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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1923)
If You Are Looking For a Place You Can Really Call “Home” read the “Real Estate” columns in the “Want” Ad section of The Omaha Bee. There is a house to fit your every need as to size, location, price and terms. See these bargains now. And, if you want to sell your house, phone AT lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. Lowest “Want Ad rates in city. Index to Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENT DEPARTMENT. Burial Vault* . I Curil of Thank* . 2 « emetcries. Monument* . 3 Florist* . 4 Funeral Direr tors . S Funeral Notices ... ... 4 Future Events . 1 lost and Found . 8 Notices . ....*. • Personal* . 10 AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT. Auto Accessories, TTres . 11 Auto Agencies . 13 Autos For Sal* . IS Auto* to Exchange .. 14 Autos Wanted . 15 Garage*—Repairing . 16 Motorcycle*. Bicycle* . 17 Service Stations ... 18 Taxi—Livery .\... 1ft Trucks, Tractors.. 20 BUSINESS SERVICE DEPT. Acrordian Denting ..21 Builder*. Contractors . 23 Dancing Academic* .. 28 Detective Agencies . 24 Garage Builders . .23 Moving, Storage .. 20 Milliner*, Dressmaker* .. 27 Painting, Papering .. *8 Patent Attorneys . 2ft Kodak Finishing.30A Photographer* . 30 Print ?•*•*, Engraver* . 81 Professional Service* . 32 Repairing . S3 %\ ires Offered . 34 Tailoring. Pressing . 35 | Wanted—Business Service . 30 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. L Business College* .. •• 37 ^Correspondence Courses . 38 HJiynfnd Instruction . 3# ^CiUHicAl. Dancing, Dramatic .40 Trade School* . 41 Wanted—Instruction .42 EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Fimployment Agencies . 43 Help Wanted—Female ..44 Help Wanted—Male ..45 Help—Male or Female .44 Agent*. Salesmen .47 SHuntion* Wanted—Female .48 Situation* Wanted—Male....49 FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Business Opportunity* . 80 Investments . ®1 Loans on Real Estate. 5 Money to I/oan ..83 Wanted to Borrow . 54 LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dogs, Cats, Bird*. ret* .83 Horse*. Cattle. Vehicle* .56 Poultry and Supplies. 87 Wanted—Live Stock ..58 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Building Material .59 Clothing and Furs ..60 Fuel and Feed . 61 «*ood Things to Eat .62 Household Goods . 68 Jewelry and Watches ..64 Machinery and Tools .. 65 Miscellaneous .64 Musical Instruments . 67 Radio and Supplies .. 68 Bred*. Plants. Fertilizers .6» Store and Office Equipment . 70 Store Special* .™ Swap Column . •• W anted to Buy ...... RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Apt... Elate, FiirWalied .UJ Apt*., Flat.. I . ,5 Farm, for Rent .. W Oarage. ami Barn. . ;* lloti.ra. Furnlahed . 'J Mouar., In furnished . ‘® Office. and store. . Room and Board .j” Room., Fnmlabrd . J Room, 1 nfomlaheil . Room, for Homekefplng . K* Wanted to Itrnt .. . Where to Eat.. Where to Mop in Omaha »< REAL EST VTK DEPARTMENT. Acreage Proprrt' . ** llnalneaa Proprrty . a^Varm* and Ranchea . ** > ota for Sale ... Real Estate—Beiiaon . Real Rotate—Central. •” Real Eatate—Counrll Bluff* . Real Estate—Bntulrc . Real Eatate—Florence . Real Eat ate Mlarellaoeoi.. Real Eetate—North . ®J Real Eatate—IV eat .JJJ? Real Eatate—Exchange . Real Eatate—Wanted J" Realtor. . . Trackage Property . ______-—-——1 announcements Jturial Vaults .. * 3)I3TINCTIVE feature*, s’e dejnonjirattoo et factory, Autometlo Heeling concrete Burial Vault. Inalet upon your undr taker uelng no other. Every vault starop e.l: wa'ch for n»rno on lid. Manufactured ..nly bv the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Ca, fcc 10 N. SOth at.. Omaha. Vrmcfprios, Montinifiua . - FORK3T LAWN. North of City Limit*. All letenur* for perpetual rare and *m prov. mem* Office* at cemetery and VfO Brandel* Theater. ^_ Florists . * LE: JOHN BATH 180 4 Fa rnam. JA. 1906. I m k a PK H.MON, 1 ROT Pum»m. J A. J 259^ Funeral Directors .•_ *r» ' ~HEAFEY ir HEAFEY, t gdertaker* and Koibnliner*. Phone HA. o f,. Off; ■ 2‘ill Karnara. n:STA HLI.«HEP HIM’K 1982.)__ - ' F, /."STACK & CO., Omaha's b' t undertaking * tsbltehmeat. IS AMBULANCE '_ Thirty-third and Farnatn._ Crane’Mortuary Co., <’ONDL< TED nr LADIES ONLY lift South 20th St AT 3689 and AT 9990. ^ Hoffmann Ambulance at Clth. FTinrral Director*, JA. 3901. AFJ'IN’ BROTHERS, FI" . HAI, HIItKCTOUH. 4S1.; HO. 24TH Fun. ■ ill' 2.21 .•Mining. .FA. Cp - ' J'unenl Notice* ... 6 THJCJ,— M*r. M aKdal»n«* Fftirunrf 23, 1933. *' her reatd* uce. 31 n South Slid 8l A a’ < d f. • r * i month and 7 duy*. 9h# f»« .-Mj-viv»-d bv on* l.ugene I’. *nd mm daughter, Hlr?m; M K||ff|M of this f »rd- • of I'r . toon Dlood, Quin< v, r11. Furufrl *• rvlro vfonduy. 6 TO h in., from the fr-ideiuo lo Sf. Jo*?idi church at 9 a rn. — Interronif. St. Mary Magdalena e*rnet#ry. F<*r further Information o*JI Jark*ou 3901. i . agod .r<0 year*, J1 month* Ho 1* *ur vlv«»d by hi* wife, father ar rl mother, Mr and Mr*. ''. M. H-hneld^r, of Omaha, and on# brother, Albert p., of Kan*a* t«b . Mo. Funeral **rvir*a will be held from family ^•Idene*. £409 Florence boulevard, Mon Huy, Februaiy 26. at 2:30 i>. in. Interment y*oro*t Lawn rernetery, r.VTr.DENdM t H tiinali. ’g*«l * V 4 v •*« t • »* h r r**ld*n*e, i>:29 S. 2&tb. F* hruary -ft, J923. Survived by four »on*, William. Martin. Mlrh**-!, Thom**; three daugh ter . Mr* Frank M'tr.d.v. North Ib od. Neb : Mr*. ,1 E Lfnatrom, South f>mah*; Mr*. Patrick J Ford, .lohn'^on. N< i one gletj-r Mr<. Mi,ry (rinnnn, Ai rot i III. Funeral *er vie,.* from the residence Wednesday morning at v 46 to St Agoe* rhur« h at 9 a to. Interment 8t Mnry eem*t"ry, Arrangement* in mre of Larkin Broth j;r a WEVMl'l.l Eft -Lew|* V>, aged "ft:, year*, a rr*idetn * of hi* brother. 