The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 04, 1923, PART THREE, Page 1-C, Image 25

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women’s features i The Omaha Sunday Bee
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Where 'Jbalmy freezes jGloir
Omaha Travelers Invade South America
The Higher Things, Such as Taxes
Claim Gabby's Interest in Lent
GABBV I* much Interested In the
talk about cutting down stute ex
penees. File renlixes, with apolo
gies to her readers, that her concerns
In the past have been, alas, narrow
and personal, but with the coming
of Lent her thoughts have turned
to higher things, auch as taxes.
The point which Impresses Gabby
Is that the admirable schemes pro
posed for saving the state's money
may be applied In our homes.
Rrsdletlon of tuberculosis among
dairy cows and other Jive slock, for
Instance. The argument Issuing from
the seat of government against spend
ing half a million dollars biennially that
way. Is, that If w* Jet the t. h. go, II
will eventually eradicate Itself.
Thsrets a thought now for the ran
' ny tpother.
, "Why take my. children to « den
I list." site may well reason. "If I lei
I their teeth go they will eventually
j fall out. They may he the first teeth
| anyway, ari(J other* will come In. Am
I suppose they don't? With all the gooil
ioanned soups w* have nowadays
i there Is no excuse for anyone going
| hungry just because he can't chew.'
Doubtless there are some overly
anxious people who are fearful ol
drinking the milk or eating the flesh
of diseased entile. Troubles should
not be exaggerated, The state main
tains a hospital for t. b. sufferers,
ami so far ns reports have Indicated.
Ibis Institution will not he closed u*|i
under the new economy program. Poo
pie contracting the disease will there
fore have n place of refuge where
they may go while wrestling with the
ravages of the great white plague.
Then there la ths state library com
----- — — 1
mission which semis books into rural
distrn i , all over the state. My drawing
and quartering this department of the
Mate, we will save 120.000 biennially.
Another good lesson for the mother In
the home. .She may reason:
"Why not save the money wc sre
spending on reading matter? If a child
wants to reait tie will find a way. lie
; miiv turn to’titllhonrds, medicine bot
tle labels and even campaign liter
ature, nil of which are available with
out ci.ei "
And what better than eanrpalgn lit
eraliire? There Is sufficient of it alone
to give children facility in reading
us well nn a broad vocabulary, offer
ing at the same time, not only cor
rect Information regarding the high
quality of candidates for office, but
Ideals which, absorbed by rising gen
erations, will Insure for our great
commonwealth leadership mining nu
lions through centuries yet to come.
Miss Jane Wattles who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. i srl Nagle,
i will rid urn to her hums at Nellgh
| In a day or two.
ZtfatyrapA'i by £?ui$ £ &>s*/ar/cA.
Ilfilniv hree/e*. Iropiral foliage, dark skinned people and the soft speech
of Spanish longues are only a few of the influences which, combined with
a lazy voyage on a luxurious steamship out of New York, gave Omaha trav
elers to South America an entrancing winter
No. I picture shows, from loft to light, Mrs. T I' Stroud, Mrs. John
IJonlierger, < S. Strbhlns, Mrs. Hawthorne Daniel (formerly Miss Ndl
Ryan), T. I SI rood. Mrs. K. 8. Rood. Mr. Mead of the White Stare line,
Mrs N \. I)ani<‘l, Lunin K. Host \x irk and «f«»liit I .ioiiluTgcr. Ml ar<* mInmii!
IIih White star liner Megan!ir, January 15, ready to put nut for thr West
Indies. Mr*. Il i lhorne Hanirl, now of Brooklyn, had go no aderk to *«>
goodhy to her IniHhaiid'a mother, Mrs. llaniel. Wrapped and hr furred to
resist New York’s winter thill are they all. In nluup contrast to the next
picture. y
No. 2—Straw lints, organdy dresses and while shoes in January, and one
si spei ls that the Tropic of ( .nicer lias been crossed So it has. .anil here
are Mr. Stehliins, Mrs, Stroud, Miss \gnes Scott, Mr. Stroud. Mrs, Kood,
Mr. I.lonhergrr and Mrs. Daniel, at ti.atuii I,neks, l^niaina.
No, .1—Where “His Islands lift their fronded palms In all " Omaha
parly at the Country club, Nassau, llnlmma Islands.
