eliminate the waste products Then fortify the system with a gotsl herbal alterative and blood tonic, known as Holden Medical Discovery This acts on the blood-making organs, thoroughly cleansing them and building up energy, vigor and vitality to resist • old snd grip germs If you have n ■ hill and violent headache, better take a hot mustard foot hath, a hot lemonade, or hot water and go to lusl nt once, wrap up well in blankets Then send to the nearest drug store and get an 'alkaline remedy, known as Vnurlc (anti uric in-i^ll and p'-^ up In Dr. Picm/s Laboratory In ltuff.doj N. V. Take four to *.\ tablets before going to sleep, and take as many— three times i day. afterwards You Catch Cold Easily? When you allow your strength to rundown and your body becomes weakened and susceptible, that is just the time that you invite the cold nnd cough that follows germ-infection. Keep your body strong and well nourished — take ** "» HOW NOLtlOK as a means of guarding against the breaking down of the resistive powers of the txxiy. lhe rich,energizing quail lie* of Scott’* Emulsion are quickly digested, and it is surprising how a lew bottles build up and strengthen the whole body. Be sure that you buy Scott's Emulsion! *»<*t a ft. woe, Mlputnlwk]. N J. ti 71 , DOES YOUR GIRL OR BOY WEAR GLASSES to rcllava nr prevent headache, •ye* tira qdirkty nr water, print Mur*, letter* run t•» getk- i ? It I* not nece**ary In many rn««" My I refitment of pltunatii medicine* 1 often entirely relieves the*e distressful condition*. leaving iw\ need for ugh. Mh#f* j «oma gimme*. Lolightful i«*«ult* within a few *. fUmolutrly safe, « «*tl l«l not pnsatbly j harm. Nothing to drop into the aye*. no wa*he* nr *alvc*. t'hildren do not dislike I to take my medicine* This i* honest treatment. Entire satlsfartion guaranteed lei me send you full informal inn DR. H WHISLER, Boa 272, F.mirion, Iowa ! with her parent* when ?■ yeni old ami a year or so later they homesteaded .• farm which she owned nt 'h»» time of her death She was mari.ed Munli to Joseph Adelmann ai Humphrey, slo ts Mirvived hy her aged m ■ *h*-i. Mrs ‘herlr.e Rel*lng**r. on»- *>r Albert .1 «»f ami two daughters, Mr Ma thilda Hh'k»y. 'dnydt-i, and Mi- 1..mi Malone, Madison. Mrs. Klisa liawley. Nebraska City—Mrs. HiIka Hawk', 84, r.f this city, died at tin* home of ..rr daughter. Mrs. It. T. Quinn at oin. and her hotly was brought here for bur ial. She had been a resident of the state since 1SS4. ,Iohn Epp. i Beatrice John Kpp, 7*. formerly of Ihls city, died at in« home of hH son at Falrbury. The bod_y was brought here, for burial. Mrs. Mirabel ly Class. Columbus —Mrs. KllsCheth %:fe of Henry (las*. pioneer Columbus busi ness man, died her*- Juts r. August she and tier husband observed their golden ; edding anniveraary, w.rh nil the mem hers of their family. She was born In .Switzerland. August 11, J-4&. and was mar lied to Mr Cash in August, 1k. VI. .she |ea\efi her aged husband, two sons, and one daughter . Sara «»at Henry C.a.* Henry Cass, jr., and Miss Rose ilass. .Mrs. Mary Thomas. Columbus—Mrs. Mary Thomas widow of District .7u. ifannah. Ogallala—Funeral service* for D J* Hannah, one of the p oneer settlei* of Keith county, were held under th- aus pices of the Ogallala lodge of A. F. A. M Mr. Hannah was a rou n of th** late Mark Hannah of .political fame s«*rv ed as a soldier in th** civil war, and was detailed to purchase horses for the v eminent at that time, lie came to K»* th county in 1882 and brought some of the f:ret registered Shorthorn cattle ever brought to this part of the country In ’he 80s. during the hard times, Mr Han nah was Instrumental in getting the In diana governor to assis’ in sending out food and clothing to the destitute* Mr Hannah was made a Mason in 1861 and was one of the charter members of Oga! lala lodge No. 159, A F. L A M . and \, ;j ,i . h •’■in' member of the Raster n fctar < Uayl» * t httrle* I . Price. Yoi -Charles L Prb . prominent * niiiiK liUM(i''Sn liar. Htt'l son k>< .M * and Mis. Marlin Price, wealthy retired farm .utherai Iff PlUie was bo? i. .n York «-unity and f*>r thr—- years had been pmpnetor of i» Club House f afe, and popular in social nn.t • .vs ad lv.tie jf- was a memh-r of t ifi Klks and Hugh of ' ''••miib ^s h'irviV.nK are hi* parents, a sister. M:e« Mary, mid two brothers. James and Rom* The Klks and Knights of Columbus lodge had charge of the funeral. Samuel Hist. Humboldt Tfi** funeral of SamuM P ** who died a few days ago In Lincoln, was hchl in this r jt> R« \ 8 if. Dawson of the Christian church conducted the services. (•Vorge < allows?. Beatrice - Heorge Oalidw* 7*. p.oneer of Adams, died a? that place. He ig sur vived by six children, all grown. Mrs. Theodore Jzoernemann. W.-st Point —Mi"- Theodore Poerne mann. 03, died at her home in this city. - iie w i> a native of \ a. i am to this city 3 5 years ago. She is survived by nine children and h**r husband Mm. C arl Hadu*rhrl. West Point—Mrs Carl Radue-h »:* died «-t 1a\uj0 horn* She * surv.