The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 04, 1923, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 19

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    'French Demands Alarm Lloyd George
Fears Coal
Ruhr Invasion Seen as At
tempt to Secure Control
of All Coal and Iron
in Europe. *
Indemnity Is Impossible
M. I1.
(Former British Premier.)
Copyright, 1923, by United Feature
S> mlloatr.
Copyright In Great Britain by London
Copyright tn Australasia by Australian
Press Association.
Exclusive World Rights Held by Unit
ed Feature' Syndicate.
Reproduction in Whole or in Part Pro
Ail Rights Reserved.
London, March 3.—“French troops
occupying fresh German territory."
—' “Further advance Into Germany."
"French cut off British bridgehead
on Rhine."
"Proposals for new coinage in
YVhat Is it all leading to? Is it real
ly reparations?
The eminent Italian statesman,
Signor N’ittt, who has made a thor
J -
ough study of all documents bearing
on French designs upon Germany,
has come definitely to the conclusion
that these measures have no refer
ence to the recovery of damages for
the devastated area, but that they are
all taken in the execution of a vast
project for, securing French control
over ail the coal and iron of con
tinental Europe. He supplies chapter
and verse for his theory.
Something has undoubtedly roused
the suspicions of Signor Mussolini.
i They come rather late in the day to
i be effective. He naturally does not
I relish the idea of an Italy whose coal
| and steel supplies are placed at the
mercy of a gigantic trust directed
| from Paris. Italy has no coal or
! iron of her own. Her interest is
: therefore in a free market. Hence
! Signor ' Mussolini's alarm. Is there
I any ground for it? Let those who
I imagine that Italian statesmen are
, unnecessarily disturbed read the dis
cussions in the French press leading
I up to speeches recently delivered by
Messieurs Millerand, Barthou and
With regard to M. Ilarthou's in
tervention I feel I must, ns one of
i he founders of the reparations com
mission, say a word. There were Im
portant questions of amount, method
and time which could not be de
t< rmined before the signature of the
peace treaty, and could not tie settled
at all without giving Germany full
opportunity for living heard. Hence
the appointment of the reparations
commission. It was called into ex
istence to settle these questions after
hearing evidence and deliberating its
effect. Of this commission Mr. Barthou
is now chairman. H therefore pre
sides over the body which had com
mitted to its charge judicial func
tions of a momentous character.
lie has to adjudicate from time to
It Builds You Up!
Keep your blood pure, your body well nourished, the
powers of resistance strong—it is your surest protection
against germ-infection. Take
-the vitamine food - tonic
to help keep your body well nourished and to build
up your strength. It is the food-tonic that helps build
strong bones, enrich the blood and energize the whole
body. Buy a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion today!
Bcott & Bownc. Bloomfield, N. i. XK7L
-- ----
Prevent Epidemic of 191(1.
Tf you have a slight cold, sneezing,
aching, nil tired out, beware, as this
may he a forerunner of the "Flu." Ask
your druggist for a 25c box of
Zerbst's Grip Capsules and break it up
quickly—quick relief. Nothing better,
lie sure you get Zerhst's Grip Cap
sules. Not tablets. Zorbst's Chloro
Pihe for coughs. Zerbst Pharmncal
Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
Council Bluffs, Iowa.—“Some years
ago I was restored to health by taking
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I
went all down in health due to my
having woman’s weakness. I was ner
vous, suffered continually with back
aches, pains in my ride and bearing
pains, and could not eat nor sleep.
'Favorite Prescription' was recom
mended to me and I began to take
it, and it proved to be all that it is
recommended to be, fur It completely
cured me of all my woman’s trouble
and built me up In health and
strength. Tt is the most wonderful
medicine for women I have ever
known.”—Mrs. Emma Shanks. 1210
Fifth Ave.
A beautiful woman is always a well
woman, (let this Prescription of Dr
"w Pier ■ 'a in liquid or tablets and see
how quickly you will have sparkling
dyes, clear skin, vim, vigor, vitality.
