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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1923)
Main Floor Bargain Specials for Monday MEN S SILK HOSE—Plain and fancy, black and colors. All sizes. bubstandards of the reg. $1.60 and $1 hose Monday only 550 MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS of pure linen, large size, Monday on,y .. loo CREME OIL SOAP—A limited quantity will be placed on sale Monday only at, a bar.5£ SHINOLA—Black and brown polish for your shoes, box.50 KOTEX—Sanitary napkins packed dozen in a box... . .390 CUFF AND COLLAR SETS AND VESTEES—Very fine quality, also lace Bertha collars, each .290 LACES—Filet patterns and insertion to match, one lot worth to 35c a yard, Monday, a yard .100 WOMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS—White and colors, special for Monday .40 LEATHER SHOPPING BAGS—Patent leathet bag with a double strap handle and a secure lock .890 EDUCATOR SHOES FOR CHILDREN—Discontinued styles of black, lace and button styles, broke^ sizes from 6 to 2, 82.95 Monday—Main Floor \ You May Order Exquisite Ribbon Novelties And Have Them Made to Order Dainty rosebuds and rosettes that so prettily trim silken lingerie and baby things. Also bags, girdles, boudoir caps and other accessories that are difficult for you to make yourself. You will - be surprised when you find how inexpensively they are priced. Ribbon Shop—Main Floor > New Wash Materials Of Fine Textures and Beautiful Colors Normandy Voile The beautiful Normandy dress voile, in ail the rich and hand- ' some weaves and colorings, 40 inches wide. Yard.Oi7C Tissue Gingham Lovely tissue ginghams, in the very handsome checks and plaids, in a wide range of beautiful color combi nations. Yard... • OC j Imported Japanese Crepe A serviceable quality in attrac tive colorings for kimonos, house dresses and children’s frocks. Absolutely fast OO color. Yard.OaSC Dress Ratine This fabric is decreed to be the season’s popular fabric for sports wear—both for its weave and wonderful assortment of plain colorings, 39 •§ An inches wide. Y'ard., * »\/U % Imported Gingham* 82-inch imported gingham. This is an excellent quality that will make up into very serviceable garments. It comes in OQ handsome plaid designs. Yard . OJ/C Burim-Nuh—Second Floor Draperies for the Doors and the Windows i Double Velvet Portieres Pair $29.50 For one week only we of fer this remarkable oppor tunity. We will make velvet portieres of 7*4-foot length and 50-inch width at only $29.50. The -sides will be rrench seamed aim you may choose any color or combination of colors that you wish. We require two weeks after the date of purchase for the delivery of these portieres. Monday—Drapery Shop—Secoad Floor 1,000 Stock Shades On Hartshorn Rollers These are good quality shade cloth, mounted on guar anteed Hartshorn rollers. Either light or CQ _ dark green, size 36 inches by 6 feet. Each... vUv Monday—Drapery SKop—Second Floor Drapery Remnants 2 to 6-yard lenRths of drapery remnants; included are cre tonnes, madrases, nets, scrims and marquisettes, all Oft . at one price, yard.... OJ/C New Panels Ecru scrim and marquisette panels, 36 and 40 inches in width. These are finished with black edged fringe. ^ ^ OQ Each .V * Bur(est-Nath—Drapery Suop—Second Floor ! Davenport End Tables In pleasing design, finished In antique mahogany. Very specially priced— $4.65, $4.95, $5.75 '“EVERYBODY’S STORE” • Burgess-Nash Company New Victor Record 18900—“Rees Knees,” “Virginians”. I Victrola Shop—Fifth ►loor Auto Show Visitors—We Welcome You to Omaha and to the Burgess-Nash Store Plan to Enroll in Wallace Reducing Classes . Week of February 26th to March 3 These classes for women will be conducted every day under the personal direction of the Wallace1 Institute. There is Absolutely No Charge or obligation to buy records. Visitors will not be allowed to attend classes. Classes 11 A. M., 3 P. M., 4 P. M. Victrola Shop—Fifth Floor Silk Dominates Fashion In Our New Daylight Silk Shop And the newest weaves for spring are here—silks, both fdreign and domstic manufac ture. Many weaves exclusive with Burgess-Nash. The new printed silks for frocks, gowns and blouses are most charming in their colors and patterns—Oriental, Persian, Paisley, Bulgarian and Arabic Prints. Brocaded Canton Crepe A delightful weave for dresses and and coat linings, It) handsome colors in 36-in width. OC Yard. Radium Pongee A splendid wearing silk for lingerie, blouses and dresses, for it laun ders perfectly. Comes in pink, flesh, Quaker, gray, burnt orange, emerald, natural pongee and white, 36 inches wide. d* * (jr Yard.iDl.Zj ____• Knitted Tubular Vestings A splendid quality that will wear well; in fancy patterns and plain weaves; white, pink, flesh and orchid; % yard is sufficient for women’s undervest. QP .Yard . V * Knitted Crepe The newest weave in the realm of knitted crepe and one that de rives most of its popularity from its lovely spring colorings. .‘16 inches wide; on sale qp Monday, yard.