The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1923, Page 7-A, Image 7
Dinner Is Given Kjor Maude Royden by Church People Englishwoman Says She Is Indebted to Y. w. C. A for Her Visit to This . Country. An Informal dinner in honor of ft tide Royden. English lecturer, who spoke at the Brandeia Friday after noon under the auspices of the Fine Arts society, and Miss Margaret Hailey Speer, secretary to Miss Roy <1 n, was given last night at the Y. W. C. A. Representatives of churches in the city were present. Among them were Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson, repre senting the Presbyterian Theological seminary; Mrs. D. E. Jenkins, Uni versity of Omaha; Rev. and Mrs. Rus sell Taylor, Colored Ministe-ial union; Mrs. Homer Stuntz, Methodist church; Mrs. Frank G. Smith, First Central Congregational church; Mrs. Thomas J. Casady, Ail Sainth Episco pal church; Rev. and Mrs. Mahaffey, First United Presbyterian church; Rev. and Mrs. A. A. DeLarme, First Baptist,church, and Rev. and Mrs. Ada Anderson, Plymouth Congrega tional church. Ministers representing other churches were present. Several Girl Reserve members, resi dent girls, North Side branch of col ored girls, Federated club members, li^s’rinl girls, gymnasium girls and "embers of the Omaha Young Busi ness Women's club attended the din ner. All ^ . W. C. A. clubs and classes wore r presented. American and British flags, togeth er with yellow candles and yeilow tulips furnished the decorations. ^ oung Women's Christian associa tlion "Hymns of Lights" were sung ut the beginning of thd dinner and at the close "Follow Glean” was sung. * Miss Royden alluded to the Y. W. C. A. as her "adopted mother,” ex plaining that she was directly re sponsible to it for coming to America last spring to attend a Y. W. C. A. convention in New York city. . Miss Royden and Miss Speer left f this morning for Cedar Rapids, la. * They expect to sail for England March 20. Coroner's Jury Exonerates Labor Leader Who Shot Rival Chicago, Feb, 24.—‘‘Handsome Dan” McCarthy, who shot and killed ‘'Steve” Kelliher, a rival labor leader, In a gun battle In a crowded South Side cafe Inst 8unday night, was exonerated by a coroner’s jury Friday, which found that McCarthy had shot in self-de fense. Upon the recommendation of the state's attorney's office, McCarthy waa refused his freedom after the jury’s verdict and the police said they would book him Saturday on a charge of murder. “No Profit” Sale Crowd at Hayden’s Saturday When readers of The Omaha Ilee saw the Hayden Hros. advertisement of a no-profit sale, they could hardly “keep their shirts on" getting down to buy a new supply of said garments, as shown by the picture above. W ife May Rifle Pockets of Husband Without Fear of Committing Larceny Chicago. Feb. 24/—There seems to bo no othe recourse left to the lowly married man but to line his pockets with fishhooks. Judge Morgan, In the court of domestic relations, yesterday ruled a wife hag a moral and legal right to explore hubby's pockets, appro priating whatever of thj> content ap , peals to her and she is not thereby liable to a charge of larceny, petit or grand. Clinton Hurlburt, head of the Ad vertising Products company, who has been living apart from his wife, visited her Wednesday night. When he awoke in the morning, he said she had cleaned his pockets of everything, not evjpn leaving him carfare. "You need not defend yourself.” said the judge to the wife. *‘A wife hardly can be convicted of robbing her husband, nor a husband of rob bing his wife, since they are partners and one partner is not supposed to rob the other.” Final Survivor of Light Brigade Dying London, Ont., Feb. 24—Thomas W. Shaw, who claims to be the last sur vivor of the famous light brigade, to-' night was riding for the second time “into the jaws of death.” But the venerable cavalryman—91 , years old—had n<\t between his knees j the charger which dashed upon the Russian battery at Balaklava in 1S54. Under him was a white-sheeted hospi-1 tal cot from which, the doctors say, he will never rise. After his charge with the glorious, 600, Shaw felt upon his brow the j soothing hand of Florence Nightin i gale—a memory that was his most ! cherished possession. And, last night, upon his solitary ride into “the valley of death,'' the soft fingers 'of the mighty hand of daughters Nightin gale gave the world were touching hi# brow but the old soldier did not feel them. .J41g breath came In agonizing gasps. Tho end is near. Dry Law Takes Half of Time of U. S. District Attorney Washington, Feb. 24.—(Special.)— The deficiency appropriation hearings show that the United States district attorney for Nebraska has devoted considerable time to enforcing the pro hibition law. Fifty per cent of his lime has been devoted to this job and f> per cent of his time is devoted to In ternal revenue work, 25 per cent postal business, 1 per cent to acts to regulate commerce and 19 per cent to all other business. Greeks Will Accept Pact If Turks Sign Treaty Athens, Feb. 24.