2692 Miami H». Funeral from Cole-MeKAy Co j»«r!or*. 2816 Fa rnam R» . Tueadsy *t ? -n ir m. Tfrlendn welcome. ^ WHEN IN NKKM (II IIEI.P TIIY OMAHA BEE AVANT AMS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Notices .. 6 DAVIS—William C., aged 60 years. Feb ruary 24. Ho is survived besides his wife by one *on, Herald, and one daughter, Loretta. Funeral Monday morning from resi dence, 1820 N. 20th St., at 8:30 a. m.. to Holy Family church at 9 a. m. lnter i ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery, Gentle man's mortuary in charge. *M'DOWELL—Mrs. Tl1UeT"sge 56. Sunday afternoon st loch! hospital, following a lingering Illness. She Is survived by her husband, David C. McDowell. Remains will be at Starks .Undertaking parlor* until Monday evening. Funeral Tuesday at Shubert, Neb, SWIG ART—mT W., at his- homey 4203 | Burdette St.. Saturday, February 24, at the ago of 68 years. Funeral services Tuesday. February 27. at 2:30 p. m at Ilulse & Riepen’* chapel. 23d and Cuming Sts. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. SCHMID—Catherine, beloved wife ~of Ja cob Schmid. 3001 North l«»h St.. Satur day. February 24, at the age of 26 years. Funeral sor\lrf>* at the residence Tues day, February 27, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. Lost and Found . 8 TELEPHONE "at LANT1C 10O0. | and dictate your "Want.* Ad to The Omaha Bee. Each advertisement will re ceive prompt and careful attention. LOST—Pup, small, with curly white hair. Last seen at 4017 Hamilton. Reward. Call WA. 0366.___ PIN—Lost. Delta Kappa Delta fraternity pin at Orpheum theater or outside, Thursday afternoon. Fla. 6109. (K)LP MESH BAG—Los:, containing mon ey. _r .tbera 1 rew a rd. Cali AT. 7100. Notices . 9 FOR RENT—Druid hall, 24fh and Ames. Suitable for <«Lnce*, club and lodge meet ings. Fine floor. Call KE. 0116. Personals . 10 THE SALVATION Array ladustrlal home solicit* your old clothing, furniture, maga zine*. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new hom*, 1110.1112-1114 Podge *treet.___ ON and after this dav I am not respon sible for any agreement or bills contracted by my wife, Rose Boursen. Signed Mike Bourson. __ THEATRICAL^historical manque costumes, for play* and parties, at Lleten’*. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES Autos fop Hal* .. 13 NEW AND USED CARS AT A BARGATN. Ford cars and trucka, 160 and up. Ford bodtea and winter tops. Care sold on terma to reliable parties. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. 1318 Harney Street. _JA. 8448. SOME bargain. In used Eorda. prompt delivery of new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sta. _AT. 7711. NEW and uaed Forda. cash or terms. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer.. 20ih and Amee Ave._KB. B144 FOR SALE—67 double lei ter Cadillac Vic. torla, driven 20.000 miles, wilt accept Ford coupe. $500 cash and balance In 2 years. HA. 4957. __ USED" care that can be uaed. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO.. Howard at 18th._At. 1774. USED parts for all makes of cars. Ford used parta at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. Ja. 4931. ____ USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 25 84 Famam. _ RAl/CH E. LANS Electric. $460; charg ing plan!, $150; will demonstrate Phone HA. 1491.___ LIBERTY 0. 1920 model, excellent con dition. Extra tire, rubier good condi tion. Call owner. WA. nl3i.__ CAN save you money on brand new Chev rolet. Call AT. 3623. DURANT—Durant sedan; will trade for property. AT 9914. 704 N. 14»h St. FOR used car bargains it* special ada on page t, thla section._ FOR additional used car ada aee ipecial ads on page 9, this section.___ t'.'.O CASH. 63 Cadillac 8. HA. ~tnr—" FfOLLY. expert auto trimmer 812 fl. l«th Garage*—Repairing ... 16 FOR A-1 auto_f.Hintlner. <irlve to PKEIK FKR’S SHOP. 2525 Leave©worth, 35 yra. experience* j BUSINESS SERVICE \ Trtirks. Tractors . Selling for Storage Charges Here's Your Opportunity casOnly ’ New A Ilia Cbalmer’s Tractors with plows. s,»vcn-Passenger Auburn Touring f.'ir. I Closed Track Body, t Panel Truck Body. 1 Cloaed Cab :< Canopy Truck Cab* K. M. F. Touring Car SEVERAL FORM A TRL« IC IMIS 1 oft FURD8 AND DODOEB. Oh, Boy 2 Don't-Miss This Chance tha sbova at the warehouse Beklns Omaha Van & Storage fllx'eenih and Leavenworh i___ Foil PALE I Two 1* passenger R«*o speed wagon huge*. Will be sold at a sacrifice. Ad ■ \ Hoe._ 0 p.tnel tripk bodi«- • jitnble f-*r Inundry or bread Wagon purpose. Will fit ton truck. Hlgglns-Pot ter t o. Neb task a City, Neb. » Accordian Ple at ini; .21 ACCORDION, IDF, knife. bon rearing, covered t uttons. all styles: bematItching, buttonhole* Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., Jim Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1936 N KUKA8KA PLEATINO. HematltcbUig. * ovrri’h Buttons. J108 Farnam, s«"onr| floor. w.Ta 6670. W K W I LL HA V K " V<)V S\ONY on store fronts, fixture* g*ragea, shing ling, et'. Expert workmanship. miPUFLI. A • ') HA 0919 1 Lint inc \t iidcrnics .23 1.1: A B N to”dance for* S 4~7ii” KbTkP'H 11 i I ; Kartinm, Clnese* Mon., Wed. and FrL night*. Dancing Tu<* . 'J bur* , Hat. and i Hun nigh's. 1‘iivata 1> -rona by appoint* tnenta .1A M70. . _i;m ~-r~—~ - ■ - -J-waccr rsam j llelcctlvu 2i i ■ ■ Bureau Bldg . .1h » - ht I mi 2. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Mik. Evidence* secured In nil cases. AT. till. (•nrake Vluilriers ... 25 OAFIATJ I 1 .id ■ U» iio» up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber and Wrecking Co_Tel. WK 516ft. tint our pipes on complete g.nag'-s Alot ■ oi Lumber t’o*l <!i*. ' I Moving, Storage . 