The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1923, PART TWO, Page 3-B, Image 15

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    Hafnium, New
Mineral Element,
Is Isolated
English Research Director
Finds Substance Which
May Be Used in In
candescent Lamps.
Washington, Feb. 24.—A new ele
hient known as hafnium has just been
Isolated by Dr. Alexander Scott, direc
tor of scientific research of the Brit
ish museum, according to reports re
‘ ceived here. Dr. Scott's demonstra
. tion, which is characterized as the
"most striking chemical event since
Ramsey’s Isolation of helium." was
given before a number of members
a Enemy of
»ey Die While They Sleep 1
4.1 A only good com is a dead com. A few
'.rops of “Gets It** will quickly start any corn
y or callous on the way to "the happy hunting
ground." "Gets-It" brings instant relief from
all pain and hurting. One bottle contains
enough *‘Gets-It" to remove a dozen corns,
hard or soft, old or new. Coat* you nothing if
it fails—but it doesn't fail. Let your druggist
tell you why millions demand it. E. Lawrence
& Co.. Mix., Chicago.
of tha Chemistry society In a private
laboratory In London.
During tha course of tha experi
ments Dr. Scott produced specimens
of tha oxide of tha new element, a
small quantity of cinnamon-colored
powder, stated the atomlo weight of
the new element and described Its
chemical nature.
Fills Gap In Atomic Table.
The demonstration followed the an
nouncement made by Coater and Hov
esy, two young chemists working In
the laboratory of Prof. Bohr at Copen
hagen that by use of X-ray spectros
copy they had ascertained the exis
tence of an unknown element occupy
ing No. 72 In the table of elements as
arranged by the English physicist,
Moseley. French chemists already had
assigned this number to a supposed
rare-earth element which they called
eeltlum, but the experiments of Cos
ter and Heresy showed reasons for
doubting the correctness of the work
of the Frenchmen.
Dr. Scott’s first experiments with
the new element began aa long ago
as 1913 when he received for analy
sis a quantity of black sand from
New Zealand. From this sand he ex
tracted a cream-colored sand contain
ing 75 per cent of magnetic oxide of
lion and 25 per cent of titanium diox
ide. In further tests of the titanium
dioxide he found small qualities of
i highly refractory residue. He con
tinued to collect this residue, naming
it "new oxide.”
Compounds Are Similar.
From the slmllamy of the com
pounds It made with potassium and
fluorine to those of titanium and zir
conium he was convinced that the
new element was a likely candidate for
place 72 in the atomic table of ele
ments, but he did not pursue the
work any further until he heard of
the announcement of the discovery by
Coster and Hevesy.
He ascertained the atomic weight
to be approximately 180 and the
chemical characters to he those which
X-ray spectroscopy would assign to
hafnium. To apply the X-ray method
to this oxide would have been an easy
matter, but from considerations of In
ternational courtesy Dr. Scott has
written to Coster and Hevesy 9ffering
to supply them with the necessary
materials for that purpose.
Because of the close analogy be
tween hafnium and titanium and zir
conium, Dr. Scott believes the new ele
ment may prove of commercial value
In the making of Incandescent man
The Russian engineer, Makhomino,
is conducting experiments In France
with an invention which attached to a
locomotive will operate without coal
and water. The only fuel used Is a
very small quantity of naphtha.
You doubtless know that it is a well nourished
|x>dy that is the strongest factor in thwarting the
inroads of influenza or other disease germs.
should be taken faithfully at the first signs of
fe^ft^atching cold” or tender throat or soreness in
chest, ihe abuadant tonic-nourishing
qualities of Scott’s, is an effectual help
in all times of threatened weakness.
Scott &. Bowm. Bloomfirkl. M.X Xt-tm
Chew a Few Pleasant Tablets! Instant Stomach Relief!
