The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 04, 1923, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 31

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    ! Benson Society
' Benson Correspondent—Call Walnut 5370.—
oenson womans nun.
The annual election of the Benson
Woman's club will be held Thursday,
March 8, at the home of Mrs. E. A. 1
Mason, 2957 North Fifty-sixth street.
Mrs. Roy Marshall, Mrs. Gorton Roth <
and Miss Ada Stigcr, members of ths
nominating committee , will submit
names of candidates. Mrs. W. II.
Loechner is the only officer who Is
eligible for re-election. After the busi
ness session Mrs. E. W. Johnson
will review Dr. Lydston's book,
"Trusty 515.” Mrs. W. H. Loechner
and Mrs. Joseph Barton will lead In j
the discussion.
Sotting the Pace.
The members of the music depart- '
ment of the Benson Woman's club
demonstrated their alertness Wednes
day at a luncheon give^ by Mrs. R.
J. Skankey by electing officers for
the coming year, before the annual
election of the club proper, which
will be held March 8, when the per
sonnel of the club for the ensuing
year will be made up, and according
to the constitution only members hoM
tng a 1923-24 membership card are
eligible to vote in this election.
To Entertain Ministerial Conference.
The First English Lutheran church
of Benson is making arrangements
for the entertainment of the North
riatte Ministerial conference and the
conference of the Nprth Platte
Women's Mission society of the Ne
braska Lutheran synod, to be held
April SO and May 1 in the local
Luncheon Guests.
Miss Irene Moore and Mrs. Carley
Daugherty of Omaha were Thursday
luncheon guests of Miss Hazel Wil
cox at the home of her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. W. A. Wiicox, in the High
land park district.
B. S. Chapter, P. E O. Sisterhood.
Mrs. J. T. Pickard will be hostess
Monday. March 5, at her home, 2324
North Fifty-eighth street, to the mem
bers of the B. S. chapter of the P. E.
O. sisterhood. The annual election
and Installation of officers will be
conducted at this session.
Harmony Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Richard will en
tertain the members of the Benson
Harmony club Monday es'ening at
their home in Bensonhurst.
Belle Rebekah Lodge.
One of the most beautiful displays
of lodge initiatory ceremonials was
put on Monday evening in the I. O.
O. F. hall, by members of the Belle
Rebekah lodge before out of town
guests, grand officers and visitors
from the several Omaha lodges. The
service consisted of 6 tableaus,
secured from Mrs. Emma Talbot,
grand secretary of Nebraska, and
'were formerly put on before the
National Association of Rebekah as
semblies at Boston. New satin, regali
as carrying out the color scheme of
the lodge, were worn by the ladles
taking part in the exercise. Mrs.
May Smith, soloist, from Ruth lodge,
No. 1, rendered the vocal part of the
service during the showing of the
tableaus. The captain, Mrs. L. J
Pprecher, wore white. Guests of
honor included: Past Grand Master,
H. R. Greenleaf: Grand Secretary,
Mrs. Emma Talbot, and Grand Treas
urer, Mrs. Mary E. Stuht. Over 100 .
were present Including guests from
Hammond, Ind., and Blair, Neb. Tho
next initiation will be held March 20.
Whitsunday Program.
Members of the English Lutheran
r.hoir, under the direction of G. M.
I'hler, are rehearsing the cantata en
titled “The Inheritance Divine,” by
Harry Rowe Shelley. This Is the
greatest of Shelley’s compositions and
. will be rendered Whitsunday in the
English Lutheran church.
Class Meeting.
Miss Margartte Liljenstolpe enter
tained at a class meeting Monday
night at her home in the Country
Club district. Junior members who
rendered piano numhers, included
Mary Fedde, Mildred Beals and Ber
nard Blelck of Irvington.
Birthday Postal Party.
Mr?. E. Tyner, mother of Mrs. W.
A. Wilcox and Mrs. B. B. Combs,
(elebrated her birthday Thursday at
the home of Mrs. C'ombs. A postal
shower had been arranged and Mrs.
