^ Join the Procession and Place Your “Want Ads in The Omaha Bee Where You Secure Better Results at Lesser Cost v $ Index to Want Ads ^ ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial Vaults . 1 Card of Thank* ... ••• 2 Cemeteries* Monument# . 3 Florist* . 4 Funeral Directors . S Funeral Notices . a* i Future Event* . 1 TiO*t and Found .* 6 Notices .*.. 3 Personal* . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Anto Accessories. Tires .II Anto Agencies . 12 Auto* For Sale .. 13 Auto* to Exchange ...14 Auto* Wanted . 13 Oarages—Repairing . 14 Motorcycles, Bicycles .17 Service Stations .. 14 Taxi—Livery . 19 Trucks, Tractor*.. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Accordion Pleating .21 Builder*. Contractors . 22 Dancing Academies . 23 Detective Agencies . *4 t.arncf Builders .23 Moving. Storage . . *4 Milliner*. maker* .27 Painting, Papering . ...... 24 Patent Attorney* . 29 Kodak Finishing.30\ Photographer* . 30 % Printer*. Engravers . 31 l'mfcHhlonal Services .. 32 Repairing . 33 Service* Offered . 31 Tailoring. Pressing . 35 Wanted—Business Service .36 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Itnslive** College* .*7 ( orrespondence Courses .*.36 Ceneral Instruction .*® Mu*lcsl. Dancing, Dramatis . 40 Trade Schools .41 Wanted—Instruction .* 42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Employment Agencies .43 Help Wanted—Female .44 Help Wanted—Male .45 Help—Male or Female .46 Agents. Salesmen .47 Situations Wanted—Female .46 Situation* W anted—Male. 49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Opportunities . J® loan* on Real Estate.52 Money to Doan . Wanted to Borrow ..•• LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dog., Cat*. Bird.. Pet. . {J ll.ir.ra, Cattle. Vehicle. . “« Vnultrv and Supptle.. Wanted—I.lve 8toek . *® MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material .J® nothing and Furs . J® Fuel and Feed . ... JJ 4• nod Things to Full .J* Household Ciood* ...J' Jewelry and Watches . Machinery und Tool* . ”•* MiM-fllaneoa* .J® MtiMcul Instrument* . «eed*. Plant*. Fertiliser* .-.JJ Store end Office Equipment . •« store Special* . Z,; '•wap Column . •' Wanted to Buy . ** RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt... rial.. Fnrnl.hed .*.JJ Apt... rial.. I nfornl.ned . firm, for Rent . I..ruge. "nd H.rn. . '* llnu.ea, Furnlahrd .j" Hn»H«, 1 nfurnlahed . i* Office. und "dorm .J" Knoni and Board .. ■loom., Fumlalied . '■ Room, l nfornlahrd ."" Room, for Bnnarherplng .J’ W untrd to Rrnt . Where to Ket .• .. J” W hr re lo Rtop In Omaha . real estate department Arrr.gr Properly ... Ha.inc*. Proprrty .JT Farm, und Rnnrheu .. l.ot, for Rale ..... Real r.tate—llrnuon .»' Real relate—Ventral . . . J? Kent Futnt.-< onnrll Bloff. .JJ Real Fatale—Dundee . *■ Real Fatnte*—Flnrenre ."" . Real F.iute Mlaeell.neoaa . •% Re-1 Fatal—North . Raul Fatale—South . Real r.late-VVe.t . Real F-uOite—F.irhange . Realtor. -• • • • • • a.1!'.1«» Trackage pr*‘P‘>*f . BEE WANT AD RATES !S C SS 5S1": is i 10* per line each day. 1 day. or longer The above rates apply exclusively Want Ada which at* commonly termed ■ public wants.” and do not include adv.r tisementa of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. Want Ada accepted at the following Mam'offiew.17th and F.rn.m ?|* Sooth Omaha .N. W.eor. 24th and N St. Council Bluff....*6 Scott St. Telephone AT l.ntie 100*. THF OMAHA HKF. resarve. the right to designate what constitutes a public want. rail for "Want” Ad Department. An »» perienced "Want" ad taker will receive Tnur ad and a hill will be mailed liter. The ratea quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening EM it ion.,.H;4® ™ Morning Edition.• Sunday Edition.9 v. m. Saturday These ratea apply to The Sunday Hat *% well aa to The Morning and ^Evening Bee. All we«k-day advertinemeni* SDP in both morning end evening edition* at the one coat. . _ THe OMAHA "MORNING BEE. THE EVENING REE. ANNOUNCEMENTS | llurial Vaults .......y 1 I stTvr TIVE feat urea, eeiT demonatratlon h* factory. Automatic Healing Concrete Burial Vault. Jrnlat upon your under* 'ak*»r ualnK no other. Every vault atamp* *d waten for name on lid. Manufactured fitly by the Omaha Concrete llurial Vault • N loth m . Omaha. w|||| iVnielcrieM, Mnnuni#*nf» . 3 ' "Foil BBT lawn! gfll North of City Limits. A ' 'r • riu^a for perpetual cara and hn* i f . f . t,tOffjrea at cemetery and ' * ——— i Florists . 4 LEE harbor :s.‘ "HIM HA l H | s 1,4 yarnalii JA I»»«. 1 HBMtbltSiiN, J80I Farnam. JA. 1211. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors . 