The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 04, 1923, PART TWO, Page 10-B, Image 22

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    You Cannot Afford to Overlook This Public “Bulletin Board”'
of thrift and opportunity every day. Read these “Want” Ads today—and every day. And, if you want to insert an ad of your own, phone AT lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad
taker. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost.
I1— ■
Apts., Flats. Furnished . "*
SlUNTER INN AT, 6969 24th ASkd Dod«
Sts. Home for traveling man and wifa
C7- ■ " 11 -*- "
Apts., Flats, Unfurnished . 75
Jn on, or Omaha's most desiralilo rrsi
drntlal districts. Opposite park nnd
boulevard; 3 rooms with accom
modations. One apartment available at
on -*. Janitor. HA. 6^96.
G. M. HAUSER, Mgr.
Si 02 Dodge St._Harney 7140
\\~A. 3T88 (Tei. t- Modern second floor
apartment, four urge rooms with alcove
ami bath, hardwood floors, walking dis
tance, janitor service; available about
March 14; $60.__
3 ROOMS, furnished, $45, Howard Apt*..
21st and Howard.
2 rooms, furnished, $40, Manual Apts.,
50*j So. 21st A\e.
Janitor will show you.
W. J. PALMER CO.. AT. 8980._
UEAUTIFUL B-room apt. in the Hudson.
207 S 26th Avti, Walking distance. Call
janitor. HA. 1730 or JA. 0746.
424 Omaha National. __
j\ 23"41 (Tel.)—Choice 5 rr-om* and bath,
•verv room an outaido room, with an
abundance of sunlight. Must. b«>..««£ nm
be appreciated Winter rate. $B2.60. Belve
dere Apts.. 16th and Wool worth._
REAL ESTATE Management. j
AT rq*0. Keeline Bldg. ■
AT. 502 5. _ 2002-J CTTT NAT.
AT 0544 17th and F.rnam Bt«
fob ONE op
Call Jack*on_2805.__ .
TWENTY-FIRST RT., 621 N.—Rublau apt. ;
2 rooms with 4 room accommodation, njjj- i
ly decorated; walking distance. JA. 6398. j
* FIRST class steam heated apt.
|25 per month. Light, gas. water and
host fumlshjsd (tm. 1324 < apitol Ave.
CHEHKKUB unfurnished, new, str'ctly
modern. 5-room* apt-, private hath. -*•*»
P. «t 23d St._
MASON and 13TH—brooms steam heated
flat. T. P. Naughtln Co,, 9.3 So. 13th at. ^
FOUR-ROOM apartment, steam heat, low
rent. CJ. I* Stubbing, 161Q C.'hlrttifo
« LOSE in. For the price unequaled, 3 or 4
room. apt. Office 220ty ^*__?3d._._- j
r-TV —- " ' 1
Farms for Rent ....^ |
FARMS to rent, with option to buy. Box j
N. Broken Bow. Neb, _l
fiaraRPs and Rama . .j.^ ]
GARAGE, atm- ht. 811 S. list. HA. <124
Houses, I n furnished ....
COTTAGE—Five room*. all modern, ga
i •, pp, croMStown car line south, 24.'. lrn
mediate entry may be made. Call AT.
7 163._________j
GOOD louses' five, seven and eight rooms, i
well |ora»cd, low rents. Edith Earle, 1830
Charles Ht. ____ j
V*\. 357T—3 rooms and alcove, modern.
• ntire 2nd floor. Adults.____ |
ftEE8E ST , 2 54 4 — House for rent. Mod- i
»rn. dose in. Call JA. f04*.__i
2943 ' MARTHA St —4 rm. cottage. |15.
WE. 8252_ -
Offices and Stores ... • «•» «... HO
OFFICE—Choice office suite for Insurance
company, law or real estate flrjn. AP
p!v Room 400, First National Bank Bldg.
TWENTIETH HT., 521 N—Room and
board for 2 gentlemen. AT. 3 <03.
Room and Bitard.
KK. 2 v«S — I or 2 boarders desired be«t
nf meals; pleasant rooms. 3908 *>fc N.
24th Ht.____
t YOUNG men nr young women, home
i III Iff park, kk 4 *
DESIRABLE room in private family, home
cooking. |S. WA. 61*>4. _
HA. 2069 )Tel.)—Room and board, $3 P^r
week, private horn*'. _
Rooms, Furnished.. H2
To help you secure “paying guests” for
your vacant rooms, we make this of
Phone your “Room for Rent" ad to AT
la tit i'- 1000. If you do not rent your
loom at the expiration of your order.
V t. 11 us about it and we will reinsert your
advertisement three more days without
additional charge.
• Remember, too, that The Omaha B'*®
"Want" W rates are the lowest In the
city. -
Get your advertisement started now.
T’hone AT-lantlo loon and ask for Miss
tli oof "I to >ms for Rent" Ad •
O °
o °
s s
UUUUU'JUVUwwuwuuv w /■ - -
\V Af rTt':.'~< Tel. » —Girls. if ; mi •!• ire all
1 he convenience* of a. beautiful, modern
home, including •ntert* aing pr
T.ARflK fr<-nt room, well furnish* <1 4
windows, nbe closet with mirror door;
rinse to car Will rent rearonable to I
, - *
front bedroom for 1 or -* gentlemen, prl
*r« home, entirely modern Ref. re«i.
If A. 0M6.__ __
nit* hen end lavatory Everything fur
nished ; *lso 1 mom with bath and 1 nice
north room. TTA. 6674.________
AT. 47'»i, APT. 601; a close in large desir
able room very desirable. Permanent
traveling man preferred Rent reasonable.
LARGE south room, walking distal e *
and cold water In room; hoard if desired,
garag*. HA. HI8.__ _ _
2 flLKErFFNQ Rma., doubla or single. JA.
2 UNUSUALLY well fur doubla rma . prlv.
home rnen preferred; ref_ rerj. K H._4*41.