The moment “Pape's riiapepsln”
reaches the stomach all misery from
indigestion, gases, flatulence, or acid
•toniach goes. Keep it handy for
Jjenrtbum, sourness, fullness, or any
stomach distress. Correct your dis
ordered stomach and digestion for
few cents. Druggists sell millions of
pon’t let child star
bilious, constipated
} Even Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste
aiTd it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels
If your child la llatlcea, full of r°ld,
'haji colic, or If the atornarh la aour,
_„'* bad, tongue coated, a tenaponn
ne fui of "California big Syrup" will
^ quickly atart liver and bowel action.
1 In a few hourn you can ace for your
T galf how thoroughly It worka the con
stipation polaon. aour bile and waate
Irtgh ♦ mjt and you have a well, playful
fluid again.
Million* of mother* keep "California
FI* Syrup'' handy. They know a tea
Npoonfiil today may lave a el'-k child
tomorrow. It never cramp* or over
act* A*k your druciciat for genuine
"California FI* Syrup” which liaa di
rection* for hahle* and children of all
a*e* printed on hottte. Mother! Ton
mu*t *ay "California" or you may *et
an Imitation fig *yrup.
End of Royalty Looms
in Betrothal of Prince
i _
British Monarchists Alarmed Over Engagement of
Duke of York to Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon—
King and Queen Approve Match.
London, Feb. 24.—Royalists and
those who are great sticklers for
royal precedents profess to see In the
betrothal of the duke of York and
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon the pos
sibility of the end of the British mon
It is true that the marriage of this
scion of the royal family and the
daughter of an earl, who Is outside
the rank of royalty, will establish a
precedent. It would have been* next
to Impossible 20 years ago for the son
of a reigning monarch—and one who
Is but one step removed from direct
succession to the throne—to have
married outside the rank of royalty.
Monarchies are kept alive by evolu
tion, by the intermarriage of royalty
with royalty, it is claimed. The ex
kaiser Is quoted as authority for this,
even though it may be strange to
quote the ex-kaiser for any precedent
these days. When one of the ex
kaiser's sons married the Countess
Bassewitz, ho was forced to marry
morganatlcaliy, the ex^taiser stating
that “the very existence of a royal
family depends upon keeping it a
family royal by birth on both sides."
Royalty in Trade?
Just supposing, the royalists gasp,
that royalty comes to have cousins
and nephews, and the like who are
. IJ
This Is the first posed photograph of the duke of York, second son of
the British rulers, and his fiancee, Lady Flizabetli Howes-Lyon, to reach
/America. It was made in latndon shortly after the announcement of
their engagement. The marriage, it is thought, will take place In April.
In the old days a marriage of this :
sort would have necessarily been
KoyaJiats Alarmed.
Where la this going to stop” That
la the question the royalists are ask
ing. The king and queen have ap
proved the match, and It will be pop
ular with the British subjects, but
suppose the prince of ,Wales chooses
to go further and select for himself
a bride who is not even of the peer
age! If the heir to the throne ever
marries the daughter of a commoner,
then the end of the monarchy will be
in sight, the realists declare, and
they almost shudder at the thought,
for they know the prince of Wales
has a will of his own.
in trade! Imagine an ordinary cigar ,
Author of Form
Is Former Omaha
Railway Employe |
Ernest Adam?, Who Wrote j
“Just Around the Corner,"’
Went East a? Minis
ter's Secretary.
Ernest Adams of tbs Blu# TVncll
club of Brooklyn, author of th* poem,
"Just Around the Corner," la a fnr
mer Omaha man.
Ho used to 1», an employe In tho
office* of the Chicago & .Xnrthwi stern
railway here. He wont to New fork
as secretary for the lain r>r. Hubert
C. Herring, pnslor of the First fon
gregatlonaJ church of this city, when
Dr. Herring was promoter! to secretary
of the Congregational Horn* Mission
ary Society of th* United State*. Dr.
Herrin* was drowned In Massachu
setts last summer.
The poem, "Just Around the Cor
ner." follows!