Druggists Say Ladies Are
Using Recipe of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
Hair that loses its color anil luster,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless, is caysr-d by a lack of sulphur
in the hair. Our grandmother made
up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur
to keep her locks dark and beautiful,
and thousands of women and men
who value that even color, that beau
tiful dark shade of hair which 1b so
attractive, uso only this old,time
Nowadays we yet this famous mix
ture improved by the addition of other
ingredients by ashing at any drug
store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Huge
and .Sulphur Compound," which dark
ens the hair so naturally, so evenly,
that nobody can possibly tell it has
been applied. You justN dampen a
sponge nr soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strar.d at a time. By morn
ing the gray hair disappears: but
what delights the ladles with Wyeth’s
Sage and Sulphur Compound is that,
besides beautifully darkening the hair
after a few applications, it also brings
back the gloss and luster and gives it
mi appearance of abundance.
to relieve or prevent headaches, eye* tire quickly or water, piint blur*, letters run to
gether? It is not necessary in many case*. My Treatment of pleasant medicines
often entirely relieves these distressful conditions, leaving no need for ugly, bother
some glasses. Delightful results within a few days. Absolutely safe, could not poasihly
harm. Nothing to drop into the eyes ; no washes or salves. ( hildren do not dislike
to take my medicines. This is hone-t treatment. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Let
me send you full information. DR. H. WH1SLER, Box 272, Emerson, la.
For Sore, Tired, Swollen, Aching or Tender Feet
Wtiola year'* foot
comfort for only
a f*w crot*
"I UM 'Tu' when
my !«•< trite. hum
o»i-off up- It'lflfcol *
^01 <*ioodbye, sore fret, burning feet.1
swollen feet, tender feet, tired feel.
Ooodby, pain In corn”, rnllouaea.
bunions and mw apota. No more ahne
llghtneas, no morn limping with twin
nr drawing up your fare In agony.
"Tlx" la magical, acta right off. “Tlz"
draws out all the polaonuua exudu
tlonA which puff up the f<*H. T’hc
“TIsj" arid wear nmtllcr ahor*. I
"Tl*" and forget your foot tnlncry.
Ah! how corn fort abbs your fe**i fool.
A few conth buy it bo; of “Tiz at
any drdgKlat or department atorc.
Don't auffer, Hava good feet, iifluri
foot, feel that never awrll. nevrr li’urt.
ttfvcr tel tired. litware of miltutlun*.
time on rases presented by Germany
under a multitude of different heads.
Inflammatory speeches on the very
subject he has to preserve judicial
calm upon are quite jncomp&tible
with his position. When he occupied
the same post, Poincare ultimately
recognized that he could not continue
to write controversial articles on ques
tions which might come before him
for decision as a judge. He therefore
very properly resigned his commis
But to revert to the speeches de
livered by these eminent statesmen,
if they mean what actual words con
vey, then France means to stick to
the Ruhr. Not by way of annexa
tion. Oh, no! That according to M.
Barthou is a "foolish, mendacious
and stupid” lie. Rut France means
to' hang to the "gages" until repara
tion is paid. What are "gages?” The
industries of the Ruhr. If the French
government is to control industries
which represent the life of this pros
perous area for 30 years, it assumes
greati r authority over the district
than it exercises over the mining
area of Pas de Calais.
France to Get Shares.
In its own mining districts no gov
ernment takes upon itself—except
during wear—to give directions as
to the destination and distribution
of coal produced. But there are in
dications thut control over the Ruhr
industries is to lie of a much more
far reaching character than this. And
tliis is where the hints—broad hints
—thrown out by the French press
come In. France, in order to secure
i ayrnent of the reparation Installments
in future, is to be given shares in
these great mines and Industries.
What proportion of shares? Amongst
the "gages” demanded by Poincare
in August, last year, were 60 per
cent of the shares in certain pivotal
German industries in the Rhine area.
Now the Ruhr industries are clearly
i h" included within the scope of
the demand. France has the iron ore
of Lorraine and the coal of the Saar
••alley Her financiers have been en
gaged In buying up enal mines in Si
lesia. If she can secure the controlling
interest in the Ruhr mines and Bel
gium and Poland can be persuaded to
join m the deal, then the continent
• f Kurope will he at the mercy of
this immense coal ^nd Iron combine.