2H 1 i 1 MAI H fuin on packing. mov. and storing Contract* taken by Job or hour, iliob* Van A Storage Co. JA. 4311. AT. 02Stt. CJroaaman A. .Sona. owners BUSINESS SERVICE Moving, Storage . 26 Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co, 219 N 11th St. Phone JA 3022. _ BE KINS OMAHA VAN dr STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping _JA. 410. ^ Millineni, Dressmakers .27 IIATS to order, remodeling a specialty; cheap. Ada Knox, Hm. 614, Wellington Inn.___ Tainting, Papering .28 DOLSON ANDJONKs: Interior and exterior painting and deco- , rating. Estimations free. Call evenings*. Jr. 6662. ___ PAINTING, paperhnnglng and interior decorating; reasonable prices. JA. 6663. PAPERING—Save money, avoid spring rush. Cali HA. 3K14. Van Glen Dec. Co. P jjiPKRH •' NJUNO an I clean ng It \ 21 St Patent Attorneys .29 T. W. MARTIN, Fa tent At t or n^y, 1712 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. 1 help inventors sell thelr_ patent■ Kodak Finishing SOA FILM8 DEVELOPED FRRB. The Ensign Co.._2606 Leavenworth. FILMS developed free. Price list here Fri day. K A SB ST IT DIO, 216 Neville B lock. Printers, Engravers-.31 Em>Y~Printtng Co.T~2l2 B. li St JA. 6066* Professional Services, X-Rays.32 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 5 Sherman &■ McConnell Drug Stores. DENTAL X-ray 60o eacb7~13 full set 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam Serviced Offered .34 OMAHA PlLLOW *CO^-Feat hers r©n. ovtted and mad© up In new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. JA 2467 GENERAL housecleaning, experienced man. Work by the day. Call. W’E. 4887. EDUCATIONAL Business Colleges .37 DAY HCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptoruetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil aervice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. VAN bant""SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. S E Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. J> S890 Correspondence Courses .38 CLERICAL workers for government de partments. Postal mall and general clerl al. 1120-1133 monthly. Experience unnecessary. For free list positions now open, write John Davis (former civil serv ile examiner) 903 Fleming Bldg., Wash ington, D._C._ __ Musical, Dancing, Dramatic.40 ANNIE E. OLA800W, role# and piano’ 503 Karbach Blk._JA. 10m._ Trade Schools .41 WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trsde: Wg demand; wage* while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or write 1493 Dodge fit. Tri-Cltjr Barber College. MOLKR BAREEH COLLEGE. 110 3. 14th 8t. Write for catalog. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Ketnate .44 OCR MINA TAYI.OR PRESS AND APRON DEPARTMENT has recently been enlarged by the addition of a large number of n* w power machlnet. and we wai* ex perienced operator* and learner* to do plain stitching work. Steady employment Best of work in* condition*. An opportunity to earn good wage*. Aypply to M K. SMITH & CO, Daylight Factory. Tenth and Douglas YOUNG I. ADI F.S—Ona of the ©Ideal and best established firms of Omaha rcquir- .. the service* of five rtfined young ladles for an intensive houae-to hous* sale* cam paign. Prefer only those with rravlous successful door to-door sale* experience. Apply Room 61* Peter* Truer Bldg, any morning betweexx 10 and 12 o'clock. WANTED—Good Marine Ho operator for our Beauty i'arlor. Muat bo able to do all kinds of work and do It well. Salary 631 a week. No other need apply. Neb DEMONSTRATORS to trawl on road, high-class toilet articles; ealary and com mission. Call at 104 N. 16th St . or Aik *655,__ WANTED—Middle aged whiT© woman fur general house work In family of 3. R«f erences required. 404 8. 6ith Are. WA. 1474. _ HAN use two more fa dies to solicit bus! • res* In city; no selling, salary and corn A for Mr. ( A WANTED—Experienced lgdy prrsrer. Must l»e top-knntcher. Ftsady employ men* Max I. Walker. 2410 Arnes A'p. ' 1 u assist blind man canvas* for hla lec t ure*. AT, 66! Kit 144. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare* you for a fin* office position Call AT. 7774 or writs American foliage; ift* Parnam MAID wanted. An axper1enr(-d maid, muat be good cook. Mra. Ueorga Van runt j Mb S« 1 Blwffa. | ^ Atfiil,, SsIrKinni .47 TA FER MANGERS AND I*AINT ERS A a AGENTS Our •amnia book* and ratalnts aro ie*dy f.»r distribution. If you did not arrant* for a a»t, l»i*tt*r do It now. For information writ* NRHUASKA WAU.PAPKR <'(%, lilh and Ifurmy, umihn, Nab HALKHIIKX To «rl| »h* " K n rath wl cfc/* a patuntad adrartixerl aufomnlola coat, which run ba ' ii*c<l oh an ovarnll, JO par cant on asla* <‘*U on dry go*>'l«. men'* fnrnl-h • * and nutomoliMo in ' wy at or* '. | trrrl ! inry opan. Writ* abating exponent* #n<| j rtfareutr. Work (nothing Factorial!, r. I ... - .-: llrlp YV.infrd—Malr .M w u w v v/ ' ’vvwv/wuuwuuyuuuyu MEN—I am looking for it# vat* I Pirn who ronild«r their tlmo worth i• In I f«" i" i " •■' I ih i v ho w m nil a ofh fi t ie»*. {-;■ virii or our man did bettor than $f»0 laat w #•* i. Tk»ia la a Moor to door propoalttnn unM n hlgli elaaa our Wa want only man who have bad prrvlotia •l«»cir to Moor exportin'a and who hav# u riaan and highly aurraaa ful ratai'M If sou haven t g*>t tha wt tiff don't my time mid yoijra. Apply Korun * 16 f*«t*ra Truat Bldg between jo and It o'rloek* Ambition* mrti drain m* of fitting thr iifi lvr* for accounting and #a *•« utlva po*lllon* wuhoui liilorfn Inn alth poMitlon Call fnt*rnatlonn! Accountant*’ Jfortrty, IttlO l* City National Hunk Itldg H A N'TMfV Foreman for Iowa poultry and ‘‘KK hotiao. rnuat In practical man, roijip* t»nt to inatrurt help In handling cbk« and dr poultry, fltaadjr Job to right man Addraaa 7*1219 • tniahn B"« I EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Male .v... 4.1) CHAUFFEURS wanted; must have bond*. Steady position to right man. lllark. Taxi Co., 1107 So. 13th St. Situations Wanted—Female .48 17aUN DRY work. Competent' wlUti'vromaiT At. 6t>26. ____ Woman want* day work. WI 3214. Situations Wanted—Male .49 TREE trimmer and carpenter. WA. 4632. J FINANCIAL Business Opportunities .50 in -sinks*.’ Grocery and meat market In Council Bluff* doing ft good cash business A very little credit. A store that man and wife cun run. —lteat very reasonable. Make terms to right party. Reason for selling going Into other bUBinese. Y-2214, Omaha Bee. HARDWARE and Implement!. Invoice 111,000. Brick building, 60 feet front by 1C»* feet long, at $12,000, In northeast Nebraska town of 200, Good business, mum go by March Gth. Address Y-2222, The Omaha Bee. ^_____ BILLIARD parlor for sale, aix fables, complete soda fountain and cigar fixtures, county seat town, has cleared $30,000 In the last nix years. Address Y-2223, The Omaha Bee.__ SMALL STOCK women's and children's furnishings and shoes for sale. Staple goods, stock to be moved, 66c on the $1, with or without fixtures. Address Y.221I, Omaha Bee. ___ WANT to buy controlling Interest in an i established, sound and profitable Omaha business up to $25,000. Address W. 186, j Omaha Bee.___________ GROCERY for *;tle. Best location in s good town of 6 ^00. Has best clues of trade of town. Partners now want to dissolve Addre.-s Y J209. Omaha Bee ONLY harne** shop in town. Good busi ness. Because of my age. will sell at in voice. Shoe repairing and auto curtain work. A. c. Lnucks, Belgrade, Neb. MILLINERY stock and fixtures for sale in good business town. Splendid oppor tunity. For particulars address Y-2226, Omaha Bee. _ ____ NAMOGRAPH worth $100 for engraving fountain pen in gold leaf. Complete. $a0. 4«1 Rrendeie Theater Bldg FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Hhopen A Co.. Real tors. JA 422$. 214 Keeline Bldg. HARNESS machinery and tools for sale. Carrie Brown, 2416 AV. A. Kearney, Neb. POOL halt and all fixtures for sale. Box 12. Beerm-r, Neb. _ 12 - ROOM rooming bouse for $$00 On terms. HA JQ*$._ Buy lst-2nd. mtge^ Cork- * ? 1 **** Investment* . 51 K<»R 'SALK— Sprague Tire sto k. f,0< on the dollar. Address Box 1, Wsyne, Neb. Loan* on Real Estate . 52 5-YEAR CITY LOAN* Qubit service, lowest rates optional pay ment, semi-annual lnt**reet J. R DAY A- COMPANY. 605 Reellne Bldg.. Omaha. AT. 4614. WE have cash on hand to loan oo Omaha residences. K. n. LOTTO BE. INC., 63* Keeiina Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-yrar loan* «per cent. AMOS GRANT CO„ 201 8. 18th Arthur Bldg. AT. $234. Tate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 16SI. W. Y. GRAB AM. OMAHA HOMER—-EAST N E B. FA R M & O’KKTFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Urn Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 2715. a Too TO lio.ooe loans made promptly. E D. WE AD and D H BOWMAN. 210 S. l>th Pt. Weed Bldg. AT 0111. CASH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha property. F C. Horacek it Co., 440 1st Nat I. Bank Bldg. AT. ISII._ MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha res. I -state. MYF.HS A RAIN BOLT CO., 4 ?4 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. J A. 0744. FARM LOANS. Large or small. West Neb. farms, ranches. Kloka Investment Co., 846 Ora. Nat. Bk. GARVIN BROS. 645 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. Money to lA>an ...52 do"you~n b e i»~m on e tt $6—-50-—75—1 SO—-204—600 DOLLAR® ©r sny other amount et legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years In business OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 544 Karbxch Blk. Tel JA. 2215. 6ouiiu for. 15th and Douglas His. I nd up on wages, cars and furniture; confidential; 25 yra. estab 812 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 22tl. LIVE STOCK_ If'»is' **. I .title, Vrltirlr* .56 IMKNKS8, the beat that can ba made, at firat rn*t. W* make them outi*Ivr# and aelt them direct to the farmer*. Har n»ia from 935 to II10. Alfred Cornl»h. 1210 Farnftm St . Omaha. Neb. *’OWt?—5 f r*t rla*e freah milk cow* far eale Manager Herman Home, 4204 So. 1 3th 9t. AT 9641 _ r-—^ii «r ~r a mwa Poultry anti Supplies .57 • hicks for al ri-oney. *hlpt>kd everywhere; guaranteed alive w* rei-from Colwell’* Hatchery, Smith Center, Kan I ooMTFft.w-—On# pure bred Khode l*1*n<1 Red. aleo one white Wyandotte. 4509 Parker 8t. WHEAT* SCHKENlNai 91 2k”prr 100 Ibe’ A. W. Wagner, ilo N 16th Mt JA 1142. MERCHANDISE C lothlng and Fur* .6(1 FULL DHBS8 oulta and Tuiedoa for rent ■ ' A 199. 109 N 16th Street, J Fridman. a I! MV ah or* 12 to J 09 No 1 A»n Furl and Feed . 61 W’UOb for aale at HcMmu", |V per cord, at ova length*; |4 pole length*. Phone M# u <i .1 \ *<11 ^ Good Thing* to Kit . 6? HonEy Kofi Flo# White Clover Honey Comb And f.i fracfed, write f->r price* J W HITTRNHENHKH, KnngvMl*. Ta. FRKHH i AiU* lyu ,nurd# prepaid ** pree* eaafern N*t.ia*hu, 15 5b. I! < llotiaplmld Good* ... 6.1 tiXPiUT tawing machine repairing. • MICK ELS. AT, 4991 ION Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon. ' l*o WDM AUCTION MOL'AK DAVKNPollT FUR HAIM —- < RKTONSTJ | Ut'JIOLHTKJiED, OOi ip CONDITION AT 9919. wk o4i.:. New furniture; in if a I a< ;i by j March 1. Apartment for rent. MAMOUANf dr***er, chiffonier and I \ i • or victim* No 2 Fin* ehap 11A 4.2 j 0AH HTOVK. If., MDWlNtl MACHINL.9*. j * ALL IIA. f.9,S t i 1 i ti'. .Ir««’lry and Watrhra .ft I T»l A MON l)H T. a pHy Ilia b*»t. pilcaa with prlvlltga »o boy ha* h at am all profit URUlA JhiW l l.ltr * 0., Unmhi, N«b. 402 N. 14(1) *L Talaphona Ja 1*041 MU I Oak buff at. dining "tablr, 4 rhatra, <’h|ffnn|**r, rtoubla nuk hook'-aa*. whii* lion had with tnaHr***a amt Hprlnga, Haiti ♦ :i l y COWh 4&•)9 1‘urk. r H» YI ui/lfuin: for in iooin* nr I'Ofliplrl" for rooming hnuaa. RoMoniblr fail Huntlay or araninga, Itlltt t’lark Hi. U> !,<>WKH l "WANT" A l * IIATI Ixacr rual. In nmiht Tataphona you«* ''Want*' A«1 to. AT 100® and aarura baM#* raaulta at MERCHANDISE Mifwellanpiins . 