The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 04, 1923, PART THREE, Page 5-C, Image 29

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    Engagement Announced !
Mi', and Mrs. M. Green announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Anna, to Isidor Abrahamson.. The
wedding will take place in June. Miss
Green, a member of several Jewish
social clubs, has been active in com
munal work. Both Miss Green and
Mr. Abrahamson are graduates of
Central high school.
k Nebraska Children’*
Horae Benefit
The apeech education department
of the Omaha Woman’s club, Mrs.
H. J. Holmes, leader, will present a
playlet, “The Spinster's Return,” for
the benefit of the Nebraska Chil
dren’s Home society Tuesday, 10:15 a.
m.. at the Burgess Nash auditorium.
Following the play a program of ex
y temporaneous speaking on Abraham
Lincoln will be taken up under direc
tion of Prof. Edwin Puls. Members
may Invite guests.
| Mr*. Hempel to Review “This
I “Freedom.*1
I Mrs. C. L, Hempel will review "This
Freedom” by A. M. M. Hutchinson
3 at the meeting of the literature de
H partment of tlto Omaha (Woman's
e.ub Tuesday afternoon. 2 o'clock, at
| the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. George C. Bon
I ner will give the biography of Hutch
•| inson and Mrs. James W. Hanbery,
interpretation of allegory from Olive
[^^^^Schreiner's “Dreams.” Roll call will
answered by current literary
j events. Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader.
Straw flowers are a good deal used
for trimming frocks, and will prob
ably later on be much used for
trimming hats.
Catholic Daughters of
A meric*
Monday evening: Cathollo Daugh
ters' gymnasium class, drilling, aesthe
tic dancing, swimming, basket ball, at
Creighton gymnasium.
Tuesday evening: Regular meeting,
Knights of Columbus hall.
Thursday evening: Glee club, 7:S0 p.
m., Burgess-Nash auditorium.
F. E. O. State Officers Here
Mrs. Ona Baird of Plattsmouth,
state president of the P. E. O. associa
tion. and Mrs. Nelle H. Grantham *f
Kearney, state organizer, will be hon
or guests at a meeting of Chapter ('
R Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 420* South
Twenty second street An election and
i: of officers will be held.
The meeting will be preceded by a 1
o'clock luncheon. Miss Grace N. Mc
Lain will assist the hostess.
Doctors’ Wives’ Luncheon.
The Doctors’ Wives' club will meet
at the Brandels restaurant for their
regular monthly luncheon Wednesday,
March 7, at 12:30. *
Mrs. A. P. Overgaard, Mss. C. Ft.
Ballard, Mrs. Paul Ellis and Mrs. G.
W. Pritchard will be the hostesses.
~ New Spring ^
• In Dependable Shoes for
Men, Women and Children
They’re Made Right, Styles Right
They’re Priced Right
High shoes or oi
fords In sll newest
styles, colors and
■ earners, a ratmmiae or ciassy
styles for your selection. Truly
matchless Talues. We can fit
you perfectly.
High shoes, pumps
or oxfords, all mate
rials. Including pat
ents and satins; high or low
heels. The choicest assort
ment of spring footwear shows
In years.
Dependable, Stylish Shoes
For Boys and Girls
Sturdily built, wear-resisting, classy new QQ
styles, all leather; «p from. tpA*a/0
'Women’* Pure Thread Silk Hose in all col- U*"| AA
or* and sizes. A wonderful value at, pair.. <PA*\/vJ
206-207-209 North 16th Street
Mail Order* Pilled
this booklet is /
to stenographers,
private secretaries,
office managers
T is “chuck-full” of little ways to
improve your work; short cuts to
save time; and hundreds of little “helps”
that will make it easy for ’you to “sell the boss” on
the way you are “holding down your job”. The pur
pose of this little book is to the standard of your work and to
make you worth more money to your employer.
There are no strings attached to our of
fer to help you. We are only hopeful of gaining your
“good will” and also the good will of the employers, because of
' our efforts to make “his stenographer or private secretary” of
greater value to him.
Send for this little book today. • There are ■
“eye openers”, by the bushel, for any stenographer.
Graduating students should also send for this book. It will make
a lot of difference with them as to whether they are to make good.
Clip the coupon below. Do it now. There are no obligations or
strings of any kind attached to our desire to help you. Just send in
the coupon and get your copy of this wonderful book.* It’s free.
HARRY M. FERER, President
Here Is The Biggest Typewriter Bargain
L. C. Smith Typewriter, Model No. 5, $44.75
The L. C. Smith is a .standard visible machine; is equipped lccted 10 slightly used machines, have rebuilt them so that
with all the modern features, ballbearing, long wearing. they are as good as new in every respect and are making
12 keys which write H4 characters, takes 10 inch paper. a very special price for this week of $44.75. These ma
Thjs machine soils regularly for $100-00. We hava se- chines are guaranteed the same as now typewriters,
As • •pecial inducement we will not mnke n charge for the wide carriage* for thee*
machine*. You can hava a 14, 16, 20 or 26-inch carriage with the machine you
purchase this week.
Don't fail to tee theta bargain. We tell for cath er on eaty lernit. And remember the price it on ly $44.78.
All Makes Typewriter Co.
205 South 18th Street Omaha, Nebraska
it will help
you earn