The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 09, 1923, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tractor Crushed
Victims of Klan
Such Is Theory Advanced in
Louisiana Murders as to
‘"’Torture Machine.”
liastrop, La, March S.—(/P)—Per
prune who have- examined carefully
the report of the pathologists
oa the condition of the mutilated
bodies of Watt Daniel and T. F.
Richard found in Lake La Fourehe.
3>i ember 22, last, and who are fa
miliar with mechanical devices, de
clare they believe they have identified
the so-called "torture machine" as one
of the many road or farm tractors in
use throughout the parish.
Daniel and Richard were kidnaped
August 24, and nothing was heard of
them until four months later, when
two bodies were discovered in the lake
and identified as those of the missing
men. The head of each was crushed.
The hands and feet of each had been
crushed off and at equal distances,
the lower legs, thighs, upper arms and
forearms were broken. The chests had
been crushed in. .
Inflicted Before Death.
The pathologists testified at the
open hearing here in January that an
examination indicated the wounds had
been inflicted before or just at dentil.
The heart of each man, they said, had
been drained of blood.
About three mfles from Bastrop on
This Laxative Works
Fine on Old People
Thousands hm kept Iknuhti healthy
with Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
4 DVANCING age with ita
.fV subdued ambitions and
strivings could be made very
happy if only Rood health accom
panied it, and the basis of Rood
so mui ii me Better. nut it
nature will not. operate it. must
Ih; assisted or sickness will follow.
Neglected constipation causes the
Mood pressure to go up 28 per
cent, and that is the forerunner
of hardening of the arteries. It
makes rheumatism and gout
worse, too.
The ideal ronsLipation remedy
for people of advancing years is
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a
vegetable compound of Egyptian
senna and pepsin with pleasant*
i tasting aromatics. It is gentle
and mild, and floes not cramp or
gripe. It is a mistake to think you
nerd a violent salt or powder or
pill, calomel, coal-tar drugs and
such things. They purge and
health, as every
one learns upon
ri aching the age
of 60. is the regu
lar daily move
ment of the bow
els. If it ean be
effected through
the food you eat,
the water you
drink and the ex
ercise you take.
Thousands of parents are asking
themselves, “ Where ran / find a trust
worthy laxative that anyone in the
family can use when constipated?"
/ uroe you to try Syrup Pepsin.
/ will gladly provide a liberal free
sample bottle, sufficient for an adequate \
test. Wrile me where to send it.
Address Dr. W. H. Caldwell, hi5
Washington St., Monticello, Illinois.
Do it now!
weaken you, and their reaction
lends 1o make you inure consti
pated than before. w '
Now try the milder method.
Dr. < .uldwell’s Syrup Pepsin does
not lose its good effect with re
peated use, and increased doses
are unnecessary. Mrs. Li. M.
Burgess of Enfield. N. C., who is
73, keeps herself in good health
with it, and Mr. Charles Chorman
of Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y.,
wasted fifteen years and consid
erable money on other remedies
before finding steady relief with
Syrup Pepsin. J
Use L)r. < laid well's Syrup Pep
sin yourself the next time you
suffer from constipation, bilious
ness, headache, sleeplessness, in
digestion, piles or night cramps.
Many thousands of elderly people
use. nothing else, and it Costs them
less than a cent a dose. Druggists
have sold it successfully for 30
years, and it is the most widely
bought family laxative in the
the Rastrop-Collinston Monroe high
way is a huge tractor used to pull a
road scraper, a typical machine of
its kind, propelled by a heavy duty
gasoline motor. The iron wheels are
seven or eight feet in diameter, while
their rims have a width of approxi
mately three feet.
The bodies apparently had been
stretched full length when they were
mutiliated with the arms brought
above the head. Fractures of tljg
heads and those who attest the bodies
heads and those who arrest the bodies
must have been broken with a tractor
believe they were stretched on the
ground and the machtfie run or push
ed over them. Such a machine as
the one near here, it is contended
would inflict such injuries, the heavy
cleats on the wide wheels fracturing
the arm and leg bone?, crushing the
heads ami chests and severing com
pletely the hands and feet at the
wrists and Just above the ankles.
I’ossihle Motive.
