The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1923, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 19

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    Ski Along the Road to Results With the Aid of Omaha Bee "Want” Ads
' 'TO
. /->-i 4?^
Index to Want Ads
lur :il \ a alts 1
< uni of Thanks . 2
•i».r: i i ie*, Monuments . 3
* Flu;i:.ts . 4
Inn rnl Director* . 8 Notice* . b
Future FvctltH . 7
Dost niul Found . ft
Notice* . ft
Personals . lft
Auto Accessories, Tires . 11
Auto Agencies . 12
Autos For Hal*.13
Autos t«* Hxcliange. 14
A ltos \\ anted . 1&
Oarage*—Rep iring . 1ft
Moturej ole**, Bicycles . 17
Service Stations . 1ft
Taxi—I.l very 1ft
Ti ticks, Tractors. 20
Arc • n ri -.tins . 21
Builder*. Contractors . 22
Hanoirv*? Academies . 23
Det-’c.. v ■ . t ies .21 Builder* .25
Moxlng. M 1 age . *J3
Milllm r-, Hn ' *,1. kcr* . 27
Painting. roper ins .2H
Patent %fto-r v* . 2ft
Jtmhik ; !;.’-iiing.30A
Plmtu^rai; iter* ..30
Print.!*, Fnjmver* . 31
Pr<ifes«.|.»iml Services . 32
Kcpa.; ins: 33
S*er\ ices Offered . 31
Tailoring. Pressing . 33
Wanted—IJus in r*s Service .30
Business C’odeges . 37
<*uriv*pon«l©nt e C ourses .
(general Instruction . • B
Musical, Dancing, Dramatic . 4;»
Trad© Schools .4f
Wanted—Instruction 42
Employment Ag^ncic* . 43
Hein Wanted— l « male . 4 1
Help W anted—>1 le 4.»
Kelp—>!.>’•• or Female .4c»
Agents, Salesmen .47
Si! u t i r w \ tinlul—1 emale . 4H
Situations Wanted—Male ••••4ft
Business op:»»»rtun!t:rs J”
I \t-strut nts ft;
Fi>an* on Heal Dilute.
Money to I-en «•*
Wanted to Bi rrnw
1)0*1. Cat., Bird*. Pet,.**
ltorie., CnTtlr, Vi 1'irlr*. “«
t'oiiltry and ftuuph-a . ■•■ «*
Banted—Eire v.orU o’1
Ituildinc |Inti- i i .
nothing i::vi Furs "
Furl ni»<! I ced JJ
i.nod Things t * . L•
Household i.o; ds . " ‘
J'v.etry end Watches . .. .
Mnrh’nery end Tools .’
Mlsrellati *oiM . "J Ifnl ui enti .
Radio Hr«i Supplies .
Heeds. 1-lautv. !>rti!l**ra .
Store and Office Equipment . J1’
St4>r# specials .
Swap ( olumn • ■ j *
Wanted to Buy.**
jySNTAL department.
Flat., I '.bed . 2?
Apts.. I lots, t nfurnished .^
Farm* for Rent .... .
Oarage* mid Darns ... *'
House*. I ii nlshed . ^
ll uscs, 1. f a: nlshed • sn
Office* uml * tore* . ®
Krom and IV >*'d . ,
Room*. Fum"“bed *.
Ki mud . InfurulshiMl .
H.toms for Housekeeping
Wanted t*> Kent .J*
Where t4» Fat L,
Where to Stop In Omaha n*
heal estate department.
terraProperty .' •' f *
Itu.inraa Property .. „,
]■ arini nn 1 llnliche. .Jj
Ixid fur bale. J,,
Real litate— .f
ll*‘HI l>Utr—Central . '.
Keal Xetnlr—Cimnrll Bluff. I!
Keal lletat.—Dundee .
Beal Ketntf—llorener . •
Keal Fntate Mlreetlanro le • ’ '
Beal Eetatrv— .North .
He i,l Relate—South
Boat Eatnte—We.t in
Keal I>t»to— E.rtt.njr '
Beal I state—Wanted
Realtors ..j
TraeUnite Prop--!.
^Wirie per line each day. 1 — •
> 2e per line ea-h day, ^ t* r -.iv,.
iSe per line rath day. 7 de- ■ ' '»»««.
The above rate, apyly era * 1
Want Ad. which are <-r or- ■■ t»rmed
"rubllc want ,” and do not ir .ode rdv r
ti.ement. of individual, or eoneorn. adver or evpioitina -hoir
Til E OM AH \ T'.FK r> »iv«< »h. rntht t .
Iei'«n«te what con.t' u '
Want Ad. accepted n fallowing
office*: _ o,a
Main office . ... IT.. 8 ■
8onth Omaha ,N V.' r- " ud N It
Council I) luff.. >> aeott St
AT Inn* ’ iO 1 •
■ r:enced “Wat 1 ' ' wl!,'
r ir ad and a bill I mailed later
Ih. rate, o'uil.d • • apoly to e.'hvr
r*/-* or 4-t h op:
i v' F i' * ion .D :40 a. m
nlng Edition. .. . .. •p- m
day Edition.» P- Saturday
he-- rat", apply to Th. Sunday Iter
I! a« t.. The M rn n* and Evemna
I All we day adv rtl.ement. appear
to'h mort inu and evening edition, at
I trial VrtflN ...».. .. J
i tTnT’1 1Vt'. t-nuir**. «*•* demonstration
fsrtorv. Automatic Healing Conereta
} irl'iI Vault. In* *t upon you*’ under*
i -t u« r o.mst in ■ tli-r Kvery vault atamp
, v ■. n 1< r r . r>.* on lid. Manufactured
, • i v tr* <u j, i Concrete Burial Vault
< nr I# rlr.H, M<inimnnfA~.• • • • 3
North of City Limit*.
All rev nu*» f'*r perpetual enr** sml itn
rnsnt ■ * *f f i< * s at < . metery and
' n 11 • . I
I Inrlftt* . 4
IF I ■
, , , . I |.-«| II - III .» A
1. ||i,NLlillfiUN, 1^07 Faritum. JA 11168
Funeral Directors .>.. 6
Undertnkt*ia and hmb<ilr.T*r».
I’hone 11A * r • oftfr j • i 11 Fa mam.
Fo J. STACK lb COt,
Orjuiha's bert • r. «J •-rt-tUt m** iHiirru nt
a{!i!w AMBULANCE lira
_Thirty-third and Farnam.
Crane- fflortuary Co.,
Sou’ll 2*1 h Sf AT 3‘.V3 and AT 3690
I 'od|fe r t 24th, Funeral Director*. JA. 3901.
