- . You Can Not Possibly Reach the Real Trouble With Ointments, Salves, Dilators or Other Local Treatments—They May Ease for the Moment, But Can Never Heal Where They Can Never Reach. ^ * Don’t Submit to An Operation Until You Have Tried Our Easy and Sensible Treatment No matter how severe your case may be, or of how long standing. The old, stubborn cases, that are supposed to be “incurable,” are the very ones we like best to write to us—for we can nearly always count upon those people to be our best friends and boosters after this treatment has made them well. Neither does it matter where you live nor what your occupation may be—we are as near to you as your mail box, and if you are trou bled with piles, this method will give you quick relief and within a short time you will have joined the ranks of the thousands who write us that they feel themselves to be permanently cured. We want you to understand that the Page Method is DIFFER ENT from all others and that it is the ONE MOST RELIABLE and SUREST remedy for the home treatment of piles. Send the coupon NOW while you have the matter in mind and this page be fore you. Don’t let anyone persuade you to submit to an operation until you have at least given this internal method a trial and a chance to cure you. A few day’s delay will not make your case much harder for the surgeon, and you may not need him at all. There is only one sensible, sure and Safe way to treat piles and prevent them from coming back every few weeks to annoy and pain you again. This is by permanently healing them with the Page Internal ■Treatment. While the Page treatment includes both an ointment and a bowel regulator, we tell you frankly and honestly in our directions that these will give but temporary relief — But the Permanent Benefit will come from the Page Pile Tablet. This is a very pleasant tasting tablet and you will enjoy chewing one or two after meals. This System for the Cure of Piles has been sold for More Than a Quarter of a Century and is endorsed in Thousands of Letters Reporting the Cure of cases that seemed beyond hope of relief. Let Us Send You a Trial Package Absolutely Free. Just Send Us Your Address and Name on the Coupon. • Just Chew This Pleasant Tablet 1 Money Can Not Buy Many Pleasures for the Man or Woman Suffering from Piles. There Are Times When the Certain Relief Afforded by the PAGE PILE TREATMENT Is W orth All the Money in a Bank. We Can Prove Every Statement That We Make. This method of treating Piles, from the INSIDE instead of the OUTSIDE, is not a new idea or something that has not been given a thorough test. In an other place on this page we quote from a letter received from a patient who took our treatment 18 years ago and has never had the slightest return of . his trouble. The one BIG recommendation of this method of treatment is the PERMANENCY of the benefits derived. Another case speaks of having been healed after six torturing veal's of bleeding piles, and this was accomplished by our trial package alone. Surely if you are ever troubled t with piles, you will send the coupon from this page and re ceive the trial treatment. Every One Has A Kind Word to Say of The Page (Internal) Pile Treatment. Was About to Undergo Operation I Camden, N. J., 2017 Polk Ave. Mr. PL K. Page. Dear Sir:—“You will hava to eteuse me for not answering your letter before, but I wanted to convince myeelf of the merit of your treatment before replying. Now, in regards to the treatment, I eannot praise it too highly. After 7 months of continual pain I was aurpriaed how quickly your treatment worked. I tried several different kind* of treat- j ■tents and I found them all wanting. f was on the verge of going to a doctor 1 for an operation when I saw your ad- | vertf semen t. It appealed to me hecauee to cure pile* , you have to know what cause* them. It ie now 0 months since I have taken your treatment and I have not had any trouble since. I personally recommend this treatment to all pile sufferers. Wishing you the heat ef success, 1 re main* gratefully yours.** HARRY 8CHLECHTER. Cured Af tar Suffering Untold Agony W. R. Page Co.. Marshall, Mich. My Dear Friends}—I received your kind favor. One week ago yesterday I was in hed helpless. Today I have cleaned my four rooms, cared for my children and feel fine. I am taking my medicine reg ularly and feel sure I would ha\# been dead if I hadn't gotten some relief. I was bleeding so, and Oh! the agony. I can mot find words to express my thanks to yon. 1 am feeling fine and de not know I aver had the piles A sincere friend, MRS. Me L. BTJCKNBR. 'I Sptnt Hundreds of Dollars Mr. K. K Pag#. Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir:—I have been bothered with Piles in a bad form for 20 years. Have ■ pent hundreds of dollars and only get relief for a few days. 1 have used your Pile remedy and am cured. I feel better than I hare for twenty yeare. Your Pile remedy is a God-send to me. I cannot ■ peak too highly about it. I have suffered great agony before using your treatment, and, thank the I^ord. I am cured. Youra truly. * CHA8. HAYDEN. 