BARNEY GOOGLE_ sparky’s hitting on all cylinders Dr*wnforTh,et°Sl^.*S*ebyBillyDeB*ck Copyright. 1923. by King Feature* Syndicate. Inc. I ALL GET - 1 11 g»et V a Sot*iE reporters ove« i ^ HERE AND UJ&ll. i ■ i - ■— ■■ - ■ ■ — ■ - ij 1 ■ ■■■■■ — | 1 ■'I ’ ■—■■■■ --V ■! THlt> GENTLEMAN l*b MAKINC, THE ARRANGE MENTt) FOR THE CHAR\TV BALL - l WANT TOO TO A'btM VT HIM * OH:it>THl1> TE^s-FlR^T OF < TO BE. OOf? ALL V/E. rSEE-O OFFICE? SOME TTPEWRITER '—>■-jf&l r— D BUT-LET DON'T TELL ME L. ME TELL nothin'- I LL <.1T too— the typewriter ‘SUPPLIED! ^ © t>23 »v Int l FtATuwc Scuvicc, Inc. > | O oh: — • ) THKTt) —r~ ^4, lovely : Ms-" /MpS n-ffr ABIE THE AGENT- Active Twenty-Four Hours of the l)*y IT UJAS A QREATCOME ON - V.WE ^ SHOu>, ABE Mob i VHAKV A llTTUi BIT! NOU ANb I'LL SAV WE'LL q© ANb L QOCbNIQHY !> HADE A BITE To — EAT! ~A~ / \T ISN'T REAUY QOOt> TO EAT «T I THIS time: of \W*wr, = A THICK SIRLDIW^ SVtAK,A COMBINATCW SAVAt), OOfFPF AKfc.APPVEPtPy^ [YUVriYooV^y A loot TO Pop SOU, ABE, AY ,v r njc.t. No» v 'THIS HOUR*'toOIL BE tjOCAMIMr l SOMETHIWQ To VtoMUttNOWtl - 7-- \AS\-«P! j —L—-»l. jr-r, rvn Vr-.jg. 2.2. EDDIE’S FRIENDS_ After Feeding a Kitty All Night. I ^/W>-T—----------- ----- ' f ' hl Took, out he makes more Eighteen Buckis FoP. out of kitty I The. KiTTy ag* he than he doeo out T DIDN’T HAVE AVORE'N TMt , ) Two Bits worth of hat p,£° DoEsgt HAm AM’ A NICKELS Have To tuiG To d. W5R.TH OF AVUSTAP-P- COou to do ex cent to lie friendly and fair to the young man. If he wants io go with you he will let his voice be heard, lie may have some reasons for not wishing to go to places with you. Perhaps lie cannot afford to remain In school and benu a girl around, loo. Certainly Yes. Deni Alisa Fairfax: After an eve nlng of amusement such as n theater or dance, should s girl thank her es rort for the enjoyment? Should a girl ask n boy to call? If so, what should she say? Thanking you ill ad vanee. ME. Should you thank a boy for lielng kind to you? Certainly! I always regret mi attitude on the part of wo men which lakes courtesies from men for granted. Of course men should he considerate of women, and women of men, but I hanks sre always In order. .Amelin V: tlet u copy of "The Dally Dossil'' exercises. They me good and can be obtained for n dime. If you don't know where to obtain them, send tne a stamped, addressed envelope and I will let you know. Y'our question- sliout calories sre for a food expert. There are good books on the subject which you should read If you are. An Interested The home economics department at the state farm. Fnlveralty of Nebraska. Lincoln, would doubtless send you leaflets on the subject, of calories Write them. i repo do chine Is a soft, graceful material The darker colors would make you look more slendei A dark •hade such us blue, brightened up with some touch of guy color for trim ming. ought to he a wise choice for you, though I think you could w-ear browns as well perhaps better on hi count of your brown hair. If your sister likes to have you «c E TALES ALE OF H MULE %on; bailex CHAPTER XXVI. The I'mbrella Johnnie Green wanted to go ovii the hill to play with a friend—a hoy called "Rod. ' • "Ton may go," his mother said, "hut you must take an umbrella. We’re going to have rain." Now. Johnnie Green didn’t like t • carry an umbrella. "I don't think it's going to tain.' He grumbled. "I'll ask father If I need to take our." "Vour father has gone to the \il lage " Mrs. Green told him. "Aftivbe you'd rather stay at home, anyhow. ' "Oh, no!" Johnnie exclaimed quick ij. And snatching up his umbrella he slipped out of the door. "I'm not going to walk 'w , oxer the hill—not If I have to carry tins .company her to dances, it Is probe hi x all right for you to go. but 1 would in crowd." 