Fun-T'! Dir* • tor*. 2 .’4 I’umirnj JA. 1226
i'uneral Notices . 6
lEIDER Fred, I ■ . «
| f ged 50 years, 11 months. He Is sur
vived l»y hi* wife, fa the- and mother,
: Mr. and Mrs C. M. Schneider, of Omaha.
•n d one brother. Albert I).. of Kansas
! City, Mo.
Funernt «ervires will be b«ld from family
I r .'idt-nro. .’■too Florence boulevard. Mon*
■1 t; .^February 2tl. s.t 2:30 p. ui Interment
! - • . e,m Lawn cemetery.
Lost and F Minn . 8
T KL E PH O N k"aT t7.\ NTIC 1000.
oril dirfsto your "Want' Ad to The
| <>n '.aha Bee. La h advertisement will re
(■ .ve prompt find careful attention.
LOST—I’up. small, with ruriy white hair.
Last se**n at, 4017 Hamilton. Reward. Cull
WA. 0355 ;
L * 19 511 BAG— Lost, containing mon
eLiberal reward. Call AT 7100.
! WMb. CALL V .\. 1737. _ i
X o tires . 9
M w. X
The Foresters *. f B. & M ramp No ,
045 will give a f ee dance Monday even- [
ice. Feb 2fi, at Swedish Auditorium, Hit j
Chicago St. All .modem Woodmen and j
frknds are cordially Invited
_( h ■: •
A TT E NT ION M VST K’~ W OI i K ! It 9. j
Noti- e « hang** of hall All meni’> ri* sre
required to be present at regular rnoetln*
March 1. A O. i W hall. 14th and
i odge Bu«tner<« of ImooMsnce pv. 'r*sh
'• -ts to l»e *erv»id. By th ■ order of Wm.
I' n*m. Prefect; Jnhannna SfrPnn, Sec.
1/ruld hall, 24th and A me*. ’
' I n !e for dances, club and lodre meot
s. Pine floor. Call KK. 01H.
P.r-scnn’j . 10
- . V » - ■?., o < -> *
fb AHA — It alilng Christmas acqualn.
te. Spring vu itlon soon Leaving
* rrv » for Cedar Replds at noon Thursday,
f i 2° Returning Easter, leave Cedar
} * 4:40 p m ApsW'er 1 >e* M.
"r -—"l»ea Moines"
' - '
is ■. ur old clothing, furniture, maga
'Of collect. W# distribute Phon**
' \ *135 and our #agon will call Cab
• > • r,ur newf' home. 1113 1112-111 *
.* street. ___
•ii *.not get letter to you He will
i them fill R R. Important.
• ’ V!' b * A I, historical masque t«. t X« *
for pi, » and parties, at Lleben’s. Omaha
VlltOK I' I Saif . . lS
C "Bing for SLrage Charges
Here's Y:ur Opportcnlty
.5 New Allis Chalmer s Tract *
w.:H IjIowh
8 *vt n-PMsaenger Auburn Tout ing
< a”*.
1 Closed Truck Body
1 Panel Truck Body
1 f'Waed Cab
1 Canopy Yru' k * !>•>
» M F Touring far
F*' »Hl>S ANI > L>0UUILSi.
Oh, Eoy! Don't Miss This
8*>.» the a bo ve at the warehouse
•Bekins Omaha* Van &
Sixteenth and Leavenworth
NKW AND t Nf ii . WIH AT A ItAltUAlN
Ford cart and truck*. 160 and up. Kurd
> odlea and w'mar topa t an aold on
•arms to reliable parties
Cantral Garage. Upeu L>gy and Night
till Harney Sfreat J A 248a
• o.MU bargains In uaad Ford*, prompt
delivery of new Korda
mcakfrky motor CO.
The Handy Ford Hervloa fp.itIon.
IMh and Jackson Sts AT 7711
er ins
Authorized K' id and Lincoln Oesltrs
20th and Ames Ave KB 0148
roll SALK— 57 doubb- letter Cadillac Vic
torbi. -Mv. ri 20,000 mil* *. will ac cept Ford
* oupn |500 cash and balance In 2 years.
HA. 4997._ _ _ _ ___
T.'fUCP ”• «cs that can he us'd
1 Howard >»t 18th At 1770.
, r i » 1
UH-d parts 'C half price. Nc|>. Auto
1 ■ _
O N. Itunney Motor Co.,
26f»4 Karriam _ |
\ ’
i «hapc. guod Urea, cheap t rill IW/nk loifi,
j Council Bluff* after 6:30 p. »n ______
RAUCH i i. \ f li I R i at t rk*] 11 io, . Karfl
| |ng plant, $|5u, will demonstrate. Phone j
HA 1691
CAN eiv* you money eti brand new C’hev
rolet Call AT. :t623. j
t H’lt A NT--I Mirant " sedan . will trad* fori
|.rujer»\ AT 994 704 N l«fh Nt
1 CASH. .3 « adUbm 8. 11A 1679
MOL.LT, expert auto trimmer. H2 B. 2 it H
Garages—Repairing . 16
FOR A-1 :• uto painting. drive to PFEIF
FER'S SHor. Leavenworth. 35 yra.
• r.panence.
Trucks, Tractors .20
Two 16-pat»»enger Keo speed wagon
LustWill l»e ao!<l «t. a sacrifice. Ad
cli - 1 2219 1 imiha Bi ••
\< ninliafl Pirating .tl
Mi. iiDli. . M.ii: hi.if,. box pleatlnc.
coveted button,. a!! etylej; hemitltchln,.
tiultonholc,. Write laeel Bulti.n A Fleel
m* 10, 30S Brown Block. Omaha. Neb
Telephone JA lS*S<5. i
Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1609
Farnam. se ond floor Ja_5G7J)._^_
guilders. Contractors .22
vv i: WILL SA v E YOU M<)NBY
On store fronts, fixtures garages, shlng.
ling «*t> Expert workmanship.
CAMPBELL*: _2919
Dancing Academics .23
; ,AKN to dtoco for 14 at KEEP'S Ijli
i arrisax. C|f*«*a<s Mon., Wed. and FrL
nleliia Lancing Tues . Thura.. Hat. and
San nigh’s. I’rlvsta leaaona h> nppolnt
JA 5470 _
Detective Agencies .24
lTi;:.lAin.E L*t-Cti\ Bureau. Sunderland
Bid« . Ja. 2( r-. night. Ke. 3812._
JAMK.S ALLAN 312 NevtUa Blk.. Evldenca
a s r 1114^ _
Garage Builders. 25
GARAGES built, any styia and • !*«. $1M
up. Concrete work. M; kiln Lumbar and
Wrecking Co _Tel WE. 5555.