Turner was the recipient of *10 letters
and post card greetings. luncheon
was served by the hostess.
West Farnain Kensington.
Mrs. William Yarton. 1103 Fark
avenue, was hostess Wednesday to
the members of the West Farnam
letter Carriers’ Auxiliary.
Mrs. John Britton, president of the
Omaha Letter Carriers' auxiliary, an
nounces a meeting held Saturday eve
ning in the A. O. U. W. temple
when a delegate was elected to at
tend the national convention to be
held In Providence, .R. I. After the
buslnss session a social hour was en
joyed. Miss Jean Britton rendered a
group of vocal selections. Light re
freshments were served.
Bellevue Luncheon Party.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox was a guest at
a beautifully appointed luncheon
given Tuesday by Mrs. C. A. Mitchell
of Bellevue. Cover* wers placed for
eight guests.
Methodist Aid.
The regular meeting of the Method
ist Aid will be held Wednesday,
March 7. Hostess to be announced.
Baptist Ladies Hold Bake Sale.
It. was voted at the mission meet
ing Thursday at the home of Mrs.
John Wallick, where 25 ladles were
present, that the society hold a hake
sale Saturday, March 10, at Giles
Brothers' store.
To Give Missionary Play.
Twenty-four members of the
Methodist Standard Bearers will stage
a medical missionary play of four
acts Tuesday night, March *, in the
church auditorium. Miss Norm*
Fladd, as Barbara Lane, daughter
of a medical missionary In India, has
the leading role. The first act is a
farewell scene among a group of
sweet girl graduates from an Ameri
can college with Barbara. Lane plan
nlng to visit her parents In India.
Mis* Helen CTlsman, Mary Hn an
Moore and Dorothy Minard take part
In this scene. The second scene Is
>r" 'aid In India with Barbara tit the
home of her pa'.ents. Dr. end Mrs.
lone. Holla Hmlth has the pint of
l>r. I..-UIO and Viola Conley Is Mrs.
Lane. Lola Edwards. Lena fhelrihaus
•e and Charlotte Ford are Hindoo hus
bands who seek assistance from the
pstdlcal man. The third act Is sot for
four years later when Dr. Barbara
Lane la In her office ns a medical
missionary. Patients who came for
assistance are Dorothy Smith, Ger
trude Phenis, Genevieve Threoff, Ma
rie Schofield, Mildred Folsam and
Leonora Stock, llulda Michael, Dor
othy Richards, Romairio Dickens and
Linda Bradway. Dorothy Babcocto
represents the blind Hindoo woman.
Merllo Self characterizes the Bible
woman and Muriel Armstrong the out
cast. Helen Orlsman will render a
group of vocal numbers. Mrs. E. G.
Smith, superintendent of young peo
ple s work In the Omaha district, has
directed the staging of this play
and Harold Wright will furnish the
musical part of the program. Tickets
are 25 cents. Proceeds will go to
foreign missions.
Bake Sale.
West Dodge Ladies' Aid of the Im
manuel Lutheran church located at
Sixtieth and Military avenues, will
hold a bake sale at Giles stor*, Sat
urday, March 10.
Mrs. B. W. Hall Is visiting relatives
In California.
Mrs. R. Buford underwent a slight
operation on her throat the early part
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Nelson and
daughter, Doris Jean, spent Sunday
in Missouri Valley.
E. E. Paddock returned Sunday
from a business trip to Cody, Wyo.,
and left Wednesday for Chicago.
Miss Madeline Gross of the state
university is spending the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Harry
Mrs. E. Steams i* home from an
extended visit among relatives and
friends In New York city and Penn
Miss Mary McNamara attended the
superintendents’ and principals’ na
tional convention at Cleveland, O.,
during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. William* re
turned Sunday from a two months’
visit with their son. Mr. C. C. Wil
liams, and Mrs. Williams, In Pomo
na, Cal.
Christ Child Society
The Visiting Nurses have formed
a new class of Little Mothers at the
Christ Child Center, the children
ranging from 10 to 12 years. A num
ber of the 12-year-old girls have com
pleted this course.