5 F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha's bcrt undertaking establishment ARROW AMBULANCE "h™* Thlt ty-tbird and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFlYT" Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 024 5 Office 2411 Farnam. __(ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882.) Crane Mortuary Co., CONDUCTED I1T I.AIMES ONLY. ns South 2. 2 4TH " HULSEJb RIEPEN, Funeral nirrctjvr.. 2224 Cumin, JA 1'"* CR0SBY-M00RE Funeral Notice* . £ gift/.kn- -Hei r passed 01 at It a hot • 1810 Laird St., Friday. Mnrch 192 3. ago 80 years Mr Gletzen i* survived by , w”e and 4 sons—Louis Gl-tzcu and John Gletzen of Omaha: f»r Charles H Giptzen. Minneapolis. Minn ; \v d GPtzen. Humphrey. Neb; 2 daughters— Mrs. E. 11 I.eah, Creator, Neb.; Mrs ;’ G. Fowler. Wllsa 11. Mont.: l sister— Mra E R Birdsall. I,on Angeles. Gal f uneral service from the Immanuel Bap tist church. 24 f h and Pinkney St* Mon day, March 5. 1923. at 2 p. m Mr Orier.cn "‘iU lie in state at the Immanuel Bap tist church from 12:30 until 2 p. m. Interment Foreat I«awn cemetery Fdr \\ E 01.47 l II f.11 j—— Josephine, aged 69 years, widow of the late Robert Thllg at her resi dence, 314 So. 3€th St. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Hugo Schmidt, end one granddaughter, Mra. L. V. < ‘harlesworth. Funeral services Mondav. 2 p m.. from Hoffman funeral home. Interment at For est Lawn cemetery. STEVENSON—George. 75 years old, at his residence. 2505 Mason St.. March 3 He In survived by his wife. Mattie II : (vn daughters. Flora 8tST L ITT I. K r»on»W . I0 uMAIIA -Recalling ChrSBuna* a< ouain. tance. Spring vacation soon Leaving ! Amd for Cedar Rapid* at noon Thuradaj March 29 Returning Kaatar, leav« Cedar Rapid* at 4 4b pi rn Answer Dee M Tribune "Dee Maine*." TJU: 8ALVATio>f Army~~iad ,i*f rial home ftollclta your old clothing, furniture, maga zine* We collect. W# distribute Phone .J A 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110.1112-1114 Dodge afreet._ _ THEATRICAL hletorh i * for plaja and partlea. at Lleten *. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES Autiift for Salt* . 13 Dodge Touring I'c<4» i* hii p*< - ptInfinity good Iflf Do<|g touring who h we haw priced at |3‘»0 for a 'lUlok cash deal f'ar i* ready to deliver .'fid l* a real Imrgain at the above figure I ei u* show you I hi* car i-i.Ihv and d*m on*trate it* worth. #'all AT I It44 for a home #»r offt* •* demonstration. Guy L, Smith. DETROIT ELECTRIC CHEAP -- FIVE PAHSENflliR DOUBLE DRIVE. SPLENDID CONDITION. CALI. OWNER W A 595.*.. I i - < tl A'J A J4A RU M N Ford care and truck*. and up. Ford bodi«a and winter fope. Care eold on term* to reliable part lee. OOLDHTROM AUTO RALES CO. Centra! Oarage. Open Day and Night, lilt Harney Street. JA. ”46*. HOME bargains in uaed Ford*; prompt delivery "f new Ford* M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Hsrvue Hiatlon. 15th and Jackson Stji AT. 7711. NEW and uaed Fords, c**h or term* C. E PAUL0ON MOTOR CO. Authorifed Frnd and Lincoln Dealer* filth and Am#* 4\e K K <*144 HOLLY, expart auto Dimmer. Ilf 8. lit* AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC Victoria 57-^ double letter, $1,800; $800 cash, balance $50 month. HA 4957._ _ USED care that can be used.* NEBRASKA OLD8MOB1LE CO. Howard at 18th. At. 1770. USED part* foi • tnakn of ears F used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. Ja. 4921. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. CAN save you money on brand new Chev rolet. Call AT. 3823._ Garage*—Repairing . 16 FOR A - ] anto painting, drive to PFEIF FER S SHOP, 2525 Leavenworth. $5 yra experience. BUSINESS SERVICE | Actordian Pleating .21 ACCORDION, SIDE, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Hutton A Pleat ing Co., 308 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1938 NEBRA 8 K A PLEATING. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. Farnam. second floor Ja 0670. - -- Dancing Academic* . LEARN to (lane, lor 14 ai KEEP’S lilt Farnam. Claeses Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. Dancing Tues,. Thura , Sat. and Sun flights. Private lessona by appoint ments. JA. B47Q._____ Detective Agencies .24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg, Ja. 2068; night, k>. $812. JAMES ALLANI13 Mirflla Blk X6 Idea « yearad In all cas^e. AT. 113ft. _ Garage Guilder*. 25 GARAGES built, any style and else, $!M up. Concrete work. Mlcklin Lumber and Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6 555.__ - Oet our prices on complete garages Mur rison fAnnber A Coai (*o. WK 5511.__ Moving, Storage . 