C##-1 our price* on ^mplete garages Mor
rison Lumber * Coal Co._ WF^ 5561.
Moving, Storage ..2*'
r , a'Pj. futn .m Hiking, mov. god
■tnrlrtf Contract* taken by Job or hour,
tllobs Van A Storago Co. JA. 4319. AT.
U230 Qrossmin A Hona, owners_
Moving— Packing—Storage
Gordon Fireproof SNarehouae A Van Co.
lit N Hth St Phone JA 3022
i Skins omaha van a storaob
lCfh and Leavenworth bta Packing, mow*
■ r.g JA 4 141
Milliner*. Dresumakeri* . 2"
HATS 10 order, remodeling a gpectaKy;
.p. Ada Knox, Rm. Ml, Wellington
Inn _____ ___j. m
Painting, Papering .28
FAINTING. paperhanging and Interior
de< orst:ng. reasonable prlcea. JA 64*1.
^PAPERING- <a ve m ne>. avoid aprlng
ruah Call HA. a? 14 Van Glen Dec. Co.
I APKKHA\OIN('f and cl-aBUig HA 2II«
Patent Attorney* . 29
Procured Send aketrh or model today
for .xamin«tk.n, prompt' report and *d.
? preliminary ftdvk*.
\\ r • I 'wli.' t and t.lank form
ip Whi h t.. '1 • !o>*e your Idea* Highest
ie' rer P mptn-ae aaaured. Clar
A o Hrlen. registered patent lawyer.
■ 4 Mi,u?hern !• Hiding. Washington, D. C.
... hea suitable 1 la uodr >
br*. I wagon purpose* Will fit ton
iru.k Higylna-Potter Co, Nebraska City,
"Nob ______ ■
Patent tttl
Dodge, room 209 Also Washington. D
<' t help nventora sell thsle patent!
Kodak finishing ^
The Ensign C" . 2i0A Uavnwort h._
FILMS developed tree Price Hat here Fri
day KA3E STt’Dltj^lU^NsvItlo Block.
Printer*, Fnirravcr* . 31
, ■ i -
Professional Services, X-Ray* J2
l-Kthi iilPTIONS carefully compounded at
• • .. f, Sherman A M< bonne!! Dwuc Stores
I LNT A L X-ray 60c each; 13 full eel
• 19 Merijiiit** mdg 14th and K«tnam_
Service* Offered .31
i m aha pTTLoW CO—Feat bar a ran.
o v 41 < J ami made up In new feather
proof i Irk! nr 1 ft"7 Cuming JA 24*7
Ft A I ! 'IK e*i er I
m in Work by the day. Call. WE 4417.
ISiiaiiit'NH Collee^H .. 37
KXI'ERIKNl’KD comptometer operatora
*»*• niwtt - m in demand If you are not
nu operator an eight w^ki1 courae in the
fompt .meter school will fit you to hold
one of these desirable positions that era
always open If you muit work, why
not prepare so that you will get the moat
for >our tinicT Let us tell >ou about our
day untl e\enlng jtlasees 1
SO" Courtney Hlk
••Th* «« bool that Graduates Experts **
Complete curses m accountancy, machine
hookkcr-piiig. c.inptometrv. shorthand and
typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg
raphy Civil service and all Lnfllah and
commercial branches Write. ell nr
phone Jackson li«f* for large Illustrated
catalog. Address
Hoy lea Hldg . Omaha Neb
\ AN HAN l 8< H(ioi, OF Bl IINEU
P »: < , Mr eie^nth and r>ougl-s J* M*0.
Correnpomlriirn C’ourups . 38
I: A ItN 111' c. $2|
paid, «• railway traffic Inspector 1'utl*
tloti guaranteed after 1 months' spare
lime study nr money refunded K*esl
|.»nt opportunities Write for free booklet
i: 271, .standard Hualnees Training I net,
Huffalo, JTT.____ j
n ■ $ • Kallwsy msll clerks
Men 14 ?>■<■ Hteady Semple elimination
• oa< king lessons free 99*-T. Address T*
2 I ♦ 7. The t uns Iia ^Hee ^ maiwn n iurr~TC
(li'nrral liiilructlon . SO
MEN—]« to ;rf. Heroine railroad mail
clerks Commence 11,400 year. Common
♦ ■liuuMon sufficient. Specimen easmlna
i lou quest ions free Write Immediately, j
Franklin Institute, J>epf. 214 T. Rochester,
women, IK up 11,140 fl.fhiO year Mteudy I
Influence iiMiir' »»*Hrv Common educe- <
Mon sufficient with our coaching Sample
I.•». >nn free Write Immediately Crank i
ilti lii titutc, l». p(. tiuj» T. Rochester. N V |
CLERICAL workers for government de
partment*. Postal mail and general
clerical. 412U-SI33 monthly Experience
unnecessary. For free list positions now
open, write John Davis »(former civil serv
ice exum n-r) 909 Fleming Bldg. Wash
ington, I* »'.
men also < o hired sleeping car and train
porters Experience unn<" f««ary. Trans
portation furnished. T. McCaffrey. Hunt .
St. Louis._
RAILWAY mail clerks—Start f!33 month"
railroad pass, expenses paid* Specimen
U'jestlors free. Columbus Institute, Colum
bus. Ohio.
MEN*—Ago 17 to 55, experience unne. • s
Mltry Travel, make secret Investigathtis
reports Salaries; expenses American
Foreign Detective Agency. 475 St. Louis
time, copying authors manuscripts Write
h J Carn»s. Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa,
Ga , for partlculai s.
ME A dectective. f50-S100 weekly; travel
over world. Experience unnecessary.
Amerb tn Detect.vs Agency, 7 #9 Lu'as,
Sr Louis.
W ANTED—Men for detective work Ex
perienced unnecessary Writs J Manor,
Mimiral, Darn ing, Dramatic. -10
ANNIE E GLASGOW, voice and piano
t Karhach H k JA. 1081
Trade Schools . 41
SALESMEN want'd, energetic, r«*ilable>,
high grade salesman to sell the nationally
known Red Wing line on commission, ex
clusive art and business calendars, bank
supplies, leather advertising specialties;
sells the year round Write for Inform »
Men and open territory; references first
letter, «n exceptional business opportuni
ty for men of ability, character and en
terprise. Red Wing Advertising Co, lied
Wing, Minn.