Miss Grace Sorenson will entertain
the children with story-telling on Fri
day afternoon. It is surprising the
vocabulary this story telling teaches
the children. Most of the 7-year-o!ds
were able to repeat the stories which
they heard.
The Americanization ela»»»* were
entertained on Washington's birth
day. Bunco and dancing furnished
the entertainment for the eveninr.
The prize was awarded to Joseph
A special meeting of the board
member* and friends wa* held at the
home of Mrs. A. V. Kinsler on Tues
day morning. February 27. Dean Cut
ter of the Nebraska university was
the speaker. He explained the budget
system which is contemplated for the
■charities of Omaha.
“Women of 1923"
a New Book.
A book of statist!'-s of interest to
women is “Women of 1923,” Issued
'by the International Press of Phila
In the preface to this hook, l*sued
by the Women's News Service, Inc.,
the editor, Ida Clyde Clarke, says
that "Its aim has been to set forth
to some extent the achievements of
women In practically every field of
The closely printed pages which
follow the explanatory preface are
divided in two columns and contain
from one to a dozen general topics.
"The Activities of. Women in the
States,” “In the United States Gov
ernment," "In State Legislatures” and
“Movements and Legislation Spon
sored by Women.” ate some of th"
topics particularly roncernod with
women in Anierles. Under the titles,
I "Occupation of Women” and "Little
1 Facts of Iilg Interest” aro quoted 40
I different professions or businesses lie
I liig followed bjt women throughout
| the world. In the United Stales alone
| "out of 678 possible occupations listed
i by the census bureau only 33 have
not. yet been invaded by women.”
information regarding Nebraska In
cludes population statistics and a list
of women's organizations such as Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, League of
Women Voters, W. C. T. U. and more
! than a dozen others, together with
■ names and address of chief executives
J of each. A foot note says that <h
spite sincere and persistent effort, to
| get complete information regarding
! achievements of women in Nebraska,
it could not tie obtained.
Movies at Yates School.
A motion picture. "Two Minutes
i to Go." a college play of <itliletl'‘X,
1 starring Charles Hay, will be shown
In the auditorium of Henry W. Yale-;
school Friday evening at 7;30 o’clock
An educational film and comedy will
also he shown, under auspices of the
Parent-Teacher association.
Girls Community
Service League
Tha following schedule of club meet
Inga and claaees will bo ‘held a* the Com
munity Service club rnomi. 17?2 Dodge
fctreet. during the coming wed
Sunday—The Community Sport* club
will meet at Pearl and Broadway lit :-.U
for a hike. Herbert llaberatloh, leader.
Bring lunch arid a cup.
Monday—Cluga club aupper «:H>. I bo
gymnaalurn clues will me* f. with IB*
Charles Muaaelman at V 10. Volley ball
practlct. A full attendants la d*slr.ui
HR a Dam will b« picked to play a
match game with the V. W, C. A. on
Wednesday evening.
Tuesday—The basket bell team will
practice at R: IB. Lafayette club supper.
6:15. Dramatic club Will meet with Mr*
Nora O'Hhes. Art craft class at 7.3'b
Mrs. Mary Lydia Rowe in • bargee
Wednesday—--Wsinm club will have their
mothers as guests at supper. The com
mittee has arranged for a <(.nr«it given
bv Mlsfl Bra* a Conklin and Miss Florence
II M, , (Mil "ft - lit I • flit
o'clot k and any tins interested is cordial
ly Invited.
Thursday—The D. T A. club aupper at
A a peels I program la being plntin* I
by Mlea Marie Lluche and Ml** flutli
Daly which will bo of Interest to all
club members.
The Oytmmeltfro class will rued with
Mrs. < harlee Mueaeluiati at 7:"‘». B.i Ucl
i ball practice el k:*0.
Friday—The supper 'Isas win mt<l at
ft: 1B with Mrs V*. I. Miner.
Saturday.The luncheon « l i * will me t
tinder the direction of Mrs. Ralph Maun
The D. T. A. member* will he the ope
dal hostess** at the dance which will be
held lea the ball loom at • :!&
i Studio Shop Oilers I'nu.sual in Plat e
| Cards and Tallies.