66 FOR SAI.K—Power Multigraph complete with all attachments. Address W-103, Omaha Bee. BROOM MACHINERY' FOR HA L E. C A LB KE. 5tf 34. Muairal Instruments . 67 SEEING IS BELIEVING. We < an prove to you that we posi tively have the lowest prices on phonographs of standard makes In the city it costs you nothing to investigate Convenient terms, no Intercut charged. HI A I.TO MUSI CfllfOP 1414 DOUGLAS ST Ilialtf. Theater Bldg. WE have a nuxnner of ^lightly used phonographa, guaranteed mechanically perfect with service for one year, that wo have greatly reduced in price. Easy terms for payment. ORCHARD &. WILHELM COMPANY AT. 3000._ PLAYER piano for sale. Apollo reproduc* ( lng electric player, nearly new. Will tak • . anything of real value for part or full J payment Call HA. 7217. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as *10 per month. A 1108PE CO.. 1513 Douglas. _■» Store and Of fire Equipment . «0 WE BUY, eell safe] mako d***k«. show caaei, etc. Omaha Fixture dr Supply Co., g w. corner 11th and Douglas JA. 2724. FOR SAL?—Hand multigraph with or without display type. Address W-119, Omaha Bee. Swap Column .. NOTICE TO SWAPPER*. Yon may insert a three-line * Want” Ad for three dayi under thla classification A box number will be affixed and you call for your replies. If you close a deal you pay for your advertising in the regular way. If not, V7M will c ancel charg- In other word®— NO SWAP—NO PAY! This offer la good only !n Omaha and ex- ludea all business ads. Business Want ’ Ads in thla column will be charged our regular rates. NO SWAP—NO PAY! ESTABLISHED nuto transfer and mov ing business In Omaha. Worth *1,500. Will take 1st mortgage, residence prop, erty, acreage or wha» hava you? Address 8 $43, The Omaha Bee CLOTHING and furnishing-. g»n'l mdie. or grocery stock wantad. Will »rade Wi-. nr 8o. Dak. land. Ad drew fl-SII, Omaha Bea. ___ LIGHT blue Dodge roadster, new paint. Too light for our business. Trade for Dodge roadster painted black. Address 8-124, Omaha Bee._ APOLLO r-produclng e’ectrir player pfuno nearly new, for ^equity In 4 or 6 r®> 'n cottage, Jota or Ian-! of real value. Address s.$3i, Omaha* Bee.__ OFFER course in Interstate Commerce and traffic management for standard poultry farming course. Address 8-829, Omaha Bee.___ __ INCOME property In #**f Nebraska town f-.r hotel or rooming houa* furniture or good car In difference. Address 8.*33, Omaha Bee. __ 2.000 ACRES Wyoming land. fenced pienty of % took water, fur sale or trade for Omaha property. Address, S-120. Oma ha Bee. __ SET of d!*hs*. good assortment of pb lures, swap for adding machine. Will add sorr* cash- Addrm 8-8*1, The • nn*ha Bee.__ 140-ACRE farm wanted in exchange for *15.000 equity In Field club r** Will taka cash for livestoca and maeh. 5 *92, Qnuha Bee. GOOD Hudion touring car In g x>d shape and running order Wtll swap for chickens and part cash or what have you? 8 >93. Omaha eBe.___ A MARVEL cylinder revolving 'machine complete for anyth ng we nn use n an automobile service station. 8-880, Omaha Bee ___ GOOD pla>*r piano. record-, bench and •ian'?« and Ford touring < ar to swap for Ford sedan. Address, Box S-54 4, Omaha Bee_ THREE-CIRCUIT regenerating set tr. iud Ing brand new 6-volt battery. Bakeilte panel. Value *50, for Ford accessories or what have you? 8-1*7, Bee WHOLESALE doughnut making outfit. Talbot Hamburger trunk, new concession tent foF furn. and rug® 8-827, Omaha Bee. \ It.TOR Arnmatograph motion picture ma chine. swap for standard typewriter cr off: • equipment equal value. Address F-*Z4, Omaha Bee. THOROUGHBRED brtndle bulldog, good watch dog and very companionable Trade for what have you? Address 8*435, The tunaha Bee. 40 DE8IRABLK unencumbered resident lots In, Oklahoma City; trade for re* Jen - e or good Income property In Omaha. 8-436, The Omaha Bee. ___ _ BUICK *\ c-uy*. look a and run- like naw; will trade for Ford and some cash Hurry, I need the money. Address F *39. Omaha Bee HAVE 1 *>0 A clear land and ask for general merchandise. Address 5-5*5, Oma ha Bee. ____ • LOTHKft wringer. saddle. f«nee p eketa. swap for chickens Address 5->17, Ornah Bee ___ VV \ r to trade v a • 1 rner lot ie good location for touring ear. Address 5-839. Omaha Bee. _ ISO-ACRE Improved farm at Oak wood, c-kl. Trade for city or acreage property. Address. 8 4*t, The Omaha Bee *0 ACRL.q Iowa farm, half corn land, southern Iowa, *125 acre consider half trade. Writ# owner 5 84$ Omaha Be# iTn.LMKD hail. bow ling a'-- v*. Tody and soft drink* Trade fur house end lot, hotel or elear land 8-4*3. Bee. CORNER LOT? Rout h*nmt Torner « and Howard, for car. equity In house or rooming house 6 111, Bee ' fall pig, swap for | gga ! tying hens, hay, feed. used liunlxr or k'ndlTfig Addr***-s. 5 SS'-, Omaha Hr# ilCDHON touring car fur cvet stuffed liv ing room suite or building lot and some cash Address 8-4?2. Omaha Be* PATENT on automatic garage door WlU swap for truck or car. Address £191, <>maha IJce. HKW INO machine, good running order. 1 Mwap fur 211 Inch Un leather travaltng Imp Add re** 8 144, Omaha Bo# mi i. >up«» w•*;tn 9«il, swap for dlam< nd. lot. or equity on home. Addta.-a | 8 *30. The Omaha. He# | Mot 8 moving pktute machine with filtn* 1 nr all equipment for what hava you or I STK A M Ml trunk good arid ttrong. ewar for rntnera. field gla»*e* nr what hava you? Add re** SUM, Oniaha Bee. '• .