Wi •n Pw«mh#r'i and la n*ae—•
Juat around tba corner;
And a new month almost here—a
Juat around tha corner.
Wh*n the daya are dark and draar.
At the turning of the yr*r;
Then my eager eye a would paer
Juat around tba corner.
Tell mo what will greet ua there —
Juat around the corner;
Where the prospect aeema eo fair —
Juat around tha corner.
Will we find a larger ahara
Of life * worry, Borrow, rarej
Or wfll Joy ha everywhere,
Juat around tha corner?
What ahal! T find waiting me
Juat around tha corner.
Tell me all that I shall ace
Juat around the corner
Will the new daya happier he.
Will all disappointments fie#,
Will I find Love'a golden key,
Juat around tha corner ’
Will the old ha ever now,
Juat around tha corner;
And the ekle* he rtlwaye Mile,
Juat around the corner 7
Win our efforts bring to view
Fair rewarda When they are due.
And will all our dreama come true,
Juat around tha corner?
Will day hag ten Into night,
Juat around the corner,
Or time linger In Ita flight,
Juat around, the corner?
Will long-severed hearts unite,
I Friends forget each fended aligh*
Will ell the shadows turn to Hfht,
Juat nround tha eornar?
May the hours that w* shell spend
Juat around the < orner. t
| T.eed us to a dearer friend
Just ar« und the corner!
May content and pee* a attend
All our footstep* a« ws wend
Hlowly toward our journey'* end,
Jnet around tha corner t
Kft N KMT At* AM!’
Hun Waul Adi Produce Kcaultt.
wholesaler addressing a future klr.g
as •'Cousin Al!" That would spoilt !>•
end of royalty's dignity, and when
dignity Is gone, then royalty Is gone.
The royalists profess to he worried
over the situation, but the British
public doesn't appear to be worried
at all—on the contrary, the public Is
rejoicing. They are glad to ses their
men or royalty with sufficient Inde
pendence to choose the women of
their choice. Irrespective of their
The exclusive caste spirit In Fng
land Is rapidly passing. The prince
of Wales, the duke of York, Prince
Henry and Prince George seem to
be jubilantly pushing It on its way.
“Sign a Mile” Ambition
of California Auto Club
Los Angeles, Feb. 24.—"A sign a
mile” on all transcontinental routes
leading Into southern California Is
the standard set for the marking of
the roads from the east to the Pacific
According to a statement Issued
yesterday by the Los Angeles Cham
ber of Commerce, all road slgna on
transcontinental routes are now In
perfect repair, following a season of
sign posting work Just completed by
the Automobile club of Southern Cali
On the National Old Trails route
leading from the esat to California
via Kansas City, the automobile club
has placed 3,500 signs over a distance
of a little more than 2,600 miles, In
cluding the branches of this route,
which Is sometimes known as the
Santa Fe trail.
It requires 1,506,000 paper marks to
buy a 20-mark gold piece In Germany.
■' '■ ■ ■— *
Canada Turns to America
for Auto Traffic Rules
Detroit, Eeb. 24.—American traf
fic rules are penetrating to Canada.
The English rule of "turn to the left"
has been abolished In all provinces
except Prince Edward Jsland and
Nova Scotia. New Brunswick Is the
latest province to conform to the
American plan of “turn to the right."
This change has been made to check
automobile accidents, many of which
were caused by tourists unfamiliar
with this antique English custom.
German Car Makes Speed.
Those under the impression that the
Germans are a slow-moving race are
misinformed If a record hung up at
the Avus, Berlin, course tells any
thing. in 300 hours a Deutsch auto
racing crew put on a nonstop chase,
covering, 8,380 miles. Although this
only averages 28 miles per hour, at
some sections of trial a very gTeat
speed was attained.
Girls! Beautify Hair at Once
Girls! Try This! Hair Instantly Appears Abundant, Soft,
Lustrous and Colorful—A Gleamy Mass!