WANTED—Men. ladies and boya to le*'7i
barber trade, big demand; wages while
learning; strictly modern Call or write
I4i> D< de** H• Trt •'irjr Barber Coiirg*
110 8. 14th St. Write for catalog.
Help Wanted—Female . 44
\V«»MEN $12 to $1* u week for your
• pare time calling on your friend* and
neighbor* No experience or money re
quired We show you how. Rig reliable
company In business IS years A few
territories now open. Write today fur
plans befor- it is too late. It will jay
you to Investigate Ameri ;»n Products Co.
iroarl n Bldg - ■ 11 ti t ■
Hoi;SEKKEP'ER-Want German or Nor
wegian Protestant woman, must b« neat,
plain cook and housekeeper, willing to
work where there are children, who wren's
good home arid steady position at reason
able wages. Htste age. Write John Ravel
ing Hock Hapldav la.
WANTED—Good Marlnello operator for
our Ileauty Parlor Must be able to rt«
a 1 kind* of work and do It well. Salary
$30 a week No other need apply.
D. W RUTKR, Kearney* Neb.
AT ONCE—C apable women to demonstrate
and sell dealers $JS to $30 per we* k . part
traveling expenses paid Write Goodrich
Drnf\Co . Dept lf»3A. Omaha. Neb.
DEMONSTRATOR* to travel on road,
high * lues toilet articles, salary and com
mission. Call at 10$ N 16?h St, or AT.
CAN use two more ladle* to solicit bus! -
ne*a in cl*\ . no sidling salary an l com
mission Ask for Mr Cline, A Hospe Co.
WANTED—Experienced Indy \ resser.
Must t»e io| knot ber Steady employ*
ment Max I Walker. 2410 Arnes Ave.
EIGHT ks |
fin** position Call AT 7774 or
write American College, jfp Fernatn
deliver and fuller!. V A. Howies. B10
if. ip \n intMl—Mile 11
Sues i?i weekly; travel by nut-* an-!
Install nvw stove *-inverter In every home
wonderful Invention, co*-k anl bake all
y ir without coal or wood No *■* or
electricity nnrdrd. also fre** auto offer.
Thonua Mfg. Co, Converter 2331. Dayton.
Ohio _ _»
MEN—$36 to $66 weekly In your apare
time doing special advertising work among
th- families -f your c 11 * . n-> experience
n«<«e***ary; writs today for full particu
lars American Product* Co., *207 Ameri
can Hldr . Cincinnati, Ohio
WANTED—Ambitious men desir us of
fitting themselves for accounting and ex
ecutive positions withoat Interfering with
present position. Call
International Accountants’ 8->r|nty,
1016 16 City N
WANTED- Foreman f-*r Iowa poultry and
egg house, must b« practical man compe
tent to Instruct help in handling • age and
dressed poultry. Steady lob to right man.
Addrets \ 22U Omaha I
WANTED -I." a' man *-• w tnted In •«« h
county for outdoor S'lverflaing Hlg psv.
Whole or stare time No sxperlcn e r-*
qutrsd. 8. Meyer, 211 Seventh, Louis.
vHIc Kr__
MAN to silver mirrors reflnlshtng reflect
ors chandeliers bed*. autos by n»w
method W- start you without -apltni
Write Uttnmetal Co. 127 Ohl, Decatur, III,
CHAHFFEDRH wanted must have Pond*
Steady position to fight man. Taxi
Co . 1107 Ho 13th Ht
Agonl*. HilfKiurn . 47
OOOOOOOO 30000000 ooouoocoo
a paper icanobK" and paint- o
O o
O °ur axo'p** b«*oks and catalogs • •* O
O ready for distribution If you -1 d o
0 not arrange for a *st. better do It O
O now For Information writs O
o o
O 17th and Harney. Omaha. N«-i* O
MAN WANTED outside of Omaha by *-M
established whnl*s|,le coal •-*rp• ••st'.aM «*>
solicit c arload orders from combined con
a u mars f<»r shipment dlf f ft " run
Have* user* 26% or more Store*, fn- toil .
schools Institution* and home* ne o» !
sold f'osl of finest quatltv meeting ell
laboratory t*«ta Hlg profit our men
making $«.non to $!0,fl00 yearly Horn
working capital n*e*»**arv No esperltn**
inquired Hoylston Coal Co. rie»7f* H-*
llsclne Avenu*. Chicago
~ SAl.V.Hvi'BN ’
To se|| (he "Koverkwlck a pnte*»te-1 1
advertised automobile coal, which * am t
ti***d *e *overall, I 1 rant tab
Call on dry g.uidn. m» - * furnlehing and
automobile accessory store- t.;---d terrl
lory open. Writs Stating e-nei cm* ant
referencs Work Clothing F« - toii-i, I'
O. Hog 363. Clnclncutl. f>
BALEMMKN Hidelln* men to sell molar*
to the tinker* llben.l commission paid
w eekl) N«I|m|i«| ,\!ot*i».«es Co., 31 <• N
Main Ft , Ht. Louis, Mo
Agentu, Salesmen . 47
'•AI.KHMAN—All towns, for by far best
fitting, richest looking, soft as silk, ail
wool; made to order men’s suits (guar
*nta#>d), nt wholesale price, $27 50. We
, deliver collect, furnish advertising; $40
i<» $-0 weekly Tailoring experience un
; ci i’ f11 shipped for fres exxmlnag
( t (on. Wholesale Direct Tailors, Buffalo,
I .v r._
j AGENTS—Your address on a 1e postal
| card will tiring you sworn proof of $5
to $3 r> dally. In roducing r.ew guaranteed
hosiery; no capital required; we teach
) < i u; you wrt e orders, we deliver and
rollsct; your pAy dally, 7 pairs hose guar
i anteed 7 months. $1 *15. elegant outfit fur
ntehed; all -dors and grades. Including
silks. Mac-O-Chee Mills Co. Suits 3967,
Cincinnati, O.
; SALESMEN—Hell long range low-price
' radio receiving set- 110 monthly pay
ment* n<> In . eatnv nt; we finance re
apon.-dbje district representative*g; 10 sales
to ) nt hi) a»*ur** you $350 steady monthly
i Income; * very home a prospect; our plan
i ;i sweeping the country Don’t wait to
writ* »•■digraph, giving references Ozarka
Radio. 51 N. Peoria, Chicago._
AGENTS—Wonderful opportunity: Salary
and commission. One poll- > a day means
f 1 SO a month for you’ Permanent In
'ime on renewal* Pdicy pays $5,000
death. $2- weekly benefit Injury or slck
n«*ss Premium $10 yearly. Big demand
I everywhere Write quick for territory
and • jtfit. Cnderwrltera, Dept. 422,
[ Newark N J____
MERCHANDISE—Salesmen xan'-! high
ula-s capable of sailing quality merchan
dise to the farmer ranchman, restaurants
and hotels must be able to produce and
furnish satisfactory reference Only th<-.e
who have • s rs and are capable of earning
good money need apply
AGENTS—$100 per week to sell Five.