KE 1-12 (Tel.) Nlie, comfortable room
HA. 1861* Beautiful front sleeping room
for two, private home.
7* LB A N. light room, with " r without home
privileges. Hernia Park _HA. U74h
HA • • <T«1.) 1 fu
room, one bln* k from 40th and Fsrnam
FARNAH 8T.. 2210H Large *te<*ni
heat«'d alee pi n g room. 14 ;* w*»rk._
AT fif’T t (Tel.)—^Nicely furnished front
fflain, suitable for one or two._
t I I N
};( H .M He'mN ju; rjG 14 wk _HA K» *»
Room* for tloiioekerpinic . HI
To help you secure “paying guest*" for
your vacant rooms, we make you this
offer: „
Phone your “Room for Rent ad to at*
) a n 11 c lOno. If you do not rent your
room at the expiration of your order, tell
us about It and we will reinsert your ad
vertisement three more days without ad
dJIional charge.
Remember, too, that The Omaha U**e
k "Want** Ad rates are the low***t In the
Get your advertisement started how.
Ph«n« AT-tantlo 1000 end eek for Mlea
Smith, our "Hoorn, for Hrnt" Art tnk. r. _
WII.T, furnl.h front room fur hnueek'<-l'
Ink to eult permanent tenunt: hot en.l
.old W,i,r In ran in; -»lkin» dl.tanr.
tao per month Bvarythlc, fnrnlehad,
• laotrle. laundry; (are,a HA id;
.IONB8 8« J4I«—Houa«V.»i.|na room*
newly dan orated, complexly furnfabed
Price raaeonabla._
2 IXJVHiJt ho'iaakaaplna room, for rent
«ara*» If d„lr,d: prlv.ta hom». on rai
line 1111 • Hth ft
4hinTr rntsT avk. 1:4 so > room,
yornlahed nr unfurnlahed, modern HA
1711. __
WE. *«14 fTel.)—* fnrnfihed btuikNi
IM room, »nd »araj*_ln Knunt,, Plana
'FwfeN'ffTiriRST IT’. iif rfo
• pt, prlv. hath Sep entrance AT vtt.
SEVENTIETH gT~ 911 *—» modern room;
Sn>-olc c.r* I -d Prt.-.t. fymt*. *T 7,4,
Rooms for Housekeeping . 81
poixiE st . 27 07 — - room* and kitch
enette, modem, warm, fu ihed. so.
NTEAM-HEa'tKI> rooms, with or without
housekeeping. 1502 S. 10th Nt._
KOIINTZE ADDITION—Two or «iree very
desirable rooms. WE. 4979. _
DODGE 25ld—S3 weekly; elec., heated._
Wanted to Rent . 85
WO Old rent 4 room cottage west of 40th
St. Prefer on© In vicinity of the Elmwood
park or between t’allfornla and Mason.
Call Mr. Sargent. WA. 8080._
Where to Stop in Omaha .87
HOTEL SANFORD—l»th and Farnam.
HOTEL HENSIIAW—18th and Farnam.
Special ratess to permanent guests.__
HOTEI N’HVILLE. William Koenig, Mgr.
107 North 18th street. AT. 8184.
Acreage Properly . 88
20 acres, good house and building*: all
kinds of fruit, close in; worth $15,000.
Will sacrifice for $10,000. One-half cash
if sold this week.
__W A. 4 304. __
Itusinefcs Property . 89
Clcse In
Consisting of 7 rooina each; A bedrV)«»ms
in each apartment; excellent ^ondltlor$;
live in one. have good income from the
other two. annual income $2,940. Corner
lot. paving paid.
South S14e
Consisting of two duplexes and 7 r$om
cottage; all iu very good condition; Du
plexes have 7 rooms each; hardwood
finish: good income; garage for 5 cars;
large lot. Sundays cull Mr. Murphy, AT.
4701, or Mr. Martin. IIA. 6706.
Hastings & Heyden,
J«14 H^rn»y St. AT. "05".
We ha' e for sale s lot 60x132 feet eorne
of 17th and Jackson Streets, which will
m*ke an Ideal location for * gsrage or
a number of small store* or shops With
1 he completion of St Mar's Avenue and
with the erect ion of the new huildmg at
17th and St. Marys Avenue this property
"Ithour. a dm^pt would rent readilv and
also increase jn value. For detail in
formation call.
George Sc Company,
AT-lantic 3074.
Farms and KanthPn ..90
“7 40-Acre Home
4 miles N. W. of Benson on Blair high
12 acres in grapes.
2 acres In walnut gro'e
l acre full hearing orchard
6-room new house.
New barn for 8 head of atock. #
Large hog house, new.
New chicken house for 1.000 chicken*.
Also other new improvements
Will sen this at a .snap
I.and black loain, gently rolling
6 tons alfalfa and 300 Bu. com on
S, S, Montgomery*
67$ Braudel* Th*ater Bldg
Phono AT 96.7 4 or HA. 7170.
M0 A . 7 mile* from station 10 n i!*s
due *ou*h of Kansas City Has $40,900
worth of fin* barn a and 2 dwelling* The
sod i* black limestone toll. 600 A. II
fine bluogras*. Never had a plow In it,
hut can all be plowed. The owner got
immensely rich feeding cattle and hog*
on this faun and want* to retire The
price ia $ltO per a're. $96 000. A wonder
fully good bargain. Would loan back half
at 6.per rent tor a term of years
TV . This man has f.vnffd farm for fh»
part 40 years and ha* been feedipg hogs
and cattle on It all the time, is the res.
son It i* *o rich It is well fencsd and
has a fine wafer system.
Welter Hendrickson, *29 N. West St.,
Nevada, Mo., sol® agenr. _
Wo offer you an opportunity to buv tr
1 rigafed lands in sunny southern Alberta.
; Achieve independence Excellent crops,
i Spe* .a 11 v adapt' d for livestock raising.
; Unfailing supply of water assured by
i Canadian government. Clhnats unexcelled.