An. NABSTEDT, in liis Studio
Shop, 600 Brown Block, 16th
• end Douglas, has displayed
In advantageous fashion quito t lie
most dashing bits of bund-tinted tal
lies and place cards, straight from
the heart and hand of Greenwich Vil
lage. And at such extraordinary
prices, too—dashing tallies for BOO or
brldge, 7c each; place cards ranging in
price from 2'fac to 6c. Easter cards
arriving dally at this shop are of un
usual sentiment and artistry of de
• • •
Corrective Shoes for Men, Women and
Children Delight the Eye With Nat
ural Beauty.
VERY attractive Indeed are the
new shoes Just received at the
Ground Gripper Shoe Store,
now located at 1815 Farnam, Welling
ton Inn Building. Ground Grippers
for men, women and children com
bine all of the corrective qualities for
merly appreciated in this health shoe
with a natural beauty which has fol
lowed the logical modeling of the hu
man foot. Send for Illustrated book
let with prices.
• • •
In Omaha's Prelty New Hat Shop
One Will Find Showing of Popular
Priced Models.
THE window display at the Hum
ming Bird Hat Shop, 24th and
Farnam. is changed each day,
and aren't we delighted with the
colorful array which greets our in
terested gaze? a riotous blooming of
flower hats one day, the next these
exquisitely tinted new green models,
almond green, ribbon and feather
trimmed In the exact matching shade.
Thursday's hats were strictly tailored,
light faced brown and black tailors
with sports handkerchiefs of crepe
folded round their crowns. Tuesday's
display emphasized the vogue of the
ostrich trimmed chapeaux, especially
those whose feathers are ‘‘rainbow’’
tinted. You'll' find the shaping of
the color hats of intriguing interest.
A Poke of blue straw is sharply cut
away In the back with looped ribbon
trim of blue with silver edges. A
flame sailor with crushed crown
shows the same ‘‘cutaway’’ effefct.
smart Indeed with draped mass of
flame cooque feathers. Original
among flowers are the blue and white
cheeked gingham flowers of silk
which cover en masse the cfcbwn of
i two-toned blue faille model. Smart'
A price for every purse, a b*t for
every head, $5. $7.50, 110 and $12.50
Is but a few of the vefY reasonable
prices which I Jotted down In my
shopping notebook while tn the shop.
For (lie Voluminous f'orrespondenre
of Lover*.
THE W. B. Dailey Stationery Store.
313 South 15th St., offer* Crane's
Berkshire Embassy paper. Very
smart in aji’pearance are the deckle
edged sheets of paper with the aame
finish on the flap of the extra large
envelope. There’s an invisible wafer.,I
stripe throughout the surface of the
paper, similar to the lovely Imported
papers. Low In price. It Is $1.75 for
j 125 sheet* of paper. 40c a quire, the
i envelopes 45c for 25. You will enjoy
the large showing of card* for every
j occasion In this store.
• • •
Draperies, Hugs and Overstuffed Fur
niture Should Have Scientific
('leaning Vfter There Ha* Been III
ness in the Home.
THE Pantoilum, Sixteenth and
Jones, Is absolutely modern in
manners and methods of cleaning
rugs, draperies and overstuffed fur
niture after there has been Illness in
tlie family. No lurking of malignant
germs after science demonstrated by
i c leaning expert.'! has held full sway.
Your house Is as fresh ss If no 111
ness had taken place. An assurance
1 of future heaithfulnes*.
• • •
Have the Pleasure of a New King
WHEN on* considers that It coats
very llttl* to have tier dia
mond slipped into ona of the
! new white gold or platinum mount
ings, she'll rush right down to see
the display of mounting* In the Reese
'Jewel Shop window. 16th snd Harney.
Here she'll find all of the ri"w shapes
represented to hold one, two or three
•tones. Exquisitely engraved and de
signed whits gold mountings ere of
fered st $10. $15 »nd $17. And It
is really surprising how reasonably
priced are the platinum ring mounf
! ;ng*. many of them with tiny sap
phlrea or diamonds Inset at aide of
larger atone.
