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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1923)
Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Find Office Help, Salesmen, chauffeurs, cooks, housekeepers,' laundresses—in fact, any kind of help which you are in need of. In addition, these workers are reliable and efficient and come well recommended. f your help promptly—and at reasonable cost—through an Omaha Bee “Want Ad. Phone AT lantic 1000 and ask for a Want Ad taker. I’———- - ■■ ■ ■■■ I MERCHANDISE 8t?*p Column .72 EQUITY In 6 R. home for preferred stock In Nebraska Power Co. 8-432 Omaha Bee TWO running horses. Harrigan stock. Un able to rare for. Swap for something of equal value. Address 8-198, Omaha Bee. BLACK and white check sport suit, du vetyn, new, size 36. Coat $98. What have you? Address 8-601, Omaha Be|e. HAVE $500 equity in choice acres. Trade for car or truck. Address 8.817, Omaha Bee. __ FOR ONE OP DRAKE S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2805._ APARTMENTS AND FLATS—$33 to $100. W. J. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8980. Keeline Bldg. FIRST class steam heated apt., $25 per month. Light, gas, water and heat furnished free. 1324 Capitol Ava._ MAPLE COURT—4-room apt., newly dec. crated and refinished, $50 winter. WE. 4945, janitor- _ PARK AVE., 601—For rent, 7-room flat, all modern. MA 1931. _^ BIG morrla chair, good condition, trade. What have you? Address 8-816, Omaha Bee.___ RESIDENCE lot In Muskogee, Okl. What car. 1920 model. S-43*. Omaha Bee. _ TEN trained Mallard decoys for what have you Address 8-193, Omaha Bee. T'ORNET—For sale or exchange for 32x4 tires. S-S32. The Omaha_Bee.____ 1-A-l radio *et for trade. What have you? Address 8-890, Omaha_Bee._ Wanted to Buy ......2? WANTED corn and oats In car lota quote delivered price,. Everett Saunders. Pnvalls muffs, Ark.__ DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. RENTAL_ Apts.. Flats, Furnished . Call Drake's for a Furnished' Apartment Furnished a* you would furnish your own home. $60 to $130. Drake Rental Agency, Fireproof Apartments. JA. 2805. Cor. 17th and Howard. Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment._ TW ENT Y-FT RST, N.t 60* — Two and I room furnished apartments; steam heat; walking distance; near four schools. AT. 7440. THEODORE TERRACE 4-room apt., with extra Murphy bed. $65. 81 Ave and Jackson. HA. 1157, Janitor. *THREE rooms furnished complete; strictly modern, heated, reference. 2012 Chicago Bt. HA. 6626._ ilUNTER INN. AT. 6060—24th and Dodge fits. Home for traveling man and wife t W BN T V -FI FTH AVE.. 117 South—One gnd two-room apartments. JA. 2874. CHICAGO SlT 2116—-2-room furnished ^partment. Strictly modern. _ , Jlpts., Flats, Unfurnished.15 booooooooooooooocoooooooo o ° o PETERS TRUST COMPANT O D "Where Omaha Renta” O D O o I rooms. No. t Klngsborough, >511 O O Dodge street, $f>0-$55. O t, ] rooms. No. 8 Sweetwood. eorn- O O er of Dewey Avenue and Sweet- O O wood Ave. (between 25th Ave. and O O 26th St.) 180 $50. O O 0 rooms. No. 8 Conamora, $.6$ O O California St., $65. O O 4 rooms. No. 10 Troy. 100$ Harney O O St., *147.50. O O 4 rooms, No. It Troy. 100$ Harney O O St., *52.50-67.50. O O ♦ rooms and dining alcove, No. O o 6 Montlcello, 520 South list SL. O O $85. . O O 5 rooms. No. 2 Potter, $3d and O O Farnam Sts., $90. O O O O PETERS TRUST COMPANT., O O O O "Where Omaha Renta. ' O O O O O O AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta. o O O pooooooocOOP0000000900ooo Palmer and Hanscom Apartments teosy Pullman dining room apartment $60; $55 summer; for March 1. Terrace Court I room* with 5-room accommodation; 2 lfurphy beds. $67.50; $57.50 summer. ▼URNISHED 1*7.60. $77.50 summer. Alhambra ledroom apartments In Dundee. $75. Austin and Carberry l room apartment, $80 and $85. FUR BISHED. $105 and $110. (nZY ONE-ROOM APARTMENTS. >37.50 \nd Ho. tALL US WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. Drake Rental Agency, Fireproof Apartmenta. fA. 2805. Cor 17th and Howard. Open Evening* and Sundays by _ Appointment. TURNER COURT 3-room apt . 6-room accommodations. Rullt-ln features; two beds. Opposite psrk and boulevard front apartment. Available March 1 Janitor. HA. 6896. O. M. HAUSER, Manager. <101 Podge flu _ HA. 7140. ST. REOI8 APT. An exceptionally fin® 6-room apt. for sub lease Reduced rental Possession at ones. Call KE. 4125. 1605 Farnam St. O. T HAMER, Atlantic 9960. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apt. In tha Hudson, 207 8. 