* |0 trade for email home, or what hava you Addrae* S I9S, vm ah* Idee Cl76TIiK» u H i Nt. n ! eo n« <*. «nl h*«I> What hav# you. Addte*a M*lf, tiniahn Bee _ t'I'ftTAfN atreicher*. fruit Jgra and atoro rrorka, 1r., * and {. k*H will awap. What h*\e vou* Addreaa 8 * •*, Omaha Bae KINUMfli’HY piano "anted in »wran for rvutomnbi'e Yalu# f.’"0 Addreta 8-601, Me* W ir.l. swap new 6" egg incubator for i hlt W*n* or young pig Addieea M *00. i *niahn !*-« c Wil l »w»p ,i iigli? I oid body and can opy 'op for what I»»m» >ou? 8-Ml. Oma ha Me* • or *a«li marhltra ot wli»l hava y<<u Ad drag* 8 *96. Omaha Mre ONIC haw gtartei for either l*ort or tlard tier on, Value |3.». What hava you? 8 MS, Omaha B*e » FIVW ACftlSH. w egi Hodge, to exchange for firaf payment on good h-»m». 8 101, • Miiaha Mae Wll.l, TltM'K I', Kara' diamond for Ford aedga or Hodge touring. 5| gr>3. Omaha. He# 4 MI MIC machln*-* and *oUi x'olin apd tit alngla barrel ahotgun. new. for what have you? Adore**, 8 *4*. Omaha He WANT equity in modem bungalow. NN li nay a«*me « n*h and deed two good ahawp let* rte* fiog 8 406. Omaha Me# MERCHANDISE Swap Column . 72 'j SUCTION, Garfield Co.: in<umbranco 12,000. for 40 or HO acr«, cl»ar. Addrea* 8-664, Omaha Be#.__ 3-BULB radio set. 1,000 miles, will trad* on Ford car, pay difference* Address 8. 500, Omaha Bee.___ [ .SECTION Brown county (Nebraska) land, -t 300 acres cultivated, {12 50 per acre. What j have you fo swap9 8-fiOO, Omaha Bee. vt'ILL TRADE lake shore lot at largest summer resort fn Iowa for Ford touring or sedan S-6f6, Omaha Dec._ 40 ACRES Missouri fruit Isnd !<>r good sedan. Will carry difference back on land. 8-507, Omaha Tie* 160 ACRES in Nebraska A I! clear, trade j for large house and lot. 8-67 6, Omaha ! Hee._j ONE nice, level acre pIT in alfalfa new Improverm nts, to swap for small resi dence. 8-651, Omaha Bee. j COLO, wheat land near Sterling, 1G0-64Q aer# tract in oil district, to trade What have you? Address 8-626. Omaha Be*. FINE collection of stamps to swap for Ford car. Address 8 6 36, Omaha Bee._ HAVE Fox typewriter for trade What have you** Box 8-505. Omaha Bee. RESIDENCE lot in Muskogee, ~iOk I What have you. Address S-S21, Omaha Bee. 4 tires. 8-632. The Omaha Bee. J-A-l radio set for trad*- What ha\e you? nai i B4 “._ 16'*Li ARMY tent* and poles to swap for typewriter. Address 8-640, Omaha B*e TON truck roadster and c ish for apart ment house lot. H-652, Omaha Be*. HAVE ‘dear western wheat land for Oma ha<Income property. 8-563, Omaha Be*. Wanted to Buy .73 D 1»c: New de^ks. used d(-ska bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. RENTAL Apis.. F lals, Furnished .71 March ! we will have a three-room furr.iahe 1 apartment In the Sweet wood. lot ated at Dewey and Sweetwood Avenue, between 25th Avenue and 26th Street. PETERS TRUST COMPANT • Where Omaha Renta ” AT. 0544. l"th and Farnam Sta. NICELY furnished apartment, new home; excellent location. for refined couple. Water, heat. Lght, gas and telephone furnished ISO, HA. 2117. TWENTY-FIRST! N.. 501 — Two and 3 roorn furnished apartment*, steam hest; walking distance, near four school*. AT. 7449 __ _ niL' *L» RE TERRACE 4• room apt., with * xtra Murphy bed. IC5. .1 Ave and J h k eon. HA. 1157. janitor. Hi N EH INN ' r *t«0—24tb and Lodge Sts. Il'-ni® Tor traveling man and wifa TWENTT-’fiFTH ATE.. B —Ona and two-room apartments JA. 2474. t Tffc AGO St :il«—--room furL.Ub«d o p artment. 8 trie tlyrnodera_ Apt*., Flat*. I nfiirnUhed .75 PETER? TRUST COMPANY •Whir* Omaha Rent* t 1 r.-.<■>mr ' 5 Kfrif»7>orcuch, t S' 1 J>udga street, $4'.-lit. 3 room*. No. * Sweetwpod. »*orn rr of iie-*t-y Avenue and Iwee* •rood Ave. (between 2lth Arc. and 2'.*.b M ) !*'■» ISO. 2 room*. So. S Conamora, 2713 California Et . til. 4 room*. No. 1 b Troy, 1000 Harney El 1147 &o 4 room*. No 11 Tro 3- 01 Harney St M2.50-57.1® 4 room* and dining alcove. No. * M onticello, &20 Sou'h Slot St . M .. b room*. No. I’otrer, 33d and Farnam 3ta-. tiQ PETERS TRUST COMPANY , Whera Omaha Renta.'* AT. OS44. 17th and Farnam St«. DUPLEXES * room*. !.o? Vinton «» f*r. a roflmi, 33.1 Cuming St. ISO * room* 1*0$ Lothr%p St ,lf« 11 room*. *:I S. :3d St . . »$• PETERS TRUST COW PANT. Whtr* Omaha Rants'' At 0IH nth and Famam ?’■ 3 Ideal room* with bath. new. alrlctly modern A'a- a Apta MA. 5494 TURN EIt COURT 5-room ap? , l room accommodations. Built-in feature* two beds. Opposite park and boulevard front apartment. Available March 1 Janitor. 1?A 4*91 «. M. HAUSER. Manager. S!«5 Podge Si HA. T149. SIX RU« )M B* N SO.N~HOMkI $'00 DOWN, Frame and Wdlaatene two atory. fn fi.e condlt la tv*- Jplng r*mt Three bedro<ni* and hath up Strictly modern. Paved street. Price $5,590. Call I‘eder. ren. HA. 7493 UKAl.Tirri, 5-rocm apt. tn the Hud eon. *07 H. 2Cth A\e Walking d atan r Can janitor. Ha 17S0 or JA fl?44 MYERH A RAlNBoLT 474 t>maha National PETKRM T RU ST ~C«Jm I* A NT * WHERE UM A If A* RENTS." »« 1th and Farnam Sta THREE *-<»om* with 5 room a * com mod a ton*. S«1J Under* ->od Ate. T*l WA l’Ot’R IICH>M arartment. eteam he*?, low rant G P Stebhlna 1110 Chicago St, F* m * >NK ~OP — DRAKE S 1009 APARTMENTS Call Jarkaon 7'05 W. .1 PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management AT. It IP _ KHIr.fl P dg. F’lRST data 1 room steam h ated apt . li’a | er month. U gh' a**, water and heat furnished free 1174 Capitol iv» MAPLE COURT—4 room apt. newly dr . ^gted and refjn.ahed* ISO winter. Ml. «*» 4 5, lauitor v ’ kVB • ’: - For rent, 7 room fiat. • • • MA ' ' ' K»nus fur llrnl . 7* F ARMS to »«n!i w<*h option to buy. Boa X. Broken Bow* Wb. finrugps anti Itirns . . 77 ' H i.- .... i -v llnunrs, I'umNlird . 