The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 25, 1923, Page 12-A, Image 12

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    | Union Outfitting Co.
* I— ■ -■ ■■■ ■ —
Sixteenth and
Union Outfitting Co.
Out of the
High Rent
Union Outfitting Co.
JA. 1800
Union Outfitting Co.
After All, YOU
Are the Judge
After all, the great army of Omaha home
makers 1 i the Judge.
You buy where prices are right—where*
quality !s reliable—where terms are fairest
and easiest—where treatment Is courteous, and
you are certain of prompt and satisfactory
If twelve months in the' year, year
after year, a store consistently safeguards
your Interests—consistently keeps prices fair
and quality high—consistently keeps the faith
that Is deep in the heart of every man and
woman who makes a HOME, then THAT Is
the store to which you can turn in safety
when seeking genuine values in furniture.
JUDGE the confidence of
the public in this great
Home Furnishing Institution
by its size and constant
growth over more than a
quarter of a century.
Goods Sold Out
of Town
On easy terms. Write for information.
Within a radius of 50 miles, wherever it is rea
lonably possible, we will deliver any purchase of
llOO.OO cr over to your door.
■saa^—^———■ .
Reduced Prices Again Reduced! Savings on Top of
Savings—That’s What This Sale Means to You
vnnwjizt ¥S9> 0hti41
For over a cuarter of a
century we have specialized
in t’ue furnishing of home*
and can offer part if liarly a'
. tractive assortments of guar
anteed, dependable Furniture.
run i s a m: don v
to bedrock at this store, due
to our “low rent' location
and February Sale reduc
tions. As always, you make
your own terms—
S Rooms Famished
I Rooms Famished
a Rooms Famished
Handsome Davenport Table—
Graceful Queen Anne model
la rich mahogany finish
with 60-inch polished top;
in this February (PI f7 QJT
sale is only.... • •wil
Attract!re Dresser—Of fine
walnut veneer with large
French plate mirror; two
large and two small draw
ers, in this Feb
ruary sale for..
Massive Rocker — Sturdily
built of solid famed oak with
automobile spring seat and
back covered In imitation
leather; in this (jjl Q QE?
February sale for«P AO»I/*J
Queen Anne Dining Table— i
In genuine walnut veneer
with 4.0x54-ineh top that ex
tends to 6 feet; priced In this
February <2Q7 (TA
sale .*pO I *01/ !
Four-poster Bed-Full sir.*
model, well built and rich
ly finished In mahogany,
with turned post*: moderate
ly priced in this QOO fTfl
sale at only.
vr; vbhhbhf
Attrnclive Period Bedroom Snite—Comprising a full size Bed. a
Vanity Dresser and Dresser with French plate mir- (PI "I O C A
rors, all in rich mahogany finish, in this sale.viliiitW
U V_ . - . ... - =g
THHEE-Pieee Living Boom Suite—With rich polychrome finished
frames, upholstered in a beautiful blue velour and d»-| /?Q Cf)
tapestry with loose cushions and tasseled arms, is... V
Great 3-Day Sale Offer
Delivers Any
To Your
$25.00 Floor Lamp Free
With Any Pho
nograph Selling
at $100 or more.
Monday ONE
with easy month
ly payments
thereafter, will
bring a I* a t h e
Phonograph, the
“Prince of En
tertainers,’’ t o
voiir home to de
light you and your
loved ones with the
best music through the
year. Models at—
*35-*250 <C
Convenient* envy -t<>* pay
term* with no interest cbjUKvd*
and Sale of the
/A Allowed
H On Your
r Old
\ Kitchen
J Table or
J Cabinet
Makes Your
Don’t Delay
Come in Monday
Are you one of the many women with a
kitchen that is sapping your strength
without your knowing it? Come in to
morrow and find out. We’re having a
special demonstration of the labor-saving
HOOSIER Cabinet, during which we are
showing women many important short
cuts in the kitchen.