In One wringer mops. Wonderful sellers.
* ombtnat.Oti mop. mop sticks. Scrub
brush, scraper and adjustable mop wrong
er . operate* exactly like i lot he* wring
er Write quick f r free details f this
and other n- w quick selling specialties.
F e-lrt One Mfg Co. Worcester Mass
► AGENTS—Thomas Mfg. Co. D or ton. ON
Mill 731. estsl lshed lx years, wants you
to sell complete line guaranteed hose,
unexcelled quality, plus rock bottom prices
gets the customer* and keeps them; $il
dally es.*v extra cash prise* and premiums
ne*» 90 days added to your profits write
AGENTS*—Me start you in business. fur
nishing everything. men and women op
portunity lifetlm-* to earn 130 to 1101
weekly « peratmg our New system up*1
ty r»ndy factories." home or irnail room
anywhere Valuable candy hook free W
if ilfyer Ragsdale, Drawer 134. East Or
ange. V J.____
Into business for vourwlf. Make and sell
your own goods By our system It’s easy
opportunity to make fido to 1500 week
ly Write immed ately for free book whl- h
explains everythin* Natl Scientific
Lst« 217 Monroe. Richmond Va
EXCLCHIVK or sideline to sell open stock
and aaso-tments. queen* war*. ui
• name), in •« a a re and business builders,
etr . in small townk Hardware, variety
an.I general stores Weekly romml*»i<n
cheek*. I.lheral commissions Old estab
lished firm. Tyler Mfr Co. S* Louts, Mo
AGENTS SnappieCt hewwhs i I ng n
e»*th. Red hr «e|Jers steady repvaterf.
!«' • per <ent profit 350 light weight, f. st
selling popular priced necessities Agents
outfit free Get busy quick Writ# today;
Postal will do Amer. an Produrts Co,
4204 American TP !g Cincinnati. O
i ISTRIBt’TORA WANTED — For fetgt)
■- .ass »m' • t • * ' t > ■ ■ • n business gf > •■ . r
own. good repeat We help you sell the
lines, invagtmsnt required Prefer men
carrying specialty. Address 1117 McGee,
Kansa% City, Mo
HA LEFM KN- <>neral representative want,
e l f r Nebraska territory Exper
essentia! although not entirely peesaary.
Commission b»«i* Cve ar», t revlou* •**
perlence and reference* In first letter.
i htna Cnmpai . A#briny O
S A LEHMAN — If yi-u want $• this year,
write now. Ftront line for retail stores
Nationally advertise!: established concern.
T.lberal weekly advances to producer. G.
R Williams. l*2o Euclid. Cleveland. O,
Dept, let__
AGENTF—Million dollar business nation
ally known, wants one man to take change
> i h county selling 74 burnous household
no ■>»* ties "Furs shot selling pl.n with
free gift, make* sale* easy Wlaard Prod
uct* i. 144ft West 3?th Ft , Chicago._
m \l !.fMKv> — Tailoring sn.. ppi. et direct
to wearer line on e«rth; \!rg!n wool cus
tom tailored suit*, 11* big commission*.
renr*»*entativea are furnished a high grade
tailoring -hop in one elaborate mv House
of ' .qi 4 r’. S *ffsta St Chicago
SALESMEN—Manufs turer high grad©
automobile storage battery Increasing out
put. desires to get |n touch With llv# sell
Ing organisation Ex. luslve sale to r *ht
• tgsnlsaf on Mogul Ftorfe Battery Co,
Plano Illinois.
4(1 city territories
for lb » hustler* P*> fjn t,. J7r» weekly
Investigate this offer. Particular* and
va|tmb:<* samples free Write today ,t
It Watkins company. Dept l.»-B. Winona.
Ml An
FALKSMAN-'Fldellne men n uklng small
tr wns. New Ides; no sale; no collection;
no sample* to carry ; 9 • ommiftahvn paid
on each trial order taken State line
« srr d and territory covered Kgeitey
A- Son* Co Too K toth H , Chicago
4 | | eel I in
Beauty Clay Heap benefit of big adver
tising • atnpetgn No cxi*cr|enca required
Mure ante where shown Write quick for
full information Belle I’lu'ne A Co, 1443
Bello Plalno Ave . Chb ago
tilf VT,- >• hour, fit day Platr but# ft
household arllrln free to fifty thousand
mow (u*tomt,f' fur our guaranteed good*
Part tlm« *.. f lafartory Send for fr*e earn*
idee and *t*rt •tul-k. dronings Mfg Co,
lu*tr « t ace: Payton Ohio
Ml LiM.tN traveling who <an spare time
tn sell lire of photo folders to photog.
raphara considerable addad Income poe
- tile Sample* e«sv to carry Addrc***
! * i t P ti.irtner * liender, 11*0 south
Wabash Ave Chicago
AdRNTS sro ffln w**kly~ taking orders
for R gera allverware aluminum aefs and
I no i h Miaeh 4 n*-*a!t|» W e deliver
and < o|lr. M • t ropollt a it Hardware Co,
• h»»n h ,v V«> ' S?e New York
A* IP NTH Mfg Cm. 11 .<* < )<md'
)mr ttldg . Kansas CRy. Mo. la making
an .'ffet to send a handsome raincoat
fr« * to one pore • it in ea. h locality wh©
will re.-n»n mend It to friend* Write tod.*)
MALI hSlKN with car want**1. Nebraska
nn*l western I *. s to sell grsln elaeator
"u*. Mm iv and mill supplier* Hr*> Mr M
Mb »ne Saturday American Ma«hlnArv A
Supply Co . tm IT It.*ward Ft
H11TAMI* »‘s#h tn htg r**r our Staple
l*eal mr*- hntita profit ever 100 p resent.
i amen * .silv “«ui fl& to fio a «'a*
I*«»€• i<••» -ample, writ* uulek Mutual Mfg
« . Ho* 42. Kansas City, Mo
'UKNTM -Hell (hewing gum to dealers !