Firm in the belief that the bodies
were broken with a tractor, those
advancing the theory also declared
that they have hit upon a possible
motive. When the kidnapers released
Daniel's father. "Tot" Davenport, and
\V. C. Andrews al Collington, but
retained Daniel and Richard as pris
oners, the three set at liberty were
told that one of these men would re
turn but the other would leave the
It is now believed that Richard was
the man destined to return as he had
a wife and several children. Daniel
was unmarried. Daniel was forced to
submit to an operation and those who
have determined upon a possible mo
tive for the mutilation believe that
he bled to death or that tiis raptors
realized he would soon die, were de
termined to make way with Richard
as ho might recognize one or more
members of the band.
With_ both men dead or dying, it
beanie necessary for the slayers to
hide the bodies and do something to
make identification impossible, if they
were ever discovered. To make
Shrine Circus at City
Auditorium Invaded
by School Children
The Shrine chins at the Auditiv
riurn was invaded by school children
of the city yesterday afternoon. The
matinee performance started later
than usual to enable school widdics
to witness all of it.
Visiting merchants attending Mer
chants' Market week festivities re
newed (heir youth at the cirrus
Wednesday night, laughing as mer
rily at the antics of the hig ele
phants and the littls clowns, and
getting as many thrills from the
trapeze artists as any child present.
School officials say thousands of
children were more diligent today,
taking no chances of having to stay
after school and missing the circus.
Old King Tut
Leaps Into Fame
The man of the hour is undoubtedly that late King of Egypt whose combined residence
and tomb was lately opened to newspaper reporters and others. “The most remarkable man
in the world today is King Tut-ankh-Amen,” flatly announces one newspaper editor. “Al
most overnight he has obtained a position of eminence surpassing that of the President of the
United States, or the Premier of Great Britain, or Charlie Chaplin, or Jack Dempsey. . . . His
leap into fame has been even more spectacular than that of Dr. Coue.”
By way of corroboration of this very generally held opinion of the popular King, dress
makers are bringing out Tut-ankh-Amen costumes, an enterprising silk manufacturer is ad
. vertising, with^n interesting variation on the name, “Tu-tank-ha-men” silks (Reg. App. for
U. S. Pat. Off.), a whole act of a New York musical comedy has been cut so that a new Tut
ankh-Amen episode can be put in, he is said to be slated for the movies, poems galore have
been written about him, Margot Asquith has appeared in I^ondon wearing a gown draped, at
least in part, after the manner of the popular young King’s kilts, while babies, suburbs, restau
rants. apartment houses, and parlor cars are being named after him, and it is confidently pre
dicted that there will soon be a King Tut cigar. The simple fact is the King is all the rage, in
spite of his age of some three thousand four hundred years.
In THE LITERARY DIGEST this week (March 1 Ofh), there arc two live news-articles, graphic
ally illustrated, which tell all about this famous King of Egypt and of the splendors in historic treas
ures which have been unearthed in his tomb. Other news-articles of great interest in this Number are:
Do the American People Wish to Join
a World’s Peace Court?
Hindus Are Too Brunette To Vote Here
War-Waste or War-Speed?
To Shear Supreme Court Powers
Soviet Russia’s Reliance On Islam
Radio For Mines to Avert Disasters
The New Treatment For Diabetes
New York’s Awe at the Best Seller
Kindness, Not Curses For the Turks
Do We Need a National School For Manners?
Topics of the Day
How Business Is Improving
A Brighter Day For the Old Farm Mortgage
Mr. Harding’s Shifting Cabinet
Coal Gouging Charged by the Miners
How Germany Is Standing the Ruhr Ordeal
A French View of the “Anglo-Saxon Entente’’
Who Discovered Hafnium?
Flanders Mud Blooms Again
The German Opera Invasion
“Jugging” the Bootleggers In Minnesota
“Big Six,” New Boss of the Boston Braves
The Lexicographer’s Chair
Maiif/ inlertHting lllmtratwn*
What They Say About the Motion Picture Novelty, “Fun From the Prew”
"The Literary Digest’s ‘Fun From the Press' proved a
novelty that gave genuine enjoyment.”—Weekly Film
Review, Atlanta, («a.