• • •
Ijota o' Wear In tha Old Hat and
T F YOU take them up to the Kru
I ger Hat Shop, 303 Barker block,
■*" Fifteenth and Farnam, and h*. •
them reblock the old shape, trim
ming It with a newly made "fancy"
made from your old ostrich feathers.
•"SHOP W n il POLLY."
You're expected to send stamped
<melope for the enclosing of
And—a complete description of
yourself when you order ready
to-wear apparel—
And—a kodak picture If you
wish a hat selection mnde.
And a $2 check nr money order
payable to Polly the Bhopper If
you wish merchandise sent out
C, O. D.
\ Free Shopping Service
Offered to All Headers
Of The Omaha Bee,
Heaven*s gale for me was once a stile,
The grassy fields I trod
Were full of flowers that seemed erewhil
As stars that gazed on God;
And merry birds were cherubim
That sang in hawthorn trees—
But now I'm older, now I'm older,
Where are these?
Once if my feet but fell on grass
Each one became a wing,
And I moved on as clouds will pass
When winds are trumpeting;
And once to me the soft-spun moss
Was from an angel’s weft—
c But now I’m older, now I’m older,
What is left?
The feet that flew, the eyes that glowed,
The lamp of faith that shone,
They fail me now upon the road
That l must travel on;
# The frost erewhile was holy breath
For sign upon my panes—
But now I’m older, now I’m older,
What remains?
—LOSfr YOUTH, by Wilfrid Thorlfy.
When Fashion Walks in the Spring Sunshine
IT IS her fancy to carry a parasol to match her hat—merely carry It, you understand, for the designing of the pretty folhle la such that precludes
the Idea of a spreading of Its beautiful folds. One of the very loveliest seta seen had a foundation of hat and parasol evolved In delicate sea
shell pink, the veiling over hat and parasol being of black Chantilly lace brocaded In velvet. Foreign fingers fashioned the varl tinted morning
glories appllqued In careless manner over the laeoy sheerness. Graceful! ovely! A reversion to the days of crinoline and lace when woman’s lexicon
included the lure of mystery.
• • • • • •
Separata skirts seem a bit mora
“swank” after the severely straight
and long lines of winter, for they’ra
widely flared, largely cheeked, sport
> ily inclined. $10 and $12.50.
Silver the Gift Ideal for Weddings
and Anniversaries.
NOTHING quite so Importantly
emphazisos refinement ad the
permanent beauty of the silver
of the household—that's one of the
reasons why every thoughful women
wants to moke a collection of the best
sliver for service In her home—the
reason why the silver gift Is the Ideal
one for weddings and anniversary oc
casions. At the John Henrtckson
Jewel Shop, ISth and Capitol, you'll
find an unusually complete ahowlng
of exquisite flat and hollow-ware silver
service pieces. Inspiration to the seek
er of gifts. In the sterling silver Is a
representation of all the well known
and popular designs which makes It
possible to get pieces to add to the
service already begun. If you have
not yet started the sterling silver
service, you’ll find a consideration cf
the Pantheon design. In International
Sterling of unusual Interest. The new
Anniversary pattern In 1S47 Rogers la
one of the prettiest In plated silver,
the design which they have sent out
in commemoration of their 74th an
niversary. Write for Illustrated fold
era on silver with price quotatlone
on the pieces desired.
• • •
Potted Plants and Cut Flowers Thown
In Glorlolis Profusion.
IN THE Jiphn Rath newer Shop.
l*th and Farnam. one will find
the showing of fragrant blossoms
of such varied lovellnr?s that the gift
of a potted plant or cut flowers Is
very ea.'-y of selection. Tliei price
range from uOc to $5 makes on* defin
itely decide to make th* flower pur
chase here.
Sewing \\c<k \n aliens Interest
Duong Women Who llavo f'cn
ehant for Designing and Modeling
Stuart Clothes.