No. 1—Mower market at Caracas, the rapltal of \ eive/mia. I anding
st l.a (itiaira, on the South American coast, the parly motored to ( aracas
Cater they nosed along the northern shore Of the roiitlneiit to the mouth of
the Orinoco river. The hlaik-eyed Susans are not the only black eyes ap
• parent In the picture.
No. fl—Wrapped in a «tearner rug, a favorite Imok in hand and the blue
sea stretching out before, an Incomparable reei|ie for relaxation, so these
voyagers say, while they look the part. They are Mrs. IJonlierger, Mis
Rood. Mrs. Stroud, Miss Scott, Mrs. llaniel, Mr. lionliergrr and Mr. Stroud
No. 7—Country rluh grounds at Havana make a fairy Ilka background
for Mrs. Stroud. Mr*. Haulrl, Miss Scott. Mrs. Rood and Mrs, John l.lon •
No. R—Sun Juan, I'ortn Rico, at the foot of the statue of Ponce dr
la'on. tile gentleman of fountain fame. Mr. Ilostwlck at (lie right, looking
(tulle native. /
Dr. K. H. Ila^rtty to Lecture
I his W c«*k for School 1' oriiiu.
'The Mastery nf Kngllnh Prose us
I Printed to Schoolroom Procedure"
•• th* auhjoct of a acrlca nf two leo
i tures to he tlollvoiTt! in Omaha this
J week at the lintg« s* Nash auditor
him, by T>r. H. M. Haggerty of the
! Palveralty of Mlnueitotn. These tec
lured ere part of a enure on Kdticn
jtlonnl Tenia and Measurement* which
Hr. Haggerty Is presenting under the
auspices nf the Omaha School fur
i lint. Thla week*a Iccttiraa will l** giv
Ian on Ft I day afternoon at 4 o'clock
and Saturday noon at 12:10.
111ii<Iii Speak*.
Pr. R. I., Joahl, exchange profes j
; wir ”f llu* Inlv.rslly of Nebraska 1
j from Bombay, India. will give a noon
ilnv lecture on "(thandi st the I nl
lerslty cluh Monday. I'r. .Toshl sol
libandl wet* neighbor! nnd Intimntr
friend! In their native land.
K«M*kforiI (oillcuc ( lull
The regular toon I lily meeting of
the * In i it I it Itockfonl College club will
ho held nt the home of Mrs John II.
Beaton, lik'lt Cue*, \\ vdnciduy after
noon. *
* /
College Club Music Section to Present
Program at General
\ lee ting
The mull'' section of Iho Omaha College cluh n ill hav* charge cf the
program for the general Hireling of the club Saturday afternoon al th* ITret
iVntral Cong regaltonal chun h. The program will tn> preceded hy t oVin'k
luncheon, for which reservations may he made with Mrs. William loche
>r Mis it W Mngner, hy 10 o'clock Thursday morning.
A feature of the program, to be
given under direction of Mr*. Floi
nua* liatdor Palmer and Mr*. IVyo
I’rane. 1* a two-piano and organ nutn
>er pt'g|><rnl«Mi Pv Mr* T H. 1'ioUioan,
lilnnlht; Min. l'»an Itiugrr, piantat;
Hr*. Flora Soar* Nclwn, toganlat
Song groups will be given by Mrs
Calmer an.l Clarence Pnmn. trmni
panted bv Mrs Crane and by the cluh
double quartet will tv presented
Tlie turn heon an.Lpi grant arc open
to member* and ttuTr friend* at* ' any
college woman In the city
The eltib executive board will meet
at II o'clock on Saturday and will be
' -Unwed by a business meet,re
M:s» Jessie Town* will review ; o
" History of Art" Volume Tire. I >
Kile Faure. at a ntoeti- ■; of the h--ok
review aectlon Y'slrtedsy afternoon
4 o'clock at the home of Dr. Jtnn;»
CsUlfaa. JM Mercer Dark boulevard
Mrs Drv>timan will he hostess tor
Hi-' club chorus Tuesday afternoon 1
o'clock, at H7 South Forty-first
Mit*s McHugh in “1 oyallio*.’*
Miss Kate M. Hugh will read Galea
worthy * 'TjOyaltles"’ on Wednesday.
M h 7. a: the 1-. h' s«h audt
I n. st 4 |i i i T s will he tha
st i.sding of the modern pis'» ><»
this sen- is cosirs* of th# IHaiva
% .