$2,000 loaii to approved settle!* for farm
i improvement*. Average pr • o $70 an
jacre; 20 years to pay. Term* under set -
I tlemsnt oondit ops, iuqtiirlsf ©eeupatton
and reasonable improvsments 10 per cent
down, next principal payment end of 4fh
• ear, merest fir*t 2 >cnr« : pe- « *nt per
annum, balance r»t 6 per cent equal annual
: pavments - M F. THORNTON, Supt of
1 <’nloniaatlOft. Canadian Pacific Railway,
"Lana opportunity'
Writs for our special Inducements to
< settlers on our Chop # Central Wisconsin
■ lond*
Best of clav loam soli, good roads, water,
schools, neighbor* and market*. Ws have
I a real proposition for people of small
means who want to own a good farm
No speculator* or agents wanted.
Write today for our Special price* and
term# to actual settlers.
Owen, Clark Countv, Wisconsin.
FOR HA i e- F* rme r t ■■ h 60 .1 n a about
70 60 ft lots, not platted, 2 miles from
Dors*'. Bubhaid Co. Minn., mi mantrap
chain of lakes Sandy Reach. No weeds, all
pines. Mu*k*y A Mas* fishing, on* mils
from High tension el*rfn- tin*, writ* for
particulars W. C. Thotnpson. N*V|* Minn.
ion* man has a-.*’raged fl.’diO per acre
j Ask shout, donation of four 20-a-re tisc'a
to parties who will put In orange grove.
Immigration Department, R. A. A A. P.
. Hun Anton I' 1
|||\\ A -dll Hires within li'> »nlbs of
Omaha. Land Dye flue, good * * room
house, barn and other outbuildings Will
trad* for good mortgage* Might put
In some cash. F M Michael. 607 Hat
ton Blk., JA, till.__
' Small Nebraska Ranch
U offered for sH * or trade for garage
Nicely Improved Excellent pasture with
never falling water Immediate possession.
Address Y-2234. Omaha Bee _ __ t
TEX AH f »r sal* 27On sere* In Dlinmil
County, Texas. len-lnch art>-*inn well, four
hundred nr res in cultivation, everythin*
hears the closegl inspection. \'l 50 pei non
\. 4 «ash T. M West. H«n Antonio. Tern*
and %2 yearly for 19 ysarsBRets fine un
improved black loam land Will litipro *
If desired Farm Department, 8. A. A. A.
1*. Ry.. Sun Antonio, Tea. _
4.000 bred cwu: oil l av two sections
farm land; good cow ranch good sheep
ranch. Address W. O Logan. Dougina,
Wyo. _ _,,, , -1-^
Lots for Mi W
A Bariais Bid?. Lot
All Improvements in high location soutl
front. 1 block to rat. near 50th an<l
Military Ay*. Only |90f Phone at one*
"' ' Seavey Hudson Co
• AT Hit
Last front near Farnam, I 100. Must hr
sold Want offer .1A 142*
. DUNDEK tot. 60x126. on 64th St. near Far
1 nam; choirs loti owner will consider rest
* ***ht* offer r A Hrlmmel .1A 141*
! ' ' --j
| Lota for Salt- .91
Fontenelle Blvd. Lots.
Tested for quick sale a( $1,200; each 60*.
130. Phone WA. 3124 or
Seavey Hudson Co.,
228-9 City Nat. AT. 90»;9.
CHOTCE lot in Evanston foi «1 < own
rr Make ine an offer. AT. 9*149 or WE.
m«.___ __
WILL build to your order on our beauti
ful lota In Kdgewood; very easy term*.
Phone Atlantic_3640.___
Beal Estate—Benson .m. 92
All modern house, close to church
and school; good lot. for only $1,500; $500
cash, balance monthly. A good buy.
WA. 4304.
FOR SALE or trade acreage one good sev
en roam house and one new five room
house both modern, corner lot on paved
street In Henson. Wa 2172. _ ^
1922 N. 60TH ST—5 room houhe, garage,
Iarge lot, by owner $2,200._
Real Estate—Dundee .95
A Home Beautiful in
Dundee, $17,SO®
100 per rent arrangement It's near Far
natn on top of the hill. Extra large liv
ing room yvlth fireplace, dining room with
French doors, sun room, breakfast room
end kitchen on first floor. Central hell
arrangement. Four wonderful bedrooms,
one extra large, and a combined sleep,
lug porch; tlb* bath; also shower on sec
ond floor. Third floor finished with
one large room, bath and maid's room;
oak floors throughout; finish, enamel
and oak; large basement: plenty of light;
laundry room. stationary tubs. toilet;
Ruud heater: furnace one that will heat.
Garage for two cars All in all, s dandy
comfortable convenient HOME, and the
; price Is right Pon t fail to Investigate if
j Interested In s home of this character.
' Glover lb Spain, Realtors
, Ja< kson 20 City National.
Dundee H^galow
$1,000 Cash
A wc|! built and conveniently ar
ranged home Has large living
room, dining room, run room, two
had rooms and bath; built-la cabi
net* In kitchen, refrigerator room;
and enamel finish with oak
floods throughout. full cement
i sseinenf. fullv equipped Many
extras, water heater, atorm win
dows. awnings. lots of shrubberv.
Pries $6,600.
The Byron Reed Company
_JaclMon i»Il, Hit Farn*m 8t.
Brtrk ron.iru.ilnn, 113,500.
UEOHOE * CO.. Realtor*.
| _ _AT. 10:4.
Krai Kstate—Florence .96
| NETIIA3VAY home agarTF «p«cl»llat In
north ,nd property t whit.* only I. Kfc. I4nt.