—In a newspaper Interview yesterday Colonel Plastiras, leader of the revolutionary move ment which brought the present regime to Greece, declared that if the Turks accept the Lausanne treaty Greece, will sign the peace pact. Colonel Plastiras was the chief Greek delegate at the Mudania con ference at which the Greece-Turk armistice was signed. Hotel Suit Against Matters Withdrawn Margu»rite La 3. Dlddock Saturday withdrew her petition filed recently In district court asking a receivership for the Bransford hotel in Omaha. The petition made T. II. Matters and his daughter. Helen, defendants, nl leging that they acquired the hotel through misrepresentation. “Do You Own Any Real Estate?” i / If How many times have you had that question shot at you when you approached some credit manager for extended credit—or your banker, for a loan to cover an unexpected emergency? If Were you prepared to answer “Yes?" m |j The purchase of real estate is the first step toward financial independence. The worker who owns his home is much less concerned about work becoming slack than the one who doesn’t. At the grocery store, at the clothing store, at the department store—everywhere where credit is sought—home owners are given preference. If Make a start—buy a home. If The “City Real Estate” columns of The Sunday Omaha Bee are brim full of splendid home opportunities—cozy, homey places for the man of limited means—beautiful, pretentious ones for the buyer with more exacting tastes. In most cases a substantial initial payment will enable you to move in and begin living under your own roof. The balance may be paid in small monthly installments—just like rent. |f The home you want—at a price that you can afford and on terms that will not pinch your pocketbook — is advertised in The Sunday Omaha Bee today. Read and Use Omaha Bee “Want” Adn The Bee-Line to Reeulta 9k Omaha Morning Iko-. THE EVENING BEE m. .. * ■ ■ ' i — Man Who Served Portion of Life Term for Murder Publicly Exonerated Wilmington, O.. Feb. 24.—UP)—Clar ence Leroy McKinney, who only a short time ago left here for the Ohio penitentiary, a murderer, in the eyes of Wilmington citizens, came back Fri day and has his Innocence publicly proclaimed. McKinney who served five months a life sentence In the penitentiary for the murder of Policeman Emery Me Creight, a crime which Louis Vender voort of Jamestown has admitted, boarded a train for Cincinnati at 4 this afternoon. "I have no ill feeling* toward any one here," he told people, who met him. A $2,000 fine pending against him for alleged violation of liquor laws was dropped, hut the court did noth ing with a suspended sentence on the same charge. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Man Killed on Train as Victim of a Dream Prakenborough, Ky., Feb. !).— Roy Schultz, 32, a miner, wan dead today—the victim of a dream. Schultz was sleeping on top of a loaded coal car yesterday when he dreamed he was In the path of an. approaching locomotive. He rolled, from the top of the car and struck on the bottom of a mine pit 78 feet deep. Injuries caused by the fall resulted in his death In a hospital at Owensboro. Practically no Illiteracy exist* in Czecho Slovakia. Wise Shoppers Are Taking Advantage of the February Prices on Master Made Furniture The Low Prices at Which This Desirable Furniture Is Now Being Offered Make Buying the Better Part cf Economy. Most Pertinent Is the Fact That This Furniture May Be Purchased On Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan Open Stock Dinnerware At Reduced Prices Semi-porcelain in beautiful floral design on cream background. 12-Piece Set—Regularly 50-Piece Set—Regularly Semi-porcelain, ex icptionally good g grade, banded B floral patterns. | i2-Piece Set—Regularly 9.00... . 6.75 50-Pieee Set—Regularly 20.00 .15.00 Decorated in at tractive all-over rose pattern with <ectional border. 12 Piece Set—Regularly 18 75.14.00 50-Piece Set—Regularly 40 00. 30.00 The reductions apply on all our open Block dlnntrwaro pattern*. Thia la a logical time to either buy a whole set or match up an old *et. Fifth Floor—East 310.00 Four-Piece Bedroom Suite Two-tone mahorany finish suite; consists of 46 inch Dretaer with 28x34-inch mirror, 36 Inch Chiffo rette with three sliding trays in compartment and two Iar*e drawers, 40-inch Vanity Table with 16126 inch center mirror and 8x2'j-incb wing mirrors, full size Bow Foot Bed. 3-Piece Living Room Suite Overstuffed suites with loose, spring filled cushion seats. 