I said last week that the ports
were still open. So long as they
a re. central Kurope can protect itself
to a certain extent against this
gigantic trust, for the products of
Britain and America will be available.
But that possibility is to be provided
gainst. Nothing is to be left to
chance. One of the "gages” Is to
be control over German customs. How Germany balanco a budget with
out a revenue” How ran she raise
i revenue without a tariff? W hat
more productive teriff than duty on
f -reign coal, me'al and manufactur
ers? And thus all competitive pr-xl
urts will be excluded from the Ger
man markets. The combine will thus
lie supreme.
Industry Strangled.
It is true that if this cynical scheme
conus off there is an end of repara
Home— lor the independence of Ger
man Indus'. iy is strangled and its
life will soon languish. But there
are signs that French enterprise has
abandoned all idea of recovering rep
arations and that it is now brood
ing upon loot—on an immense scale.
For discussions in the French press
contemplate even wider and more far
reaching developments than those in
volved In control of German Indus
Italy. Poland and even Russia are
Health Clown's
Schedule Named
Cho-Cho to Visit Every School
in Omaha March
12 to 27.
Cho-Cho. health clown, ha# an
nounced hi* schedule of vialte to the
Omaha school*. March 12 to 27, a*
March 12—Moraine » :30 to to. Coma
nlu*. 10:15 to to 10 45. Tr»ln; 11 to 11 »o,
Hancgoft Afternoon. 1 30 to 7. Windsor,
i.l* to 2 45. Field.
Much 12 Morning 0.30 to 10, Park
p. ll to 10.4S. II to 1130. Via
March ll -Morning 9 10 to 10. Florence;
li 15 to 10 15. Millar Park. 11 lo 11 30,
Hlarman Aflamcon 1:30 lo 2. Cantral
Park. 2 13 I.l ! C. Monmouth Park.
Mur h 15- Morning 9 30 lo 10, rlirl
,a. I" 15 lo 10 45, * Iiru'.il Hill; 11 In
11 Howard Kennedy Alurnoon: 1:10
lo 7, Clifton Hill; 2.15 to 7.46. Fairfax
March 14—Morning 9 10 lo 10. Lothrop.
10 15 l l 10 14 Ink. II lo 11:10. Lon*
Afternoon I 30 lo 2, Walnut Hitt; 2 15
10 2 *5. Franklin
March 19—Morning: 9 10 to 10. Ban
.■-in Wmi : lii 1", to In 4-3, lienaon Cantral.
11 lo II 30. Roaahlll. Aftarnoon: 130
In :• Dundee; 2:15 to 2 45. Haundara
Man-11 20—Morning: 9:30 lo 10, Henry
Tate*, lo I - lo in 45. Wahatir; 11 to
11 10. Kalinin. Afternoon: 1:20 lo 2. U***;
2 15 In 2 4 3. Central.
M«r-h ' 1—Afternoon: 1 .40 to 2. Balvl
d.-ri . 15 to 2 45. Minna l.uaa.
Mar. h 27 Morning 9 10 lo 10. Farntm:
to 15 l , 10 4.5 M.iaon 11 to 11 10. Pa
- fli Afternoon 1:30 lo 7, Lincoln, 7 15
to 45, Kdward Rosewater *
March 21— Morning 9 30 to 10. South
Franklin: 10:15 10 1 0 46, Houlh Lincoln;
II I.l 11 10. ilarfeld Afternoon: 1 10 lo
South Central; 2:15 In 2:46. Hawthorn*.
Marrh 24 —Morning 9 10 to 10, Jung
maun; 1 n . I 3 In 10:45. Brown Park; 11 lo
11 0. Madlann Afrcrnoon: 1:10 to 2.
I'ulumhlan 2 : I 5 to 2 :46. Baal*
March 27 9.10 to 1(4. Corri
gan; 10:1.3 10 10.45. Went Side; 11 to 11:30,
Superintendent J tf. Beveridge ha*
; ;tddr> HH<al the following letter to ell
"Chu C'ho, the henllh clown, will be
I in the schools for a short visit begin*
i nlng Monday. March 12.
| ' During bl* vi*lt to your gchool
; he will talk health habita to the chll
j drop He will delight them herauM
' he is mu ll a funny, sensible clown
that he laugh* and dance* hi* way
j right Into their heart*.