26 FI D E LI TyTsTORA 1 i E \ A N CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household Good* - Pianos - Office Furniture HOWARD SI ESTIMATE turn, on packing, mov. and storing Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT 0230. Grossman A Sons, owners EXPERT China, furniture pa kera, fire proof atom*' Phone J \ 15* 4 Tb* Terminal Warehouse Co. 70S So. 10th St . For. -Jones on Viaduct Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 219 N 11th St. Phone JA 3032. BUKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Ft*. Packing, mov !rg. storage, shipping. JA 4111_ Painting, Papering . 28 PAINTING AM* PAPER CLEANING. GOOD WORK CALL JA. 1041 PAPERING—Save money. avoid spring rush Call HA 3114 Van OUn Dec. Co. PAINTING, paperhanfl ing Estimations free WE 0558. painting" ~~ PAPKRHA NO IMF good work, right pri-e* Call 1IA. 1221. . K PER HANOI N<) and inlng Patent Attorneys .,29 J. W. MARTIN, i’atent Attorney, l. 12 Dodge, room 201. Also Washington. D ' 21*> Printer*. Fngravrni . 31 i ■ ■ i I n* Co., >i;~s. it st. jX. toi* Prufesaionat Servicr*. X-Ray* .33 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully < ompoundsd st the & Shertnan A McConnell Drug Stores DENTAL X-rgy iOc ggcb; 13 full set *<1> Securities Bldg., 161 h_■ nd Farnam Sertiies Offend , || OMAHA PILLOW CO.—1 sothtrs ten. ovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. 1197 Cuming. JA. 2467. _EDUCATIONAL lluaiiir** < olleRM . :t; EXPERIENCED comptometer operator* «r» always In demand. If you are not in operator *n eight week** course In the « ontptometer school will fit you to hold one of the«e de«lr*h!e position* that are always open. If you must work, why not prepare an that you will get the moat for your time? F.st ua (all you about our day and evening clans** COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 590 Courtney Hlk. **The a hool that Crarfuatca Expert*.** • dav s« iiool—night school Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, romptometrv. *horthsnd end typewriting, railroad and wlrelesa teleg raphy civil service and all English and commercial branches Write. r^all or phone Jackson IMS for large Illustrated ! catalog. Addic** BOYLES COLLEGE Boyle* Bldg. Omaha Neb VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. ~ M E Cor Nineteenth arid Dougl*s J» 5Mf0. C'orr«*H|ioiideiit’P (dump* . 38 E A R.N |11 1 ' > 9 J 6o tnoti t h I y e \ pe 11(b s l»ald. ha railway tiaffp- |n-*P' . tor. I’oai Don g ti a r n n t e " d after 1 months' spare lime stud\- or money refunded Ev rl lent opportunity a. Write for free booklet I F' 71. Standard Business Training Inst , Buffalo. X V fl «00 92.7,09 } e*r ItullwMV mail rlerl a Men Is ll'< Steady. Sample evitnilnat ion • caching lesson* fire fgs-T. Adder* T 2197. The tiniahn Bee - — - — ' " - - - . — — - --- r- s. Oetifral Irntni.'lion .j..38 GET I N government John gtila, men, women IS up 9l,l4n |J,««»r» vcm Steady. Influence unnerceeary Common r«tu Amer i lean Detective Agency, , *'» I.u* as. St Lou I* MEN* w Mlitrd for . I let ect I v»» v. nfk Exp" rl«nre untie .anry Write J. Usnui, foinisr Gov t, Detective, Bt. Louis. ^ f ) | EDUCATIONAL | General Inslruction . 39 MEN—Age 17 to 55, Experience unneces sary. Travel; make secret investigations, reports. Salaries; expenses. American For eign Detective Agency, 475, St. Louis. MEN wanted for Firemen, Brakemen; also colored sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary. Transportation furnished. T. McCaffrey, Supt , St. Louis. Trade Schools .41 WANTED—Men. ladies and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; strictly modarn. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Berber College. ~ UOLER~BARBEK COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female .41 IMPORTANT POSITIONS OPEN. Walker Bros Dry Goods Co., one of the leading stores of Salt Lake City, has openings for a limited number of women experienced in selling women's ready-to-wear and millinery. * Pleasing personality and an abil ity to serve to the satisfaction of customer as well ns store man agement essential. Tall women of smart api*ear»nre,» steady, lucrative employment to high-class saleswomen _ WOMEN ASSISTANT BUYERS WANTED two « apable women one to supervise toilet goods, notions tionery and candy departments, the other for laces ribbons, veil ng* neck wear. handkerchiefs. Jewelry and leather goods, as assistants to our main floor merchandise manager If you are an experienced saleswoman head of sto* k or assistant buyer And want a good opportunity to broaden ; our field in a large Iowa Department Store, here iS your < hance. Give expr rlen- age and salary n first letter. Confidential, Address Y.2J37, Omaha Bee _ ^ _ WOMEN—AT U.N't'K—■* 'apable women to demonstrate «nd sell dealers S2i to 17* per week, part traveling expanses pwld Write Goodrich Drug Co, Dept. I03A, Omaha. Net. ^ _ . Experienced -aieslady f‘e a Ms to do good work I) W. Uuter. Kearney, Neb WANTED—Immediately. woman expert m I in g i -ral homework. good <• ik. no laundrj work Mrs W. B t liff. HA. 5^8.0 2101 M 33d Mr EIGHT to 12 weeks prepares you for a fine off e position «'al! \T. 7 77 4 Of write American Col'ege, lfi* Farnetn. WoMKN mai>- big mine selling guaran teed hosiery dlr» *. tu wearer, from mill. Sr* English at 2i.