41H Kentucky St.. Bowling Green, Ky. Something Wonderful E. R. Page Co.. Marshall, Mich. Gentlemen:—I received your sample of the Pile remedy and was very well sat isfied with it. Hut as my brother had some of your remedy he let me use it so I did not have to send for any. Your remedy has cured me ef my piles. It sure is something wonderful. I also thank you for the sample. Your remedy helped me and I will advertise it •• a very wonderful remedy. Youre truly, LOUISE 7.ISHKA. Lakefleld. Minn. Case of Long Standing V. R. Page Co., Marshall, Micb. Dear Sir. Mrs. Vinesnt ran’t thank you enough, for you have got the very medi cine to cure Piles. Mrs. Vincent has had bleeding piles for 40 years. I am glad we saw your ad and got the medicine, for It Is a aura cure when It will cure a case like my wife had. Gratefully, M J. VINCENT. 1140 Drake St. I Mgdlion, Wig, *+ Had Both Protruding and Bleeding Pilea | Mr. K. It. rag#, ManhaH. Mich Dear Sir: I am glad to «ay your medi- | eina haa helped me and the laat package haa cured me. ! have hern two montha without any medicine and have done a lot of hard work, aince It ia a wonderful remedy. When I a«*nt for the firnt treat ment, I wa»« not able to be on my feet and auffered terribly. It waa the pro truding arid Heeding Pile* together At night 1 could not real and t had given up to have an operation; but read of thia remedy and ao I gave it a trial. It haa waved me from a lot of Buffering and alao many dollar*. I can't nay enough to praiae i the Page Pile Method. I am glad there I Ia a remedy for pile* aa I do not think much of the** oprrationa. I am feeling fin# and glad I found out about your ] wonderful medicine. Will alnraya recom mend it. Your* reapectfully, MRS. NINA YOUNGBLOOD. Box 1*1, Sparta. Mich. Little Boy Cured in a Week j Mr. K. R. Page. Marahall. Mich. Dear Sir: After I had given thre# of th# beat doctor* in this town a chance to ! do aomething fo» my little boy, they ail failed and told ma the knife waa the only chance for him, ao I let them all go and never did any more for the hoy until 1 tried your treatment. It waa not a weeW till hia pilea left him and they have never ahowed any aigna aince. Have recommend ed your treatment to other* and they •ay they are going to order. 1 am doing all 1 ran for you. Your* a* ever, J. S. McCLATN. ‘ 16ft Louiaiana Ava.. Kooivill*, 1*1)0. \ _ No Wondar Ha Is Thankful Mr F H Page. Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir 1 am very glad to say yo.ir Pile Treatment has entirely cured me of the terrible disease. I had suffered agony for ten years. I cannot tell you tn word* how much I thank you for your wonderful Pile Treatment. It ta a God-send to those who suffer from thia dreadful disease I will he only too glad to givg all the in formation and advice in regard to my ca*e. Sincerely. GEORGE r. VIRTUE. Box tl9, Delaware City, Dels Rad Cat# of Fistula Cured Mr K. K. Page Dear Sir Before I tried your cure 1 tried a number of remedies, hut no use Now thanks to you and your cure. I have every reason to believe that my Piles and Fistula are cured. I have been troubled with pilea for over 3k fears. This It the second time 1 have had Fis tula. At times the pain was awful, but 1 have had no return of it Dow for some time. Hava recommended your care to people In Spring Valley and expect you will hear from them. Thanking you. I remain. Very truly your*. WM P FINK. Mstawan, N J. Bleeding Piles for Six Years "Your Pile Tablets are surely wonderful. I was troubled with bleeding piles, off and on, for ais years; couldn't get any thing to mire them until I read your ad in tha daily paper. Tha sample must have* cured me—I haven't been bothered since.'* Yours truly, MRS M. J. MAN HECK R. R 5. Box «*. bai. ilsrnardipu, Calif. i Remember—That we have not asked you for so much as a postage stamp. We have not asked you to Buy Anything. And, what is more, we are Not Going to ask you to buy a penny’s worth of anything until After we have sent you a liberal Free trial of this treatment and given you the opportunity to test it and try it. That is our way of doing business. So you are not running any risk when you send the coupon and nothing but Good can come from answering this offer. If you do not happen to be suffering with your piles this moment, but are subject to occasional spells of trouble, send for this Free Trial just the same and keep it at hand for your future help. If you are not troubled with Piles yourself, but have a friend who is. then send us your friend’s name and tell him or her that you have done so. Don’t put off the matter of send ing the Coupon, for it will be much better to have this sure relief right at hand the next time your piles bother you than to hunt around for our address and then wait two or three days for the package to reach you. Send your name and address Now, f Coupon foi Free Proof Package E. R. Page Co., 752-A Page Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Without any cost or obligation on my part, please send me a trial package of your Combination Treatment for Piles. Nami .... v. «mm,Mi, Al1 d 1 ( SS . . ... •>.... .. . •** «w no Town ..State..,