"Cho i'ho w ill vl*ir every n> hool In
| the city and w!*hc* to see the children
from the llrst through the fourth
j grades. He will be In each building
| not more than 30 minute*. Will you
please arrange lo have the children
of them- grade* assembled promptly
a I the time set on the attaehed aehed
ulc.” ,
Red Snow
Denver. March 1 Millionw of or
g.iillem* half plant and half anl
111;41 nre borne on Chinook wind*
from I lie Arctic* and. covering the
surface of large snow blink* In Iloi'ky
Mountain National park, In Colorado,
tinnafornt them, to the wonder of
jtourUt*. into red snow In lumtser.
to be brought. In. The high line taken
for years by Parisian papers about
“no traffic with murder” Is being
given up. Instead we have much
sentimental twaddle about restoring
old friendly relations between France
and Russia. Of course, for a con
sideration. Russia is to buy; Ger
many Is to manufacture; France Is to
These proposals, which for some
time have heen In the air, are now
actually In type. Now the type is
ordinary black—later on It may be
red. Twenty lives already have been
lost over the preliminaries of their
execution. I fear there will be many
more as difficulties become more ap
It Is not without significance that
the terms which Germany Is to he
called upon to accept In the event
of her submission have never been
formulater. No altlinatum was Issued
before the Invasion. If Germany were
tomorrow to throw up her hands,
what conditions would she have to
comply with? Who can tell? Ger
many clearly does not know. The Brit
ish government does not know. They
were never discussed at the Paris
conference. Monsieur Poincare has
only asserted with emphasis that he
"will not accept promises.”
Says Scheme Will Fail.
If the Ruhr is to be evacuated prom
ises must be accepted at some stage,
for Germany cannot deliver 10 years
of coal Installments In advance and
cannot pay 50 milliards of gold marks
over the counter. So If Poincare's
statement means anything,- then con
trol of the Ruhr Industries must be
vested In France until the whole of
the mortgage has been redeemed,
lienee the vast plan for the exploita
tion of Germany and, through Ger
many, of Europe.
A pretty scheme, but like rqost
plans, which make no allowance for
human nature—bound to fall. How I
long would Italy and Russia consent
to be exploited for the enrichment of
French capitalists? Italy already has
made It clear she has no Intention of
walking into a trap. Russia may j
oi may ro* have been approached, i
It is not improbable there have been |
Informal soundings. It is not easy to
reckon what the holshevists. may or
may not do tim'et any circumstances.
But one con le fairly assured they j
will not place their heads in the jaws
of a i spacious capitalistic crocodile
of this character. Brigands are not
made of that simple stuff.
1’at riot ism Awakened.
Will German statesmen consent to
sell their countfry into political and
economic bondage for an Indefinite
period? It is incredible. No doubt
there had been feelers between French
and German capitalists some time be
fore the Ruhr invasion. Mr. Louch- j
cur and Mr. Stinnes are credited with
having had conversations on the sub
ject of amalgamating interests in
Lorraine iron ore and Ruhr coal.
But the Ruhr Invasion has awakened
from its stupor the patriotism of
Germany. There has therefore, been .
introduced a potent new element Into ;
the calculation. This element does !
not mix well with International fl
nance. It may be depended upon to
resist to the last any effort to put l
German industry under foreign con
trol, and without control the “gage”
Is worthless.
Then there's the German workman j
who must be taken into account. The i
miner and engineer in all countries
are proverbially independent. They
take no orders even from their own
governments. During the war they
had to be reasoned with before they
could he persuaded to take the course !
Child’s tongue shows
if bilious, constipated
Even Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste
and it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels
Hurry mother! A teaapoonful of
"California Fig Syrup" today may pre
vent a sick child tomorrow. If your
child la constipated, bilious, fretful,
ha* cold, colic, or If stomach is sour,
tongue coated, breuth bed. remember
a good liver and bowel action is often
all that is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup." It never
cramps or overact*. Full direction* for
babies and children of all ng**s are
printed on each bottle Say "Califor
nia" or you may get an Imitation fig
Instantly! End Indigestion, Gas, Sourness, Heartburn
Correct your digestion at once!