26th Ave. Walking distance. Call janitor. HA 1720 or JA. 0746. MYERS A RATNBOLT 424 Omaha National ESTABLISHED auto transfer and mov ing business In Omaha. Worth 11,600. Will t&k* let mortgage, residence prop, erty, acreage or what have you? Address 8-843, The Omaha Bee. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS’* AT. 0546. 17th and Farnam e,*e FOUR room apartment in H**nna Tsrraca, 630 Park Ave , possession this month. L. J SETBOLP A EON AT. I THREE rooms with 6 room a>:comraod» tlons, 6019 Underwood Ave., Tel. WA 6925 FOUR-ROOM apartment, steam hesL low rent._CJ. I*, Btebblna._1610 Chicago St. Farm* for Urnt . 76 00 ACRES paature, plow land and alfalfa Jn Bo Omaha on trackage. Maglo City Realty Co. 6002 So. 30th St. Tsl MA. 9900 or JA, 4331._ FARMS to rent, with option to buy. Box N. Broken Bow, Neb. OaragFA and Rama . 77 I'HICAfi'i •' lice, M I A •• Houap*, FiimlaliFd . 78 ooooooooooooobooboobob66 o o o O PVRHTSHBD HOU8B O O O Of Suitable for rooma, 207 North O O 2 VI Street. MB. O C* O a PETRUS TRUST COMPANT O O O O "Where Omaha Renta." O O O O AT. OB44. 17th and Farnam Sts. O O • O oooooooooooooo ooooooooooo ,TA. 4901—Furnished house, all modern, doee In. MB per month. _ wiMj share modern i.oma with eon V**n!el couple. KE. 0B21 Houhm, Unfurnluhrd . 79 thir'+t-thThd *t.~ bisffti<”F— MiIh rl«*>, flr«t floor flv# room*; **cond floor, ■even rooma and sleeping porch. Separate hot water plants. Large basement f*n and MB. Should be Been te be appreciated. Call ownei, WA. 714+ RENTAL Honsra. UnfumiHlieil .79 GOOD 6-room house end garage. 2023 Plerct St. MO per month. Call AT. 027 4 CAPITOL A\e.( 2866; good lor two fam ilies, 10 room Phone JA, 1323._ HA. 3644— Bub|i i ixna, uii n oak finished, large lot. $50. FOR RENT—7-room house, all modern. 2212 N St. CaM MA. 1265._ ^ Offices and Stores .80 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o O Flnt large light room, 4.060 square O O feet, heated ground floor. 210 O O South 13th Street. O O O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY O O O O "Where Omaha Rents." O O o O AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. O O O OOOOOOOO OOO OOOOOOOOOO9OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O Space In Bromley Building. 20g o O South 13th Street. Suitable for O O light manufacturing. O O O o PETERS TRUST COMPANY O Q O O "Where Omaha Rente." O a o O AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. O O O OOOO OO O OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO c» o O Good corner. 45x50, formerly or- O O cuplcd by garage. 3102-4 North O O 2tth Street. O O O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY O o' O O "Where Omaha Rents." O O O O AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ACC*ESSO R Y M E N. Show room and window space with stock room In heart of automobile row_ $75 per m^nth. 2056 Farnam St. AT. 7635. SPACE—Have space for battery man in 200-car garage. CORKIN, 919 Omaha National Bldg., Omaha, Neb. __ j SPACE—Have space for accessory man j where 200 autos will be stored. CORKIN, 919 Omaha Nat. Bank Omaha, Neb. SPACE—Have space for auto painter in ! large garage. CORKIN. 919 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neh. : SPACE—Have space ^Vor top. body and fender man where 200 autos will be stored. CORKIN, 919 Omaha Nat. Bldg , Omaha. Neb. PRIVATE office or desk space. Telephone and stenographic service. 1015-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. __ _ HA. 2071 (Tel »— Desirable room, private family, 3Gth Sr <• n»!4 club. PRIVATE office with telephone and aten ographlc service. <’alj_AT._ 1506. t Rooms, Furnished . 83 ’ ATTENTION. ROOM ADVEHTIS KKS ! I To help you secure “paying guests " for your vacant rooms, we make this of fer: Phone your "Room for Rent" ad to AT lantlc 1000. If you do not r»*nt your j room at the expiration of your order, i tell us about It and we will reinsert your ndvertlaement three more days without ; additional charge. Remember, too, that The Omaha Tie* "Want" Ad rates are the lowest In the city. Get your advertisement started now. Phone AT-Iantlc 1000 and ask for Miss Smith, our "Rooms for Rent" Ad taker. coooooooooooooboooooooobo o o O Double room. No. 21 Alsatian O O apartments, 115 South 35th Street. O O See Janitor. |30. O O > O C TETERS TRUST COMPANY O O ° O "WHERE OMAHA RENTS" O O o O AT. 054 1. 