1 would not go home xxith ja young man who did not rare enough for my company to t ike me I there as 'veil. Any book afore could supply >o\i with hooks on astronomy. H. A. K.t W tile to the Slat' Ulna ry Commission at Unroln. I am quite sure they ran seottre the ... fot ! you. Have you tried the library In 1 your own city? Two Old Maids: Why no l.otlt txe cept and make it the Jok> It - an* I to be? Parents’ Problems Hhould the rldeat child of a family have any npccial right* or prlvllagya? Thera are certain thing* «h;it h**k like * pet Ini right* or privilege* that the rldeat child nntiunlh has. nueli a* :i ntlghtly later bedtime. eft Tin thing* ate the natural remit t «»f being older ttinn the other children lie aide* this, there nhnuhl he no dlftei once made. All the children ought to render the Mime obedience to pa rent* an£ keep with oi|unl exactnea» the mien of the home umbrella." lie muttered as soon ns he was out ' f his mother'* hearing. A few minutes later lie was throw ing Ins saddle on Mistah Mule. And then he mounted him. Mistah Mule rooked Ins eye at the j • ln«ed umbrella In Johnnie Ctreen s hand. What for this I" y get that itlub?" he asked himself, "lit- l»etter not hit me with it " Urn e In the road Johnnie urged Mis iall Mule into a muter, lie noticed that dark clouds w.-re fast gathering m i l In ad. And white wisps of clouila were beginning to w hisk over the top - ot Blue mountain. • I iuldap: Hlddap! lie cried to Ml* tali Mule. “We want to get to Reds house before the storm breaks." i f ' , ■ ' '• v\ \ \ i'' . 'x'l Til# umbrella turned wre*»d *idc out at the vtrg moment whan tha *aUdl«-$M*b hreka They weren’t half wmy up the Ion* hill when the wind began to whip fh# ti »" top* and a driving rain awept ftrrt'ns the valllcy. pelting them with gnat drop*. ati ruined It. npnud, over Ilia head All at once a cyclone aeemod to atrlke Idm. Miatah Mule plunge* and reared and bucked. .hdinrlo clung to| the umbrella with one hand, to the pninmel of the middle with the other ; The umbrella turned Side out at the very moment when the saddle girth broke. And the next thing John ne Green knew he found himself Bit ting in the middle of the road in a puddle holding the wrecked umbrella aloft. Mistah Mule was standing a little distance away with his hack to the storm, hunched up, and with his head drooping. Johnnie didn't caic to mount him again. He led Mistali Mule home, with the soft mud sucking at his own feet with every step he took. 'There was a cyclone for a few moments." he told the family while he dried himself in the kitchen. Farmer Gieen had come home. And when he heard all of Johnnie's story he quickly guessed the truth of the matter. Mistali Mule liked umbrellas even less than Johnnie Green. Tomorrow: Mistali Mule Ha> a l>is pute with the Oven. Blight and Broad (Ceps right, l»in N® remody ean rur** all ail ment* of the hu man body, but an imrneoa® number of peo pl® a offer from ache#, paina and dis ease *jnnpUHQS who® t he r real trouble ta lark of iron in the blood. It ia the iron in your blood that enable* you to get the nounahment out of your food. Without iron your food merely passes through yoa with out doing you any good; you don’t get the atrengih out of it There ia on® unJvere a__ • _I - tk.i I._ it contain# iron like the iron in freah vegetable* and lik® the iron in your blood. NUXATED IRON ii an eminent phjaictan a beat blood preaerlption. alandardtreiL It ia recom mended for all anaemic and ron-down condition*. It baa helped ihouaanda af oilier* It abnuld help pou. A*k for it at any drug a lore. Peaton Pen* Co. .ihcrmnn A McConnell i PiIIIT i n.. Hame. |)rur Co . Merrill 1'ruf Co. and J. Harvey l.reen. Go After Rheumatism Get ANTI-URIC at Sharman A McConnell'* Drug Store* Uncle Sam Says Child Care Booklets. The United States children's bureau has issued a list of good books and pamphlets on child tare which all ■mothers, who are desirous of reading on the subject of child care, should have. Most of the booklets mentioned in the