AUcrady Betty OTTiprc>T. She is No Longer hat She found a way to reduce tier fat It was a way tar more pleas ant than dieting or exercising would have hern This new way allowed her to eat foods without danger of tier oriung fat again She found Marmrtla /‘rest op tion Tablet* f hey aid the digev | live system to obtain the full , nutriment of food I hey help Nature to turn food into must le, bone anti smew instead 'if fat Mtirrno/u l'rt*M ripfion 1 ablet* are made from the famous Mar mola prescription I housands have found that these handy tablets give complete relief from obesity. Amt when the at t umu latmn of fat ih « bet ked, retfut tion I to normal, healthy weight soon lotto ws All M'fti rlrntf • totes the world «»vrf • < || Miirriixlu Prescription I uhlrlt si I title dollar a Imii Ask your drumfist lot them, *»» nitlrr ilnrt l and itiey will t>e sent >n plain wrapper pntlpairl MARMOI A C OMI'ANY I 22rt C.11 field Hid* f>elroi» Mirk Antonio Moreno Ricardo Cortez ZUidtltexter — Yea-t Fiwm Iabiefn are • pun m >.**1 — not.« -m.ule ol w hole. M-iev ted V♦*,«**» | hey .ife e.tsv uh! .*tn to .-at | I they k*-vp .tml the? «io m>t . iu— t is Solti hy f\.T>-where, m hI. h> j the m.ik'-f' >t Ypi^t hum «n*J SI niu 'I' .iM I he greatest beauty secret Would you know the true pathway to sparkling eyes, U-autiful corfiplex- ; ion. lovely skin and .1 strong, vigor ous body 1 1,00k, then, to your food! bor it is now known that many common foods are wholly lacking in an element your body needs—so that it may build firm tissues and all the jf other emblems of radiant health and lasting beauty. t M Yt A S'I K 1A M I AIM US rheruh oM source ol (hi" essential dif"l.i[uf hat them regularIv , along \a ith voiir other Its*i. and U tor. long you a ill see and let*! their corns ti vi* and tonic eflei tv Yeast Foam Tablets A Tonic Food j I ■ bND H»H I AH(d bKH s AM 1*1 f » AM M »AM I Mil t Is Your n.imt r ■y Iddun M 01/ i nufum in Northwiwti-rn Vraitt (. o rtb \ .r , k>, CHOOSE YOUR. TOMORROW i "hacienda" near Sa* Francisco ttav Blossoms and sunshine yes' Andoppor tunity for you to grow and prosper The climate and scenery that give California its charm also provide California with a prosperity that is worth your immediate investigation California\ cAaets California s delightful climate means a year round crop growing season and California s treautiful valleys produce new fortunes yearly in Iruitv vegetables and grain Iaifty mountains supply cheap hydro electric power and water lor irnga tion, and verdant hills mean profitable pasturage for livestock California's boulevarded roads mean spiiily and economical motor transportation, the mag nihcent expanse of San Franc isco Hay and the broad rivers of the Great Valley are natural highways of transp> rtntioo California's trim towns and stoned cities arr alive with dimmer rial final* lal mamifac turin*; and shipping enter prises Urt/c To Ui There ls n«im lor many thiarsands now ronimg to Oilifomia and her Great Valley — where more pe«>ple have hank accounts. where cnip values are twice the national average per acre, where homes are more homelike, schools are Setter built, where nrople earn mote spend more and save more Californians Inc , a non profit organirat**n of Californiat itrrens and institutions interested in the sour*! development of the state will gladly send you further authoritative information, whether you are comtnK as a visitor a homeseeker, or in search of business or farming o(n» >rtunities Fill in and mail fhe coupon below at*! we will send you without < harge rair 4ft page illustrated book let Write today Address aUfornianS ^eYinc* HKADQHAR HKS SAN FRANCISCO _ __ CALIFORNIANS INC MO Montgomery Si Rouen S4»A San Francisco, California Please send me your 48 pace illustrated booklet California — Wlieie Life Is Metier Naina Street Crtl S'»" M 1 AM y» •* t * O • SIMI AN|i AltlMtttl liltilNt II 1 ✓ Unmatched Values! TWO New f/m&iam/gdy. Models Which meet TWO Definite Neals - 34odel 6 A a *•,. r, a 11 *• *■ i 1 In’*' *■ i a ith rubber inseris .*t th#* tup ■ **ii • the* j verajfe b^ure smart K* sopjatrtirthe stunmi h rrr- tlv ari l huldt-fV t hf ha. k aril hips "dt arid slit!, s *-s Mr te * * so TWO values reco^mzed as truly remarkable—displayed in lead ing stores everywhere thus Spring— featured wherever American Lady models are sold! See these two special models at vour favorite dealer s. Ask for them bv name and number They represent an achievement in combining the best in corsetrv with a price as low as $3.50! tModel 714 Way dioGirdle of suigu al * ebbr with panels k n ! !r f jr-k B* ■ a 4»- !fcfhrlv ar*1 ** *■» k . v b *',*•. 1 Keeps the r * s i e r 1 er ar .1 all as perfect • atoral freedom Nt/e« l 1 . 4 $vso These tu.ii and man \ more next Spring stxlet are featured n.m ut your dealer % Look for the fuarantee ui% u itH the blue bar tier It identifies e\e~r > Amr icon l +id> model The Lemon Rinse For Soft, Lustrous Hair I 11 \ \. i sli.t j>. i v«*ui h.ii: ' i iuiiI a tiiniHil In mm|i It sit! I r s .11! til. h.l! -111. I st ,l\ s. til I m.ittrr Inns 11 iijucnt I v \nu iinsr u tli w ,i t c t limn' I In h .i i r s sill k \ .111.I lllli'i,III, .llthlUl^ll \ slu \\ .ishl 1 I It n. I. >.| |\ nisi with tin itini .11 . 'tn li m< hi 'i ,i 1111 lit " t w it i r, .i n. 1 '! 11 th, J tl, r, if. , I hr Irm.>n tun i im unit is tin .ui.l 11 impli't r 1\ I In h.i; i is i iu..\ ia an. lust !r. ' ,r> t - know it let tr lends till sou •'! ts line, lust • S- " I In best "Be.uits ''imps eiisi ties It’s the natural, harm less ss a s I i .mi the etteet iiot om e and sou too. \s ill alss as s rinse ss it h lemon tut l I'llarni.i 'sunk si 1 enions I lies ai i In as s ss itli the most etteetivt tunc. I mformly (iootl I .onions I I ll I lt| I) l.l I I III I (illiMl'IS I h .1 11 ji»* srntiHi » ,4 * I \ s• .111 s, i \i n o> \ i ^ I rrr Hoauti Hook NN . ircirpli .’.1 t hell. !'.• k Irl . ill*-.I I .ill* i l .r* l.'i i hi I rmon II .. II. I|n .. IU- mull V%r Mill trn.l • i up* ftr* |.» «n* M.iniai* on f«.|«l«xt l*l\l vrilll I |K . * I *1 Mi’ll IX ill •• ill.. *l*.l l.l.llll' . -.1 if I •'* l'\ tl I * I *11 * I I I . .11* I l*» ll**l*\ * *1 (i41*Ir tlx. » nl i Hr Irti*.*n