35 Cent “Danderine” Also Ends Dandruff; Falling Hair!
A "Danderln* Beauty Treatment”
will Immediately double the attract
iveness of your hair. Just moisten a
cloth with Danderln# and draw It
carefully through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time: this will
cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any
excessive Oil—In a few minute* you
will be amazed. Your hair will be
wavy, fluffy and possess an Incom
parable softness, lustre and really
•ippcar twice as thick and abundant—
a mass of luxuriant, gltnty colorful
Besides beautifying the hair. Ban
derine eradicates dandruff, invigorate*
the scalp, stopping itching and falling
r>anderine Is the best, cheapest and
most delightful hair corrective and
tonic. It Is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain are to vegetation. It
goee right to the roots, vitalizes and
strengthens them. Its stimulating
properties help the hair to grow long,
heavy, strong.
You can surely have beautiful hair,
and lots of It, if you wilt spend Si
cents for a bottle of Danderine at any
drug store or toilet counter. It Is not
greasy, ofly or sticky. '
“Pape’s Cold Compound” Breaks a Cold in Few Hours
livery druggist here guarantees each pack
age of “Pape’s (-old Compound” to rrcak
up any cold and end gripj*: misery in a
few hours or money returned. Stuffiness,
pain, headache, feverishness, inflamed or
congested nose and head relieved with first
dose. These safe, pleasant tablets are the
quickest, surest relief known and cost only a
few cents. Millions now take Pape’s instead
ot sickening quinine.
Yauare no health***
\ than your blood
Impure Blood
Lost Weight
3. ML Mar, la< AnftlM. Calif.. *
’Ooorroooh orr anon* A a complaint whirl
CmiotoA of a hroA (mating anA rains in tka ,
rk, that finally onhammioA all my mtrongt A.
# baA roroarmo to Aartorm. irKo romlA Jo
nothing bonof trial. notwithmtanAIng / turn
aA oaar in thorn a largo jmrf of mv t oratai
A frionA aAviooA mo ta tahm ^ $ *» a no
! nftar taking room bottlo» I roam anti roly
iruroA **
Nature is sending blood—either good or bad—to every part
of your body. Feel your pulse and think about your blood!
It ui a fact that with tho increase of
rod-cells in your blood, impurities arc de
stroyed- It is a fact that S. S. S. builds
red-Wood-cells and serves to destroy im
purities which cause pimples, boils, ec
zema and rheumatic troublel It is a fact
that S. S. S. is one of the most remark
able nenre power builders ever produced
to build up fagged-out, run-down men
and woman. It la a
fart that S. S. S.
sharpens the appe
tite, puts the "pink of
the rose" in tha
cheeks, (fives mercv,
and helps to make flesh firm! It Is • glo
rious fact that S. S. S. has given near,,
long-forgotten strength to older people
and ha* made many old and young people
look years younger. Wood Is life,—It is
your foundation. Make it rich. Get
Mood-strength. We all need it, especial
ly rheumatics, tiepin taking S. ti. 8.
right away today. It will prove Itself.
8. S. S. la sold at all drug stores in two
sites. The larger site bottle la the more
economical. If you cannot get S. S. S.
yourself, see that someone in jour
household gets it for you. Read this
aloud to the family tonight.
jovjtel like yountlfogam |
\ 4
To supply the demand for paper
marks. Germany has 13 paper mills
and 33 printing pla»ts busy turning
out 45,000,000,000 a day.
People In the United State* *ent
214,484,621 letters to foreign countries
In 1922. The cost of postage was esti
mated at 16,433,000.