Ayentt make t*.g money selling our new
i \ el package* Pour flavor* Writs for
(sriu t** proposition Hetmet Company.
tnilNTf* C*eryl*od' want* I'aulmct I ©0
tier cent profit on Mir t|o getter avmpie*
fr*Paul Hpci-tally C»» . Atlantic. la
Agent*, Salesmen .47
SALESMEN—No knowledge needed of ra
dio to make 130 a day with our $ j radio
advertising service; dealers sale* assured.
If you want fast money-maker write Hox
303, Iowa Ctty. Ia
AGENT®—$400 month taking orders for
special price smashing $3.95 raincoats <> .
re. t from our factory Commission* in
advance. Star Raincoat Co., 7 N. Wells,
< 'hk ago
AGENTS—Men, women, salary $75 full
time, $1 50 an hour spare time, selling
the genuine guaranteed hosiery direct
to wearer, beautiful line. International
Knitting Mills, Norristown. Pa.
AGENTS—$300 month Steady pay. Newest
style written guaranteed h s ery. Must
..♦ar or new hoe* free Experience u:in<
essary Spare time satlsfacory Sample free.
lam logs Mfg Co Ubi a ; II DtfkH
AGENTS—Clean up th.s year. Wonderful
new fast fe.,«r Gee* like w 1 fire
Cnornwus profits. Write quick Free par
ticulars. Mission Co 2421 Smi’h De’roit,
AGENT®—$100 Weekly, pleasant work ap
pointing Jo a I agents to Introduce Mother
Hubbard Foods; no canvassing no deliver
ing; no money invested. Adam Inthout,
5 50 Congress. Chicago. _ __
rw — a b . f Mi
sparkling glass nam* plates, number*,
checkerboard*, medallions, * gns big Il
lustrated book free K Palmer 1KQ Woos
ter. O _ ___
8A iTkhMEN — E >T7i. *gn«: $1'»0 weekly
and upwards to producers Full ' !*
sign at * f ■•ale. Investigate
Thuernao -Allen Co, 21$ South Wabash
Ave . Chicago_
CIGAR Salesmen—® 1 k5> per month and ex
penses; experience unnecessary sent ad
dressed envelope for InformaGon. Royal
c. ga r Co . High P * nr N_ C_
AGENTS—Wonderful discovery charges
batterltg m 10 minutes Gallon free to
SALESMEN— Exceptional opportunity,
hustlers turning big Write McCieery
Calendar Factory, Washington. lows.
Uuhlnptft Opportunities .. 50
WANTED—Two rr.en of Rb'I tjr who < an
qualify for ex* u'.ive position. furnish
‘ < r.d, goo-1 rbfef*ticea. nnd have from
12.6*4 to $3,000 to Invest in themaelve#-—
th* amount required depending entirely
on th* man h: mac If, For two such men,
an Oid *«tah|tshed concern of aemi-na.
tional scope has two exceptional op
p« rtunltiea We want LIVE WIRES only
a Mock •* Bg pMpN ' • r. Wtfti
M Danr, Jr. Pox 22? 0. Spokane
Put your project bef< re ’*•<■ ifv* brokers
a: 1 th uaar.l* ..f g*r"iJne Investors, coat
trifling under my ■> stem Wi 1 prepare > our
pr apr tu*. forecast of earning*. and sales
letter*. aa well as give you th* benefit of
toy 12 'ears experience. A complete eerv
:re. More than 3.000 satisfied clients
; ti m Bldg. Chicago, 111
FOR BALK one . f the best pt) i»B
Grocery and Men Furnishing good* ator*a
In central Neb located In a prosperous
county seat town Last years sales over
f|4 c.,.0 Stock will invoice ab'^WT $4,000.
Fixture# $’ 200 Stock can tje reduced if
«1eeir*d. Would not consider anything
but a »aah propositlor. Wish to retire on
account -f h*ath requiring mors outdoor
work Add re** Y gW Ths Omaha Bee.
Grocery and meat market 1n Council
Bluffs doing a good cosh bu* n#*a A very
Utt e credit A sior# that man and wife
can run Root very reasonable Make
terms to right party Fb»* n for as o nut
going into other business. Y-2224, Omaha
TO trade for Stork of merchandise, de
part ra*nt store building located at Chap
pell. .Neb. aix mll«*a from Colorado state
line beautiful building completed :n 1*'.*
for $3 - 00^ lac* IT.* > f rat roWlfaK*,
which mature* 1474 M r te Carl H Pilft
sou «art Wollworth. Joleaburg Colo.
HARP WARS and In It mil
$1 i.o- o. Brick building 6* f«#*t front by
124 f*et long, a $12,000, In northeast
Nebraska town of JO- Good butlneaa. go by March 6th Address Y-2222.
Th# (»mlht Bee
MAKE Ux> dollars w rk for you. If you
an save and invest $t or m >ro each
month. * end for free copy of bock. '‘In
dependence," and lenrn how a lltti*
monev ran make atilih. R B. Owen
Co. «S1 F street. Washington. V C.
Quick service. Ic,.. eat rate* optional pay
ment, arm: annual interest
Keellne Bldg Omaha AT *144
mi.LIARD parlor f-t sale, six tab.#*,
complete soda fountain and cigar fixture*
county seal town. bi>» beared $3o.<ivo in
ths last alx years. Addieas Y .223, The
Omaha Bee _
4 room* bring over $140, rent. $32 Bar
gain 1707 Caller ma
SMALL HTOrK womans and children's
fwrn -hlngs and shoes for *al* Htaple
goods, stock to be moved *S«* on th* $1,
with or without fixture* Addiv** Y lilt.
Omaha Bee _
WANT to buy ■ * la an
established, sound and profitable Omaha
business up to $$6.0‘,'0 Address \V.ll-.
Omaha Bee.__ j
liRt'i'HKY for eala. M« »t location 'n n
|mv| town of ||hi law Plni" *'f
trt-lo of tcwn i'artnar* now want to
dlaanlv* Affirtw Y-IJdl. Omaha Mac
<i\l.Y ahop fn t'wn n«'
nr?e 11*- auae of my age, will aril at In
Rhoa repairing and auto rurlgtn
work A C l.ou.ka. Haiftaia, N**h
IUKIHV rOH SAl.K «i OOf' 1 ( »C \ TIO\
Ml'It ART I'AKIC M1XKR ’.A 41'97.
lTI1S T mortgage i-*ani\ made promt thr on
Omaha real •>«tate Rnopen A Co. Heal
tore JA 4 • 5f 554 Krellne Bldg
MONTY to man on farm# •• .1 Omaha
roe | eatat* MYTHS A RAINBOI T CO..