□HOMl’bON FELPEN'S announce
that thla la to ba observed In
thetr store as Few lug week with
an exquisite showing on the main
floor of fabrics to be used In the
fashioning of all kinds qf apparel,
shecrly lovely underthlngs. smart
outer togs, with a second floor pat
tern department In which will be fea
tured rnodela fashioned after Vogue
pot terns showing the possibilities of
the new spring patterns on sale. The
Vogue pattern* are received at
Thompson-Bclden’s pattern depar*
ment twice a week —a fact which
makes it wholly unnecessary to order
from New York ss so many "out of
town" people have been In the etta
tom of doing For your
Information will say .
that the McCall's pat. !
terna are adso sold In j
thla department.
To Soften the Mile Belnern Jiniunlle
( ollnr nml (Ion* Fitting Hat—Dm
Fur < hnker.
AUt.AUAI'CiH, FTRRlKn, lath
• ml Farnnoi, In allowing n Si
fted aaaortment of axqiitelt* pal
trlen In hi* choker «eiert|on for Hprlijg
1923. Different shading* of aqulrrci
• ml mink, the exiiuUlto browns nml
Inn of the atone martene, tho < n r
beautiful tones of tho entih n wltirlt
Include even * spin ell of x-lvkl oinngo
In their color echame. Choke i r mug
log In price from t "ii to *i0. Noth
log I* quite eo nwHgoer for > pi Ing
for wear ns the Jaunty Jnr-quotto,
t-llghtly Mounad, worn with low fn«
letting over the long riniped eklrte of
the Fanhlon Htlhnutt". According to
tin film ealected. three rhnrtnful new
wrap* at* priced at 1130 up,
Costumes for Spring Smartly
Combine Softly Draped Skirts With
Tailored Lines of Jacquette
LA MOWS. Seventeenth and Farnam, show the chlo "eoatutne,” novel
tn atyleful detail; In colorings to suit every one. No longer doe*
madam or madnmolselle Break of a "dress, ’ for there * a delightful
charm complicity In the new "coaturn**'' which need* someihmg more de
* llptive—justice where Justn'e la due. F r tin- email pe rson is a flame
icquelte of heavy crepe which buck lea down on the lett aide over the Mack
■kirt In Fashion’* moet approved manner, A tall person will find mewt be
coming the gray Costume with pleated skirt on straight lined dnss umler the
chlnta design Mouse of vivid colors. \<v all meana the jac^ucdt* "costume"
for spring.
I'ive New I nitrot* Prmr of Interest
to Mnsie Inver*.
AT TI1L A. Hospe company sheet
music department, 1513 Doug
Us, one Is always sure to hear
tii« very latest songs and dnnoa hits.
This week they're featuring file fox
trots of exceptional Interest, with a
syncopation that tickle* tho tot* and
song* of more than ordinary appeal
Dixie Highway .30c
Mod Itecapso You Treat Me
That Way...Site,
Nwanen Ntulles .30c
Broken Hearted Doll .30o
My Mother's Lullaby .30c
Theso are songs that will add to
your popularity as hostess- m fact,
they tn themselves would hs excuse
enough to ptsn a party or get togeth
e_r avsnUig. bent} check with cider.
That new straw which is almost
transparent Is exquisite In coloring,
adaptable to smart sports shaping of
swagger chapeaux.
All Women Find the Bertha Collar of
I .ace Truly Becoming. •
THERE'S a luring loveliness In fine
lace*, especially to be enjoyed
when It's fashioned into one of
■he exquisite new Bertha collars. Mr.
P. H Johnson, buyer for Hayden
Bros, lace department, Is now In the
east, and each day's shipment from
•here brings new and lovely laces for
the adornment of _falr femininity.
Spanish in design is' a lacey master
piece measuring from 9 to 12 Inches
which la to be bad in black, white,
brown and gray at *1 a yard. Almost
Invisible Is the black and white back
grounds on which are traceries of sil
ver and gold, same width, $1 to S2.2".
Paisley coloring?, with metallic thread
ings on both black and white mesh
ings, *1.75. Without the metallic ef
fect, 12 inches wide, the same price.