The Beckoning Light
By Lillian Lee
It was a dark stormy night, the wind had shifted
to eastward, the stars had disappeared under clouds,
and within a little fisherman’s cottage, on the New
foundland coast, the good wife feared for her hus
band’s safety, who, she knew, was out on the rough
waves with others after mackerel. Outside the
storm raged, but within it was warm and cozy, the
blazing logs sent ruddy sparks up the wide chimmey
and beside the fire sat an old woman. At f
her feet the house eat slept, and opposite -
sat a fine buxom young woman with a beauti- r'j
ful three-year-old boy in his nightie, all N
ready for bed. He knelt at his mother’s knee and
prayed for daddy's safety, who was out on the wide
raging sea; then his mother put a lighted candle in
his hand and guided him to the window where he
placed it to light the way for daddy, and Donald,
seeing the looked-for light, guided his boat to safety
and to home.
Women who suffer from ills peculiar to their sex,
should follow the “beckoning light” to health and hap
piness by taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription,
the famous herbal remedy. It is made from the
formula of a skilled physician, of the same herbs ^
and roots long used by the Indians. Thes gj^L.
women usually are free from feminine disordero^^^i
and generally pass through the ordeal of mother
hood in safety and ease. Dr. Pierce’s high standing as a citizen ana long
experience as a specialist, guarantees the absolute purity of the Favorite
Prescription. This is what one woman says about it:
Council Bluffs, Iowa—“Some years ago I wa3 restored to health by
taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I went all down in health
due to my having woman’s weakness. I was nervous, suffered continually
with backaches, pains in my side and bearing pains, and could not eat
nor sleep. ‘Favorite Prescription’ was recommended to me and I began
to take it, and it proved to be all that it is recommended to be, for it
completely relieved me of all my woman's trouble and built me up in
health and strength.”—Mrs. Emma Shanks, 1219 Fifth Ave.
Favorite Prescription is sold by all druggists in liquid or tablet form,
or send 10c for trial sample to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, 665 Main
St., Buffalo, N. Y., and write for free medical advice.
Free Proof To You
All I want It your nama and addrrM no I eanaend yon a frre trial
treatment. 1 want yon jatt to try tlua treatment—tfcat'a all—
luat try It. Tbat'e my only araument.
J. C. HUTZtLL*.*.
Ire been in tbf Retail Drug Business for >0 yeara. I aerred four year* aa a member or
the Indiana State Board of Pharmacy and Ore year* aa Pree.dent of tne Retail Urn gams'
Association. Nearly e»eryone in Tort Wayne known me and known about my • -eeafsl
treatment. Over Twenty-Five Thousand Men, Women and Ckildren ontatde of
Fort Watne have, according to their own statement*, been cared by thin treatment amee
I lint made tbie offer public.
If yon hare Eczema, Itch, SaltBheum,Tetter-nevermind bow bad-mr treat
ment h*« cure,! the worst case* ie *er *aw—wive meachancetoprove my claim.
bend me your name and address on the roapon beiow and get the trial treatment I want
to send yon FREE. The wonders accompilabrd m year own enee will be proof.
J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, No. 4425 Writ Mam St., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Please tend without roelor obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment.
Fum *" ,
Poet 0«oe___„_„_State__
■Met sad No
A D\ran?FJH E> T
Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs by my simple
and efficient method of fat reduction, often at a very rapid
rate, and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has
taken place.
I am a licensed practising physician and have made a
careful study of the physiological requirements of the
human body. This has enabled me to select such ingre
dients and in such proportion as in my opinion will pro
duce not only a loss of weight without harm and an im
provement in health, but with it an alleviation of ail of
•the troublesome symptoms which frequently accompany
and often are a direct result of overstoutness, such a»
shortness of breath on slight exertion, palpitation of the
heart, etc., not to speak of the relief from the embarrass
ment of being too stout. Stout persons suffering from
such diseases as Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Eczema,
Asthma and high blood pressure are greatly relieved by
a reduction of their superfluous fat.
My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy feeling, giving
you the renewed energy and vigor which come a> a result of the loss of
your superfluous fat. The medicinal ingredients I employ do not depend
for their reducing power upon starvation diet or tiresome exercise. Taking
them, they should produce a loss of weight without you doing anything
If you are overstnut do not postpone but sit down right now and seed
for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan wherebv I am to
so desire.