‘4 Faxpam WANTED—('oriipettnt white maid for gen eral housework, no washing, high wages HA 2616___ Help Wanted—Male . 45 f STATE SALES HIGH T9 Right mail «>f true * bars-ter, w.ll.ng to g;\e honest effort for pleasant profitable business of .his own. address AII• Purpose t.a'vn J*p:.n"k •• r Co, 4.* 16th >'t . Denver. Colo. nat separate hous* fair wages, permanent Job. g.. d f iture for rlgtit part on* r» pable of going ahead and managing farm; one who understands stock; ' oung man preferred; reference; we*k da>s apply forenoons Merrill ruir Gilmore, three nnles south of Omaha MEM -Do fou want to earn money in y«»ur spate time'* We have s wonderful offer to make ambitiuua men and women, no previous experience ne. « M KM— You've alwavs wanted big money Hero It is |16 to |3« a day. New patented always ahaip < utlery set. You almply display set and writ- order He deliver • and collect. Pay you daily. Experience unnecessary Sample free Try it out. ng* M fg ' ' H PKOFEH8IONAI. training In accounting and management during spare time. Free employment service for mom her a INTERNATIONAL A <’< 'U C NT A N T9 H< M IETY 1919-17 Cl tv Natl Ilk Bldg AT I960. OPPORTUNITY for young man between the ages of 1v and 26 years to connect with old •established company Splendid chance for advancement Must have high school rdtt> atlun. Address lloi W-101, On ahg< Bee HAHN KHH ~8 A I. E 8 M A N" \V A NTKI» To ae|| saddlery and haineae In Nebraa k* Good opportunity for a g *0 man Tennevs. e Harnrsg company, Nashville, Tenn •I MS. hTp I l< >N HA I I 8Mf N • • pen ng for good live subscription salesmen to ee!i standard pubilv*tlon direct, to farmers Must own gp Imuis, $J" Dally Trib ung, Pratr. Kin MAN to silver minor*, reflniah rtflctotv i handellers, beda, autos by new method Wo start you without > apltsl Write Giininsntal «’«» l ;t 7 t»bl De< atur, Ill MEN make big money selling guaranteed , ..|er> direr t to wearer from mill S**r English at 2114 Farnam » GIRI. fur general housework. white, small I Vci-nl*. SukAttum .. 47 . ♦ |n > V ill WANT A IH iM I We have money oh hand t" build 71* • o too home* tins year anil will completely finance and build you a home if you own s clear lot. letting um pa> for it Ike, rent. XX't have the best financing plan for horn* building m xtmalia. and »«r prices aie right XX, guarantr* every home xvc build, furnishing complete plans and specifications free Our sal< smart will gladly cal* and gl\e jfni a complete i Information Give us * chan* * to figure | your plans II ItERIPtN LOW AND INVESTMENT ft »M PA NY. r41? Ann* k»: 3.10, E* enings all Mr !l>atpcs. Kt. 17 nt>. Air ' alveri, HA 9170. Mr Herron. N K 0141. j 9 EMPLOYMENT Agents. Salesmen .47 SALESMAN WANT El ►—Outride of Oma ha. by old establiahed wholesale cool corporation to solicit carload orders from combined consumer* .for shipment direct from mine Saves users 2$ per cent or more. Stores, factories, schools, institu tion* and homes are easily sold Coal of finest quality, meeting all laboratory teats Big profits: our men making <4.000 to $ 10.0QQ yearly. Home working capital necessary in t h* beginning No experi ence required. Boyistou Coal Co., 267$ So. Raone Avenue. Chicago OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o PAPER TT ANGERS AND PAINT- O O ER3 AS AGENTS. O O O O Our sample hook* and catalog* »r# O r O ready for distribution. If you did O O not arrange for a set, better do It O O now. For information writ* O O O O NEBRASKA WALLPAPER CO, O 0 l 71 h and Harney, Omaha, Neb. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO AGENTS—1100 per we-k to sell Five. In-* me wringer mo pa. Wonderful aeiier*. Combination mop. mop stick*, Scrub brush, scraper and adjustable mop wring er; operates exa Ly like clothe* wring er Write quit k for free detail* of fhia and other new quit k selling specialties. Five-In One Mfg **o . Worc ester. Mas: g f< 1 other Into business for yourself. Make and sell > our own goods By our system it s easy. Opportunity to make |10u to |5*50 week Ir Writ* immediately for free book which explains everything Nat'l Scientific Labs. 317 Monroe. Richmond Va AGENTS—Managers tu organize *.» * force direct to consume^ in Nebraska ladle*' and men * silk hosiery, ladles* ail’-i underwear, sbilfty to organise more « sentlal than experience above lin** Sobel Hosiery, :xi Fourth Ave, N Y «’ SALESMEN—Tailoring; snappiest dire * to wearer line on earth. Airgin Wool < ’uni tailored auitx, I.