Rral Kstalr—Mlorrllanroua .97
00000006000006600 OOOOOOOo
% MInne Lusa f
o * Q
O A dstidy fine bungs!< w of 6 rooms, q
i O Beautifully finished In oak *,>ak O
O Poors throughout At! built-in Q
J O features Fireplace, e* Oarage O
j O for 2 care Close to t at line snd O
, O park. $6.$hh. Term* O
f Take Your Choice {
O o
O Three beautiful home* of a and 7 O
O rooms each Each different L’p O
O to-date In every respe. t Pn-rd o
,Q way be|«,w oat of duplication. O
, O Have every hulltoln feature Fire- Q
1 O place, beamed ceilings, bookcase*. O
I O buffets, seat*, cabinet work in O
! O kitchen, paneled dining room, tiles Q
1 O In bath- I.sundry trays in base- Q
O ments. nl'c attics: 2-car garage# q
O with solid drive* One one Re.jjck O
O Ave . facing Miller Park, one on O
O Minna Eusa Ave.. and one on Titus O
O Ave. If looking for a fine home O
O In a splendid location, be *ure and O
O *e# these today l> It is too O
O late Priced at 18,600 to O
f Sauth Side f
! O O
O Just off Deer Park Hlvd A fin* O
j O brick home, large living room O
, O with firepia-‘ and built-in bonk o
O cases; beamed < eilings. paneled O
O dining rowm. finished in beautiful O
O quarter sawed white oak and O
O floors; birch flnlah in kitchen and O
O pantry; fine vestibule on fir*t O
O floor; three fine bedroom* and O
O hath finished In birch on second O
O f "»>r T • fine n'<us <»n third floor o
O Full basement, with ^toilet and O
O shower Fruit t"«m and elegant O
O blllUrd room Hot water heat O
O Elegant cement porch on t*o aides o
O of house Ope-- sr gsrag* O
O Hunday call Mr i ,angef#»|tner. o
O Ken wood 2&12. M» Hrader, Ken- O
O wood r..TT« or Mr HnlPlng ton, K»*n- O
o *.| 3413 O
° diaries W. Martin & Co. °
° Realtors. ®
o o
O 0
1 o 7J7 Oir.ab* Natl Hk PI<1| AT #!«!
O °
Homes for Little Fioney
440* No. 3*Ul Ht . Sevan Urge morns. mod
ern: garage to hold 2 r»r», good shed;
ty block south of Ames Ava, on cinder
paving. Only I*.*7*
2224 So 57th Ft ’wo amatl cottage# and
seven lots, will sell g'l for $4,9’>01 nr will
separate Evening*, call .1A 44?*
American Security Co,,
TA *011 H03 Podge Ft
Leavenworth Heights Home
Reduced to $5,750
Nice location, nice mjr round I nga near rtr
line .five rooms, modern 1 *4 story boyar,
f'niehed in oak and wblta enamel,
floors throughout. u* Show , «u
American Security Co,,
TA f.01? 1*«J Podge Ft
IKT I'H build »n«l finance your new
home: complete building aervji • with no
1*11 T >*"iglaa M» It Id A f.TORH AT 214*
HOMES for workingmen Four room*,
partly modern, full lot, easy terms tl 200
Have nth *rs Stewart Ralston 10-W
« \ M I * I • ! ! . t . htllldl : ,. - Beat ofl
atructton and prices Plana and aperlfl a
AM iii.n Thomas a ton Co.. Roily*
Itral —North . OH
For Colored
Huy this pin* e at ,nn 1 Pinkney Ft , on
the** e«#y payments It I* a ti room part
modern and IPs worth the money
Good 6 mom part modern house owner
will make rm unable trims Wurth ’he
money. fall e\rning*. FA 311f», or Ml.'
57 Fit
Creigrh Sons & Company
4nn Hr# ltld(T .TA <T2*»F
7-R Fllnne Lusa Home
l.nng living room beamed ceilings, fire
place, dandy buffet. *un room and many
other splendid fen tines, near park and
dub; garage aid drive Its Just the
right home for the family w ho "ants ell
I he up to dotenea* at a moderate price
HURT <’ KoWt.ldt t n REA I.TOR*
Jack sun 1424 11,’" Oly N#t Hack Midi
Fundsv rail TA 142«. WA. 4MI1 ; KW 4?»l
-—-— ■
KdlatP—North . MM .
| 5-Ronrn Bungalow °
o Just completed, built so another O
O large bedroom can bo finished. O i
O Oak floor.- throughout. Fireplace. O
O enamel bedrooms and Kitchen. O
O Fine location. $6,260. Call WA. O
O *8460. °
0 O I
NEW two-atory frame, 7 rooms and bath, j
modern; located 40th Ave. arid Sprague, j
Built and for aale by owner, rraideuce
2101 Ohio St.______ j
new—Three rooms down. 3 rooms up, i
all modern, doublo garage. Price $7,250. ‘
Terms. Norris A Norris. AT. 706-. |
'I E ru I’K At Ckj huv _snd_aell hom**»
Itral Entatr—South .MM
m2 x st.
8-room house, modern but furnace: ga
rage; dose to car; block from school.
1 rice $1,000. cash. $5*)0.
Louis Cohen
4823 8. 24th 8t. MA. 0113. ;
Sunday, call MA \029.
'Brick Investment Bargain
I Something out of the ordinary is this
wonderful trick duplex apartment. 7
' large, airy rooms and sleeping porch,
lot 50x1 40; double garage All paving paid.
For price and ternia call
Payne Investment Company,
5 37 Omaha Nat. Bk. AT 8f>80
Sunday, Perrou, WE. 043?. Newlon, KR.
Duplex Flats
Rent, $150; Price, $14,250 j
I'niicuKl opportunity: new w^n bull’,
high-clae* tciant*. Writ Karnam district
arid only $2,700 cash to handle. Pavs bet
ter thin 12 p'*r rent net.
Glover & Spain, Realtors
Jackson 2150 *1* :*n City National
35® 1 Polk St.
Practically rex* 5-room bungalow, mod
ern but bath, full l.xaement, 2 lota,
Prica $2,Son Cash. $5nn
Louis Cohen
4123 9 24f h 5*t. VA «!4S
Sunday, Call MA 302$.