<51 Printed Crepe Hanging from the soft, subdued street shades to more striking and vivid colorings for sports wear. 40 inches wide, priced at, yard— $2.45 „d $2.95 Paisley Silks and Printed Pongee Rich colorings in Paisley designs and neat Challic patterns on Pon gee. Ideal for blouses, gowns, frocks and trimmings. Very d» •% QC special at yard.vl #2/0 Sale of Black Silk» 600 yards fine black silks, including 36-inch taffetas, 36-inch peau de soie, 3G-inch ^1 or messaline and 36-inch satins. $2.00 value. Specially priced at, yard. Spring Dress Goods and Suiting Fabrics Velour Checks 54 inches; rich, soft quality all-wool velour in various size checks, including black and white, brown and white and navy <1*0 jr blue and white. Very special, yd., Poiret Twills A 56-inch standard quality, woven of fine Australian wool; a fabric that will (five splendid wear and one of the most popular cloths on the market for tailored suits, one-piece dresses and wraps. Shades of sand, navy blue, brown and black. Specially priced at, yard . • Burf*M-'N»»h Dreas Goods Shop—Second Floor - Monday a Sale of Silk Blouses 89c to $2.89 Most remarkable reductions have been taken on these /blouse.*, for they formerly sold as high as $6.95. ' Jacquettes, Overblouses, Tiebacks of Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Canton Crepe, In Embroidered, Beaded and Braided Effects. Shades of Tan, Rose, Flesh, Navy and Gray. Monday—Blouao Shop—Third Floor --, Infants’ Shoes and Moccasins at Slightly soiled and odd lota of baby shoes O / and moccasins in sizes 0 to 4. The white 1 kid moccasins are all trimmed with dainty I shades of pink and blue shirred ribbon, others / dal in plain stitching. The shoes are in patent and kid combinations in tan, black and white, II * white, and black. Regulnr price $1.00 to I $2.00, at— * * *VV/ Infants* Shop—Third Floor Odd and Slightly Mussed Turkish Towels Excellent quality, all white or white with colored borders and colored centers, all large sizes - and most extraordinary values. Qualities that sold up to 89c each on sale Monday Oy| only at, each. Monday—Sacnnd Floor Final Clearance Shle Women’s Underwear Broken lots of women's cotton, wool and cotton and silk and wool union suits, vests and tights, also a num ber of extra size garments. Values from $2.50 to $5.00. Final CQ clearance price.DlfC Monday—Main Floor Children’s Dresses Stamped for Embroidery For Monday we are showing one lot of children’s stamped dresses with bonnet of un bleached muslin. One lot of children's stamped dresses with bloomers of un bleached muslin. Monday—Second Floor Women's Full Fashioned Chiffon Silk Stockings Hopiery of cobwebby sheerness made with a splendidly reinforced foot are priced lower than one even expects to find in this splendid (£1 ip A quality. Pair... <])1.4D Monday—Hotlary faction—Main Floor 300 Imported Japanese Table Covers Size 54x54 inches. These are of first quality (no seconds) and absolute ly fast colors. All have neat 8-inch hemstitched edRe and come in sev eral Rood desiRns. Limit of three cloths to a customer. On sale Monday, 2d floor, Linen AA Dept, at, each. «pl.UU Monday— Sacond Floor Sale of Imported Ratine Robes Only 60 rffc A k ‘A Special garments I ^ purchase in the lot ^ v KJ bargain priced An assortment of these beautiful robes was received Saturday and will be placed on sale Monday at this low price. The colors are Rose, Copen, Mountain Haze and American Beauty They are very new and different in style and arc as practical as they are pretty. Nrgliff** Shop - SsKond Moor Auto Week finds us fully prepared with apparel that em phasizes the favorite modes of the new season—one’s every ap parel need to meet the fashion requirements of the Omaha woman for street, traveling, sports and formal daytime wear. All at a most satisfying range of prices. Among them: The New Suits for Spring $45 to $195 , Foremost in suit modes is the three-piece model, which has achieved a new role and has become fashion’s costume to be worn at the smartest gatherings. Finest of twills combine charmingly with figured crepes in striking modern-art designs for bodices,‘though solid colors, too, are represented. The More Tailored Suit of homespun and tweed in two and three-piece effects rely on their perfect tailoring and glove fit to distinguish then*. Our collection for street and sports wear em phasizes the union of economy with smart *tylr'-y. Coats and Wraps $49.50 to $135 There are luxurious wrap around wraps, straightline capes of longer length and jaunty topcoats that are unusually swagger. Modes that are a bit extreme are subtly modified to the exacting tastes of our patrons. Gerona, Marvella, Fashiona and Veldyne fashion the smartest of these. <■ Frocks for Daytime Occasions $25 to $125 The smartness of the new dress fashions are dominated by the individuality and refinement always typical of the models presented h\ Buigess-Xash and it is satisfying to find the prices are exceedingly moderate. Daytime, street and dinner frocks in Taffeta. Canton Crepe, Flat ' ( rePe> Printed Crepe, Paisley, in styles from exclusive makers, are developed to express distinct personality. N. Burr..»-N».h Rr.dy-to-Woor shop—Third Floor V* -— Separate Skirts $10 t<5 $25 Soft, fluffy camel’s hair, large overplaids and heather mixtures fashion the skills to wear with the sweater, the paletos or separate wrap. Plain and knife-pleated models offer a wide selection of colors. _•Bur*rM-No*h Rrody-to-Wrar Shop—Third Floor The supreme confidence that comes with the assurance of being correctly corseted may be yours by irearing Binner Corsets There is a model designed for every type, and the greatest corset comfort can only be attained by wearing the one best suited to your figure. Often the position of the boning, the shape of a garter or the strength of an elastic insert determines whether a corset is a comfort or a physical trial to the wearer. Only the highest quality workmanship and materials are used in the Binner corsets. May we help you in your se lection. M»a<Ur—Cm-m4 Itiir IniM FImt