* B'.g cummu* ous Representative* ire furnished a 1 ;gh grade tailoring shop r, one elaborate case. Ilt.us# of Campbell. 4$4 8. State. C$1 xg« HALL-'MKN WANTED -For * I advertised line gold direct from factory to merchant Experiei ed specialty. gro. eery, drygoods or advertising on qualify. Position* permanent. Good eompepaaUoa Boa 6it, iotas City, la. s atari you. Uwim-. or anywhere Furnish ing everything ff# buy your < atidy Bg pay. Experience unnecessary. Men women, t’andymaker* *'•> . Philadelphia. Pk 9ALSSBMEX J. la I i * • Commissions In advance, lake orvlers for "Ur union mid* <3 7$ raincoats Eastern Raincoat *'o . Manufacturers, 1> 9 '21 Roosevelt Road. « hi* a«. SALESMEN—Gaberdines. ra ucoats Make flOo w#ek taking ordets We deliver and collect t’oat with outfit, |3 <6, Wr.te rnmedlately. Gaberdine Rainvoal Co, 646 Roosevelt Road. Chicago HALRIMKN for off • •fine canvas; commission basts. liberal drawing account, send bank or coinnor • al references 1*L» Manager. Cooper Smith, Inc. 461 Ith Ave New Y*>rk City AGENTS—91 o daily selling new. ♦*» v tlonaliy useful. n*r canary article. E • ry home buy* several immediately. Pocket asn.pl* 8ecure territory. Fa-tor}. .35 Broad. Elisabeth, N I AGENTS earn <*• weekly tak g ■ rdei» for Roger* silverware aluminum sets and a 1,000 household necessities We deliver and collect Metropolitan Hardware Co, I'hurrh Ar Yeseey St*. New York CtGAR salesmen wanted 112$ month and expenses. Experience no: ne< es*.i Self - addressed envelope for Information. CAROUNA CIGAR CO. High Point A GEN i and expense* to man or woman wth *.g to introduce POULTRY MIXTURE Eu reka Mfg Co. East St L*>u « 1 SALESMAN with car for Nebraska ter ritory. Old established Nebraska buaineai Permanent position, selling direct to farm ers Address Y 225*. Omaha Be# \ iHINTS W id-: f o-4 battertea In 19 minute* Gallon fre* to a gents R/U'IOLliK CO 8t Paul. Minn AGENTS We pay $20# monthly salary, furnish rig and expense* to introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock powder*. Bigler Co. X 13$. Springfield. III. - . v loaal opport hustlers earning nig Write McCleory Calendar F*»*toty. Washington. Iowa VGENTH- Everybody wants Paufmi 1 er cent profit on $6- Go-getter aampiea fre** Paul Specialty Co.. Atlantic. In Sitifmlitma Wanted—Ffiml#.49 114 il 'SEK r.P E R *L*a position In Omaha or Council Bluffs, ■ Situation* Wanted—Male . 49 INSIDE wirernan with fixture expenene desire* To g<> west Best of ha! t* and reference# Age .i Writ# box 4$, t'.yssr*. Neh __ FIRST cl ana eg pari anted shoemaker want# position Rog 114* West Point. Neb HOUSE cleaning, reliable man. AT. 16nt | FINANCIAL Ituaine** Opportunities . .Ml ►'OR, SAI.K In hr*t bualliea* <|ty in Iowa,* quality • aiuty shop, well located, with established high rlaaa cltantalb' I niurr* nra a*|e- f figured gum with genuine j bta« k walnut trim Kightaan-foot a«da fountain with prir, t Onyx covinter and special aervbe interior llenutiful cream • naiiiei in- hr,i tea i *m «t rear of atorr. Ml**, trie light fixture* the xtry (meat large wej| lighted ha«<'iuent with com plat outfit randy making m-< hinn ' .n tne layout la undoubtedly the moat lux urlnua at «i complete In the mlddlewext, an 1 u»e I only ten months liuiintw re verse* trqulff immediate aalr Priced fight mi-, fav liable term" Address A ttioihu flee OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O Investments in Okmutgen Okl . a O' O *nfe population L'k 000 more na O O tural advantage* than any cltx in O O * tie world. good irhonl* big O O banka, splendid agricultural lamia; o O » hejfp furl for manufacturing O O bundrerla nf g.<« well* ,.j - oat O O mines 4 xyo t-rndu- ing nil well*. O O a grawing mi where xatu** are Q O ln» ini «lng W rite tnd«\ nisi what O O you me Interested in AM Inform* O O lion free Ogmtilgre t hamher nf O O * mnme.ie, «*kmtilg••«•. Oklahoma O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO T’ OMAHA MAN'Aukn To take • barge of manufacturing and d;t I trihutlng for <'hh-agn corporation handling produ-ts nf unuHuallx big demand gfih bra- Mi* I v oi « omi'ei n I-xm Applicant must j br in m w ith godd tepuiaMofx and aland. ! Ing Young or middle aga preferred iMtft -ash reijuiied. full' aecured Nhoxibl net ! at |e«st |'&0 to lion w.v*klv If von ate looking for a real opportunity wire or ' x*r|to your 'itiallficat Iona Immediately perfect I'toducl* Co. 30 ft£ Illinois 4*1 I C hlragc. I / I FINANCIAL * '* 11 ■ ' I .HOCFRY F<)It SALE—"a~\ •■ ry a< Mve. go ing and long established who *sa!