;922 Dupont atrecf, a room* y wit#-, j
agwer, im and foil* t. ncR- - *r Hna a' l !
Ifatiacom park. r»nta t'-r $?n |»r month.
Will take clear lot worth $500 for equity, j
Halanca you can pay rat* of $15 »■ • r j
month. Call owner. JA. 21*2. or W A. I
r.o»2. _i
1358 Polk St,
3 roomi and ha’h. new bjngalow. all
modern, or'-r >* I’.con
Louis Cohen
432: 9. 24h St. MA 0111.
Sundays, call MA if .7.
Confer With Cohn j
4121 So 24th St MA. 0141
R*al FsIaIp—Wmt . 19#
Hifh and Sightly location
East Front In Clalrmcnt
i •
Thla * room residem e • jrjat one
I year old and In excellent con -
* t on located on corner lot. to*
142. Thla bom# la an excellent buy
ui price and terms.
I.Hrge Hvi- g r'"<m with firepla e,
[ finished entirely In *k right
I sized dining room also in oak.
k f<hen w breakfast n.-.k and
large built-in cabin eta ftn.ahed in
whit# enamel, on let fiooi . $
good »ized bedrooms finished en
tirely in white enamel and r>ak
f > .rx alao tile-l hath on err
• nd floor eu i I cement basement,
I hot air beat, extra toilet in Ium
went, garag" c'o«.* to school,
< hurrhea and ca- Uqe Tnu can.
j not duplicate this property to.
day at the prfr« aeked Knr fur.
’her particulars and price Call
Mr Goodrich. WA. 00«?
Shuler & Cary, Realtors.
j •*:$ iKeelln# Bldg JA. S974 *
West Harney St. Home
Here a & 10 room, Inory well eonatru »
°d frame horn# near b Id Ml Four large
nell arranged room* firat floor. 4 b*d
i r.ififn* and i»ie#p,ng porch ot» *». >nd fi'*»r.
J finish# i room hi the attir %nd p '*»ifv
i of atorage apa- e. l-iouthed •> quartered
oak flrat floor. A\ hite enamel ascend
| floor. t le bathroom attra 'fve
i f• 'epla^e and booki ;i*e* full hu*rtr*of,
furtia*e heat; fluud hot wale" heater .
1 'tany other feature* to niair ih,* home
■ complete Thlt property ran he handled
, on M I"; non , ,*h j , men' 1 r further
nformafion rail
George k Company,
AT. *A! 4
° Edgewcod Bungalow §
O Juat being completed. Flv# fine O
O mom# on on* floor T *rg* attle o
O with dormer apa^a to flnlah large O
O airy room. Oak and enamel fin ah C
O Fxralient location on pi. ved atreet o
O Price complete I* 4oc Term* For O
O appointment > all tlrant A. P*n*on. C
O evening* and Sunday WA. l&PO
% Benson k Carmichael ® i
O M2 Tailon Flock AT SM* 0
O • O
Semi-Coicnial Bungalow
r.j«t bring completed 1 rt»>* and bath '**h
finish. plenty of rloaeta. • orner bed j
room*, convenient kUrhrn, with built in .
cupboard*, io front lot, *ur r on igled bj
***w hofn**, only 4 b' " * from new
•'liming At nigh ». Il't.'l I'll meter' I
nod labor were cunt fact*.| on winter j
| f Irea and i» e are giving the r the
benefit pri-e for quick *a!e. | r»irt 51? n
< aah
Rasp Bras.
r 1 ' dr IT, MSI
8-Room Home
Hear 41 st and California
Phe lota 1% (10 11 10 f * \ * NO’ 1 a1 f
shade trees Paving all paid: outhedral
dlalrlrt. Widow l* mu Mia t* kc tl ■
home and i* priced \crv reM*onebb 51 .non
caah will handle balance 5 pci tin.nth
D. E Buck k Co ,
74? Omaha \’*t Hk It big tat*. *. n
Special, 5 Booms, $4,2 0 *
Located 37th and Davenport
■Only I- down, think »*f it m w - i m
[ham dlatrlcf. near Auat.n Apt - • t t* .
paving all paid, large 11 v u* . .. t u
| Id* garage aim* half rmla f.«i $|n. I'lp.i
at on« e, W \ SI l u v\ A 1 ••
Seavey Hudson f.r
••• d f*|ty N*t \ i nil. I !
Slew S morn humo Juat f rii*h<d H '9 S.« j
d h Rt Modern. Win in it . inin i
t Hejhold A ?on (all AT |3<H. ttf.
ft. e -4 city Nat Hank
Now Home* Vour farm* AT 4tt»r
Grove-Mlbbard Co.
rtTH A N1* c 4 l.f Ft »it N I A A room*, m<.d , (
91,000 cmnH, lot Inure monthly, on car klua |
P^lgh. 101 Mae Ill'll JA 030* |
Heal Kutslr—Kxchain;.' .101
Full sale or exchange; valley farm, good
improvements, good .oil. school near farm,
rural route, daily majl except Sunday;
email ratih pnytnMit, balance *»aey terms.
A l**»j two small farms on easy term*.
Fruit, poultry and dairying Write Citi
zen* Bank, owner, Cabool, Mo.
FUR KXCHANGK $20,000 first mortgage,
tunning 3 years at *» per cent, secured on
Minnesota r« a l stale, valued *t double
this amount Will take an equity in land
or I noon ie property up to ar.d
; l } -
month Bldg. Minneapolis, Mi'fn
HAVK $50o cash and c lear'10 acres and
eiiy lot. in town of Jordanton, Tex., near
San Antonio, to trad*- for equity tn Oma
h\ property What have you to offer?
Give full information In your answer. Ad.
dr era Box W 111. Omaha Bee.
HorSK, 7 rooms and sewing room, large
lot, with two car garage, in good neigh,
borhood, c lose tq^, c-ara arid *- hool fan
he arranged feir 2 families, $4,BOO. Terms.