“ ’Fun From the Press' proved one of the most delight
ful laugh-provokers of the season."-- Atlanta Constitution
“An entertaining bit is ‘Fun From the Press,’ a collec
tion of short humorous squibs which have been exception
ally well chosen by the editors of The Literary Digest
anti are not only comic but, in a finer sense, humorous."
Philadelphia Record.
‘‘The Literary Digest'* 'Fun From the Pres*' i» a highly
amusing and breezy lot of clever sayings."- Philadelphia
"In my estimation, it is a reel that should he on every
program for the reason that the witticism* are rare and
well selected and can not help but he appreciated by the
better class of people and those who appreciate clean writ
snd humor.”- Charles F. Kear, Mgr. Opera House, Minors
ville, Pennsylvania. 1
Go to Theaters Showing run rrom the Press end you will enjoy the entertainment.
The Literary'Digest, Producers. W. W. Hodkinfton Corporation, Distributor.
Get March 10th Number, on Sale To-day—At All News-dealers—10 Cents
(8 ^Fterdry Digest
Father* v \_y
**F Why not make sure that your children have the 9 mtg
*W*%Mm*mC*9 advantage of using the Funk S Wagnails Com- f%99 a ******
ja-— prehensive and Concise Standard Dictionaries In school ^ _ a_
IfflvrlCe]^"1^' and at home? It means quicker progress * C9C**€f*9
Einstein Hailed Like
Bull Fighter in Madrid
'“PrcSc act'
Al r;<r i*f
■ ■■■ I ■«■»■■■ »...»• ak..
Paris, March 8.—Madrid has dis
j covered Prof. Albert Einstein. The j
great scientist opened a series of lec*
i tores there Tuesday, and already he
has become a sensation, getting pages
of publicity in the newspapers and
| bigger crowds daily at his lectures,
than ever fought to see great Spanish
dancers. The scientist for the first
time is getting a real popular recep* |
tion, as Madrid is treating him like j
a great bull fighter or a hero, al
though the El Sol admits it is not '
sure what it is all about.
i ___
Detective Finds Missing
Car Parked Almost at Door
Police scoured Omaha Tuesday
night fir a big redan stolen from,
Peter Mehrens, 2761 California street. '
Joseph Wavrin, motorcycle officer,
fatigued by the search, returned to
his home, the Sweet wood apartment,
and there, almost at his door, found
the missing car.
Detectives in hiding watched the
sedan Wednesday night, but no one
tried to drive it away.
Logan Youth Acquitted
of Counterfeiting Charge
Otis Spencer bf Logan. Ia., who war
indictrd upon eight. separate countf
involving manufacture, possession :
and circulation of counterfeit cur
rency, was acquitted of sll charges
yesterday aftrnoon by a jury in fed
era! court at Council Bluffs.
Mollie Just Hates "The Sheik”
Jazz Tune Tried Out o Two She-Bears and Bruin
in Zoo With Fatal Results—to Phonograph.
Seattle, Wash., March H.—Some
sorts of music may tran<|uilize the
savage beast, hut not jazz, today as
serted a local piano dealer who yes
terday tested the matter.
He persuaded the superintendent
of the Seattle zoo to lower a phono
graph, playing ‘The Shirk,’ into a
pit containing three bears, MolUe,
llanna and Joe.
By the time the .jazzing cabinet
touched the floor, Mollie, llanna
and Joe appeared at the door of one
of the caverns surrounding the pit
‘ which contains a deep swimming
i pool. A moment they listened, then
. they approached, livening some
Mollie made the first swipe at
the music. She tore the scroll work
from the front of the cabinet with
one stroke of a foreleg. Joe then
discovered that lie could stop the
jazz by laying a paw on the revolv
ing record. Mollie followed with a
right and left to the general works.
As the machine still grinding out
the tune, fell on its side, she jumped
on it with all fours. Hanna and
Joe came in agaim for the finish
and the three brushed the disturb
ance into the pool, Mollie jumped
on it and triumphantly held it
under the water until the last
strain died away.