17th and Firnim Sts O O o 0000000000000 ooooooooOOOO boooooooooooooooooooooooo § O o FARNAM ST. 1113, WELI.INQ- O o TON' INN HAS NICELY FIR- O o NISHED ROOMS WITH DE- O ; o TACHED OR PRIVATE HATH AT O O VERY ATTRACTIVE. RATES To O j O PERMANENT GUESTS I">>. f O . o FAIL TO SEE THEM. O 0 O ooooooooooooooccooooooooo ATTRA CT fv E ROO M S. Howard St.. 2021. 7 large, newly decorat ed rooms. ,well furnished. hot sir h-at. electric lights, 6 blks. from 16th and !• ar nun. Just the place you have been look ing for. Re sure to inspect the-., rooms before you locate.___j HA. 4656 (Tel l—Hanacom park district j large front room. In private home, four windows, large closet with mirror door, clean, warm and nicely furnished TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. 516 N.— Nice clean room, modern, •Ic'-tr! • lights, furnace heat. Prefer 2 gentlemen. HA. 2706 __ BEMIS Park. Largo nicely furnished room, private home; with or without garage Btffllf park RsftrtBM, W.\ PAXTON I'orRT. 212. Sunday#—Two j n»-wly furnished sleeting rooms. \\ eck , days call AT. 1280. Girls preferred._ PINKNEY ST . 2705—1 l'ov* iy rooms, fo' j respectable men, private family. J3 50. j WE. 2718.______ I HA. 2370 (Tel )—Tw-» newly furnish' I J rooms, block from Blackston# hotel ga rage.___ 20TJI ST., 207 N. — Desirable front room, business woman, walk, distance. JA- 067*. 2ITH A vie., m R mi for close In; no housekeeping. SIXTEENTH HT~ 2IS4 N. Apt. 'J —Mod ern. furnished rm. J gentlemen AT 79t>l. PLEASANT room for 1 or 2 girls; pri vate home; |3 for 1; 15 for 2 AT 1 4 26. THIRTIETH AYE., 10 31 P—A warm 2 room apartment, to respectable couple FOR 1 or 2 ladles. lovely apartment, bed room, kitchen privileges WA. 244 1. WA. 2575 (Tel.)—Desirable room. In pri vate home, reasonable; close to <*r. LINCOLN BLVD., 26t£- Lorgo h^droom, closet, home privileges WA. 4594 SIXTY fi RST 5t , 1010 S R tm Sir r»nt In new house. WA. 053*._ _ _ _ CLEAN light semi-basement. 2037 Dodge Phono JA. IMT_ IIA. INI <ToL)«—Beautiful fro I floof room for two_ ONE costly furnished room neei < >mahu \ inlverslty, 2 4 4 0_K vans W F. _4 597. LADY'S front room with largo alcove. 1 private Jiome. Park Ave. HA. 6227. rmTxtearn h t * l ! Rooms, Unfurnished ..83 2 SMALL, clean rooms, gas. boat and light. $20 per mo. 1110 S 52d HA. 1926. Itoom* for Himwkrrinfli! 84 ATTENTION FROM AnVKRTfllteU*l To help you secure "paying guest*" for your vacant room*, ve make you this offer: Phone your "Room for Rent" ad to AT lantlo loon If you do not pent your room st the expiration of your order, tell us about It and we will reinsert your «d vertisement three more days without ad. dlttonal charge. Remember, too, that The Omaha Ree “Want" Ad rate* are lire lowest In the city. (let your advertisement started now. Phone AT-lantle JftOO and isk for Mine Hrnlth, our "Rooms for Rent" Ad tulur. ooooo060000006000600OOOOO O O O March 1 we will havs a thr«" ruofn C O furnJahsi apartment In the Sweat O O wood, located at Dewey and O O Hweetwood Avenue, between 25th O O Avenue end 26th Street. O O O O PKTBRH TRUST COMPANT O O O O "Where Omaha Renta" O O O O AT Ob44. 17th snd Ksrnam Sts. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ONK-RCXIM apartment, furnished com plete for housekeeping. Ifanscom Park dls. trlct. On car line, reasonable IIA 42*6. WE 2471 (Tel >—One large modern front room, kitchenette, clothes c|oaot and pantry. Kut'nlahed for housekeeping 11 OTIC I < NKVIDLF. william Koenig. Mgr. 107 North 16th street AT. 1164 | RENTAL Knonis for Housekeeping . HI EXTRA large modern housekeeping room; everything furnished; electric washer; walking distance. HA. 1616. _ Ling rooms and kltrh*»n modern, private home. Ev erything furnished; no children. rifoWN POINT Room and kitchenette. Miller park; employed couple._KE. 4930. 2022 ST MARI AVE Two connecting rooms; good heat, no children. AT. 4071. thi rt i f i na p st . ; housekeeping suite, second floor. HA. 7116. EIGHTEENTH ST., S1 1 housekeeping rooms, newly fixed ujr_ B1 two back. $7; bath floor •U2I N. 24th Sr. Large room and kitchen, furnished; strictly modern; $7.50 WE. 6772 (Tel.) — 3 nice rms, closet and pantry, mod. $8.75 wk Private entrance. DODGE ' I heated Where to Stop in Omaha . 87 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HKN8RAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. ) REAL ESTATE Acreage Property . H8 A REAL BARGAIN. Ufa! S-acre lilac-, toot Improvement*, adapted for a feed yard. Land sloping east direct to U. P. tracks. 2 ml. south of South Omaha. Call A. C. Kyargaard, MA. 1783-FI._ ___ 2 ACRES—With new bUB*alew, Ferry St., 21.000 rash, balance *42 per mo barijaln. E,. Go Gangestad & Sens, 730 World-Herald Bid* JA. »*<< gjx acres; BBLj EVUF.