The moment "Pape's Dla pepsin"
I reaches the stomach you never feel
any more misery from Indigestion,
sourness, flatulence, gases, heartburn
or acid atomiuh.
Don't suffer! Correct your stomach
for a few cent*. All druggists recom
mend these pleasant, harmless stom
ach tablets
Does Fine Flour
Cause Appendicitis?
People Ate More Coarse Flour Years Ago.
Less Appendicitis Then.
Where there I* Already constipation and
Intestinal inflammation, the .-n-ng of
bread or blaculta nut.l* from «» r« iii >1 .
fin* wheat flour might poeeiidy nd to
rauae further trouble, especially when the
bread or biscuits are eaten fr *hl inked
When the flour rca« hre the e .in*, a und
Intestine* It la more likely in pit into
a iolld. pasty maaa than would the . ate*
whole whaat used by our ancestor*
A TTMtheriHMi llUeair
Appendlcltla attacks at in n men!
•van paraniii aeemlngly In g< I I, »!•'»
I aually, however. It |* pre^dad l»y h ,
• ailed etomach trouble, . m. ip»t,.ni i,r
similar disturbance*. Often when there la a
warning feeling of uneaeineae in the a'-d,
man, appendlrit le ran hr- guarded
la erectly the unia manner In wh. h one
guard* agalnat the aptead of tl r< >i* mV
non. beraua* that la Ju*t what app* n,ti » a
* la—an Infection tn the lntealln*a <■ nl
log to the appeti.iu Whan one *.«- ,
throat, ©na can often prevent further
troubta and the development of Influents
or grippe, bv uamg an anttsepri: mi ...
gargle to fight the gertoa an I t
to carry >ff thn poi-on* from the >
.1 uat eiaotly to** aarna procedure t* m
i eaaory to fight the tntaatlnal t»e m* » t d
guard again*! appendltlrltP ratrari
of an antlaepttc wash for ttie thru*' an
Intaatlnpl antlaeptlr la n*«**nry,
Intestinal A nt leeptlc.
Thera la now of fried •. > th public a
preparation having the pnrm.i i-f
an Inteattnal antinepMr and a «*•»MI' 1 t l i
• yatam <'eanser This preparation known
' ii Adlarlka ad* an follows
It leads to allmmw'e ,.r deatrny liartflfiil
germs and colon hacillt In the Inteatlnal
canal, this gusrdlng again*' appendh it -
and othar diasasaa having than start hare
It la Uia moai cumplata ajrataa claauaa.
evar 'f fared to the public a ting on
I1UTII Upper and lower bowel and remov
i ,n* 1 • %; whtch poisoned the »>i
Itm for month* and w hi. h nothing else
i an dlalodg* ft bring* out all gaaaee,
thus Immediately relieving pressure on
the hear It ia astonishing the greet
amount of I . an, ns i alter Adlerika draw*
f r < 11. i »he all mentor v .ansi-matter sou
never thought miii m your avatem. Try
U t «ht aft»r a natural movement end
* 0(1 how mm h tnnre foul matter »t
br<rtga out "hi h "MS poisoning you In
al'i.l • .1,a< r.|f, aueh as or. aalonal .on
atipallon, a«»ui atoms, h, gss on the ncm
h> h and sick t-eada. h< , oua spoonful
A ilf'ua ALWAYd brings relief \ longer
| treatment, however, i- tiaceaeery In . were
of obstinate constipation and Iona stand
mg stomach trouble, preferably under «1.