Walnut 1-0H. _
f.-ral bMc—Wsoted .10!
iFaVK ii -I" . iu h and lot, 46x128. at 4»th
and Military Ar». water, at «■ r and w» a
Hnd paved street, on car line, as down
payment on good modern house near
'nr line. Give full information what you
h,t\* to offer. Address Box W-llo, Oma
ha Bee. ___
11 A V J‘1 f r.eo * :t«ih and - Kenwood loti, all
clear, with sewer In street and pe*d.
worth Hi down payment «n good
modern bungalow tear < ar line Givs full
information what you h3\*» »o offer. Ad
dress Box W 10!*, bun ha Me. _
Carl H. Roos Cz-,
"Honesty hi I S<p i t Guaranteed.'*
BAS-BM Sunderland BLlg. AT. 69S1
1© Hones Wan';e<t
Five or sis rooms oha*. W, Young £
Son, l«n: City Nat* I. AT. »««8.
c, T. Spier £ Co„ Realtors,
204 Peu-rs Tru.»t Bldg JA. 4*67.
“Tukey Sold It”
A. V. TA 42?J
FOWLER KIM'.^Kf.f.KH who huy home®
List your propt-rty w tb us for results.
Rurt c. Fowler Co., Realtor*. JA. 3426.
WILL pay ea«h for small hoiiifs, ron
traits or second mortgages. 6*^2 Stcur
ir'cs building Frank C. Rost Co.
’ - . •£—- REAL ESTATE.
£ a Sails. Rem’s. Insures.
« ■ ■
rr> ‘ P* n ty Co List with
vllxUt-• •.-*©{ us for quick reaul’a.
14rt0 First NaCT Bahll Bldg. JA. 1868.
TCDt3>YN £ H' el F>tnto Insurance
[ TSVofj j and t-room home*.
r.A Omaha N# 'L Rank Ride .T A. 21 >2.
v/, J, PALflER co.ry^^r
1 • 1 R'dr AT. nt*d______
FA It M WANTED—Oivs description, cash
prfrr R E l^aderbrand, B-ltl. Cimarron,
W( ird C Plat h ugt R* a dor. J A _
<\rah*»n7 pet*-*H < . *>• : b : ' * T A
' •
TO gaii p#,. Voorheo* & Bundy. At 3241.
WORLD Realty Co . Realtors. AT. 1481
Western Real F.atste Co. JA. **6h _
Boy \rm»r(I of Badio I lipft
Scut to Bivcrview Homr
A rubber gang, in Island, burled
treasure—nil figured in thw trial of
Victor I^BP. 14, 2’** jnn*« Ptreef.
in juvenile court Saturday morning, j
Lowe. «nn of Mrs. Robert f‘ iscaden.
was accused cf having had In his
possesalon a rndio outfit value*! nt $1.0
and stole from the Midland Hattery
company* 2,*>15 Leavenworth street,
December !7.
• He 1 »s loon a v -d bov and never
ranged any serious trouble,** maternal
relatives testilied.
A l.« v friend, however, paid that
Lowe had told him of "stealing things
and burying them on an island when
he lived hack east.”
Judge L. H. Pay declared In favor
of further investigation on the case
apd sent Lows to Itivcpview home
for a weel ^
Tliomu» Rrfusrs Bet TT *11i
Dunn on Bum Conditions
Kliner E. Tbonfns. executive score
tary of the committee of 5.000. will
n*»t be drawn into n controversy with
Polios (kunniliwlener If. W Dunn
i.itr th* relative merits *’f tin pres
1 nt and pre vious puli* e p.lministra
turns in eufor* nig the liquor laws.
Tim police c*imm ssioner offered t*»
wager $506 with Mr Thomas that
more srrests have Imrn nwl** during
ths last 22 months for violations of
the liquor laws than were made dur* ,
ing the corresponding pot sod of the
Armer administration.
Notice !• hereby 0 ven that the ragu'ar
annual mtti ng <*f the a<nekholders of the
S^uth Plaits 1 and tympany will b# h**M
»» ths office of said rempan▼. Boom 701,
first National Rank Building. Lincoln,
Nebraska st tl oVl■*• k A M . on ihe 7tb
day cf March, A. I* 1421
F4 -Ml Ino Pacretary ar.d Tr***ur«r.
F resident.
V/t (.OMtlNf T»P Sp.HVU.tA or
A U I k O L P> A
For Rent Eureka
Vacuum Cleaner*, cpmpleta
with attachment*. Clean* by
a i r por*
» » r r e t,
f u r n i tifre
And tnal
7 Hr
' I re*
Pl.onr AT. 8321
Probing Remington Slaying
At start of the probe Into the mysterious slaying nf F.arle Remington at
r.ns Angeles important witnesses were >lra. Remington tleft) and her maid,
( harity Dawson Irenter.)
Eleven Ural Estate Sale?
Made bv Schroeder Eirm
The last few days of warm weather
have the Siilcs fores of th*
8ehrwd< r Investment conTpany on
the run and this firm announce* a
list of 11 sales in tho list 15 day*.
The r- i- al'le pr.< cd properties »re
tho one* that are selling, according
to .1 I. !s< iuei ler of this firm, which
has several other sales pending. Fol I
lowing ,s a hat of the sales:
Lot Thirty fourth and Mason
street• to VV. F G'mandt, Jl.4011:
4 ■ 7<t Barker Katln rine Garrett, 15.500;
2333 North F.xtv second stree*. Mrs.
n M Butler, 13 000: 1347 South Twen
ty sixth street, n Gannett!. J4 50O,
2375 Ida streft. tV. A Durrette,
through D. E. Buck. *<1.625: 2115 Cali
fornia street. William Brown, through
Hastings A Heyden, *7,500; 2615
ftoutli Thirty second avenue, John E.