*» gro cery buainehM In Montana Now doing » business of one and one-quarter millions, which volume can he greatly increased. This in an opportunity which seldom o« - t urs Very dean stock which will iti ventory around 1200,000. Excellent rea sons for wanting to sell A real buy for some one. Address Y-2225, Omaha Bee. GENERAL merchandise stock and fix tures for safe at invoice price, tola! about Ij2.O0O. Good corner location; In live • astern Nebraska town, ad up-to-date Stock less than 2 year* old. Did about ICO ObO In 1*2. Low rent; 3.year lease on building - For further particuiats address Y-222* The Omaha H***__ SALES MANAGERS—Respons.h * • r poration wants general sales managers to open branch office, manage salesmen. IV’O to 15.000 necessary; pen sea to Baltim-'* allowed f you qualify. Address MAN AGER. R03 N Eutaw Ft Baltimore, Md. v.\KK agy dollars work fw jr«! If 1 > ■in save and invest II or more eat h month send for free copy of book Ir - dependence. ’ and learn how a little money ••an make wealth. R. B Owen Co, F Si . Washington. D <\__ WANTED—Live Wire to set as stat* dis tributer and manage salesmen. National noncompetitive proposition Investment $won Make several thousand annua permanent business Write Manager, 405 *>th 8t . South Minneapolis r wTl L s*l 1 one-half Interest .n a manu facturing business to a nan tbs* he* executive ah ".tv to manage office and hand!* salesmen. Well established Must hav« 14.000. (Deal future Address W 14 4. Omaha Her ____ _ , FIR SALE—Or lea«e furnish' d or unfair.-! • shed. Brad> ho 1 Brady. Neb. Modern except bith. IT guest rooms, on main line Colon Psclfb ar.S Lincoln highway H H Dart Brady. Neb._ SALESMEN —1500 get* ou a distribution on two of the best auto spe< «v*r •old in state Your own bos* " " give sales ass.slan- e. Write ltI7 Moiiee, Kan. •as City, Me __ ___ _ WANTED For 1 shop to run on commis sion or Will trade small farm for small stock of part* and v- • • ** building »'harlea A Myers. Lexington, Neb._ FOR RALE—Dry goods and ladies fur nishing St..re A good s-oro in a good town Write to us and «* will tell p»U ail xUmt It Address V 233!. Omaha H*-* . have *3*4. will start business; no t^bmpetll ion. should Mi |IM sa’ar> w*e.M- evperien • unne< -saarv In temat4 r»ftl Mathin* Co, Baltimore. Md NAMOGRAPH wortk %■ * tor « fraviBg f.,unu.n i«n lr. g i >af romp.dn.li4. 4* Bi null Is Ti eatsr H.dg BARBER si : I soft risk parlor for sale • heap for ca*h Address Y-2221. Omaha Bee _ LEARN •took privilege trading, capital |!*TD» to 12.400 Free information Dept it Paul Kay*. 14* Bwa>. N Y BAKERY, good l‘*« ation. w. «tern Nebra» s'* r oiiiity s.a- - Chaij»eL N» Invfstmrnt4 .51 FOR SALE— Apt s;*e tn desirable down town district, by owner, reasonable. AT 11*2____^ - - ‘ I .nan* on Krai Rotate .• r 'v^—ANl» «% MONEY. Loan a on Omaha Unproved property at . eat Tat- • FRANK H BINDER . £ k * « i-YEAP. CITY LOANS i^Uifk a»rv »c* loittrt rate* optional pay ment. »*ml-andual Interest J. R 1»A Y A i U»M PA NY jo} Keellne Bid*. Omaha AT FARM LOANS » ter earn *• TMI1 W amort, zed plan; no 'O:ntnl»«lof write for name nearest agency Lincoln Joint Stock Land Hank, L.ncgln. Neb.___ tv« caah on har d to loaa on uraaba residence* k. v 1*01*0 rr. tnc., S3* Keellne B'dg STRAIGHT S-xear loan* * •© per cent AMOS GRANT CO. S l If h Arthur Hldg AT *3** LOW rate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA H3L W. T GRAHAM. OMAHA HOMKB—LAST NLH FARMS O’KFEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Ont Nat BU Bids JA 2T1S i .1 P. D WFSD a ''d 1> H BOWMAN 310 « 1 Rth St Mead Bldg AT. 0111 FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate Shoren A Co Real IA * : • 16 Kee'lne B:dg I paid fot l * ■ propartv. F. c Horacek A Co., 640 l»t Nat'! Rank Bldg AT. Mil. MONTY to loan nn farms and Omaha real estate MYERS A- ft UNBOLT CO . 4 4 Omaha N.»r Bank Bldg.. JA ■^741 ' T.arga or amall, West Neh farms, ranches Klok* Investment Co, >4.> Om. Nat. 14k. OARYIN BROS~ *4} Omaha Nat Rldg N IMP PROPERTY NO DELAY N a • Money lo l^m .51 ""T»gTyOC N 11KI* MOM Y * IO_}a_-_:$_if(V_-Cf—too DOLLARS ©r any oth©r amount at leg*! rates No publicity, easy payments. Thirty year© to business OMAHA lOAH COMPANY 40* Karbach Blk Tel JA $!•* Southeast Cor IMh and IkuifU* Sta i II rages and furniture; confidential. 2$ 'ta. eatab *13 World Herald Bldg JA. Sltl | LIVE STOCK l)ok*. ( ;»l*. Ilirtl*. IVl* 55 WHITE Best eh colli# puppy delivered Kaater morn A alunning beaut \ on the boulevard or wonderful «niko and guar dian everywhere Pedigree The kind »• i aend to herd reindeer travel to North l*ole>, * companion to Northwest Mounted police Snow winners Cnrelated pain* \4 i 1 « oa If your pet atock dealer il>»e* o--» .',rty our gi*«t M or Id Wide Known Strain* Island M hit© collie Kennels Dept, o R c«h bosli W|* C & A llor-r., ( milr. Wtiirira . 