Very heavy silver on whit# net, gold
•on black net, 12 Inches wide, *1 95.
Tn this department you’ll also find the
fashion note of the season’s predomi
nant chic frock, the cabochon and
buckle evolved in lacquered ovals, Jet
flowers, finely wrought filagree with
quaint enameled stonea These rang
ing in price to *5.
• • •
lour Corse* (an Be Made Especially
Fur tou at Very Moderate Coetl
A CORSET to fit you perfectly at
every point—toned closely or
lightly with a choice from
five different kinds of honing—that's
what it means wh«n you visit the
Bardey Corset Shop, 16th floor
City National building, 16th and Har
ney, Ilattie Putnam, corsetiere. A
phone call, Atlantic 70*9, will bring a
corsetiere to your home. Send for
measurement blanks and illustrated
• • •
Egyptian Biscoveries Prove Inspira
tion for Peroration of Jewel Shop
\( inflow .
a Lt, life v ari colored beauty, ori
•*■ ize<1 in the window trimming at
the C. B. Brown Jewel Shop this
week—229 South 16th Street—inspired
by the great craze for things Egyptian
nstlgated by discoveries in Egypt. No
less person than a king on bia throne
? depicted in the window di?play.
while faithful slave* carry great
howls of precious stones for bis exam
nation and approval. .A splendid
way in which to display the ex
quisitely cut diamonds of different
Original French Chapeaux Arrive
at First Call of Spring to Delight
Specialty Shop Visitors
I A BOSCIMN. 1M h anil Douglas, Is showing winsome hat nvvleia from
noted Frenc h designer*, original creation*, a rav ishing displnv ' Malaen
■* Fouls e<-nil. the demure moire ribbon motel with dashing bow at the
side Mark to bn sure. I uelle llamar Is responsible for the hentitv of a deep
blue mirrored aft.Jr with cunningly Interlaced brim of antique even ribbon
Hearing the sums name Is the creation In brown straw, silk and Chantilly
In -e searf, which startles Ih* beauty lover with frayed edg^r 'ses of tatTe'.a.
tin So round the hrlm partially veiled by tha long scarf of lace. Of breath
taking smartness are the fur-trimmed basket weave sports coat* with fur
collars, quite the last word if one Is conversant with modes at horns and
abroad ten, ar* the draped wraps of soft black rrepe a
model for every type.
Vow Minp- New Sim It—014 l'rut v
IWIKKTBH, exclusive ladles*
. tailor. Invite* i very woman In
t • v *» In beautiful .lollies to
vlalt hi* n*w shop, 191* to IS Fut nam.
for a Viewing ofc the exquisite now
filing fabric* which are being of
ft-rod at decidedly law pricing*, the
price* quoted on the tailoring of them
of corresponding lowncaa.
Ural I'm mI ami loillno N alp Trr»l
tiiwil A\illi Mi am poo for N|*« ml
M4KV BAUtARl), bounty ape. m'
tat. In hor roaMonoo »hop, 411A
Dtvtnporl, \\ a I nut
maktn* a apodal prlco of }4 for a
faat fa.-UI, and loilina avalp troatmanl
and aham poo.
Black Hats Notable Feature in Fash
ion'* hpring Promenade.
PARTICULARLY suited to the
newest and loveliest silhouette
adopted by fashion's followers
-ire the new black hati which they're
presenting at the Nebraska Clothing
Millinery company, 15th and Farnam.
No less than 100 different models from
which to make selection—every one
of them a hit of artistic de.-ignlng
to fit a particular feminine type. Rib
bon trims of varied originality, treated
ostrich which follows unique shaping
of the model In fascinating manner.
Lavishly trimmed or severely plain, in
price range of from 110 to J25.
• • •
Second Floor Jewel Shop Closely Re
semble* Parisian Shop* of Preclou*
THE continental traveler at or,c»
recognize* the exquisiteness of
the Albert Ed holm .Jewelry Khop
2d floor City National Bank building.
l€th and Harney. No show case*. »
distinctive note—“oft hangings, rug
arid drapes which make possible the
leisurely selection of valuable jewel*
with a degree of privacy, jewel* pro
duced by this art jeweler s* if by
magic, from the hidden recesses back
of lustrous polished wood paneling?