Anders n. through Harrison A Mor
ton. *6.250; Forty second and Barker.
res:d‘ m e. to an investor. *5.000: 4320
Marry street. 1*. G. Itennlson. *6.500;
2*71 Marry stree' A. It. Ludwig.
J6.Sr" 1179 Cass street, Mrs H. Sand
berg, 16.500
Shuler Cary l Nrw
Type of Lot Development
A new type of lot development in
belnff employed by Shuler A Cary la
Their plan* for building: country club
home *:te* in the SOaert tract which
this f»rm bought last fall on the
north *ide of Onter street, running
north to «h« Happy Hollow club*
new site.
Knjrneer* row are «•*lectIn* builJ
n’t; * te* in the tract. All of the build*
ini: site* will 1* •elected before ary
*treet building or other development
w<>rk * *>d. After the building
« Te* have t*een selected, street*,
driveways and lane* will be made to
• rform with the location of the
building site*.
The entire tract after the building
*ites shall have been chosen, will be
thickly *<t with tree*. The de*
veloper* hope to have the tract readv
for the market in the late summer or
early fall.
New \• l<lition lo • >prn
Nnrlli of Benson Soon
A 7 v i. jc tract f ground north of
Renson and west of Florence has
hsen purchased hy Hastings A Hev
den. through the Defers Trust coni
psnv for a rlt<dU. TV.- addition will
tic auhdivldcd Into one acre tracts to
ha add at from 1700 to IMO each,
monthly payment plan
The ground Is on Sixtieth street
nesr th* paved road which runt north
front Krug park to the Danish ceme
tery. It will be offered for sole thte
V. F. Srlirorn Joint First
'I rnsl F inn a* Salesman
AV ).; Schroen, f> r several years
district manager for the Mansfield
Ruhher company, with headquarters
In Itenver. l as liipvfsl to Omaha and
joined the First Trust company as a
real estate salesman,
"I could have I hoyen any city tn
the country Mr Schroen said, "but
In my travels whch Included every
thing’ west of the Mississippi river.
Omaha appears to me to have the best
and most substantial future
Mr Schroen now lives at 4375
Dodge street.
Now Real Kstatr Firm
tens Office in Omaha
TV K-.ampu*. for several year*
lls-idt lati'd with o Neil * Krai K*tA(C
agency and well known to real e*
tato men - of Omaha. ha* wMabliehed
i n»'w firm to t*r known a* Ntattipu*
A Co with office* in the Flrat Na
tbuvil hank budding
Thi* firm will F-pectiih*# in rral
rotate invratnirnt*.
Shoe Firm I,cases Sloro.
The flrnutid dripper Shoo f w
puny. which haa been on Fain.iju
Mreet. below Fifteenth etrret. ha
leaned. through 1 hr Slater company
a More building at 1tlf» Pa mam, tn
the Wellington Hotel building, for
three year* Thi* More I* On* of i
aerie* located in Omaha. Ufttver,
A. C. Plug? Retain Titlr
in World of Sport
The year 1922 proved anything but
a uep.clou* for tit;* holder* in fields cf
There was ore exception to the gen
• ral rule, however. That was the
winning perform*!.>-* of AC spark
plugs wherever raft powered with
gasolin* engines met In competition.
They came through and delivered 100
p»r c»nt, according to the records of
192?, and once ag’i n retained their
supremacy in the thr»e spheres of
travel—land water and air.
Jimmy Murphy, w.nner of five
speedway races and speedway
' hamper] rf the year, depended on AC
plugs to fire the engine of the fastest
car that has jet been developed for
track service.
The AC plugs on the speedways
wire duplicat'd on a'UCion fields,
AC s th» engines of th* first
four planes to finish in the Fulitger
trophy t-v-e. w n ly I.leut. Ralph
Maughan flew his Army Curtiss bi
an hour.
Following h.s victory in the
“world * a.i derby," lieutenant
Maughan flew his Army-Curt las bip
plane at the sensatir: al speed of 24* 5
miles an hour, and then turned the
ship over to Br.g. Gen. William
Mitchell, who put the world's record
at 224 05 miles per hour in a sanc
tioned tiual officially licensed to shat
ter the former mark of 20S mites per
hour, credited to I.econtl of France
On the water, the most notable vie
tory of the year was that of Jesse O,
Vincent, vice president in charge of
engineering at the Packard Motor
Car company, and his “Packard
Chriseraft " in the r*' es for the gold
cup emblematic of the American pow- l
er boat championship.
Attorney * ^ ife Warded
Divorce in District Court
Mary Fitch Saturday was granted a
divorce from her husband. Fred Fitch,
attorney, by District Judge S* ars.
Many hot words wore lilt* red ty
Fitch during the hearing. Most A
them wete intended for his wife a at
torney, who was granted Fitch
Mid his service* we e w rth but ff»«\
Mr* Fitch was awarded 5 4 ;>aa w ::h
payment a of S'aa each year.
The Fitches have two grown sons.
They have been married Its years.
Mrs Fitch charged her husband
with cruelty.
Crew of Burning Ship Saved.
San Franclace, March 3 —F.te
burat But In the engine room of the
motorehlp Tvablnda. threatening the
fuel tank, when aha xn off Santa
Crus. Cal . early today, and after the
ve.ael railed for help the eteem
schooner t’elllo renioeed the crew
VV'irele*. n.r.aayea de.rrtbing the * ■
and the re*ru* were picked up by the
bleach atatlon of the Federal Trlt
graph company here
Slvle 1 I I \\ Idle
Oh tier on I .Mem I rip
Mrs. 1?. Armmr announce* the
cU*ung of Mie sty 1 Sh«‘p temporarily,
pending her return from an eastern
trip of inspection of new* styles in
gowns and wraps 1'pon reopening
the shop. Mrs At incur plans the lo
st Altai ion of a new depHrtmtnt of
Flat Sold for S2O.0U0.