\ ed by aix children. Mm. Ireiw Snt• city He is survived by h e wife and three children. Mitchell WeiM. Beatrice—Mitchell Welti, 21. living pear Virgin.a, died at Lincoln, 'ft* body was tak**n to Virginia for burial. - . £ Julius llotli. Columbus—Julius Hnth, 7 4. for 16 years a resident of Plane county, died at his home here. Mrs. 4 Rtlrrlne KiigH. Columbu* —Mr* ' atbrine Knge’. for 41 years a resident of Platte county and the head of a family of fh e genera tions died here. She is survived by three eon* and three daughters. 36 grsndchil ADTEKXISEM1 vr AiHFRlbfMKNT One Thousand Cases of Appendicitis All Operated in One Single Hospital A. h .gli 11 s generally "''n that Bp pendlcltle ,* a very tr-nunon <1 ** aa* it will be news to mHiiy that in • ne h'-« pltai over one thousand operation* for this rti"**n*e were pt-rfnimed . n a • ni year. This do** not include rare* In th* same hospital where th*- appendix «»i re moved during other operation* \ Tr«arhen»u«* I>i*eo*e. Apperdk it ia attack* at ary momen* even j"-’ ins sscmingiy ;i ► health Usually, however, it s j-r- < e !ed by en tailed stomach trouble ■ onatlpat on or •imllar disturbance* often v h»n th*re is a warning feeling 't uneaairRSS in the abdomen. append'.-U *• ran be gaurded against in m»« My the same manner In which « ne guard* ax.iintl the s ’-d of throat Infect.t il. be* n **e that * -u*t *hv. appendicitis xa—an infection In the lrt< » tuna spreading to the a| per, Whoi *• ha i * re thro.T a** * ** • f «• n f ’ ■ further troubV ami in* *]- .- optn*-* *t-»*» “• e*er I hie pr.wfcf «. tier., known a* Adlerlka, a * a* follow* It tend* to eliminate or destroy harmful germs and cob *n haiil. o n* r’e-* *! •.anal, thus goaidin* against appendir:*i* and oibnb .a. . K»-port« f rom Ftiysielan*. ' I c- ngratulate you on the good effset I h. l f: It. Ati ::K( **.■■- I prescribed it (Signed J Dr. L- Lang lot f hi;.’ f ind i. • . rg in my £» year* pra • » • excel Adler wa. * (Signed) Df. James Weaver. i u*« A Vr ' a In e.l Lowe’ rases Home resale* or •• one dose Signed) Dr. T VI Frettyman. , ! Af**r faking Ad1 *. * a fee! be* ter than fur years. Haven* language to ea th* AWrrr. lUPURITlK* rliml-i • fr> m my system.* (Signed) J. E. Puck( tt« Adler ea is a * •* nt surprise fo pc t— whrf ha* used only ordinary how*I ! j.v h ...» * e- r-n a jr.t of ;»• ■up i. * (’OMPLETK a ' ion It * acid by lead rg drugg s's tvsry where. dreti. «< *•ea’ k?andrhiidren and un« jjrtat final grandchild. < IiktIm l*rlff. York—Char!*-- Pn* n 2&. prop»'n*. r fh*- <*lub Houjm* < lRar • wire you get Zerbst's Grip Capsules. Not tablets. Zerbst's Oh' ro-Pir.s for coughs. ZCtbst Ph macal Co , Ft. Joseph. Mo. Nurse Stacey’s Suggestions to Middle Aged Women * .k ^_ * MRS M STACEY \ COlklUVLU ILLINOIS A MOST trying period of a wo nun's life is^of middle age, ** fraught with danger to some extent, and invariably with most annoying symptoms, such as hot-flashes, smothering spells, nervous troubles, irregularities and fainting spells. Whun n woman like Nurse Stacey after many years of earing for •.he sak writes a letter of praise fot; Lvdia K. Pinkh&m'g Vegetable Com pound like tin- following, it should influence other women who are passing through the Change of Life to try it. Lydia E. Pink ham s \ egetable Compound is a r\xrt and herb nnMi. 10 especially adapted to act upon the feminine system. It helps nature to build up the weakened, nervous system, and enables women to pass this trying period with the least possible annoying symptoms. Nurse Stacey's Letter Follows: l el 11N8V1UX. Ill 1 could nlmost write a bank in praise of Lydia K. rinkham * t egrUkU' Compound. In ♦ S Aral place my human,1 induced me u» tiv t at. i t hav* continued taking it ofT and on for years. I ha** become a well woman from it* tin- and am now taking it through the Chang* of Life just to b* on the safe aide, i Aral t'H'k it for tn and a weak rendition of the whole avstem amt I think it saved my life amt mv bahv. She is now a mother and take* it herself and I think 1 can count, a* high a- a hundred women I have recommended the Vegetable Compound to. a* 1 am a practical nurse. T»c mv letter in anv way you sec tit for 1 wilt stand by wliat 1 write."—Mrs. H. Srarrv. loUmsvill*. Illinois! Another Woman's Similar Experience I'unng the ( hangs of Life 1 waa always tired ami wea„. could hardly do n-v work and did not care to go anywhere or talk'to people After 1 t*. »n to take I.ydia K. I’mkhani's Vegetable t otnpcnnd l noticed a chans* and 1 had taken fur bottles of it I felt like a new persou. 1 can and alwavs w ill recommend if in os- » like mine”- Mr* .L>.*. Wamsh. lim tk lkth St. Manitowoc, Wisconsin Take Mrs. Stacey’s advice and try Lydia E, Pinkham’s re detable Compound LYDIA C . PINKNAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN, MASS.