54 It AflNUsi* the beat that can h© made, at flrat mat W© make them oureclv.a and a* 11 them gITe.-t to the farmer© Hu • e*a fn%m 13} to ft III Alfred Cnmiah. Hid Fsrnam ?*i . Omaha Neb. I or HAL1' Gray registered IVrehei on *ta!flon, 6 v rar* old. » eight ?.o«vi ihs I'ri/'ed to sell C 14 Wells. Pn«>v*. la COWP *4e\rral fir*t claa* milk cow* for ■ale. t»a onablc Manager Get man Home, 4 ;n« h*v i st h st INutllt v and hiimillr* .*>« M A 11V i 'll l« K ; • Tuto hr-d IL gar>i* '.l I .eg liui na, $14 per lOrt Har Huff Hock* Reds. Oiphtogton* Minor*- $Ht p,»* paid 4bmi.ro M\\H<*\ Missouri Helen ary, Howling Green. Mo. LIVE STOCK | Poultry and Kupplie* . 57 FISHERS Strain Roseeomb White wvan. dotte*. Egga from select pen, heavy lay er*, Si 24 p»*r 15 17 OO per 10ft MRS ANDREW PETERSEN. Route on-_Gretna Neb. CHICKENS—\2 Ancona pullet* and cock, 115; Black Minorca cockerel* and hen*. 12 ea« h; Brahma lien* and on* Betting hen. I. tjMeh. 2161 South 12th. Call AT 1288. ^___ YOU buy ‘he beat chick* for the leant money, -hipped everywhere; guaranteed alive or repla ed; from Colwell** Hatchery, Smith Canter, K»n._ S C \VH 1TB LEGHORN hatchigg *7** IS per loo. Mr* John Ftacher, Mliiard, Neb. Tel. A*n_Gretna_ Bl'Y vour chicken* from a poultry fudge. Illuatrated catalog free. Smile; a hatch ery Seward, Neh.__ EGGS—Good atrain, S U R I. Red eggs for hatching WA 1407. _ EGGS—R HOD E ISLAND HKD HATcS” IV) EGGS r ALL WA. 4354____ EGGS—Rhode jrlat.d R«*d, roa* comb, hatching eggJ WA 447.'. MERCHANDISE Clothing and Fur* . .60 FULL DRES^ * iita and Tuaedoa for r*nt JA. "12 8. JOS N. Uth Street. J Feldman. • -• i: to ' i n« Fuel and Feed .61 _ M . __ KIM LINO—Load 14 56 . Bradford Co. JA 67 40 r-—. —gr, ■ — ■■ ■ ■■,■■■ » Good Thine* to Fat . 6? i ION KTY FOR BA LK~ K ne White *';u\*>r Honey Comb Acd E* ? racted. wr. • e for pr.cea. J W BITTENBENDER K' xvil> la. Household Good* .63 DOW EsiT “WANT” AD R A TLB le**er oat. *n Omaha T* lephcn* y ou- “Want‘* Ad to AT 160* and *e ure better reaulf* at iTot SEH« -I.l~G* m .L>h -~R*fr*gfrator wnh tary c. u o. bed rc< kera. lawn mower, ; < rt h swing HA 6 7i7 FURNITURE—W tor. rug* *nd uphol - er*-d pat <-r £\,.te. n.ahogany bedroom furniture 4*16 Capitc. EXPERT aowing machine repairing. MICK ELS. ISth *r.d Hirno AT 4tC1 Ft RNITCRE— F * -RGC'M FLAT. FAh~ Ft MAI i;KNT FLAT HA *44 TA H• iRLTTE—Two ah*fve». cheap. HA*. 4 * BABY Bl G4lY~FVR sTlE—Reed baby u’lfi' and ga* »to>» If IS Ontario Street. . aa e Very cheap HA 7€0< •Icuelry and Watche* .64 DIAMONDS W• pay th* beat price* With privilege to buy ba k at *-.-<%). profit. GJ .T HY CO.. Omaha Neb., 402 N. 14th Bt_ Telephone Ja 6641. Msrliinrry and Tools .6.7 I HAt T*'R * W • 14 pu'W r»n# new. • n»» §er owl-hand. a* less 'han half r.ew Thi* , * a rare bars a n W • 141, Omaha Bee Miscellaneous . 66 ' • >K »i » ff-jr dr.sp.- e • tr 4 i»h ’ g -; : sh>*e bMH ItM 4 ■ •' M na ?a> k. r lothf» rack window ftxturea and other futures 2113 I.ea' enworth. .rafm; .u i o k - t n f krmentkd han k 01AM.• V- WORTH i:e W FI AT HAVE YOV? HA 7£J 7 Music a I Instruments . 67 TRAPS ' >»r used piano or a new plater t .an i. 1 At e aa low aa f’.O per month. \ llo?n: CO. 1512 Pougla*. Store And Office Kquipinent .7® W F. lit"Y, i aafe make deaka. show a»'« etc. Omaha F^tiuro A Supply Co, a w. corner llth *rd Pouf lam. JA. 7724. Swap Column . 7? NOTICE TO SWAPPERS. Y i mat ingerf a thrwc-llne Want” Ad f('r three daja under th a assf.catioB A t*o\ number win be affixed and > ou ca.l for your rrpUea. If vt»u close a te »e;t of improtrttienta. or a led 1 »* mliea from railroad, now rented. aw«p for of a tods, cm age or xni th ng worth the 1 money Add rest J*-7 5rt Omaha Bee IS.SH worth high-grad* furntture. Imlud inc plater r ann. electric washer Will • t*ap for gm*I m lostd car and some cash and git a immediate possessor* of 5 room > ottag. S i* i7, on aha Her s " ' i* ; if! * •• Kgr . loped a t 1 lio.ii - > an>1 "..o*ierg \\ o’ 1 do t c»nar\ t4 hooks* fo \ .tro’a ui what hate > ou * \.hires* > Omaha Her PERFECTION si earn .poker cyclopedia uf civil engineer * r g. ml heater, swap for ^vll or smaller rug Addreae A i?4 Oma ha lie. It t N i • ad. hand l*< • edge, fur aet Ma k plush . oar for mala c*n«r. and - age. • > wing machine or mirror. Xddr.ss > t, Omaha Bee M A- HIN iWshop • nnpii ->• g • o.| c m.a • • t-oogr i>k*. m hsckamith f'lge aril AMtil swap for saant lot Address s : :. Omaha llee IN 111. g • ' O 1 deal riff f r*: a ll.v* of g«n 1 mdse hardware or clothing a mi must a* i quick Ad-1-s j» *;? Omaha Bee H,U#r i r.-i.st *n patent tor beat re- , me«t Mock mmhn* on th* market for 1 *!»»•*> '* •»»***; hMis* er lot. Add rea* 14 4.14. Omaha Hee# ‘I FAR. rngaied 1«-* w*ter Pa d. "Ideal *•< allow rent* r*a«lt!