—City water and electricity Sell or separate at 4830 per. E, Go Gangestad & S?ns» ■ I |g IN lilt Business Property .i_5? "fflGH-CLASS, FIREPROOF APARTMENT IDEAL INVESTMENT A comparatively new brick building con siKtlng of twelve 5-room apartments. The \ building has a tHf root, flaxlioum Insu lation, metal weather stripping on all windows an-1 doors; fireplaces, bookcases, time clock for hail lights; Dunham vapor heating system and many other features; extremely low operating expense; corner lot. 76x140 fet. Call Mr. Huston, 1IA. 4762, for further detail*. A, P, TUSCEY & SON, |20 Flrst Vat Dank__Jackson 4223. Farms anil Ranches . W , CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. | Your big opportunity. In central Alberta j and Saskatchewan ar* rich open prairies I ready for the plow and park lands inter- j speraed with trees, affording shelter for stock. Grain growing, dairying, and live stock raising nre carried on successfully. The Canadian Pacific Is offering these fer tile landa tn Lloydminster and Battleford districts where now are homes of thou* •lands of prosperous farmers. Here Is grown the world s i rlxe wheat snd oats. Fanners soon become Independent on these lands. Average price, $ 1H per acre. Terms und-r settlement conditions requiring o« - cupation and reasonable Improvements, 10 per cent down, next principal payment end of 4th year, interest firs*. 2 years 2 per cent p-r annum, balance at 4 per , cent and 16 equal annual payments. M. ( i;. Thornton, Supt. of Colonization. Can adian Pacific railway. 920 1st Straet, E. Calgary, Ajberta._ NEBRASKA—5,000-acre ranch In central Nebraska and about 350 head of cattle, over 100 head of hogs and about 76 head of horses, all farm machinery, Implements, wagons, harness and saddles. Will sell this land and livestock with a payment <»f 115 000 or $20,000 down and give a long time on balance at a low rat* of Interest. Might sell livestock and p#rs«>nal property and !*as« th*1 land for f:v* yearn This ran. h has all good hay land on It n ea.sry *o take . arc nf *00 to 1.000 head ..f rattle. plenty of farm land and pic ture. Not Interested In any trade. for mortgaged proparty. A. F. Brigham. Owner, Kearney, Neb.___ MISSOURI—Productive ttlawarl land, tl 00 p-r err.. 40 ftrrf. 1140, r r 20 acre.. 190 Jio rash, 14 nr 110 monthly. Three mil.a good rallrnad town Sl*t»en fruit tr.-, a 30 wrap.. TOO atrawbarrl.a, Perfr. t title warranty deed. • p-r cent dtarnunl f,,r all raeh. Healthful, pure water. , Plenty same Willis R Monger, »0» I. , Baltimore Ave , Kanaaa City. Mo._ ORANGE AND GRAPE l RI'IT BANDS | Barg- nr email a-reagee. For thr-e year. nn« man ha« averag-l II.'00 r ,-r arre I Ark about donation of four 20-arre trarta j to parti re who will put In orang- grove | Immigration Department. S. A. * A. I . Ry . Sun Antonio. T*x. NKIUIAFKA—Th* r; ftlest small farm. r . acres, around Omaha, for *«!* nt a big sacrifice; num> rous Improvements, su't sble for general farming or stock feeding: an Ideal horn*, close In; no trades A bargain. Let rr.* show you. Orln S Merrill MA 1746-F1. ___ TU'i I •• - I I, A f • I'l'it \ !:1 •' \ SH and $2 yearly f<>r 19 yars *'*• fin* un improved black loam land Will Improve if desired Farm Department. F. A. Ar A. I* i'.- , Ban Antopjo Tax . _ BOMB PAROAtNS. 4 000 bred ewes; oil len**s. two section* farm land: good mm ranch: good »he*P ranch. Addutaa W. O. Ikjgan, Douglae, IVyo._ __-_ MISSOURI—Fnr aale. fine poultry ranch, five acre good bulldlnaa. modern rMrken hone- No trader Write Mr, It • Fletcher, P.oute >, Welt l’lalita, Mo. Ozarke_.__ RASKA—till* ca,h and •**••*•* month Without Intereet will »»uy farm, good .old. pure water HIM' acre. Wrtta IV T. Toung. Jr.. Kimball. Neb._ ■ — n.ORIDA—] 9-acrt fruit-poultry fn^n'* rear ,1a. kaonvtlle 120 down, amall month ly payment! Thr«. crop. ye«rly. Booki let ftea. Ja* Height. Co. Jackaonvltla. Fla.______ MISSOURI farm •'*r**,lr.',,.,5Jh *cr*J proved; four mll-a ' htlllcothe. A. I WagltltCherry »■ • ■>»«■ M» Loti for Rale .. This Is Probably the Very pest Building .Site In Happy Hollow Considering Sire and Price. A* any rata It’e th«* beef w« have offer In thla dl*trp-t. It I* 94x12* on a • orner fating **at and tout b. level, with a aantla atop* weatward. *n<l pneaeaalng | every advantage for lamia* ap ing. _ V«, » ran afand on th » alia ano throw atone* on hon> a In every direction worth 116,00° Whllat the price ah<>ul*1 be a eimll r onalde ration In Reletting »u< h g dc-tlroblf bome-Rltr, we quote If,—relurtantlq. berauae It a worth more, at I4.7r.0. with Mil eperlale 1 ««»d \rr*ng* for purchaae with Mm tf°r. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, JA. <t>7« 229 K„1ln» niA* (Clip) This Ad Good for $1© And we will apply m down pay ment on one of the** beautiful Iota In tbe northweat pert of the • Ity c loa»» to Fontenalle Ttoule vard. acho(H and atnrea and In a location that la rapidly building UP- File 60*110, bn'ano* payable 96 per month. Price* 9296 *«* 9706 Thla la a *j.».<|at off »r and only a f* w can be handled on thla plan. The Byron Reed Company, 3A. 2111 1912 Fnrnam *t. !._.___-_ REAL ESTATE -— —• l I.of* for Sale . DUNDEE LOT BARGAIN, $95® Located on Lafayette avenue between 50th and 6ht street*. South front, f>0xl06; has city water, gaa and sidewalk In street. Terms. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., REALTORS. JA. 601S 1802 Dodge St. Bungalow Lets In Green’ea The Addition Beautiul Beautiful sightly addition In West Dundee F»istrlct overlooking Happy Hollow and Kim wood park. All improvements are | paid for. excepting paving and curbing, which will be put in this spring. Price* are extremely low ff you appreciate * beautiful view, attractive surroundings, , large lote. you will follow the crowd. J^uy In (Jrennelea. Tfee Byron Reed Company, JA. 2911. 1612 Faraem St. Dundee Corner Lot ttys? Be Sold * Here Is the heat buy that haa ever been off. rod in the Dundee dlitrlct. Two block* to th« Dundee school. Convenient to car line and surrounded by aome of the best horn'-- Special tax**a paid In full. Lot 100x135 feet. Here la a bargain for aome body. Georgs ^Company, Realtors, AT. 3024 Apartment Site Located on N W corner of Park Ave. and Woolworth. 100x1 r,0. This Is an Ideal cor ner for an apartment, duplex houses or store; 15<» fe- t fr .nfage on Woolworth Ave.. facit-g Hanacom park. The prlc# quoted is Just $2,»*f*o below actual value. Are you Intereatcd? If ao, make me an offer. C, A, Grimmel, REALTOR. Omaha Nat’i Rk. Bldg. Phona JA. 1615. TWO nlca laying aouth front vacant lota. e»ch 60x13^ with sewer, water and per manent Bid^walk nn Decatur Street; Juat west of 38th at $400 each. Lot 50x124. on If 1 »t Street, closa to Pprajfue, for $750 L -f cri Sherman Avenue, near Ohio Street, 86x17 >, double frontage for 13.750 W. H. OATES 647 Om. Natl Bank Bldg JA. 3 2J4. YAUAnT LOT Southwest corner 84th and Davenport. On* of tha r*«' denial < orner lots, !n tho city S •• Priced for qutjk I sal* 81 750 T^' a real pood purchase. I H, A, ~ :lf Company, A I.TORS 5t2 y i . ■ *-Kennedy Rldf. AT. 316b. YlV THB OWNKH. N'tnn or more east front Jots on Font*- I n»!> Rlvd Wa’er, ari^t paa In All to a builder or aem« ora who wants a | building lot for a home Will consider . lino down rind monthly payments on any on a lot. WA. 5 3 44 . _ SKE THI8 KOT. located on ?*th Ave . between Fowler and I.arlmore lot 34 by 112 feet, e-nst front. 2 block* from car line cindered alley. A wonderful buy for $ * f 0 < aah. Owner sell ing Ki: 2163 _ _^ ‘i St., Dundee district. ▲ • | E, G. Gangestad & Gens, 44 I *ar Far nnm. choir* jot; owner will consider rasa nnabla offer C. A Orlmmal JA 1618 WII.L build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Fdg<-w.,od. very easy terms __ I Fatale—Central . 93 Must 6e Sold yiuDcdgeSt. Beautiful large bon •* on fin* south front lot 75*135 Oak and mahogany | finish; 3 lu vat or:*-*, shower hath, eleap- , In* porch. K«*y terms HA. 1281. I IIm; call WE. Ktl. I Thia new modern home with ona or fir# acre* of choice ground located at 7§th and Dodge Sta.. In Beverly If Ilia* reetrietad dlatrlrt for aale. f.'.OOO cash. Balance, lertni, Owner P17 W, O. W. Illdg. Ve CoMeiNf. tut 5e*victi or AROflTECT‘tN6INE!R.-Bl)ILDEL T. H.AUENNF2 CO. i b o i w o e. » | AT. IIZI «* 5!A OMAHA lilAM Sl Is your car standing out in the weather? Am you paying garage rent? Hither way it's a poor invest ment for you. We ran erect n complete garage on your prop erty at a price that will surprise you at its cheapness. (loot! ma terial and workmanship. Ask for salesman to call and give you a figure. MORRISON Lumber & Coal Co. Phone WE fester BB6I 22d and Paul Sts., Omsha, Net). REAL ESTATE. -— --- i Rial Estate—Pimiii . ... 