revtdm of your physician
Hrp.trt« I 'ram Physician*
’ I nohgrwlNilate v«u on the good effect 1
had from AdlnlUw time 1 preaenbed It *
O'iSited) I o I 1 .it 9
I have found it.-thing In mv .ft tears
rre * e to ea el Adlerika tPigredi l>i
James Weaver
"l use Adtcrtha In alt bowel raa*a Ponte
' *• ' tl> * ne doar (Signed) l»r I* M
' Nfter taking Adlerika feel better than
le JO \r,(* Haven't lanauage to e>
I"**' Hie A\vn I IMI*l IIJTIKH riiiui
• •aid from jnv avatem tMlgn.dt J K
k I'm kett
Adler Ik# '* e rnnatgftt surprise to pen
pie who have u««'d only, or.tinsry how ‘
and stomach mad if t net on account of tie
*»|*ld. pleasant and ruMl’UTK action
It la add by Itadln# avary*
wSt.*, !
urfceil upon them hy the government
of the day In the interests of the coun
try. They will view the commands
of a syndicate controlled by foreign
governments with suspicion and re
pugnance. Should disputes arise—and
they are more likely than ever to arise
constantly under these conditions—
who will be responsible for the pro
tection of life, liberty and property?
Will foreign troops operate? Or will
the German army police act practi
cally under orders given from Paris?
Popular sympathy Will be with the
strikers. It Is a fantastic idea born of
failure and therefore bound Itself to
be a failure.
Never soak fresh fish before cook
ing; it will destroy the flavor and
soften the fish.
How to Peel Skin and
Have Natural Beauty
How foolish to seek artificial “beauty”
when it is so easy to obtain a truly natural
complexion by the use of ordinary tner
eollied wax. Applied like cold cream at
night, washed off in the morning. It at
once begins to show Us marveloua re
juvenating effects. It gently, harmlessly,
peels off the lifeless surface skin In tiny
particles, gradually showing the fresher,
livelier, beautiful underskin. Naturally the
discarded cuticle takes with it such sur
face defects as freckles, liver spots, moth
patches and pimples. As mercolited wax
ia obtainable at any drug store, no one
need be deprived of its remarkable bene
fits. %
Cured Her
Knowing from terrible experience the
suffering caused by rheumatism. Mrs. J.
E. Hurst, who lives at 508 E Olive St.,
C-6S5, Bloomington, III., is so thankful at
having cured herself that out of pur*
gratitude she is anxious to tell all other
sufferers just how to get rid of their
torture by a simple way at home.
Mrs. Hurst has nothing to sell. Merely
cut out this notice, mail it to her with
your own name and address, and she
will gladly send you this valuable infor
mation entirely free. Write her at once
l»«fore you forget.
Here’s Relief
For Neuritis
Never mind where, when or how those
awful, stabbing tains of neuritis got their
start -you want relief from the torture
right now I
Stop at any first-claa* drug store and
get a suppiy of Tysmol. Apply a small
quantity of this soothing preparation over
the spot that hurts, and in a short time
you should be free from pain.
Tysmol ia takea up through the pores
of the skin, going direct to the throbbing,
aching peripheral nerves which quickly
respond to its healing influence
There is no “dope ' in Tysmol — no
dangeruus drugs of any kind. Guaranteed
to be absolutely harmless People every
where say that nothing ever gave them
• uch wonderful relief. Pnce fl at Sherman
A McConnell, and all ether >ading drug
gists. Tysmol Company. Mfir. Cheraiats, 400
Sutter St.. San Francisco.
Chemists to Be
Cudahy Guests
Members of Society Will Make
Tour of Plant Following
Dinner Tuesday Night
Members of the Omaha section of
the American Chemical society will
be guests of the Cudahy Packing com
pany at a dinner, scientific program
and labatory tour Tuesday night
Following the dinner in the main
dining room of the Cudahy plant. Dr.
j C. A. Stewart, assistant general su
i perlntendent of the Cudahy Packing
company, win speak on “Historical
Aspects of the Meat Packing Indus
try.” Dr, Millard Langfield, director
of the company's laboratories, will tell
“The Role of Bacteriology In the Meat
Packing Industry.”
Other papers will be "The Role of
Chemistry In the Meat Packing Indus
try.” Dr. Millard Langfeid. director
pany chemist; “The Bacteriology of
Meat Curing Solutions ’ by Dr. W.
S. Sturgis, company bacteriologist,
and “The Chemistry of Meat Curing
Solutions” by Dr. H. L. Cox.