Mr. Edholm has long been noted for
hla skill In appraising diamond#
The consultant with this Jewel expert
may have absolute assurance of b!»
• xperlenced judgment and notable le
• • •
Everyone Entertain* or I* Entertained
on ht. Patrick'* Pay.
THE St. Patrick’s Day party la the
occasion of the whole year that
the Inspired host*-*# find* most
Joyful outlet for her expression of how
pitality, for there's a spirit of rollick
some gayety evinced cm the part of
each and every guest that aids In th*>
consummation of her plans. Mrs.
Rowe at the Pomegranate Shop. Ho
tel Morris. 11th and Dodge. 1* plan
ning Jolly costume?, favors, decora
tlon? and table centers and gamee fee
hundreds of parties this year. Wh'
not join the list? The prices charge*;
for tha original person's service* are
very nominal. Indeed. The Pornegrar'
ate showing of Ea**er cards is n*'W
complete. Lovely'
Etch -New Fashion Book Reveal* Joy*
to Designer of Spring Garment'
KETSTER S Tailoring <~ol!*g». Kth
fl"nr City National Bank bail'
ing, Kth and Harr.'v, add* n'"
student* daily, for there* an unde
niabl* advantage if or* ha* bad in
struction In making her own clothe9
Keister's course include* pattern
drafting, fitting and th* making of a'.!
type* of apparel, the elaborat# gowr.«
for evening near ** well a* tailere
suit* and wraps. They also do wor
to order If one wishes. A shop fc*
every spparel need,
• • •
Gloriously Brocaded the te( tiled
"< repcs" latest Creations of Ailk
THE Silk Shot 1S1T D-e.g!**. r>
fers for your delectation,
madam, a window filled with tb«
masterpiece* of the silk manufac
turers, so-called crepes. H w differer* novelt :** from eur pre-cct
- clved ld*a of the rrep*s gained fro >
i ur acquaintance with th* evenly pel
led surface of ordinary crepe* Vic
toire is a creamy tan background of
dull crepe with a slightly darker bro
caded figure ov«*r its emirs »urf*c*.
'he figure in highly lustrous silk
Wav* t* decidediv raised and
lowered over Its entirety. Meter*
:’-as twisted bands alternating srltb
plain .each af an inch width ‘ Ter*
and There'1 perhaps most unique In
anse has blockings at Inters**'*
formed by the close placing of cb*
t ill* line* Alluringly lovely crepes
ranging In price from JJ to f 5<‘
• • •
Surely Vcrer Were Fashion* A*
MDBE ar.d more Intrlcat* grew
the traceries of embroidered <J*
sign* on Milady * lovely frlp *
perie* of fashion! Dashes cf v;* 1
red *r» glimpsed ip closs harmor
mth s »i:rprls!rg green, the who *
emphasised by a piacqu* of solid
stlt'chlng of lemon yellow or lire
blocking of citron—for Dame Mode is
color mad this season and her favr:
!t« way of eypreeslng her rainbow
bent is by means ,>f embroidery. Ask
th* Ideal Button 4 rirati g company
Sd floor Brown Block. Kth and Doug
las. for suggestions of decorative color
plan and rrotlf if you're d< - gnh g a
suit, dress or wrap. You'll find the:
work of unusual attraction—price-*
moat moderate. Write for an illy*
trated catalog.
• • •
l |vf« Date Shoe More Krs ping Vhrea-I
of the Time*.
IVK 1 M« set s:o f 1th Kth
St., is spring housecleauitig with
■ a new installation of trdireo
lighting In the show window* which
will enable Mts* Spring to sc.c-ct her
footwear with a minimum of effort.
Honsccleanlng to be in readiness Air
the new sprit g stock now ready
whtch is popularly styled ami priced.
J:» to $ A Quality shoe at popular