The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, February 24, 1923, Image 8
CASH fir CREDIT /to always the lowest 413-15-17 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET H I Heal Price Reductions—Complete Suites i ami liidivldnal Pieces Km;* mill Linoleums—A Few Higher tirade* Are Accented Gas »Mores aud Mange*—Itieliide Garland and Peninsular Make* SATURDAY FINDS HARTMAN’S FILLED WITH EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS I AND A HALF fcPAY , -By the World's Largest Retail Furniture Dealers 49 Period Dining Room Suites Walnut and Two-tone Finishes'— Some special markings include Queen Anne, as well a* the Italian Renaissance period de signs. Fourteen 6-plece Queen \nne Suites, oblong table and •'hairs with leather seats; $8?-5>J values at— •83.00 value, now •59,85 f100.00 value, now >MIh,75 *125.00 value, now I72.WO S150.00* value, now MM.vS m f 175.00 vnlue, now *115.25 jfi *200.00 value, now 9130.50 /j ivory limntrl Crib ti lth uprini? -. . • ^Rtmmeoi" lnik«. Hm I i • 31*1. :<* mnnniMs^yr- ^ m, it *~r*r'*n WHITE PORCELAIN Enamel Kitchen Tables With h/indy utensil drawer. { Strongly builL Here's a rig- £ qq iiJar 110.00 value. Of con veil- tA«% *7 O lent, size for the average f kitchen. Bargain at. 6x9 Ft. Congoleum Rug Your chub « of atvernl attractive pat jjl tcrria at thta special sh1« ^ price. Tim best inexpensive <t W^9 Q C floor covering made. Is •e M ** i sanitary and wgter-proof, m Ml >t"'ul.'•.• M E Every thing MustGollI Regardless of Cost! li Svery item in every department muit iW | ro, and they have been marked for 11 | mmediate disposal. They represent If | allies so great that they will be snapped 111 p immediately by people who unaer- nS and and appreciate real values. Even 1IJ you don't need home furnishings now, Iff u are bound to see something here priced lu attractively that you are bound to take If vantage of this exceptional opportunity H Bargain Values f Tiat Break All Records! | ie and investigate—compare prires—Bee for your- \| what wonderful values are offered here. This 1 is worth your while — but coma while the stock* ] i still complete in all department*. Nowhere |M will you find such values or such com- Jy* plete assortments. INVESTIGATE! COMPAREl^^Si^^g Ml# I MU ‘ ^ finished. V»--a v. - u. rdinarlly cs|*«*'t lo P,:y a .fc .* $0 "0 fnr this t .* 7 - ,» . . 'I Mflllt -Oil** J L 0 •tt ■ j o c » a 1 * y |1. GATE I EG TAHLE** 'n rich walnut flni.h. I.lrr •,,i a>ork m offer, lour l22.= a nil ,:r <!' »•■•'•'■• IPS t ■ ’ t n p* a ^ !■ • •• ■■• • *97 —- s mm Majiy .. IT,,..I IT..,. .‘,7...: ;E Odd Chiffoniers . “ $ 1 9 6 o , -rr. I -r-T lj# = WgSgm2\ |>|K. to •Uth' V ... - 9 Metal Beds 11 M i rt n f r.i***i: rcgu- 5 ^ 9 5 9 |jl! < **» Panel Ktfcrt FVd« a» K Mn| ulx>« e. IjH W (T VIMJSUI - 2-Pc. Overstaffed Living Room Suites I'pliolstct <»<I In finest. Hakcr's Vo- rj r~r lour Combination. 1*»—tl73.0o val- * I / ncs, 2-plece Suites. ... i i llnrcnin l*rtcr« Made on Spf | ' Hnl to Order Suites Tomorrow ! j 3-Piece Cane Suites alii as illustrated. High grade Vr- t -< sa qq lour, including nil pillows nod l>ol- * I 0*3,-- I ster. 1225.00 values at............ MS— Mnnr Others! Jnftps n.Maiiiii.ii'iMi.ii'J'.nir.'aiii.....: ■ .VJ.r^7 A Bedroom Suites I In MjIioshim. W .limit. Jiuttlnan nn«l f-lone 1 1 W « n Am « hlppendal*. \\ Inda^r. KL William and 1 . ’ an«| beaut;ful rf r ^ deelint* *>e Included. II r.*|.fi»*n Mpdrcm H'Utra, walnut flntah H. QP liar Ills value. Complete, at - C? S87.5J I I ft—i I «.*i J-piece Mille*. nl 91 IIMWi II—9175 4-pleee it I 9I27.N5 jfufl |»—S.*m» 4-piece Hllltr*. nl 9 I . W OO flts! I'.’—92.VI 4-plece Sullr*. nl 91*5.(Ml | ^ s—MIHI 4-pleee *ullr». nt 9199.50 j j 'In we Other*. I - husnian : r* |tij afill c om r ut i! iwlimUEl I Fireside Rockers II ftemttlftil ur<J nfir»rt!v*> min* • I*'. Ill .*•4 Hliittt i am Hot It not rhilra i, ..»•<» k|m i’i* f11• • 'I < 'i-» i"' |R MIkIi *ror)n !n • I . , |Fffl Ilia vlniii uphoVfftf IHI For M ** l5 H Saturday IjAHi » V final rlwunn*'* i*«1 valun* in I inn * lump* A limit* ,.t Mo.k to »»ff«r. with, ntfrnrtlvk »hatU« and r*i .« h a m n y fmlahrfd hniic» TNi’V nr#* ufl^'l ' *18 9 ' Ml KUOUS I I A Toll Uprlftht Mirror. |j with Illustration st tor, I rrforod »» • ridiculous- 1 Iv low piles for Bstur* ■ d.iv ?4<> in oil. must l-o ■ |»*' I <1. Y 0*1 “ “ # minn this offor To well nt RUGS—30 Per Cent Off! l!7\54-lnrli Hmil line Uni?' J l 6 9 lirK'iUr :*r. \»lu« . now. 1 •— 1 i.’7v'»l-inrh I alert Huir* 1 jquisltc 79 palirrns. HeKular ?t'• valors, now (.eiyilne “(.old >r«P I on- j < jk 9 5 colrnm line* -Sn!o price, now... — V\»: ft. •'<*1 low HrowU ting* -J ■ V n p ») i\im quoi t? '% j'n.lorful long* to »*• I — . R >r • fr<*» - t .gulor fl% *0 vo.woo, ®ofl* *%/• M »M* ft |lm»»clo ttujr* — Ewi <f| A C A II M J * / 7 • u I •» 1 ’ ft \rl»i t Kng» > # m g\ c qun1it\: ’ •*;»> r«^. beautiful »to*lgi?v J I •* p '' ‘ “ %j * ■ M A Page Isn’t Large Enough to Show All Our Bargains Wo Show Here a Few Typical of a Single Piece or an Outfit. No Change Whatever in Our Usual Liberal Vntivo Stocks Now sensationally Reduced. Don't Fail to Investigate These Record .Breaking Fnces n in Ncei Credit Terms During S«Jc - Buy Now at Sale Price. Pay as Convenient Goods Stored Free Until Needed.