Woman Sentenced to 500
Days in Own Home Caring
for Her Four Children
Fresno, Cal , March 8.—Mrs. Eliza
beth Espinola, convicted of bootleg
ging, on her own confession, was sen
tenced to spend 500 days in her own
home, caring for her four little chil
dren, by Police Judge J. <!. Crichton
The woman first was fined 1500.
the court then discovering that she
could not pay It. The fine was re
mitted and the woman placed in her
own custody in her own home, to work
oijt the fine at the rate of J1 a day.
Secret Service Agents
(father Evidence in Tombs
New York, March 8.—Secret Service
Agents Di Fiore and Harris emerged
from Tombs prison as heroes of the
"clean up" by which the government
smashed an international counterfeit
ing plot running into millions.
The two had been arrested, along
with alleged ringleaders of the band
and were committed to the Tombs in
default of $10,000 bail.
While in the Tombs, they obtained
information which led to two more
i rrests—those of Enrico Schetino and
Salvatore Esposito, who were ar
raigned before 1'nites States Commis
sioner Hitchcock today.
Prize Beauty Charges
Blackmail Attempt
New York.—Miss Katherine Grant,
prize beauty, accuses photographers
in attempt to blackmail her.
Predicts Sugar Shortage.
New York. March 8.—Arriving
from Fance on the Majestic last
night. Claus .Spreckbs. chairman of
the Federal Sugar Refining company,
declared that the United States faces
another serious sugar shortage, simi
lar to the one that occurred when
Herbert Hoover was food admin.s
trator, unless the Department of Com
merce stops "issuing statements ' on
the situation.
The recent rise in the price of
sugar, Mr 8preck!es asserted, was
due to a gamblers' market assisted by
the Department, of Commerce.
Darkies Faithful to Masters
in Civil War Put on Pension
Columbia, S. C., March 8.—Th<
few remaining of the old-time *outh«
ern darkles. the faithful former slave*
1 who fought side by aide with their
white "marsters" when the union
army Invaded the wealthy estates of
the southland during the civil war,
are to be made comfortable in South
Carolina for the rest of their natural
j lives.
Through the concurrence by the
i house in the recent passage in the
.senate of a bill, pensions are provided
for these faithful old servants by the
! legislature of South Carolina.
' Poslam stops itching and burn*
' lng."
| “It heals raw. Inflamed skin.”
“It clears away pimple*."
"Poslam is powerful, yet safe ”
“!t works quickly and surely.”
"A little goes a great way."
“Poslam costs but 50o."
tlo back and rea 1 those seven thing*
over again. Realize how muib—how
very much—they mean to you! Is
there anything you want today MORfJ
than a dear, healthy, comfortable
Decide NOW to have a real skin
health. Met a box of Poslam at any
drug store and tiegin treatment T<>
NImHt: For trial sample, send 15c
to POSFAM. 243 W. 47th 8t., New
York. Poslam Soap aids Poslam and
prevents skin affection*.
Double Mesh—Cap or Fringe
value, V V
Human Hair—All Colors
• 2d Floor
1417 Douglas Street
A Credit Store for All the !}cople
Mail Orders Given
Prompt Attention
s Our Headline Event for Friday—
300 Beautiful New Spring Silk
Secured in a Great Purchase — and Offered to
Omaha Women at the Extreme Low Price of Only
Dresses Worth Two *nd Three Times This Price
A sale extraordinary—an event that is absolutely irresistible to every Omaha
woman who seeks a Frock of quality at an extremely low price.
Presses in every new style ides—all the new
lively colorings. Dresses in 1 d to dd. A
delightfut lot from which to make selection* —
he here early Friday.
Another girat stroke in buy g and thc-e are
easily the smartest, cleverest Presses that we
have over offered at such ;■ vreme low price.
Dresses—Second r loot—A Jam Section 0
At an Introductory Offer in Our New Apparel Shop for Girlt We Offer
Beautiful little affair* smart in stylo developed from plain ami
fancy (ringhams patrnt leather bolts score* from which to make
your select Iona.
Size* 7 to 14 Year*
We want every mother of an Omaha
girl to become acquainted with this new
(iepartim nt and this big Friday sale is
one of the means we have adopted
which will make it well worth your
while to visit us.
Second Floor—Annex