DR- R- NEWMAN, Licensed Physician State of New York
286 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. J. Desk H-330
I Set Out to Find the Secret
of Iron Muscles Like These
And Found That a Slight Change
in Your Daily Meals Will Often
Astonishingly Increase Your
Strength, Energy, Endow
a nee and Physical and
Mental Power
Yssi* ago. I made up my mind that there
must be some vital seerc' that explained the
(Treat different* between the tgusailar
strength, health and power of strong and
w esik people you meet every day. One man
has muscles like iron, is full of strength and
energy and hits hard both mentally and
physically. Another is weak, aneamic and
run-down. His day's work leaves him tired
■ out and exhausted and he is always ailing,
complaining and doctoring, without ever
seeming to get any better.
For vmm I mad* a apacsal atari y of th— onfxbtjiwa
romaulting a graal number of pbyainanr and rhenuMa.
Hrwwor ha* noar proved that yimr real »tTvavgth. #nangy
and vndamnor; that myalrnoue force that awahlre
J’ow to domiaata Bad enniroi otkm and win in roary
walk nf Ida, aB daawnd upon thr atreogth and nature id
the milbnn* of rvfla that rvwnpoar yonr body and brain,
aod lb# phyweal atrongth id there- rella depend# atwo
litoiv upon th* treat ymi vat -chat iv th# malvrud with
which they are built. |u#t like a bouae tba' ta built of
board# and mud i# not ao at runs a# one built of atoa*
and iron. TV# Trent important vl#m#nt in building
at riant tororful mila I* a peculiar form of iron fourd in
fbv huak* uf grauw. paato and akina of orrtain fruit# and
vegetable*. bat irexWrn me-.h,et# ,if cocking throw threw
Important thing* sway re> that today probably not on*
prtrewi la twenty baa 100 ', iron id hit body--* m.vt
alarming rendition.
It ymt am anmona to build up yon.- at twig th and
bodily power*. you abmifd at one, try rutting a lull* of
thia peculiar form of iron with your daily food, to hrlp
buiks alronf imw-likr rrlk Ait-onwng reaaih# bare
bean obtained in many roar*. in two week# Ume. la
fart a former madteal inrere.-t.-r and rltnmal ph-airsan
nf th# Hoard of Health ei New \ orb c ity anal ic rr#
**TWv am enunti— number* of men today who at
forty am hmkrei ta baalih and ataretily firing downward
tophiatoal and manta) drew, Y#« there am tboareamt# t
thaaam# man who andrerpo • reanarbatri* tmrrerorm, -n
tha moment they gw pfaaly nf trow talc Hirer hk><d *
True nrm r form nf treat ta cwmaralively tnawpaaiwtvr and
may b* obtsunrel froan emir druagut unde, the na— ef
Nutated low. to fre noted wWh year food a* duvrtad eas
a*rb pa-bagw Do not make a maaake and got care of the
r "H*rf
As traa*
F' loom* *y iBoiainr vrna KutMA of ntUalari
In*. FhMi (a a totally dtffaomt t)tn< Many
• pnwAffctar Iim ** i-kamroMMfcipa Nnuaa
''Ml tmutwa know Of koto* <4 ra'
tryn(1)i and c*duranea attack mw Tomb
onna nlffity <4 in* u> row bktnd. It w*M
Mw^uiat tbo amcnfa anaa ' " ad 1 najta^oo
ptrvrr’.h reaaaianoo to w%* ga
fy^lt to t>w* oooreof dr«fjp*< *rd go* * ireriapp
Of Nuta’ori Iro*. I piuviw that vou wnU Ire
(Mtfhtoii vufc amannf -reuH» or vrret rea
dmsssM wvU rate** um (*L wmui »aa pa*4.
mu rhartnav,>. Morrill I'rug. liaia^
Dni*, Thomas A TirVnar^