7* IVKNIJMIbn HOl’PK **uiiat t« for »o«m», ;t? >'«rlh 2ld Slrrrt |l rr.Tktis tbi »t comtant • Omaha Kant* '* AT CM* l«lh and rarnim 8»a. " II. I | -1am horn* w!'h con ■ j k House*. I nftirtil.hrd .... . *9 <’ \P|TOU A'a, J44A; ex'll to two fam *i*••• to room Photo* JA 11S* I < »lt X I N 1 h»u*f tt : I ? K Hi i'all MA 1|M> HOOMH—Unfurniih*\l. privat* h m». clw* " '• I. Office* mul Store* .HO IIA, so; i , i>i i . |'t«nr»Md mom. prlvalt family, S4th M *'J'po#1t# rlutv ( PHIVATB offi»a With taiat'hoiia anil aim "*ra| h invlii » *U AT. |IH. | j RENTAL Offices and Store* .80 Rpar-e in Bromley Building 20* South 13th Street. Suitable for light manufacturing. , PETERS TRUST COMPANY "Where Omaha Renta." AT. Qii44. j;th and Farnam St«. Finn larg* light room, 4.000 square < foot, heated ground fioor 210 South 13th Btraet. PETERS TRUST COMPANY •'Whet* Omaha Renta.’* AT. C544 1 Tth and Farnam Sts. Good comer. 45x10, formerly oc cupied by garage. 3102*4 North < 21th Street. ^ PKTJCR8 TRUST COMPANY •'Where Omaha Renta." AT. 0544 37th and St*. i'RIVATK off < or desk space. Telephone i nd stenographic service. 1015-16 City Xat_Bank H!'*jf._ Room*. Furnished . ’ ATTENTION- ROOM ADVERTIF EH8 ’ To help you secure •'paying guests ' for your vacant rooms. wa make thla of fer: Phone your "Room for Rent" ad to AT lantlc 10 0 f‘. If you do not rent your rnr'm at the expiration of your order, ten ua about It and we will reinsert your advertisement three more da; a without additional charge. Remember, too, that The Omaha Bee • Want" Ad ratea are the lowest io the city. Get your advertisement smarted now. Phone AT-iantlc 1000 and ask for Miss Pmith, our "Rooms for Rent ' Ad taker. Double room. No. 2! Aleutian apartments, 115 South 2tth Street. S-e janitor. $“0. PET2RS TRUST COM PANT •WHERE OMAHA RENTS * AT. 0541. 17th and FarnaBi St« AV IDEAL HOME i married coup*® desire* s young m*n or woman to share the’.r new borne rear Bern!* park on car line. 6-roinuie r <je to town. Board If desired. HA. j fe 724._, t HA 4('$ (Tel > — Hanarom park district large front room, in private home, four window#, large closet with mirror door. t .ea- warm ar t finely furnished._ ! TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. 51« N — (N • dean rvoro, modern, **Wtrlc lights, furnace h^at. Prefer 2 gentlemen. HA. ! 2706.. i HA. 26S'. tT^l )—Ri>om In a beautiful 3«*h Vt. hom* I.arge room with eleep hf pen h and bath. Hot and cold water. A l*o sing'*- room._ T W E NTT”E IO HTii STREET. 516 N*.— Nice dean room. modern, electric lights, furnace heat Prefer 2 gentlemen. HA. 770$, BEMIS Park. Large nicely furnished I room, private home; with or without Kara*** Bern IS park. Reference. WA. 2226. PAXTON COl'RT. ~2i:T Fundaja—Two r*wiy furnished sleeping room*. Week day a call AT 1260. r.lrls preferred ; PINKNEY ST 2705— 2 lovely room* foe r*»;er-ab’s men, private family. 12 56 I WE 2716 ' 20TH FT . -07 X—Desirable front room. ' business wf■man. walk <1 »'are# JA. 6<T6 PLEASANT r m fnr 1 or 2 girl*; pri vate home, 13 for 1. IS for 2. AT. !42€. THIRTIETH AYE. 1031 F —A warm 2 i room apartment, to respectable couple. j WA. «:$7s"~(Tel \ — Desirable room, in prl | vate home, reasonable, dose to ar I IN* UI.N BLVD 3*25—Large bedroom. i e^f home privileges._WA. 4564._ » LEAN light fern.-basement. 2627 D.dge. Phone JA. J217.__ HA 1«61 (Tel.)—Beau'.ful front sleeping * ■ ‘ WQ. _ • ONE vastly furnished room neae Omaha untver? i>. 2446 E\an> WE 4367. LADY'S front room w h Urge a'reve private home. Park Avc. HA. (227 BANCROFT 2125—Two n, e clean furnish “ ed room- for fen? Reas -'.able AT 6071. 1 AT. 4761, APT. (61—l^oo k her# f lx wi— r!ea«an* room. Good location. I Koonu*. I nfumivhrd .83 I 2 MIAl.L clear rooms: gas. beat and I light |S0 per mo. 1110 5 13>1 HA 142«. Room* f«>r Honsekrs'iwnc .84 I A TT ENT I ON KROM~ADVER T l - V: U - ~ j do help you aemire “paying guru's" for ! y6ur vacant rooms, w# make you th a j offer Phone your • Room for Rent** ad to AT Untie 1000. If you do not rent jour room at the expiration of your order, t*11 us shout It ar.d we will r<nn»«rt your ad vertisement three more day* without ad. ditiona) charge. Remember, too. that The Omaha Bee * XX ant" Ad rates are the lowest in the i city Get your advertisement started now. IPhone AT-Uutio 1 # and »»k for Mias ; Smith our “Rooms for R*n«" Ad taker I "NK ROOM apartment furnished com j late for housekeeping. Hanscom Park d»e. I trict On *.ar line, reasonable UA €?((. H K -471 iTeLl—One large modern front ; mrl kitchenette, ciothes closet and i antrr Furnished for ho'•ek»er»rg 1 XTRA large modern housekeeping room; i everything furnished; electric wether; talking distance ffA 1615 __ AN1* ROOM span meats. 1 MocC from Hanscont park. cb**e to car lines ( lle»i. g»* and water furnish*-; HA *063. • Row .n POINT—Room and klt- henette, M er employed couple KK 6626. sT M ART "aVE, lilt—Oc*ft i anF2 rottm suites AT 3367 ; IHT! RNTH 6T ~61IN* V~ce clean". h*'M»e^k*eping rooms. w*4|y fixed up^ ■ t w i* back 17. bath floor 4121 N 7 4th s- I^aige room and kitchen, furnished, strictly modern. 17 60 WK e‘T7 .* «Tel )—X rice rma. closet and pao’ri mo- l> 75 wh Private entrance. A modest furn house Keeping rooms, down Wtslve. near car 2216 .1 Ft., MA 1656. For i or . ladies, lovely apartment, bed r mm. k tfbrn privileges WA. 744! ImLihTf jTTo f we-kl' ' Fl~’ heatsiT* It mM i* Itari . s:> XV# are having a targe demand fan d#*trable modem horn***, ran find you a «o,»d t»t>aM it you place your property under our manage ment. rCTKJt* TRUST OOMTANT •■xx'heta Omaha Renta ‘ AT 0. «« Kill and t'lrium S:a Whrrr lo Slop In Oniali* . *7 finfuf. PANFokp . nm and 'r»TMU5T* Hern, HVN911AIV—Itlh miA rnm»i*. Ir»dil rote* to t'ltminort fue»t». | REAL ESTATE \rrf*«cr l*r»|M*rtj ...M A K FA tTM A HU a1\ Mr»l & a ?rm i»Ja. »- §.*.»4 j A.lMpt^.t fnr a > *r«l l and rtir*- to V 1’ t aoW t itv wouth of , ’’ in' * *i■ iaij i t » l A * k 'irgainl, MA im Ft, FoH HF\* a>r** ftuit »!