list ate free and Attainable from the government, while some »d the titles may bo purchased In bool; stores or loaned from libraries. Readers of The- Omaha Bee rna? obtain a copy of this folder free at ' long as the free edition lasts by writ* Ing to the children's bureau. Depart* ment of Babor, Washington, D. asking for “'Children's Bureau Dodge* No. 1." EASILY TRACED Thousands who are none too strong trace the present weakened state to influenza or some like-debilitating illness. Such could not do better than try the strength-restoring and body-building virtues of SCOTS MMSIOfl This efficient tonic is nourishment in a form that helps □build up a healthy resistance. If you are not in your accustomed strength—rich, nourishing SCOTTS EMULSION wUl help you. Try Hi The exclusive grade of cod-fiver oil used in Scott** Emulsion if the famous ' S & B. Proccfcft.” made in Norway and refined in out own American laboratories. It is a guarantee of purity and palatability unsurpassed. 3cott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N. I. jo-ift ADVERTISEMENV. IN fl MOMENT Try This! Hair Appears Soft, Colorful and Abundant —A Gleamy Mass 35 Cent Bottle of "Danderine” Also Ends Dandruff; Falling Hairl Immediately!—your hair becomes beautiful, dust moisten .a cloth with Panderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: tins will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil—in a few minutes you will l»e amazed. Your hair wiil he wavy, fluffy and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and reiilly appear twice as thick and abundant—a mass of luxuriant, glinty. colorful hair. Uesides beautifying the hair, I'an uorine eradicates dandruff: invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and fall ing hair. Panderine is the best, cheapest and most delightful hair corrective and tonic. It is to the hair what fresh showers of rain are to vegetation. It goes light to the roots, vitalizes and strengthens them. Its stimulating properties help the hair to grow long, heavy, strong. You ran surely have beautiful hair, and lots of It. if vou will spend 3Z cents for a bottle of Panderine at any drug More or toilet counter. It is not greasy, oily or sticky. VIIV f KTI'I m NT. MU' If. 1 VKTTKR Girls and Women Who Are Ailing Wluf This Woman Sj»j» |« of > if a I Important'*o to You. i. Iowa I know that Pr. Pierces Favorite Prescription has helped ;no a great deal. I have had no return of feminine trouble at all ami it is over a year since 1 stopped taking the 'Prescription.* 1 shall recommend it whenever I have * ihance.”- Mr*. H. O. Vetter Health is wealth. Ho not neglect the most valuable asset you have. Go to your neighborhood drug store ami get Favorite Prescription in tablets or liquid, or send 1«V to I>r. Pierce, President Invalids* Hotel. In Buffalo, N. Y . for trial pkg. of tablets and re ceive good medical advice free of all expense. I Combat it with' I I Dr. KING'S I NEW DISCOVERY I j | - theJinufy cough syru» [ f —breath? JHyoraei ■ It kilts catarrh germs. 9 Prevents forma-ion of B crusts in nose, phlegm S in throat. Soothes in B flamed memb'anes, •S relieves stuffed up ■ feeling intwominutes. *1 No stomach dosir.e-iust ^B btealkf mtdtca:tti a:* ■ HYOHEI Sod by ■ all drug s’- *•«« Sa: ■j isfaction w guaran yjj> tend t r ip money U bscE. HT0ME7 •«« flt f •r'adw r-* brrte'ijtr ixjnid. •mm tt* wth ffti: Ilk III IP TKI OM \ll \ Hk I \\ \NT \|i> WEAK EYESIGHT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN • nit )oun» t>ool>l» mil no! nflh-ato u.r of «U- S»'o. nWanl til- -17 o ^ mr.tirmo. rihirh ! u»o for this troutlo I'fllfir. *11 di.trr*. •• tiro.Ucho. (if. tiro imirr. loltor. tan tu**!hor. fir. »nil »ntlr*t> m(i"(. ihf c»«-r C»-r - non h »orn con hr lauf o*i »ft»t onl> • fro- d»> Why Id > owr girl or ho> »m ««!>'. both*r>om» «)•»•'* »ilh -u- — • »• my **fr irtiiwyniT l)H H WHIST1 F R 3J» rauMAi.