95 Open Today 2:3® to 5 P. FL for Your Inspection 5109 Uunderwood Ave. $11,75® on Terms MIGHT TAKE A SMALLER HOUSE OR GOOD LOT ON THIS On# nf th# moat substantially built and complete homes in Dundee. Frame con* #truction. Consist# of large living room, dining room, kitchen, reception hall, cloak room, butler # pantry, b »♦ box room and screened sun porch on first floor; four excellent bedrooms with large clothes pr<-»B In each and sleeping porch on aec-! ond floor; maid's room nicely finished on third floor Floors oak downstair# except ; kitchen and maple on second floor. Beau- , tlful oak finish first floor except dining, roam In mahoganpy stained birch and kitchen In birch. Finished In blnh second floor. Splendid full cemented basement with brick foundation. Hot water heat ing plant. Metal weather stripping, storm windows, screens complete and necessary awnings Lot 50x12*. Paving In street! and alley Is pal 1 Built In 1S#14. 1 h*-re | 1# real value and construction In this house. Reasonably priced at 11 1,750 wl'h about 13.000 cash and 1*0 per month. In eluding Interest. Possession March 1 if d.-sired. We have floor plans for your conv enlence. Come out this afternoon and Inspect the property or by appointment during the week. CALL MR GILBERT E, H. Benner Co,, 40* Keeline Bllg JA. 6664. Sundays and Evenings, HA. 660*. Dundee Bungalow Near E2d. on t'apitol Ave., 6 rooms, strictly modern, fireplace and built In features. Priced to aril. Dundee Heme 6108 Izard St. Seven rooms and sunroom. large living room with fireplace, oak and white enamel finish, oil burner. double garage, h'-ated. Dandy house . and priced below cost of repro duction. New Dundee Brick 1568 Jackson. Six-room, large living room, fire place. dining room, kitchen with built-in feature* and breakfast nook; 3 nice large bedrooms, tile j bath. 2-car garage, tile roof, south front; everything up to the min ute. Cannot he duplicated today for price asked. Sc- this today. Dundee Heme 600 8 California. Seven-room. large living room with fireplace, built-in features In din ing room and kitchen; on large lob Priced to sell. W. Farnam Smith & Cc., REALTORS. 1320 Famam St. JA. 0664. WA. 2874 Nearly New Dundee Bungalow Price $$,530-~$l,00G Cash And balance 140 per month. Use s'x rooms, consist!** of living room, dining room sun room a'l finished In oak; two bedrooms and bath finished in white ename!. »>ak floors, built-in cabinets In kitchen: full cement basement, guranteed furnace, laundry con nection. etc House Is in dandy condition; has full set-of screens, storm windows, plenty of shrub. l»ery. Two blocks to Dundee car line, and Is a real buy at the above price. The Byron Reel Ccmpan, JA. 2911. 1412 Famam street. Price Cut to $6,350 A Gocd Bungalow On 44th St., corn-r lot, large yard, both streets paved Hast front nice 5-room s '•ralfstnne bungalow, beautiful oak finish and floor* Built-In h*»ok cu/s and kitchen cat nets,, nb# attic and the f1 r.»«t j basement you can imagine Good sir-, well built garage. Must sell this week Owne- I leaving rlty. T-rms |t !,«4 ri*h See 1t at 474 No 48th S' v ay, .ntroent or phont and w« will call fo' ' • u # D, E. Buck St Cc,, Rectors, 74? Oma. Nat Bk. JA. 1908. Sunday: I.ougren. JA. riO4; Gilbert. WA. (IN. Muck, KK 2*14 RESULTS[ 6 HOUS E S SOLI) I i THIS WEEK. FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH A SUCCESS FUL COMPANY. ! Payne Investment Co. REALTORS 537 Omaha Nat. Bank AT 5960 Special Inducements 47th arid Seward — Brand new 5-room bungalow, strict ly modern, tile hath; lot 60x 150; fruit nnd shade; cement walks. Price $4,250; $500 cash, $40 per month; may bo less. 28th nnd F Sts $300 cash. $20 per month, buys dandy 5-room home; electric lights, gas, water, sewer in street; lot 25x140; fine shnde trees. Price $1,750. Near 17th and Vinton $300 cash, $20 per month, sc cures fine 6-room home; elec trie lights, gas water, sewer; 2-car garnge; lot 25x140. Price $2,800. 50th and Poppleton Sub stantial 6‘room; electric light, gas, furnace, well; big lot with fruit ayd shade. Pribe $2,900, $500 cash. 49th nnd Gretchen 6-room house, electric light*, furnace, well, sewer in street. Price $2,900, $500 cash. Chas.W.Young&Son 1602 City Nat. Bit. Bid*. AT 9608 HA 8051 Mr. Gidley, Black 4342 Mr. I.yon, HA 2487 REAL ESTATE* K*>al Kslatr—Dunilrr .9.'> Beautiful Lockwood Home A brand new < room home con sisting of long living room with fireplace; dining room and kitchen with hull*-In cabinet* and break/ast nook, three dandy cor ner bedroom* and til* bath: oak and pine finish with oak floors throughout, weather rtrlpped win dows, full basement with Torrid /.one furnace; two-car garage with cement drive For further information call John Pedcraen, WA. 6058. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, JA. 074 328 Keellne Bldg. Dundee, $12,530 530! Cuming St. This house has an enormous* living room with log fireplace and bookcase* Good sized dining room, glassed jri *Un por< h on the ea«f Four good beedrooms bath and very large sleeping porch upstairs. Good attic. Full cement baeement Ex cellent laundry convenience* Located on a very desirable street and handy to street car. T About $3,600 c*jBh will handle. Owner desire* immediate sale. Call us for Inspection. George & Company, Realtors. _ AT 8024. _ _ The Drews Dundee-Heights Lot 62*4*125 feet, on Mth St. between Far nam and Howard. Bee;fui v:c v overlooking Elm wood park. Owner will sell at " H. H,, _Phone HA. f»65» or JA 216L_ B C NI > E E COM INI AT. Brick construction. $13,500. GEORGE * CO. Realtor*. AT 3024._ Real Estate—Florence ...(.9*i NKTHAW4Y ‘borne agent' apecialia* 1n north end proper*y_j \\ hit ea only >._K E. 1401. R*al Estate—.Minrelianmas .97 _THREE HEW HOMES New and ne\er perupied must be reen to be appreciated; 4171 Chicago Street. 6 large r<*oma. built-in features wall plug* In all room*, breakfast nook, clear oak floors and finish. I* 150 Terms 83€3 North 27th A\e—Five room* built in feature* and breakfast nook. 1750 rash, balance monthly. 25‘S Ida Street. 5 large room*. living room 13*17, fireplace, breakfast nook, garage and dlivgway. lot €'.*120, 11.281 rath, balance monthly You must »e«* the«» home* to appreciate them a* they were all built by day labor, using the be*t material* Sun-lay, call JA. “"bEKSGN & GARRETT, 414 Arthur Hidg AT »«4I. DO YOU WANT A HOME We have money on hand t . build 75 to 100 homes thi* year and will completely finance and build yon a home If you own a clear lot. letting you pay for tt like rent. We ha\«* the best financing plan for home building In Omaha, and our price* are right We guarantee every home we build, furnishing complete plana and spec ificationa free. Our aa!e»man will gladly call and glva you a complete Information. Give u» a chance to figure your plan*. H. HERRON LOAN' AND INVESTMENT ' COMPANY. 2412 Arne* HE 1210 Evening* - ail Mr R-»m»« KE. l*0f. Mr Calvert HA 617*: Mr Herron. KB 0*4* ir rooms partly modern full lot, ease term* 11.201 Have, oth-ra 8tewart. Ralston 10-W Investment Properties 616-618 S. 17th St.—This prop erty is sn ideal location for garage on account of hawing two frontage* Improvement# consist of a double flat. Present income $1,200 per year. Lot 50*185 feet. Priced to sell. Located on 15th St.. Juat south of Jackson St. Lot 50*80 ft. Two houses converted into seven small apartments Incoms $235 per month. Pries $14,000 Located 18th St., just south of Jackson St. Lot 50*124 ft., 12 room house finished in oak through out. Income $300 per month. Price $17,000 707-9-11 South 16th St.—T»o story and basement, modern brick building. Located on lot 66\M ft Incoms $7,620 per year. March 1 this income will He increased to $7,740 per year. TV:cs $60,000— terms. With the new street im provements Juat finished in this district and with the new building being erected at 16th and Howard streets, property in this locality is sure to advance in price. For detail information regarding above p»-©p* erties, call George & Co. REALTORS AT Unit. 9024 Dundee Homes Priced to Sell |7,75©—7 room*, quarter nvr <>ak finish lit. 4 bedrooms garage full lot; paved alley: good term*. f 8,500—© large room*. 3 bedroom* fine condition, high, eightly, leva! front comer lot 71 ft. vide, con venient to ear line. |9,50o 7 rooi#r 2 stories. oak and birch finish, fireplace, beamed ceilings, sleeping porch, etc., newlr decorated, encellent condition, comer lot. one Mock to car. flood homes at these pricee diff cult to secure in Fundee. Dundee Lot Bargain Hast front, near Karnam. specials alt paid. Price reduced to f?.lOQ for immediate acceptance. Must he • old. want offer. Minne Lusa Semi-Bungalow CAKKFUI I Y DKSKiNKP, WK1.I. Ill'll.T, ARTISTICALLY DUO MATED AND A SPLENDID LOCA TIUN A home you will be proud to call your own and has real value at the price; fireplace, tile bath and tots of special feature*, garage and drive. If you ere really particular about style and quality make ar rangement* to see this. One-fourth ca.h. Trice $7,450. Burt C. Fowler Co., REALTORS JA I4M 1120 City Nad Rk PM*. Sunday rail \VA US#! ; J A Utl. KK K’SVI | REAL ESTATE ■ ■ !