><t j n*«r Mortne* cat, tnqutro IIS j * Ml. 5, A | REAL ESTATE F»nn* and Rsnrhm . NEBRASKA—125.00 rub »n<1 525 00 T>*' month without interest will buy 162-acre farm, good *otd. pure wa»cr 118.02 per acre. Write W. T. Young, jr., Kimball. Neb. _ ____ MISSOURI turret barge r: 12« acres Im proved; four tnii^a UhJilicothe. A. D. wet, 61 4_' h»rry St . rhlillr.othe. Mo. Lola for Sale . II Dt ft BARGAIN Last front near Fart am, $2,100. Mm* be sold Want offer. JA. 3 426. DUN DCS io£ t'«xl25. on 64ro St. near Far. nam; choice lot; owner will consider reaa onable offer C. A. Orlmmel JA. 1618.^ WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota In Edge wood; very ea*y terms Phone Atlantic 2540 __ Real Estate—Dundee .99 DL NDE K “COLON J A L ~ Brick « f.struction, 113,026. GEORGE Ac CO., Realtors. _A T. 302 4. Real Estate—Florence .90 NETHAWAY ‘home agent" spec!*hat In north end pro; erty < v hltea only)._KE. 1406 Rea! Estate—Miacelianeoti* .97 4- ROOM. all modern apt , 6-room accom odation. close to J>undee school at H»t and Capitol Ave . Glenarlo Apti. Rent 176. Fee janitor or call office. E. E AUSTIN AT 07kl 18 05 1st Nat l BV B.dg LET L7S bud and finance y oar new home: complete building service with no worries. EQUITA El.E TRUST COMPANT, 3 * 13 VougUi Ft. REALTORS AT_tm »!. erv!'« homo builder. Be*' construction an l pricer. PatIsfaetlon gu •.rar.te**<l. < ampbe . 6'.7 Keelin* Bldg .\7. #ms_ HOMES for workingman. Four room*, partly modern, full lot. eaay term*. I1.24e. Have other*. Stewart. Ralston 10-W ALFRED THOMAS” St Son Co.. Realtor» Heal Estate—North .9# Very” WelTLscated Add a few hundreds to next ni*mth«' rec’ money an-I move into your own home: a 5- room a 1 modern bungalow on comer lo». garage. H*xlS, 2 bedrooms and conne-t ng ba'h. Very well located n'r*.bweat Price American ftig, & Fin, Co.., 411 Brand* * Theater B!dg _Phone AT. 6>11, or AT. 211 ‘ A 5-ROOM stucco and fume bungalow 'n beautiful Ml&ne Lu*a Long l; room wrap clo*et with mirrored door, firepla * and other late feature* very la®ge attic or,.y fi.Oftfl down. Call Atlantic £111 or Jackson €421. ONLY 125“ cash and be an- * like ret. Th nk rf a new 5-room horn® !n a g©o<: neighborhood. Home has electric !!ghi furnace, full basement and is a reset able distance to ca® and •"hool. An op port unity for the working man. HA. lltt. 7 ROOMS :n good n* igh bar hood. modern., 4 years eld. aleepicg porch. laun dry tub*. A peg va-jurn '■leaner, floo? dram, I'./OO, 12,000 caah. By owner, KL —-* AT FaHLER and Slat. tw0 bungalow* Five room* and hath, ttrlctly r®' darn. oak f ni*h: iu«* fumiafced. for sal* by owner fa.i we ;n< FOR sale r.r exchange, cottage. 4-room, part’y modern^ near Carter Lake clUi »'g« grounds, verv reasons >. Leaving town. Can HA. 7 2 i 7._ NEW—Three rooms down. 9 room* ur * 1 modern, double ga-agt. Pr. ® 67,2c® Ttcti NcttI* A Norria AT- "M2. FOR PALE by own#- cheap. 7-roorr** built-in fea’ures; all modern. 2l4i New - port St KE. 4S14._ ♦ - ROOM hou#** for saie, furnished o: unfurnished KE. £ ?tr FRANKLIN St. 2*fr—7 rooms. ’fine baee irert. immediate [ -»>‘iror. W1 545F. U K. BUCK A i'O ba* ana well heme* Ileal Estate—South .99 Canfer With Cohn <111 Sr Xth St. UA. »l«r K<*al K«ta»f-—ftwt .lSit Cathedra] District Brand flew Bungalow J’4«t completed. Hip v*«tlba]«. coat cioae arff li- n* room bu t-in feature*, fl > Girge kite bee, br«akfut r.'-ok r!# ba*: »^!;d tube Fir. »fce.d in finest oak ate whita enf tl HA 1199 r.- at oh. w. j. Palmer Co„ 1150 CASH ~ N'ctr’y new I-room a’l modern bunya’cw % beet of reralr P»ved etreet, eh**' Ina!k ta car; immedim poa»e*9:on. WA «!H_ NEW * rom ho-.e jtj«’ finished 'slh St Modern W ! me V » ••-mr f •T bey bold 4t Fen. rail AT. I99L Of i ce City Nat- Bank New Hota-e—Totir term* AT. 4t*t. Grove-Ribb a'd Co - “I*;?;, •' TH AND CALlKoRNlA—I room*, mod >1.93# cash, balance monthly: on car line. Crei*h. * *9 Be* Bid* J A 9S99 Krai ^tate—Kt change .191 NEAR KRtG PARK — * iot*. new (t'lff 12 by IS can be Converted Into sma houae.-chir fc uee Mt*. t*M ‘8**aJ*b loan Want auto or vacant a era fe* equity. JA IIM._ MY pace a * * < > S !hh St Br tale ■ *k t»14* . ft ItAF. niort*a*r 1C JS# Address. Ro* Kan eh, Neb. I{f*l I —Wanttn!.19' W ANTED to buy fb-n ewner «t‘r*rt • nrw c nearly new bunfa ow Mutt ►« a *c»d location. XYi.! pay err.aH »mpur i'. wn. balance rntmthic Box W-1M Omaha Bee. List ' * <-»mr —Hue \« - home. BINDER & OTIS, Heal Eatatr j a. , i;#r ala. JA 9M1 Carl H.'Rc's Cc.T ' Honeety ami Sen *. 9 Guaranteed * s inti* r»a:'j BU* AT f**f !0 Homes Wanted F e* or 1^ rooma. Chan W. Ycur* 4k Son IOI City Nat I. AT. M«« C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors, __ _7'14 Peter* T*u»’ R *t J A 4*17. 'Tukej Sold ir - TrKKV .% s s J A. 4*t$ "HI. r*' r«.h f.r a ^ prop»rC r M ,v..j O i, fui* d,i. a r-.« « f«rty. Mm. o-nnh. 7;,, 'VI 1*1. p.r for , *Fi lr.rt, op t.oord prtortf,,.. *aj Tpcur building ry.ifck c po,» op t '"i'lo .1. W , 1 p ' P,«T . on*, mot loft 17,,! porvnMAl ,rr. l«w •"JJfl-f »!T Kr r.. N|, at mu *J<K7D I ISTIN.:^—caFi TO V» ” Mr *E1J, THEM home eo at. im BIRKETT i' UU'~'V >»UE *«”■. 1„VT, »-'« I'pf.r, Tom’ 9M*. J A l’»JJ VSIUIWIO f,„ <u;Ck Mnin H'P K.r.t \»ii i;,nk l-'df J \. i,t, W, J. PALMER C0„ • A r: K*»>* AT $»*«' FCi\X 1 i R Fivpfs F’i.Ks w’hv VuXbclne* I.»*t ? bur Rroi'er T a tth ua f»r *-eau *a Burt C Foe , Co Kf*,ie*** ,t A j #r* ID #*«n iff X.-'ft f A Bhundy A1* tl) t U Ml 'V_e*t»rn !''<•*' U* ate i\v J A illT"* 9 r UTifTt'' l. K rV.I Hill, aOIB v A HtFiVi.S A H V X 1 r N rxVXtf^RR ... G tl*n«tf«tad ,% Sonf J \ 5*44 1 ’ s * A c r ' ' N j ATS" UXtr3U,’Sjf3SEiiU''ii<S'5 - - ~♦’t'lyiaii.iw Tr»«k*i;tr» |*n'|tcrt> » AIS: 1» ■'on ( j ,‘>1 |\ RHv AtN G V > n i'Bl v > is. 9 Clil AG'X