The f it huiUtuu: Kf the v 'h
east corner of Twenty second and
Howard street*, owned t\ K Alls
tin. was sold last week by Ho tgv
F. Jones company for $;h A<><> to S.
O Hrlgm* and I’. S Frigs* The budd
ing i* of brick const ruction and eon
tains two eight-room flats and one
IS-room fist The Frigs* bought the
property «n ah Investment
\t-vv Bondirini l.ocalion.
l.ouia V Hor*hrlin the Jeweler to
iate«l for man; }, n« at .'.tut South
Sixteenth atrect, ami forced to \a
rate owing to the erection of a new
buiMtng on the corner of Sixteenth
and Howard at reel a. h»« aectm-d a
now location *’ v.o h Sixlccr.lh
Second V ictini of Fire
Buried Beside Mother
Thomas \\n*kwvi» G. son of
Michael Waskyevic, Sixtieth street
land was buried b *
Hide his mother in St. M y» cemetery
! Saturday morning
» Both Thomas and his mother, Mrs.
; Sophie Waskyew. were fatally bunt*
**d when a keros* ne f*an exploded at
the Waskyevic home Wednesday
noon Mrs. Wa*ky»vic died Thursday
| night at St. Joseph hospital, and
I Thomas died Friday.
Funeral services were held at St.
Stanislaus church Forty-second and
I .T streets Michael \V a sky** vie, tho
(father, is gtief stricken. Another boy,
John, 7, survives.
Two Auto 1 ire Casings
Stolen in South Omaha
Theft of two automobile raying!,
was reported to 8‘uth Omaha po!n o
•Saturday. 7.. Shear. 2534 Q «'ieet, left,
a casing valued at $12, wrapped in
a newspaper, In the rear of his c»
parked on Twenty-fourth street.
When' he returned, it was gone.
Another casing was stolen from R.
Coreliek. 4220 South Twentyflret
Man Accused of Striking
Sarpy County Boy freed
David McCarthy, 233? M em
ployM hy th^ T>old Packing company,
was dismissed in South Omaha muni
cipal court Saturday on * charg*
of striking Paul Parkins, son of a
Sarpy county farmer, who also works
at the plant.
McCarthy terrified the boy became
“fresh" and he merely chastised him.
South Omaha Merchants
Oppose Coupon System
Member, of the South Omaha Mer
chant,’ a*soeiation went on record at
a meeting Friday night against th«
certificate-coupon plan In use by
■•vera! South Omaha store*. They
declared It t»ndg to stifle competi
The certificate, were pawed out
with purchase*, and wore valued at
5 eema each.
Auto Tools Stolen From
Garage: Suspect Arrested
A H Rushforth. £014 South Tsrer
tyfourth street, reported to South
Omaha police that prowlers stole
tools and automobile appliance,
valuer at }35 from his garage Fri
day night. J. B. Hicks, 4407 South
Twenty-fifth street, waa arrested
investigation in connection with t!
Man Accused of Stealing
Nails Fined $1 in Court
Martin Soheliski, 4108 South Thirty
eighth street, was fined II in South
Omaha municipal court Saturday
charged with the theft of a quart,-r
of nails from the Chi. ago A Nor
western storehouse in South Omar.
He wa, arrested by J. C. Rader, spe
cial agent for the railroad
Accused of Disturbance.
Mike Eiie. 2411 P street, was ar
rested at 2:45 a. m. Saturday, charged
with creating a disturbance at the
hot; » of Rev. J. Lomrs. 3513 Q stree
in police court Saturday no one
appeared against, him. and h:s case
wa« held in aheyance
Milk Wagon Driver fined.
Because he left his team standing
hitched to a milk wagon without drop
:ng a hitching weight while he ran
to deliver a quart of milk. A. Lar
*en. 3308 South Thirty second *treet,
was fined It in South Omaha munici
pal court Saturday morning.
Must BoarJ Bill.
■? k Barry. e330 South Twenty «e- -
eii-h street, w n given until Mart-h
la to make g-. d a past due board b :!
in South Omaha municipal court Sat
urday morr.lrg.
South Omaha Brevitiet
■ % ' • x : * ■
W;H th<» isrt'r r • »•«» th* ec*'
•aVen by m?*’nk«* at .S{?«:n '.r* H: !:*
Pi r B * ■ cw ■ fai i f ■
' eur i r# »>■*. Call .V A <11*, er
Auto Driven by Youths
Damages Two Machines
Jnhn R. Kennedy, II. SI01 Pores*
street, snd Oeorfre Wilkltwon, IT, I*.'S
V :-th Nineteenth avenue, mere arree-.
.1 > eel, i i'.sj- after a ear they wrra
drjvtnir,1 into t*o other cata
parked at Stveenth and Cuming
street a.
The damaged ram belong to TM1*
’ mn T Qtrek, 2&12 Pinkney afreet*
and Vrnold Light 2314 Pouglas street.
Polio *ay the oar dri\en by the two
boys belongs to the On'a ha Alfalfa
Mill-rg coni pa nx The boys said Larry
Andei s, 31S2 P street, m etuplox •
of the company, gave him permission
*o use it. P»-hio are looking for An*
Heatl of Jordan Motor Car
Firm Coe* Through Omaha
Kdwin S Jordan of Cleveland, presi*
dent of the .Ionian Motor Car com*
pan>, paaaed through Omaha Satur*
day morning etmuiie from Chicago to 1 • au - ' Mr Jordan spoke bs
f*to the Vlvrrtis tg Selling league of
Omaha several months ago and was
one »'f the most popular on that club's
winter program.
Makes pnii k Turnover.
Abraham ?*»*•' investor,on Feb*
mvw 1 • bought the p-Apertv at the
*rthw of Tw * i .;\ fourtlg^
• rest Woolworth axenue f
MO.opiX 1 a«t week he avid it to P
N ox n k f r $11. *‘0 The II A Wo’f*
.omjvuD made the de«l*. Mr, Six
had closed his deal of February
only two day* before be resold the
proper! x Tho ^ner is rujkrAvad
"iUl * VUAii tw IKIIUA—.