154 Hwaha 5 I Bank Bldg JA «*
t.arge or imall. Weal Neb farm* rvuh*t
kloke Inveatinent Co.. S45 t)m Nat. pk
. I VI \ « ' «% > I mat • Nat l’ a*
Money to Lnavt .. 33
BTrT t >11 N KK|> MON ICY *
M»0 pol.t.AR*
».r anr othar amount at legal rate* No
publicity. *a»v payment# Thirty yeata te
404 Kail n. h Hlk Tel JA fill
Houlhr.iat t o- Mh and Douilia Sea
COX Co . tonne 14 n d tip on wagea. egra
and furniture confident lal 51 vr# ••tab
*13 World -Herald Bldg .1A J|*«
A lll'ltN rss an.I Mailing addrri** In
Chicago, pa'* tlet particulate R I'
June*. 4 14 VYebatcr lllvlg , Chicago
Money to Loan ... 58
J! AIN •
Carrie Iirnwn. 241»; Ave. A, Kearney, Neb.
I JA. Soil**—ifcven-reom far for family,
| rnoma ?‘> r«p’. 1225 Rent $3 5 _®a£^}
HAVE seven! good rentaurante for sale.
A Naegle. 1*17 I>«avanworth fit._
fM>OL hali an 1 ail fixture* for sale. Box
12. Benner. Neb __
( TI< »Ni:R r k od location, candy
u fg i al! separate harg WK f* •
Investment* .51
CASH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha
'property. F C. Horarek A Co.. «40 lat
Nat l. Bank Bldg AT. 3511.
the dollar Address_Box_1. Wayne. Neb.
Loan* on Heal Estate . 52
WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha
521 KeeJin* Big _
FARM LOANS; « per < ent. 4 0 years on
■mortised ; in; no commission; write
for name ».• irest agency. Lincoln Joint
Stock Land Bank, Lincoln. Neb.
STRAIGHT 6-year loan*. 5^, per cent
2«1 S llth Arthur Bldg._AT. 1119.
I.OW rate "on city property; quickly
closed No monthly payment* JA. 1511.
1016 (>m Nat Bk._B dg JA. 1711.
”J; TO II" c00 loans made promptly.
3! a S llth St. Wead Bldg. AT. 016L
l)o?s. Cats. Bird*. I’et*. 55
PHEASANTS. ‘jantam chickena.
- f IS Nth Av e._
Horae*. Cattle, Vehicle* . 56
fTaRNFD ■*. th< be#: that an be mad#, at
t -«♦ *t. We make them oureelvea
kr ! #e’,i rh*m direct to the farmer# Har
r- ■< from *35 to 111". Alfred Core lab.
1*1# St. Omaha. Neb._
•,r/KVBrno n. ’k g<at# for »a!e Freeh
d Doe h.d# Two purebred tuck kida.
• J milk strain. V. W Krefield. Genoa.
N e >__
row ■ t i\ Hole:* n he fer Patridge coch
in* bantam rro~»ter» KE 11C1.
i EH i’AI.F.
CALL «'A 4t4 FI.
--=• *--- -—(
Poultry and Supplies ..57
V• jtr bu> t?.e beat -hick# for the least
money chipped everywhere, guaranteed
rive o- replaced: from Colwell's Hatchery,
Srr.fh Center. Kan. _ __
} < »< 1."T. I; s—» ne i ur* br#d Rhode Ia'aad
Red. a.’#o one white Wyandotte 4411
Parker 8t._
A VA V,jtrn*r_ MC N -D-fr St JA 1141.
w andotte. Mania
• tra.n, big. husky, for sale. K E. *424.
Clothing and Fur* .SO
rt’U. PKKHS .ulL. .oj TuI.<5 a. for r«nf
JA ’ll. If* N tl;h 8tre«t. J F.'.dm.n.
ARMV (bow. »J to :;j No I tut
Furl and Food .fil
Southeast corner 41th Av# and Harrey
St . *t*e I* 4x135 Che ce building site,
street# pawd. re#tr.rted district. Priced
t » sell. Call JA. 4013. at 11 2 Dodge St.
J' ter rd
#: Ne length#. *4 t e length#. Phone
Hell* vu* or JA ##51.
Good Things io Kat .62
HON r v l R Eu ST
Fin# Whit# C; n er Honey i' mb And Ex
tracted. write for prices
J_ W BITTENBKNDER _ Knoxville, la.
FRESH CARP— pounds pr**; aid ex
pr*>#« Msis’-n Nebraska *
STAR FISH <•»» Round Lake. Minn.
FRESH CARP pout la prepaid ex
prea# ex#fern Nebraska, * *
_ «J AH FISH It our ! L*k# Mina,
Household Good* . 63
lowest \a ant7 ad hatva
In O-rah* Telephone y ur "Want” Ad
to AT. I1 '0 and secure better rcautta at
• * __ _ _
BIG Oak buffet, dime* table. 4 cha r#.
chiffonier, double oak bookcase, white
Iron bed with matt re** and springs. «*:u
• b » ■ • i >t_
EXPERT sewing machine repairing
15th and Harney AT tt^ :
DA VKNPi ■ 1. - \ • Cl n \
AT. *»?*._
INI a * hl f
Victor Octrois Nft . Fine shape HA 5471.
CALI. JIA #4:*
I :
< oadition great large in WF 4’J:
I.KAVINd fnr S Amr; y 1 lure for »a
Man ml R rt
■ N oil by
M »i h i v ■*•»«■. • 1 • rei
I'aMiL table, fine shape WF 4451.
Jfwrirj' and Waft bra .
DlAMt M s
\V# pay th# brat pr . ea with pMvtl»f* to
huv lack at rtnail profit, «Ut SS .fKtV.
1,1 RY CO. Omaha Neb. 403 N i*th ht
To'.ephon* Ja f®4*
Martiinery and Tool* . (C\
«V.\K OAS etiKina. * how^poo rr <v*t»
nu>d«*’. "Niaovl oro vf»r Jti*; nhxi h form*
rr tin .!> It «t f'ffor »rta |t. private
* 'V-1M Omaha live
. t -,i:rtr,.jrgsaftg._ -jjaxta Zjz*. ■ —i r i i isr-awim 'jga»
Mlf»< «>IUn*<m« . ..
FOR SALK* l"»»r Mull graph Oi'tnpWta
'% h all ottaohmeol*»«*«# \\ iff
. "• * r
iotooM machinkuy kok s mf au,
K I <
M naira I InMrunirnt a $7
l*i AYKH ptKA» for *oIAp» rr; unit,.