Whether you intend to buy a Kitchen
Cabinet or not, it will pay you to come
in and learn these secrets of easier kitch
en work. You’ll be under no obligation
to buy.
Hoosier Given Away
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet and other useful
articles given as ay FHEE next Friday. NO
purchase is necessary to participate.
Large Can of 171? 1717
Hoosier Cleaner * IVEjI-i
Enough »• Cleon 150 Square Feet of Woodwork.
This wonderful
Cleaner la unex
celled for cleaning
furniture haring a
fine, smooth finish,
hath tubs, hardwood
doors, windows,
aluminum, s 1 1 r e r
wnre, etc,
K full-sized ran
will he given Abso
lutely FREE to
women who come In
for the HOOSIER
Special During This
Great Sale
21 Piece* of K Itr h en w are— nn*! *»pe
«ltl T«ma to I'.arh I*nrelift»er of n
During thl* special demonstration
•ala we Include with e«ch H0081EH
BEAUTY the complete 10 piece Dex
ter Domestic Science Kitchen Set
(shown above). We also Include as
tegular equipment 14 piece* of p
crystal glassware. Including aptce
Jars, coffee Jar, tea Jar, salt boat j
and four handsome air-tight con
tainer# for bulk foods, su<h as
beans, hominy, crackers, etc. #
Sl^-Tiere Itinlni; Suite-Built of -ren une walnut
veneer, eonsistin? of a 45x54-ineh OMon? Table
that extend* to t> feet, a 54-tneti I’uffct with
French plate mirror and FOUR
Chair* upholstered In leather, for 0«7O«OU
Side Otm C* as Range-A
perfect baker, with white
enameled spring door and
4 powerful gas-s a v 1 n g
burner*; In this February
Sale priced
at. only.
All Floor
and Table
Seamless Axmlnster
lings — Attractive pat
terns In 6x9-ft. sizes—
*245 0
Seamless Axmlnster
BsO-Ksw, 1923 de
signs In 7:6x9-ft. sires
Seamless VelTet Rngs—
Serviceable, 8:3x10:6
sizes; on Monday at—
Seamless Velvet Rag* -
Long wearing. 9x11
sizes, in new patterns—
will take In •
any piece or
piece* of old
furniture you
are tired rtf
at a fair val
ue to apply
on any new
furniture you
aelect In thle
K e bruary
Thl* uaed
furniture I*.
In turn, low
priced fnr
julck clear
AVnah Tub*
» «5r
J Goo<l
' Blertrlo Iron*
Oval Cloth**
Coppp? lioitom
liarski ta
8 i .2 r* ,
Day lied -An attractive i
model with mahogany
flnl.shcd rtocl frame
and cretonne - covered
mattresses; makes up
into a full (poo nrn
sl/e hed. •
High ( hair A sturdy
model In golden oak
finish, villi tray that
looks: priced (P‘1 QpT
at only.
Chi Easy-to-Pay Terms
Our Cheerful Credit Plan is convenient to use—dignified.
, omjHdenti£l arid easy to pay. Thousands of the best drewed
women in Omaha use it each season in order to get their ap
parel early and secure longer wear.
New Spring Styles Are Here in Profusion
J he new arrivals with thjir new fabrics, new colors, new
Jines and new trimming effects will enchant you. All those
tine qualities which appeal to women of taste' arc apparent
m styles that truly become one.
New Dresses
*12™ up
New Coats
*17- up
New Suits
i17= up
*3= up
Monday! Men’s Blue
$36.00 to $40.00 Values
It is just like picking up
money in the street to get a
close weave, all-wool. True Blue
Serge at a price like this.
There is an excellent collection
of models for men and young men
suitable for now and later wear.
All Boys’
l/3 Off
If bis Overcoat Is ahabhy and
worn here's a chance to save dol
lars on a good ront and be ready
for next winter as well,
W omen’s Tumps and Oxfords New
spring lasts at. pair, JJ.VDR 1 P