\ fo. Omaha prop Mt\ or «ma11 farm Will assume S ei.E *nsha Bee v * . • 1-aloe It • and l»l» Ford ng with *** .r »'i 1 demountable rim* fo* g.wwl arge toueng R F2* Omaha B-e I I RN1HMH1 j oom *»nu*c rrm* $ s month • a titl'd ir«o.i» har- s of m- Mb'* W hat h* * • ) ou * Add: raa P-tli, v'maha Bug. MERCHANDISE Swap C olumn . ?! SEVEN old German mugs five with co - era; brass bird rag* a bo four-ga' mp p*r oil ran for Ford ca- What ha*. • yea. Address H-u4°. Omaha Bee WILL take car am part payment on fine five-room bungalow, fine neighborhood; all paved. A real home. S-755, Omaha Bee _; THRF.E-f'iRi UIT regenerating set. includ ing brand new 6-vo!t battery". Bakel • panel Value 150 for Ford accessories or what have you? 6 *87. Omaha Bee A WARDROBE trunk in perfect condition for a floor showcase. 4 or 6-foot. Ad. dress .7 56, Otnafca Bee. nrA.'-'rP-'Al'.LV n-w fj liver typewriter for davenport, or what hav# you? 8-761, Otna. ha Bee CASH register barber chair and rjg*r raae Swap for what bar# jrou? l-Tfl, Omaha Bee. FOUR music machines one solo vio.:n and 10 gauge shotgun to swap What ha e >o'-i Address S-721, Omaha Bee. INVENTION. Eskimo p,e» rival High'* to pa-er.t same in foreign oun tries. Trade for tj'r, or ''ash 6-633. Omaha Bee WHAT navp you clear for equity in im proved *0 Doug!a» county. Want hoti.a or auto. S-T6», Omaha Be* SWAP : h nting and "pa'perhanging for tar or what hare you? A 1 dress S-6J5. Oman* Bee FORD car body torn up, balance car good condition Make g >od speedster. What Lav* you K-T53. Omaha Bee EIGHT-YEAR-OLD mare, w*:ght to trade for team sf mar# mu.es. S-fc2i. Omaha Be* 164-ACRE farm 5 m *a north of Fair bury for Omaha residence or income property. Address S-:'t. Omaha Bee DEEDED hom*ttead land, ‘clear. 27-jewel Elgin watch with 25-year gold case Make me an offer Address S-32 3. Omaha B**. ONE m * level acre all in alfalfa u w improvements, to swap for city lot- S-734, Omaha Bee. W A^*REF elaar land, swap for inocm# property Will assume or put in »orr.e email <*. .r*»‘ **-1>4. Twa f,maha_Bee. THRI;e-QUART ER8 good Loop county Sand on river bottom 116 per acre clear. What have you* S-Sll, Omaha Bee_ VULCANIZING outfit, r mplet- f ret class condition, will istr W*at ha a you* Address S-44.“. Omaha B^e HAVE L O. Smith No. 6 typewriter. What have joi* Addre»s F .43, um»ha Bee _ Tt> SWAP —14 K.:d roads'er in good shape, with eelf-atarter. What hav# ;.oj Address F--?0. Ombaha Bee KCJLAJv — Dundy r.m poet card sue r - ng o' er 9 to »wap for g*.oxi k :t ien cabinet S-664 —Omaha B*e I fid FORD louring, juit overhauled de mountable rln.' 4 new t-.ro*. Trade for lot .n Benaon. Address S-ill. Omaha Be* * I'RTAIN meet her*. fruit jsra and stone rtvrks. \l. # ar J l-gal. Will #wap What haT* you* Address 5 §L$. Omaha Be* NKW I -c o fsrrr . Kht piant* am othr-r* Trade for '.and lota, •-» or what hava you* Addr*aa S-51C B**__ # ONE Kelly Spr r gf e.d Ford cord tl*-e. tu'«» and rim nearly r»w, for chickens. A^ 4r*«* 9-J$f. Omaha Be* g GARDNER rar parts, new Trade f< r m< *t anyth,nf Address Omaha Few lias SHARE in H u- ' Packing I» corn fodder rs the shock f tra^a f*>* iiv# s’ ‘-ck *r rr.a h aery Address 6 ME. Be* l.: N» LB# of Japanese hull «?»* * swap What hava you Addraaa s >o, 1 ’maha R« e WII.L swap annet for ae*on»1 hand el* - . w-aahir.g n arh ne c: what have you? #•>!!■ Omaha Re* * HDl morris cha v good c-.J.r -*n. trade*, vv hut h"« yoj* Add: ex* 5 II*. TV a Omaha Bee BOISE m house n M^re l.usa to swap for house in Dundee Address 9-1*7. Qmahq Bee _ j ’ . • * • • » '. f•'r sr*t ha.e > S : • v Omaha Ree VIOWN-Ovtr 1 bb years old. fiae cood - •'r worth til M bat hav* yea? Ad dress S .*? Omaha H** RES '* n ea f’-om « - Fluff a, ta •rade for autoa. or whs* hava yt*u ? Ad drees S - M 4 Omaha Ree 1 *<»"e and new shotgun Trada“for •ec-owd hard Ford . roads-e* Addreaa 5-5*4 The l'maha F*e. ' * sto k What hava you Add ess 5 . O. ‘'maha Ree QRAfK .' hr* . * . » fg «» 'one worth 150 Wha: have you? Ad ■''•ess s 5#7 Omaha F** GvH'D running *tn k »>u * Addreaa 5 5#$. Omaha Re* V « ! • g 4 ' A P'v i b property. »i Id gome ash Address s 41. Op-.aha Bee Will, swap one Garland kitchen cook * «" * worth fib for 1* sds h a k d n, del verrd S Ms, Omaha Fee i>\i HEP teenn« jc giV*d Osp* \Vtsat have you* A >1 dress S 71 Omaha Ree Wan (pel to Rut ................. IS - v \ f er d enw new or ne*- v new bungs w R pay oar- cash balance month!' Address A DK5KS ld'Ks I "SI,9 Near desks, used desks sought s d a"d traded J C Reed lJ<*r Pams-* AT list ■ f«r our prices AT J*7* RENTAL H»«a. r«rllfc.h<-H .74 ’ MART AVI • 51; ... .... V :"1 *• »'« r.'nir ,:i A . .1- . M«- 'k . at »«:« v •'-•trt.' 1 ght hath, f% per week •?!: N. IJd 5t V A' * *1 apt furnished ar ssofurm. Xxaa ImtkMv.