In* el#» frfo pi* vet *»« orb tira Will ? * - >'
anvthlna »o r##? \ for port %»r fall
p.ijn rnt t.'aU IIA .51*
Musical Instruments . S7
Ur. a»vr number o: u.igTiUy used
phonographs guaran’e^d mechari rally
; • -rf t v, Uh * - rvl - for one year, that
we have greatly reduced In price. Easy
terms for pa> merit.
_ _AT >000 , _
TRADE >our u*ed p.ano on a new player
I ano Balance as Sow ac >10 per month*
A HOSPE CO. 3 >13 Douglas._
► sell Jl A*
IS21 _
Tli' NE and case tr< good sLape,
First |I5 take# It. KE. 1673
Store and Office Equipment ."0
WE BUY. a*il aafe. make desks, show
f'tiei, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.#
a w corner 11th and Doug.a* JA 2724.
F' tR SAL £—Hand muDigr»;n w.*r -t
* ’h^ut d splay typ* Addrese W-llf#
Cm&ha Bee.
Swap Column . 73
Ton may insert a three-line ‘ Wmt" Ad
for three days under 11 a classification. A
box number will be affixed and you cal!
for your replies.
If y j close a deal you pay for your
advertising in the regular way. If rot.
vr* will cancel charge. la other words—
This offer is good in Omaha and
excludes all business ad# Bus ness
' Want*' Ads in this column wi.i be
charged our regular rate#
GOOD 7 room house basement bam.
garage, I full corner Jots in good lira
t wn ilS m .es we#- of Omaha swap for
Omaha property. Addrcs S-Ifct, The Otta.
ha Itee. ___ _____
24" IMPROVED Iowa farm, want smaller
Iowa farm or Omaha tome !-. z ^d party
of city up to 117,000. Address S.1S2.
The <’rr.aha Bee _
• * a ex'-#!.*:!.- SOlI light
3 A m*.es fr^m Omaha $7.#00 er. rumb-:-.r e.
want *4 s*c good clear w»«#-rn wheat
land fcr equity 8-111, The Omaha B- e
LIGHT blue Dodge roadster, new pain*.
T light for our ness. Trade for
I ode# roadster points! black. Address
Omaha Bee.
OFFER course 1n Irters-ate Ccm-nerre and
•raffle mar.agemsnt fcr standard poultry
farming course. Address 8-129.
Be e. ____________
5 • v ACRES Wyora ng .ar.d. fer. !
• eaty of stock water, for sale or trade
f. r Omaha property. Address, S-S20, Omi
ha Bee
!*- F'-’RD touring body fcr a B rd • an
b- ly ar.d pay some cash not to ex eed
1*0 in the trade. Address 8-191, Tbs
< -rraha Bee.
SET cf dishes, good aaacrlasat of pic
tures, swap fcr adding machine. Will
add earns cash. Aridresg 5-121, The
< Imaha Pee.
WJ.L swip lady's diamcrd rimg end
Brunswick phonograph for Dodge toe ring
in good shape. Address. 8-427, C'na.a
il f ACRES improved, cheap land pay.r.g
€ per cent net on Inves'.msnt. Want ira
Proved sc rssgs or house. 8-1 If, Omaha
A MARVEL cylinder revolving me china
corr.piets for anything w» can use in an station. 8-HO, Omaha
K v. I . r.ew. h gh-claas. lcr.g range R.n
. tunsr. rce step. Trade for gc d
Dodge or other light ear. 8-ltf, Omaha
Bee_ _
GOOD player piano, records, beroli gitd
stands and Ford touring car. to swap tor
Ford sedan. Address, Bex 8-lfi, Omaha
THELE-C1RCL IT regorersting set tnclui
g brand new f-voit battery, Bek. te
panel. Value lift, for Ford accessories or
what hev* you* S-SS7. Bee
WH 'RESALE doughnut making outf t.
Talbot Hamburger trunk, new fences? 't\
fcr fum. and ruga S-*?7. Omaha
B-e _ ____
Vinrt R Aminat graph motion picture ma*
fh if, swap f - #* Sr lard typewriter or
fi-.-e equ-,«ment equal vaiua. Address
8-124. Omaha Bee
TH *K' l OHBRKI) brjr.dl# bulldog. good 1
w -ch d g ar.d very companionable. Trade
for what have you? Address 8-4tS» The
Omaha Bee. _
• DESIRABLE unencumbered resident
« ir. * * ah ma C :v trade for residence
or I.’ >d income property in Omaha 8-4 i.
The Omaha Bee ___
1 ( arEE improved, farm at lAaksrood*
■ Tra le fcr r iy or a rears property*
Address. H.II2. The Omaha D'e
farm, half corn .* '
Iowa, firs acre c-T.a *.er k? *
trrtde. \\ rite owner S >41 On a ha_
BILLIARD haU. 1 w-mg alio**, candy
ard ' fi drinks Trad# f r h v ar.d lot.
hotel or clear land S Ml Bee
OORNFR LOT SfU'd- ss* comer 4Mh
ar.d Howard for car. e*iu.:y in house ©r
rooming house S ?M. Bee
Ga'»t»D fail pig swap for hatching egg*,
laying hen*, haj feed, used lumber or
Irndifwg Address. Omaha
>|T1 M»N tour ng <-*r for u'cr*tuff»*d ;v
ins room suite cr lot juid Svm*
cash Add-ea# 8 ». . r.aha Bee
LATENT on garage 1 « r « I
#v p . - truck or < a- A !dr«-a* 8 If
Omaha Bee. _ _
8 "V IN., h n- 4 d r.. C orde
k«ap for .'ft .n h tan trail*..
bag Address 8-«f* dm»b» Reo
have" new k-mon deen h n e Will
trade equity for " 11 located lot on pa'in*.
5-4)9. Omaha Hee
WANT •. * ' - lot !»*'• paasanget
1) n drl iNik and cars Will lake or pay
dsff. ten e Address S -«'?, Omaha )Wv
HLI > n v .i;h I? »»»; for
dtamord i o equ ty on horn# Address
S 939. The Omaha Bee
HOY? moving pi. tur* m*» h.n* *tth film*
ot nil p j ilp*! *«t f%-- *fat h*»\* you «*r
**i»h S Ml OinthA pr.v
\N 1S L, jkw .Mr rt So » g bi •" r -oat for
* 1 oatum# Addmt, $-lls
Tit# omihi 1'**
j»TK\AU !t trunk go- »n«i *f >ng, »*»*p
tor <iw*r* ft* ! *,**#*• or »!nl !»**•
\OU* A S M* ft**
ft ad# for imtM hvuv»* or v»h». fcax* you *
Addma ?* 1*7 Om*l»* I'**
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