{<•»! Kutafe—Miscfllaneoim .97 .oooboooooooooooooooood Cathedra! District ° ; O lAth and California A new brick O : O and atone house built by day labor. O O Nothing but the finest of selected O O materials. Eight rooms. Center O O hallway, fine sunroom, beautiful O O floor* find finish, four bedrooms, O | O vapor beat. Thi* home haa every- o O thing you could u h for. Loca- O [O tion la the best; high and sightly. O ! O There Ik no better built home m O ; O the city. Cost $25,000 to build O O Owner says sell. We want you to O I O a^e It and make an offer. O ® South Side ® O Just off Deer Park Blvd A fine O O brick home, large living room w;*h O O elegant fireplace and built-in book* O O oaaea; beamed • eijlngs, paneled O O dining room, finished In beautiful O O o uarter-sawed white oak and O O floors birch finish In kitchen and O O pantry; fine veaHbule on first O O fioor; three f re bedroom* *nd bath O O finished In bl-ch on n*■'ond floor O O Two fine rooms on third floor. Full O O burner-,> t.f th toilet and *hower; O I O fruit room and elegant billiard O . O room; hot water heat. Elegant o | o ' "ment porch on two tides of O O house. One car garage. O ; Q Sunday* ra;j Mr. Holaington, Ken- O i o w'.od 3472; Mr. hrad*r, Kenwood O I O 5370. or Mr. Langfellner, Kenwood O I O 2*32. O ® Czas, W, Martin & Ce„ ® | ® Realtars t O 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. o O Atlantic 0117. O O /' O , r^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I — A Well-Built 6-Room House lr Wearae Park On corner lot with south snd east exponur^i. Haa garage with cemen* driveway. This house 1* priced right and can be bought on terma Call E. A. Undeland. WA. 4540. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, JA. 5074. 32* Keellne Building SIX ROOM BENSON HOME. *7 00 DOWN Frame and kellaetone two *tory, In fitj# condition. Large living room. Thre* bedroom*, and bath up Strictly modern. Paved street Price $3 500. Call Peder. sen, HA 74*2 REAL ESTATE I Krai Kstatr—MiacdlanrotW ■ — V Let us irD d ■>'■< r.n. • our„.0,.l home; complete bulldln* witn »• *,,jr KW'JITABI.B TP.LVT < • MPANT. HU Doutjaa M It KA I.T'elth VI .**( PERHONaL an... I -me ‘'“lid-r «;« conotroctlon and prl<-<-«. .Satlofactttd ran teed. Campbell, &3i Kee.iu** • >1 AV. 804*._____ A L. BAKU THOMAS & »■». • > . Baal < Beal K-tit*—North . Ooooooooooooooooooooooooc Nifty Btmgalaw o ° o Now under construction. Fivu ° O dandy rooms, attic and full ' e- C O noented basement; wall built w«N G O arranged and finely finished. O O paved at rest. close to £ O school. Excellent value at $5.1 9. O O Terms. Sunday call Grant Ben- O O iod, Walnut 151®. ~ ? Benson & Carmichael, % i o ° 1 o €42 Paxton Block. Atlantic 1549. O O ^ ooooooooooooooooooooooooc An Attractive Hew Home—$3;93<J $50® Cash f 127 North 28th St. 4 rooms: modern. Living room af ro.*i the fronL 8unrr*om. Breakrast room. Walks will be put 1* soon hm fro*t la out. tjnday or evenln call KE. 5424. Hasting & Eeyden, ^ P. EALTORS. HH Harrey _AT nof The Heme f:r the Fastidious on Lafayette Are !n Montclair district. 8-rooms, south exposure, beautiful shrub* and terraced lawn: screened porch: 4 sleeping r' r: • and sleeping porch; best ir* system that cost owner over 11.009; the very la?*** and b»st of plumbing; oak and bireh finish; bulit-ln features. Let us show you through this house. American Mt?. & Fin, Co„ 411 Brands!* Theater Bldr There AT. £»11 or AT. fill. MONEY TO LOAN on first and second mortgages on improved city real estate. We buy outright for cash existing second mortgages and land contracts. Prompt action. H. A. Wolf Company 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT lantic 3160 Responsibility Integrity Skill BENSON & GARRETT SPECIALIZING in financing, design and construction of Homes and Duplexes. 414 Arthur Bldg. Telephone AT 9640 OMAHA, NEB. FOR RENT Three story and basement concrete, fireproof building, situated in the heart of the wholesale district. Sprinkler system, trackage, concrete loading platform, electric elevator. At 2051 Famam St., the most *up-to-date retail store in Omaha. Best lighted, best ventilated building in town. Full concrete basement, service elevator, etc. MARK J. COAD Tel. AT lantic 1330. 720 1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg. IT’S EASY TO OWN THIS DUPLEX i Choice location in West Famam District New property, desirable tenants at $150 per month. Makes a good rental property or combination home and investment. Price. $14,250; $2,750 cash, balance same as rent Arrange for inspection. Glover & Spain Realtors JA ckson 2850 918-20 City National