Following the program, an inspec
tion tour of the chemical and bacter
iological laboratories of the Cudahy
plant will be made.
The first telescope used in this
country for astronomical purposes
was operated at Yale university in
Clean Your Bowels! End Headache, Biliousness, Colds,
Dizziness, Sour, Gassy Stomach
To clean out your bowel* without at night, the bowels work wonderfully
cramping or overacting, take Ca«- in morning.
v ... ,, Cascarets never sicken or incoa
You want to feel fine; to be quickly
free from sick headache dizziness, venience you next day like pills calo
biliousness, cold*, bad breath, a aour, mel, salts or oil. j
acid, gassy stomach, constipation. Children love C'asraiVt* too. It cent
One or two Oaacarets, anytime, will boxes, also 25 and 50 cent »l*e. Any
start the bowels acting. When taken drugstore.
Protect Yourself Against Winter
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh
. Hie season of danger for a!!. No one should be
without a good reliable remedy with which to fight
off these trouble*--a remedy of known worth and
With the stomach and bowels in healthy working
order and the mucous membranes free from ca
tarrhal inflammation there Is little to be feared
from the rigor* of the weather.
Tbn Standby for Morn Than Fifty Years
It tt by soothing the diseased and inflamed membrane*,
r^fuiatinf the digestion aiding elimination and er.nciii-.f
the blood that Pe ru na encourages every organ to a fcea.’thy I
normal action ar.d gives hea th to the who.? body For ar.y
and all catarrhal conditions there it nothing better than
this world famctia
Pe ru na, the remedy "" ■ ■ ■ ■
which Dr. Hartman, the Um4 Pe-ru-na Thirty Yoar.
most succeastul specralst 9 *
of aU time n the tr^at ^ ear* ago I was cm red of
mert of catarrh *:*ed catarrh of the head be three
with such wonderful r«- bottles c4 Pe ra na. In tea
aulta. sprorful do*ea every hour it
_ ..._« *c«on check* a cod acd re her**
There are »..era«y a cougr I Law tahen it with
thousand. wh^ -wr thor ^ , SrrCT,
rtTl *'”7 Hart- For thirty I *,1Te
, , , Tt*n *rtl T*f,T ac■ and recommended Pe-m aa"
knowledge it. The menu of Pe ru na a.
i a dependable emergence wirier rredic ne MS' MATILDA COM POUT,
ha. been proved in no uneeria.n w.y dor Liberal. Barron Co.. M.uouri.
irg the la.t half eewfury.
' T ah let. ar Lkpjid Sold Everywhere
98 Out of Every 100 Women
An Absolutely Reliable Statement
Important to Every Woman
Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation
Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
-ir 50,000 Women Answer
For some time a circular has been
enclosed with each bottle of our
medicine bearing this question:
“Have you received benefit from
taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound?”
Replies, to date, have been re
ceived from over 50r000 women
answering that question.
98 per cent of which uy YES.
That means that 98 out of every
100 women who take the medi
cine for the ailments for which
it is recommended are benefited
by it -
This is a most remarkable record
of efficiency. We doubt if any
other medicine in the world
equals it.
Think of it—only two women
out of 100 received no benefit—
98 successes out of a possible 100.
Did you ever hear of anything
like it? We must admit that
we, ourselves, are astonished.
Of course \* e know that our med
icine does benefit the large major
ity of women who take it. but
that only two out of 100 received
no benefit is most astonishing.
It only goes to prove, however,
that a medicine specialized for
certain definite ailments—not a
cure all—one that is made by the
most scientific process; not from
drugs, out from a combination
of nature’s roots and herbs, can
and doe* do more good than
hastily prepared prescriptions.
You see, we have been making,
improving and refining this med
icine for over SO years until it is
so perfect and so well adapted to
women’s needs that it actually
has the virtue to benefit 9S out of
every 100 women who take it.
It’s reliability and recognized
efficiency has gained for it a sale
in almost every country in the
world—leading all others.
Such evidence should induce every woman suffering from
any ailment peculiar to her sex to try Lydia E. Pinknam’s
Vegetable Compound and see if she can’t be one of the 98