175.00 Thr««-Pi*ce Suit*—With velour covering, spe- 1 oc nn dally priced st. lOO.UU 185.00 Three-Piec* Suit*—With velour covering, spe- 1 An rrn S- 55 dally priced at, 14 i •0\J 215.00 Three-Piece Suits—With velour covering, spe- 1 nr nn dally priced at. 11 O.UV Sovonth Floor. Simmons Mattresses The most satisfactory and most sanitary mat tress obtainable. Delivered to your home L> sealed cartons. Simmons White Label Mattress, 11.00 Simmons Green Label Mattress, 16.50 Simmons Red Label Mattress. 21.75 —CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES— Whether your windows require cheery cretonne, crisp scrim or all-over lace curtains, you will find exactly what you need in our well stocked Drapery De partment on the Sixth Floor. Prices are consiitently low. « Ruffled Curtain* — Made of fine mercerized mar quisette with full narrow ruffle and ruffled tie backs to match. 1 OC Per pair, 1 Quaker Craft Novelty Curtains—Beautiful a 1 1 over figured patterns in white, ivory and beige, trimmed with O QO lace edging. t Savoy Ruffled Curtain Seta—Made of a fine mercerized voile, with full narrow ruffles on edge and a deep flounce at bottom of curtain and full pleated over val ance; body of the cur tain la white with the ruffles of rose nnd French bine. Special price, per ret 2.98 Tuscan Nets — Genuine Quaker Tuscan Nets, In plain and beautiful all over figured patterns. Priced, per yard 89c Ruffled Curtain Material —Fine mercerized voile with full narrow ruffling for long or sash curtains. Priced, per yard, 29c Quaker Craft Novalty Nata—neaulirti! all-over fanned patterns In while, IVory and beige. Triced, per yard ... .-39C Novelty Dutch Curtain* — Kill* voiles ami mercerised rnaiqul sette*; some trimmed with lace l edptn**; others with Cluny and filet patterns, lace inscrHon and j edKltips; three piece s/ts; ready to turn*. Priced for Monday at, per set, 6i4t/ Sixth Floor—East Casement Craft Curtail.? — Beautiful all over figured rattern in white, Ivory and beige; trimmed with mercerised bullion fringe, pair 5,98 Imported and Domestic Cretonnes—All the new Spring patterns In floral, blocks, birds, stripes and other attractive designs. Priced, per yard, 400 50-Inch Imported English Cretonee—Yard .. 1.25 Curtain Materials — A flue assortment of dotted and figured marqui settes, grenadines, swisses and satin striped voiles Per yard.. 390 Curtain Rode—"Klrech," "Peerless," "Never Sag” and "Blue Bird" flat ex tension rode. Kaeh 19c (We reserve the right to limit quantities.) Domestic Rugs Floor-coverings are most impor tant uruta in decorating schemes. It will be an easy matter te fmd a rug that will “fit in" with your wail decorations in our well stocked rug department. Come in and inspect the wide assortment of attractive rugs and note the low prices. \ ery important reductions on one of the finest collections of domestic rugs, including heavy Wiltons, Wilton Velvets and Axminsters. The sale prices are so low that anyone needing rugs cannot afford to overlook our excep tional values; all are perfect. Finest Worsted Wilton Rugs 9x12 . .........100.00 8.3x10.6 .105.00 Known as the very finest of Wiltons, woven front worsted yarns with lus trous sheen. Heavy Wilton Rugs 9x12 .74.CO 8.3x10 6 .64.75 A heavy and most des.r able quality of Roytl Wil ton, closely woven of the best wool yarns. Sixth Floor Axmiuster Rugs 9x12 .39.85 8.3x106 .32.50 ■ 76x9.0 .26.85 6x9 .21.75 Ruks of peerless quahty with beautiful color com binations. suitable for any room in the home. I_I York $150 It Does Make a Difference Where You Purchase Your Phonograph Here You Have a Most Complete Stock Victrolas, Victor Records, Bruns wick Phonographs and Brunswick Records From Which to Make Your Selection A conveniently located department, musically trained salespeople, specially con strutted sound proof booths, are a few of the advantages we have to offer. Terms ef Payment May Be Arranged to Sutt Your Convenience. Try Our Record Approval Plan You’ll Like It Phonograph Department—Main Floor—Weet > - _ Special Range Offering This practical and economical cabinet gnu range -a perfect linker; guaranteed anti* factory; finished In durable bloelc enamel, easy to e.leun and keep clean; oven will hold a large size turkey QQ roaster. Special at OOi # 9 Special Prices for Three Days on Ajax Gas Ranges Special Factory Purchase makes It possible for us to make these low prices on Ajax Gas Ranges. Finished in beautiful black and white enamel; baked on at ;i heat of 180(1 degrees nmi still will retain its luster. Guaranteed aluminum rustproof oven linings; oven ha* gla#* door 16 inches in size. White porcelain splasher*, broilei pan and drip pan. All nickel trimming. Humor* are the most efficient known; two giant burner* and two single burner*, also a simmer burner. Humor* are all ma chine drilled. Insuring uniformity. Special Price for 3-Day Sale 42.50 All Stoves Connected Free—Liberal Term* of Payment Sift* Fleoe—Weat 42.50